THE WAR IN BRIEF. RECO KU. Th* People’s Paper. ASHLAND Or..Thursday. April 28, I«* The Two Navies. The navy of the United States is su­ perior to that of Spain. Before the three cruisers were purchased abroad the United States navy consisted of 60 effective vessel*, that of Spain 87. This list does not include the torpedo boats aud small craft wbioh would play im­ portant parts in harbor warfare. We have since the Amazouua, Abreuil and Diogeues were bought in Europe 59 large naval vessels. Of cruisers of all classes, armored, protected aud other­ wise, the United Slate* has 28; Spain 28. We have 4 first olaaa heavy fighting battleships of the typo of the Texas; Spain none at a>L We shall have 9 more battleships—tho Kentucky and the Kearaarge—in a short time. The above count of our naval resource* does not in­ clude the auxiliary fleet. We have not so many old style worth­ ies*’warships as Spain has, in whioh wo have the advantage. Tho United States owns 6 heavy double turreted monitor ooast defenders of the type of Miantonomoh; Spain ban none. Thia, however, will make no difference, as such vessels are only intended for ooast defease. We have 18 old fashioned sin­ gle turreted monitors that did dnty In tho olvil war. In an emergency 8 ' of these oan bo used again and are being fitted for servioe. It is in the lino of torpedo boats that Spain is our superior and greatly so. She has 18 of these of all olasses; ws have 8—the Gwin and Talbot—nearly completed. It will not be many days, however, till some of the yachts and asa tugs lately purchased by the govern­ ment will be ready for torpedo servioe. -------- Peace Between | the United States and Spain Ends. -------- THE ULTIMATUM DID -------- I IT. I Chris Merry, convicted at Chicago of Imporlaal Kreata That Have Oeeerred tlco murder of his wife, was hanged Friday. Durtag the Week. It is Mini-offieially denied that Gel- A million dollars will be »pent lty the war department tliia week for aupplies nuuw intends to reopen the Samoan question at the present juncture. for volunteers. , The Spanish schooner Mathilde of General Crespo, the Venezuela lead­ Havana, was captured Saturday by er, was killed recently while lending an attack against rebels at Caracas. the forjwdo boat Porter. Tiie war lias seriously affected the The Weir Plow company of Mon­ Sent to the United States Sinister shingle business, and over 200 mills mouth, III., made an assignment to L i on Puget sound will be compelled lo j 8. Kingiunu, manager of the company. At Madrid But Not Delivered j ohut down. WIDBER A DEFAULTER. I rh< CUy Treasurer •( San rraaelsea Makes a Dig Steal. Edenbower Poultry Yards ^S.,me of tiie farmers in the Fallnaa valley. Cal., will plant hemp instead of be-jbi, owing to the dry season. WOHKHC1VO, OmCOOF«. (Six years a breeder.) An, now ready to book and fill The Paeific Improvement company order» for Egg- from high scoriug and prise winning Augustus C. Widber, treasurer of is ahippiug its cattle from Monterey birds Prices low for quality of »lock. I claim as good the city and county of San Francisco, county owing to the extreme scarcity p* Hav* spent tlnssand is in Jail in that oily, a confe.sed de­ are bought thio year tho of feed in Salinas valley. nd bigbest scoring Brown faulter to the extent of $117,000 of ilia The Poatoftlee and Couuty lloepilal B. P Rocks, pen No. 1, 2. sity's funds. mated for pnlets. also gets good cockerel*. 82.00 per Ma­ at South San Jacinto, Riverside coun­ I An investigation allowed that Wid­ ting. Pen No. 2 mated for cockerels, $1.00. You must ber had robbed the city by taking gold ty, have been destroyed by tire ut a 4ee them to appreciate their superiority oyer ordinary leas of $42,000. No live* were lost. Barred Rocks B. C. B. Leghorns,8. 8. Hamburg, Bleak from tiie sacks and substituting silver Tiie senate lias under discuMiou a Langshans. Black Minorca», $1 00 per 13 Orders ptomptly »‘'•"«J«* ki its place. An examination of Hie Guaraatee »«• . lacks wiiich origiuully contained $ ><>00 bill to pay tiie Behring sea awards, invited Send stamp for reply. Will be returned if you buy E. A. KHCSB. I roprletog. amounting to $473,151, in settlement of and true to name. Yours tor tine poultry. Such in gold, and which had been tied claims of Great Britiau against tbe ap in sacks and sealed witli tiie red tag of the United State* mint. There United States. The San Francisco and San Joaquin are 20 of these sackB in oue of the compartments of the big safe, nn, 1897. New Il­ ing tiie gold, substituted sliver. He lustrated Catalog s, giving full information rent ou application to H. L. BOARDMAN, Pmn, j then carefully tied the string, conceal­ ing tiie knoViu the folds of tho »ack, the seal remaining exposed as before, and the sack left in a position that Palpitation—W«ak—Uncon­ would not excite the suspicion of the scious at Times—Sleepless— causal observer that it had been tamp­ Asthma —Kidney Trouble» ered with. Whisky, loose women, race horses, Recovery Would Seem Lika a Miraole P roprietóro gambling and other elements that go Yet Hood'a Saraaparllla Cured General Offieea: 205 La Salle St. Chicago, Illinois. to make criminal* of honest men are “I had been in very poor health for the cause* assigned for the young several years, and two summer« I wti «o official* downfall. W0fl* I was obliged to lie in bed 3 mouth« Widber was under bonds in ths stun at a time. I was all run down, had of $190,000, and owns considerable Unconscious Spells property. Between tho two the city's lasting for an hour at a time. The NEW CARS of LATEST DESIGN and CONSTRUCTION ONLY In USE , loss, if any, will probably be small. doctor« thought the trouble came from A Perfect Ventilator and Refrigerator Fruit Car. Fatal Explosion. my heart. I used to »ay that it I could Pacific Coaat Diviaion: An explosion of giant powder at the only be up around, 1 should be bo thank­ 1005 SECOND ST.. SACRAMENTO, CAL. Oat Hill quicksilver mine in Napa ful, and that It would seem likes mlraclo OFFICES: — ■ county, resulted in the death of two If I should be well. The neighbor« all 246 STARK STREET. PORTLAND, OREGON Chinese and probably a third. Sev­ know of the poor health I had been in, ROBT. GRAHAM. M*na*,r enteen others wero badly hurt. The and how much better I am now. I had Chinese employed in tbe mine live in asthma for many years, and some nights little cabins near the works. A box of I Could Not Sleep giant powder was placed in one of the my breathing was attended with «o much huts by some of the Chinese. One of difficulty. Sometimes I would have to the occupants of the cabin was burn­ «it bolt upright in bed. As my general ing punks to smoke out the devil, when health grew poorer, my asthma grew the building caught Are. Many of the worse. I had kidney and other troubles I CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, 6s*o, a aeiea Chinese from the other shanties hast­ and seemed to be generally ‘out of sorts? ' MAIN OFFICES t ened to the scene and began a hard I heard ho much of Hood’s Sarsaparilla fight with th® 6m While the firo was tnat I decided to try it, and I experienced at its height there was a terrific ex­ great benefit from it. I have recom­ plosion. The shanty was torn into mended it to many people, and I cannot C BRANCHES: splinters and the roofs of three others say too much in praise of Hood’s Sarsa­ near by were blown in by the concus­ parilla. I have not been in bed for over B08TON CHICAGO NEW YORK sion. a year on account of illness.” M bs . 8. Agent* at all other W atson , 4328. Columbia St., Warsaw, Ind. PHILADELHPIA. Important Pointe. Elizabeth, N. J., Oct. 19 189B O 1 * FC W A T I X O E ly Bans , Dear Sirs P ease accept my thanks (or your favor in tbe gift of a bottle of ('ream Balm. Let me say I haïe used it for years and can tboro> ghly recommend it for what It claim?*, if directions are fol­ I, the best — In fact the One True Blood Puri- ■er. Sold by all druggists. Gst only Hood's. lowed. Yours truly. (Ruv.) H. W H athaway ------ THE------ ■ ■__ mu- CUM Uw ln‘; ***7 M No clergyman should be without it Mood S Pills taks.sasytoopsrat*.IM Cream Balm is kept by all druggists. Full size 60c. Trial size 50 cents. We mail it ELY BROS.. 56 Warren St, N. Y. City Finest G. Cliatubeiluin, managing Early Sunday morning the gunners ] editor of lhe New York Evening Moro cast'.o again tried their gum World, died of pneumonia, aged 38 ------------- ; on the fleet, but their shots were with ! years. Mlnlater Asks for His— ‘ out efleet. Porter Bio hers company of Chicago, Quiok Trip to Canada— Havana is described na helpless. The sold two boxes of cherries, which were batteries there would not withstand Blockades Havana—That shipped from Vacaville last week by the »hells f otn ¡tho American fleet for express, at $10 per box. •lploM—Spaniard« Waste soy length of time. Mrs. Mary Louise Potter, widow of The Spanish steamer Miquel Jovet Howard Pottor, the bunker, and moth­ was captured by the gunboat Helena. er of James Brown Potter, la dead at She is wortli about $400,01X1, and is her home in New York, nged 69 years, considered a valuable prise. Senator Edward C. Walthall of Mis­ Tiie president lias issued a call for Ths long-coming rupture between 125,000 volunteer troops to serve dur­ sissippi, died in hi, apartments at the the United States and Spain haa come, ing tho two yeats, if not sooner dis- Cario, Washington. Senator Walthall'* tllneaa dated from January laet, when and war exists between the two na­ ciiargud. California’s ratio will be he contracted a cold. tions. 2»78. Edward Bellamy, the author, is dy­ The act of congress authorising ths A Washington dispatch says that He haa been president to use his power to free Cuba messages received at lite war depart­ ing of eonaumptiuo. staying in Denver for some time, but from Spain was promptly made use of ment from governors of stales show recently left for hi* home in Chicopee by President McKinley. Thursday that 500,000 volunteers are ready to go Falls, Maa*. the president sent an ultimatum to to the front. Tiie Republican* of the Tenth Ohio At tiie powder works at Santa Crux. 8paiu giving her until Saturday to an­ district, ou the 147th ballot, nominated Cal.. 228 men are now employed. swer. J. Morgan of Jackson for congress, to Spain was asked to withdraw her Guards watch tbe mills day and night. succeed Congressman Fenton, wh*> la The government coiitract-for powder serving Ills first term. Ths convention armed forces from Cuba immediately, amounts to about $3.000,000. was in session s week. or the United Slates would use its na­ About ten ahota were fired front Moro In order to increase German trsde val force* to expelí them. Tho ulti­ Castle Friday night at tne American with the east there is s project before matum was sent to Miuister Woolford cruisers. The shot* went wild and did at Madrid, but beforo it could be de­ no damage. The squadron did not re- the Reichstag of establishing a fort­ nightly service between Germany and livered the minister wns handed Ids 1 turn the tire. China, with steamers making at least passport; thus severing all friendly The American liner New York ar­ 14 knots an hour. The subvention ia relations between the two countries. rived ut New York, April 24 from to be increased to 1,509,000 marks. The ultimatum was held nt the tele­ Southampton, and haa begun making i The Ohio legislature has givon the graph office, before being delivered to ready to join the fleet. Tito St- Louie, trial jury the option of saying whether Woodford, by the Spanish authorities which arrived tbe night previous, was a flr»t degree murderer should be eleo- and its contents transferred to the ready to take on guns Monday morn­ trocuted or imprisoned for life. Par­ cabiuct, hence its meaning wna well ing. Site will ba used as a scoutship. doning power Is operative only on A declaration formally declaring wai proof of innocence beyond reasonable known, aad the Spaniards considered it unnecessary to have the document against Spain was Introduced in Con­ doubt. A Navy With Dispatch. gress Monday. The president sent a The conoe tit ator of the Morning mine It i* true that we have just at thio delivered. Woodford {promptly closed message to congress Monday, setting his office and started for l ’ aris. Along moment no navy that oan make a show­ forth the facts of the case and asking at Wollaoe, Idaho, was destroyed by the entire route howling mobs jeered congress to formally declare war, in Are. The loaa ia 8100,000; insurance, ing with that of England or Russia, Three hundred miners are though The Review of Review* believe* him, throwing stones through the order that there may be no misunder­ $80,000. thrown out of employment for six that we oonld build one quicker than windows of his car and attempting to standing on tbe part of other nations. i months. Anned guards were nec- Friday night after an exciting ehass any other nation onoe we began it. It attack him. A decree was published recently for­ the New York captured tbe Spanish observe* that we now have shipyard* •asary to keep them off. Several bidding importation to Austria of Am­ As soon as the ultimatum was sent freighter Pedro of Bilbao. and naval conttructor* equal to any erican fresh fruit, plants, fresh .fruit anywhere, and iron and steel are cheaper to Spain, the Spauish minister at shots were fired at the Pedro while refuse, fruit wrappers and fruit pack­ she wits trying to escape. Otte shot Washington asked for aud received in the United State* than anywhere else: came dangerously near her, and she ings, etc., in cases where tiie examina­ In a tima of real emergency tbe resources of his passports, and immediately started hove lo and surrendered. The vessel tion at port of entry revenles tiie San the United Btatea would prove theintielve« for Canada. His exit from the coun­ was pul in charge of a prize crew and Jose sca'e. great enough to eupply our own people and the whole world bealdee. The qulckneaa and try was hardly noticed, and he was in taken to Key West. A freight wreck on the New York inveutlvene»# of American mechanios, en* no wise bothered. Unle-s administration plans go wrong Central nt Fairport resulted in the gineere and manufacturers have no parallel in »The United States government con­ death of three men, one man being Europe. On a year’e notloe the United States the first great naval, fight will take might undertake to cope even handed with sidered the act of the Spanish author­ place oft' tbe Philippine islands. Com­ dangerously injured, and over $(10,000 either the dual or the triple alliance, although ities equivolent to a declaration of war, modore Dewey, witli the Asiatic wortli of property being destroyed. we have now only the nncleua of an army and Ventilator-Refrigerator ar. the beginning of a navy, while the European and promptly ordered the fleet to »quadton, will eiijage tho Spanish The names of the dead, who were powers have made war preparation their prin­ blockade Havana and other important fleet in those waters. Tiie Commodore ail residents of Syracuse, are: Joint Tbe celebrated C. F. X. Ventilator-Refrigerator Car bat a national reputation cipal buaineas for a whole generation. It Is to Hare, conductor; Edward Jones, brake­ It inanres perfect preservation of perishable fruits and vegetables through any be suspected that one reason why the American Cuban cities held by the Spanish. The has received Ids orders, and by this man; Frank Dowd, fireman. climate. Tne service is entirely supervised by our own agents between tbe Pacific «have bought the newspapers so eagerly blockade was readily formed, and all time is on his way from Hot g':ong te the past weeks is to be found In the the Philippines. With the fl :gsliif and tbe Atlantic Coasts. German surgeons having demon­ satisfaction they have taken in learning bow a source of food supply is now cut ofi O ympia and tiie Baltimore. Boston, strated that we can do ¿without out strictly peaceful nation like ours could if neo- from the Spanish on the island. Sev­ R.deigh. Helena, Concord, M mocacy, stomachs, an Eugllsh surgeon lias aaaary reverse the process of beating swords eral Spanish vessels were siesed by the McCulloch and Petrel lie is expected to shown that we do not need the other into plowshares. It is true, for example, that By using the C. F. X. Cars, with ventilator* open from loading point to we have built only a few torpedo boats and fleet aud taken to American ports in engage Spain's vessels now in lhe vi­ •nd of our lnald**. He cut out the en« only a few vessels of the type known as de- charge of prise crews. Truckee. Fruit ia cooled quicker in this way than when car ia iced and cloeed up cinity of the islands. tire rectum, Bigmoid flexure aud de­ Itehihg, icfcly, bleeding palms, shapeless nails, stgoyera, but we have discovered that about at loading point. Hostilities, it might be said, were ¡00 very rich Americans had been amusing and painful linger enus, pimples, blesckh; nds, The co-operation of tiie ad­ scending color of a six-year-old girl, O. B. SMITH, Gen’l Manager. CONTINENTAL FRUIT EXPRESS, Oily, nsothy skin, dry, thin, and falling Aair, itch­ themaelvee within the past fow years by build­ opened without the formal declaration ministration with the United State* who la now running «bout unconscious ing, scaly bob 1 pH, all yield quickly to warm bnths ing or buyir.p splendid ooma go_ua, steel built of war by either country. -Congress 1219 Chamber of Commerce, Chicago. 1012 Second St., Sacramento navy and army in the war againal of her lose with C otic un a S oap , and gentle anointings steen$ yachts of high speed and stanch quali­ with C uticura (ointment), the great skin cure. ties, capable of being quickly transformed into will issue a declaration early this week, Spain has been deflnately settled in naval dispatch boats or armored and fitted and Spain may do likewise. Poatmaatar-Genaral Ra.lgns. Washington. From reliable informa­ with torpedo tubes. Probably not a single Postmaster-General James A. Gary Spain has chosen to recognise the tion it is understood that tho Cubam private Spanish citizen could turn over to his government such a vessel as the magnificent moment shortly before noon o:i April will result tholr army to 50,oC0 men has rasigned, and tho nomination of Goelet yacht, the Mayflower, which was se- EVER RUN BETWEEN and, being thoroughly equipped by ths Charles Emory Smith of Philadelphia cured by our navy department, not to mention 20, when President McKinley signed a* bi, luccessir was sent to tha scores of other private steam yachts of great the congressional lesolutions, as the United States, will move ou Ilsvunn, fa told throughout the world. Ptvrrra Pnrrn D eco bug and C him . or whereeVer the Spaniards are, and senate and immediately confirmed. else and strength that wealthy American cit­ Cour., Sole Props.. Boston. time war began. This was announced with the aid of the American ,navy, The retirement of Mr. Gary comes as a (TJ- <• flow to Produce Soft, White Hands," ftjfa izen s are ready to offer if needed. in a note from tiie minister of foreign attempt to capture the Spanish army complete surprise to the general pub­ HUMdRT'iX’Mm"»^ The coasting steamers bought for onr affairs, Señor Gallon, delivered Io Min­ Should the move be successful it.wJJJ lic, although U-wa* tendered to the navy up to date number 25. They form ister Woodford about 7 a. m. on April not be necessary to send Americans president some ~t(,Dlc *F°> nll A Fresno, Cal., di.patch says that sent n special agent to Lake Tahoe to 9:50 a m ' Ar * * ________ Ashland Lv 6:50 p m Call at Vaupel, Norris A Drake and look Every Amerioan offioial in uuoa ant­ Ar 5:20 p m unless something at present entirely investigate the proposed forest reser­ at Ibeir tin« now stock of summer goods of 10:20 a m Lv Ashland__ ing these trying time* has done bls unforseen happens, fully 10,000 head 5:00p m PRIOB, 60 UTS. TRIAL SIZE, 35 OTfi* A r SanFranciscoLv 7 :46 a m every description. vation in Placer and El Dorado coun­ gold by Druggist*, or tant poet-paid oo receipt of price. whole duty bravely and patriotically. of sheep and cattle will die of starva­ ties. It is intended to reserve from Above trains stop at all stations wceraaiTs* no. co., me i is wnu« bl , nw tom The diffioult situation at Havana itself, tion in that county, owing to the leek tiie woodman’s ax townships 11, 12 between Portland and Salem. Turner Marion, Jedsrson, Albany, Tanrent. however, oonld not have been so suc­ of graaing grounde. Urgent representa­ and 13 north of range 15 west. The Shedd* Halsey, Harrisburg. Junction City. cessfully managed without the aid of tion haa bean made to Senator White loggeis and lumbermen are protesting Eugene, Cottage Grove. Drains and all nations from BoMburg to Oakland, ln- Vice Consul General Joseph Alden **kiug that the Sierra reservations in vigorously. clusive. p Tiie Nevada board of health ha* re­ Springer. Mr. Springer is one of the that part of the state be thrown com­ Roeebnrg Mail Dally. pletely open to sheep aud cattle tlii* ported resolutions placing horses on I* most experienced officers in the United AIUTI! year with no restriction* to t)ie nation­ tiie quarantine list, also suggesting the lsavz : 6fetes consular servlo*. President Grant i' al parka Portland.. 8:30am I Ro*ebure...8:20pm Scott's Emulsion has been the estnblidiuient of a quarantine statioq appointed him to a consular clerkship Roseburg. 7:50a m | Portland *:30pm Whooping cough is tbe most distressing at Nerdi, Nev., on the state line, fqr standard remedy for nearly a J C. J. EDDY, General Agent. MfiTLAfiD OREGON. in 1870. President Arthur appointed malady; but its duration oan bo cut short sl.eep seeking admission to the state. Dining Cars on Ogden Route. him vioe oonral general at Havana, and bv the u«e of One Minute Cough Cure, An inspector will be appointed and & A sged men who are suf wbioh is eleo the best known remedy for from the effects of youthful indiscretions PULLMAN BUFFET BLEEPERS. there he has been ever since, a faithful, croup and all lung and bronoblal troubles. each such sheep thus inspected will be cesses in maturer years. Nervous and Ph —an— •ffiolaet, modest servant of the United For rale by T. K. Bolton and Telephone' taxed at the rate of 2| cents per head, Seco nd-Old ee Sfoejrin* Core States government. His long residence Drag Store which compeuaatea the Inspector, Howte^THeT Attached to all through train*. Ninth year opens Sept. 20,1897. in Cuba has made him familiar with The California Woolen mills, a large Boys and girl* ere raceived at tbe aarllast Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars Reward three-story building in Petaluma, waa every phase of ths trouble there. His WSBT BIDB DIVISION. todo what * iool age. and are carried by • carefully oommand of the Spanish language and for any cate of Catarrh that cannot beenred destroyed by fire. The building and I Between Portland and Corvallis. bv Hell’« Catarrh Cure. * ticulated courts through all grades, up to The mill* I ■aiLvoate ean.r (xxcxrr etmaT.) his knowledge of international law ren­ F J. CHENEY A Co . Props ,Toledo, O., machinery are a total loes. tual preparation for college. We the tbe undersigned have known F. lied been cloeed down for three inontha I dered him invaluable at Havana. Lika lbatm ; AttlTM: An advanced couree. equivalent to the J. Cheney for tho last 16 years, and believe but were to resume operations shortly, I Geneeel Lee. Vice Consul Springer baa him perfectly safe and honorable in ell — freshman year in college. Fit* for the The property wag owned - - l,v — Well, Portland. . ,7:80am Corvallis 12:16 p m sophomore class. stuck to his post and "guarded tbe in­ bu.loeos trausactlons and financially able Corvallis... 1:06 pm Portland....6:60p m to cars? out any obligations made by tbeir Dannenbaum A company of Ban Fran­ Vocal music formsa part of tba regular terests of Amerioan ci I ¡sens." cisco. The lose is tS-'.OOO: insurance, firm. course of Instruction In tbs primary and At Albany and Corvallis connect with Wi»r A T xvax , Wholesale Druggis.u To­ 115,000. It is supposed that an inceu- grammar grade*; and In tbe academy. In- train* of Oregon Central Ä Beatern Kail­ ledo, Ohio. »traction tn tbe rudiments of musla and road* Vaupel. Norrie A Drake are showing up a W aldiso , K iivxax A M.nvtx Wholesale diarv censed the Are. for Home Circle. Grocery List, ■tgbt reading Is open to all who may wish fine Una of straw bats in tbslr Johnson, Toledo, Ohio. Express Train Daily t Exoept Benday.) I for 40 page Hardware Catalogue, The berry growers in the Pajaro val­ block store. Hall's Cafarrb Cure In taksd Internally, ley, Cal., have fully decided to do away tor 32-page Furniture Catalogue, Tbe academv la on the llat of accredited LBATV: ÀUTT1; for Hempie of ls9* Wall Paper, We are anxious to da a little good In this acting directly »pop the b'ood and tn neons schools at tbe university of Oregon. Psetfie are such valuable tonics, for Hamplee loidtesor Htnti snlt*. untversiiy. Leland man ford. Amherst, Wil­ world and oan think of no pleasanter or surfaces of the system. Price 75c per bottle. with the old plan of shipping berries 4:rx)pml Lv Portland Ar (8:26 ( am tor Bargain Lists,published w'kly liams, Wooster And Woman’s college. Bal­ bettor way to do It than by recommending Sold by ail drugnisu Taetimoniau free. to commission houses in San Francisco. makes this preparation an 7:.Vipn >Ar M'Minnvflla Lv ' 4 5:50am Hall's Family »Us are the boot. Ono Minute Cough Cure os a preventative They will establish an auction bureau 8:80 pmI Ar Independence — Lv ( I 4:60 a m All Free. Money Seved on Evary Order. timore. Meal one and checks the monla. consumption and other »er­ (hciuselres in the metropoli«. ehip to »indents ere fitted for tbe examiaettena ne troubles that follow neglected Direct connection at San Faandveo with wasting tendency, and the of Harvard. Princoton, Yale, Bryn Mewr that direct and take in return what J ot sale by T. I. Bolton and Tele­ Occidental and Oriental and Pacific mail and other Eastern oollere*. patient almost immediate ­ the auction price brings In this way phono Drag Store. steamship linen for JAPAN and CHINA. Tbe academy bes a dwelling for girl* and the grower* think they will make . - ly commences to put on Sailing date* on application. you nr Women, well appointed and under flesh and gain a strength careful management. more money. As It is now, they say Rate» and tickets to Eastern points and Bsafit WAasea ■*» so* eawks Tsar Away. i Office boors for the summer, from 8 a m. goods spoil on tho commission mer- which surprises them. Kumpe. Also Japan. China. Honolulu and r- .-la ------ O..II. .-A ' 1'2 m. and from I lo 4 p. m , I3m street, TUIC DADCD b ktPl °» I Australia. nan be obtained from < to cbants' bands and tho grewsre gel Tlilb I Al tK B. O. DAKE*« Ad between Montgomery end Hell. D. I. RICE. Agent nothing, bat with ths auction plea the For cetelogoe addrrM:' vertisipg Agency, M end #5 Merchant* Kx I.LOMLIk, ben Isa are sold upon arrival gad asa Portland A«na»«g*my, »« *M 8>.o*. rn Sresttaa change, Mb rrenuteon, CaHfonAa, «hare contract* for adv«tiUnf for it not allowed to parish, M «SUI Market Street, t. F. •w Wk aaaaRAnra WOODFORD GIVEN HIS PACSPORTS. McMinnville COLLEGE ! Oh, My Heart! HUIT GROWERS EXPRESS ARMOUR & CO. REFRIGERATOR SERVICE FOR DECIDUOUS FRUITS. Earl fruit Company HI ' Sacramento æ Los Angeles, Cal Hood’s •SX. ALL FRUIT DISTRICTS OF CALIFORNIA. C. F. X RED ROUGH HANDS Qticura SAVE $15 T0 $30 PER CAR FIRST & ONLY PERSONALLY CONDUCTED EXCURSIONS The Pacific Northwest BOSTON, MASS, HUMPHREYS’ 1MERI ST. LOUIS, MO. FAST BOSTON “SPECIAL” For.. 25C. R EAST AND SOUTH The Shasta Route Southern Pacific Co. American Monthly Review of Reviews HUMPHREYS’ WITCH HAZEL OIL General Debility and Loss of Flesh Running Schedule Fruit Trains on Special Fast Time and delivered at Chicago Auction Houses without delays or transfers. :• • • T pr- Mark shipping orders “C. M. &. St. P.” Portland Academy Record, Job Printing SCOTT’S EMULSION ■Ast s SMITHS CASH STORE