PEOPLE’S PARTY TICKET & PLATFORM - ---------- —i Adopted by tbe Three Stale Con ven tlooa in Portland. Cbe Steams Bicycle is handsome, light, durable. Such grace of design as is embodied in this "fast, easy-running, much-talked- about ’«mount can only be secured by the most approved methods, finest material and skilled work­ manship. The ’?6 Stearns is the best bicycle it is possible to produce. Finished at your option in orange or black. Address now for beautiful new catalogue. “Cbt Yellow fellow.” Nominated and Adopted at Forrester's Hall, Portland, Oregon, March 25th and 26th, 1898. GOVERNOR—JOHN C. LUCE, John Dav P. O., Grant Co. SECRETARY OF STATE—IRA WAKEFIELD, Vhoenix, Jackson Co. ÌREASUKER—J K SEARS, of Polk Co SUFI’. PUBLIC INSTRUCTION— J. E. HOSMER, of Yamhill Co. STATE PRINTER—D. L. GRACE, Burna, Haruey Co. SUPREME JUDGE­ ATTORNEY GENERAL— CONGRESSMEN—lai District, DR. J. L. HILL, Albany, Linn Co, —2nd District, FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT TICKET. CIRCUIT JUDGES—.1. L. BATCHELOR, of Ashland, Jackson Co. JONATHAN TRESSLER, of Mudford, Jackson Co. DIST. ATTORNEY—J. B. WELLS, of Aoplegate, Jackson Co. [Blanks to be tilled by state executive committee.] Th«* MaaleAl ■ BiM." FUSION TICKET AND PDATFOKM Governor—Will R. I ing, populist, of Bak­ er county Secretary of State— Harrison R. Kincaid, silver-republican, of Lane county, Treasurer—J. O Booth, democrat, of Jose phtne county. Supreme Judge—W. M., of Yaiublll county. Attorney-General—J L Story, populist, of Wasco codniy, Printer—C. A. Fitch, populist, of Clacka­ mas county. Superintendent of Public Instruction— H. 8 Lyman, populint, of Clatsop count v Congressmen—First Dis i riel: Robert .VI Veatch, democrat, of Douglas county: Second District. C. M. Donaldson, silver republican, of Baker couutv. First judicial district.—Circuit judges John A. Jeffrey, populist of Jackson county and E. C. Wade, silver-republican, of Jose chine county; district attorney, A. N Soliss, of Jackson county; member of the board of equalization, C. E. Worden, of Klamath county. The threatened, harmonloua bicycle baa come to pass, but. to rtmnately, it la at present confined, to Germany. The musical monstrosity ia fixed to the handle-bar. and by an ingenious ar­ rangement is worked by the front wheel. It will play for an. hour st a i speed of ten miles an» hour, and if the rider has not been driven mad by that time he has only to touch a spring and the machine starts off again as gayly aeever. If it should find a home in this country, which the fates forfend, we shall expect noumusical cycBstoto agi­ tate for a license to shoot at sight.— London Chronicle. ITALIAN ANTIQUITIES. An Underground Trad« ia These la Bpitt of Legal Interdict!«*«. Some days ago a well-known dealer in antiquities offered for sale to the Louvre museum in Paris a splendid col­ lection of an.:ant vase® from Italy-or Greek or Italian workmanship, says ths London News. The museum was una­ ble to pay the price naked—£20,000— and declined the bargain. The Italian minister of education, having learned of this, lias taken proceedings under the Pacca law against Sig. di Prisco, the owner of these antiquities. The latter is a large land owner at Bosco Reale. He secretly made excavation« on his estate and found 28 silver vases of remote an­ tiquity. Notwithstanding the Italian law pro­ hibit ing owners of antiquities from sending them out of the country with­ out leave, or, rather, on account of this law, which prevent« old works of er* from commanding anything like their natural price in the impoverished coun­ try, Sig. di Prisco smuggled his find out of Italy and offered it to a Paris dealer for £ 5,000. Continuing meanwhile his search, he. found other silver vases, which duly joined their fellows in Paris, and the whole lot was offered to the Louvre. The Italian minister of educa­ tion throws interesting light on the facilities which underpsld officials are supposed to afford illicit exporters of antiquities. He issues a notification that, should any officials be found to have connived at this latest evasion of the Paces law, they will be criminally p rosecu ted.__________________________ ___ Educate Your IloireU With Cascarete. Candy Catv irtic, cure constipation forever. 10c. 25c. If C. O. C. fall, druggists refund money. What is Castoria Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher’s prescription for Infants and Children. rt contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothinif Syrups, a’.id Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years’ use by Millions of Mothers. Costorta destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoiia prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria. relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas­ toria is the Children’s Panacea—the Mother’s Friend. NATIONAL PLATFORM. To the People’s Party Voter« ?! the State PLATFORM. of Oregon : Omaha platform reaffirmed as follows: United in a common cause for the sacred We declare therefore — We, the People’s party, in convention purpose of preserving the principle« of gov­ SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. TORONTO, ONT. I BUFFALO, N. Y. First—That tbe union of the labor force ernment by the whole people, in face as assembled, ieine this, an open address, of the United S ’ ates this day consummated I well an m name, restoring and maintaining and aak lliat every true and lovai popu­ shall be permanent and perpetual; raay its equality, under that government, of ail list give it fair and careful consideration. •p’rit enter into all hearts for the salvation claNbca. we tbe People's, Democratic and Whereas, Upon call of the state cen­ of the Republic and the uplifting of man­ Silver Republican parties of the state of Oregon waiving all minor points of differ­ kind. tral committee of the People’s party of Second—Wealth belongs to him who ence, and unking for the purpose of carry­ Oregon for the Btate convention to be held creates it. and every dollar taken front in­ ing out the great underlying principles in Portland, Or., March 23,1898, to nom­ dustry without an equivalent is robbery, upon which we are all agreed, do make and “if any will not work, neither shall he eat.’’ firesent to tbe peop’e of this state thefoi inale a full state and district ticket to be The interests of rural and civic labor are the owing declaration of principles and to the carrying out of whicn we solemnly pledge “ Castoria is ar. excellent medicine for chil- | “ Castoria is so well adapted to children that voted for June 0, 1898, the representation same; their enemies are identical. S I Dealer In | , Third—We believe that the time has each and every candidate upon our uuited dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its I recommend it as superior to any prescriptioa met together ; and come when the railroad corporations will ticket : known to me.” good «fleet upou their children.” We demand the free and unlimited coin­ Whereas, Upon the assembling of the either own tbe people or the people must II. A. AacnER, M. D., DR. G. C. O sgood , age of »ilver and gold at tbe present ratio own tbe railroads, and should tbe govern ­ ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y, I state convention, it was found that the Lowell, Mass. ment enter upon the work of owning and of 10 to 1. without wailing for tbe consent convention had been packed by office­ managing all railroads, we should favor an of foreign nations. “ Castoria is the best remedy for children of “ Our physicians in the children’s depart­ We demand a national money, safe and holders, office seekers—state, district and amendment to the Constitution oy whioh which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not ment have spoken highly of their experi­ all persons in the government service shall sound, issued by the general government county—and out of the whole number of be placed under a civil service regulation of only, without tbe intervention of banks of far distant when mothers will consider the ence in their ontside practice with Castoria, real interest of their children, and use Castoria and although we only have among our ,, delegates, towit, 215, there were 134 office­ the most rigid character, so as io prevent issue, to lie a full legal tender for ail debts, instead of the various quack nostrums which medical supplies what is known as regular holders, candidates and men seeking the increase of the power of the national public and private; also a just, equitable 41so agents for IKON FENCES. administration by the use of such addition ­ and efficient means of distribution direct to are destroying their ’ A-ed ones, by forcing products, yet we are free to confess that the , nominations in Btate, dislrictand county ; Satisfaction guaranteeO Being Sulphuric and Alkaline it eradicates we, therefore, charge that it was unpop- al government employes the psople through tlie lawful disburse­ opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other merits of Castoria has won us to look with fungi and animalculea, and neutral* Finance.—We demand a national cur­ ments of the government. hurtful agents down their throats, thereby favor upon it.” , ulistic, and that it was contrary to the rency. «afe, sound and flexible, issued by ising and correcting all acidi­ P.O. Address: YREKA, Siskiyou Co.. We demand that the volume of circulat­ tending them to premature graves.” U nited H ospital and D ibpknsari , ties it promotes a normal and creed of our party for office-holders and the general government only, a full legal ing medium be speedilv increased to an Cel. DR. J. F. K incheloe , healthful condition in every Boston, Mass. office-seekers to control the use of con­ tender for all debts, public and private and amount sufficient to meet the demands of A llen C. S mith , /¥«. part of the system. Conway, Ark. ventions and campaigns, and that without tbe use of banking corpor the business and population of this country, BO YEARS* Whereas, The workers in behalf of fit- ations. a just, equitable and efficient means and to restore the just level of prices of The Centaur Company, 77 Murray Street, New York City. EXPERIENCE SWIMMING- RINK. ■ sion and in tbe interest of destroying the ot distribution direct to the people, at a lax labor and production. We favor such legislation as will prevent people’s party of the state of Oregon and not to exceed 2 percent, per annum, to be inclosed and covered, the same medics 1 of the nation during the past year, have provided as set forth in the sub-treasury for the future the demonetization of any e J 1 L j ^.8 plan of tbe Farmers Alliance; or a better kind of legal-tender money by private con­ water, always clean, for the springs run a i employed the methods of politicians of system, also by payments in discharge of tract. / a ■ ■ J . H ■ ■ mb k ■ i heavy vo’ume— more than twelve hun­ • the two old parties, and inclubs and pri­ its obligations for public improvements We demand that the government, in maries and conventions, with democrats, 1. We demand the free and unlimited payment of its obligations, shall use its op­ dred gallons per hour. silver republicans and office-seekers, coinage of silver and gold at the present tion as to tbe kind of lawful money in - t -......... .... - T rad « M arks which they are to be paid, and we denounce You may dive and swim and have more > have resorted to arbitrary, coercive and ratio of 10 to 1. D esigns 2. We deround that the amount of cir- the present and preccedingadtuinistraiions fun than “Anybody’—come out an “fine restrictive means to suppress a fair ex ' ryv.v- C opyrights A c . cuiHting medium be speedily increated to for surrendering this option to rhe holders as silk’’ and “white as wool’’—rejuven , pression of opinion by loyal and true Anyone sending a Bketch and description may not less than |.r>0 per capita. of government obligations. ated and happy. qulcUy ascertain our opinion free whether an populist voters opposed to fusion, s> that 3. We demand a graduated income tax We demand that postal savings hanks be ANTED —TRUSTWORTHY AND Invention 1« probably Patentable. Communies- tbe delegates Bent to the silver pepulist Located on the 4. We believe that tbe money of the established by the government for the safe tiona strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents ACTIVE gentlemen or ladies to •ent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. convention did not represent the pi inc I- country should be kept as much tu pos­ deposit of thfj savings of the people and to travel for responsible, established house in Patents taken through Munn à Co. receive HELMAN LAND, HALF A MILK ples, policy or interest of populism ; and sible in tbe bands ot tbe people and hence facilitate exchange. rpfcial notice, without charge, in the Oregon. Monthly $65.00 and expenses. We demand tbe election of United States Position steady. Reference, Enclose self- Whereas, The office-holders, candi­ we demand that all State and nai'nnal rev­ NORTH OF THE PLAZA. dates and men seeking nomination sent enues shall be limited to the necessary ex senators by direct vote of the people. addressed stamped envelope* The Domin­ We demand the initiative ana referen­ ion Company, Department Y Chicago. UNDER THS GOLD STANDARD to the convention were each and all in pensesof the government economically and A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest clr honestly administered. . ..----- of'any a------- r.—a tournai. ------- . Terras. Terms, $3 $3 a _ dum system of Jaw making in its optional eolation scientific MEANS... favor of fusion or union, out of selfish year ; four months, |L Bold by all newsdealers^ 5. We demand that postal savings banks form, local, state and national, and the motives, and for the purpose of seeking be established by the government for the submission by congress ot all important Prop» leror Joy's fcr tno jaded aud Goon nomination through fusion with the dem­ sufe deposit oi the earnings of the people national questions for an advisory vote of Health for all Mankind« ocrats and silver republic-one, and thus and to facilitate exchange tbe people, until such time as the national JOT’S VEGETABLE~8ARIAPAR il LA. Transportation—Transportation being constitution shall have been amended so ns get elected to such offices as they desired ; a means of exchange and u public neces­ to provide for direct legislation. and We condemn as dangerous and unjust Whereas. After organization of said sity , the government should own nnd op­ ties througa from erate tbe railroads in the interest of tbe the surrender, in all departments of the nature’sowu herbs, and tuiicmii ron the convention, a committee was appointed people. The telegraph, telephone and post- government, to the influence of trusts, cor­ proper chan­ contains no to draft a platform that should be accept­ office system, being a necessity for the porations and aggregations of wealth gen­ nels. Joy’s mineral able to democrats and silver republicans ; transmission of news, should be owned and erally; and the packing of the highest Vegetable drugs TO TLÏ E Sarsaparilla deadly p THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR. 4 4- 4 and operated by the government in tbe interest courts of the land with corporation lawyers cures Dys- on. J o too readv to do the will of their late em­ The gold standard means low prices, low wages, hard times. The bimetallic Whereas, Thereafter, the said com­ of the people. Eepsia, Vegeta ♦ 4 WORLD-WIDE CIRCULATION. Iiand—The land, including all the nat­ ployers. and to set aside valid and whole standard means good pcieaa, good wages, permanent prosperity for the producing mittee reported the following platform, h r o n 1 c Sarsaparilla ural sources of wealth, is the heritage ot some laws passed by the legislative de- Constipa - robs the classes. (the fusion platform adopted), and the Twenty Pages; Weekly; Illustrated. same tion. Liver people and should not be monopolized Sartmentsot states and government, upon blood of all was adopted by a strict fusion vote. the Complaints its i m puri­ for speculative purposes, and alien owner­ imsy pretexts at the behest of such in­ We charge that said platform adopted and Kidney I ndispensable to M ining M en . < fies, and ship of land sbouid be prohibited. A11 land stitutions. Affections. courses all by said fusion convention, claiming the owned by railroads ana other corporations We are opposed to government by in­ GIVES THE CHOICE OF THREE DOLLARS PER YEAR, POSTPAID. < jhese impuri- name of the people’s party and its organ­ in excess of their actual needs, and all “ junction. SAMPLE COPtie FREE. ' A 32 to 40 Paare WooMr Farm and Family Paper. Prloe. Sl.OC a Year ization, as promulgated at the Omaha lands now owned by aliens should be re- In state matters we demand : TWO TRANSCONTIENTAL by tbe government and held tor A simple and well guarded registration MINING AND SClENilFlC PRESS, ; and St. Louis national conventions, and claimed While not neglecting Me raperb Agricultural, Horticultural, Live Stock and law. 220 M arket S t ., S an F rancisco , C al ., its olank on direct legislation, ia indeti actual settlers only, Family Departments, ate., has at the aame time, for many years, upheld the A more equitable mode of appointing STATE PLATFORM. n-te, inadequate and incomplete, and is standard of the people againet trusts aud mouopoliee, more especially against judges of election. of no more practical effect than would We demand that all state officers receive that most iniquitous of all monopolise, the single gold standard. AU who read laws to regulate tbe operation have been aplauk in a political platform the salary named in the constitution, and of Stringent Joy’s Vegetable it agree that it ia the beat paper of ita elaaa on earth. fish traps, fish wheels and all fishing no more, favoring Utopia. Sarsaparilla We demand the abolition of the state gear in the waters within the jurisdiction We charge that said platform neither prevents tired feel­ With«11 bad conf qnencoi, certain’? and r.-;i»dlv of the state ter’s office, and tbe letting out by con« •liraiwi hu eanJeziy met -da. Qi:erfi.>n L -i k an<* demands nor favors economy and hon­ p ings, staggering sen­ We denounce *nd condemn the corrupt Jookfr««. C«IU. writ« l>K WAHDlNu’l | TE trujl the public printing, the method now 1* a 0 N. N ulh Mtr -f < r t.. . ir N o esty in the administration of atato affairs, so satisfactorily fn operation in most of the and extravagant republican legislative as­ sations, palpitation semblies end charge that the republican and for proof of this charge we cite the states. of heart, rush of blood to the head, We demand the abolition of the office of party, in its eagerness for the spoils of office VIA ▼ IA ARE YOU GOING- EAST' fact that a resolution, pledging the nomi­ attorney-general. has divided into warring factions, so that it nees of the fusion ticket, il elected, only dizziness, ringing in We will send the above gnat Journal la connection with is incapable of government as exemplified Tbe state railroad commission, a9 packed to accept constitutional salaries, was ears, spots before the SPOAKNE SALT LAKE II so be sure and see that your ticket! by the legislature in tbe interest of tbe rail­ by tbe condition existing in the office of the overwhelmingly voted down. headache^ bil ­ read via the road corporations, beiug a menace to what state treasurer, there being at this time We also charge that a resolution to remedial MINNEAPOLIS OENVER iousness,constipation legislation may come through more than $500,000 therein wrung from the maintain the party autonomy was like­ said legislature, we demand the prompt people by the process of taxation, while of bowels, pain, in ST. PAUL state warrants are stamped “ Not paid for OMAHA wise voted down. the back,melancholy, passage of a maximum freight and passen­ want of funds. ’ noth one year, postpaid, at th« awtrairialy low price at | 2,no. Anil, whereas, By the adoption of said ger law. tongue coated, foul AND ABD We demand that all district and county We demand the abolition of all useless platform it became apparent to nil true in advance, and will give to each subscriber to thia combination offer who pays es on officers be placed upon salaries commen­ commissions, offices sinecures and jobs of populists that tbe convention, as there y and limb, ten cents additional for postage end packing, KANSAS CITY CHICAGO surate with tbe duties to be performed by constituted, was controlled by mon who ail descriptions, and tbe curtailing of legis­ them. decliaeotnerve force lativeclerk hire to the actual needs of tbe TWENTY PACKETS OF SEEDS were no longer populists, but were office ­ dizzy spoils, faint Inasmuch a9 railroad and other corporate OCEAN STEAMERS legislative sessions, and a general cutting spells, cold, clammy hunters and spoilsmen, and was not, down of expenses and retrenchment in ail property is not bearing its proportion of These seeds era the best in the mar­ Chicago, St. Paul, therefore, a populist convention, but in our public institutions; believing that all taxation, we demand that such property feet aud hands, sour ket. They consist of Farm, Vegetable risings, fatigue, in­ truth and in fact a democratic-silver-re­ tax money collected from the people by pro­ shall bear its just and equal share of the and Flower Seeds of your own selec­ somnia, and all dis­ Minneapolis & Omaha R’y publican convention, the delegatee there cess of law, being arbitrary and not volun­ expenses of the government. tion from a list of soo vari ties. Ths eases of t lie stomach, assembled who were populists bv convic­ tary, it sbouid be expended with the most packets are as large an eeedmen’a mail economy. tion and principle were tailing in their rigid 1 liver and kidneys. — THIS IS THE — G ewtlkmin : Having tazen one bottle of packets. We demand an amendment to the state Í ov.s Vegetable Bar­ duty to their party in longer remaining The seeds alone at retail prloee your Joy ’ s Vegetable Sarsaoarilla I can Leave Portland Every 5 Days for constitution, providing for direct legisla­ ba parlila is sold by aU aro worth SI OO. Call and see ue in said convention. (lruggistB, Refuse a tion, and the imperative mandate in the truly saytbatitis the best medicine 1 have about thia great offer at onoe, or ever taken for constipation, headache and The true populists in said convention substitute. When you obligatory form. I eend remlitxano«« to Ulla office. lor the best se. that I fee) overjoy­ assembled after the adoption o( the dem­ BETWEEN DULUTH We demand that the state publish all general debiliated system you set the best, * ed by the use of one bottle. 1 accidently ocratic platform above named, severed school books, and sell the same to the citi ­ OCEAN STEAMERS Tot my ankle sprained a few years ago and their connection with said so-called peo­ zens at actual cost. find my leg getting stronger end am feel­ LEAVE PORTTAND EVERY 5 DAYS ple’s party convention, and adjourned DI8TRICT PLATFORM. ing better in every way. to another hall, and there organized a —FOB— WM.J. PERKY. We demand the reduction of official sal­ And all points East and South. The people’s party convention and proceeded Superintendent Almshouse, aries in the first judicial district as follows: -Magnificent track, Peerless Vesti- to adopt the following platform and prin­ Ban Francisco OATICir Two Circuit Judges, each per year, |1500. ciples, and nominate a ticket. One District Attorney and deputies. >1700. buled Dining and Sleeping Car Trains and Motto: A TIN MINA IN PERAK. Steamers Monthly from Portland to Yo- Sbouid be in Every Home and Llbixry. “ALWAYS ON TIME” kohoma and Hong Kong in connection VERY MUCH MIXED SOCIETY. MISPLACED PUNISHMENT. Primitive Methode That Ream Bufflelsnt Have given this road a u itlonal reputa­ with O. R AN. for the Purpose* tion. All classes of passsengei scarri.u n.ntl.mnnlr Borelar a Welcome Angry Housewife Belabor* Her CiMt In­ For full information cn'l on O. R A N. We came to the edge of the mine, or on the vestibuled trains without extra Agent, ROBT. LEONA KU, Ashland, Or. stead of Her Husband. To all pointsjeast at the very loweet ratea Vl.ltoe In Kncll.h Society. charge. Ship your freight and travl An exchange prints a story about Dr. jwiddock, an it is called, which, o’ter all 1« written by Right Her William Ewart G>adston«. Oa address : There haa been some complaint in Ex-Premier of Groat J • tian and Ireland, Chester. FOR SALE BY ALL DR1TOOI8T8. over this famous line. All agents ha' e aristocratic circles in England that in. Miller, at one time a popular Congre- is nothing but a broad open pit with Eng.; W H. HURLBURT, Rev. A . >1. Harce G fen « College. Oxford, Eng.: Rev. Samu?i I ven Curt 0. D.. Chicago TheologioM ticket. eloping sides and perhaps some 40 or.M Seminary. Gen’l Pass. Agent, Chicago. III.; 1.«- . i *ederic V\ . Farrar, D.D., great country houses there is now gationalist preacher in England. W. H. M ead , Gen, Ag’t.. F.R.S., Dean of Cantei ..»y Jnnterbary, Eng.; Rev. PORTLAND. OK Me had been holding services at a vll- feet in depth; a poor thing in the eyes of Elmer found much mixed society. II. Cai^n. D.D.,Tui College, Somerville, Mau.; 48 W ashington St. Portland, Or Rev. Frank W Gunsauiu... D., Armour Institute, DODWELL, CARLILL A CO. This has, however, always been the age in Yorkshire, and, a heavy rain hav­ anyone expecting shafts and machinery Chicago, III.; Rev. George F. Pentecost, D.D.. Maryle- T. W, T easdale , G. P. A., Gen. Agts. Nor. Pac. 8. 8. Co. ing come on, had accepted an invitation and the elaboration of western meth­ bone Presbyterian Church, London, Eng.; Rev. R. B. case. A well-known actor passed three MacArthur, D.D., Calvary Ilaptut Church, New York St . Paul. Minn. 'M ilwaukee ! PORTLAND, OREGON. days at an. historical mansion without to pass the night at the Louse of one of ods, but (-lfflcient for its purpose, as City. N. Y . Rev. Martyn Summarbell, b.D.,Jtaie WINNIPEG ¿MINNEAPOLIS, ST. PAUL Street Free Baptist Church. Ix w.atcn, Me . Rev. Frank knowing either host or hostess; he the villagers. The good-hearted host, Chinese methods arc apt to be, says M. Bristol, I).I)., First Methodi«*- Episcopal Church, TORONTO.MONTREAL and BOSTON Evanston. III.; Rev. W. T. Moore IX.L). t **The Cbria- Macmillan's Magazine. knew that the marquis and his wife did seeing the minister's clothing drenched, tian Commonwealth,** Londor . Eng.; Rev. Edward Three hundred men clad in loose blue Everett Hale, D.D., South Congregational Church, not. speak to one another, and that each brought out a suit of his own and sent Boston, M is«.; Rev. Joseph Agar Beet, L>.D.. Wesleyan coats and drawers and plaited sun hsts College, Richmond, Eng.: Rev. Caspar Rene Gregory, would think he was the, guest of the his guest upstairs to put it on. Leipzig University. Leipzig, Germany; Rev. Wm. Write to T. S. Q utncky , other. The good man had made the change three feet across are digging up the puy Cleaver Wilkinson, D.D , University of Chicago, Chi­ Drawer 150, Chicago, Secre­ cago. II ’ .: Rev. Samuel Hart. D.D., Trinity Culleg«, dirt at the bottom of the pit with gnat All records of the kind have been and was on his way back to the sitting­ Hartford,Conn.: Ilev J. Monro Gibson,D.l)..St. John’s Operates ita trains on the famous block tary of the S tar A ccident If you are going to Woo I Presbyterian Church, London, Eng . Rev. George room when the woman of the house hoes and putting It on flat wicker bas­ C. surpassed by what has recently taken Lorimer. LL.IJ., The Temple. Ilo-tou, Mass. system C ompany , lor information kets; others catch up the baskets, POPIMK HiiriOM. .»42 pages. 57 full-piige illustra­ NA KUSP regarding Accident Insur­ place in I rance. A fascinating person came out of another room holding in CARIBOO gilt edges, cloth, fl.50; half levant, $6.00; fall Lights its train; by electricity through­ sling one at eaoh end of a yoke and. tions. SLOGAN CITY’ levant, $6.00. ance. Mention this paper. has been recently making a round of her hands the big family Bible, out of qtARTO y.lHTlOS.-i.2fln pages, Jin full-pag« illustra ­ GOLD balancing the load across the shoulder, NEW DENVER out; lie was which the doctor was to be invited to By so doing you can save visits at certain chateaux. tion- « 4tyle A—gilt edges, full levant, one volume, .«trie B—two volumes, full levant, tufted, t'JUOO: KASLO membership fee. Has paid over $000,000.00 for “well known, in society,” which means read a chapter before the family re­ they carry them up to the level ground 815.U), FIELDS »n 16 PARTS, quarto size, review questions to each, st if Uses tbe celebrated electric berth read-[ (vibrating in time with their steps) by paper covers, sewed, trimmed slightly, ll.OOeach part. accidental injuries. that he was gladly received in it, though tired. KOOTENAY NELSON For sale at all bookstores and by booksellers. For ing lamp; TRAIL At the same time she was not in avery narrow tree trunks, notched with foot­ further information, write HFNRY O. SHEPARD, nobody knew anything about him. Be your own Agent. MINING Publisher, 212 and 211 Men roe St reef, Chicago, Il line!«. ROSSLAND Runs splendidly equipped passenger He lived, when, not in town among amiable mood. Careful housewives are holes, which are placed at short inter­ NO MEDICAL EXAMINATION RI'QCUUUk DISTRICT his friends, in a very luxurious fash­ apt to be put out of sorts by the advent vals athwart the sloping sides of the trains every day and night between St. ion. But, all that he seems to have pos­ of unexpected company. Seeing Dr. pit. Get a copy of “Cari­ Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Having gained the higher level, they sessed of his own was a set of scientific Miller in his borrowed garments she boo and Kootenay Gold Fields.’’ throw down their burdens by the wash mistook him for her husband, and as he Chicago; tbe instruments of burglary. In .his pos­ ESTABLISHED 19S8. Pullman session was also founds portfolio with passed in front of her she lifted the boxes and descend by other bridges at, If you are thinking of traveling call on Chicago, Milwaukee & plans of the interior arrangements of book and brought it down pretty smart­ a steady trot in a silent, orderly and un­ Sleeping Gars (he agent of the Canadian Pacific Railway. • a * broken stream. The men at the >mh the houses at which he had been stop­ ly on his head. St. Paul Elegant “There,” she said, “take that for ask­ boxes, which are long, sloping troughs I ping- Lowest ratei to and from all part« of of wood throw in the dirt and by rak- j ing him to stay all night.” | One can imagine a polished forger. Also operates steam-heated vestibuled Dining Cars the.... Europa via. all Atlantic steamship lina«. ing it back and back under a nicely r<*g- ■ Fauntleroy was a most accomplished trains, carrying the latest private com­ (ialifernitf“ b«rti>tr.’ Tourist dated flow of water they separate the ’ * NURSING SENTIMENT, person, and gave excellent dinners, For full information regarding the above • ♦ partment cars, library buffet smoking Sleeping Cars when he was under sentence of death The French Cultivate the Love of Vai* black tin sand from the spoil and shovel I • The brightest, cleverest, most original. it into tubs ready for the smelting cars, and p.tlace drawing room sleep- call on or address he was called on by one of his noble i 7 newsiest, wisest, wittiest paper orom Deed«. . nnhliahnd _ .T a ST, PAUL B. W. GREEK, house, while the spoil is flung down the published on the Pacific coast. W. H. MO WAT, friends, who said: “Since vou are go- ' Sentiment is a thing of the heart, an era. 148 Third St. Agent MINNEAPOLIS : It is always up to date: a topical and ing to leave us, perhaps yo‘u will now instinct rather than judgment. Th« slope of the hither side of the paddock. Portland Parlor care, free reclining chair cars and * outspoken critic of the events. Ashland tell me where you get that green cu- , French nurse it by that which excites . doings and interests of the bush DULUTH Oregon Wanted —•— . * Oregon. y ncss and fashionable world. the very beet dining car service. racoa from;" but a polished burglar is the affections and imagination. Dur- E. J. COYLE. District Passenger Agent A wheel You Cao FAR. 0~ quite a novelty. j ing one of the wars between France Jackson county property. Will trad« « f A veritable symposium of caustica » For loweet rates to any point in the Vancouver, British Colnmbla, Depend Upon. on, hundred and sixty sen of good * comment; well bred satire; Inde- • GRAND FORKS Conceive his thought, while he Is »ay- and England a French officer blew up TO -J tvsnilpnnn — <> 1 fkna.ak. . •’ » « * pendence of original thought;* United States or Canada, apply to | ing soft nothings to the lady he to^k his ship to prevent its being taken. He farming land seven mile, from Klamath musical, dramatic, literary, and * Fall, for Jackson county property, Ad- « 4 CRCvKSTON art criticism > For Lightneo, Swiftne» vi ticket agent, or address l in to dinner. 1 How __ _ he must have eyed and the crew nil perished. drees, P. O. Box 56. Yreka, Oal. ’ i Its intercut is by no means local: It Is J >... jewelry, :----- ----------------------- WP.MPEG her and wondered . wh(^ -s} * Strength it is Unsurpa® ». The French g.iicrnimnt recognized C. J. EDDY, 7 equally entertaining In all parts ' * I kept it! What nights he must have , the officer'll heroism by entering the i of the country. j J. W. CASEY, Gsnr al Agent. HELENA en11 _ Napoleon Bonaparte . ____________ upor. r__ carefully prepared for excursions to Ca-> conferred CHICAGO orrza III.UUta U Klitar^ E r<,|>tal|ta.wWtaU. w • p“s> •"» .Xi zvzaF I M T ss roa saanb cedent«.”—James Payn, in Tndepend- To,,r d’Auvergne the title ot “First ifornia, Florida, Mexico, China, Japan, ctive agents for each WASHINGTON RtAD IT tutor. .1.1,1., fcr pwst. AJItata and to anv part of Europe. Estimate« fnt, * ' i Grenadier zx/ Ike - •• w Exclusive control and no of the French Army." He San Francisco. nBK* Will clear 12 to 2.5 bn nd red dol Ian a , PHILADELPHIA 1 ---------------------- ------- - ■■ . ... . ■ ... ------- I had declined promotion to the col- furnished including expenses. Ticket« $25 TO $50 PER WEEK furnished for the complete journey. It loee stamp for full particular* 1 NfiW YORK G kxts ; I have been taking your Sanap- I onelcy of a regiment, because it would £ 2^ I1 »ample. Bit Kapil, Mineral, is not necessary to wsit (or any of the so FATZ HT IA«V(R«, | arilla. and think it a wonderful remedy. I BOSTON AND ALL Water Co.. Bi& Rapids, Mich, I . ’ «parate him from his brave grrna- called “Personalis Conducted Excur­ Can be made by AGENTS taking orders have had catarrh of the head and throat for UDtaHsm , WASHINGTON, D. C, POINTS EAST end SOUTH for "The Earth Girdled,” by ItEV. seven year*, and have been treated by doc- I «lier», but he «a. not Insensible to the sions.*’ In these days of progressive ea« T. DeWITT TALMAGE, liars, radiant j tom I r«t Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla ; distinction which the epitimi mndc ap- ’ lightenment, with the English langn.ige : t - T »••»»I. ÎS y»«r» Through ticket, to Jepsn aud Chine, via and alarming Hundreds of new photos— and took it for a*bout five months and from i parent. pu, • •er K( Wr*v When he wne l.-Hfod ,n battle ' «poken in everv land under the sun, one place. . that « fr««, ü«;. u emperor ordered that his name I . I awA S f A VS .4 f t — — — 1 AV« « ; • ''« ISTITUTO Tbe World's Wonders as seen and des­ I bird with catarrh, and I believe 1 am entire­ Co. I I mnnth by • harm* v’ *• Mr cribed by the greatest living preacher and ly well of it I have found it matchlese. should be called at every rn'l call of tbe of guides for sight seeing, hut can go It Fa.information, tima card*, map and orator. Over 500 massive quarto pages I It ie a good thing to have handy grenadiers, ami that tbe sergeant alone or in small family parties, with Agents reaping • «olden harvest o tickets, call on or write ARKY L FIMMRL. Vo aurvin<. wrinkle« or aetibiikP««. rm I \ LI should answer; “Died ea the field of treat comfort and security, and at one’s ordrre; one reports 30 sales In S hoars own convenience. Write to O. J, Eddy Little Lake. Cal A. D. CHARI.TON, Liberal terms. No expedience needed Warr« to rnoei pvoplb avd tbit will teiwiL' Genera) Agent, Chicago, Mil wan kee A ¿..latent General Pe»«eng.r, . I li bs Mrs .«d UM ritelity ss«e fne 1st it m PATIENT« TREATED BY MAIL Write for agency, quick I TXLL roc BOW OLAD TWIT AU TWAT TSMY Bl- ML Panl railway, Portland, Or., for par* ronSdeuiiaiir. r