VALLEY RECORD. John Stanley is here from Shasta county. Shut Bis Hand Off. The Killing of Al. Coolidge. ON DECEMBER FIRST Melvin Van Natta went to Grants Pass Hsnrv Clawson waa brought over from o Al. Coolidge, belter known as “Ore­ “I have used Aytr1! Cherry Pec­ last evening to start a lauudry. Bailey Hill, this tide of Hornbrook, last gon" Coolidge, and for several yaara a o toral iu my family for twenty years, his father and thia morning Dr, resident ot Ibis place and Lakeview, waa J. C. Pendleton returned yesterday from night _ by --------------------------------------- - .... o and recommend it to others for ASHLAND. Or...Thursday, Nor. 18. 1887 Yreka where he sold and delivered the , | Parson bis right hand just assassinated by bla eremlea near Cbetco, °----- ll amputated . I» coughs and colds, and whooping rare horse, J ack-the-Ripper, to J. M. Wai- * | u “’— “ ------- - ----- i«turned from Carry county, last Thursday. He and below the wriat. The 1 boy The man who aooffa at bridge. houting and while atandin? on ths tres­ his friend, W. M. Smith, were returning cough. Have never known a single Will open a large line of fine HOLIDAY PERSONAL ANU SOCIAL. D. C. Herrin talked at Central Point last tle watching the carpenters at work tbe to town io a spring wagon from a trip to friendly advioe to “take case of whooping cough that it night and added 18 new members to the A. rifle slipped off the tie and in falling Willis Wblts'a ranch. They were tired GOODS. You have always bought th« something for that cough, ” failed to relieve and cure, when # O. U. W. waa discharged. Having Lis band over on by assassins hid in the brush. Cool­ o Grants Paas has several cases of scarlet tbe muzslo it was literally blowed off. best goods for the least money of Sherwin. will keep on coughing, o idge caught a rifle ball near tbe haert Chas, Frisell is very ill with pner monia fever. and his brother. Jack Prized, came over Ranee Rouee'e Thanksgiving Dinner. and one in the leg. Ha fell over dead iu until he changes his mind or changes his earthly 0 E B. Smith came up from Grants Paas from Yreka yesterday. tbe wagon. Smith waa allot in the leg Fine Perfumes and Tuesday. Kanse Rouse of the Ashland House and dropped to tho ground on tlie oppo­ resideuce. Singular, isn’t it, how many stubborn people 0 H. F Wood, foreman of the building de­ o Cut Glass Bottles Miss Dottie Day of tbe normal is very ill partment of the railroad company, came has prepared a big feaat for Thanksgiv­ site side. He saw three men rice up I I persist in gambling, with health as the stake, when ing aud elsewhere is published his meuu, from behind come brnoh, whom he recog- with erysipelas. over last evening from Bailey Hill. I I they might be effectually cured of cough, cold, or lung Miss Clara Hurst came over from Sisson C. H. Dalrymple was up from Gold Hill which cannot be discounted. It is truly niied ao some of tbe Vauprlta. Ooolidge’o (I o Apothecary and Bookteller. Tuesday on a visit. yesterday investing in furniture for his a 75 cent dinner for 25 cents, and Rouse's brother Alfred bad jirat arrived from trouble, by a few doses of reputation as a first-class dining room o Good meals at the Blue Front Restaurant. | new law office, J. P. Dodge outfitting him. man means that it is guaranteed. Every­ Colfax, Wash,, to persuade hie brother o Meals at all hours. P. H. Donohue is buying and packing body invited aud the utmost attention to leave that country. The shooting waa the reeult of a long­ He has sold several carloads to Tbe delinquent tax sale takes place at the apples. be given all. Extra tables will tie will standing feud, in which Mr. Coolidge the Oregon Fruit A Produce Co. of Salem court bouse December 11. pul in aud there will be room for all. and a family of 12, named Vanpelt, are for eastern shipment. o o • This testimonial will be found ia full in Ayer’s “Curebook” with a Bring your families aud friends. G 8. Farraof Bly was registered at tbe he principals. About three years ago I» o D. C. Herrin, grand lecturer of the A. O, hundred others. Free. Address J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. Ashland House Sunday. Coolidge cold to tbe senior Vauuelt and U. W of Oregon, discussed the new assess­ o o W. H. Mowat and Crit Tolman re­ his two sons a sawmill, taking their note Misses Ida Lane and Grace Beach visited ment methods of that order at opera house McMinnville, Saturday night. Tbe Workmen lodges of turned Tuesday from the Stone ranch which became due laat opring, and ao it Medford friends this week. the stat« have progressed remarkably well east of Ashland. 'Jiiev killed one bear waa not paid action was brought lor the Court Reporter Mias Kate Lemberger during Mr. Herrin s stewardship as chief Sunday. The next day the doga got on recovery of the mill, th« caee being came in from Klamath Falls Monday. Fine facilities fur Instruction ami Rate* aa low aa promotor. the track of the big bear that baa been awarded to Coolidge. Tbe Vanpelts took the lowest. Open« September 15tb, 1M7. Mew Il­ Walt Bevington and Frank Grieve, who Wm. Shoemaker of Montgomery county, killing ao many boga in that aectiou, but the law in their own hands, and by force lustrated Catalogue, giving full information seat on are on a work train, were here Sunday. III., visited Ashland during tbe past week he waa too alert and kept on going toward of arme compelled Coolidae to vacate. application to H. L. BOARDMAN, Mroa. Mrs. M. J. Hill returned to Gold Hill seeking a climate for asthma Robt. Leon­ Butte creek. The doga did not return to Coolidge then Bought aid from th« sheriff, Or people at home, wiihinir to Monday from a visit with Ashland friends. ard ticketed him home ovex' the Great camp. who ejected the Vanpelts As soon as purchase their winter supply of J. B. Garnett, tbe Pelican bay stockmau, Northern. He will probably come to this the sheriff departed tbe Vanpelts again Barnebnrg, Heard, Hall and King. drove Coolidge off. The aid of the sheriff registered at the Ashland House Sunday. section again. On tbe Klondike is the place to get gold. Medlord huiiters, bagged 200 quail at wee again Bought, the Vanpelts ejected, Tra4* Maro aaa Coftrrtthtv. AH Ritto» Seee/voW. Geo. W. Bailey and «on Frank of Snow But Wannamaker’s clothing agency is the Table Rock one day recently. and the san,« was repeated for the third were registered at the Ashland House Tues place to save it. I), Allen, Agent, DePeatt day. D. L. Minkler, Wil! Lindsey. Guert Mc­ time, whereupon tlie sheriff informed Block, Ashland, Oregon. Call and Chas. Wining and A. F Hunt Coolidge that the law allowed him to For spot ciah will find it to th^ir The Prize at the s Fair, 1893 Chas. High and son Louis came in from killed 9 deer at Dead Indian last week. A few months ago a family arrived at interest to get onr prices on such protect his property, even if lie ha I to do Picard, Cal., yesterday bringing in a load Prospect from Michigan by wagon, hav­ bills before buying. . i . of oats. Eugene Guard : A man, who gave bi. so by force of arms. This h« did, .liter Frank Dodge, son of Water Supt. Ira ing been six months on the road, to lo­ name as Will Elkchaser, waa brought be­ which the Vanpeltodeclared a truce, end end off Dodge, was in a critical condition this week cate there and take up a timber claim. fore Justice Wheeler anti fined $25 and everything went along well for about t»o They found al! the timber land already costa, or $40 for chasing deer witli hounds weeks. Tbos. Vanpelt is a white i. an with pneumonia. To cheap .cash stores and get located. Winzell Bros, of Michigan own Low Grade Goods when you can H. Hill, who has been absent for about 16 timber land claims up Rogue river in the Camp Creek country. Several , who hae raieed a large family from a squaw. They have murdered and aseaa- ether men, who were with him, were not get good goods at home for the two years, arrived Friday from Texas to and told this man, who was in their em­ arrested, as evidence could not be se­ sinated a number of people in that coun­ same money.......................... again take up his residence. ploy, that they would move their exten­ cured. it v and are a bad lot. Bishop B. Wistar Morris and Rev Isaac sive shingle mill plant to Prospect in the The shipment ol turtles to San Francis­ Dawson held services in the Ashland Epis­ near future. Killed Hie Slater. co from points in Shasta and Siskiyou copal church last Sunday. Grants Pass, Nov. 10.—The 9-vear-o!d A tip top dinner at the Blue Front Res ­ counties, seems to be considerable of a This year cow boy hats are >atest style business, as thev can tie found in Lite va­ eon of Thomas Gray who resides oear headgear for ladies; wonder if they will taurant on Thanksgiving. Merlin yesterday afternoon accidentally want “chaps" and spurs next? J. L. Downing of this city has been rious rivers and lakes throughout north­ discharged his father's rifle while playing ern California and southern Oregon. east for several months and on Nov. 4, Lyman C. Hill is here again His friend with it, the ball paseing through hie little and chum, J. Waldere Kirk, the “King of 1897, at Lake Geneva, Wis., waa married They are kept in water ponds until a suf­ 3-year-old sister's bead, killing her in­ Under Hew Management, the Dudes,’’ is in trouble in New York. to Mies Jennie Denison. They arrived ficient number is obtained to make up stantly. The onlv person near, an old carload shipments, when they are hauled Services at the Presbyterian church next in Ashland Saturday evening to make to railroad in sacks kept constantly moist gentleman, a friend of the family, was in Sunday at the usual hours. Subjects: Chris­ this their future home at Mr. Downing’s to preserve them alive. The turtles go an adjoining room. After seeing what ROUSE & HELMS, P roprietors . resilience on tbe Boulevard and are re­ tian Unity; and The Highest Courage. by the name ot terrapins iu San Francis had happened he went and informed the LOCATED LIST CENTER OF TOWN. ceiving the congratulations of the groom ’ s Engineer Frank McDonald, wife and co, and bring good prices at all the hotels parents. In bis absence the little fellow daughter have gone to San Francisco to friends. ran away from home without cost, hat or and restaurants.—Yreka Journal. visit friends in California for several weeks. For a first, class meal at a second class shoes, and arrived at Merlin after dark, cents—go to the Ashland House, remaining over night with the section After serious illness, like typhoid fever, price—25 To Cure a Cold in One Day Rouse is a first class dining room men, telling them his father bad whipped pneumonia, or the grip, Hood’s Sarsapar­ llanse manager and never fails to please the most Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, him and LI that he Ift'i ran anay, away. Tn tlie mûrir morn- ... . . . L t A ' X i " ,U1 Ulivi I at) lit? in mo illa has wonderful strength-giving power, fastidious taste. A r^r"5^ re ' 6 "1Oney “ “ 0 ! »U »'« took to the hills and cannot be Ed Miller who left with the Main circus Cure. 25c. i _ ____ .i ............ t_______ Mike Stokes and Fred Allen, known in found. The hmdy recently caste from last summer and bus been employed at Al­ Free Bun to and brotu all Paauenger Traina. ameda, Cai., came home last week on a this conuty among their class, are in jail Thanksgiving dinner at Hotel Oregon Creecent City, Cal. at Sisson for sandbagging and robbing visit. Nov. 25, 1897, from 12 to 2 p, m. The Died at 105 Years. Mr. Campbell of $230. Campbell had menu will be something unusual in south ­ Parties desiring Thanksgiving dinner at Oregon. First class in every particular. Great Music Offer. Hosea Brown, tho last 1812 veteran on Hotel Oregon can have their own separate just returned from Sao Francisco where ern The oflii-.uis of the utcetric car line« the coaBt, died Monday at the borue of tables by applying beforehand at Hotel he told a lol of turtles which he raises in Dinner 50 cents. J.C onnkb Proprietor, Send us the names and addresses of three of Santa Barbara, <’a!., not axiile the Big Valley. He visited tbe St. Dennis hi, son. Orr Brown, on Applegate. He or luore performers on the piano or organ office. dance hall, conducted by the notorious A delightful surprise party was engineer­ was bofn July 18, 1792. The funeral together with ten cents in silver or postage earning« of a day for the benefit ol Miss Nina Emery who Las been employed Bradley, and was rebbed just after ed aud sprung on Hon, John b. Herrin Sat- war conducted bv the Grants I’asa G, A. and we will mail you ten pieces full sheet Allen (been, a mained conductor. The in Humbert’s woolen mill at Santa Rosa, Carrie ! urday evening in honor of his 70th birth­ R. and Stephen Jewell. music, consisting of popular songs,waltzes, people turned out in large numbers Cal.. returns home this evening on account ieaving that place. • day. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs marphes, etc., arranged for the piauo and and a handsome nuui was netted for of poor health. Ladies, Take tbe Best. If you are troub­ J. S. Herrin, Capt. and Mrs A. D. Hel­ organ. Address: Heat Estate, the unfortunate man. Populai Music Pub. Co., Don’t miss Thanksgiving dinner at Hotel led with constipation, sallo* skin, and a man, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Kentnor, Mr. feeling, take Karl’s Clover Tea, it is and Mrs. M. Berry, Mr. and Mrs, F. Wil­ Prudence Walker to Edward Wilkinson; Indianapolis, Ind. Oregon. It will be something unusually tired Controller Eckles has approved the pleasant to take. Sold by T. K. Bolton. 83.884 acres in subdivision of Enoch Walk liams. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Angle, Mr. and fine Previous banquets and dinners there application to convert, the Nevada er; $1194 Educate Your itowels With Cascurets. verify this statement. Fred Mel base bought 200 bead of Mrs. J. Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. J. Thornton, Candy Cathartic, euro constipation forever. bank ot bun Fianc'sco to the Nevada J G Hodges to Edward Wilkinson; % Mesdames C. Mingus, J H. Russell, J. M. ET SMOOTHLY Dan Snowgoose, who has been river bar stock cattle here tbe past week and they McCall. J Houck. M. H. Vining, A V. acre in subdivision of Enoch Walker; $26 10c, 80c. If C. C. C. fall, druggists refund money. National bunk of San Francisco, with N R Johnston to F K Deuel; 7, 8,9, and mining near Merlin all spring and summer, passed through town Tuesday enroute to Gillette, H. M. Drake, L. E. Norris, Mrs GIVE COMFORT capital stock of $3,00 J, <*00. S. W. Rex shot and almost instantly returned to Ashland Tuesday to work the his rarcb at Ft. Klamath. Crary, Miss Bessie Peed and W. C. Myer. 10, Park add. Medford; $600 W H Barlow to Minnie Barlow; 120 acres killed Thomas Green, during a drunk­ LOOKWELL Snowgoose quartz ledge. Oranges iu the vicinity of Los An­ Bo not deceived ! A cough, hoarseness or A splendid time was enjoyed by all. in tp 39 s, r 1 w; $10. NEVER RIP geles are ripening rapidly. It is esti­ en row at Marysville, Cal. John Standard left for Illinois Monday croup are not to be trifled with. A dose in Tbe family of P. P. Whitney, traveling Theresa Dick to J F White; 320 acres in on a three months business trip, beingtick- time of Shiloh’s Cure will save you much traveling freight agent of the S. P. lines in tp 37 «, r 2 w : $90. Joseph M. Shotwell, managing mated that double the usual quantity FROM THE SHEEP T© THE MAN. eted over tbe Northern Pacific by Robt. trouble. Sold by T. K. Bolton. Oregon, leave in a few days to take up their Mary Miller to Milo Caton; part of lot 1, director of the Merchants’ Exchange at will be ripe and ready for shipment fui Taylor, their local agent. Alba Heywood, the prince of comedians,1 future residence at Salem. Mrs. Whitney blk 8, Jacksonville; $250. Material aaStrona •« the Beat, appearance Better than Rll. the holiday trade. San Francisco and an old-time stock ­ and Mrs. Phil Metchan, wife of tbe state W L Pyle to C Vrooman; 160 acres in tp Miss Ada Johnson and Geo. C. Cottrell of is coming That means fun by the ton, are sisters. A farewell party 37 «, r 3 w; >500. broker, is dead. Medford were guests of the Ashland House laughs galore, beautiful music and a de­ treasurer, waa given Miss Louise Whitney Saturday C Vrooman to W L Pyle; lot 7, blk 26, Tuesday. He returned yesterday to Iron lightful evening all around The press evening, The grangers of Sonoma county, tbe guests being Mr. and Mrs, P, Gold Hill ; $500. comments tell us that Heywood if funnie Mountain, Shasta county. Th» Mfr*. luthcriM ue to give with every pair told this 'onheard-of ▼urznty: than ever; thai his work is all new, and B Whitney, Arthur LaForeat and wife, A N Soliss, admr of R J Newman, to E Cui., will ce'ebrate the 28th anniver- Miss Myrtle Gill, Wells-Fargo’s express his company strong and well balanced. It Mrs. M. Mayer, Mrs. Dan Stone. Mrs. DeRoboam : 160 acres in tp 38 s. r 4 e; $100 t ary of the order in Santa Rosa Wed­ You ma.y bur a pair of Dotrhr« Wool Trousers at agent, returned Tuesday from a months is with a keen anticipation of pleasure we George Engwicht, Misses Lille Walrad. GW Stephenson to H J Hicks; loti, blk nesday, December 1st. vacation spent in various places from Duns­ await the appearance of this company, lor Maud Frulan , Rose Harris Grace Carroll, 20, Ashland; $1650. muir to southern California. HiOks to A ( Dixon; und % in same ¡.»»AO William Delash mutt, city marshal with Heywood's name there always goes a Eva Anderson, Mamie Williams, Minnie I H J Hicks For City Marshal Rev. C. F. Clapp closed his revival in the guarantee of something good. He will be Ruckfeliow. and Wiii Marks. Waiter Fru-» I property; $825. and deputy conitBiblo!©fe killing tea), «nd a ticket with each word to Address below before December jtst Lemon Pi*. CMM. Fig Pudding of Al Coolidge and tlie wounding of W. Heart Cure of the ministry entirely. Until October 15th two words allowed ior every ticket ; after that only one with Golden Sauce, Angel Heart palpitation became W. Smith by parties in ambush. The Food. Oak*. ao bed that my auditor, former was shot through the heart and Restores word for every ticket. ____ would ask me if I did no» TRUITS. the also in the left aide, and tbe Health.*.... _________ If only one person finds the word, tint person gets $»000.00; if several find bare heart disease. Last Oranges, Muscat Orapoo, Banana». right aide, inflicting a deep bat not it, $3coo 00 will be equally divided among them. November I commenced taking Dr. Miles’ DRINKS. dangerous wound. They are without a peer—Without a rival, Every one sending a brown or yellow ticket will receive a set of cardboard New Heart Cure alternately with Dr. Mlles* T m , Coffee, Coco. Milk, Sweet Cid.r They give an added bandsomoess to the figure The packing-house of I- G. Sreoovicb Nervine and derived the greatest possible creepmg babies at the end of the contest. Those sending three or more in one They offer no restriction to the circulation, digestion or respiration, WINES. at Capitola. Cat, has been destroyed benefit. I have just closed revival work of make short long envelope will receive an 1S98 pocket calendar-no advertising on it_ Th«« They _______ „. waists ______ appear r--~ __ - Fort, Claret, Sherry. by Are, together with 11,000 ooxes of 10 weeks, preaching nearly every night and They are «ntw-Alling and combine holt» fashion-sense end common-sense. creeping babies and pocket calendars will be dirtereat fiom the ones oOered to They give s ich satisfaction ss no other o-r-ei can give apples and 14 tone of prunes. It is the twice on the Sabbath I can speak for hours They have advantages no other corsets have. the last contest. third packing-house that has been I Without suffering as I formerly did. Hard They retain tbeir favor with all ladles who have worn them, because of their working ministers should keep W- Milee’ burned there within two weeka. superior quality grand remedies on band.” Sold and Wacom mead ad by THE FAIR STORB. Dr. Miles’ HeartCwmiatoldoaguaraaU©» Ta Cere Scoff and Cough. SHERWIN^^ :: :: 500 Dolls. 1! !! Ü Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. McMinnville COLLEGE, Oregon. Klamath County People GROCERIES Winners World’ Dutchcsslrouscrs D. L. Minkler & Son ASHLANDHOUSE ft FIRST CLASS HOUSE . . . SECOND CLASS PRICES MONEY GUARANTEE. $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50, $4 or $5 G. W. Smith, w David Allen, VAUPEL NOKRIS & DRAKE. Wanamaker & Brown, Gas City Business College Fall Term Begins Sept. 6th A/\ftCK€Y, P hotographer li -1 Ministers Should Use SMITHS CASH STORE $2000 StOCktOfl, Cal Money-back says * Schillings Best baking powder and tea are ______________ because they are money-back. Better cut these rules out. Addrua: MONBY-BACK, SAN FRANCISCO. «« ASBLAMD, ORS8OA.