Th» Peopl»’» Paper A8IILAND Or ....Thursday. May 5 IHRS The cruiser Charleston, at Mare Is­ land navy yard, is nenriy ready to re- I eeive her men and go iuto commission. 1 Orders have not yet been received A LONG LIST OF SPANISH BOATS from Washington to thia effect, but it TAKEN BY OUR FLEET. ia bslieve'i she will be ready for sea aud »«rvice iu a few days. She has been painted lhe usual dark war color. Work ou the iorktown and Philadel­ phia Is being expedited. SPANIARDS CAPTURED VESSELS' BOMBARDMENT. DEFEATED. — . I Admiral Sampson’s Fleet Does A Crushing Blow Dealt in the Some Shooting. A Peopls AlwAX* Blah. Philippines. That queer people, the Mennonite Edeubower Poultry Yards. The New Athens, Ill., brewery plant has been entirely burned, causiug a lose estimated at (100,000; fully in­ WOHK IVOSiKHUHG. Ht-JKCi OKtCOON, OWKOON, sured. (Hix (Six year- a breeder. breeder.) ) Am A now ready to book and fill ..refers order* for (or Egg- Egg- from high froni uigh scoring and prise winelag John Asquith, 78 years old, aud his birds Prices low for quality ot stock I claim a* good wife, Margaret, 70, wer« found dead In as the bes< a d all of tlie true type. Have spent llaaeand bed, at Chicago, in their room» The money in order to gel tbeiu Have bought this «ear tha oeei H. P RoLk pubel breeder, ar d highest scoilug Brown couple had evidently committed suiei do Leghorn cockerel in tbs state. B. P. Rocks, pen No. 1, by asphyxiation. nruied lor pullet*, also gets good cockerel». (2 00 per sot­ ting. Pen No. 2. inaied for cockerel*. St 00 You must Lewis Warner, president of the see them to -ppreciate tbeir superiority over ordinary Unmpahiie County National bank of Barred Rock*. 8 O. B. Leghorn*. 8. 8. Hamburg, Black Northampton, Mass., ia missing. A Langel an*. Black Minorca*. (1 00 per IS Orders ptompliy attended to. Inspection warrant I. out for his arrest on a invited Bend stem for reply Wi l be returned if you buv Uuarantoe eggs trash charge of embeulement of from 910,- and true to name Yours lor tine pon trv. E. A. KRl'SE. Proprietor. 000 to (50,000. Tho E. Howard Clock and Watch company, of Boston, has mad« an as­ signment for the benefit of creditors to F. E Snow. Liabilities, (400,000; as­ sets, (400,000 McMinnville, Oregon Viiipei. h..rri*1.80 |>er cental in San Francisco during the week. During the few days of the war the At tlie election held at Sonoma, Cal., Americans Practically Destroy United States shipe have taken many the question of the municipal owner­ Twenty Minute.’ Shooting Silences prize*. Tho list is given below: the Dons' Squadron. I ship of water was defeated. Mataazas’ Batteries. I Buena Ventura, of the SaringiaJine, 1 Mrs. Cooley, wife of an employe of hailing from Bilboa, Spain, captured The Amerienn squadron commanded on April 22, when on the way to Pen­ the sugar refinery, at Vnlejo, while NO LIVtS LOST ON THE WARSHIPS. by Adniirai Dewey won a complete and sacola, Fla., by the Nashville. Curried crossing ths railroad track, was knock- I ,d down and instantly killed by' tlie ylorioua victory over the Bpanish fleet a cargo of lumber. V - I Oregon express. The engine threw in tlie Ph.illippinea Sunday. The tight* ' Pedro, of I Bilboa, Spain, a freighter, I her 30 feet, breaking her neck and t Ing was of tlie fiercest character, last­ Mftured off the coast of Florida on limbs. ing from 5 o’clock In tlie morning until April 22 by the cruiser New York. William J. Stewart, an old resident 1 1 o'clock in the afternoon. Mathilde, loaded with* a cargo of of Woodland, ended hl* life by taking , Tlie bravery of tlie American sea­ rum, captured off Havens on April '23 laudanum on a recent morning. His men wat of the highest character, aud, by the torpedo-boat Porter. son died the previous night. They ] Sierra Morena, a two-masted siioon- bad quarreled before he was taken Admiral Sampson’s fleet last Wed­ led by tlie intreped Dewey, they in­ gick, and the old man blamed himself nesday turned its guns on the Spanish flicted a blow that may be termed al­ ar bound for Havana with a mixed . I cargo, captured by the Porter on April | for his son’s sickness. batteries and forts in the Mutanxas most a veritable rouL I Bull McCarty of Philadelphia, who During tlie night tlie squadron was 23. haybor and all but destroyed them. The ships engaged by the admiral were cleared Tor action and got- under way, * Catalina, a steel steamer of 5291 ton- 1 fought Young Griffo twenty rounds at ARMOUR & CO. the cruiser Cincinnati, flagship New witli the flagship Olympia leading, and nag«, bound from New Orleans to Bar­ Sacramento last week, died from the Whether itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, Gnneral Offices: 205 La S m II b ht. Chicago, Illinois. York aud the monitor Puritan. The followed by *tlie cruisers Baltimore, celona, Spain, with u ca,go o’.JIOO effects of the punishment he received crusted, pimply, or blotchy, whether simple, American ships escaped injury. Many Boston and Raleigh, tlie gunboats bales of cotton and 6000 bundles of during the fight He failed to regain barrel staves. Captured on April 24 consciousness after receiving the blow scrofulous, or hereditary, from infancy to age, Spaniards, it is said, were killed. speedily cured by warin baths withCuTicuBA Concord and Petral, tlie revenue cut­ which knocked him out. The physi­ The American vessels were recon­ ter McCulloch aud tlie transports Nan- when off the coast of Cuba by the De­ cians who attended . hn say that death S oap , gentle anointings with C uticvba (oint­ troit . _ ig noitering for the purpose of locat­ ment), the great skin cure, and mild dose« was due to concussion of the brain. slian and Zaiiro. of C utioura R rsclvxnt , greatest of blood Miguel Joves, of tho Tennille line, ing the batteries, when they were Warrants are out for the arrest of The captains held a consultation aud purifiers and humor cures. from New Orleans to Barcelona, Rpten, NEW CARS of I.ATEST DKSIGN and CONSTRUCTION ONI.Y in «MK fired on. The New York was tint to Youug Griffo, the promoters of the A Perlect Ventilalor and Kefrigeralor Fruit Car. ■respond, Tbe Puritan next replied, decided that the first stroke should be bound for th» latter place with s caiteo tight and the seconds of both partici­ decisive. At 4:15 in tho morning the of cotton aud staves. The stearqgr and èu gaged tbe fort on Point Mayo, Pacific Coaat Division : pants. lookout oh the masthead of the Olym ­ and oargo nro valued at $400,000, and the New York being engaged In pour­ Whooping cough is the most distressing 1005 SECOND BT.. BACRAMF.NTO, CAL. ing shells into Rubul Cayo. The Cin­ pia reported the Spanish fleet off the was captured by the gunboat Helena malady; but its duration can be cut short OFFICES: , . cinnati, lui v in g been signaled, |was port bow line, up between Cavite and off the coast of Key West on April 24. by the u-e of One Minute Cough Cure, 246 STARK STREET PORTI.AND. OREGON which is also the be-t known remedy for soon at work on the west s de of the the mouth of Manilla harbor. The Saturnina, of Bilboa, Spain, captured croup and all lung and bronchial troubles. ROHT. GKAH AM. Menacer bay. The shells ot tlie batterries flew distance between tbe two places is off Ship island. Mis»., on April 24 by For sale by T. K. Bolton and Telephone --- wide of their mark. Tlie batteries about eight miles. Drug Store the revenue cutter Winona. Tlie Spanish fleet was commanded were silenced in less than 20 minutes. Candidia, a two-masted schooner bv Admiral Moutijo, and consisted of The object of the attack was to pre­ cruisers Reina Maria Cristina, Castilla, with a cargo of charcoal, captured on vent the completion of tlie earthworks Velasco, Din Antonio de Ulloa, Don April 24 by the gunboat Wilmington. nt Punta Gorda. A battery on tlie Juan de Austria, and the gunboats El Antonia, a small schooner captured eastivaid arm of lhe bay opened fire Cano, General Lezo, Isle de Cuba and on April 24 off Key West by the tor­ on tbe flsgsldp and this was also shell­ L pedo-boat Porter. Marques dei Duero. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. S*so,«M.M ed.- About 20 eighl-inch shells were Signaling for the transports to keep Panama, a transatlantic steamer and Those uu- ■ ■ fired from the eastern fo. ls, but ail MAIN OFFICISI I fell short. About five or six light well out and that the Olympia and an auxiliary cruiser of the Spanish M Th. unanimous testimony of all Canadian, 1, sliefls acre fired .from tho half-com­ Baltimore would engage the Spanish navy, valued at $200,000 ami csrrylqg a $75,000 cargo, captured when on the that th, Mennonits* are lhe wealthiest settlers pleted battery. Two of these whizzed admiral's flagship, the Reina Cristina, tions, paiuiul boils, annoying pim­ 3'< in that neighborhood. Their bouse, are aps- and the Castilla, the lurgest of the way from Neiv York to Havana on ples and other affections, wldcli ap­ oioos and have an air of homeliness which la over the New York and one fell short. enemy’s fleet, the American warships April 28 by the lighthouse tender Man ­ pear so generally at this season, make often missing in other bamlota. There ar. The shi|>s left the bay for tlie open moved in line of battle on the Span­ CHICAGO NEW YORK BOSTON grove. mor. trM. in villages than in all the aur- the use of that grand Spring Mcili- tlie iards. On both sides of Manilla har­ rounding prairie, end these plantations prfi‘- ■sea, the object of discovering Agouta at all irhar cine, Hood's Sarsaparilla, a necessity. Ambrosio Boliva, carrying $70,000 hi PHILADELHPIA. whereabouts of tiie batteries having bor are-erected forts uell mannod. tec, the bouse, end the yards from the snow­ Important Poluta. silver and 300 casks of wine from The accumulated impurities in the drifts, and there are no algos of poverty, al­ been accomplished. In tho neighbor­ O F’ H IV -X TI MO IP4 Deivey movod his ship up close to Costa Rica to Havana, captured on though the Msnnonlt* population has multi­ hood of 309 shots were put on land blood cause very different symptoms FIRST & ONLY the Cristina and sent shell after shell April 27 ofl' the coast near Cardenas plied in 20 years put. o'f every reasonable pro- with some people. The kidneys, portico They proceed la they proceeded in Iront the tiiree ships at a range of from plowing into the admiral’s hulL Tbe by tlie monitor Tsrror. PERSONALLY liver and bowels are overmatched iu Russia—nkiuely, a special communal fund is 4,000 to 7,000 yards. 0>ynipia was with him and the lioavier their efforts to relievo the clogged CONDUCTED reserved for buying more land when need is Guido, a steamer hailing from Bil­ Tlie hall-completed Spanish earth ­ projectiles soon began to teii, aud the felt. system. Dizzy headaches, bilious THE------- works and battery were apparently fire of the Spanish grew wild and boa, Spain, captured on April 27 off the attacks, failure of appetite, coated EXCURSIONS It well Illustrates tbe progress of man b.o.iu up by the shells. Ail the ships somewhat slower. The Baltimore was coast near Cardenas by tho monitor tongue, lame back, indigestion and Terror, bound from Corunna to Har ^VER RUN BETWEEN in tbe paat few years to compare tbe engaged showed, excellent marksman­ put in close fighting distance of the that tired feeling are some results. ' facility with which arctio explorations ship, and.when thev were firing at the Castilla, ----- ...... Botn ships went to fighting vaua with a cargo of provisions and From tho nanio cause may also coine monev. Steamer and cargo valued at ' are umde uow with the suffering and shortest range nearly every shell took apd the din of battle was terrible. All $400,000. scrofula, neuralgia, sciatica or riieu- | tlie while the Spanish forts were keep- dodgers encountered half a century ago. effect matlsm, BOSTON, MASS, Engracia. a sloop, captured on April : ing np an incessant fire Ou the Aineri- All these troubles and more may prop­ In 1845 Sir John Franklin started on Ventilator-Refrigerator ar. : can fleet. The ships were enveloped 39 near Cabanas by the Newport. CABANAS SHELLED. erly bo called “ Spring Humors,” the ill fated expedition from which Many other vessels of less import­ in a cloud of smoke, and tho steady The celebrated 0. F. X Ventilator-Refrigerator Car has a national reputation and just as there is one cause, a cure ST. LOUIS, MO. only his bones aud a few relios were The New York Quickly Shuts Up The crack of the rapid-firing guns and tlie ance have been captured too. It insures perfect preservation of perishable fruits i\nd vegetables through any is found in just one remedy, and ever returned. Nansen aud Peary have , booming of the cannons mingled into The prize taken by Spain is the bark • limate. Tne service is entirely supervised by our own agents between the Pacific Batteries Near Havana. that is Hood’s Sarsaparilla. accomplished iu a short time in safety thunder. Through Without Change and tbe Atlantic Coasts. Saranac. She was awaiting hor cargo Hood’s Sarsaparilla purifies the impure In answer to firing from n Spanish and with comparative oomfort more I The Boston, Raliegh, Concord, Pet­ In a port of the Philippines, and was blood, enriches blood which is weak than Sir John Frankjin did-ln all his battery on the shore tit Cabnuns, 38 ral and McCulloch handled the Velasco, at once pounced upon by the Span* and thin, vitalizes blood which laclu Excursion leaves Portland every Tu»« from Havana, Friday uight, the New Uboa, Austria, Leso, El Can \ Duero, lards. The prize is not vary valuable. expeditious. The winter journey made vitality. Thus it reaches every part doy at 9 p m via O. R. A N., Denver A Bv ueing the O. F. X. Cere, with ventilators open from loading point to York sent 11 shells in lhe direction of Cuba and Litton, and by rapid work on Rio Urande. Rock Island, Lake Shore. by Captain Tilton with only some In­ the Spaniards. The enemy’s fire was of the human system. Mew York Central, and Boston A Albany Truckee. Fruit is cooled quicker iu this way than when car ia iced and closed Bp TO INVADE CUBA. For your Spring Medicine — to pre­ Kailroads. at loading point. dian guides a part of the way, a jour­ si'-nced after the first shot from the their guns fought their way to victory vent Or,ibi'9 iSpriug, Humors, take ney beginning with Pcinl Barrow and New York. Whether any Spaniards bravely. 0. B. SMITH, Gen’l Manager. CONTINENTAL FRUIT EXPRESS, Excursion Car Carried On ending in scutbecn Alaska, would not were killed or wo unded was not ascer­ I Hot work on the Olympia brought The Army Starj» t® Mw For That 1219 Chamber of Commerce, Chicago. 1012 Second St., Sacramento FAST BOSTON “SPECIAL” Point With tha First Leading. have beauposaible half »-century ago. tained. The Spanish shots were not the end of the Cristina. A Shot fromi the American exploded a magazine i • "General William R. Shafter and the observed to come anywhere in the Meu are uoW prepared and equipped for East of Chicago, making the run in 25 and slio took fire. Despite the efforts1 hours; several hours quicker than any the coldest weather, and ways of con­ vicinity of the flagship The Spaniards of the Spaniards, tho flanres made "First infantry, will lend the advance would not have been fired upon other line army of invasion into Cuba. *016 In ­ hud centrating food and supplies Into small rapid headway. Captcin Gridley vasion of Cuba practica'-lv bo gen with Excursion for St. Louis will leave Port­ they not provoked the attack. space for easy transportation have been land every Wednesday via O. R. AN. Worked the ship around to rako tho the bombardment of the for a »l M*i Denver A Rio Uraude and Burlington I Spaniard. He fought the ship with deVjMd- that have robbed arctio cold of THE WAR IN BRIEF. Route. I one battery and kept up a flro on the tanz.-in, which opens tho way for the One True Blood Purifier, Get only Flood’s. 'muoh of its terror. Beyond donbt, a Passengers leaving Ashland Monday, landing of troops and the investing of Important Event* That Have Occurred forts with the Other. A well-trained 1 ■ . nta* sre the only plUs to take Tuesday, via Southern Pa- few years will see . 3 north pole actual­ Havana. General Shafter, General flood S Hills with Hood'* Sarsaparilla citic, make Wednesday, During the Week. connection at "acramento with i shot from the Olympia plowed through ly reached aud all its grim mystery Miles and Secretary -iteiig conferred tinnier excursions fur all points vast. There will be no lack of volunteer* the flzliting tower of ths Cristina and upon this matte« for severil hours re­ solved. We are glad we are alive. For rates and ail information, call on or from Louisiana. The National Guard killed the ship’s commander, Captain address: cently. Two important duvolopmentk is being rapidly put on a war footing, Card azo. The admiral was standing K. C, NICHOL, 8. K. HOOPER, One more ooid taot to be set over and compuniea are forming all over I with him at the time. When tho news followed. One was the ordering of General Agent, Gen. Pass, A Tkt. Agt against Spain is that in 1890 an Eng­ the state. All classes of men arc com- ! that the commander had fallen spread of troops from New Orleans andChiciD 251 Washington St. Denver, Col. I' is impossible to promise particular features that will sppsrr fa the Portland, Or. Cures Fever. lish firm made and sold to Spain for jng forward to offer their seriiees to through the ship tho seamen scorned amauga to Tampa, from which point Or D. L. RICJB. A. EUCAN MONTHLY99 during the coming yeart for it to? as the use in Havana harbor a set of subma­ the country. This is especially notice­ to lose heart The fire was raging, expeditions will pail, and engaging Worm«. n, F. H asty , Agents P. Co. ' •’ mh says, 44 a great monthly newspaper.9* As such, it prints for eight train!norts for carrying them Agt. Oregon Short Line. Aahiand, Ur rine torpedoes that won Id explode in able among the ex-Confederntes. Men I and they were ready to give up. The Infants’ Disease». across to the Island. The invading ■ ■ reisers an illustrated account of the notable things which «"•fey the history of axaotly the way in which the terrible are giving up good positions to go to admiral seeing that his flagship was army will number 9000 men. Diarrhea. the month, of th« political, the doomed and unable to fight, ordered a destructive which blew np the Maine the front. Orders have been sent to Admiral Coughs. economic, and literary happeaiags We know of no review published, In this small boat lowered, and rowed to tbe Every endeavor is being put forward went off. A member of the English Sampson directing him to retain all country or in Europe, which combines so success- Cure» Neuralgia. which arc of value to totelligeat fully as the A merican M onthly the alertness, firm makes oath to this, also to the fact by the war department to organize tho gunboat Ilse de Cuba, where he began the advantages he has gained by sil­ - tu - I timeliness, and energy of journalism with the hoisting his flag. Tho Amorican sail­ men and women. The Editor', Headache. that it was the Spanish government volunteer army and increase tho regu­ ors refused to fire on tho plucky ad­ encing the batteries -at Matanzan and (sound judgment, carefully weighed opinion, exact lar atiny to its full strength. Mutter­ “ ProgreM of the World ” tell, bic - knowledge, and well-chosen English of the twely Dyspepsia. itself that bought and paid for the tor­ ing rolls of the companies of tbe vol­ miral. Soon after he left the Cristina to prevent tbe remounting cf the gun* literary periodical.”—Trie Outlook. cinctly an illuetrated story of the Delayed Periods. pedoes. How does this harmonize with unteer army have been prepared -in the flames devoured the boat, most of and the completion of the fortifica­ —OF THB— month. The “Leading Articles” Leuchorrea. Weyler's solemn declaration that in the war department and scut to the the creiv jumped overboard, only to bs tions. These orders tend to confirm Southern Pacific Co. the statement that Matanzos will be give the best thought and information of the current magazine« fn Sve coati- Havana harbor there have never been officers, who have been detailed to drowned In the waters of the bay. N o . 18 Cure» Croup. the place at which Amerioati troop* neats) the contributed articles furnish the character tactcha ot the man st ths *t formally induce the slate troops into any submarine mines? In the meantime the Baltimore had will be landed. The First Infantry Skin Disease». 14 month, and give timely discuuioas by authorities on any quatton of immadiate the service of the national govern­ sealed the fate of thp Castilla. After regiment, formerly of San Francisco, Express Traina Lear« Portland Daily. « Rheumatism. IB serious import. It is almost inoredible, but there are ment With few modifications they being under fire about two hours, she has received orders to move to Tampa North « doutb ! Malaria. The result of this comprrfieniive effort to edit in one monthly volume the today a million Spaniards more or leas_ are the same as those used iu the late took fire. The American shells and Fla. From there it will be sent to No. 16 0:00p m ; Lv Portland Ar 9:80 a u « Catarrh. deadly torpedoes plowed great holes in Cuba. Tlie First Infantry will lend No. 10 Information needed by intelligent people of “live” instinct« to best gauged ia who boneatly believe Spain can conquer war. 9 60 a m Ar ‘ “ Ashland L t 5:50 p m Ashland Ar 5:2U p m _______ the opinion« which the reader, of 2G Cures Whooping Cough IO:ÏU a m , Lv _____ Tbe question of arms anil other her sides and lielow tho water, line. the invasion. the United States. This is the result of . , 7 .46 a m I Ar 8anFranol*coLv S:Wp m Her creiv fought gallantly but were no «,< 1 'I'"» ■ mu.... ............................ the AMERICAN MONTHLY Asthma. ei keeping a people in ignorance and sys­ equipment* for the volunteers is now match for the Americans. Rhe was May 1 the Southern Pacific CQjnpany I SPECIAL OFFER Above trains stop at all stations have seen fit to expreu. Thue « tematically pandering to their national receiving the attention of the ordi». completely riddled and torn to pieoes assumed the ownership anti control of No. 24 General Debility. »«tween Portland and 8al«m, Turner are thinking buiineu men, clergy ­ vanity. We have bad even in Amerioa nance office and the quartermaster­ by the rain of missiles, Most of her the Ventura and Ojai Valley railroad. No. 26 Sea-Sickness. vitsrion, Jetle.-soti, Albany, Tangent, The current number genera’s department As soon as in-1 men, edilor», lawyers, pro’,uon, Halsey. Harrisburg. Junction City. somewhat too muoh of feeding our na­ formation is received as to tho exact crew and officers were killed, She All the interests of Captain Cross, No. 27 « Kidney Diseases. -betide, ■nd the two pracad« Kugene, Cottage Grove, Drain, and all eegiceert, the wide-awake women tional vanity on wind. number of arms needed for the vol­ burned out and after the engagement builder of the road, are absorbed. No. 28 Cur»s Nervous Debility. -union* from itomsurg to Oakland, In- f issues. ...... of America. They write that the George B. Lake, the present passenger • lusive. unteers they will be shipped to their was but a smoking bulb « 11 r«> Curs» l'u “to simply invaluable“to a generous library ia i'uff "l to If C C C Tho Coera lllean Counterfeiters. << withdrew out to sea, whore the wound­ agement of the road will be made. Sore Throat. No. 34 Hortlarxi 8:3Ò a m I Roaobarg 5 :20 p ro “a historical cyclopedia of the world"I “the best means of aid foe a busy maa”| . ; ZU« Faramoant Question. For months tbe Costa Rican counter- Rose barg 7:30a m | Portlana .. .4:80 pea M “the best periodical of the-kind we have ever had”) “a triumph of -Xu—(-1 Colds and Grip. Ths one vital, comprehensive and eiterg hsve lieen issuing bovus notes of ed were cared for, the guns examined Regular army engineers have been No. 77 paramount question confronting _ our he government of tlie island nn'il tie and preparations made for a second detailed to mine San Francisco bay. genius " | “ the world under a field-glass," etc., etc. Dining Cars on Ogden Route. On. HrwiBtrs' HoirzovATHTr' Maxrai. people today is this: Shall we have a monnt, it is said, lias reached (1,1X10,0(10 (Hack. The troopa from the Presido at Ban ot Duzuxs M ulzd F bzs . PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. In half an hour the smoke of battl* *. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, «2.50 PER YEAR ) government by the foreign gold trust liieo, ciors nt the s-cret eervlee tmresu Small bottle* of pleamnt pellets, fit the vest Francisco were given a tremendous —*«p— >ADDRESS and its allied monopolies, which have were ct ieflv instrumental in bringing the had r sen, and showed the wrecked welcome on their arrival at New Or­ pocket. Sold by druggist*, or *ent prepaid upon ■Seco nA- Clam Sleeping Cart reoelpt of prioa, SS oeau, except Noe. SB. and » Spanish fleet. The carnage wrought captured our instrument* of commerce, oi'e'aetors tn j istiee The efficiency of leans last week. are made 1100 *lce only. Humphrey** Medl Attached to all through trains. cine Company, 111 William St., New York. with tbe industrial tracts of which m-secret a rvlce is undoubted, but It is by the Americans was plainly evident. Thirty undergraduates of Stanford >v no means a seerc, hut a patent fact, With ns strong a fire as before the these are the parents—a government of ii it the service tli*' Hoetelter’* Stomach WEST SIDE DIVISION. university have been sworn into the fleet again moved into battle. 'Tlie ll3 ASTOR PLACE. NEW YORK Mie trusts, by the trusts and for the Bril-re does the Wenk, and dye- Between Portland and Corvallis. National Guard of California aa regu­ number* were now more equal, as the trusts, or shall we, by re establishing iioptlc ia of genuine valne. Theie liave mail Tatra dsilt (sxoarr svsdst .) lar mernherr of Company K, First In­ tbe principles of Jeffersoniau Democra­ w r> fr m time to time counlerfe te of it, tnemy had lost several boats. The Spanish cruiser Austria was soon fantry. Many othera at Palo Alto are LBAVBS; abbivm : cy, under which t'..n instrument* of u the mmisture note of hand on the a ■ eager to volunteer for active war ser- ori ttw rnr vtwwvttwoi I izin-in- Of St; O G*w*go. ana badly damaged aud h«r commander oommeroo must be used «s p'u61tc fu66- aud »e*ee and Portland. 7:JM)am I CorrBRI«.. 12 ; 15 p n vicm.’Ymt the Stanford spirit of coihraj­ killed; the Utloa and M ndanao were - Dragon, ar-not *uccee*iul|> Inaitable tlona, break the power of these indue- . Corvallla. .. 1 :06 p m | Portland. .6 :50 p ■ ’ absolutely prevents and rem •seless; several of the Spanish shipe ship ia so strong that they will enlist trial demons whioh are devouring us <•..1 is tonic 'tee malaria, mal.-irla, rhru-natisin, riieu-natisui, liver com- , were blown up prevent their capture. only where they may do so In squads 'tea At Albany and Corvallis connect wit! and re-enthxouo a government of the vint arid dispepsia trains of Oregon Central 4 Eastern Kail UUIUU^U) IIULIIUUMUU VA Mil 1 uu. Pouring a murderous fire Into the people, by the people and for the people? roads I forte, tlie flagship and several more of j» a»»»»a»»»»»»»»to»»»»» a Lot this be done, and then the causes Running Schedule Fruit Trains on Special THE NATIVE SONS. Express Train Dally (Except Sunday.) ' the boats forced the entianco to the that produce trusts will be removed; They steamed to the west Fast Time and delivered at Chicago Auction Modem Treatment of LBATB: ABBITI; let this be done, and then every trust Aaaaal Sea.lon of th* Grand Parlor harbor. O UrilfYoucan side of the bav and landed their Houses without delays or transfers. :• • • in existence will vanish as a fog before • rAOptnl Lv Portland Ar ((:26am Held Last W**k. . wonnded. The American loss was not i be cured 1 7:3dpn>Ar M'MInnvtlle Lv I 6:80am the rising sun. Let this be done, and great. y°u •uff«*. from any of the ( The 21st annual session of tlie Gr ind then equal opportunities for every indi­ 8:80 pm) Ar Independence I.v M:80am Mark shipping orders “C, M. & St. P.” ft ill« of men, come to the oldest Naval officers regard it as a great vidual and every independent business Parlor, Native Sons of the Golden f 1 Specialist on the Pacific Coast, | 1 Direct connection at Ban Faancieeo with victory and call it tlie annihilation of lnkmsSusri^teE fmham orison . C. J. EDDY, General Agent. enterprise will be restored ; let this be West, was held iu Nevada City, last Occidental and Oriental and Pacific mail The latest work on the : I •leamabip lines for JAPAN and CHINA. done, and then and not tDl then will week- Tlie ellectiun of officer* re-u t- Spanish fleet in the Phi.ippines. treatment of diseases, written ; Hailing dates on application. “ I I te Tanng men ud middle there be a permanent condition of gen­ •d as follows; Grand president, Will­ to « a What pleasure I* mere In Ilfs with s head­ Jackson; orator, Flank L Comb', Io the various states and territories R. KOEHLER. C. H. MARKHAM. sumptive than all other reme- ; Ninth year opens Sept. 20, 1(97. ache. constipation and bii|ou*nss*t Thou-- Napa; secretary, Henry Lnnsiedt, San under the president's call for 125,000 Manager. Q. F. » P. A., and* experisnee 'b*m who could heconie Francisco; treasurer, Henry Martin, men for »ervice in the volunteers and dies put together.” It also ; Boys and girls are recalved at tbs earliest Portland, Or psrirotlv healthy bv urine DeWitt'* Lull- Ban Frau cisco; marshal, W. A. Gas on, school age, and art carried by a carefully [ say* I The hypophosphites that it is oniy a waste of time for the Earlv Risers, the famous little pills, for articulated course through all grades, up to sale by T. K. bollon and Telephone Drug Han Jus«; inside sentinel, J. J. McMa­ official of the different states to en­ of lime and soda are regarded < final preparation for eollega. Store ________________ hon, Marlines; outside sentine , A. W. deavor to have'their allotments in­ by many English observers as ! An advanced course, equivalent' to Feidler, Livermooref trustees—David creased. S1OO Reward giOO specifics for consumption.” freshman year In college. Fits far The reader* of Ibis paper will be pleased E. Morgan, Nevada City (by acclama­ Owing to lhe arrest of some E iglisli- aoidiomore claas. to loom that there is at least one ilrnMlrd tion); M. R. MaeNob.e, Stockton; F. A. Vocal music formsapart of the regular dleeaae that science ha* been able to core Culler, Eureka; A. W. North, Winters; nien in Cuba as American spies and ill ’ Emulsion ; course of Instruction tn the primary sad treatment, representation, have been in ad Its ttages, and that isi'atarrli Hall'* Thoaaand Dolía». I Lewis F. Byington, San Francisco; J. grammar aradee; and lu the aeaalea». fe- F*ït and «trietîy private. , Catarrh Cure ia the only t*.*luve cure made to the foreign ofilce and negotia­ ÇH4JIG£9 Fifty JtlXWMgiBlk Tre«- I ' Vtrnciion In the rndtqieaM of aaai* dad known to the medical fraternity Caiarrh Hawkins, San Francisco; A. Ramtsh, tion, have been opened for taking off ■ « for Home Circle, Grocery ■ let. right reading is ope* WNl who May wish being a centtltullonal di*oa*o. require«'a I.os Augeles. contains the best eotLIhrer oil i ■ fair for 40 page Hardware Catalogue. British subjects by English men-ef- oonatlioilonal treatment Hall', (’aiarrb fl V If for 32-page Furnimrs I'alsKMM. The academe la on the llet of accredited war. in A partially dinested form, Cure I* taken Internally, actin« directly up­ Viasv db . issDtvg I We are anxious to do a little rood in this for Pastple of 1>9 h Wall Paper. on the bioo<1 and niuoous* or the al tbe nnlversity of Oregon. PnriSe Io combined with the Hypophos- Captain-General Blanco has cabled Illlll for Hamples Ladin or uenu »nits, school* went MuMura of Anatomy i ' system, thereby destroying tho foun.'aiion world and can ihink of no plea.anl.r or tor Bargain Lists.published w'kly university. Leland Htanrord. Amherst, WU- batter way to do It than by recommending the governmodt at Madrid to the ef ­ phttu of Lime and Soda. This al tbe di*es*e. and giving the naiient llam*. Wooster and Woman's college. Bal ­ Mrengib ny building up tbe cunattlolion One Minute Cough Cure a« a preventative fect ilist the Spanish squadron of war timore. remedy, « standard for a pneumonia, consumption and other ser­ All Ft»». Money 8*ved uu Every Order. and a*atotfng nature Iu doina Its work. nt Hi orient* are fitted for tbe examinations >l>ipe may be utilised elsewhere, as ba in Ths Evenlnz Telegram, of Portland, ious lung troubles th.l follow neglected The proprietor* hare so much fallb Iu It* I colds. quarter of a sentury, is in of Harvard. PrinceU-n. Yale1, Bryn Ma»r It I, tho largest avsnlng news For sale by T. K. Bolton and Tele­ can acwunt for the defense of Havana ml rail re powers, that they offer Ono Hun­ phone Drug and other Eastern college*. astato S»S(* «ss Hsmri*«. «el I 1 Oregon. More, paper pu'tlislisd In Oregon ; It cositelo» exact accord with the latest U j w ill» ut the assistance of the fleet. dred Dollars for any ca** that II fails Io Ths academy ba* a dashing tor rirlp and *11 the news of tbestateand of tbe natioi. cure. Send fcr list of leoritnonlale. roans women well appointed and»sder views of the medical profession. Colonel H. G. Otis, the Lo* Angeles II Try it for a month. A aam?!e copy will Address: F. J.CHENKY A Co.. Toledo, eare'ul management. publisher, may be maae one of tho six Bs^w«^yo« get SCOTT’S Ohio. Sold by Draagteto. 75c lie mailen to you free, Addrees, nfflc- hours tor tbe summer, from 9 aas. inajoiwgenerals of volunteer» that to to Hall's Family Fills are tbe best. to 12 m. and from 2 to 4 p. tn . l»b -ta»*. i be created. betwwn Mhom<«mamya efe-mge. San F-anciK», California, where WNMMftNWfMteMMl eoatjacte (ar advertising eaa be nado lar It Farttond, Osagea. M a«4 «7 Market («rest. «. F, brethren, have two ruling* principle., to live ia peace and help one another. They- alio have an unwritten doctrine, apparently, and that is to always gel rioh. At any rate, they always do. They migrated from their native Russia because they were opposed to the military service required of all the dear's subjects. There are settlements of them In' various parts of tbs earth, always founded on ths sums plan, part­ ly communal. They ase ohiefly agrioul- turistA Other people starve, oommlt s-ziaide, become tramps or steal. Men- nonius do none of these things They simply go on and work and plan honest­ ly and justly, and everything they take hold of seems to prosper. Evon Whan they engage in trade they reap fortnuM. They prove beyond all doubting that in order to beoome pros­ perous it is not neoMst ry either to cheat, steal or rob. Wheu a Mennonite oolouy ia to be formed, delegates are sent forward first to mleot the land. They buy it in a block, aa Prince Krapotkin tells us In The Nineteenth Century, and build a village thereon. They always stipulate that they shall he left entirely to thern- splyes. They obey the laws, pay their talies, settle down to buaiuese and grow rioh. Wherever they are, iu troploal South America or in Greenland, they are prosperous and happy,' and they are so simply by observing the precepts of primitive Christianity aud minding their own business. In blizzardy Mani­ toba they have evolved immense reali­ ties of comfort and happiness. In the paper already alluded toPrinoe Krapot- klu writes: SPANISH FORTS DESTROYED. McMinnville COLLEGE Blood FsUIT GROWERS EXPRESS Humors REFRIGERATOR SERVICE FOR DECIDUOUS FRUITS. (uticura Earl Fruit Company Sprin Humors Sacramento Los Angeles, Cal! BRANCHUt ALL FRUIT DISTRICTS OF CALIFORNIA. C. F. X. The Pacific Northwest SAVE $15 T0 $30 PER CAR Sarsaparilla tó HUMPHREYS’ EAST AND SOUTH lhe Shasta Route F ol . 25Ci |n> American Monthly Review of Reviews Consumption I v I l I i 5S-SHSS—«S—SES—SSEN Portland Academy. Record, Do You Job Printing. Know the News Scott s J THIS PAPER SMITHS The Telegram, CASH STORE