Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1898)
VAILE 1 RECORD. FARTIOTIBM RUNS HIGH. ' J CHOWKLL DOWNED • BopwHat Prliuar lee.. Meat Inspector Hughos of L >s An- YOU WANT A FINE SUIT In West Ashland tbe electors assembled gules continues to dud còlte and horses In J. U. Beswick'» office some time after dressed for meats on sale at tbe local the Nation's Arms two o ' c I ock . J. 0. Beswick chairman, ( markets.' That th. war i. on, and how cl— w. I Archie lenninglon secretary. At sugges ASHLAND, Or...Thursday, April 2b. 1HUB At lite Riverside elections the Pro liie Paviffc cumet—though thcusands j The democratic primaries Saturday tion of <jhairman as to method of procedure in voting M. N. Long moved that the vot hibition sis carried tbe day against of miles away—are to it. was brought were warmly contested and in many pro- ing be by ballot, each voter voting for four OME and sec these new styles serinuolv to tbe attention of th» families | clod» • large vote was polled. The ccn- and tbe four highest to be declared elected. lite high liceuae advocates by a decis PERSONAL AND SOCIAL. ef this town when “D”Co’e. boye donned test was practicsllv between two factions, The motion was seconded by 8. Patterson ive majority. in threw buttons cutawaysand John J offVyv isove- from latke *" oumv . their wte?orms to begin work that at- ; the forces lined np bv County Judge and unanimously agreed to Nominations Reports from Southern Humboldt I Prince Alberts, made and war* laches nothing but honor to them and | Crowell end the opposition engineered were declared in order and the following are to the effect that March frosts have 8am W. Ciarey the Henley capit<list was our country by Ex Judge J. R. Neil. The Crowell were duly place! in nomination before the not materially injured fruit blossoms, here Tuesday. ranted by Hart, Schaffner A jdarx. President McKinley bad no sooner ! propusd ion was defeated iu the county, meeting: J. C. Berwick, Archie Penning J. E. Enyart returned from San Fran called for volunteer« than Gov. Lord Un- • Die majority being reported at from 10 or ton, Geo. Irwin, O. B. Crlsler; also 8. Ba<- therefore an abuudant crop is antici For superb tailoring and Brash, fine teraon M. N. Leng, J. E. Potter, and F. pated. cisco Monday. dered the services of the patriots of Oregon | ward. Any Oroweilite who stick» hia B. Robbins. James Morton of Klamath county was McKtnlev called n$» oue regiment—826 bead up in the democratic convention Miguel Linares, aged 64, who sued fabric and linings, graceful, easy fit Chairman Beswick appointed Geo Irwin in town Tuesday. Mercede Dresaard, aged 7ft, in Loa An- men—from the Webfoot state. Ashland’s for an office will have it voted down, to teller. Tbe elector» were direct««! l«> pre and handsome appearance, pare their ballots Teller Irwin collected the leadera declare. Crowell ’ s narrow ••• eoo Mr. and Mrs Geo. M. Love were up from pre-eminent reputation as possessing one isles, for $20,000 damages for breach Jacksonville Monday. uf the (>est militia companies ever main minded persecution and jealon.y of bet the same, all having yoted the ballot wh - f promise, has been given damages <ieclar»*d closed by Chairman Berwick WE HAVE NEVER J. T. Miller, the Singer machine agent, tained in Oregon and the etat*« reputation ter democrat, than lie, hi. rank inaun Teller irwm then read off'be ballots hand for gl, plaintiff and defendant to pay did Ashland Saturday. gained as the mnd«-l company at last •ielency and demagogueiam on public ing ihem to Cbniriuan Be-wica. Becreur. their own costa. SEEN THEIR EQUAL ye»r'a state encampment at Hood Biver issues has succeeded in destroying hie Areiue Bennington keep-ng the offi ia Walter Frulan has accepted a position as The fast river steamer H. J. Corcor I came into fine play, and with this last power just oq the eve of his absolute tally sheet. There was one ballot not eas freight braaoruan *outh oi Ashland Remember. our FumbNn j Goods DsptH- an was launched at the shipyards in ily deciphered by Teller Irwin; it wa« inter shinins mark in their wreath of laurels mastery. J B. Lister will preach at Chautauqua the brave bovs of the Granite City re North Medford—Jas Jones. C E Wilkin- pretext by Chairman Be»wick in their favor Stockton last week. The steamer is mart shows ths correct neckwear, rtrtrta. glove* tabernacle Bunday, 11 a. m. and 3 p. m When counting finished Chairman Berwick »OD, Delbert Terrill. T W Johnson. alized that they would not be overlooked designed to make the trip between ctu to b* worn with such dothsa 8outh Me«iford—J N H<>ckersmith, F M annonuced the figures: Patterson. 9. Lon? Mrs J. Kinsner a4M two children left for in the call to arms. Tuesday afternoon Ban Francisco and Stockton in four 9, Lris.’er 9, lie■<wick 9. (four highest) Rob Pivmale. J Barneburg. J R Wilson. Sacramento Tuesday to visit her lathei. Lieutenant J. Edward Thornton received bin* 7, t otter 5. Pennington 8. and one-half hours. Talent—Levi Murris.SG Neiherland. Miss Ella Krause watt up from Jackaon- (be necessary miiitarv order» which as Up to this -tage iu the proceedings things Pleasant Creek— J D elevens. Frank HART, BOHAFPNCR * MARX. Charles Froid, a lineman, employed eille this week the guest of Miss Eva Tay sembled Co. “D” which had over a week Burkhart moved off smoothly. I he assemblage wn« lor. preparing to disperse concluding the wori by a telephone cofhpany of San Fran ago tendered its services In defense of Rock Point—R M Cook. of the meeting was closed Chairman B cm cisco, was burned to death last week Phoenix—E D Foudray, W M Smith. E. F. Kennedy of Portland, a friend of this country’s cause, to assemble at the Gold Hili—J B Dungan. Jas McDougal), wick astonished those present by declaring while at work on top of a telegraph Miss Lutie Holberg, visited Ashland this armory io this citv at 8o’clock a. m. yes that tbe polls would remain open until 4 J Ft Beeman, J H Thompson. week. terday and await Capt, M. H. Ellis, of pole. He was at work ou the wires Applegate—J L Wooldridge, Q W Wiue- o’clock, J. Fout and family arrived from Ma ys- Albany, regimental surgeon, for a physi trout. (John Pennington who was never known when one he had hold of broke, and ville. Cal., Tuesday to make this place tneir cal examination. Dr. Ellis arrived on to belong to a regular people’s party club soming in contact with a live wire Uniontown—8 E Dunnington. home. morning train and made the examination until this campaign but who has been ex- shocked Froid, killing him instantly. Woodville—John Woods. traordiuaiUy active this spring to force the I Steamboat—J D Shearer Miss Maud Gray of Tacoma, Wash . ar at the armorv. Only three vf tbe bovs The second section of the military populists into a fusion immediately started Table Rock — Horace Pelton, Howard failed to pass the rigid examination. The rived Monday to visit her aunt, Mrs. A I train bound south, ran over Jerry out on a renewed bustling expedition ] Smith. following are those examined, belonging Rodgers. Mr. Robbins, Mr. Long and other sug-1 Sterlingville — J Wiltrout. to Co. “i>” who were ordered to go to Lucy at Port Costa, and badly mangled Henry Ammerman came in tro n bi« gested that the polls were closed, but J Watkins—-O B Dews Klamath Falls ranch Tuesday to rem.\m a «ervice and did so tide morning: Chairman Berwick refused to take that , both legs. Hs died an hour later. North Ashland — Rob! Leonard 15, L A J. Edward Tbornton, 1st Lieutenant. month. Lucy was at the depot waiting to sue Neil 14, elected. W H Brunk and Walter view of the matter and as he had the sec W C Grubb, 1st Sergeant. O'Donoghue 9 each. W H Rrunx cbair- /etary and teller, constituting theoffioersof the soldiers go through, and it is Miss Birdie Schmidt and B. E. Hanev W. B. Pracht, Sergeant. the meeting, under bis control, several left msn and Kiev 8 Eubank secretary. the mining man, were up from Jacksonville thought lie attempted to get on the Win. Heven r, Sergeant AT THE NATION'S CAPITOL. South Ashland—Dan < bapman and G W tbe meeting in disgust. In the meantime train while in motion. He has been Tuesday. W. Y. Crowson, Quartermaster Sergeant. Smith elected by acclamation, 12 votes in two or three new voters »trolled into the Otto Miller, Corporal. meeting. The} were allowed to vote and foreman of the Southern Pacific coal ■-tel Notes Concerning th. Doing, of the N. Olsen and 8 Garver of Beaver, Cal primary. Dan Chapman chairman, Bart B. A. Spencer, Corporal. a» soon aa they had finished tbe officers of bunkers there for years. were registered at the Ashland House Chapman secretary. Xlrtj-rrth action oi Congress. ’KoyStepbeos iBIaine Kluru the meeting collected their votes, read Monday. West Ashland—R P Neil. J R Tozer, I O them off tallied and recorded them. The«e Judge Hale, of Grant’s Pass, Or., Wm Wann Clyde Hockett CoiiHioMEnnu Castle recently had a Ex-Senator Theodore Cameron was in R<>y Freeland Miller R P Neil was chairman and E A ¡Morris Howell newly added figures jeopardized Keswick’s this end of the ya«ley this week smiling on Geo Churchman Sherwin secretary. Nine vojes were cast slate some mor«, and he kept on overruling pronounced sentence of death upon bearing before the house judicarv i Philip Bish for the sucsessful ones, and four in Opposi verbal protests to consider polls closed. aged Charles Fiester for wife murder, committee on ilia bill creating it new the peep e. F G Robley 1 Dewey backett tion. ¡Fred Herrin Asked in » sarcastic manner if he intended fixing Friday, June 10, as tlie day fot Mrs. James Hummer and son David Geo Rose [The contest in Ashland was anti-Crowell to keep on tallying and reading votes as execution. Kiester’s crime wits drown Judicial district in California, to be 1 Mil ton Gregory Hummer, arrived from Cottage Grove to Brad Carter known as the Central district. Tbe and a democrat of the highest standing Walter Denney Fred Ablstrom they came in tbe chairman said he guessed remain here. could not be elected unless he was squarely he wouldnt do that any more. There was ing his wife tn a pool of water in May, plan is to have eight central countiea Remember Fred McGrew (Fred Ulen 1895, holding iter under until dead. opposed to Crowell.] Miss Lillian Patty who has been visiting B C Smith in the district and the seat of the Frank Grubb so much disgust only a few remained to Ashland fnends returns home to Rjsebcrg Ferd Strange North Jacksonville—F E Bybee, Chas parley with the chairman. Finally Rob I.Morns Adams Tlie supreme court decided that Goo. :purt at Fresno. The committee au last evening Prim They received 22 votes each to 20 bins and A. W . Long moved an adjourn ¡Gay Hockett Bert Foore Ebanks must bang for tlie murders he thorized n favorable report aud the cast for A E Reum es and J R Neil. Francis Smith Roy Robley ment The chairman sized up the few in H. 8. Emery has put in a new 35 horse Senator Perkins South Jacksonville—J 8 Orth, FJ Pape, crowd as being in his interest and put the committed nt tlie .Mussel beds iu San bill will be pressed. H M Wagner power Eclipse water wheel for tbe Neil Jay Taylor K K Kubii There were 65 votes polled question. Tbe three fusion delegates and one Diego cunity over two years ago. He announced Ihut he would urge the bill Dan Conner creek sawmill. in this precinct other citizen vot^d no-4 nays. There were was sentenced to be hanged by Judge In the senate. Hal. Emery is expected to arrive from David Allen, Wannamaker & Brown’s Central Point—J W Jacobs. Asbnry four ayes. The ohair replied ‘ a tie; I de ■ ■ agent, was down the valley the first of the Santa Rosa, Cal., this evening ami Henry Beeil, W N Wright, E Pleasant». After one of the hardest fought bat cide to hold polls open.” The chairman, Torrance of San Diego county, but n Wagner of Cottage Grove and Abe Rad week on business. secretary and teller remained in Beswick's stay of execution was granted, and tles between the two houses known in Congressman Tongue will remain at office until John Pennington succeeded in cliff of Corvallis, absent members of “D” the case was taken to tlie supreme Miss Ida Wertz who has been, living at his post in Washington and has dele hinishing his work of • bustling up” more court on an appeal from the order de many years, Congress, at an early hour Los Angeles for her health, returned to Co., will join them at Portland. Monday moruing came to an agree gated F. X Schoonmaker, an ex con voters At four o ’ clock two road populists Ttiecompanv whs highly complimented Grants Pass Monday, nying a motion for a new trial. ment upon the most momentous ques bv Capt. Ellis and wes ordered to leave gressman imm New Jersey to make some offered their votes but were informed that I. W. Berry, democratic state central tbe polls had closed. The figures as given Constable J. B. Smith of Arbuckle, speeches in Oregon. tion it has dealt with in a third of a Arrived at the Robbins Jt Stock Undei taking Parlor on Granite committeeman for Jacknou county, was up on tomorrow (Friday) evening’s train cut by Beswick as being tbe final result of Colusa county, shot and killed R. II. oaqtury. to rendezvous at Portland and there be 8treet, the largest and finest line of................................... ....... . J. P. Dodge chairman of the republican bis primary are said to be as follows: Pen from Jacksonville yesterday, Smith had a mustered into tbe U. S. regular army of county central committee, hat appointed nington 17, Beswick, 17, Crialer 16. Irwm Campbell.’near Ukiah. The Cuban resolution was passed Cbas. B. High and Wm. High and volunteer service. warrant for the arrest of Campbel! or. and was sent to the president for hia C. J. Howard of Medford, Carl Pnelps of 17; (credentials issued): Patterson 13. Long daqxhter. Gertie, ara over from Picard, The patriotic ladies of Ashland meet this Gold Hill and J. H. Huffer of Jackaoo- 11. Robbins 8, Potter 7. a charge of seducing Smith’s daughter. signature. I s provisions mean the ZrpX Cal., on a business trip this week. After meeting was over Secretary Pen The constable declares that lie tried to expulsion of Spain from the Itlnttd ol afternoon to arrange plans for giving the ville a oampaign or executive committco, R»v. 8. E. Memenger has tendered bis boys in blue an appropriate farewell. nington looked up one (or mor€)fof tbe Ever exhibited in Ashland. We are prepared to furuieb all C. F. Hiistv will be secretary of the com services to Gov Lora as chaplain in the voters present and asked them io allow make the arrest and when Campbell Cuba bv the armed forces of the kind, and sizes of caskets o! the latest style arid finish on mittee. The couuty central committee their name to be used as saying the result resisted he fired and killed him. Medford’s Volunteers. army tn the war against Spain. United States. short notice. M. F. Stewart and others have organfïÂT »I Medford Saturday. as finally certified to was satisfactory. The resolution, as finally adopted, Sermoa subjects at the Presbyterian Night as well as dev calls promptly attended to. Governor Budd has appointed Will Major G. W. Ingalls of Portland who Evidently there was a question In their own volunteer company at Medford as fob church*e*t tabbath: “Tbe Eternal Pur a lows: was that reported from the senate Wire orders receive special attention. is operating tbe cyanide plant in Ash minds as to the honesty of their own work. B. Green of Colusa, as state treasurer, pose»,” and “The True Foundation.” Fine horses and carriages. W H Hembree, captain; H C Mackey, land, is tbe prohibition nominee for con* North Ashland—A Rush, J Shiyeley. H vice Levi Raokliffe, deceased. The ap committee on foreign relations, with Micklesen’s hand made shoes, 13.00, 1st lieutenant; G L Faucetl, 2d lieutenant; gress in the second district. Though H Chapman; mixed politics. J. Shively, pointment was first tendered to ex the addition of ths fourth s.ctlon, - A. . ST’HSOIA.IuTV chairman, Nils Ablstrom secretary. L. C. SLemore and E. R. Cardwell of Linn Pundin. orderly sergeant. Senator Frederick Cox, of Sacramento, known as tlie Teller amendment, dis- Ells/tB-A-LIsd-12STG- Privates: Claud Smith. Robert Reame, there is no prospect of election be would Sama valley were in town Monday en route South Ashland—J L Batchelor received but he refused to accept, owing to lack claiming any intention on the part of Call and we shall be pleased to show you our goods, Emmet Barkdull, J 8 Childers, C 8 Rey be as able a congressman as Oregon ceald full to eastern Oregon on cattle business. vote polled 8 H Holt. T J Howell, J ‘’Live and let live” is our motto, having bad 10 years experi nolds. Sam Tryer, J B Kennedy, J E How send there. Major Ingalls is a gentle* E Smith tied, 11 each. Each will be enti of time to properly attend to the du the Un leit States to acquire Men and medicines are judged by what ard, H O Crouch. O L McPherson, J R man of much information, large exper* tled ence in this line of work. to two-thiida of a vote; (everything ties. Green, it is understood, will take they do. The great cures by Hood’s Sar Hardin. G A Gregory, C A Hamlin, Pat ience. splendid*intelligence and firm un* harmonious. The 28th convention of the Medical office at once, and for a while, at least, saparilla give it a good name everywhere Morrow, J Tressler. D Momague. Joe compromising convictions on questions association of California was held at The Undertaker and Embalmer. Table Rock—SM Nealon, Wash Vincent, there will be no change among the Ed Acree, Harvey Sayre, Israel of right and justice as be sees them. F. P. King, foreman of the Blue Gravel Slinger Fresno last week. U C Gall, straight populists. Sheriff' Barnes Harris, GeoV btickel, M J Caton. R E Mur employes in the office. miim near Yreka, came over Munday to Frank Williams, tbe fusion state delivered two fusion speeches, at Antioch Another murderer has succeedeclin look at Heard & Kings Sardine creek ray, Justin Wigle. J T Miller, John 8 Orth, chairman who nas been at Portl-md fora and Moonvuie, just before the primary George W. Clark, of Napa, under obtaining an extension of life through M M Taylor, Eli Hogan, J E Giieve. Ed L placers. Olive*-, David H Gibson. John P Elliott, month or so is expected to arrive at Med Only a few listened to him. There were no sentence of death for the murder of Divine service in Trinity Church on Lee Patrick, Fred Kent Carl Crystal, A fusiomstsat the primary an appeal to the state supreme court. Bunday mormug, May 1st. Sunday school Fries, J W t’orum, E W Brous. Hr. Dan ford todav or tomorrow to take charge ol Gold Hill—J W Marksbury. G R Ham- his brother, William Anderson Clark, Ysabel Molina, whose execu ion was at 3 o'clock. Cnrisiian Endeavor at 4 ielson enlisted for a position as physician the fusion delegates in county convention niersley, J W Hays, F M Parker, W E has been brought one step nearer the ■et for Friday, April 9, has followed that convenes Friday afternoon Should Darling. All fusionist». o’clock, gallows by the non-action of his at and surgeon. the lusion state ticket win Mr- Williams Rock Point—U Z Smith, J C Coflee, torneys, they having allowed the time the procedure so frequently j esorted H. B. Evans, the painter, went to Henley Including Apple, Pear, Cherry. Prune, Plum and small fruits. New Omgha Exposition Meeting. will be entitled, according to usage, by fuHionist*«. to by condemned men, and Warden Monday to tit uo some buildings for the fruit» a specialty. We have th« most complet« list of large red Witter Woodville—G F Schmidtiine, J H Meis granted tc ni in which to file their bill Ha!» of San Quentin received nolifi* State Commissioner O. J . Olsen of Port reason of his position as stat* chairman, Gillsondc Co. quartz mine which is turning Apple« <» anyone on the coast; also several new and promising varieties ner. fusi« mists. of exceptions to lapse. The, only re land will address 'he people of Ashland st to one of the best appointed positions in out so rich. of other fruits. We grow all the leading varieties of old as well as the Pleasant Cr*ek—John Owsns, W H In- course naw in law is for theni to take cation of Appeal, which sots as a Slav City Hall tomorrow (Friday) evening at 8 the state—probably superintendent of ths new New verities tbe same price as old. of execution. Molina murdered » Mrs. M. Evans, postmistress at Ruby. o’clock on the subject of advancing the asylum, reform school or penitentiary. gledo w, Chas O wens, al I* mfddle-of-1 lie-road an appeal on the Judgment, but there ers 8i»kiyou county, took Tuesday’s train lor mining and fruit interests of this section at Ramos in Bakersfield on December 3, H rite for Descriptive P’riee lAst Before PurchMi ng» Some of bis faithful strikers in Jackson North Medford—E P Hammond, E E is small likel’hood of this being done, 199Z Iowa to visit her folks whom she has not the Or jaba exposition. seen in 26 years. Jackson county’s exhibit is about com county are henebing for him with an eye Phipps, E W Star, Geo Lindiey, j A Smith <nd June 8, set for the execu out for the main chance. Votes polled 24. all but three fna!«mists tion, will probably see the fulfilling ot L. Henderson formerly of Woodville i» plete and will be ir. Oinaba by May 15th. Roaders kept away from (his precinct. As matters of importance to this particular The sentiment expressed by John A. the se»'«nee qf death. now a resident of Hyland Springs, Cai. Compelled co Racoguize KoAilere. in Mrs H. ha- just started ¡or a trip to hti locality will be discussed, everybody H-rden. Jd*ft», W PlMgA <• Al Salem, Oregon. Tire west-bound overland oil the McCall, president of the New York vited, Senators. H. Holt returned Satur ien The roaders had out 8 ♦ ote» and ir,' pld home at Springfield, Mo. Bltata Fe railroad was stopped by two Life Insurance company, in an interview day from Sale-n and Albany where he Joe Hammer*l«*y the silver tongued ora ha<f been in consultation with Dr. J. L fusionixts ?3 John B. Gr ffin of Woodville and E. Cal with President McKinley, puts iu terse bandita at a place known as the Point Eagi# Point — < 0 Howlett, 4 8 Carlton, houn of Phoenix were in town yesterday tor is in Salem attending the supreme of Roeltf, which 1s about a mile and a words the mind of the whole American eu route to Pilot rock and tbe Kiamaih court examination to be admitted to the Hill and J. K. Sears, populist nominee» G W Stephens, fusionist», Ai plega.e—J B Well». John FcrnoB, R quarter west of Oro Grande, Cai. As for congress and state treasurer, who in river on ff prospecting expedition. bar. people: “I informed the president that stituted legal proceedings to coar--l sec E O’Brien. All roarleiV* Mo fadonists at g resfift En-Ineer Daniel Gifford was Ken.t corp. .tMte'Kincaid to file the u. ‘gbt tended primary, there l)einI If you want a good meal g° tP ths Blue The women'» Women’s Relief Corps m«~ makes the I r^r, everybody iu New York favored peace, fusion following report for the lk.qn.rter, -«r’ °> »«t- "»■'V''’ •«« pops in that precinct. Front Restaurant. shot and ¡ristantiy killed, while one of but if the worst was to happen the mm I . IR98: . . . i r Popultaf Finlrr.h Ì Hash rtishor-enient-. $5 6$; valit* of . ’ c.lqtb-I 'takef aa »» th« Paonlu's People « natftj party North Jacksonville—Chaa Carney, J A the robbers, Tol Jones, Is seriously Robt. and Erneat Goddard and Chan. tn"g donated, i ..i j i . . 18 <■. ji>i r.v . value ..r of r..«i fuel? prone-1 i tipkrut ticket, ann and nartifv certify tn to Inn the BAnifi same tn to tiiA tbe Marsh. of New York would iu 4b botta* pledge Joseph Thomas. Higgenbuthaiu oi Mediurd nave started ions, etc.. 142.25. Total relief, »00 40 injured. There was one oilier bandit, ¡county clerks in the state. Holt was South Jacksonville— D J 8 Pearce, Wm but. when tlie shooting commenced ¡he $600,000,000 to sustain ths govern from Medford to locale in San Jose Cai. Mrs. Roper, wuu who uno has urcu been npcuuiu «pending chairman oli . the Comstock. W B Jackson, 0 F Bauman. They are making the trip on bicycler. mrn. F. r. uuper, H ... .. . convention . » andI » is state i ment." the winter in California, »rrived last even-1 chairman nf that party and understand- Talent —S H Punlap, N D Brophy. W took to the hills and lias not since War with Spain cannot be averted, neith ine to visit in Ashland a few week», alter in« the legal requirments saw that the been seen, but it is thought that he Beeson. Tbe road delegates received 23 To Cure Constipation Tore ver. er ran you avoid wearing clothes A fale will be captured. A. C. Mott, the Take Cuacareis Candy Cuthurt ic. 10c qr Me plan« to bu> is at the V\ anamakei which she will return again to Bekerstield. | conditions that perpetuated the life of votes and the fusionists only 4 votes. , where Mr. E„ Roper r _. he» been electe«! the People ’ s partv through W. ({.Spaugh Cal Phoenix — Ira Wakefield, W J tt a C. C. fail to cure, druggists n tutbl uioaer Agency. Dav*d Alleq, DePeatt Block. Wells-Fargo Exprsss messenger, con president of the bank and _u..aR which — will .ii be 1 j ftn 189Q presidential elector refusing to Elmer Coleman, ro&l»rj. fronted the robbers and succeeded in Mr and Mra J. C. Beach and two grown their home Chimney R«- ck — W H Braishuw, G 8 accept anv other nomination other than daughter- and 3. H Beat u and K<;y Beach, shooting one and driving the other off LABRATORY and ASSAY OFFICE Ed S|M»nc«*r left Tuesday for tbe railroad th«* People’s p*»rtv ou the Bryan union Hosmer. Toe f 'inert fu»:odist. latter a arrived from BrSUt River Falls. W is , Mon reader. In doing to, however, a (tray shot OPPOSITE HOTEL OREGON. hosniial ai Sacramento He has recover««! electoral ticket were met with in full .......OF.......... day to make their future homeiu Ashland Central Point — RC Hensley, M 8 Welch. frotfl his gqn »truck Engineer Gifford from ihe bruises received by fAiling off the This preserved the parly integrity J 8 McChin, Jas I Fredenbnrg. Two fusion- and instantly killed him. Mra. Jorgen»pn. nee May Henderson nr vine Landcar in Section Foreman Win. and c>w jtcoorsi legal standing from wreck iats. two roaders. For Willow Springs dis formerly oi Woodville, bui now of Sau rmitage's crew, bu is not recovering from State Treasurer Levi RaHrliffe died • Francisco was ou Munday’s ira n for Rose th«* p ralvsii«, his left side having lost uae Secretary of State Kincaid, who is now trict, W 11 Patrick, fusionists A 8 Jacobs, on the fueion ticket tor re*election ac- the present efficient incumbent, wasrenotn- little before noon on Thursday Igst at burg to visit her sister, Mrs Sum Hender- of motion ai d his right »i«1e the sen»« of tempted to disfranchise tt>e str'aight pop- ? for justice of the peace and C A Park- sensation. ffpn. bat wae was frustrated in hia his < • ff >rt» >rts by , er for constable A bout 40 votes were cast. his residence in Bacramento. As soon uliats, but ASHLAND, OREGON. Walter Bevingion. the weil-kiJQ<n R P Don’t qnney by your coughing, Meadows—Geo Walker, Albert Walker, as hia de»th wag announoed Governor brakeman, and Mb* Tarny La*, a 3 JU ng and risk vonr' life by neg ecting a cold. Senator Holt. Kincaid’a chief clerk ask* Best equipped «May office rorth of San Budd ordered the vault door to be j ed Attorney (general Jdleman, at t ’ .ipe | roaders. lady of Dunsmuir, were married «lew days One Minute Cough Cu e cures coughs, Francisco. closed and sealed, and instructed Dep ago. Wait’», inends over this way wiffb colds, croup, grippe and all throat an.l iqng : yolt filed these nomination», v^hat to dq -------------- C----------- r— 8peci«l tests for Cyanide process. troublj«. For sale by T. K Bolton fnd With them. Idleman told bitn that there uty Treasure Judson to romaln in Prices on applica'ion. them well. Cruisers New York and Cincinnati and Telephone Drug .store. , ws* nothing to do hqt to cotpnly with The Chrutla’i church will organize ».Sun Monitor Puritan bombarded forts at charge until other arrangements were the law and file them, that tho coqrts day school at the Chautauqua Tabe naele Children and adults tortured bv burns, made. Mr. Rackliffe had been ill al Bunday, May 1st, ai 10 o'clock a m All scalds, injuries, eczema or skin disease» I | only pould pass upon the question as to month of Matanaaa harbor for bait an most from the time lie took office. Hia Chemist in Charge* ini*resied iu 'he work are cordially iAVited mav secure instant relief by using De Witt » . right to partv name. It was believe«! for hour, to prrveut completion of Spanish to be preeent. Witch Hazel Salve It i» the great Pile a time tnat Kincaid had filed them but earthworks. Spanish battery opened on ailment, which had made him very D. K. Billings was at tbe depot yesterday remedy. For sale by T. K. Bolton and when Senator Holt wrote to his chief New York, which returned with telling week, was dropsy, and this, coupled having a conver»ati«»n with bis d* (ghier. Telephone Drug Store. clerk he discovered the difference. The effect, 100 Spanish killed, earthworks with the fact that lie had recently entirely destroyed. American Fleet un taken a sever cold which resulted in Miss Florence Billings, wbo was returning P. G. Strickland informer years a resi attorney-general was vexed when he to Ban Francisco irom Australia via Ta- dent of Yreka, died suddenly of heart fail learned that Kincaid had bungled up scathed. Tbe first expedition to Cuba pneumonia, was the cause of his death. ----- OFFICX or----- Cjma. ure at Ln Grande, Union county, Monday, tbe case by not meeting th«* requirements will be landed by Gen. Shatter at Ma- In the last general election nt which Mrs. W. H. Bush of this city, accompan aged 65 years. The report of his death in of the law. When Kincaid saw a storm tanzae, to bring supplies to suffering te- Mr. Rackliffe was chosen treasurer, G. W. TREFREN, ied by her grandchbd. mile Miss Real, left the Oregonian dispatch sav« be leaves an t of indignation raising over bis head for concentradoi g. ».< » Lieut. Ro wen, U. S. A, has landed at hie popularity was demonstrated by Attorney at Law and Notary Public. ieeterd^y for Myrtle Creek to visit her par- only daughter, Miss Belle Strickland, aged j hia selfishness be agreed to ajlow theni ¡7 and a sister, -Miss Hattie Strickland. Santiago to meet Gen. Garcia and ar the fact that he got a larger plurality nts and brothers iu Douglas county for Facing Main Street Bridge, { tbe use of tbe name People ’ s party, but at. Funeral was conducted by A. O. U. W. about a month. would not agree to arrange tick-t io sep range for landing of troops in eastern than any other candidate on tlie Re Real Estate. Mining Exchange & Ixnna. I)r B. R. Freeland, the able and ex- , arate party column, leaving county clerks Cuba. publican Uuksi. Frank Galloway was up from Central Ashland, Oregon. i * The Spanish fleet is supposed to have Point Tuesday. Helsa silver republican perienced dentist. Insurance block. Oak to arrange it to suit themselves, which ar.d should tbe fueion program toss the street. B prepared to do all classes of work would give the fusion clerks in populist sailed for western waterg. Flop that cough ! Take warning. It may I am ktki . wantin t axvaaAt. THtaoa, county recordership to then» be would ac in his line in a scientific and skillful man leal to consumption. A 25c. battle of The Asiatic Fleet Is re* ly to attack countiea an opportunity to misrepresent of ir not Moxa. ner. (live him a call. Curs may save your fife. Bold by cept nomination Spanish Fleet at Manilla, Pbillipine Shiloh's 1 Havo some bouzez to rent and there i T K Bollou, There are three little things which do mutilats the ticket as they saw fit. Burnside Relief Corp» will give « dime more work than anv other three little are some people who wish to rent Mr. fpncajd, however, only succeeded Islands, while insurgent army, 25,000 social at th»» borne ot M tn . Jacob Thomp things created—they are the ant, tbe bee in showing wbat a first class autocrat and men. are at gates of Manilla raqdy tor but ntv people and m, bourea don't suit son Monday evening, May 2d, 1398 A and DeWitt’s Little E»rly Kisers, the last disiranebiaer of voters he would be— orders to Are, each other, lhereforo 1 want more people id good time promised to all. Progtam, music beinu the famous little pills for stantacb providing he could. The esse was ar and more houses in order to make a match. gnd refreshments. 1 Have money on hand to loan and peo and liver troubles For sale by r. K. Bol- gued before Circuit Judge Hew itt at Al A few thing» tbe present war criai, ple want to borrow, but there it is again L. L> Andrews of Rincon. Riverside ton and Te'ephone Drug Store. bany Saturday, ^incaid was represented 'fritti ,L The amounts do not suit the peop'e or the county. Cal., who has been visiting friend» The Medforfl coloqv at Ft. Klamath is bv S«*neca Smith, W. R. lb I you and H. has made plain as day fo (be whqle peop'e the Amounts, in consequence of at bis old home in Ashland and with hi» Aqipricnq people. One ia that we need O. Watson and A. W. Prescott rep bHtnx increased this wee*, thp following Which I want $200, |300, >800, |lU00, |5000. sister, Miss Marie Andrews, at Jackson having pa-sed through Ashland en route: resented the People’s party. Qn Mon |8000 to loan on good security. ville, started for home Monday. W H Beidleman. Will Nicitolson aa<J Mr. day Judge Ijewitt handed down a per and must have tor defense tbe Nicaragua I Have city and country property for oanal bnilt without delay. Another ia For constipation take Karl’» Clover Root Scott; also Dr. E. Klrchvessuer, emptory mandate forcing Kincaid to sale and to trade—House», vacant Lots, Tea, the great blood purifier. Cures head Wilson (of Central Point) Frank Hawk, that we must buy likewise for defense Fruit Lands, Farm Lands and Suburban meet the requirements and olny the law ache. nervousness, eruptions on tbe fuce, Clia». Palm and .’ohn Arnold, who go into j Property. and make» tbe head clear as a bell. Bold the stock business. kirchgpsaner wil in- , in all respects. Kincaid has pow done so. ! the three Danish islands in the West Town and Country property in the Wil In order to be prepared to meet the Indies, particularly St. Thomas. We by T, K. Bolton, ve-tin a seoond stock ranob. ILL Gi.key lamette« Va lpv and on the coast to trade D. Brooks and Eli Hogan of Medford left will open a store with Mr. Stevens at Ft. arbitrary ruling o( the secretary of the muat also hâve aa quickly as we oau for property in Ashland and vicinity. Klamath state In case tbe supreme court should Tuesday (or Cherry creek. Siskiyou county, prepare them an effective modern navy, I to develop a rich quartz mine in that sec Karl’s Clover Root Tea for constipation. knock the present case out on some tech Bargain«, Bargains. Bargains. tion, Frank Williams the well-known It'» tbe be»t and if after using it yon don t nicality Chairman Holt is circulating a a systematic line of coast fortifications THEFREN. o. w. politician is backing the enterprise. sav so. return the package and get your petition to secure 250 names nominating and a well drilled national guard, made Professor THOS. F. CAMPBELL, A. M money. Bold by T. K. Bolton. them by petition, the signers seiog popu up of infantry, oavalry, artillery and Latest arrival of good» at Opera Hou«e Over half the names have b.»en Bee Vanpel. Norris A Drake tor that auit lists Furniture Store. Baby carriages, bed room formerly of the Univaraily oi the Pacific, will have chartie of the Commercial naval troops. These are the greatest secured on one petition so far this week auits. linoleum, rockers, chairs and win of clothea They will please yon. Department. questions now before the administra dow shades. Judge H K Hnnna was in town Mon 1 in this neighborhood. tion, and congress and ths American Both the method and results when Wbat pleasure is there in life with a head day to meet Mr» Hanna who returned on | You can have yonr choice of over fifty atadles for the price ot one tuition J. K. Van Sant Married. people expect them to do tbeir duty Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant ache, constipation and biliousness? Thou» tlie evening train from dan Frand-co wharw Tuition for Term — $66.00. —ATTUI— ends experience them who could become -be attended tbe wedding of bei;iovable and , J. K. Van Sant, the merchant, aud without sny foolishness. The American and refreshing to the taste, and acta perfectly heeitby by using DeWitt’» Little amiable daughter. Miss Brentano. and Mr Mr». Elizabeth J. Holburg th« highly people will pay the ^itls tpr irtouiy. ex Short Hand and Type Writing Department. Early Kisers, tbe fetnous little pills. For Fred Overbeek, Western Union telegraph (•»teemed daughter of Mr and Mr». P gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, •ale by T. K. boiton and Telephone Drug operator tn San Francisco. Both voung pended edonomioaliy and righteously in Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys flunn, were married Tuesday afternoon Business Department. people are weli-kn wn residents of JaoM- , Store: t 330 o’clock at the home of the bride’» defsnss of thair 'oountry. tem effectually, dispels colds, head, aou.ille end have the beat wtahe» of Hum- E. T. Stein o(3ar Francifcq who has groqs friend» tor a happy wedded lit». parent« on Qranite «tr«et in the pretence Normal Department We have not yet heard of any of those aches and fevers and cures habitual Griffin A Cameron’» porpbry dike n*ar of onjy a few memltere of the immediate Syrup of Figs is the StnJeuta received at any time. Board and Lodging from $13 00 per month families. Rev F. U Strange officiating. Humerons inventors of flying machines constipation. Wpodfills bonded has been crushing ore To Core Const,potion Forever. — • - end * ** fv and wap belloooa offering their esrvioet only remody of its kind ew pro to $20 00, Catalogue and Pamphlets on application. ths past three week» in bis Huntington Take Caecareta Candv Cathartic, the or Be. ! “ The wedding wee quiet the — newly mill. The low grade ore go*« 13 per ton. U C. C. C. fall to cure, druggists refund money i , mirri»! pair took tbe Mm« afternoon’s to the government and volunteering duced, pleasing to the taste and ac Co D Starts Tomorrow to Take Up Tbe Democrat I u Primaries Result in the Destruction of the Couniy «"*•'• »“-•««»"•»'P «* T‘*«‘ «*««»• • •0 I Vaupel.f Norris & Drake. In buying (OMFOUND WHITS FING ftND TftR SYRUP WITH BftLM OF GILEAD there is but one. Undertaking Goods Marion - County - Nursery GROWERS OF FIRST-CLASS NURSERY STOCK. W. W. Walker & Son, Proprietors, Superior Photographs, Excelling all others in Life Like, Artistic and Permanent Results. Mrs. M. E. Herrin, Art Gallery. Gold • Extraction - Co. Gas.City Business College Fall Term Begins Sept 6th. C. I. Andrews, M. S., Look Here A ♦ onb wvTcnre If your grocer doesn't sell SchUhngs Best tea, tell us his name, what kind you want (Japan, English Breakfast, Oolong, Ceylon, or Blend), and what size pack age you want We’ll see that you get it Don’t send us any money. We don’t sell at zf demic and the people are drinking One branoh of indosiry is making , boiled water. money out of the war soare, anyhow. It Vancouver, B. C, suffered a lore of $40,000 by tre one day loot week. The is the department W ocean telegraphing Tbe cables have been kept hot enough fire occurred on the water front. to wrirm tbe ocean bed for the post font ▲f’sr year» of untold suffering from pi.«», months. A single cablegram oosts some B W. Pura-HI pF Knitn«ftVirL. / was cur«d bv uMns a stngie box of D Witt - limee as much as *1,000. W ’< b Hani Hale« >kln dlaea«e*< such as Catarrh Cored. A «tear hood and swe.' eczema raab. pimpl«-* and obstinate sores sre readily cured by thb fassou- remedy braaU secured with gbiloh'a Catarrh R«u edy on a guarantee. Masai injector STunu! T~ ®°“** •** 3***n»M rue. ; sold BeMbpTdfffotlf*. READY for INSPECTOR Wanamaker Clothing Agency, -...... -,—.. ; train for the north to spend tbeir honey moon, after which they yeturo home to themselves to go up in fkMf terrible and destructive machines and steer tbe ! ibi, city to »etti» down. things directly over tbe aoemy’soamp The Bunset Telephone company has been granted a franchia« et Redlands. I so as to let aa explosive down into it Ventura h*a a typhoid lavar epi Perhaps after all they did not mean it HaR ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in ita effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend ft to all and have made ft the meet popular run^edy known. Syrup of Figs is for tale in M cent bottles by all leading drug- gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on band will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try ft Do not accept any substitute. ASHLAND, OREGON. A fine line of Samplen ot Ladie s, Miaaee and childrens apparreil,consisting oiCapes, Jackets. Waists, Tailor Made Holts, Makln- tosbee, etc., V» to »tu oTTi.u. raoM raiiAtiiLraia. Nice roods for little money. Kindly call and see. DAVID ALLBN. Assignee’s Final Fotice. that i l.atc lied in the Circu t Con ft fpr otice is hereby given N - - Jackson Coon'y, --------- O-egon. — my find amount as assignee ’o«‘ **W Of J. W. »»>■ -w ol the -•!- lnspl -H-v-Tr Marksbury, and that the final baarln, thereon will take plsoe at the April, 1HW. B. H. HOLT, AsaUnoo. Address, O. E. DO a N, Proprietor, Stockton, Cal.