VALLEY RECOKIl. MD” Go. Booming. ■ To Hang June lOch. HOT POLITICAL TUIE UTOItOtï Forcing Kincaid to File Ticket. YOU WANT A FINE SUIT The war spirit in up and “D" Oo.. O. N. The motion for a new trial, made by Secretary of State Kincaid, who is run­ G is up and doing having decided to drill Attornevs Wai son and Dalrvmple for The democratic faction« are each mak­ twice a week Capt J. L. May is at pre«- Frank ~ ’ Lawrence - - . . of . ing an assault on Saturday'« democratic ning for office on the fusion ticket, has re­ Smith, couvictn-1 fused io piace the People’s party ticket on ent in Portland and tbe boys are in com-; ASHLAND, Or...Thurixlav, April 21. 1MÛS mand of First Lieut F.d. Thornton, the murder in the tint degr» by killinn Peter primaries for supremacy, all working un­ the Australian ballot as it was filed by 8. Nelson in a box car near Central Point, der cover as much at porsible. Crowell H. Holt, chairman of the straight out pop­ ' next ranking officer being W. C. Grubb. was argued and submitted Thursdsr. On i« operating the wires in a more hithlen ulist state convention. Mr. Holt went to The non-com missioned officeia are: OME and rec U wm mw *tyh* Salem Monday to consult with Dr. J. L. ; 1st Sergeant. WO Grubb; Quartermaster : Friday Judge Hanna overruled the mo­ band than be played at first primary PERSONAL AND SOCIAL Sergeant. W Y Crowaon; Sergeant«, W B tion and sentenced the prisouer to ba when he was a candidate himself. His Hili, the nominee for congress, from this in threw button* cutaway* and district and J. K. Sears, the nominee for Pracht, W W Hevener; Corporals. B A hung Judge Hanna was much overcome main play now is to get candidates nom­ klickleaen'a band made sbsea, I3.U0, state treasurer, all of whom were o be in I Prince Alberts, made and war­ Spencer, Otto Miller. •a he delivered tho tollowing aenteoce to inated on tbe fusion ticket who will Salem Tuesday to proceed with the w-rek of Musicians.-G V Gillette. Fred Nei*. Mine Bertie Wallis went to Keswick to­ Bmtlb: “Frank Lawrence Smith, the bench for him when they are elected. mandamusing the secretary of state in ,?>e Privates—Fred Ahlstrom, J W Bish, day. ranted by Hart, Schaffner A Marx. Philip Bish, Edgar Cortbell. Dan Conner, jo lgment of this court is that you be re­ This is a j >b easier secured than getting courts. Father Desmarais visited Eugene this Walter Frulan, Will Ferrin, Frank Grubb, manded to the custody of tbe sheriff of himself nominated. As county judge Salem, April 20.—Secretary State Kincaid For uipcrb tailoring and finish, fine week. Buel Hildreth. Fred Herrin, Clyde Hock­ Jackson county, to tie confined in the over fusion court house officials he will has refused to file certificate nomination of Walter Williams returned to Sacramento ett, Cbas Harris, Blaine Kium, M R Moore. county jail of said county, until Friday, have a boss-ship that can hardly he People's party candidates. Senator Holt, fabric and linings, graceful, easy fit John McCall, Roy Neil, Humboldt Pracht, June 10th, 1898, and theu, in the yard of •loaned in tbs party councils two years Dr Hill. J. K Sears, repre-enting People's yesterday. Abe Radcliffe, Chas Rose. Geo Rose, Kov said jail, to be hanged by the neck until hence. He is finding much opposition party, have employed legal counsel and •nd handsome appearance, ... Miss Mela Crosby ot Talent visited Ash­ Rob ley, Fred Robley, E P Spencer, B fc asked Judge Hewitt for writ of mandamus you are dead. And utav God have mercy and may be defeated entirely by the Neil to compel secretary to fi 7U7 40142 1 107 00 ) and lias no relatives of influence, it io be- 50 J. A Gross of tb. Depot hotel is visiting 2 224 80 43 The populist primaries are called for Sat­ 92 145 00 > lieved that enough sympathy can be 50 Grand Army hall was filled with middle- at Palo Alto. Cal., this week. 3 55 40 154 50 41 126 00 11 raised to get h la ease before the supreme urday, April 23d, at 2 o'clock p m , of-the-roaders 8atur 17 82 30 places armed with dip nets, traps, bask- , county candidate on whom they did agree ton and Te'ephone Drug Store. Mrs. Aitkin of Anita, Indian Territory,is 25 ciples, then follow it ap by a radical cam­ to fuse ran behind tbe Mitchell ticket. 56 156 40 67 70 80 11 visiting hei mother, Mrs. Chas. Chandler 26 Ex-Judge A. P. Overton, one of the 42 129 80 68 38 1*2*2 20 ele, etc., and proceed to till them with paign, the pe pie’s party could again bring In conclusion Mr. Evans made a strong for tbe summer. 32 27 110 8<)69 42 1/9 80 the seething mass of fish which are try­ forth another one of its brilliant victories appeal to bis hearers to remember that best-known citizens of Sonoma county, ing to ascend the ladder and then scurry over obstacles that could never be overcome free-silver was not everything. It would iied at Duncan Springs a few days ago. 19 86 10'70 Not coaiplied with .I. M. Muller and J W Dyer, returned, 28 away to hiding again upon tlie approach by old parties. Jackson county is thorough­ not bring to the workingmen the results 31 108 90 law. Alaskans returned Tuesday from a trip in 29 30 19 The autirealoon league of Eureka is 61 10 71 15 7« 50 oi the officer. Several of their nefarious ly innocu ated with populism Besides its that they had been promised by democrat­ Siskiyou county. 31 G 61 40 72 103 20 contrivances for trapping ttie tl»h have great actual voting Ntrengih repeatedly ic orators. Even admitting that it would making Itself heard in an attempt to 28 Call st Vaupel, Norris A Drake and look 32 39 121 10 73 75 192 50 been captured and destroyed and so vigi­ polled it has the citizens and voters of raise the price of wheat and labor, would reform the saloon-keepers of that at their fine new stock of summer goods of 33 20 10 69 00 lant are the officers that very few fish are the county not in its ranks imbued with it not also raise the valuation of railroads 88 00 74 every description. its principles. While this is true of national and corporation stock, in greater propor­ town. 34 22 91 80 75 19 86 20 35 92 16 224 80 76 80 40 being shipped from Pokegama, where a issues, tbe local issues it has created and tion, thus adding to what all populists con Oscar Carpenter and Steve Carpenter and Tom Sharkey and Jim Jefferies, the 29 28 103 20 couple of weeks ago hundreds of pounds established in the public mind, the just 8idered the paramount evil of all questions 106 1O|77 their families have returned to Medford 36 pugilists, 37 17 82 30 78 .0 69 00 were being taken. Any of tlie fishermen taxation ot railroad and corporation prop­ of the day? He pointed »'.it that the Roths­ undefeated heavy-weight from Alturas, Cal. 38 24 95 60 79 27 101 30 could make good wages by fishing in tbe erly, the reduction of exorbitant official childs bad purchased a large number of sil­ have been matched to fight in San Mr. Stewart, a young attorney of Forest 39 4*1 69 00 i river with rod and line, but that means salaries, «nd ri^ideconomy in county ex- ver mines in Mexico and they would be Francisco on May 6. 137 401«0 10 Grove, is looking over Jackson county with 40 50 18 84 20 i work, snd tliev evidently prefer to vio- p -nditures until the county is out oi debt benefited by the tree coinage of silver far 145 00 «1 a view of locating. The scarcity of grain and the high aud free from 8 per cent interest bearing more tiren lhe laborer who had to toil for 41 25 97 50'82 37 1-0 30 la'-e ttie law rather than work. warrant’, are vital and beneficial issues every ounce of Mirer he possessed. If the price at which it is held has compelled Assessor John Grieve, who is working Total number cl ildren in count) , 4979, that will awaken a patriotic interest m tbe government could raise tbe price of silver the mills at Stockton, Cal., to seek this end >>f lhe county, visited Central Circuit Court Proceedings Amount of moi ev apportioned .. 113410 10 I Mary Dox vs Henry Dox; divorce. De- party that can be sincerely interea.ed in by fiat, as the demoqjats claimed, why grain elsewhere. Point oyer Sunday. A deal for 5900 tons bringing about the result. The work of could it not do likewise with paper, which Bona« 78 districts, oi >50 each. . 3900 00 ! cree granted. G. O. Van Nattaand O. M. Ganiere are Bonus 2 joint Chtrlctd, of |25each. 60 00 ! Stale of Oregon vs Frank Lawrence the convention will let the people know was the principle for which every true pop­ of Oregon grain was closed last week. at Centra* Point buildidg a fine new resi> Apportionment per capita............ whether it means business; bombastic reso­ 1 90 Smith; indictment for murder Several severe earthquake shocks Motion for lutions count for naught. Tbe political ulist contended deuce for Mr. Hansen. Arrived nt tbe Robbins A Stock Undertaking Parlor ou Granite When he had finished, B. P. Welsh made were felt in Mendocino county, Cal., GU8 NEWBURY, new trial denied and prisoner sentenced to party that can, through the work of its Street, the largest nud finest line of............................................ .. A. B. Gegax left for Sun Francisco yes­ an earnest apoeal to stand by party and Co. Superintendent. be hanged June 10th Ib98. convention and the personnel of its candi­ Friday. Chimuoya were knocked terday. He will return again, if appear­ J Gurney Fowler vs J 8 Marsh, et al con­ dates, convince the people of Jackson principle, and not to be lured into fusion Phoenix, Or.. April 18, 1898 ances indicate anything. by a promise of a pull at a campaign fund down and considerable damage done firmation. Sale confirmed. county that it means to carry out these J F White Admr of estate of Jas Horn, three local issues, will sweep the county which had been wrung from every form oi to buildings, but no one was hurt Alex. Orme was up from Foots creek P. W. Ellis died at Separ, N. M., Sun­ vice and crime in the North End. Monday practicing up that “glad hand" day. The body in company with the grief vs J M Childers et al. Same. against any possible combination of weak James D. Page, an ex-district attor­ Ever exhibited in Ashland. We are prepared to furnish all Beswick vs W M Colvig, Adtnr. kneed sycophants or pusilanimous crump greeting for the campaign. stricken widow, formerly Miss Fannie of Richard The senate and house have agreed upon ney of San Francisco, has been sen­ estate of J U Durkee. Same. kinds and sizes of caskets nf the latest style and finish on pickers. Both the organization and rank i an armed intervention and freedom of Cuba Mrs. E. L. Applegate and granddaughter. Slover, ia on tonights train for burial at Same vs Margaret Engle, et ai. Same. tenced to eight years in the penitenti ­ short notice. and file of the people s party are thorough- : resolution. It was signed by the president Miss Jereie Helman, went to Grants Puss Dallas. Polk county. Court adjourned until April 27th. Night as well as day calle promptly atteciled f. ly committed and identified' with these hon- i and he forwarded a 48 hour ultimatum for ary for embezzling several thousand Tuesday to visit relatives, M’isses Hallie Thomas and Nellie De­ I Wire orders receive special attention. to get out of Cuba Spain has re­ dollars from an insane ward. Letters have been received here from est issues. That some of its officials have Spain District Attorney Jeffrey left for east ot ment. and Chester Faster and Roy Neil failed to perform these well-understood I fused to receive ultimatum and will resist Fine horses and carriages, The election held in Stock ton ~*and the inouniaius Tuesday to attend court have been «elected to contest for the gold several sections of southern California duties, is known by every person in lhe Uncle Sam will begin war Saturday quite medal on behalf of the juniors of the nor« Inquiring about tbe poepects of leasing county. They made their own bed, the 11 and electioneer for his election. Fair Oaks and North school districts likely. EMBALMING - A. . HPB.QT A T^TY mal school. paaturage grounds and ranches, on people’s party can tell them to lie in it; it on the question of annexation of the Attorney J. W. Hajnaker of Klamath The people of Ashland who have shown E. Ray who struck a blind lead on his which to feed stock, as the entire south­ was made against its expressed and im- Call and we shall be pleased to show you our goods. Fails took Sunday’s stage home from the two outside districts to the citv result ­ mine on Rogue river below Sams creek that ern part of tbe state is drying up from »lied principles and men are not eo scarce 1 their appreciation of the beautinil por­ convention and supreme court. “Live and let live” is our motto, haying had 10 years expert- I work done by Mr«. M. E. Herrin, ed in a decisive majority agaiiiBt an­ is reputed to have turned out several the great scarcity of ruin iu auutbern but that their services can be temporarily trait ence in this line of work. Jonathan Bourne will operate the E. A E. thousand dollars was in town this week California The party that can firmly < will be interested in the redaction of nexation. Cattle have been transport­ dispensed with quartz mines in Baker county as soon as seeing about milling his ore. set them aside without iua'ice. but in the t price« in «orne gradee of work to last un­ ed to Mendocino and other coast coun ­ The Sun Joaquin count} ’ grand Jury The Undertaker and Embalmer. public good, is lhe party that can the present lessee’s term expires. Capt. O. C. Applegate of Klamath Falls ties, and many thousands will be brought just and reasonable people of the convince til May 15th only. Entrance at back of has indicted Jack Breen for arson. C. F. Gegax and family moved to Me has been spending a few days in Ashland to northern Cal ill tomia aud Oregon.—' of its motives by its actions and integrity building. Breen is charged with having set fire no wind Cloud where he will run lhe branch rail­ while en route home from republican state Yreka Journal. jamming rhetoric can be invented that will There are nearly 1.000,000 acres’of ‘o the warehouse of the Farmers' road out of disaon to tbe sawmill town. convention. He made the speech nominal-1 prevail against it. land in Monterey county «till open to Union a’ Stockton and caused a loss of We learu that arrangements are iu The people’s party of Jackson is poss­ H. A. Townsend and F. Me Kercher, ing fudge Chas. S. Moore for state treas- J prepress (or establishing an extensive essed of the best judgement, the truest entry by homesteaders, according to y225,000. owners in ttie cyan’de plant in operation in urer. this city came out from Portland Sunday. Will Langilie, formerly employed in the dredging plant in Yreka Creek, at the nerve and the finest sentiment of any po-I the last report of tho United States The expoi¡mental agricultural sta­ — J office. ><.._»_> » -------- . northern edge of Yreka townsite. The litical organization that has existed among * land Ashland mine has just returned from Much of » It as la --------- good grazing Will L Miller, formerly of Jacksonville, Klondike whither he went last fall with McNulty ranch has been bonded for men in the county for a quarter of a cen- I tion of the I’niversily of California at land, though but little is level enough and Hon Geo O. Rinerson of Clackamas Jo-epb A Wilson. He missed the Sheep Paso Ih'b'vs will be closed for the pres­ tury, and when once in action these are I Including Apple, Pear, Cherry, Prune, Plum and small fruits. New county are practicing law at Ft. Wrangle. Camp avalanche by an hour He spent his M2,000. also the Foster, Perry and Mrs. tbe factors that wrest victory from defeat | for farming. Nearly all of it is as yet fruit» a specialty. We have tbe most complete list of large red Winter ent in accordance with the policy of Miller places below McNulty’s. Negotia­ Alaska. nnaurveyed. The pariy ’ s danger is political laziness, ' strikes Apples of anyone on the coast; also several new and promising varieties time “stampeding" to the new' economy which the regents of tho tions are under way tor seenrintr tbs ohl not meaning; promising with words and of mber fruits. We grow all the leading varieties of old as well as tha Hon. R. M. Veatch, fusion nominee for made and did not strike a bonanza, How- The British bark Wllliscott arrived university have adopted. new. New yarities tbe same price as old. congress, made ihe opening speech of his ever, he is well pleased and will return Rlake place, now belonging to Geo. D. platforms that are not convincing, that any Butler, aud the Burgess field inside the child knows are insincere, are the elements In Ban Francisco last week from Hiogo campaign Saturday at Springfield, Laue again soon. * Fire broke out in the warehouse of Yreka limits at tbe comer of Main ami that will create e condition that invites de- ' Write for Descriptive Vrlce List Before jPurchasinff. county. Ah. Giddings, an old time jehu of this Lennox streets. The purchasers only cay aud defeat. If the ¡»arty is to • lay ’ almost a wreck. Sixty days before she F. W. linker's hardware store at Ven­ Evangelist Ross, who held services in section, was a passenger on the northbound down" like thia it may just as well tear reach port she encountered a frightful tura, Cab, and spread to the adjoining desire the land for mining in tne creek, thia citv lost winter is visiting in Eugene. train Tuesday He is an employe of the ottits mask and pub down its sign as a storm, which tore off mast, smashed They will shortly leave for the ea»L— Klamath lumber company at Klamathon, and believe that good returns can be party that was brought into existence for deck houses, and washed every mov­ storeroom of Connor A Blackstock's grocery, entirely destroying both build­ Guard. and was returning from San Francisco, realized from the enterprise. Work is to any specially good purpose. The old par­ able article overboard. The vessel Salem, Oregon. Miss Mary Jeffrey returned to Gazelle whither he had been summoned at the be commenced shortly at the Pei ry place. ties already fill the deuiaud for do nothing­ Ban Francisco with the aid of jury ings and their contents, causing a loss of >10,000. Monday. Her mother. Mrs. Jeffrey of trial now in progress between that com­ Mr. Gardner from Boston is tne projector ness. pany and the Pokegama lumber company. •ails. ’ ’ of this undertiking, and is assisted by Medford accompanied her to visit for Ttie people of Jackson county are al­ The John Kelso company of San —Dunsmuir News. by Mr. Wallace of this place in complet­ ways fr»*e and independent in their pub­ awhile, Governor Sadler of Nevada held a Francisco must answer to the United Miss Myrtle Gill. We ’ l ’ s-Fargo ’ s express ing arrangements. — Journal. lic thought and when, in 1892, tbe demo- ' meeting with the cattlemen of that W. W. Waiters, who bas been driving a agent liberated eight homing pigeons in States supreme court for its alleged tunnel in a mine on the south side of the The Lawrence Mining Co. of Spring­ eratic party fixed up the country Grover state at Carson city a few days ago. violation of the oightrhour law by Ashland at 5:35 a. m. Saturday They were in Siskiyous. returned to Phoenix Monday to the loft of their owner John Mole, at East field, Jil., which is developing an exten­ Cleveland and the triin of infamy ti nt i The‘pieeting was called to consider making its employes work ten hours a Improve his health. Oakland, (’al., at 2:18 p m. of the same da v. bob sive yivpriiy property u*»v dike ou on neuucu Reuben kibcb creek, , 12 *• went into power with him, bw it said to ! whether the quarantine law should be J. M. Reed, who has been in southern making tbe trip in the quick time of ekht! miles west of Iceland, in Josephine eoqF«T£OOI«4 4>n apolitical mission. run. Ashland to Roseburg, re-established, frorn the Springfield district, Illinois, I try. The legend ha« always applied to pany to a Portland firm, consisting of F. H. More, formerly in tbe lumber bu*i- and two crews from Ashland to D insmuir. aud is now at Washington, D. C , wreatl- ' tbe mountains. The last to he whipped Theodore B. Wilcox and William M. •» .• .a. al*. 4 tlie 1. a I'x.» qi- .. ehon •» . nfr ..... I). I K L* ■ aa* ama the t L. a ancirnt a a a a «... D 1.« ■ .. « ... . a _ nese in Ashland, was ou Tue>day> train The company counters their proposition * Ing with cubaa ' were Britain, in 41... tlie Ill Welsh and Charles E. Ladd, who arc also the for Ban Francisco* He is in lhe lumber with an »»filer to cut wages. | Lawrence, a banker by prole,eion, ia ' --------------------------- " esUbli«!.ed - - - 1 -■ mountains. Then "" T-*ll the owners of the Portland Flouring Milla ASHLAND, OREGON. business at The Dalles. The Woodmen of the World and Acorn president of the company, ami rt*iezvices at Trinity maTiage and a lodge ceremony. The the-road populists popylisie for district attorney and , countv is an admission of complete sur- bnpramento plans." This long-delayed G. W. TREFREN, church las evening. Rev. Isaac Dawson ladies Pacific t'ircle was instituted in Ash- | will make a good can yip of ll>£* „ tjsiript . - , „ tor - . ' render. . * • Th* man or set of men who permit means much to the property­ accompanied him. land only about a year ago and h is now a that ca ise. Hejs 1’ well educated in law and Would Ji.' fuse ____ a _ proud _______ organ zation like the owners along the Sacramento and Ban Attorney at Law and Notary rubli.-. W. H. Godfrey wife aud child of Bonan- large membership with new accession« should be elected lie is far bet'er equipped i k People's of vri Jackson county to a Joaquin rivers. w.,>.v *> party ^.a.L , wa ’BOVU VUUUVJ HJ g Facing Main Street Bridge, It is very probable to fill the position than tbe pr- sent incuru- | moribund ■ corpse ................. ea vis><<4 A-hiand this wek and left tor going on monthly. like the democratic or­ Reul Estate, Mining Exchange A Isoan*. Engepe. wnerp ihe family will remain What pleasure is therein life with a head­ bent, who substantially knows no law at ganisation in this county is uot possessed that tlie same action'will be taken In Ashland, Oregon. while he makes a trip to New York. ache, constipation and biliousness? Thous all. 1 of the right spirit to put his head in a regard Io work on the Newtown shoals, Dr. B. R. Freeland, the able and ex­ and as the plans were forwarded Fri­ r AM KTII, WANTIJO 8KVKRAL THING«, Latest arrival of goods at Qpera Houre amis experience them who con'd beft^.-ie primary or county convention of a party Furniture Store. Babv carriage, bad room perfectly healthy bv using De Will's L*‘tle perienced dentist. Insurance block. Oak ; that lie pietendsto love. He is there to day, word will no doubt be received ir nor mom . Rarlv Risers, the famous little pill«. . or street, h prepared to do all classes of work gqits. lin «leum, rockers, chairs and win 1 Hnve some liciires to rent and there sale by T. K boltop gnd Telephone Drug in his line in a scientific and skillful man- . dierupt and destroy that party and can­ in a very short time. 4ow shades. not wish anything more than its death. per. (live him a call. are Nome people who wi*h to rent houses, Store ' * ■BP Ex-pQstma«,er W. H. Brunk was down but niy p ople and my bouses don’t suit He etiogld leaye it alone and entitle him­ thN valley this we«U. He b mentioned asa each oilier, therefore 1 want more people Ileal Malate, self to the self respect of neighbors. slOR3h dark horse candidal« for sheriff on the aud more houses in order to make a match. Lydia T McL'all to John A McCall—tract LUCE TALKS IM KtM«’s TOWN. democratic ticket «nd if he f«n ke«*p the 1 Have money on hand to loan and peo­ in Ashland : *100. War among the bosses off of hlmwK W*y •«- Baker City, April 17. — Tbe fight be- ple want to borrow, but there it is again Geo H Anderson to John A McCall— -------- —- ' ----- ill’FFIELD—Near Climax. April 7, 1893, gept a nomination. The nnmunts d » not ¡-nit the peop e or tbe lot 1. blk • V" K R add lo Ashland; »75. I tween the genuine ami fusion populists is to Mf and Mrs. Duffield, a daughter. peop'e the aim u-it'. in con-«quence of l.iliy D A K T Blackwood to .1 JI Wag- on and the former evidently do not prô­ Bee Vaupel. Norris * Drake for tbat cult FRED^NB*'RG — (n Jacksonville precinct, which I want |VX), Q, fl'JOO, |5000, ner — tract in twp 10 ». r 2 e : ,2500. pose tr * — to be swallowed up by the demo- Ot alothea. T^vy will please you. April 7. 1898, to Mr. and Mr« G. W. V000 to loan on good security, Win nage to E V Carter—land in twp 39 craii. crate. John C. Luce, of Grant county, Freden burg, a son, Mr «nd Mrs. Tbn,. Fenkey of Sams i.r le, ,l I Hrtvrcity and country property for ! tniddle-of-the-road candidate for gover­ Valiev risiied Astilanrt friends Mpaday aud BUCKNER—At Gardner, Douc’as county, Í Ari huí Wilson to Almira Wilsc.. Arthut Wilson—tract nor, was given a reception last night at sale and t" irn»le—House«. Vacant Lots, Tuesday, tbe «uests of Mr and Mr» J. March 28, 1898. to Mr. and Mrs. H. H.»in Galloway add to Medford; 1^0). Fruh Ln’ids, Farm Lands and ¿Suburban Pelton. Tom la one of tbe backbone popu Buckner, a daughter. ! Conrad Mingus to John Weeks—lot 20, Bust's opera house, on the occasion of Proj»eriy. I the first campaign epeach this veer. Thé 11,1s of the county who does not desire to —ab’ a 51. .M v>d ford: $300 Town an I Countrr property in tbe Wil- detert tbe »hip just because somelmdy has A A Bgtterson to 4 8 Bliton—lot 17, speaker gave a full history of the Pen- lameticr Va lev and on tne coast to trade tender«d i)ie ceptaln «nd offieera s .rne tine MAKIUED. ■ noyer-democrat-populist fusion deal for Fairview add to Medford j |l. for property in Ashland and vicinity. A 8 Blitou to E W Starr—same property ; tpeile, showing that populist principles pieces of pie, and voting strength ware ignored, .32,000 nargalna, Bargain« Bargains. T. M. Wiseman of Bonanza, who sr- BEALL-GREEN—At Lakeview. April 2. i II. , P J McHugh to Henrietta D McHugh — rited in tbe frozen north In February and populist votes receiving onlv one political 1808, bv Judge E M. Brattain, Les Beall ' . 80 acres in twp 30 s. r 4 w $1 O. W. TKEFI’EN. Lu been over the pas» and ns i.r down 65.00. Eda M Morris to J F Walt—lot 0. blk 70, by Prtinoyf-r an<| his push. Mention of gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, may secusa lusianl relief by usinx l»e w lit s KEPl.ER—In Chimney Kock precinot. ! the name of H h Courtney for congress Wii-h Haaei r«l»e It is lhe «rest Pile April 6,189», Mr. Kepler; aged about »2 Medford; $>0 Liver and Bow els, cleanses tbe sys­ Hilda Salstrom to W 8 Crowell «nd Cbas ' from the second district, nominated here remedy For aala ay T. K. Bolton and Short Hand and Type Writing Department. years. Prim—¡0 acres in twp 37 «, r 2 w . 021MM). v*>at«r Enwicht— ctt 1 and elicited enthusiastic applaua ? This be­ I aches and fevers and cures habitual Business Department. 2. blk I.. R R add to Asb'and; >150 ing the hom« ef the fusion candidate lor Syrup of Figs is the FG Birdrey to J M Allen—SO acres •n governor, the fact ci an enthusiastic re- constipation. Normal Department tp 34 s, r 3 e; >300 only remedy of its kind ever pro­ W J Manin to Chas Wilcox—tract in I c-pl ion to Luce is noteworthy. Luce re- Stn lanta receivo-l at any time. Board and Lodging from ,13.00 par month ' lurnetl honre to-day, to be present at tb« duced, pleasing to the taste and ac­ Jacksonville; >25 to *20 00, Catalogna and Pamphlata on application. ASHLAND, OREGON. Grant c Duty po pallet convention April ceptable to the stomach, prompt in MINING LOCATIONS '231. its action and truly beneficial m iw A fine line of Samples of Ladie’«, Mi«t>es Chas Saunder» and others on Mai ch |8>h Adlrm 0 E DOAN, p.opriator and children■* apparrell.consisting ofCapes, located a quarts claim in Foots creek dis­ effect«, prepared onlv from the most Jacket«. aisle, Tailor Made Suits, Al akin- Christian Chtaruh Organised trict to»he*. etc . J. 8. Lister, stats evangelist, who has healthy and agreeablesubstancea, its F W Dillard et al on April 4’h located a been con tacting merlin«« here «inc« 3d VP TO PATK »TTf FS fBOM PHIL KnBLPRIA qnartz claim in Evans creek district. inst. has done good work that resulted in many excellent qualities commend it Nice goods for little money. Kindly call M Wagner on Jan 2 2d located a quartz to all and have made it the uum | i the organization of a Cbri«tian church Tues ­ rtl in Knrgrgnt Km'grftnt prpfk prefl di««rict and see H H A A Shorev Shorty on on April April 4ib located a quartz day. H« will speak m Chaqlauqua Audi­ popular remedy known. DAVID ALLKM. torium neat Ruhdny at (I a. m dn •’Uhrist- claim in Rock l*oint Point — distriot. ------ Syrup of Figs io for sale in 60 lan« Before the World" and at 3 o'ciook p. H A May fit Id on March 7th located nt. on Tbe Foundation of the Christian cent bottles by all leedii Assignee s Final Cotice. uuart 1 claim ia Vova district. Any reliable drug^ E H Dufur et al on April 12ih located a 1 Church.'* This denomination has 7CQ0 gists. members In Oreg »n and 1,000.000 in the I’ plarer c t’m in <*old Hi.l district. 9 a I within 80 years in tbl« eontttry. tbe may not have it on hand will pro­ Uf k'nioLinn nr) W re u Knighmp on April iltll leC*t«d a I»”* being 47 010 luembers. cure it promptly fur any one who quarts claim in t’ ova ovj a-s'not. J A Hanley « n Apni l|»t> UÑ#ted a q a ar if itort-s tiiM«e «renter th^n i U ri qf Rny qn« of Wishes to try it. Do not acoeptany the larreet denominations wit|t a history ot aim In in Widow Spnnp district, claim two cemunei. substitute. Dyspepsia cured. Shiloh's Vitaliser Im- I ------- up - J '■aup.l N orris A Dry*, ar. ahowina up. sasdiatety r-uu- relieves ~ur sour ------------ stomach, ~ coming You must UM M» MMpeenfule of other baking powder. fOOa —----------t—Aosaw ttwi ••• Vaupel, Norris ct Drake. In buying (OMFOUND WHITÇ FINS AND TñR SYRUP WITH BALM OF GILEAD there is but one Undertaking Goods Marion - County - Nursery GROWERS OF FIRST-CLASS NURSERY STOCK. W. W. Walker & Son, Proprietors, Superior Photographs, Excelling all others in Life Like, Artistic and Permanent Results. Mrs. M. E. Herrin, Art Gallery. Gohl ■ Extraction • Co. Gas City Business College Fall Term Begins Sept 6th. C. I. Andrews, M. S., Look Here OTVB BNJOY« Use only one heap­ ing teaspoonful of Schilling s Best Bak­ ing Powder to a quart of flour. Wanamaker Clothing Agency, StOCktOH, Cal. Í i I i