THE CALM AND CANNY MULE. former very rich and the tatter exceed­ THE BOY AND THE BROOK. ingly poor. These estates are dotted with small houses, standing amid bits There's nothing, nothing, like the brook of garden patches, wherein the tenants, To hold the boyish heart, or peons, reside, paying their rent by so To him *tis like a promise book Of life's great treasure mart. many daya’ labor each year. WoelsNw BT ALBERT C. WHITE outside of that required for the pay­ It ripples, ripples on its way. "Where goes It?” a^ks the boy, ment of rent the tenant is paid, not in i money, but In orders upon the supply As, idlbng some bright summer day It gives hLs thoughts employ. store of the estate. Tenants are kept BICYCLE. ^rpHE Countes» of Monto Cristo’’ ia in debt, for the reason that the Chilian • *Tis flowing, flowing to the sen. _ AND Dt Wavelets will billows makel ” J the title tihe Chilians have given law forbids a laborer to leave an em­ ÊOMTENT. The boy's heart swells -rith things Donna Isadora Consino, the wealthiest ployer to whom be owes money. This The man's heart is awake. uoman> in all South America. In fact, is what is called “peonage.” or, in other its murmur, murmur is a song there are few persons in the world, words, slavery. Beguiling to the boy: For the Chilian peon the future holds “Why, I must to the world belong. richer than she. Her money is seeming- A winsome thought, but coy. no hope of better things. However, he lj inexhaustible and her disbursement* are limitless» Señora Cons ino comes does not care, so long as he has plenty It spreads and spreads in meadows green, Its face a mirror fair; of a distinguished family. Some of her to eat and drink and a bit of money OF-------- is known throughout cycling’ as a light, staunch, ancestry figure prominently in the an­ with which to gamble. He was reared Here an inverted world is seen. stylish, speedy mount. There’s a best in every­ The boy finds it a snare. in this way and knows no other. His nals of old Spain. Before the union of thing; the ’96 Stearns is a veritable edition de luxe These depths on depths confound his soul. fathers before him were peons — “ dumb, Arragan. with Cantile one of her fore­ “Away!” is now his cry, among bicycles. Finished in black or orange. fathers heló an importan t command, be­ driven cattle”—and his sons will follow- “The ripples go to And a goal, Stearns riders are satisfied riders, and always neath the banner of Arragon and was in his footsteps. The peon is attached A goal too must have I.” one of the lending spirits in the con­ to his master and is ever ready to fight proud as kings of their mounts. And still and still thg brook goea on« summation of the alliance. One of her for him. Feudal wars are kept up be­ The boy to manhood grown Your address will insure receipt of our hand­ ancestors was among the first to seek tween the estates, like the old family Mayhap has many a harvest won some new catalogue. That boyish thoughts have sown. iris fortune in tbe new world. lie was feuds which were common in Europe a thrifty soul. He came to what is now during the middle ages, and bloody en­ And now, ah now, his heart returns, E. C. STEARNS & CO., Makers, Syracuse, N. Y From city by the sea. the republic of Chili—a narrow strip counters are of frequent occurrence. San Francisco, Cal. Buffalo. N. Y. Toronto, Ont. of country along the Pacific coast, Señora Conaino, if she so desired, could To trace the brook among the ferns The boy that used to be. walled n on the east by the snow-man­ muster 3,500 able-bodied peons from her A boy’s heart still, though old 4A yaajw. tled Andean Cordilleras and on the west farms. He thanks God Chia is so In the capital, Santiago, she has four washed by 0,000 miles of sea—and in And sighs: “I And the brook endears the division of the lands and spoils of large and handsome bouses--one of The life of long ago. the conquest he obtained* a large share, which was tbe former home of Henry “There's nothing, nothing like Hhef*brook which he kept and gradually increased Meiggs, the California absconder. This To lift the human heart. by adding to the lands given to his lesw is an elegant residence, superbly fin­ 'Tis like a leaf of God's own Book, Of endless life a part.” A Portinent Answer. careful neighbors. His descendants fol­ ished within and without, and built of An amusing correspondence recently lowed in his footsteps and greatly and red cedar, resembling in style a New­ Wanted took place between a Wisconsin farmer persistently increased the family’s pos­ port villa. The others are of stone, and a local boiler firm. The farmer sessions. The father of Señora Con­ fashioned after the Spanish plan, tlie Jacks >n county property. Will trade wrote as follows: “Dere iSirea I have a sino was the richest man in Chili. »She interiors being elaborately decorated one hundred and sixty acres of good farming land seven miles from Klamath 1,000 akera of trees that I want cut. Im being the only child, this immense es­ and furnished. Her rentals from her Falls for JAckson county property. Ad­ pore but lm willing to pay too hundred tate eventually became her own. Thir­ real estate in the cities of Santiago and dress, P. O. Box 55. Yreka. Cal. Caitorl* is put up ¿ii one-size bottle« only. It dolers fer au engin that will do my ty years ago she became the wife of Valparaiso alone amount to $400*000 u not sold in bulk. Don't allow anyone to sell work,” and he went on to explain just Señor Consino, whose possessions, ac­ year. on anything else on the pica cr j toinise that it Chilians think there is a strain of He­ what sort of an engine he wanted. The quired in a somewhat similar manner, a l “just as good*’ and “will answer every pur- bciler firm saw that the engine neces­ were second, only to hers. The con­ brew blood in the widow, as she is a oh .” AeTgee that you get C-A-8-T-0-H-I-A. sary to accomplish the devastation of solidation, of these two estates made wonderful manager and famous for Zhe ho- his vlrginol forest would cost $3,000, their owners famous as one of the i driving close bargains. Her numerous itaile 13 OB agents and superintendents are re­ and they informed him to this effect. A wealthiest families in the world. over? week passed and then the following wTijpor. At his death, ten- yeans, ago, Señor Ì quired to render her weekly reports, Qf I pithy epistle came from the Wisconsin Consino bequeathed all his wealth to aud they say there is no use trying to woods: ‘ Dere Sires what ’n all git out hi9 wife, making her the sole possessor fool her. Every cent must be account­ wu income of $00,000 per month. a race course attached. Now that the Also agents for IRON FENCES. la everything! neutral In nothing. She enjoys a monopoly in this fuel, as señora proposes making her residence Satisfaction guaranteed «•CHARGES REASONABLE. in New York, the American daily ¡wi those wl.o will not buy of her must im ­ ties througn j ? made from nature’sown herbs, and port their coal from England. Her pers have much to say anent this mod­ P.O. Address: YREKA, Siskiyou Co.. contains We will send the above great journal in connection with no proper chan­ Cal coal trade extends from Panama to the ern “Countess of Monte Cristo” and de­ nels. Joy’s mineral V egeta ble drugs or Straits of Magellan, and around Cape light in depicting her as youthful and Sarsaparilla deadly pois­ Horn to the ports of Uruguay and.Ar- beautiful in appearance, when, as a on. Joy’s cures Dys- p e p s 1 a , Vegeta ble gentine. All this coal is shipped in her matter of fact, she is a shabby-looking 6arsapar ilia Chronic own vessels—iron steamers of capaci­ little woman, and a brunette. Fifty- lobs the Constipa • Doth one year, postpaid, at the extremely low price of | 2rO tion, Live* blood of all ties ranging from 2,000 to 4,000 tons— six years have penciled deep wrinkle I J™« Xs impuri­ m advance, and will give to each subscriber to this combination offer who pa vs Complaints which were built in France. The dirty upon her face—a face plain almost, to ties, and and Kidney ten cents additional for postage and packing, courses all Affections. little mining town of Lota, hidden away ugliness—and placed crows’ feet about these inipuri- TWENTY PACKETS OF SEEDS I in the hills some 100 miles below Val- those wonderfully keen black eyes. Her ¡ paraiso, is owned by the señorita, and hair is streaked with gray (though if These wed, are the beat in the mar­ I lie^e she spends most of her time, look- once was black as a raven’s wing), over ket. They consist of Farm, Vegetable GIVES THE CHOICE OF which a plain black mantilla is usually j ing sharply after her interests. and Flower Seed, of your own selec­ TU DUIU THE WATER IS A TOXIC. She practically makes her home in a worn. She is very energetic and re­ tion from a list of too varieties. The TWO TRANSCONTIENTAL 1 small, un painted- house in this smoky markably active, though she limps packets are as large as seedmen’s mail f Joy’s Vrgrtabln Being Sulphuric and Alkaline it eradicate» slightly, owing to sciatica. packets. ¡ place, although but a few miles, dis- barsapat-llla I fungi and animalcule», and neutral­ The seeds alone at retail prloee Naturally, the widow is a pleastnt I prevents tired feel­ 1 tant she has a mansion which cost her are worth SI OO. Call and see ua izing and correcting all acidi­ tempered woman, but in the last few ings, staggering sen ­ a million dollars to build. It stands in about this great offer at onoe. or ties it promote» a normal and eend remittances to this office. sations, palpitation healthful-condition iu every the center of the most magnificent pri­ years neuralgia has made her irritable, of heart, rush of part of the system. vate park in the world—an area of 300 which often seriously interferes with blood to the head, ¡acres of land laid out with marvelous the comfort of those who have business La dizziness, ringing in SWIMMING RINK. skill, embellished with marblestatuary, with her. At present there is a young ears, spots before the I plashing fountains, playful brooks, sil- Englishman, with rosy cheeks and a ley«, headache, bil- inclosed and covered, the same medics ! ! 'eTy cascades, graveled walks, winding large moustache, to whom she took a 1 iousness, constipation water, always clean, for the springs run a ' VIA VIA ' invitingly beneath beautiful trees, cool sudden fancy, who is attached to her of bowels, pains in [V heavy volume- more than twelve hun­ , caves, where lurk shadows dim, fantas­ establishment in the role of private sec­ the back,melancholy, SALT LAKE dred gallons per hour. SPOKANE ----- and----- tongue coated, foul tic gTottoes 6ugger+ive of elves and retary. The widow, however, is very breath, pimples on sprites, and everywhere a bewildering fickle, and this agreeable young man You may dive and swim and have more ! face, body and limb, MINNEAPOLIS DENVER ! profusion of flowers, bright and fra- will doubtless soon be cast asic e, like fun than “anybody’’—come out as “tine declineofnerve force as silk” and “white as wool”—rejuven­ grant and almost endless in variety. It many others before him. dizzy spells, faint ated and happy. ST. PAUL OMAHA She has three children—two daugh­ I requires the labor >f 40 gardeners, hired' To all points east at the very lowest rates j spells, cold, clammy The Chronicle Building, Located on the ters and a son. The girls are quite by the year, to keep the place in trim. At Prop» ietor substitute. When you I where. The estate proper extends from and excellent business man. He seldom ) net for thebestseethat I TORONTO, MONTREAL and BOSTON the suburbs of the capital, through a takes part n social affairs, is very you ¿et tbe best. . I| i OCEAN STEAMERS ■ .'rt form* pori- broad and fertile valley, far inrto the economical and is quite decided in his »! - I. S3 year* LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 6 DAYS Andes, whose snow-crested peaks mark stand against his mother’s extrava­ -n*la’. Cur*t i r.isi.k ûi c its eastern boundary. Here are great gance.—Ohio State Journal. —»os— ■TUTE., lïJii Operates its traitis on the famous block 7/#/j stretches of cultivated fields, orchards a Upsetting the Calendar. If you are going to •»«d ’"nAvirrls while iirvnn the hil]« 1 system The Greatest Weekly in the Coaatry, His Better Half — Thia is a pretty sort graze immense herds and flocks. The NA KU8P CARIBOO Lights its trains by electricity through­ ARE YOU GOING EAST | sherry and claret from the vineyards of of life you are leading. SLOGAN CITY “Oh, shut up!” GOLD Macul have a widespread reputation for I NEW DENVER out; Stsamera Monthly from Portland to Yo- If no be sure and see that your ticket* ' “The day before yesterday you didn’t KASLO excellence, and the Chilians will buy no a fei Uses tbe celebrated electric berth read­ FIELDS read via the kolioma and Hong Kong; via The North­ other than that which bears 6enora come home until .yesterday, yesterday (Including postage) to any part of the United KOOTENAY NELSON I Consino’s label. Chilians, with all thair you came home to-day and to-day, if I ing lamp; ern Pacific Steamship Co. in connection States. Canada and Mexico. TRAIL THE WEEKLY CHRONICLE, the brightest Runs splendidly equipped passenger MINING ROSSLAND with die O. R. and N. faults, are stanch patriots, firm believ­ hadn’t come to fetch you, you wouldn’t and most complete Weekly Newspaper In th* * ers in patronizing home industries, and have come home until to-morrow.”— For full Information call on O. R. A N. trains every day and night between St. DISTRICT world, prints regularly 84 columns, or twelve © SODA WORKS ® they all have an admiration for the Journal Pour Rire. pages,of News, Literature and General Informs Agent, ROUT. LEONARD, Ashland, Or Get a copy of “Carl, Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and tion; also a magnificent Agricultural Department widow which is akin to idolatry. Not a Good Likeness. OB ADDRESS: boo and Kooteaay Gold Fields.” —At Yreka, Cal. Chicago; tbe On the hacienda she has very fine im­ SAMPLE COPIES SENT FR£E It is not always easy to recognize the W. H. HURLBURT, e ----------- e ported stock, both cattle and horsea. "gentlemen and ladies of sculpture." If you are thinking of traveling call on lien’l Pass. Agent, Chicago, Milwaukee & Chicago, St. Paul, N D are prepared to fill all orders on Her racing stable is the most numer­ No wonder the old lady in the follow­ do you want the the agent of the Canadian Pacific Railway. PORTLAND. OKI ous and successful in South America. ing story, taken from the Evangelist, short notice. e e a * • St. Paul chronicle Minneapolis & Omaha R’y EWGive them a call. She is an ardent-devotee of the turf, and was somewhat in doubt: In the "monu­ Lowest rates to and from all parts of Also operates steam-beateu vestibuled never misses a Chilian racing meet, in­ ment room” of Trinity church is a large — THIS IS THE — variably betting heavily on her own marble tablet put up in memory of the trains, carrying the latest private com­ Europe via. all Atlantic steamship lines. horses. Last season her winnings were late Bishop Hobart. It is a bas-relief, partment cars, library buffet smokiny For full information regarding tbe above over $200,000, which she, as is her cus­ representing the bishop as dying, and care, and palace drawing room sleep­ call on or address —YIA— tom, divided among the stable employes sinking into the arms of an allegorical SHOWING BETWEEN DULUTH i B W. GREER. W. H. MOWAT, and the poor. female figure, probably intended for ers. 146 Third 8t. Agent Besides Macul, the widow has another the angel of death. Years ago an aged The United States, Dominion ol Parlor cars, tree reclining chair cars and Portland RAILWAY Ashland couple from the country were shown j extensive estate about 40 miles north —OF Till- Oregon. Canada and Northern Mexico Oregon. tbe very beet diniDg car service. I i of Santiago, and several others in vari- about the church, and when they OV OMK SIDE, E. J. COYLE, Diatrict Passenger Agent. And all points East and South. The i ous parts of the republic. In Chili farm­ reached the tablet they paused long For lowest rates to any point in thr And the Vancouver, British Columbia. -Magnificent track, Peerless Vesti­ ing is carried on much as it was in Eu- before it. At last the dear old lady United States or Canada, apply to buled Dining and Sleeping I rope in feudal times. The rural dis- spoke. “That's a good likeness of the Express Trains Lear« Portland Daily. I Car Trains and Motto: ticket agent, or address bishop,” she said, "but”—here she re­ I tricte are composed of extensive farms I South ! BO YEARS’ I North ON THE OTHER SIDE. I —thousands of acres in area—owned by garded the angelic personage attentive­ “ALWAYS ON TIME” C. J. EDDY, EXPERIENCE. Lv Portland Ar 9:30 a m , ly—“it's a poor one of Mrs. Hobart. I Send $2 and Get the Map «nd people who usualh' live in the cities and J. W. CASEY, General Agent. Ar Ashland Lv 5:50 p in ! Have Riven this road a u .Jonal reputa­ Weekly Chronicle for One Year, j Lv Ashland Ar 5:20 p m - j leave the property in the care of agents. knew her well, and she didn't look like tion. All classes of passsen tiers carried Trav. Pass. Agent. Portland. Or. postage prepaid on Map and Paper 1 8:00p ip I Here arc found but two classes of peo- thatl” Ar San FranciscoLv on the veetibuled trains without extra I I pie — the landlords and the tenants; the charge. «Ship your freight and travel A Tellla* Sbot. ADDRESS Above trams stop at all stations Pullman over this famous line. All agents have j between Portland and Salem. Turner 1 At last Erin has sent an arrow • M. H. da YOUNC», i ticket. Marion, Jeflerson, Albany, Tangent. I : ‘ Record” for your printing. Everything! •traight to the English heart. Propri .tor a ». Chronicle The Sleeping Cars rlaaa. 1AM naaoaco. cat. W. H. M kad , Gen. Ag’t., 1 Sbedds, Halsey, Harrisburg, Junction City. I first class. TRADÌ MARKS* shoes of British manufacture arc too Ktegant DKSIQRSf 48 Washington St. Portland, Or Eugene, (tottage Grove. Drains and all Can’t See Your Own Kye Move. big for feminine Irish feet, and even | stations from Roseburg to Oakland, in- I OCPYRIOMTS Ao. T. W. T sssdals , G. P. A., A curious and slightly known fact is the pedals of the wheels mndc by the Dining Cars elusive. Anyone sending a .«cwu uu u vui ption msy sketch > ind deaeri may St Pani. Minn. S^LkrIZ»a*oertaLn,.Xree’ wbe 0»«r an invention is iUtMebuTK Mail Daily. that it is impossible to move tbe eye English are so large the tiny feet e- CnB” nunication* strictly Tourist while looking at its reflection in a mir­ of the daughters of the Emerald isle will LICATK THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR. ♦ ♦ 4 AHRIVE : Your Sleeping Cars Portland . .8:30« m | Koseburg.. .5:20 p jir ror. The eye is the most movable part not stay upon them.—Chicago Tribune ♦ ♦ WORLD-WIDECIRCULATION. of the face, yet If you try to look at it IhtuHburg 7:30a m I Portland 4 :30p —----- - ...:30pm Friend and novc ft it Ihournndfh part of m ( ST. PAUL Twenty Pajes; Weekly; Illustrated. ; Every Day Excursions Dining Cars on Ogden Route. inch you Will be balked in your purpose. To all parts of tbe world can be arranged Write to T. S. Q uincky , • MINNEAPOLIS IhOiSPeNSABi; TO M inino M en , Drawer 1G6, Chicago, Secre* ; PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tbe moment yon endeavor to perceive for any day in tbe year, for one or more th«.. ______________ B ook or P atkxts seat frw .. AddreM DULUTH tary of the S tar A ccident ! —AXD— the motion of the eye it becomes fixed. oersene, upon application to any princi­ THRZE DOLLARS PER TEAR, POSTEALO, munr a co ., C ompany , for information 1 SAMPtc copino rm. Seen n.a>«, «w.k w mu For Lightness. Swiftness and friend, of both wxea and called It a spoken in everv land nnder tbe sun, one I -p»'’wkua, «a-rasr. HA1TD BOOK rail r^,.MM.a«S>U ] At Albany and CorvalHa connect with “day" just sa we do. doee not need to depend on the services . Strength it b “rrury—arri nrorm. a corv or on ivioial Can be made by AGENTS taking orders trains of Oregon Central A Eastern Kail TO WANTEO AT ONCE! of guides n.r. ..4 ’rvaar nrr irrroa nona alone or in small family parties, with I You CM baro «11 ikwl a T. De WITT TALMAGE. Hare, radiant SIAD R .„VtM Ur MStoW : Hundred, of n.w'pbo^' Train Ddlv Ifaeep« Bunday ) ctive agents for each w ashington and alarming — - - I E dwik W. J ot C o .; I am one of those treat comfort and security, and at one’s j Cnunty. Exclusive control and no land., l ---------- people — and place«. . lravr : abrivr who place bnt little faith in advertieed noe- gwn convenience. Write tn C. J.Eddy, j PHILADELPHIA risk. Will clear 12 to 25 hundred dollars a The World’s Wonders >nders as seen and des- a a , . _ . -------------- tmtES bet seeing an many local teatimon oeneral Agent, Chicago, Milwaukee A , NTLV YORK year. Enclose stamp for foil particulars crihed br th. greatest greaiest living preacher and ; ' V* RATXMT LAWVXRSt, cribed by the . ¡ala. detailing th. .tTeet, ¿f | Gt. Paul railway, Portland, Or., for par-; orator. fjvA? ...... or 25c for St sample. Big Rapids Mineral oratnr. Over 500 massive quarto pass* A ^^ ” 1 I Minnville Lv - 5:50am Harsaparilla. I, too. bought It. I t ick Itfo? NJ-2M-NT SCaasi M.. CMC«,. BOSTON AND ALL Water Co., Big Kaptds. Mieh. Agents reaping n a golden «olden 1 har vrat* vest o «>. 8:30 F n1' A’’ Independence 1.» i4:L0ani pains in the beck and chonle Mllionsnees. Bicuiars it von are contemplating a trip, j POINTS EAST and SOUTH reP°'t' 80 in * L ors Direct connertion at San Faaneiaeo with the results of a disordered liver, which has Liberal t Liberal terms. terms. 1,„ No .. experience needed Occidental and Oriental and Pari He mail given me mneb trouble, and I believe it has TWou*h ticket, to Japan and China, via Write w ..t. for r«. agenev, ......... quick ! steamship linea for JAPAN and CHINA. permanently cured me. I haven’t felt so *t*aoaa and North»» radii z Stssmahlp PEOPLE’*, 3941 Market Mt, Phil - Sailing data, on application. well for ten years. I recommend It to all t ’ PRENIDKNT—"I wonld suggest my friends, and we take it for nearly erery-1 00. that, as yon bars Men elected to pre Rates and tickets to Eastern points and thing over our tray and it seems to hit 1 For Information, tlm, card,, map and 1 side over onr deliberations, yon procure a Europe. Also Japan. China. Honoluln and I NED NENTBLL «.■urtili,, «rtntie. ..r tabMnaaa Ita l UMÍJJ 1 Mattest, or Ptauansgrar Pnocsneas. a IMksU. call on or writ. AcstraUa. can he obtained from 79 Everett street. San Francisco. rom» arami hMlu and ■ - ------ oœ . devino. n5- 1 table of rules observed in Congran, and In D. L. RICE. Agent. Ashland. A. 1». CRARUTON, HUa. and et-lelr MM Itut-m. 1T fSSA wk U rurií I all public bodies, to aid and assist you. that M. KOEHLER. C, H. M ARKHAM, No anuASLB navootrr yiu TKLt roc ■■ PATIENT» TREATCD «Y MAIL AMManl Qanaral Paawagar Afoul. I yon may do credit to the office, and honor Maeapm-. w. *. A p. naSdnnuur. Tor mrtienia a «attuai, wna----- r iasa^fM niw'piw 1 “ •°°B “ Jwr*» n»KLA»D. OBMOM fo yourself." By mail lOe F. W. Man», Fortlaad, Qg. Entitled to Credit fur More Sense Than Ills Half-Brother, the Horse. •‘Horae sense” has become a byword for a certain practical sort of intelli­ gence, but according to Prof. N. 8. Shuler, ' mule sense” would be a more appxopriate one. He says that a ruule, as is well known to all people familiar with the animal, has a good deal more sen^e than a horse. He says that the mule is much the less demonstrative. ~ Even in the best humor he appears sullen, and lacks those playful capers which give such expression to the well-bred horse, par­ ticularly in its youthful state. It is evident, however, that it discriminates men and things more clearly than does the horse. In going over difficult ground it stud­ ies its surface and picks its way so as to secure a footing in an almost infalli­ ble manner. Even when loaded with a pack it will consider the incumbrance, and not so often try to pass where the burden will become entangled with fixed objects. Fuulablag a Slanderer. A Puritan prtbeher named Boyd was I in the habit of inveighing against Crom­ I well. Secretary Thurlow informed the latter, advising him to have the man shot. ‘‘He’s a fool, and you’re another,” said the protector; “I’ll pay him out in his own coin.” He asked Boyd to din­ ner, and, before giving him any, prayed for three hours. THAT THE SIGNATURE WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTTLE OF THE WORLD’S RICHEST WIDOW. : Cbe Yellow yellow 16 TO 1 ASHLAND CASKET CO.! CHRONICLE J. B. RUSSELL. H. S. EMERY The Farm, Field and Fireside, Granite, Marble, Freestone Monuments and Copings H I A GREAT COMBINATION OFFER ASHLAND The Valley Record <•" .M EAST BATHING R Ö U T E S Oregon Great Northern Ry Short Line fANADIAN/“) 'PACIFIC K y . SOO PACIFIC LINE, 0 e the : GBANT HELMAN daily /CH^— The only line runninig through trains from the coast to This Railway Co WITHOUT CHAN GE Only $6.70 a Year. The Weekly Chronicle FRANCISCO. PARKINSON & WISE $1.50 Trine. Tlie A ORTHERN PACIFIC R : Reversible Map? EAST AND SOOTH ST. PAUL & CHICAGO The Shasta Route GREAT - SHORT - LINE Southern Pacific Co. U Map of the World N S j THE ACCIDENTS OF LIFE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, Kenwood Í . Bicycle Ü THROUGH TICKETZ W .SSroaib, Hamilton Kenwood Cycle Ct. CASTORIA A MINING AND SCIENÎIFIC PRESS, ns H.B.WILLS0N4C0. M 'MTHrdMreot, MU*v»kse, Wb, “H. SNVDER, ïîSifc