THE 8HIPS ALL RIGHT. A. R. Reynolds .»hot himself through MOBILIZING THE ARMY. Saturday night the second stage in tlie legislative fight for the freedom oi I'waikty Thousand Ra.ular. B«ln. Rustl­ The Flying Squadron la 2*ui> Through tlie head in tlie ei.premu court room at Jiu'ksou, Tenn., joat ufter Judge Mc­ HOHEHt I WO. OWtCOON. Cuba was ended, when by a vote of 07 Succtaaful Maneuvers. ed to th« South. Mines of the Coa«t. Allister had affirmed tiio sentence oi (Hix yearn a breeder.) Am now ready Co book and fill I Io 21, tlie senate passed the resolution The People's Paper The flying squadron put to sea last tlie lower court, six years for enibes- Decidedly the most. warlike itep orders for Egge from high scoriug and prise winning The Little Butte mine, Kern county, reported by the committee of foreign birds Price» low for quality of stock. I claim as good is taking cut $45 orc. relations, with the Turpie amendment taken by the department in preparing Wednesday for a practice drill, and zlement. Reynolds left a letter sav­ as the best and all of the true type. Have spent time and ASH I,AND an Diego county, are producing ore from Cuba and Cuban waters, and lien. Joint R. Brooke; at Mobile by quickly, the heavy battle-ships Massa­ Fine facilitiei for Instruction and Rate« aa low M lookout It would be impossible for the tliut assays $16 gold and $4 silver. the loweat. Open» September 16th, 1897. Naw Il­ directing tlie president of lhe United Brig.-Gen. J. J. Coppinger, and at chusetts and Texas being especially small craft to get near enough to the lustrated Catalogue, xivina full information eent on A 2-ioot ledge has been discovered States to use the land and naval Tampa by Brig.-Gen. James F. Wade. quick. Line of battle was] formed, application to H. L. BOARDMAN, Pra». large cruiser* to blow them up. The by L. D. Jenseil in Virginia district, forces of tho United States to carry The troops at tho Presidio, San with the Brooklyn on the right, the guns of the cruiser* could, on the con­ San Bermirdino county, that assays these resolutions into effect. Francisco, responded promptly to tho Massachusetts to the left of tho Brook­ trary, blow the torpedo boat* out of the jto per ton. Whereas, Tlie abhorrent conditions orders to prepare to move and in re­ I lyn, tlie Minneapolis to the left of the Cured by Hood’s Sarsaparilla the I markable short time everything was Massachusetts, the Columbia next and water mile* away. Great Spring Medicine | The Rowe & Jenkins mine, at West which have existed for more than On thi* theory what was called a fly­ Point, Calaveras county, has been un­ three years in the island of Cuba, so in readiness for tlie journev. Sunday I the Texas on the extreme left The signal to anchor in lino was Scrofulous Sore Leg for 2d Yaarg. ing squadron was organized to sail watered and a 14-inch vein of J4U ore near our own borders, have been a companies B and H, First infantry, i disgrace to Christian civilization, cul­ left Benica anu joined tlie regiment at obeyed so well that an almost perfect about tb* We«* Indie* and our own . discovered. All Spring Humors, sores, erup­ minating as they have in tlie destruc-, San Francisco. Some little delay in alignment was obtained. Anchorage ARMOUR & CO. P roprietors coasts and look out for that torpedo flo­ 1*. Riodan is developing two proper­ tion of a United StateB battle-ship, starting was caused in making arrange­ was made on Wednesday night, 15 tions, boils, pimples, etc., are cured General Officefl: 205 La Salle St. Chicago, Illinois. tilla and for other Spanish war vessels. ties near Oroville, Buite county. He witli 288 of its officers and crew while ments with transportation companies. miles east of Cape Charles light, near by Hood's .Sarsaparilla, the “ king of The new*, however, that three formida­ has discovered a 3-foot vien of fair on a friendly visit in tlie harbor of The First infantry regiment bus been the southern drill grounds. medicines?’ Read these letters: ble Spanish vessels had left Cadiz just grade ore on one. ' I lavana,and cannot longer be endured, stationed at points in California for At nine o’clock, when most of the The tunnel in the Three Friejids ns was set forth by tlie president oi some years, and its members are well- officers and men had prepared to re­ “C. I. Hood A Co., Lowell, Mass.: after the flotilla sailed showed that th* “ Doar SirsAfter suffering from a sor« mine, near Confidence, Tuolumne known to Californians. ho United States in his message to Spanish had considered and discounted tire, the call to quarters and brittle leg for 25 years, four bottles county, is in 70 feeL The ore averages It will take four and a half or five calls were sounded. On the Brooklyn c.mgressjnf April 11, 1898, upon which the effect of our flying squadron. They Letter Of Hood’s Sarsaparilla have NEW CARS of LATEST DESIGN and CONSTRUCTION ONLY in USB >10 99 per ton. days for the run to New Orleans. On tlie action of congruas was invited; so quickly was the work done tliat seat immediately after the flotilla a made a complete cure. My A Perfect Ventilator and Refrigerator Fruit Car. . such trips it is customary to stop for an every division officer had reported Peterson & llovie discovered a ledge therefore squadron oom posed of two of their finest No. 1 • 1°" would inflame as soon as hour or two hours a day along the '‘ready” in four minutes and tlie ship Pacific Coaet Division : Resolved bv the senate and I dog days would come and cruisers. Infanta Marla Teresa and Cris­ near Trinity Center, Trinity county, tliut is from six to nine feet wide that house ofjrepresentatives of tho United 1 route so that the men may get out and was ready for battle, with water-tight continue to be soro until spring. Then tobal Colon. With these was the De- _ ___ IOOB SECOND ST.. SACRAMENTO, CAL. take sufficient exercise to keep them yields $8 exclusive of sulphrets. compartments closed, ammunition the sores would heal a little and break out States of Amorica, in congress assem­ OFFICES: struotor, a very powerful torpedo boat ■ in good physical trim. hoisted to guns, turrets swinging, bat­ again. I tried doctors and every remedy 240 STARK STREET, PORTLAND. OREGON. Sulphret ore lias been found in the bled: destroyer. Soon after these three vessel* Twenty-two tourist cars would be Gagnere mine, Tuttletown, Tuolumne ROBT. GRAHAM, Manager First—That tho people of the Is'and 1 necessary for the accommodation of tle hatches dawn and the crews at the I could hear of, but all failed. 1 then left Cadiz the Spanish cruisers Vizcaya county, a five pound test of which of Cuba are and of right ought to be the troops. As there is a scarcity of guns ready to shoot, iho other ships heard of Hood’s Sarsaparilla and bought and Oquendo that bad been in the har­ yielded J21 in silver uud >37 52 in gold. i free and independent, and that the reported almost as quickly. one bottle, and it helped me so much that bor at Havana left that place. The plan ooule Mono „ullo county, „ lvsl was wlls government ofjtlie United States here­ i tourist cars at present it will be neces- Friday morning was given up to I kept on until I took four bottle*; am At Bodie, a test I sary to use day coaches, of which practice at the guns, all the ships put­ cured, in good health and weigh ICO lbs.” was probably for them to quietly join of two tons of ore from Copper by recognizes the republic of Cuba as about 30 will lie required. ting out targets at 800 yards. The the squadron and the flotilla at a spot Mountain tliat proved a success and the true and lawful government ot The new department crented tem­ gunners on the Brooklyn cut the flag M rs . M. J. H artley , Lovett, Georgia. agreed on. and thus suddenly turn loose active development work will be con- that island. No Soro, No Erysipelas. porarily at New Orleans will be called from the top of their target within 20 on the United States a powerful modern tiuued on tlie property. Second—That It is the duty of the ' the department, of Louisiana, with minutes, remarkable work when it is «C. I. Hood A Co., Lowell, Mass.: United States to demand, and the CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, *230,000.0« fleet. i At the Iron Chief property, Eagle General Shafter in command. General considered that the target was but 18 ”Dear Sirs: — I want to say once mor«, •’It was to meet such a contingency mountain, Riverside county, a G8-ton government of the United States does Shafter left San Francisco a day ahead inches square, and tho flagstaff but ITood’s Sarsaparilla is all you MAIN OFFICES: ( I hereby demand, that the government of the troops. that our owu formidable flying squadron per day cyanide piant and a pipeline Letter claim for it. I haven’t had two inches wide. I of Spain at once relinquish its e'lllior- any sore or erysipelas since was organized and largely s.rengthened 11 miles long are being built. Commodore Schley expressed him- England has positively refused to The Pocahontos mine at Dry town, ity mid ^government in tlie i:' d of take part in a proposed demonstration after its formation. It is under com­ f ns verv much pleased with the No. 2 I used Hood’s Sarsaparilla | Cuba, and withdraw its land mid naval BRANCHES: several years ago and was mand of Commodore W. 8. Schley. It Amador county, last week strie k a forces from Cuba and Cuban waters. ..:k of the captains of the vessels against tlie United States by several of I trust many may be benefited cured by it. CHICAGO NEW YORK BOSTON under his charge. He called particu ­ consists of the crack cruisers Brooklyn, i 4-foot vein on the 600-foot level that the European powers. Tlie demon­ Third—That die presidc-t of tho I assys from $70 upwards, exclusive of lar attention to the target practice of by Hood’fl Sarsaparille s.s 1 have been. I stration will not be made. Columbia aud Minneapolis, with the Agent, at all other United States be and hereby is direct- recommend it highly as a blood medicine.’' I sulphrets. PHILADELHPIA. Important Pointa. battleships Massachusetts and Texas. Consul-General Lee will bo given tlie the rapid-file guns, saying: "I don't Mas. M. J. H abtlkt , Lov«tt, Ga. ed and empowered to use the entire Over $100,000 in bullion left the think any torpedo boat will live under tîI^Kl? AT1NC» IK command of the Virginia volunteers Tb* dynamite cruiser Vesuvius, the neighborhood of Jackson, Amador land naval forces of the United States 8«rsa- fastest warship afloat, can also be as­ conn:y, last week, representing n 30- and .to cull into the actual service of in the event that hostilities break out that fire." signed to duty with the squadron. Th* diiy.s’ run of several well-known pro­ the United States the militia of the between this country and Spain. This We are anxious to do a little good in this i I several states to such extent as may be decision was reached by tlie president world and can think of no pleasanter or Is sold by all druggists. Prie« gl, six tor <6. Brooklyn is the flagship. ducers in that section. necessary to carry these resolutions after a conference witli Secretary Al­ better way to do it than by recommending W. Price has bonded the Schroder -, m.a cure IJvsr Ills; easy to ger and anumborof military men.MM One .Minute Cough Cure as a preventative ------- THE------- ot pneumonia, consumption and other ser­ ITOOd 8 PHIS take, easy to operate, see- The meaning between the lines of the mine, Mariposa county, and is pushing into effect. By the action of President McKin­ ious lung troubles that follow neglected Fourth—That the United States ley Friday, on recommendation of the joint note to President McKinley from development-. Last week he took out colds. For sale by T K. Bolton anu Tele­ representatives of the six leading pow­ a piece of ore weighing 13 pounds, hereby disclaims any disposition or navy department, the rapidly growing phone Drug Store. intention to exercise sovereignty, jur­ navy of tlie United States will be in­ ers of .Europe in Washington was that which contained $2000 in gold. isdiction or control over said island, the powers thus indirectly made offer The Granite mine, near Vennita, except lor the pacification thereof, mid creased by 18 auxiliary’ vessels. Four of their willingness to mediate between Riverside county, has 750 feet of work, asserts its determination, if Unit is a» of these are the crack American liners Ventilator-Refrigerator Car. Spain and the United States if they and shipped one car of ore which complislied, to leave the government St. Paul, St. Louis, New York and were invited to do so. The presentation brought $998. The values of the dis­ ami control of tlie island to its peop'e. Paris. Two others are the Bteaniships The celebrated C. F. X. Ventilator-Refrigerator Car baa a national reputatios Y’uinuri and Yorktown of the Old Do­ of an identical not. to Spain at Madrid trict are mainly gold, though there are (t ineurefl perfect preservation of perishable fruitfl and vegetable« through any Tlie action of the senate on tlie minion line. The rest nre light­ some leads of galena. *limate. Tne service is entirely supervised by our own agents between the Pacific FOR was the programme at that end of the At the Green Mountain mine near Cuban question will undoubti <1 y be draught tugs and yachts. and the Atlantic Coasts. line. Although the offer was not accept­ the cause of a legislative deadlock, tlie Governor Wolcott of Massachusetts, ed by either nation in the interests of Mokelumne Hill, Calaveras county, the duration of which cannot now bo for- sent a message to the legislature RAILROAD gravel bank is 75 feet high and pros­ coming peace and fraternity among na­ pects from the top to bedrock. They seen. recommending an emergency appropri­ . . .SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD .. tions it was a good sign. Bv using tho C. F. X. Cars, with ventilator* open from loading point to ation of >500,000, to increase tlie ef­ are using 300 inches of water under The const defenso vessel Monterey ficiency of the state militia. A bill Truckee. Fruit ia cooled quicker in thi* wav than when car i* iced and cloaod op 275-foot pressure. A dam impounds < nental the contributed articles furnish the character sketches of the man of the Skin Diseases. No. 14 Th. loss in life and property in floods in Arizona. Denver ,k Rio Grsude and Burlington charge of the monitor Nahant, which tance of 900 miles. << month, and give timely discussions by authorities on any question of immediate Route. Rheumatism. No. IB along the banks of the Ohio and Missis­ The president sent to the senate Frank Lawrence Smith, a’ais F. they take to New York to guard th. Passengers leaving Ashland Monday, serious import. << sippi rivers since the settlement of those Malaria. these nomination-: To be United No. 16 Tuesday. Wednesday, via Southern Pa­ Lawrence, who was apprehended for harbor. I States marshals: John H. Shine, for The result of this comprehensive effort to edit in one monthly volume it cific. make connection at Sacramento with localities has been greater than that i the murder of Peter Nelson, on a Catarrh. It is. confidently expected by the the Northern district of California; No. 10 Information needed by intelligent people of “live” instincts is hest gauged in similar excursions for all points east. caused by the war itself. It is not often freight train near Central Point, Or., president and secretary of war that No. 20 Cures Whooping Cough For rates and all information, call on or the opinions which the readers of that levees as far north as Shawneetown February 17>, was tried at'Asli and and before the end of the present week the Henry Z. Osborne,, for tlie Southern << address: Asthma. No. 21 the AMERICAN MONTHLY K. C, NICHOL, 8. K. HOOPER, break through in the Ohio river, but found guilty of murder in the first I ! government will have the material district of California. <« General Debility. General Agent, Gen. Pass. & Tkt. Agt SPECIAL OFFER have seen fit to express. These A strange disease has made its ap­ No. 24 the recent flood shows the danger even degree. Nelson was beating his way I promise of land forces aggregating at 251 Washington St. Denver. Col. << Sea-Sickness. are thinking business men, clergy­ Portland, Or. there. When new towns are to be laid on the train and displayed a sum of least 100,000 men for the occupation of pearance in Riverside, Cal. It has No. 26 The current number rn county, Cab, known disease. indispensable”I “is simply invaluable”: “is a generous library in itself”| is (C spot for a town site. Sore Throat. Inrge abroad of late. If this state of things , the western representatives of New The first box|Jof cherries of the sea­ No. 34 “ a historical cyclopedia of the world”| “the best means of aid for a busy man”| holds, there will be an increasing influx of 1 « son wa- shipped to Chicago from Vaca ­ Colds and Grip. No. 77 “the best periodical of the kind we have ever had”) “a triumph of editorial JPrince Oaoar, aeoond son of th« king British gold into this market. Thi« dem- , Y’ork capitalists who have large ranch­ •▼IA — ville, Cal., Saturday. the faith abroad in the stability of es _ ... in Nevada, Arizona, Montana and Da. HrirTHBxrs' H omxopathic M axvai . genius”: “the world under a field-glass,” etc., etc. of Sweden, i* noted for piety and re­ on'trates our credit. There is another point of faith l Texas , in a recent interview said: ligious enthusiasm. He and hi* wife for Which the people, not only of this but I — ’ San Francisco is endeavoring to se­ or Disxoau M ailxd F riz . “The United States government has _ SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.50 PER YEAR ) Small bottles of pleasant pellets, fit the vest are famous evangelist* in the Scandi­ foreign countries have good ground« for ■ secured options on enough entile in th. cure the Democratic state convention. pocket. Sold by druggists, or sent prepaid upon ADDRESS credence, and that i« belief in the eflicacv —OF THB— of price. K cents, except Noe. 88. and 8S navian countries, working together like of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters for inorganic the west to sustain an armv of 100,000 J. G. Lawlor, was convicted at Mar­ receipt are made *100 size only. Humphreys* Modi Southern Pacific Co. a pair of veritable Moody* and convert­ maladies which affect the stomach, liver, men for 12 months. No contracts have I tinez, Cal., of having burned the barn oine Compsuiy. Ill William St., New York. bowels, kidneys, and nerves. Dyspepsia, of H. T. Penniman last February. ing hundreds from the error of theix bbiousness, been made, but prices have been fixed constipation »nd rheumatism I13 ASTOR PLACE. NEW YORK waya. The Prine* of Wales has not ar« conquered by it It hastens conval- and in the event of war with Spain the HUMPHREYS’ Eastern Nevada cattlemen say that Express Trains L mta Portland Daily. muoh of anything to do at auy time. [ fluence and difluses a generous warmth and government will lie amply supplied the drought will striko Nevada on WITCH HAZEL OIL South ! l sensation of physical comfort through the witli beef for its troops at a moderate I North W« commend th* example of Prince system. account of the little snow on the ________________ “THE PILE OINTMENT." 6:00 p m Lv Portland Ar 9:90 a tv cos’." mountains. The Humboldt’river now Oscar to him. Wale* would make a for Piles—Bxteraal or Internal. Blind or Bleeding: 9 6Oa m Ar Ashland L t 5:50 p m Whooping cough is the most distressing nrtelain Ano; Itching or Bleeding of tho Rectum. only contains 10,000 inches of water. 10 :'M a m Lv________ Ashland _____ Ar 5:20 p a thoroughly hearty looking evangelist, malady; but its duration nan. be cut short The relief Is RnmedUte—the cure certain. Core ibatcou.h with Shiloh’s Cure. Th. 7.46 a m Ar SanFrancisooLv >:00p m wiciMon thialsize , zacTa by the use of One Minute Cough Cure, best Cough Cure. Relieves croup prompt­ going about saving souls. which is also the best known reme Works company of Cleveland, O., i Who would prescribe only PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. islander to the last man would rejoice I to convention work, reading reports, have l>een notified of a reduction of 3J | tonics and bitters for a weak, —AW1>— at lhe coming of the United States war lectures, etc. Saturday afternoon a per cent in wages. They will accept puny child ? Its muscles and SecA>n.d~ Class Sleeping Cars vessels that would free the people from grand instrumental concert will be tiio situation. given at Golden Gate park. Sunday nerves are so thoroughly ex­ Attached to all through trains. the bated yoke of Spain. The immense plant of the Pennsyl­ Ninth year opens 8«pt. 20,1807. will be observed with devotional meet­ hausted that they cannot be vania Plate Glass company at Irwin, WRHT ¿IDK ^DfVlIBlON. Boys and girls ar* received at tb* earliest ings and worship, and in the evening -whipped into activity. The I’n.. was entirely destroyed by fire on Justice of the Peace C. H. Arnold farewell addresses. school age. and are carried by a carefully Between Portland and Corral 11«. The California a recent night. The loss will reach/ child need« food ; a Mood­ of Paso Robles, Cal., has been arrett­ conference comprises a large territory articulated course through all grad**, up to MA1LTBAIJI DAfLY (BXCBPT SUWPAT.) ed, charged with collecting more fees and heretofor no attempt has been >780,000, with insurance at >400,000. final preparation for college. making, nerve-strengthenin lbatm : a brit as: than allowed by law in the action of made to hold a stat, convention. Han An advanced court«, equivalent to th* ’lhe Anaconda company’s coal wash, and muscle-building food. Andrew Nelson against J. B. Frv. Francisco members of the League are e's at Felt, 30 miles south of l.utte, i freshman year In coil«g«. Fits for th* Portland. ..7:S0am I CorvaUla .12:15 p n> i sophomore class. Judge T. B. Brower held the defend­ working hard making preparations for I nrne.l. The loss is estimated at >250,» Corrallia... 1:06 p m | Portland.. .6:60 p m Vocal music formsapart ot th« regular ant in >1000 bail. the meeting snd to make it a thorough boo. Tlie cause of the fire Is not yet M Alnanv and Corvallis connect with course of Instruction in th« primary and known. There was no insurance. train« of Oregon Central * Eastern Rail­ ineceas. grammar grad««: and In tb« academy In­ It is not s remedy put up by any Tom. roads struction in tb« rudiments of musía and A duel was fought at Mineral city, How's Thi«? of Cod-Lhrer Oil U all of this, D ck or H si ry ; It is compounded by expert a « for Home Circle. Grocery List. right reading is open to all who may wish Express Train Dally * M’Minnvill« Lv ¿ 5.60 am from catarrh 1 tried Elr s Cream Halm J Chenev for th« last 15 years, and believe known. For thin and delicate children * 11 Ar Indapvndsne« L t (4:50 am |8:10pml •I more. and to ail aiipearpnc«« am cared. Ternhl« him penaotlv safe and honorable in all t All Free. Money Save I on Every Order. It took three months of worrying Students are fitted for the examination« there is no remedy superior Dir«et connection at Ran Funciaeo with bM-iaobM from «b'eh I bad long suffered hivinesi« transactions and financially able of Harvard. Princeton, Yale, Bryn Ma" ifocidentsl and Oriental and Pacific mall er« mm«.— W J. Hitchcock 1st« Major U. tncaray out any obligations made tn their over the Spanish crisis to make it clear to it in the world. It means and other Eastern colleges. H. Vol. and A. A Uen., Buffalo. N. Y. xleamahtp lines for JAPAN and CHINA. firm. lit length that ths president of tho Unit­ The academy baa a dwelling for girls and growth, strength, plumpness Sellin* dates on application. Wirrr A T bua X Wholesale Druggists To­ ed Bute* was unalterably for pesos, young women, welt appointed and under ledo, Ohio. and comfort to them. Be sure Rate- and tickets to Eastern pointe and caretui management. W aldiwo , K iwnaw A M abvis Wholesale while oongnas and th« American people Europe. Also Japan. China. Honolulu and you get SCOTT’S Emulsion. Dnigaist», To edo, Ohio Australia, can b« obudnad from P IU , ...u s.rm Hall's Catarrh Cure in taked *nterns!ly, were eager for war with Spain. 2.^7«^ D. L. RICE. Agrat, Ashland. joe. and |t.«e, all druggist«. hetwren Montgomery and Hall. acting directly upon the b>ond and mucous , v*rtisint Agancy, 84 *Dd 63 Merchauu Ex- B. KOEHLER. C, H. MARKHAM, For cataloga, «kir». «nrfncea ot the system. Price 75c per bottle. I beMMeMNeMMN^Meee«^ eban*«, B m P-MMiMn, California, «bar« : Hold by all drunisu Te*»imou4als free Portland Aoadamy, contract« for advertising can b« mad« for it Hall's Family Pilis are U m best. 39 37 Market Strait, S. F.i Portlaad, Ossesa. Edtnbowrr Poultry Yards. MINES AND MINING. Progress and Doing« lu and About th« McMinnville COLLEGE McNUnnviiUe, Oregon. FWIT GROWERS EXPRESS. I REFRIGERATO^ SERVICE FOR DECIDUOUS FRUITS. Earl fruit Company c__ r r Sacramento Hood’s Los Angeles, Call ALL FRUIT DISTRICTS OF CALIFORNIA. C. F. X. SLEEP BABIES SKIN-TORTURED SAVE $15 T0 $30 PER CAR The Pacific Northwest HUMPHREYS’ For.. 25c. EAST AND SOUTH The Shasta Route American Monthly Review of Reviews I Puny Children Portland Academy. Record, Job Printing. Scott’s Emulsion THIS PAPER SMITHS CASH STORE