■atei B« m V âlleï TTT beco rd .! (VALLEY RECORD. OP EVERY DESCRIPTION NO MONOPOLY I PRICES I Give us your order for Letterheads. State­ ments, Envelopes. 6cc. I Professional Cards ASHLAND OBBGOS, VALLEY RECORD FINE FEINTING VOL. X C'ARTKIi INI» Eli ARHK1T ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OBKGON, THURSDAY. APRIL Chief of the County Paper« I Published .v.ry Thursday. E. J. KAISER, Proprietor, SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Ont Year..................................................... 7« Six Months......................... ..................... 1 an 1 Three Months....................... ........... . fi j 21, 1808, Advertising rates given on application PllEHHKD BRICKS. FUSION IN JOSEPHINE. REPUBLICAN TICKET AND PLAT­ Semi-Annual Financial Report FORM. Of the County clerk of Jackson County, . State of Oregon, showing the claims allow­ The Hydra Headed Affair Pulled Off The Banker-Politician ‘•Pulled” Like Silas W. Kilgore has returned to Langell ed bv the County Court, for what allowed at Granta Pasa-Spolls, Not Prln- Aa Pat Up By 8 tate Convention Last An Ordinary Petty Larceny Thief- valley. amount of warrants drawn from the first uiplea, Involved—M^jor Abe Axtell Week. Fun Among Jackson County lies In I J. Hansen ot Central Point has started day of September, 1897, to the 31st day of Bolte. Governor— the Metropolis. • March, 1898. both dates inclusive, and ihe for Alaska. I of warrants outstanding and un I Grants Pass Courier Bulletin, April 15th.1 T. T. GEER......................... ... .of Marien From the varioue rumors and rsports PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. Board at the Blue Front Restaurant,>3.50 1 amount pxld. Secretary of 8tate— ' The populists, the democrats and the afloat concerning the doings of the Jack­ per week. A 8 Barnes, sheriff and deputy O rkgoní son county “b-hoys” who attended the A shlavd , salary ............................................. >2000 CO free silver republicans filled the streets f FRANK I. DUNB AR..................of Clateop Fred Grob of Talent went to Sprague I part ot the day vesterdav, and discussed , irea«urer— republican state convention at Astoria Treasurer G A Jackson, clerk and deputy KWOtHce—In Townsend Building, on and the subsequent adjiuined revelries river valley last week. which CHAS. 8 MOORE salary ....................................... ir.o oo the question of fusion, terms upon . —..................... of KlAmath Oak Street, Opposite Hotel Oregon. Miss F. L Kubli of Jacksonville is visit ­ the part’ii could unite. I- in Portland, there must have been a *'hot W E Anderson, county recorder, *u theaiternof ___ n ; Supt. Public Instruction— salary................................................ 700 00 the democrats assembled at the court;» IJ. time i i the obi town”—the Sodom and ing Portland relatives. J. H. ACKERMAN...............of Multnomah Walter Williams is up from Sacramento W 8 Crowell, county judge, salary. two co house and appointed a committee of five. - i Gomarrah of Oregon. The delegation is HINMAN, D. D. 8. G V Lindley, county treasurer, sal* to confer with like delegations appointed ' Supreme Judge— dose mouthed and narry a word cm he visiting his folks at Jacksonville. ary...................................................... 400 00 from the other two conventions, the pop ! FRANK A. MOORE».............. of Columbia extracted, those implicated taking the J. L. Fenton is employed by the Siskiyou Gu« Newbury, county superinten­ Attorney General — advice lawyers invariable give to gentle­ Lumber and Mercantile Co. at Sisson, dent. salary .................................. 350 00 ulists at the city hall, and the free silver , DENTIST men in jail awaititg trial: “Keep your J. R. Stearns went to Klamathon Sun­ 8 A Carlton, stock inspector, saf... 105 00 republicans at the old city hall. Theie 1). R. N. BLACKBURN................ of Lino three committees met in jiin» session,! State Printer— mouth shut and don’t give yourself day to work for the sawmill company. A M Ford, court house janitor, sal- , «ry..................................................... 1G2 CO and wrestled with the question of the di­ W. H. LEEDS............................... of Jackson £9*ln the Masonic Building up stairs away.” The ever-vigilent Sunday Mer- Miss Pauline Karewski of Jacksonville County . » comroisaioaer^ per diem vision of the offices until Q4ght, but their i curv, however, furnishes the public with has gone to Portland to spend the summer. Circuit Judge, 1st Judicial District— over Post Office. and mileage........... ............................ 261 60 action was not approved by the demo­ . one of the printable incidents of the ....... ot Josephine John Grieve, county assessor.......... 14)71 50 crats, who felt that they had not received H. L. BENSON .. Miss Annie Mulloy of Bogus, Siskiyou career of our festive politicians when out District Attorney- county has been visiting friends at Med- I ’ounty printing and blank«............ 2#« 82 the amount due them, and hence they re­ of town, as follows : Books and stationary........................ 135 47 J^R. S. T. SONGER. C. B. WATSON.. ford. . .of Jackson Roadsand bridges .......................... 1862 86 jected the proposition, made, so thev said,' A merry party of mixed politician« were Sacra - Court house and jail ......................... 218 33 by the combination of populist* and free I Member Board of Equalization - Miss Maud Witt came up , from __________ i enjoying a dinner at the Louvn last night PHY8ICIAN and SURGEON. and the lion of the evening was E. V. Car­ men to Sunday, her tatner being very ill at Sundry indigent persons ................ 501 97 silver republicans, The committees were 1 R a EMMETT........................ of Klamath Congressman, lat District— Emil I)e Ro boa m, county hospital ter, a banker of Ashland, and a delegate to Woodville. not fighting over the principles upon to the republican convention. Judge Sweek Luzerne Roiison has returned to Jack- contractor ........................................... 1042 27 which they were to go before the people, | THOS. H. TONGUE.......... of Washington Novelty Block. Opposite Hotel Oregon, ■ was one of f tbe the parly and ’ ’ be * had * a valuable SOuville from attending the Portland bu.i- Bouutv on panther and coyote u..*. merely over __ .. but th« ofiicei —literally the] Congressman, 2d Dhtrict— scalps ............................................... bicycle on tbe f _ outside _____ ____ the __ dinner _____ “uess college 36 While anol la. The Th« convention, canvantinn after being in MALCOLM A. MOODY............... of Wasco spoils. A iblabd , . . O regon . ! was in progress Deputy Citv Attorney Wood for court bouse....................... 4 Mrs Dr. Parson and her mother, Mrs. Justice courts....................................... 475 95 6»s>6on until about nine last evening, ad- ! i Davis suggested to Mr. Carter that he bide PLATFORM ADOPTED, i Judge Sweek’s wheel. This was done by H. M Drake, returned from San Fran­ Ci'cuit court........................................ 1 1267 40 journing to meet thia morning at 10 a. m. I IJH. O. W. BAKR. During the night, even at a wee small ' We. . the _____________ Board and washing for prisoners .. 91 55 i placing the wheel behind the counter In cisco Friday. Republican ________ voters of _ the state w of . 90 50 hour, individual workers met, and after ) Oregon, in convention assembled, congra'u- | the meantime a party was dispatched to J. E. Enyart. cashier of the Jackson Examination of teachers .............. the, police station and a dummy warrant County Bank, left Sunday tor San Fran­ Examination of insane persons ... 26 00 a prolonged struggle practically agreed ! the people ot the state a? well as <»f the Coroners inquest ............................... 182 75 upon terms, and when ttie convention re- ' "ho'e nation mi the unmistakable fact that was made out against Mr. Carter and cisco on insurance business. Dental Parlors in Odd Fellow's Block. Supervisors compensation ............. I 1701 76 i placed in ti e hand9 of Officer Nicholai, who assembled this morning the populists an I ! he darlc clou4 oi «'fversitv. which has A shland , O regon . Hon. W. M Colvig, the bourbon Cato of J H Whitman, land entries............ 3 25 pointe«! a mmmitiee to ennfer w ith rhe h.l,n* llke a f”'11 «ver our fair land has been ! surprised Mr. Carter at the Louvre. The t * lh'A** | dissipated We recognize that the return patrol wagon was rung up, but Mr. Carter , Jackson county, has been invited to stump Sundry expenses................................ 333 40 silver rpmihlh..n. «»nnfar pi? .’,ltanP» h’c/’ «ommittee did of prosperity is due to the restoradon of Ofk-Al! work pertaining to modern dent i believing himself under arrest, insi te«l on the state for .je fusion ticket. confer and learned that they, the republi- ■ the republican party to po»ver, walking to the slation. He was closely •try. Painless operations a specialty. R. K. Fitch of Klamath co’intv was in Total amount of claims allowed and drawn...................................... >15189 51 cans, would willingly give up the judge- I We are in favurof the maintenance of the followed by Davis and the rest of the din­ Ashland last week seeing his family off’ on l »_ i _ thev .L . ... ing party. At the station he was put a visit to their old Michigan home. ship, for which had claims, but the present gold standard ; we are unqualified­ outstanding warrants through the usual process and had every- to the tree coinage of silver and y M. BROWER M. 1>. populists would not grant it, but gave to ly opposed . Geo. L. Herchberger, who has sold his ... Protested warrants outstanding j tiling ex'-ent hi« pistol taken from his per- *1* other schemes looking t the debase­ and unpaid April 1st 1898____ >131,841 45 the democrats one more office, that of to all I son. He was then sent up the flume to ttie place on Pelican Bay. arrived in Ashland Interest ment of the currency and the repudiation * same........................... 28¿79 44 treasurer. The work is now done and J women's ward wheie he remained a few Sunday and was registered at the Ashland Warrants on issued j of debt. We believe that the best money PHY8ICIAN and 8URGEON, and remaining here is the ticket: j minutes, and was then brought down and House. in the world is none too good to be assured in the clerks office..................... 575 96 Representative—J. W. Virtue. D. by the government to the laborer as the O bkgon was given a lecture by Police Captain Bar- Grant Crary and Lou Bender ar»* at Peli­ A»HLAND. amount of warrants and clav. Judge Sv eek was present and allow- can Bav Lodge, having gone via Klamath Total fruit of his toil an I t » the farmer as the Co. Judge — John Hackett, F. S. R. interes» outstanding and un­ i ed him ro co on hi« own recognizance, a price of his crop We condemn the con­ Sheriff—E E Redfield, D. Fa'ls < n account of the deep snow beyond paid, on the first day of April, tinued agitation for free silver us CHlcuiated Office—At Residence, intersection of Me­ ; though 'fate Printer Leed« was present and Hunts. Clerk—R iv Everett, I’. 1898................................................>161.296 85 ; offered anything wi-hin rea-on for bail to jeopardize the prosperity of the uoutrrv liamo, Laurel and Main Streets, Commissioner—Nick Tfrnss, P. STATEMENT Miss Fannie Fox and J. M Luark. who Attorney Davis stood on the China side of and to shake the confidence of the people Assessor—Toni Smith, P. This starch is prepared on scientific principles by men who have had year« of practical Oak street giving vent to a hoar>e laugh have been spending the winter at Watson- Of the financial condition of Jackson in the maintenance of a wise financial pol­ Treasurer—J T. Taylor. D. experience in fancy laundering. It restores old linen and summer drosses to their i But he suddenly smothered tho lauvh vil'e. Cal., for Ihvir heakn, arrived here Countv. state ot Oregon, on the 1st day of icy; we par iculariy condemn as unpuiri SOCIETY DIRECTORIES. natural whiteness and imparts a beautiful and lastirg finish. It fa the only starch School Supt. -J. D. Haves, I’. when he saw Mr. Carter emerge from the Saturday. April, A. I)., 1898. otic, the eff«»its of tho free-silver agi'atora manufactured that is perfectly harmless, containing neither arsenic, alum or any , police office and mount his (DaviC) wheel to array class against class and section Surveyor—P. M. Burleigh, I’. LIABILITIES Frank Watson of the iron works went to other substance injurious to linen and can be used even for a baby powder. and ri was To warrants drawn on com inty [ against section; we declare thut the inter­ Coroner—Dr. W. F. Kreroer, D. o. a . n. ests of all cla-ses and of all sections of our I tound hi« wheel in a cafe with 82 charged very ill For sale by all wholesale and retaii grocers. He had expected her out here to treasurer outstanding and un- i major ABE AXTEI.L. BUBXSIDK POST NO. 28. 1 against it for refreshments for several spend the summer. country alike demand a sound and stable paid......................................... ... >13'2,417 41 Major Abe Axtell is not well please«! financial system M m I in Va.ouic Hall, on the 1st and gentlemen. The bill was paid promptly Interest accrued thereon ... . . 28.879 44 Miss Edith Gregory who had been at While we deplore the imminence of with the s jtion of the populism in their Sd Saturday of «ach month. Visiting Com and Mr. Cai ter gave Mr Davis a \ery j affectionate hoarse laugh and the inci'lent Jacksonville for five weeks transcribing the we recognize that the country is on Fades cordially welcomed. Total liabilities - 1161,296 86 cc jnty v.invention and he appeared be- war. referee ’ s notes In the railroad tax case, re ­ the eve of a war, undertaken for ihe vin­ ■ ended by all parties going to the Marquam M ilton B urby , Commander. •» tiiat bodv and asked permission tn RESOURCES turned home Sunday. dication national honor and the per­ 1 Grand. }. R. C asey , Adjutant. .. , a few words. The following is the formance of of the __________________ a work dictated by every in­ Hugh Gillette is braking on a freight By amount In general fund ap- la Headquarters on I Major’s brief speech, in which he bids stinct of humanity ; we declare that the ad­ plicable to the payment of Not Troubled Now. train running north from Ashltn 1. while county warrants......................... 14.111 24 farewell to the Josephine populist party : ministration is entitled in this coiifiict to w. n. c. i “From mychildood 1 have been in poor George Gillette ha? secured a similar posi­ By Klamath county warrants Mr. Chairman and gentlemen of this the confidence and support of the entire BUBNSIDB BBLIir CORPS NO. 24 i health and my skin was yellow. When I tion from here south. and interest thereon .................... 1,857 59 convention : I have been a true populist people. was 10 years old I bad salt rheum on one of Meets in Odd Fellows hall at 2 o'clock Dr. J. M. Keene of Medford returned By estimated delinquent taxes We are firmly attached to the p inciples all the time, have served you in conven­ m. on the second and fourth Fridays of my hands. 1 got a bottle of Hood Sarsa- Monday from the republican state conven­ for the year 1893, ’94 and ’95 tions, state and national, hae and county matters I am Selling Sewing Machines Lower Pythias, Ashland. Oregon, meets everj operate. Cure indigestion, headache. Witt, was dangerously ¡11. the year 1897. applicable to the We demand strict economy in public af- the populist party I was married to those Monday evening. Visiting Knights ingood I. W. Berry was un from Jacksonville payment of county warrants .. 27.284 50 principles. I have not at any time wish­ lairs, and the abolition of alt needless uf- Than Anybody Else is Offering Them. Prohibition Ticket. standing are cordially invited to attend. and commissions It is rumored that he carried with By county’s interest in land THOS. H. 81MP8ON, O. C. ed to be divorced from the same. I carry fices H. Sunday. Congressmen—First district, L. him a state secret from the counclis oi the purchased for delinquent tax­ The salmon fishing industry, so fruitful a 8. G. E ggkiw , K.of Kit 8. Peterson, of Woodburn; second district. democratic those principles with me, I now bid you source es and otherwise ......................... of tevenue to the state, should be fathers at the county scat. 1,600 00 1 O. W. Ingalls. good bye—the People’s party of Jose­ fostered, and to that end we favor state amount temporarily trans­ Ladies, Take the Best. If you are troub­ By ferred I O O F I Governor—H M. Clinton, of Portland. _.TRY ME ONCE AND BE CONVINCED phine county, for the way in which mat­ aid in the artificial propagation of salmon, from general county Secretary of slate—H. C. Davis of Halsey led with constipation, sallo« skin, and a fund to state fund applicable ters are being done I do not concur. and their distribution in the waters of this askland lodgjb , no . 45. J State treasurer—Moses Botaw of New- tired feeling, take Karl’s Clover Tea, it is to the payment of county ■late. pleasant to take. Sold by T. K. B Iton. Hold regular meetings every Thursaay . ...n warrants....................................... 6,300 00 We reaffirm our allegiance to the princi Dreadfully Nervous. Superintendent of public instruction—B. svening at their hallin Ashland, Brethren MisRes Jennie and Mollie Roimes of Total resources - - > 63,003 _ 33 E. Emerick, of Philomath. ents :—I was dreadfully nervous, and pie? of the republican party of ttie United in good standing are cordially invited to Jacksonville accompanied the state railroad Indebtedness of the county......... > 98,293 52 for G relief States, as enunciated by the republican Supreme judge — T. E. Hackleman, of took your Karl's Clover Root Tea. attend. F. M. D baxb , N. G. commission in their palatial private car on Indeb'edness of the county on Albany. It quieted my nerves and strengthened my convention in St. Louis in 1896. H. 8. E vans , Bec’y, P. O. box 102. their pleasure trip over the Siskiyous Tues­ April 1,1897 .................................... 110,994 93 whole We denounce the fusion party of Oregon Attorney-general—T. J. Bright,of Wasco. day, nervous system. I was troubled with Indebtedness of the county on Stale printer—M. P. Marquam, of Forest constipation, kidney and bowel trouble. as an aggregation of >poilsmen, who are April 1, 1897 ......................... 98,293 52 F1LOT ROCK ENCAMPMENT, NO. 16. Grove. Your Tea soon cleansed mv system «o thor­ ready to subordinate principles t«> offices. 8 B. Gardner was in from Ft. Klamath of the county indebt­ this week loading up his wagons with the Reduction that I rapidly regained health and Each of the parties of this compact is will­ Meets in Odd Fellows’s Hall every 2d and edness during the year............ 12,701 41 oughly new creamery plant just received from strength. Mrs. 8. A. Sweet,Hartford,Conn. ing to stutify itself and form alliances with Edueato Tour Howels With Ca a carets. 4th Monday in each month. Members in elements which it has heretofore denounced Sold by T. K. Bolton. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. San Francisco which he will start near that good standing cordially invited to attend. as dwngerous an«i unfit to be intrusted with A thrill of terror is experienced when a 10c, 25c. If C. C. C. fall, druggists refund money. place II. 8. E vans , 0. P. power: we declare tiiat good government brassy cough of croup sounds through the Seeking a Brother. R ost , T aylor , Scribe. Mrs. Lee Minkler went to Dunsmuir Sun­ house at night. But the terror soon chan­ cannut come from such an a Hance. Governor Lord was the recipient yes­ day to visit her sister. Mrs. Grace Turner, ges to relief when One Minute Cough Cure MAKKIBD, liver; bHys m > after which she will continue on to her has been administered. Sate and harmless terday of a nicely written and politely HOPE REBECCA DEGREE LODGE, *O. 24. home at Fresno, Cal ..where Lee is Western for children. For sale by T. K, Bolton and worded letter from Mre. A. E. W. Nor­ Caacarets ( and y Cuthurtic, the most won­ Meets on the 2d and 4th Tuesday In each JU8TU8-KILBl’RN-In Medford April Union operator. ris, of Boston, seeking hisaiti in discov­ derful medical diwox cry of the age, pleas­ Telephone Drug Store. month in Odd Fellows’ Hall, Ashland. 11. 1898, by Rev. G. N. Annes, Geo. R. ering a long-loet brother, by name Harry ant and refr. slung to the taste, act gcutly Karl’s Clover Root Tea is a pleasant lax­ Miss E lsie P atterson , N. G. Justus and Ollie Kilburn. County Court. Phelan. She has not seen him for thirty and positively on kidneys,-liver and bowels, ative. Regulates the bowels, purifies the M iss N ika E mbry , Secv. years, and alleges he ie either in Baker cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, HIGGINS-FERREN — In Jacksonville blood. Clears the complexion. Easy to • Bi Is allowed, April term.] cure headache, lever, iinbitual constipation April 13. 1898, by R. 8. Dunlap, J. P., 0. make and pleasant to take. 25 cents. Sold 1 J Watkins, Rogue river ferryman... $ j 14 50 City or Ashland. and biliousness. Please buy and try a box A. O. U. W. by T. K. Bolton. B. Higgins and Miss Mamie M. Ferren. S A Carlton, stock inspector............ 50 CO of C. C. C. to-day, 10,25, 50 cents. Bold and Jackson County Peoples' Party I A Webb, funeral exp W Sanor . 12 50 ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 66. guaranteed to cure by all druggists. Otho West and Artley Fox went to Meets in lodge room in Masonic Hall Klamaihon Sunday from which p'ace they Drs Gearv and Wait, post mortem Convention. examination of l ’ eter Nelson ......... 20 00 every second and fourth Wednesday in Now is tho time go to the Jenny Creek timber bell to oper­ . C J (’rump, lumber for county......... 2 20 A peoples’party county convention for I I* ■-■“■’O, M*tx STBtxt, orroHT« each month. All brethren in good standing ate the logging company's railroa 1 as fire­ Jackson county, Oregon, is hereby called Glass it Prudhomme, marriage rec­ that every one man and engineer. ire cordially invited to attend. to meet at Medford on ord ....................................................... 10 00 C. F. H asty , M. W. should take a Mr. and Mrs. J M. Wiley leave th;a 1 Lewis & Dryden, one 1 ecord of coun­ Friday, April 29, 1898, J. R. C asey . Recorder week for Ft. Klamath io spend the summer. FAINTS, PAINTERS’ TOOLS, precinct officers, two deeded at 1 o’c>ock p ni , sharp, for the purpose of spring torio to Mrs. Thos. Culbertson, who has been visit­ ty records and 3 canvas covers.......... 87 50 nominating a full county ticket, to be voted ing her parents in Ashland returns home ' Allowance for six indigent women .. 34 00 W A. IL IL PAPER. G-IuAJSS. ZErt?C strengthen the for at the election to be held on June 6th, J. A. McCall, to the Fort with them. J Clement-, labor on county bridge . 21 00 1898, as follows: State Senator, Three B uilding P apers , W rapping P avviui AND T winks . ARTISTS’ MATRRI4L8. system find pre­ G. 8. Butler has returned from a busi­ Boy? and Girls Aid Society, for keep­ Representatives. Sheriff, County t lerk, Re- ing Geo Lathrop.............................. 30 00 Co- der. Assessor, Treasurer, One County Civil Engineer and trip to Klamath Falls. The report pare for the extra ness that he found himself e ectior.eeriug in i Chas Nickell, printing 1000 tcalp I Commissioner, School Superintendent, Mineral Surveyor. I demands of Nature. Every spring Klamath county an i didn’t know it, wa s i affidavits............................ •.............. 5 00 County Surveyor and Coroner. Also to las A Wilson, setting up stove and elect a Chairman of the County Central tho system is thoroughly over­ quite likely premature. NOTARY PUBLIC. radiator ............................................ 1 75 M. Pearce who is putting in a huge der­ G H Haskins, blank books ............... 2 80 Committee and to transact such other busi­ ness as may pr perlv come be*ore the con­ Suryeys for Patents and Mining Loca­ hauled—there ia a general houso- rick tor the Seattle Co-Operative Minina Co. J French, washing prisoners cloth­ vention. tions a specialty. Address Ashland, Or. which is carrying on business < n exten­ 6 60 ing ......................................... cleaniug going ou within. The sive Tnc Peoples’ Party voters are requested scale on Big App’egate at mouth of A 8 Barnes, boarding II Buckner to assemble at their usual places ot meet­ ¿^»Office at residence. South Main Street impurities that have been accumu­ Elliott ereek, was here Friday on a business 1 and for boarding prisoners in March 102 87 ing in their tespective precincts ut 2 o’clock John Dunbar, painting roof of j dl.. 6 50 p. m. on Saturday, April 23, 189s. and elect lating for a year must bo got­ trip. A. Godfrey, for many years a resident F D Wagner. 19 pp brief for supreme delegates to the county convention ten rid of, and the system reno­ of B. Bonanza. court. Jacksonville school district K'amath county, and previous follows : No 1 vs Jackson County 10 17 to that time a pioneer citizen nt.d >chool vated and prepared for tho siege superintendent of Siskiyou county for a Chas Prim, allowed for making sum­ Applegate .............. 3 Meadows . .. Wes' Ashland .. ..4>Soii:h Medford of summer. Unless Nature is as­ long period died at Bonanza on the 12th maries, the amount t > be paid to North Ashland. ... 3 North Med’ord. . ..5 clerks of Multnomah, Douglas, inst aged 70 years. . j South Ashland ... 3 Ml Pitt sisted in this task, the strain on Linn and Lane counties .............. 10 50 I ’ lg Butte ................ 1 Pie «sant Creek .. .3 Keswick, Shasta county, is a town where W E Anderson, map of Jackson Co the system is too severe, and a miners are always fighting. By the Red­ G N Lewis, hauling trash from court 2 75 Central Point ....... 4 Roca Point......... . 2 Rock ... 2'i8teaiTiboat ......... .2 breakdown is the result, Some ding Searchlight we notice that Gus Gian- house yard .................. i «i Chimney Eagle Point............ .3 Sterling.............. .1 don, who worked m the mines hereabouts, tusa • Fredenburg. for care and 3 Table Rod:......... .3 people neglect to supply this as­ was sentenced to 50 day? in the county jail Mrs Eden ..................... From the wall-known services rendered Jane Him«, al­ 3 Kanee Creek Quarry. lowed ................................................ 15 00 Flounce Rock . . .1'Talent .............. sistaiice, and ai a result they are for assault upon Adam Gillespie. Foors Creek ......... 1 IT rail Cree <......... .2 Do You Mrs W. J. Virgin and daughter. Mia? J R Wick, G days clerical work on Gold Hill ................ .5; Uniontown ....... 3 de ­ overcome by an enervating, railroad assessment .................. 15 00 CHEAP FOR CASH Claudia Virgin, left Saturday for San Fran­ North Jacksonville.3 Watkins........... 1 Perry. 2 days and 40 miles pressed feeling, their energies re­ cisco to receive treatment at the celebrated Martin South la« ksunville 4 Woodville......... .2 Heady to supply Ash­ travel as county commissioner and Lune hospital. Miss Virgin has been an land and All the towns lax, apatite fails, and they are invalid for many months and her numerous 2 days serv ces examining bridges 20 00 Lost Creek............ 1 By order of the Peoples’ I’artj’ County Along the railroad. h »pe to see her return home in im­ W H Bradshaw, 2 days and 70 miles 15 U0 Central totally disabled for a season. friends Committee of Jackson County, II M Crowell, building bridge in proved health. Write for terms to to cure all uervou« diseases, such as Weak Memory, LoifIjT 3 5ij Oregon. Lacy lane ....................................... You can Lave it all for Everybody just now needs a tonic, g uatwteed rain Power, Headache. Wakefulness, Lost Manhood, Nightly Hmis- The chairman and secietary oi each pri­ Dr. A. C. Helm who was the foremost 9 70 E E Phipps, printing ........................... Carpenter &. Allison. and Swift’s Specific ston9, Nervousness, all drains, loss of power in Generative Organs of boomer in this section when real estate N C Dozier rebuilding Dunn bridge 30 <0 mary convention are requested to furnish Cither sex, caused by orer-exertion, youthful errors, excessive use of about Ashland sold for five and six hund­ Albert C -fftnan, three coyote scalps. 3 75 8. M. Nealon, secretary Coun y Central Per... . tobacco, opminor stimulants, which lead to Infirmity, Consumption or Gold Hill, Oregon. red dollars per acre, is now a practicing F T Sublett, one covote scalp.......... 1 2; Committee, with names of delegated InsaniKr. Can be carried in vest pocket Ji oo per box, 6 for |Oy mail Month elected. 8. If. HOLT, physician at Sawyers Bar. Cal . and is J F llall, one panther scalp........... 2 50 Lrepar L*Circ?,ir ^ee -Sold *7 M‘l druggists Ask for it. take ¿oother. ALLI1 BIIDR1TH 8. AL N ealon . Chairman, doing well. He bought a new house and Bober Wilson, one coyote scalp.. . 1 25 Manufactured by the Feau Medicine Co.. Paris, France. Laue-Davia Secretary. Drug Co., distributing agent«. Third and Yamhill Sts., Portland. Ot. 1 25 E Colenian, “ ’* is logically the best tpnio on the lot there last week. 1 25 8 Mathis, " “ " .... in The Evening Telegram, of Portland, FOR SALE BY E. A. SHERWIN, ASHLAND, OREGON. M Muller and John W. Dyer of market. The general health needs Ja Isaac “ “ .... 1 25 Silver Republican Co. Convention. Oregon. It is the largest evening news- ’pk?onville, who have been at Skagwav, C M Swanson, “ “ ” ” .... 1 25 byea and Ft. Wrangel for aoipe months John Hillis, A silver republican county convention building up, hence a tonic is needed with 2 50 for Jackson cr ip.fx ,• Oregon, is hereby ; paper published in Oregon ; it contains a view of taking m the Klondike, hive E G Stowell, two coyote scalps......... Ashland, Oregon i all the news of thestate and of the nation. 6 I.uke bqribner. f) v e coyote soalps .. that is entirely harmless. S. 8. S. returned home thoroughly satisfied with .1 8 vestal, two coyote scalps............ 2 25 fitl ch : (• 1 to tneei in Medí..rd, Oregon, Sat- I Try it for a month. A sample copy will leaving that country alone. Mr. M. and 1 25« ur lav. April COth. 1898, at 10 o ’ clock a. City Passenger I be mailen to you free. Address, G Brown and son, one covote scalp. is purely vegetable, and is the only wife and Dyer visited Ashland Friday. m, for the purpose oi no ninating county Geo Hines, team lire for county blood remedy that is guaranteed Mrs. Jennie Learned and t*o children judge to drive to Eagle mills to ex­ officers to be voted for at the ensuing and Truek Transfer up from Arbuckle.Cal., Friday to vi-it amine roads..................................... 3 00 June election and for the transaction of to contain no pitash, mercury, or came her father, C. C. McClendon and family of W C Leever, 200 lbs nails for bridges 10 00 such other business as may properly ----- All kinds c (night, bsggage Sams valley. Me. is one of the well-known Wm S Crowell, salary......................... 1(0 00 Portland, Oregon, other harmful mineral ingredient. pioneer household gds, etc., transfer* settlers of the Bogue river valiev A 8 Barnes and deputy...................... 333 33 come before it. The convention will con­ ed with proc, these and safaly. and i? critically ill with la grippe The Geo A Jackson and deputy............... 2.0 0U sist of 29 delegates, being one delegate It is Nature ’ s remedy, being made Hauling on • large scale con­ Anderson, recorder.................... 116 66 for rach of the 29 precincts of the county. ----- AND-------- tracted for................... ... from roots and herbs gathered family are also down with the «ame disease. G W P E Lindley, treasurer................ .. 66 66 By order oi the Central Committee. The residence of John R. Stoddard, well Gus Newbury, 58 Co. superintendent 33 KOBT. TAYLOR, ip thjs section as the vtterap W estern WOOU FOK SALE from Nature's great storehouse. It krowp County Chairman. Union lineman of many vear« «pryic^. was A M Ford, janitor................................ 27 00 thoroughly cleanses the blood of destroyed Newbury.' receiving report« qf ----- tea tH SBASON — by fire at foot of bcutt mountain. Gua 80 school distnots. allowed .......... 2 00 IR BUR IlVIOUR IN ART. Masonic Tehiple, Stockton 9 Cal, Trinity county, the other day, entai ing a all impurities, tones up the gen­ loss of 32500 Heit now engaged in sup­ R V Beall, for bedcioihing A servi­ Wtl< b»4U 11? ia Ashland during the Cosl >100.000 to publish. Contain« nearly ce« rendered P Nelson, allowed. . 8 00 summer season, ¿'«brered at your door eral health, renews the appetite plying beef for a big mining company m 200 full pa«:e engraving« of our Haviour, by Following are the bills allowed for wil- that toolion. every.morning. the Gre.«t Ma«'er?. It is not a life of Christ, HIS SCHOOL is the re«ull of a successful experience ness fees and mileage in the tex case of the AWasMiigers delivered ti»5ny I art of and imparls new life and vigor to but hii exhlb t of all the great Masters’ John O’Neil and his crew of 40 men were Oregon A California Railroad Company vs. In all the grades of the public s!«. f«.r a lerm of ideals of I bet'll rial. No other book like it the rt.y the entire system. Dangerous in Hornbrook for a few days ia*’ week ....... Jackson county. Best to take after dinner; i ever published. Agents are taking from thirty years. It was not instituted a< n mint in which to A party of prospectors have arrived amass a fortune. I don't want a ttiousaud pupils, with John Woods >6. John W Robinson >7 60. prevent (llstress. aid diges- LJ ■ I ■ ! typhoid f' vpr nnd other prevalent from Fall nver velley to prospect in the Th<'s H Benford >6 80. A C Speer to 26, G tion. car” constipation. three to twenty order« daily The book is B I so beautiful that when people see it they a regiment of teachers. M. L. FERRAL. ji. a. m ’ cobmick . summer diapasos seldom attack a neighborhood of Mt Sterling this summer F Schmid time >6. W G Breeding >6. R F Purely vegetable; d J B Dungan >5.66, Wm Flippen or cause pain. Fold bv all drtiggiirta. 2» cent«, I want it. Publish«d less than a year and RON T TH Mill i vo hundred branches. 1 don’t ad- The AafataRd in i»s twenty-fifth edition, some person whose system is thoroughly wand in a 200 j ard brush for a >50 purae >4.80. Polk Hull >7, Israel Harris >6, H J Prepaiod only bv C. 1. Hood A Vo., Jx>well, MaM. I already veilLe an barns and lences. Mv school Js a plain, editions consisting of 18.500, The presse« one day recently . Mr and Mrs. J E. Gardiner >6 80, Jacob Myer« >6, J B Rod- * are running 3, M P Jacoby, >4 30. 8 M Nealon >5. A peru-al of the pictures ot this book h ornuche« from il.e bottom up. thoroughly and well, —Hornbrook Ifenp. D B Soli s >3.10, J A Houston >7 20. F H t oned up tv i t h with daily reviews, until perfection is secured. like takii-g a tour among the great art gal­ Bellows >6.40, Perry Foster >6 10. August leries ot Euro; e The Hermitage, Prado, E dwin W. J oy C o .: 1 am one of those liets 20, J W Gregory 11. Henry Khppel 8, S. 8. in the Uffiz'. i’itti. Ixi ivre Vatican; National of who place but little faith in advertised nos­ 15, Jaoob Thompson, >5 40 Jacob Wagner ++++ +♦+♦♦♦<■♦•«■♦+ ++++++++ Hava (Mltf their plant into London. National of Berlin, Belvidere and spring. Gfit 8. trums but seeing so many local testimon­ >5.40, G 8 Butler >7 60 K K SutV n >5 40, E other celebrated European art galleries, their new building, one block ials, detailing the effect« U Joy’« Vegetable V Carter >5 40, Jacob Stone >5 40, Geo W 8. 8. and be prw. have all place«} their ra'e-t and errat e-t -Me Pupil, !ut r.rliflc.tw, for the Civil He,vice, for Week Sarsaparilla. I, too. bought it, I took it for Stephenson >5.40. C C Walker >5.40, Geo W above theCliautRQAia« grove. treasurer« ml mir dHpo«a! that they might pjUn« in the back and chonic billions.”ess, Barron >7.8u, J M Tyler >8, Zena« Howard I’ninr, for the N >rmal never fail; ami mv fiook- pared. Sold by all l»e repro«hici«i f. r this superb work. UiereeuiU of a disordered liver, which ha« >8 40, L) J Walker >6 60. Aaron Wvland > L keeprra never Imre to bunt a j >h. , ....................................... • FIRST GH N< ’ E AT TH E HCT UREh They or« prepared to do k— — rtv^n ma hiiltm fambte, and I believe it ha« I J D Williams >8.20, L O Porter >13 40. M dl-Uggi-ts. BROI hT TKHD T ) MY F.YRi.'aac« permunentlvcu»>i m». I haven t fg i w' Jffilpy I*. 8 Ho mer >4, J W 8lhig«*r|9, I’-rr'ic-il (!o„r.e ' ,r inon |i. Ggq Hoffman >':. lien B’l.inree Chirr.- t< r u.otitb., »50 00, jutl IM) lor I »rar. (be b Mik." «a. • a ... her. M mv men and a my frieods, and we taka it for nearly «very Hot)man >•». 8 B hki>all >8. Joseph ihppeit Normal Course !>r C n> ntl.e, $50 00; »90 00 for 1 ve«r. * KP Established women buying an I p tying fur homes from at Reasonable Rateo lA/AMTCn over our way and it «erm« to hit. >8. J I ration >10, Chas Randies >5 08, Ar­ vVnlB I LU House-High Orad. Man. thing Hoard an'| room of lie beet in private familiei, »16 per month. their sucre«« with this grrat work. Also • NED NESTELL thur Nichols >11. W F Williamson >7 40. man or woman, of good church standing good Church standing, willing to leasn ot)r • 79 Everett street, San Francisco, Their wagon will call (or J G Pieroe >18, Henry Kllppel >3. can secure position of Manager here to do business then to act as Minim end Btete and deliver work co all parts ++++++++++++++++++++Í-+++ office work and corresponding with Rge^ts Correspondent here Salary 1900. Knclose of the city. in this ils territorv. territorj“ Add * ■’'* ress --------------- for full ------- Partien 4 - self-addres.ed stamped envelope to A. T. lore / A P. T. tlder. Pubffiiher, II» Mich Elder. Gene el Mr-sager 1S» Michigan i Ave., Ckioa*), 1U., Flirt Pk»r. Ashland Steam Laundry Co. Av.ua., Chicago, Illinois. Thinking, Reasoning, Analysis, are Specialties J J. P. DODGE FURNITURE! ASHLAND MILLS. CÖÜH PATENT X FLOUR, ) VIRGIN & CO.. PROP’S U Q FVANQ ASHLAND, OR; painting PAPERING ETC NO. I QUALITY Know the News MANHOOD RESTORED S.S.S.’ t !» Blood The Telegram, LIGIIT OF THE WORLD! Hood’s Steam L-tuiidry Co. BUSINESS INSTITUTE, T I