< V?LLljT~~ RECORD. VALLEY RECORD FINE PRINTING OF BVR»Y ■tel DESCRIPTION. NO MONOPOLY VALLE? RECORD. ASHLAND OBCeO») PRICKS I Give us your order for Letterheads- State­ ments. Envelopes. Ac. JACKSON VOL. X. Chief of the County Paper* Published every Thnrodsy. E. J. KAISER, Proprietor, SUBSCRIPTION BATBSl On» Yssr....... ....................................fj Three Months............ * fit COUNTY, 0RX»&N, TBURSDAY. MAY* 6. 1898, Advertising rates given on ■ —1 IdBELM OH TRUTH. Professional Cards applleatlsn i donb by rusioMtrrs. Patriotism or Politics. K. R. Cardwel . who has been assisting le the Menthern Pacific Secretly In i The Ticket and Platforms Floated _ 1 move some of »’elti'n Bros. et, (pop) PHYSICIAN AND 8DRGEON. 20TM) head and Je^e I). Carr a band of 3000 Mias Jean Rose and G»i, W. Barron vis- and re-^nsinuating that the fight put np BberMT-Raiph Deen, Central Point,(dem) of their sermons" They were told to head in the Klamath marsh, all from iied Medford Saturday. againet tho "high headed,I,w minded” Clerk—J W Marhabury, Gold Hill, (pop) (use every morning and evening the A shlamb , : OBKUORf . dronthy California. County Uorunnaa oner—W W Hcott, Qeu prayers for the president and those in Mr*. Newman Moon of Saiua Valley is demagogue who presides ovei tlie count, court was tho work of tbe eocret paid trai Point, (pop) A. Dent, the Drew« valley wool grower visiting Portland relative». ffV-OBioa—in Townwnd Building, on i authority and at other servioea the Keoorder-J R Hardin, Medford Tueadav aolii bis bond of ÎJ00 sheep to Oek Street, Opposite Hotel Oregon. Kd round wry. Jr.. id AL Bunnelljof agents of tho Southern Pacific, who were r>u periii undent—J A prayer for congress. For our part we using Soul hern Pacific boodle with which Tom Sherlc.rk. The price paid was $3.75 Tule Inks hbve gone er A im *«. Gold Hill, (idiver rep) to undermine and defeat Orowell, the per head, hunched. J. C. Mitchell, the confess we c«-not see why oongreea AhteMor—A G~'i •’■»arus Valley, (pop) John Broad, the Pooriuan creek miner, HINMAN, D. I». S, embodiment ot ihe people’s liberties and cattle biiver of Gazelle ha» taken 100 went to B hq Francisco bunday. Treasurer—L L Jacobo, Jacksonville ices not need aa much praying for as natural rights Tbe bead of this eon- (dem) head of Rennes de Martin 2 and 3 vear the president. Some think it needs more P 8. Puckett and family have moved spinev against “tbe people” were “rail Coroner—J B Wait. Medford, (deiu) <1 i cattle paving for them 7}«cents net. than he does Surveyor—W F Cha^. (pop) road attorney»’’ and lobby lets for tlie Immense salea of yearling sheep have back to Parter’s from Klamath Falls. I E. G. Wilson went to KI am at bon Mon­ “archangel of hell,*’ that is Wm. M Col- The Outlook, however, takes excep­ taken place in Crook county during the PiOCMfi’H PARTY CONVRHriO.Y j I vig end J. R. Neil. The “eely chance’’ past week or ten days Aa many aa $25,- day to work for the sawmiii company. tion to Bishop Paret's order to his oler- stairs 0p*ln the Masonic Building np Miss Mollie Barneburg of Medford visited to escape from thia eternal euakvciBSU- Beiore tee Bolt. | 000, head are said to bave changed handa. i gymen to abstain from preaching on the waa an “hooorabls union ot reform lor­ The purchaser was J. W. Blake rep- Ashland relatives the first ol ths week. over Post Office. Applegate—R E O’Brien, J B Wells, J W i present oriels. It regards the questions | resenting Dr. Wilson of Wyoming. Tbe J. M. Ldark and Fred Foster, son of T. os.” with Orowell A Oo. dictating the Pernoil price* have not been given out, but the L. Foster, left Monday for Watsonville, democratic convention and Bradshaw A West Ashland—C B Crislar, Geo Irwin, I before us now as exactly those wbioh Jeffrey dictating tho populist convention. by F William», A A Pennington, J C B»- ministers should take up and patriotio- Prinevllfe Journal ia assured that they Cal. wiok. This version has been drilled into the i were in tbe neighborhood of $2 50 a head Will Shook who is farming at Phoenix North Ashland—H H Chapman by Jaco<> I ; ally and in the spirit of Christianity after shearing. Of tbe gros* number went to Oakland, Cat, Bunday on a bueL people for months until It has become PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. stereotyped. Io the recent democrctic 8hiy«iy, A Ku»h by Nit» AbiBtrom, Jauoi* ', lay before the people. The Outlook says, I Bold, K E. Fortner cold 7,000; William-| ne^a top. dUireiy. ; snn A Hichel 6,500; Mever <& Brown 2,- Mr*. Andy Payue came o\er from K im- primaries Crowell’s clique were over­ Boutii Ashland—J L Batchelder by J 1» . truly enough, that in this country it is Novelty Block. Opposite Hotel Oregon, 1500; WiUiatn Bmwn 2.000; Joe Mver aihon tu visit Josephin» cuuuy whelmingly defeated. They were on- honute. T J Howali. B H HoU, J E teuHtl | , the people themselves who finally de- abls to take a single trick. Judge Neil relative»? Oeuiral Point—W H Patrick. R C Hens I cide all national questions. Moreover: I 500 nrdC Cyne 500. Two vekre ago the A sklakd , . . Gaseo*. I highest price paid for such sheep after tbe convention, and the laajoritv ley, J d McCain, J 1 Fradeuburg, M b I A, A. (Pete) Eubanks »ailed from San operated ' Tho question» before them are profoundly 1 shearing was $1.15 and very few brought Franciso last week with a parij (or Kotze­ of tbe delegates (according to Crowellism Welch. Chimney Rock —W H Bradshaw, G b religluUM ones: Docs thin nation owe any duty tbe hired agents of Huntington) placed that price.—Klamath Fa la Republican. bue Sound, Alaska. J^R. O. W. BARR. to the people of Cuba ? Ought we to sit silent­ Hosmer, , ---- — ------------ ly and see the terrible tragedy go on, with its Melba, the great singer, and her troupe Wm. M Oolvig the Southern Pacific Eagle Point—S A Carlton, G W Stevens, starvation I Botanical Survey of Cascades. of noncom batants as a military pol were on Munday’s tram to appear in Port conipariv’a attorney in the tax case A U Howlett against the county, in charge of conven­ E. I. Applegate, who assisted Prof. F laud at S7 per seat. Eden—W J Drurnhill, Ira Wakefield, E I icy ? Ought we to interfere? If so, In what Dental Farlors In Odd Fellow's Block. i spirit? For humanity, or for national aggran­ tion both aa temporary aud permanent Coleman. j V. Cnville, chief botanist of the depart­ u " * A shland , Oarooit. Jay Sechrbd. the drummer, his been dizement and addition to national territory? Gold Hnl—W E Darling, Geo R Ham If ment of agriculture, in a botanical sur­ ve y ill at Medford fur two weeks wi h tou- chairman. Thia awiul “railroad attor­ these are not moral and religious questions, ney" ae chairman appointed a j lint con- tuersiey J W Hayes by J 1» llani¡ner.-lcy vey of the Cascado timber reserve last silitus, but is recovering. will Bishop Paret tell us what questions are ierenee coinuiitree of five—entirely ig­ J W.UarkRberry, F Al Parker 1^. All work pertaining to modern dent- year, has been reappointed as assistant moral and religious? If on these questions the Rev. Father Desmarais attended the sil- North Jacksonville—John Marsh, Chas people cannot look to the pulpit for guidance, ■try. Painless operations a specialty. and will outfit his expedition witlioutde- rer jubilee festivitim in honor ox Arch­ noring tins uiulti-beaded savior of the Caruey,|Jos Thomas. people, Crowell, not a single member of to whom shall they look? Christ did not lay at Klamath Falls and earlv in Mav bishop Gross at Portland. duuiu Jacksonville—D J 8 Pearcj, W B preach on national themes because the people his faction being appointed to bring back commence work on the western slope of £ 1 M. BKOWEIl At. D. T. J. Patterson and Mrs. Mary E. Steph­ even tlie news of the destruction of the Comstock, C F Bauman, W B Jackson. to whom he preached were a subject people, tbe Cascades, probably st the Klamath ens of Langeil valley were married on April Meadows—8 K Walker. G W Walker. unable by any act of theirs to affect the na­ last vestigo of “the taxpayers interests”— North Medturd—E W char, E P Ham­ tion's policy. But the Old Testament prophets, river. In addition to the botany U the 24th by Rev. J. B, Griffith. tn tlie secret struggle going on behind mond, G R Lindley by J A Jettrey, J a who spoke to a free people in a time when pub­ PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, Cascades the work contemplates an ex­ Mrs. Henry Kessler and children of closed doors in the joiut conference com­ dmith, E E Phipps. lic opinion did have influence in determining amination of the timber and pastoral re­ douib Medford—Chas Phiester, Jno Har­ the policy of the nation, preached habitually O regon sources of the region. Prof. Coville will Grants Pass went to 8an Francisco Sunday mittees deliberations. The "Southern A s - hlanp . to join the husband and father. din by G Alien, Geo Justus by G E Al­ upon questions of national polioy. We recoin Pacific Convention ” operated and con ­ hbi self pin the partv in the vicinitv of len, W P Dodge, G E Ai.en. mend all preachers who are inclined to act on Tyson Beall, brother of Lee and Tom trolled by Southern Pacific “paid Pleasant Creek—Uhaa Warren. Henry | the methods and in accordance with the coun­ Office—At Residence, intersection of Me­ Crater or Diamond lake. Elmer la a Beall, arrived here from Central Point laet auente’’ through its solid five “S .lltbrru practical mountaineer as well as an ac­ Monday.—Lakeview Examiner. Bruwnsworth, vV K Newman,(John Owens. sels , tíanlo, Laurel and Main Streets. of the bishop of Maryland to study those Pacific’’cominitteemeii deliberated with Uba» Owens, W K Ingleduw, contesting | i Old Testament complished botanist, and we are pleased prophets. Flunk Hansen, formerly of Ashland, was similar committee from Bradshaw A Jeff delegates, thrown out ) Thia starch is prepared on scientific principles hr man who have bad years of practical to see his ability recognized by the gov­ Kock Point—J W Cutter, C Z Smith. to have sailed from Southampton, Eng., for rey’s populist convention. Drawing the experience in fancy laundering. It restores old linen and summer aressee to their ernment. SQOIETY DIRECTORIES. natural whiteness an<* Imparts a beautiful and lasting finish. It la the only starch livery child born in tho United States Table Kock—d M Nealon, 0 C Gail, New York on the steamer St. Louis. conclusion that this “Southern Pacific" manufactured that ia perfectly harmless, containing neither arsealc, alum or any Vincent. Does Not Fear tho Gold. i of Chinese parents is a oltizon, just ae other substance injurious to linen andean be used even for a baby powder. Walter Lennox, a native son of Siskiyou committee from a 'Southern Pacific con­ I Taient — W Beeson, 8 H Dunlap, N O. A. 11. ‘1 suffered every spring and fall for sev­ county and Miss Lydia Marp e of Klamath vention” and officered by “Southern Brophy. I muoh of one as if he was descended di- For sale by all wholesale and retail grocers. eral years wiih a severe cold Two years Falls were married at her home last week. Pacific paid agents,” and reporting back BUkNSIDK POST NO. 23. Trail Creek—Sirnpson Simpson Wilaon. Wilson, JokiD John X 1 rect from one of tbe ancestors of the ago I began taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla and to a “ Southern Pacific boodled and Miller. Harvey Richardson, Dan Fueier. X Meat in Masonic Hall, on the 1st and it built me up so that I have had no co!d Joseph Caskey tbe welkknown horse- ' Colonial Dames or the barons of Runy- S<1 Saturday of each month. Visiting Com since, and I do not fear coins as formerly. shoer and blacksmith, came up from Med­ packed convention” were onto their job vote each. —W Smith, A Throckmorton tnede. A decision of the United States eades cordially welcomed. I heartily recommend Hood’s Sarsapa­ ford Saturday to work in JSmil Pell’s new and looked after tbeir rnaBter’ajinterests, by Uniontown Smith, Wru Dun in ng Lon by Smith M ilton B kbby , Commander. the “secret conspiracy” got in its deadly supreme court fixes thia. rilla.” C hah W oods , Box 112. West Se­ shop. Woodville—J H Messner, G b Schmidt- J. R. O asky , Adjutant. work. The joint conference committee attle, Washington. T. T. Geer will make a thorough canvass line. for governor. Lakeview is one of the points report on the diatribution of the offices [Big Butte Flounce Rock, Foots Creek, It is said the president looks care­ Holm’s Pills are the only pills to take he will reach, also engagements thia side was unanimous and it went through the Lo8t Creek, Steamboat, and Watkins pre­ worn. No wonder, with all the alleged W. It. c. with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Cure all liver ills. of tbertf. “Southern Pacific convention” without cincts not represented.) I B0BKB1DX BILIK» COBPS KO. 24 opinions which have been fathered on To Do His Own Carrying. Mr. and Mr». Wm. Harris who have been debate and aa sleek as a greased pig. Meets in Odd Fellows hall at 2 o’clock p. DEMOCRATIC CONVKXT1ON. Crowell, Jeffrey, Bradshaw, Barnes, him by able newspaper correspondent» Pease, the Ager-Lakeview mail con­ spending the winter at Santa Ro.a, Cal , m. on the second and fourth Fridays of each month. M bs . B vsak B each . Pres. tractor. was in town laat week. He is visiting the families of their children, re­ Howell et al never lie, never misrepresent South Ashland—D Chapman, G W Smith. wbo write on space. never falsely accuse, never insinuate Mas. Mary Berry, Sec’y. North Ashland—L A Neil, R Leonard. earnestly seeking some one whom he turned home ¡Sunday. We^t Ashland—I O Miller, J R Tozer, K Wm. Dennis of Big Springs, Siskiyou libels. No, tliey are an immaculate set can induce to take the contract off hia There is one thing to be said in favor oi pure (?) apostles of the “ taxpayers in ­ A. Case, was on P Neil county, a friend of H. — ------- — - hands. All tbe way from Ager to Klam­ KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. Applegate—J L Wooldridge, G W Wine­ of the hysterical journals. Their scare Monday 's train for Africa to do undenomi­ terests,” and Colvig and Neil and their ath Falla be was greeted with a great GRANITE LODGE.NO. 23, Knights of headlines in letters two inohes long, friende are the secret agents of the trout national missionary work. Pythias, Ashland. Oregon, meets every many “r.o-thank-vous,” and at Lake­ Big Butte—W F Wilkinson. covering over half a page, save them Jake Wise, who was in-business in Ash­ ‘■archangel of heli”. II tbe anti-Neil Monday evening. Visiting Knights in good view he found uo bidders. From Take­ Chimney Rock- standing are cordially invited to attend. view he took a hundred mile ride across land during the railroad construction era, and Colvigcampaign was put forth by Central Point—E Pleasant», N W W; ight, just that much in composition and re­ a solicitor of ihe Marshfield C> ast Mail, Cr well & Co. in good faith, and not THO8. H SIMPSON, C. C. the country to Silver Lake, and his suc­ is W Jacobs, Ashbury Beall. DRUGGISTS I porters’ bills. Probably that ia the se- which has launched a daily editiqn. merely ae a demagogue appeal for the J Eden—K D bond ray, W M Smith. 8. G. E ookbs , K. of R & 8. cess there ia not aa vet known. At the L.------------------------------------------------------------- purpose of getting control of political offi ­ Katie Point—8 B Holmes, T E Nichols. oret of why their front pages resemble a Ladies, Take the Best. If you are troub­ contract price of $8,250, with bonds at Flounce Rocn.—Chas Knighten. I. O. O. F. country sheriff’s sale poster at the oroas- $20,000, Mr. Pease has got eometbing on led with constipation, sallo* skin, and a ces for the adherents of the Crowell fac­ Foots Creek— R A Cook. feeling, take Karl’s Clover Tea, it is tion a serious situation of affaire confronts ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 45. his imnds he does not want, and it is tired Gold Hill—J H Thompson by J R Bee­ roads. pleasant to take. Sold by T. K. Bolton. the well-meaning, earnest and conscien­ hoped his efforts to sublet will be man, Jas McDougall, J H Beeman. * * Hold regular meetings every Thursuay Prof. Wm. Huntley Hampton the Grave tious voter and citizen of this county. Il South Jacksonville—W M Colvig, F J evening at their hallin Asnland. Brethren futile. The people out this way are creek miner and republican nominee for toe truth has been stated the vilest cor­ very tired of foreign under-bidders of J 8 Orth. in good »tending are oordially Invited to representative in Josephine county, re­ poration in the west has absolute aud pow­ Pape, la Headquarters on North Jacksonville—Chas Carney, J A mail contracts and Mr. Pease will likelv turned home Sunday from a trip tu Horn­ attend. F, M, D sakb , N. G. erful (became it lies secret and hidden) Marsh, Joseph Thomas. have to carry tbe mails over this route brook. H. 8. E vans , Sec’y, P. 0. box 102. control of the “union of reform forces” in Lost Crete— RE Payton. —----- . — - ------- «j:----- himself or pav some one well to do it for Meadows— D Reynold». A troop of ca va h ry, €K N. G., is being or­ Jackson county and tbe taxpsysrs ora him.—Klamath Falla Republican. PILOT KOCK 1NCAMPMKNT, NO. 16. North Mediord—Jas Jones, D Terrell, ganized at Lakeview, after which they will again floored with the iron heel of tlie tender their services to the government. "archmigel of hell” closely pressed on W Johnson. C E Wilkinson. Meet» in Odd Fellows’s Hall every 2d and No-lo-Bac ror Fifty Cents. South Medford—J Barneburg by W H Troop B., formerly of Klamath Falls, has the neck while they lay prostrate on 4th Monday in eaoh month. Merabersin Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak disbanded. Stewart, J H Hockersmlth, J K Wilson. F good standing cordially Invited to attend. mei strong, blood pure. 60c. 81. All druggists mother earth. There ia no escaping the M Plymale. H. 8. E van », C. P. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Briner who have been situation except on the theory—God forbid If von don’t believe it just c.ill and see. 4» Mt. Pitt—Jos Geppert by J R Neil. R okt , T aylob , Scribe. in from Klamath county, returned Mon­ the thought—that the only true blue Pleasant Creek—Frank Burkhardt by C BORM. day. In company with bis father. L B guardians of the “taxpayers and common Nickell. J D Stevens by 8 Price. Briner of Lang-ll valley, they s art im­ people” the leaders of the “honorable HOPS RKBBCCA DBGREB LODGE, KO. 24. Rock Point—R M Cook. mediately for Baker City to locate. Steamboat—H U Shearer by J H Stewart. union for principle,” have been guilty of Meets on the 2d and 4th Tuesday in each McKINNIS—Near Talent. April 25, 1898, Sterling —John Wiltrout by D H Miller. ^be quarterly exanunatlun uf applicant» mouth in Odd Fellows’ Hall, Ashland. to Mr and Mrs. F. M. McKiunis, a for teachers’ certificates will be held in the tbu most persiatent, meanest, the most Table Rock—Horace Peiton, Howard despicable, cruel and atrocious deception, Rodgers. Miss E lm IT P atterson , N. G daughter. court house at Jacksonville, beginning at Miss N uu E m key , Secv. Talent—S G Netherlands Levi Morris, LOOSLKY—At Fort Klamath. Ore , April 1 o'clock p. m. on Wednesday, May ilth. lying, fraudulent and generally debased TRY ME ONCE AND 26, 189a, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Fred Loosley, 1898. Applicants (or state papers examined and corrupt practices put forward in by H M Crowell. this county in inanv years solely to tra ­ Trail—David Pence by 8 8 Pentz. A. O. O. W. on Thursday, May 12th, at 8 a. m. a son. Uniontown—8 K Dunnington. A8HLANQ LODGB, NO. flfl. Miss Lizzetta Bleecher, a sister of Henry duce tbe character and good names of Watkins—O B Dews. Meets in lodge room in Masonic Hall Bleacher of Jacksonville, died at the home Oolvig, Neil and their friends for merce­ Woodville—John Woods by OB Dews. nary and selfish purposes. The result of every bkcohd and rottaTH Wednesday in of her brother Aptil26ih 8he was a nat­ each month. All brethren in good standing ive of Germany, aged 60years and 22 day». the great fight has. resolved itself down to (Silver Republican Convention mentioned ere cordially invited to attend. The funeral took place last Thursday, Kev. two propositions, viz; The vile Southern elsewhere in this issun.) Robt. Ennjs conducting the services. 0. F. H asty , M. W. Pacific either baa secret control of the Wanted J. R. C as TW. Recorder Mrs J. H. kneeland, who has been vis­ union of reformed foroee or Crowell & iting her fRther. Wm. Witt, of Gold Hill, Co. have been exposed as guilty of .the Jackson county property. Will trade returned home to Colfax, Cal.. Monday most shameless system of falsehood and one hundred and sixty acres of good J. A. McCall, Her sister, Mrs. W. A. Walker of Bly, has libeling ever undertaken in thia county. farming land seveu miles from Klamath also leturned home from the same mission. Falls for Jackson county property. Ad­ Dreadfully Nervous. Mr. W. suffered a stroke of paralysia. dress, P. O. Box 55. Yreka, Cal. G bnts :—I was dreadfully nervous, anfl Mrs. W. H. Wbybark arrived from Mott, Cal., last week to visit her father, C. C. for relief took your Karl’s Clover Bool Tea. Ail were glad that the first reports of Mcl’lendon ol 8ama Valley. Mo. is re­ it quieted my nerves and strengthened my MOWT.’ PBBLtC. covering from a siege with la grippe and whole nervous system. I was troubled with the drowning by tbe flood at Shawnee­ kidney and bowel trouble. town, ¡11 b ., were, as usual in cases of Which is better, to thoroughly very much resembles in appearance the constipation, Survey» for Sutent, sat Miring Loca­ Your Tea soon cleansed mv system -o thor­ tion, a specialty. Address Ashland, Or. cleanse and purify the blood just picture of « buttering recuncentrado in oughly that I rapidly regained health and disaster, greatly exaggerated. The flood Cuba. strength. Mrs. S. A. Sweet.Hartford,Conn. was frightful enough, however. While gg Office at resideace. South Main Street now, or make yourself liable to Karl’s Clover Root Tea is a pleasant lax­ not Diore than 30 persons were drowned, the many dangerous ai I men t» ative. Reft ib tes the bowels, purifies the Bold oy I. K. Bolton.________ Bec'y Kincaid Appeal* the Case. Clear» tbe complexion. Easy to all the food and clothing aud household which are so prevalent during blood make and pleasant to take. 25 cents. Sold A Salem dispatch of April 27th save goods of 700 people were swept away, summer? Impurities have, been bv T. K Bolton. Will R. King, tuaion candidate for gov accumulating in the blood all Hon John O. Booth, the Union nominee ernor, Joint chairmen Frank Williams, leaving them to subsist on the charity M ais S trikt , OrrosiTB P laza , winter, and right now is the time for ste’e tretisurer. was up from Grams Seneca Smith and R. S. Sheridan and that has been generously bestowed on Pass Monday. Besides just iecovering Attorney W. B. Bilyeu were at the cap- them. Such disasters bring out the KI.Y’8 CRRAM BALM is a positive to get rid of them. A thorough from ia gripf»e his daughter has also been 1 building all day looking np legal worst of human nature sometimes, but Apply into the noitrlls. Il Is quickly absorbed. SO TP-A. ITsTTS, FAINTZEBS’ TOOLS, course of Swift’s Specific is needed, critically Hi, which has kept him closely at it poiuta cent* at Prnvgtets or by mall : sample, lOe. by mall. in the mandamus proceeding in­ to cleanse the blood and puri­ home Mrs Booth and another daughter stituted and successfully maintained in far oftener the best. When the Shaw­ (I.Y BROTHERS, 56 Warren SL, New York City. WALL PAPER. GLASS. ETO. returned home Monday evening from a fy the systom, toning up aud winter’s 8tay~at Phoenix, Arizona. c r< uit court compelling the filing of the neetown flood subsided a little, it was B cildino P atem . WBAvri.o P apkbs AMD T wimf .8. ARTI8TS’ MATERIALS. From tbe weihknown strengthening it all over. Those Supt N, S McKinsey of the Oregon Tele­ t ckat headed bv John C. Luce for gover­ fouud that tbe riohest oitizeu in the place Kanes Creek Quarry. REPUBLICAN TICKET. as the People’s party ticket. They was as destitute of present supplies as who take this precaution now arc graph Co. laat takeview, IntereMmg tuat nor had an all night conference with Secre­ the poorest and had to take bis place in comparatively safe all suuimer; town in the project to extend t heir tele­ tary CHEAP FOR CASH GqVernor — of State Kinciad, also during the en­ line from Alturas, Cal., to Lakeview but to neglect it is to invite some graph Ready to supply Ash­ Lakeview is the largest town in the United tire forenoon, but no conclusion was line and receive provisions for his fam­ T. T. GEER...................... . .of Marion land and ail the towns form of sickness which is so com­ State» without either telephone, telegraph reached as to further action. Mr. Kin­ ily from tbe stores that had been sent Secretary of State— along ttie railroad. mon during the trying hot season. or railroad connections with tbe outside caid rather favored dropping the matter by outside benevolence. While not so FRANK I. DUNBAR ....... of Clatsop and proceeding under tiie order of the guatKf teed to cure all nenrouo diseaseo, such ao Weak Memory, Lozftfr . Write for terms to disastrous, tbe Shawneetown flood was It is now that a course cf Swift’s world Brain Power, Headache. Wakefulneao, Lost Manhood, Nightly BmFo- A thrill of terror is experienced when a court, but the attorneys are positive that Treasurer— oions, Nervousness, all drain», loss of power in Generative Organs of brassy cough of croup sounds through the an appeal should be taken. The com­ as sudden in its terror as that of Johns­ Carpenter A Allison. Specific either sex. caused by over exertion, youthful error», excessive use of of Klamath house at night But the terror soon chan­ mittee returned to Portland this after­ town. One moment the inhabitants of CHAS. 8 MOORE............ tobacco, opium or stimulants, which lead to Infirmity, Consumption or ges to relief when'One Minute Cough Cure noon, as did also Mr. King, leaving the Supt. Public Instiuction Insanity. Can be earned in vest pocket. Ji.oo per box, 6 for $5, by mail Gobi Hill, Oregon. the doomed place were quietly eating has b*en administered Sate and harmless prepaid. Circular Free Sold by all druggists. Ask for it; fake no other. matter in tbe hands of the attorneys. J. H. ACKERMAN.............. of Multnomah Manufactured by the Pean Medicine Co., Paris, France. Laue-D»via for children. For sale by T. K. Bolton and their evening meal. The next moment * ALU« H1LDRKTH A dispatch the next day says Judge Drug Co., distributing agents. Third and Yamhill Sts., Portland. Or. Telephone Drug Store. Supreme Judge— a torrent of water 20 feet deep was upon Hewitt’s decision stirred up a hornets FOR SALK BY E. A. SHERWIN. ABHL i AND, OREGON. will hccomplish so much toward Ree Vappai, Norris & Drake for that suit nest in the fusion camp, and judging them. This wall of water rushing over FRANK A. MOORE.... of Columbia rendering the system capable of of clothes. They will please you. from the deliberations of tlie leaders dry land was a sight indescribably aw­ Attorney General— they don’t know just what to do. The resisting the evil influences which ful. D. R N. BLACKBURN of Linn The La Flesh & Co< quartz mine, near Ashland. Oregon effect ot the fight against tlie middle-of- are so liable to attack it during Henley, is worked constantly witn very the-roaders to keep them off the ballot State Printer— the summer when sickness is so good success, the owners having a small as the people’s party candidates was evi­ The only creature that ia as plentiful City Passenger W. H. LEEDS..............................of Jackson abundant. It ia the best tonic prospecting mill to do the crushing. dently taken into consideration in the as the mosquito is the rabbit. Dozens Congressman, 1st District— and system-builder on the market , deliberations. A. W. Prescott, attorney of ways have been devised to extermi ­ The Jillson de McIntosh quartz mine Truck Transfer because it is a real blood remedy near Henley, still continues to pay for the middle-oi’-the-roaders today had nate him in particular localities, but he THO8. H. TONGUE.......... of Wsshington execution on judgement for costs is­ —-All kind» c freight, baggags »nd is made solely to search out handsomely, with the quartz full of gold, an Congressman, 2d District— merely laughs and grows fat. In Iowa Ju>usebolw. a dielanee of about 23 leet. and brought against the military ooort oí practical, common »enre echooi. I teach all English receiving fatal injuria*. Medical ail wo* scare Is on. because such a sale might J. M. WHIPPLE..................... of Woodville omnehes from tbe bottom up. thoroughly and well, st once summoned and hl’ wound, dr,»-ed inquiry that tried Dreyfus» but it would ba considered aa an act hostile to Spain, County Commlsaioner— with daily reviews, until perfection ie recured. bui while being conveyed on ihe overland imperil tbe existsoos oi tbe FT 0. 8. BUTI.ER. ........................... of Aahland a nation friend.y with Denmark. That irain laat night to itotabOTg, Ihe home ol County < lark— public for tbe foot to bo openly bl» -I-1 er. he died ++++4-++*+++ +++++++++++++ is what ws get for our fiddling delay. .. .of Pboanix ar.' Nmm , He was well end favorably known Bo Zola was made llave moved their plant into ihnmghvo) Southern Oregon. He laeves County Recorder thair new building, one block Mv Pupils for certificate», (or the Civil Service, for Weal three brother» sod three sister« to mourn PETER APPLEGATE of Central Point »boye the Obaatanqoa (rove. Point, for the Normal Ar edemv, never fail; end aiy book- hie loss. County Sheriff— keepers never have to hunt a Job. .................................. ALEX. ORME ................... of Foots Creek They ar» prepared to do U-» — G sxtlknkn : Having tasso one bottle ol County Treisorer— Practical Conroe for fl months, $3i> 00; |60 00 for 1 year. your Jov*» Vegetable Sarsaparilla I can J. W ROBINSON........... .of Jsekaonville Bnsines» Conroe for fl months, (50 GO: $90 00 for 1 year. , . truly say that Iti» the beat medicine I have First-Clait Work ever taken for constipation, headache a-.d Normal Course for fl month*, WO 00; |90 00 for 1 year. School Superintendent— U/ANTCn 014 Established at Reasonable Rates W ni» I LU lloyse-High Orad» Man. general debiliated system I feel overjoy, Board and room of the best in private families, |16 per month. of Mteford O. A. GREGORY. ed bv the use ot one bottle 1 aMdentlr Atasasur— ,t my ankle sprained a few year* ago and end positively o”kidney», liver and bowels, Cure sick tieadarbe. tid ■ ■ ■ Their ifagen will call tor good Church »landing, willing to learn our find my leg gsttlng stronger and am fool cleansioa us < ltirw system, dispel colds. teste in the mouch. cc.r < 1 ■ | ■ A J.C. PENDLETON............ of Table Rock business then to act as Manarsr and Slate and deliver work »o all parts tongue. km in tbe stom^h, 11 I Wk Surveyor— , ptRsy Correspondent here Salar» 1900. Enolose of tbs city. 0OM4 *4 lndfaeotkm. De ■ ■ ■ ■ seif-addreered »tamped envelope to A. T. OARL T. JOBES ..................... ol Medford Mt weakoa. bnt h«w» toni« offeet. 2S cent» Superintendent Alnuuon-r Elder. Gsae al Manager. IS# Mleblgaa Ooroosr—