U' . PEOPLE’S PABTÏ TICKET & PLATFOBM - GoAiTe^T Tellow yellow is known throughout cycling as a light, staunch, stylish, speedy mount There’s a best in every­ thing-; the ’96 Stearns is a veritable edition de luxe among bicycles. Finished in black or orange. Stearns riders are satisfied riders, and always proud as kings of their mounts. Your address will insure receipt of our hand­ some new catalogue. FUSION TICKET AND PLATFORM. Adopted by the Three State (Jon ven< tlonn in Portland. Nominated and Adopted at Forrester’s Hall, Portland, Governor—Will R. King, populist, of Bak­ er county. Secretary of Stale—Harrison K. Kincaid, Oregon, March 25th and 26th, 1898. silver-republican, of Lane county. Treasurer—J. O. Booth, democrat, of Jose pbtne county. Supreme Judge—W. M. Ramsey,democrat, GOVERNOR—Jt»HN C. LUCE, John Dav P. O , Grant Co. of Yauibill county. SECRETARY OF STATE—IRA WAKEFIELD, Phoenix, Jackson Co. Attorney-General—J. L Story, populist, of Wasco county, IREASURER-J. K SEARS, of Polk Co Printer—C. A. Fitch, populist, of Clacka- SUl’T. PUBLIC INSTRUCTION—J. E. HOSMER, of Yamhill Co. maa county. STATE PRINTER—D. L. GRACE, Burns, Harney Co. Superintendent ot Pcblic Instruction— SUPREME JUDGE­ H. 8 Lyman, populist, of Clatsop county. ATTORNEY GENERAL— Congressmen—First District: Robert M. CONGRESSMEN—1st District, DR J. L. HILL, Albany, Linn Co, Veatch, democrat, o' Douglas county; —2nd District, H. E COURTNEY, Baker City, Baker Co. Second District, C. M. Donaldsoli, silver republican, of Baker couuty. First judicial district.—Circ’^t judges FIRST JUDICIAL D1STKICT TICKET. John A. Jeffrey, populist of Jackson county CIRCUIT JUDGES—J. L. BATCHELOR, of Ashland, Jackson Co. and K. C. Wade, silver-republican, of Jose­ phine countv; district attorney, A. N.| JONATHAN TRESSLER, o( Medlord, Jackson Co. Solis», of Jackson county ; member of the DIST. ATTORNEY—J. B. WELLS, of Applegate, Jai-kson Co. MEMBER BOARD EQUALIZATION—W. W. HAZEN, Bedfleki, Klamath board of equalization, C. E. Worden, of Klamath county. County. Why “Control" mil*. The immense overcapitalisation of railroad* and the charging of rates Io make interest and dividend« on these fictitious values are aa imposition and injustice of which there ha* long been reason to complain, but never until tbe recent decision of the Nebraska maxi­ mum freight rate case ba* thia fictitious capitalization been fully legalised and given unlimited scope a* a method of robbery. Tbe Nebraska law wonld have made a small reduction in freight rate* and tbe change would have affected tbe in- come of the roads to only a slight ex­ tent, yet the supreme court says that a law which interferes with ¿Lc payment of interest and dividends ia unconstitu­ tional. The fact that the payments of inter­ est aud dividends were on greatly in­ flated issues was not permitted to figure ill the case. The decision completely ignores the whole question of overcapitalization and opens the way whereby any attempt to regulate railroad rates must prove a failure. Under that interpretation nothing could be more absurd than to attempt the exercise of any control by legisla­ tive action.—Chicago Express. What is CASTORIA ............. ■■ - Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher’s prescription for Intenta and Children, 't contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substituto for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee Is thirty years’ use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria peuvent» vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieve» teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas­ toria is the Children’s Panacea—the Mother’s Friend. PLATFORM. NATIONAL PLATFORM. To the Pdoplv’s Party Voter» of the State United in a common cause for the sacred Oniaba platform reaffirmed aa follows: purpose of preserving the principles of gov­ of Oregon: ernment by the whole people, in fact as We declare therefore— E. C. STEARNS & CO., Makers, Syracuse, N. Y We, the People’» party, in convention well as in name, restoring and maintaining First—That the union of tbe labor force ! | equality, assembled, iisue tin», an open adtlreu, under that government, of all Toronto, Ont. Buffalo. N. Y San Prc.ndaca. Cal. of tbe United States this day consummated i classes, we the Pe*»pie’s, Democratic and and ask tbat every true and loval popu -hall be permanent and perpetual; may ns Silver Republican parlies of the state of list give it fair and careful consideration -p’rit enter into all hearts for tbe salvation Oregon waiving ail minor points of differ- if tbe Republic and the uplifting of man- ence, and uniting for the purpose of carry­ Whereas, Upon call of the state cen 4ind. ing out the great underlyi-« principles tral committee of tbe People’» party o Second—Wealth belongs to him who upon wl ich we are ail agreed, do make and Harlan's "Persons” Fall to Materialise. Oregon for the »tale convention to be hel> creates it. and every dollar taken from ln- firesent to the peop'e of this stale the fol Governor Leedy of Kansas is a true lu-try without an equivalent is robbery. owing declaration of principles, and to tbe in Portland, Or., March 23,1398, to nom “ Castoria is so well adapted tocblldren that ‘If any will not work, neither shall be eat.” carrying out of which we solemnly pledge American, aud his patriotio zeal ia “ Castoria la an excellent medicine for chil­ inate a full state and district ticket to bt The interests of rural and civic labor are the each and every candidate upon our united dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its I recommend it aa superior to any prescription shown iu a call issued for Kausans to i I Dealer tn i I ticket: e kuowu to me.” _ voted for June 6, 1898, the repreeentation same; their enemies are identical. good effect upon their children.” enlist under his banner for a war with Third—We believe that the time has H. A. ARCHER, M. D., We demand the free and unlimited coin­ D r . G. C. O sgood , met together; anti come when the railroad corporations will age of bilver and gold at tbe present ratio Spaiu. Tbe governor says: III So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T. Lowell, Mass. Whereas, Upon the assembling of the -ither own tbe people or tbe people must of 16 to 1. without waiting for the consent "I have received scores of volunteer own the railroads, and should tbe govern­ of foreign nations. “ Castoria is the best remedy for children of “ Our physicians in the children's depart ­ applications from farmers aud mer­ state convention, it was found that the ment enter upon the work of owning and We demand a national money, safe and which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not ment have spoken highly of their experi­ convention had been packed by office­ managing all railroads, we should favor an 9ound, issued by the general government chants aud mechanics all over the state, far distant when mothers will consider the ence in their outside practice with Castoria, holder», office seeker«—state, district and tiuendment to the Constitution oy which I only, without tbe intervention of banks of but so far I have not received a notice real interest of their children, and use Castoria and although we only have among our all persons in tbe government service shall > issue, to tie a full legal tender for all debts, from oue corporation that it is ready io county — and out oi the whole number ol instead of the various quack DCkitruir?. which medical supplies what is known as regular be placed under a civil service regulation of TO URI IK TBE WATER IS A TO1IC. public and private; also a just, eouitable he mo&t rigid character, so as to prevent and efficient means of distribution direct to give its services to the country. delegatee, towit,215, there were 134 office are destroying their ’ >ved ones, by forcing products, yet we arc free to confess that the k'so agent*to: IRON FENCES. "Justice Harlau stated recently tbat he increase of the power of the national opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other merits of Castoria has won us to look with Sulphuric and Alkaline it eradicate* holders, candidates and men »eekini ulministration by the use of such addition­ the people through the lawful disburse­ Satisfaction guaranteed Being corporations were persons, just like you ments ot the government. hurtful agents down their throats, thereby favor upon it.’’ nominatioi'S in state, district and county ; fungi and animalcules, and neutral* al government employes We demand that tne volume of circulat­ aud mo and tbe rest of the people in we, therefore, charge that it was unpnp •ending them to premature graves.” ising and correcting all acidi ­ U nitkd H ospital and D ispensary , P.O. Addrses: YREKA, Siskiyou Co.. Finance,—We demand a national cur­ ing medium be speedily increased to an ties it promotes a normal and D r . J. F. K incheloe , uiistic, and that it was contrary to th. these United States, and had tho same Boston, Mata. rency, -afe, sound and flexible, issued by amount sufficient to meet 4ie demands of Cel. healthful condition in every A llen C. S mith , Pits. Conway, Ark. creed of our party for office-holders anti 'he general government only, a full legal the business and population of thh country, rights us natural born citizens. If this part of the system. office-seekers to control the use of con­ tender for all debts, public and private and and to restore the Just level of prices of is so, why don’t they ooms forward, The Centaur Company, 77 Murray Street, New York City. BO YEARS* that without the use of banking corpor labor and production. ventions and campaigns, and like the natural born oitizens, aud offer EXPERIENCE SWIMMING RINK. Whereas, The workers in behalf of fn ations, a just, equitable and efficient means We favor such legislation as will prevent their services for the defense of their ot i'Mtribution direct to the people, at a tax 3^1 aion and in the interest of destroying tht for the future the demonetization of any neiosed and covered, the same medica i people ______ ’s ____ _______ _ party of the state of Oregon anc not to exceed 2 percent, per annum, to be kind of legal-tender money by private con­ country. It is my ambition to command provided as set forth in tbe suj>treasury tract. a company of this kind in the ovont ot water, always clean, for the springs run a . o f the nation during the past vear, have ^H|| " ] * W ■ m . H plan of tbe Farr rrs Alliance; or a better We demand that the government, in war with Sptiin, and I Bhall feel hurt if 1 I R t ■ Fw 1 heavy vo'nme--more than twelve hnn-, employed the methods of politicians oi system, also by payments in discharge of payment of its obligations, shall use its op­ these ‘persons’ fail to respoud and leave dred gallons per hour. i the two old parties, and in clubs and pri its obligations for public improvements tion as to tbe kind of lawful money in IV TIT'AB? vic vie Vh' Tiv V ¿fe | maries and conventions, with demr.qraU 1. We demand the free and unlimited which they are to be paid, and we denounce me unable to accomplish my ambition.'1 w ------- TRACK MARKS You may dive and swim and have more silver republicans and office- ae» kern coinage of silver and gold at the present the present and preceedingadministraiions Educate Your llowets With Cascarel*. D esigns fun than “anybody”—come out as “fine have resorted to arbitrary, coercive am: and ratio of 16 to 1. for surrendering ibis option to the holders Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. C opyrights A c . 2. We demand tbat the amount of cir­ of government obligations, as silk’’ and “white as wool”—rejuv n restrictive means to suppress a fair ex » / 10c. 26c. If C. C. C. fall, druealsts refund monei. Anyone tending a sketch and description may culating medium be speedily increased to ated and happy. We demand that postal savings banks be pression of opinion by loyal at:d trm not less than |50 per capita. qnleKiy ascertain our opinion tree whether ia established by the government for tbe safe ibrenllon is probably patentable Cumiuunk?A- WANTED — TRU«T WORTHY AND populist voters opposer! to lusion. 11 th*' Located on the 3. We demand a graduated income tax. deposit of the savings ot the people and to nons strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents ACTIVE gentlemen or ladies to omit free. Oldest agency for securing patents. tbe delegatee sent to tho silver populis' 4. We believe that the money of tbe ^Ktente taeen H»vugh Munn & Co. receive HEIMAN LAND, HALF A MILK convention did not represent the princi­ country sbouid be kept as much as pos­ facilitate exchange. , travel for responsible, established house in spee¬fcs, without charge. In the We demand the election of United States Oregon. Monthly (65.00 and expense*. ples, policy or interest of populism ; end sible in the bands ot tbe people and hence senators by direct vote of the people. NORTH OF THE PLAZA. Position steady. Reference. Enclose self­ Whereas, The office-holders, candi­ we demand that all State and national rev­ We demand tbe initiative ana referen­ addressed stamped envelop» The Domin­ UNDER TNK UOLO STANDARD dates and uien seeking nominal!'",! sent enues shall be limited to the necessary ex dum system of law making in its optional ion Company, Department Y Chicago. MKAND-. A hnnfleomely Illustrated weekly. Largest clr pensesof the government economically and form, local, state and national, and tbe eolation of any sdentlflc Journal. Terms. 83 s | to the convention were each and all in honestly administered. rear; four months, |L Boid by all newsdealers submission by congress ot all important i favor of fusion or uuion, out ot selfish Prop» iefor 5. We demand tbat postal savings banks Joy’s fcr the jaded and Woo# motivee, and for tbe purpose of seekin. be established by tbe government for the national questions for an advisory vote of tbe people, until such time as tbe national Health for all Mankind. nomination through fusion with the dem­ safe deposit oi the earnings of the people constitution shall bave been amended so as ocrats and silver republicons, an and St. Louis national conventions, and claimed by tbe government and held for » 220 M arket S t ., S an F rancisco , C al . A more equitable mode of appointing standard of the people against trusts and monopolies, more especially against its plank on direct legislation, is indefl actual settlers only, judges of «lection. that most iniquitous of all monopolies, the single gold standard. All who read STATE PLATFORM. nite, inadequate and incomplete, and is 8tringent laws to regulate the operation it agree that it is the beet paper of its class on earth. We demand that all state officers receive of fish traps, fish wheels and all fishing of no more practical effect than would Joy’s Vegetable nave been a plank in a political platform tbe salary named in tbe constitution, and gear In the waters within the jurisdiction Sarsaparilla no more, of the state. favoring Utopia. prevents tired feel­ We denounoMBd condemn the corrupt We charge that aaid platform neitMer and extravagant rwublican legislative as- ings, staggering sen­ demands nor favors economy and hon­ tract tbi fUM brliWR«, th« raatfeod oft senibliea end charge that tbe republican sations, palpitation esty in tbe administration of state affairs, so aatisfactoniy in operation in most ot roe party, in its eagerness for the spoils of office of heart, rush ol fnr proof of this charge we cite tbe stat«*. hM divided into warring factions, so that it ARE YO(J GOING EAST' ami VIA via We will Mud the above great Journal la connection with blood to the head, fact that a resolution, pledging the nomi­ We demand th* abolition of the oMce of is incapable of goverft<üint as exemplified dizziness, ringing in bv tbe condition existant in the office of the SALT LAKE If «0 ba sure and Bee that your ticket* nees of the fusion ticket, if elected, only attorney-general. SPOKANE ears, spots before the The state railroad commission, as packed state treasurer, there being at this time to accept constitutional salaries, was read via the eyes, headache; bil­ by tne legislature In th« interest of the rail­ more than 1500,000 therein wrung from tbe overwhelmingly voted down. DENVER MINNEAPOLIS road corporations, being a menace to what people by th« process of taxation, while ious ness,constipation We also charge tbat a resolution to remedial legislation may come through state warrantsÿe stamped “Not paid for of bowels, nains in OMAHA maintain the party autonomy was like­ said legislature, we demand the prompt want of funds. * ST. PAUL both on« year, postpaid, at ten entramely tow price of $ 0,00. the back,melancholy, wise voted down. Wc demand flbet all district and county passage of a maximum freight and passen­ AKD in advance, and will give to each subecriber to this combtaatloa offer who ggys ABD tongue coated, foul And, whereas, By the adoption of said ger law, officers be placed upon salaries commen­ leu cents additional for postage and packing, breath, pimplL les on We demand the abolition of all useless surate with tbe duties to be performed by platform it became apparent to all true KANSAS CITY CHICAGO ! face, body and limb, populists that the convention, a* there commissions, offices, sinecures and jobs of them. TWENTY PACKETS OF SEEDS declineofnerve force Inasmuch as railroad and other corporate constituted, was controlled by men who all descriptions, and the onriailipg ot legis lative clerk hire to tbe actual need* of the property is not bearing its proportion of OCEAN 8TEAMERS These seed* ar* the best in the mar­ were no longer populists, but were office­ legislative sessions, and a general cutting taxation, we demand that such property ammy ket. They consist of Farm, Vegetable Chicago, St Paul, hunters and spoilsmen, and was not, down of expenses and retrenchment in al shall bear its just and equal share of the feet and hands, soar and Flower Seed* of your own aelee- therefore, a populist convention, but io our public institutions; believing that all expenses of tbe government. risings, fatigue, in­ tion from a list of too varieties. Tb* Minneapolis & Omaha R’y truth and in fact a democratic-silver-re- tax money collected from tbe people by pro­ somnia, and all dis- W. packets ar* aa large ae seedmen’s mall pnblican convention, the delegate* there cess of law, being arbitrary and not volun­ eases of t he stomach, packet» assembled who were populist* bv convic­ tary, ft sbouid be expended with the most — THIS 18 THE — G khtlxmxx : Having taxsn one bottle of liver and kidney«. The s**de clone at retail prloee rigid economy. your Joy’s Vegetable SarszDarllla I can tion and principle were failing in their ? ioy.a Vegetable Sar­ are worth «I OO. Call and eee ue We demand an amendment to the state Leave Portland Every 5 Day* for truly say tbat it is the best medicine I have <1 uty to their party in longer remaining saparilla is Bold by all about thle (treat offer at onoe, constitution, providing for direct legist* •ver taken for constipation, headache and druggists. Refuse a eend remltLanoee to thia offlo in said convention. tlon, and the Imperative mandate in tbe general debiliated system. I fee) overjoy­ substitute. When you BETWEEN DULUTH The true populists in said convention obligatory form. lor the best see that ed by the use of one bottle. 1 accidently assembled after the adoption of the dem­ you get the best, « We demand that the state publish all F>t my ankle sprained a few years ago and OUEAN STEAMERS ocratic platform above named, severed school books, and sell tbe same to the c’ti find my leg getting stronger and am feel­ LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5 DAYS their connection with said so-called peo­ sen* at actual cost. ing better in every way. WM. J. PERKY. ple’s party convention, and .djourned DISTRICT PLATFORM. —roa— And all points East and South. The to another hall, and there organized a Superintendent Almshouse, We demand the reduction of official sal __ San Francisco -Magnificent track, Peerless Vesti- people’s party convention and proceeded arie* in tbe first ludiclal district a* follows: to adopt the following platform and prin­ buled Dining and Sleeping Two Circuit Judges, each per year, (1500 ciples, and nominates ticket. One District Attorney and depuiies, (1700. Car Trains and Motto: The Department needy. Steamers Monthly from Portland to Yo- “ ALWAYS ON TIME ” Postmaster General Gary is strongly koliorn. and Hong Kong in connection in favor of postal savings banks. He re­ Have giverr tlii* roa.iy, Janterbury. Eng. 48 Washington St. Portland, Or tbe railway corporations own the post- land, New Hampshire aud Maine, Elmer H. Capen, D.D.,Tu<< Co:lege, Somerville, M omli DODWEt.L, CARLILL A CO. Rev. Frank W GU dmu I u ». »>. D., Armour Irritate. where the starving workers have been authority from congress. It would only Chicago, T. W. T iasdaib , G. T. A., office department. It was shown in the 111.; Re*. G»orge F. Pentecost, D.D., Mary io­ Gan Agts. Nor. Pac. 8. S. Co take a few weeks' time for tbe depart- M A*« ilwaukee ,/ Presbyterian Church, Loudon, Eng.; Re*. R. fl. St Pan). Minn. / WINNIPEG,'MINNEAPOLIS, ST. PAUL debate upon the bill that tbe railway* shut out of the work* because they re­ ment to make the arrangements for tbe bone PORTLAND, OREGON. MacArthur. D.D., Calvary Bapnat Church. New York City, N. Y.; Rev. Martyn Summerboll, D.D., Maia now receive fully (20,000,000 per year fuse to live on 10 per cent less .uun Installation of the system. In fact Street Freo Baptist Chnrch, L< w »ten, Me . Re*. Frank TORON TO. MONTREAL and BOSTON more than they are entitled to for car­ starvation wages? It ought to make the many of the officials have given nineb .M. Bristol, D.D., First, Methodist. Episcopal Church. Evanston, Ill.; Re*. W. T. Moore LL.D.J*The Chri» rying the mails. This enormous over­ workers feel good to see these pictures study to thia question, realizing that it tian Commonwealth,” oLondor.. Eng; Rev. Edward Ezerett Hale. D.D., South Congregational Church, charge is, of course, a great loi-.l for tbe for which they gave their votes. It did will sooner or later be adopted by this Boston. Mas» ; Rev. Joseph Agar beet, D.D., Wesleyan College, Richmond, Eng.; Rs*. Caspar Rene Gregory, Write to T. S. Q uixcey , department to carry, and it explains the not cost much for the Republicans to oountry, and I dare say tbe rules aud Leipzig I nlverxity, Leipzig, Germany; Rev. Wm. Cleaver Wilkinson, D.D , University of Chicago, Chi­ Operate« it* trains on the famous block Drawer JuO, Chicago, Secre­ poor financial showing made by onr get tbe voce* of their dupe* A few administrative work could be completed cago, III.; Re*. Samuel Hart, D.D., Trinity College. If you are going to tary of the Sr ah A ccident postoffice department in comparison printed bills, a few hireling speakers, a Hartford. Conn.; Rev. J. Monro Gibson, D.D.,St. John’s system Wood Presbyterian Church. London, Eng.. Rev. George NA KUSP C ompany , for information with that of England, France or Ger­ few paid editor* and the thing was so aa to pnt tbo system into operation O. Lorimer. I,L I).. The Temple. Bo«ton. Mass. immediately. ” POPl LAk EDI HOY. -M2 page*. 67 full-page illustra­ Lights its trains by electricity through­ regarding Accident Insur­ SLOGAN CITY RAILWAY many. Bnt the post'Pice committee of done.—"Appeal to Reason.” tions. gilt edges, cloth, fri .tb; hslf levant, |3.0U; full ance. Mention this paper. NEW DENVER ievant. |fl.OO. out; the hou: e is composed mostly of special QI *KTO I.DITIOM. — 1,260 pages, 200 full-page illustra ­ Dy so doing you can save What'a th* Matter with Oreenba. k.t KA8LO tion* «Style A—gilt edges, full levant, one volume. Uses tbe celebrated electric berth read­ Legalised Ushers. membership fee. Has paid over $G00,000.00 for agents of tbe railway corporation*, and Mtyle B—two volnmw, full levai.t, tuf’ed, I'JDOD. Secretary of the Treasury Gage, in ■16.0», KOOTENAY NELSON in 16 PARTS, quarto size, reviev ench, «t1.00 each part. this glaring statement: In this country bly. But this was no excuse for the con For sale at all bookstores and by bookseller». For MINING Be your own Agent. RO88LAND information, writ© HENRY O SHEPARD. Rune splendidly equipped passenger duct of the house in passing the bill. there ia (1,600,000,000 and tbat they ber of commerce, cwelt especially upon further Publisher, 212 and 211 Monroe Street, Chicago, Illinois ♦ NO MEDICAL EXAMINATION REQUIRED But the bouse is in the same predica­ have loaned to the people (5,000,000,- the fact of the good credit of tbe United trains every day and night between St. DISTRICT States both at home and in Europe, as Oct a copy of “Carl* ment as its committee. It is under the 000, or, ia other word*, have loaned Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and is evidenced by the demand for our s boo and Kootenay Gold Field».’’ control of the railway corporations. and are collecting interest on (8,400,- Chicago; tbe There is something almost laughable in 000,000 which they do not possess.— bonds. This being the case, Mr. Gage might have gone a little further end ex­ If you are thinking« traveling call on Pleasanton (Kan.) Herald. this inoideut. Every one knows tbat tbe Pullman Chicago, Milwaukee & plained tbe great need and excellence of corporation* are receiving (20,000,000 the agent of the Canadian Pacific Railway. Sleeping Cars Joseph Brendell and Charles Gessel * treasury note or greenback circula­ per year more than they are honestly St. Paul entitled to, and the corporations them­ of San Luis Obispo, Cat, who were tion, with no interest and good for ev­ Elegant Lowest rate* to and fräs». all part* at Also operates steam-heated vestibuled indicted for moonshining by the Fed­ ery debt and demand. But Mr. Gage selves do not deny it, yet the robbery of th«.... Europe via all Atlantic steamablp lines. Dining Cars trains, carrying the latest private com­ the government la calmly decreed to eral grand Jury »nd gave bail to appear did nothing of the kind. From a bank­ continue. This is Chinese, as Trntbfnl in the circuit court, failed to appear er’s standpoint nothing bnt an interest Tourist b/rtiitr. partment care, library buffet smoking For full information regarding tb« tbovs James remarked.—Twentieth Century. for trial, and forfeited their bail. It is bearing government obligation is to ba Sleeping Cars thought they have left the country. thought of. The people have no inter­ care, and palace drawing room sleep­ call on or address - The brightest, cleverest, most original, t B W. GREER, W. H. MOW AT, 7 newsiest, wisest, wittiest paper 1 * 8T, PAUL_____ Grading on the Valley road is com­ ests whioh bankers are bound to re­ ers. Free Land* For the People. 146 Third St, < published on the Pacific coast. Agent spect.— National Intelligencer. pleted to the east limit of Bakersfield. Portland MINNEAPOLIS Representative Rixey of Virginia and Parlor cars, free reclining chair care and Ashland I It is always up to date; a topical and Z Oregon. Senator Pettigrew of South Dakota have Work is now being done on the line « + outspoken critic of the events, ♦ ► —•—• Oregon. tbe very beet dining car service. DULUTH____ Free «liver Not a Car* AU. . doings and interests or tbe busi- I I introduced the following bill (H. R. from Visalia to Tulare. The track is E. J. COYLB, District Passenger Agent uess and fashionable world. * ► The coinage of all the silver in the « ♦ For lowest rates to any point In tbe FARGO Vancouver, British Columbia. laid to the b-ink of the Kern river and 9332 and 8. 4195) into congress: » f A veritable caustlo X symposium of caustio 4 » world wonld accomplish no good while I Be tt enacted by the senate and house of rep­ the bridge will be competed by May 1. GRAND FORKS United States or Canada, apply to '’^nment; ; well bred satire; Inde- inde- : * TO i*i derce of original thought;« » resentatives of the United t.ntes of Air.erloa Work lias commenced on the depot at exhanstive taxation ia eating away tbe < .f ticket agent, or address OROoKSTON For Lightne«. Swiftaeaa and ; muiicsl. dramatic, literary, and ' life of tbe oountry day and nlgbt. It ia in congress assembled. That trie public lands Bakersfield. « * l art cri deism » of the United States, nqcept government reset taxation tbat is stopping tbe wheels of O. J. EDDY, Strength it to UnaurpMtedl WINNIPEG rations, be and they w.t hereby donated to tbe \ Its interest Is by no means local; it is J J. W. CASEY, industry, keeping men ont of employ­ < 7 General Agent. Every l»»jr Exeurnlone equally entertaining in all parts * states and territories in which they may be HELENA and < or the country. Trav. Pass. Agent. located on the sole u,a Altlon that all such pub- To all part* of the world can be arranged ment, forcing down the prices of farm Portland. Or. br Every newsdealer will supply it !f ; J lie lsnds shall bo bs. ’ d In perpetual ownership BUTTE for any dav in the rear, for one or more products, forcing vp the prices of man­ requested. < » by such states and territories, to be used by ufacture building up a moneyed aris ­ persons, upon application tn any princi­ Subscription rates- One year. H; six J the people reeldinf 11 »rein, free of rent, under months 12 SO; three months, 11.90; ♦ * euch regulations r» may be prescribed by the pal ticket agent of the Chicago, Milwau­ tocracy and tearing down tbe pillars of WANTED AT ONCE! lucents per copy. Address . > kee A .St. Paul rail way. Itineraries are tbo republic. — Senator Mills. legislatures of sn 1 state* and territories, seek (Crasi it., oleato. I car*ioll.v_prepar»d_for excursions to _____ Cal- for Itself. ________ ,____ ________________ S. F. NEWS LETTER, : ’ TO ■ iviiiiw , Florida, r iuiojm , Mexico, 'ir.’.-u, uuiue, the above ill has been referred by »ornia, Chin* .apart, Japan, CTIVB AGENT8 FOR KACH CHICAGO and to anv part of Fnmpe. Katimatse Rxcluriv« control and no the chnirwai o? the senate committee L W ashington n*k. Will citar 12 to 25 bnndrrd doller, a furniahed idciuuidr including f*xpenm. expense*. Ticket* nn nnhliff Lnrt. fn furuiane« IlCXetfl San Francisco. xr w i0
  • r :nn, one lands, srertM. pnnple and places. | doe* not need to depend on the servicer •ook-««. «.a u.i a i ’•'5T;luiCz The World’* Wonder* a* seen and des­ tt., ...», ¿ of guide* for aiglil seeing, but can go It Waned cribed by tbe greatest living preacher and alone or in small family partis*, with orator. Over 500 niavatve quarto page* Jackeor county property. Will trad* W • LADIES' FAVORITI. Agent* reaping a »olden harvest o one hundred and sixty acre« of good great comfort and security, and at one’s- AI.WAT1 ItTLlABLR snd p»rteetîy BAFK. The same ova oon ord ere: on* reports SO tele* In 8 hour* seven miles from Klamath General Liberal term*. No experience needed farming _ „ . land . Fall* for Jac Jackson county property. Ad- Nt. Foul Writ* for agency, quick I Falls J. B. RUSSELL ASHLAND Granite, Marble, Freestone Monuments and Copings, BATHING -¿ sí » Castoria. Castoria. 16 TO 1 ScKMfflc Kmerfcait GRANT HELMAN 16 Patches to 1 Pair of Pants 0. R. & N EAST The Farm, Field and Fireside, R O U T E S Oregon Great Northern Ry Short Line A GREAT COMBINATION OFFER The Valley Record OREGON, GEO, ELDER, CITY OF TOPEKA ftLftSKft GREAT - SHORT POINTS r.TNE ST. PAUL & CHICAGO FRANCISCO. THB GREATEST BOOK OF THB AGRI Sbouid be (n E’?ry Dome and Library, SOO PACIFIC LINE. He Peonie s B lie Blstoni I The only line runninig through trains from the coast to <^7 THE ACCIDENTS OF LIFE ORTHERN PACIFIC This Railway Co. WITHOUTCHANGE CARIBOO GOLD FIELDS Your Friend N b Kenwood Blende PATENTS THROUGH TICKETZ Hamilton Kenwood Cycle Co. A S YPH i us. PEOPLE’S, S»«l Markat St., Phil draoe, P. O. tiraloro Uva» ON z H.B.WILLSON&CC. FATfQLKs