An atliancu of the companies engag-I Thu eruption on Mount Vesuvius SHJT TO DEATH BY A BOY. MINES AND MININO. Expert examination of the accounts ter ton. •8*lo, ______________ _ Co., bicycle manu­ Bott, White Hand, with Shaiiely .-»alia, Luxu­ Catarrh known. Ask vour druggist for a ing for the creation of a new state to Out of the 500 location notices made 10 cent trial size or send 10 cents, we will facturers of Buffalo, N. Y. The assets riant Hair with Clean, Wholesome Scalp, pro­ be known as tho state of Manhntten. Mlgairlulty wad the Human Skin. it. Full size 50 cents. double the liabilities. duced uy C vticcha Soar, the most effective during the summer’s rush into the mail ELY BROS., 56 Warren St., N. Y. City. Eikvl* TaaU U reported as saying » The Marion (Ind.) lodge of Elks has Coffee creek section, Trinity county, Salem, Oregon. Miss Francis E. Willard, president of akin purifying and beautifying reap lu tho My son was afflicted with catarrh. I in ­ world, as well as purest and sweetest, for the human skin ia covered constant­ i been auspended because of an alleged ns^essinviit work lias been recorded on the W. C. T. U., will contribute $3000 duced him to try Ely ’ s Cream Bahu and toilet, bath, and nursery. The only prevonllv. ly with hurtful microbes that fall upon violation of the laws of the order in 300 of them. the disagreeable catarrhal smell all left to start the fund of $300,000 necessary of inflammation and clogging ot the roast, ll frpm thu air and wriggle into it even the manner of initiating Robert Fitz­ ” It is reported that negotiations afe him. He appears as well as any one,—J. to hold control of tbe temple property simmons. C. Olmstead, Arcola, III. through the oluthing. These evil little in Chicago. pending with New York capitalists for The trust deed given by the Chicago beasts fed! upon the skin and multiply the sale ol the Wimer Bros.’ hydraulic Secretary Alger lias recovered from Frauds in payment for tobacco and and Northwestern railway to the with uuspaak-i 'v rapidity, producing mines in Waldo district, Josephine a Severe attack of tonsilitis. liquor tuxes in New' York and supposed I United States Trust company of Now ,whole families that also feed upon the York for $165,000,000 hai been filed for county, Oregon. f _ . CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. »150,000.00 . ( Capitalist Cornelius O'Connor died irregularities on the part of the govern­ SOAP la «old throughout U m world. P ottbb Daca and . CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, »1,0,000.00 In Plymouth district, Amador coun­ at San Francisco last week. ment officials are under investigation. qL-.'n Tesla is again reported to have record at Chicago. C hbm . Coat., Sol« ProH-. Borto®. •• A. MAIN OFFICES! ty, the 350-foot shaft in the Centennial a<- •• How to Purify and Beautify th« Skin, Scalp, said that he bus seen through a power­ The criminal courts of appeal of At Brownsville, Tex., .larnardo Sala­ E arl F ruiti ' San Francisco police officers made a and Hair,** mailed fr««. ful gii^koscopu these microbe» at their zar, a Mexican boy, aged 16, shot and mine will be repaired and sunk 650 raid on two Chinese gambling houses Texas has declared the cold-storage COMPANY la 0passed by the last legislature un­ lichdiy Work. Il u iu consequent» of probably fatally wounded two old feet further before running awy levels. | aud captured 150 players. BABY HUMORS U«f«dgbynCDTiclJnA KiMbDiaa. ^flLlFORN1 i X On the*Forget-Me*Nat mine, Trinity I constitutional. This is a victory for thuir ravages that the skin gets tough women and two little girl«. BRANCHES: Martin Devine, a well-known young the Iiquor men. county, G. L. Carr took out 50 tons ot and yellow and wrinkly.d and loses the The manufacturers of pulp paper attorney of Sacramento, Cal., fell dead CHICAGO NEW YORK BOSTON The blast furnace operators of the brightness and bloom tjbul characterize have formed a national association to rock ut a depth of 175 feet, which he while ascending tlio stain of his home. ran through an arrastra, and he claims Mahoning valley, O., have- agreed upon • «• Agenta at all o»ner it iu babyhood and early childhood. The improve tbe trade aud have pooled it netted him $115 per ton. ••• PHILADELPHIA. The farmers of Napa valley, Cal., an advance of 10 per cent in wages to Important Point«. miarobex, too, are the creatures that export business. The parties repre­ Ol'lCWA'l’lNG The Banner blue gravel mine, on I held a harvest festival and barbecue at their employes. At least 3000 men will sent 90 per cent or more of the total make the hair turn gray and fall out. as a joyous the Table Mountain channel, Calaveras tit. Helena, Saturday, _ . be benefited. No afiiountof soap aud water will re­ pulp paper output of the United States. county, was bonded to Colorado parties thanksgiving for the large crops and Three thousand steers and 20 head of Chinese coal miners are to take the last week for $28,000, development good prices of the past season, move the germs from the skin. Even cattle were burned to death in Crosby From the well-known persons the most cleanly wfco boil and place of Americans in the Northern work to begin immediately. Two prominent Chinese merchants county, Tex., by a prairie fire which is Illinois district. An attempt will be Karies Creek Quarry. scrape themselves, so to speak, are afflict­ sweeping A. C. Wistamp money with the society, death would Hydon, Ky., Joliu Sebree shot and people have faiTcr, brighter skin than land and all the towns The state department Tias received mill will soon be on the ground. be their lot. An outbreak among the along the railroad. the unclean. killed (Heiirv J)avia, ami Sebree was ARMOUR & CO., P roprietors estimates of tho amount of sugar to be The Boston Mining and Milling coin­ Chinese is expected at any moment. Ttwla, however, is of opinion that he produced in Europe from beets iu the shot and mortally wounded by Mollie Write for terms to General Offices' 205 La Salle St. Chicano, Illinois. pany, San Bernardino county, hits Davis, a sister of Her.ry. A man named Brown alias Neely is has invented an electrical apparatus year 1897-98 at 4,500,000 tons, against Carpenter & Allison, begun the wall for a 10-stamp mill, in jail at San Francisco on a charge ol A. G. Gillam, manager of the Jones- which will literally make the skin of 4,915,749 tons for the previous year. Gold Hill, Oregon. with concentrator. It is proposed to burglary. There is considerable evi ­ Nixon Publishing company of St. Louis any human being, no matter how old, The schooners James D. Sewell, handle all quantities and grades of ore. dence against h'm as being one of the and Democratic candidate for state tawny or wrinkled the person may be, Commerce and Henry Lippett arrived Ukiah stugj robbers. He has been The Live Oak mine, in El Dorado seuator at last election, has committed as clear and beautiful as that of a child. at Vineyard Haven, Mass., Sunday, in district, Calaveras county, owned by identified as one of the two men seen Ho charges the patient with a tremen­ badly damaged conditions as the result W. B. Swank, now has a two-stamp near the scene of the robbery and suicide. NEW CARS of LATEST DESIGN and CONSTRUCTION ONLY in USE Tiie Brotherhood of Locomotive En­ A Perfect Ventilator and Refrigerator Fruit Car. dous current of static electricity, so pow­ of severe Atlantic'stornis. prospect mill operating under a 75-toot | murder tho morning it was committed, Ninth year opens Sept. 20, 1897. gineers has bought for $17,450 250 acres erful that the microbes, wornout scales, John H. Weathers of the failed Bank head of wator. One hundred tons of Pacific Coast Division: Tll0 advance of the Anglo-Egyptian Boys and girls are received at the earliest The lint, dust and all other foreign sub- of English, Ind., has offered to return oro are on tbe dump that averages $8 expeditions toward Oindurinan, ou tbe of land at Mattoon, 111., on which to school age. and are carried by a carefully establish a home for dependent 1005 SECOND ST.. SACRAMENTO, CAL. RfeUJpcs fly off the skin in flakes, leaving aud pay 75 per cent if the depositors I in free gold and 1} per cent sulphreta. Nile, opposite the site of Kharteum. engineers, their widows and orphans. articulated course through all grades, up to OFFICES: final preparation for college. will protect him from injury. It is 240 STARK STREET, PORTLAND. OREGON. it pure aud fair as a baby’s, that, too, A company has I.-.. '. been —_ organized ........I—I in la wliero tile Khalifa ban eonceiitrated An advanced course, equivalent to the Tbe Wheeling Iron and Steel com­ freshman ROBT. GRAHAM, Manager year in college, Fits for tbe 1 a. the Double { his troops for a final stand, will be without injuring;it. Skin diseases of all thought that this proposition will be Kern county, known pany, operators at Benwood, O., has accepted. sophomore class. Standard Mining company, which will resumed in January. kinds will vanish as by magic. Such we Vocal music forms a part of tbe regular agreed upon an advance of 10 per cent Fire in the Chicago factory of the work half a dozen claims in Soledad Mis. Frances Willard in an inter­ understand to be the astonishing claim course of instruction in the primary and Nutriment companyg.of Philadelphia, mountains that make a big surface view said that tbe National Woman's in wages to their 2000 employes after grammar grades; and in the academy, in­ •THE made by this great electrician. November 15th. struction in tbe rudiments of music and manufacturing clkemists, destroyed showing. An offer has been made to Temperance Union convention did not Tho miners’ covention at Streator, sight reading is open to all who may wish two buildings, causing^ loss of $75.000 work the dump of two of the claims of indorse any jtolitical party. Thi. is a it Abdul Ilumld. to $100,000. __________ the- group at jhe rate of $50 per ton. new depurtiu'o, the convention having III., has deciaredin favor of submitting The academy is on the list of accredited Iu hlg contribution to Tho Century A Piece of Parchment At the Shores ledge, Siskiyou coun­ for years declared tliat its practices the entire strike question to an arbitra­ schools at the university of Oregon. Pacific ex-Ministar A. Vt. Terrell says the When unwritten on,Is not more colorless ty, Maj<»r Myers has finished crushing and sympathy were with the Prohibi« tion board composed of three members university, Leland Stanford, Amherst, Wil­ wholly outside of the state board of liams, Wooster and Woman’s college, Bal­ Turkish ruler is no ffioro of an ori­ than the cadaverous countenances of (thv I m u r«c0 full of contradic A fire in the six-storv iron building utalive committee of the Citizens’ opment this winter. Uoua. fur il ia tho uiosl gentlo and the iuos * Alfred II. Brooks, head of the rruyl, the meet hospitable and the most <‘.x United F. L. Dimock and others of Trinity at 394 Broadway, New York, occupied Uuion in New York, and ruled that General Commission Merchants States internal revenue by a number of firms engaged in the the Citizens’ Union would not go into «1 naive, the most tolerant and yot tbe uuwr department in Now York, is] dead of Center, Trinity county, have run a 150- manufacture of men’s apparel, did state politics nor take any part in next Have moved tbeir plant into fanatical that can bo found in any land- foot tunnel, expecting to tap the ledge their new building, one block %'he rulur of this strungu raco has been called cancer of the tongue, caused by poison damage to the amount of $40,000. year’s congressional contests. The crop­ the “ilck man ” Hu han l.UUO,(XD of improved administered to him in an illicit dis­ within 20 additional feet. above IbeChautauqua grove. |t is detinately settled that tilers tuagaaiau rifles, hua purchas'd l.UUO.iXO more pings average 160 feet in width, and 15 prut U ms trained to use thorn soldiers who arc tillery upon which he made a raid assays yielded an average of $15. The will be no southwestern tariff associa. LUR □ TO DEATH BY A WOMAN. fata'and who sue lieuven through the three years ago. They are prepared to do L—«_ lion. The executive officers of, the ore is copper and gold. muoku of battle. If ho should elver bo forced The 2.50 weavers employed by F. A. Chicago roads interested in tiie busi­ Mr«. N un I c Make« a Confp»sion llegard- in daaj*rate extremity, to visit Seraglio Point ------ THE STATE---------------- First- lass Work W arning ; — Persons who suffer from Bachman & Co. of Philadelphia, who iuid give to the bruuxe tho mantle of the ness have refused to sign the agree­ Ing Gulclensuppe'a Death. Firet-Class Eaetern connections and beat prophet which is there guarded, summoning struck about two weeks ago for higher coughs and colds should heed the warning ment. at Reasonable Rates. to its defanse all the 160,00j,uJ' '>t the faithful, wage», Lave returned to work, the firm of danger and save themselves suffering facilities for Car Load Shipments. Ihere was an extraordinary turn of and fatal results by using One Min ate Inspector Dockery has resumed his affairs last week in the Thorn murder be would soon be l ugarded us the most vigor Noe. Ill, 113 and 115 Front and granting them an advance of from 5 to Cough Cure. It is an infallible Remedy for wus invalid of modoru timea. There wagon will call for 201 and 20156 Washington Streets Portland, Oregon. cougbs, colds, croup and all throat and raids on peddlers of impure milk in trial in Long Island city, N. Y. Mrs. 8 per cent. and deliver work co all parts Sail Francisco. A large amount of lung troubles. Eugena A. Sherwin. Augustus Nack, who was indicted to­ Charles Van Buskirk of Venice, lib, of the city. There are signs that the detestable milk that was below the standard was gether with her erstwhile paramour, thrown in the streets and several milk­ Martin Thorn, for the murder of her dog fad now overwhelming the cities of was robbed and mysteriously murdered Kvervbody Say« 8o. in the Big Four railroad yards at St. men have beeli arrested. fashion will be checked. This craze for Cosaarets Candy Cathartic, the most won ­ fonper lover, Wi limn Guldensuppe, Ashland Steam Laundry Co. Ixiuis at an early hour last Wednes­ The movement to create a depart, keeping miserable little brutes penned day. His body was then thrown acrobs derful medical discovery of the age, pleas­ ant and refreshing to the taste, act gently meat of mines and mining in the presi- whose body was found it several sec­ tions in different parts of New York, np unnaturally in living rtxnns with tlm railroad trucks and mangled by and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the entire system, dlsi>el colds, ilental cabinet lias been revived. appeared in the role of state witness men, women and children originated in numerous trains. 127 Front Street-Portland, Oregon. SUMMONS, cure headache, fever, habitual constipation Hurry E. Arnett, who murdered his against Thorn, and stated she had in­ Paris and spread over the earth, oven to 'lh? National City bank of New York and biliousness. Please buy and try a box the Uuited States. In Paris it is likely has deposited $9,0)0,000 in governmept of C. C. C. to-day; 10, 25, 50 cents. Bold and IG-year-old wife at Angels Camp, Cal., duced Guldensuppe to accompany her In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon i guaranteed to cure by all druggists. for Jackson oounty. last July, hus been convicted of mur- to inspect a house in order that Thorn to end because of the great hydrophobic b »nd- in security jfor government de- der in the first degree, and tiie jury might kill him. Guldensuppe fell into Richard Beswick, Plaintiff, vs. Margaret J. i scare that is ou there. Frequently the posi s under tbe Union Pacific Engle, Jaiuce M. Engle and G. V»’. Stock- ------- Wholesale dealers in-------- fixed tiie penalty at life imprisonment. tbp trap and when they reached the A STAY OF PROCEEDINGS. well, Defendants. dogs, gone mad from their rhe Bank of the Republic has deposit­ house and entered Thorn shot and Suit iius been commenced at Visalia, *0,000 for mode of life, have biti-eo their owimrs ed bonds to tho amount of To Margaret J. Engle, James M. Engle The woman said that the Murderer Durrant Temporarily Saved Cal., to restrain the supervisors from kiUed him. and G. W. Stockwell, Defendants: aud others and caused hydrophobia. No­ the sume purpose. We solicit your consignment of Peaches. appropriating nionev to defray the ex­ body was cut into small piece* and one By His Energetic Attorneys. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF The receivers of tbe Bay State Bene ­ at a time thrown into tho river. body knows whoso turn will oorne next, Correspond With ns. Bend for Shipping Stencil. pense of a primary election in accord ­ OREGON, you aud each of you are hereby The day for the execution g F Theo­ ficiary asocial) >n of Westfield, Mas«. ? Thorn ’ s attorney claims that the con ­ and the dog owuers are getting rid of ance with an act passed by tiie last required to appear and answer the com­ have broken tlip ating in the bay they would break out again. They caused vided by law, which said property is de- ’>•. If. It. h lying at bis l.«»niu and the mine managers and owneis appeal can now be taken and that it Seattle. About two weeks ago I. fell liffi. anffomr follows will have to take it place on the docket intense itching -vszA and the little sufferer had scribed rod, as Mu(h of : tb< Commencing N K conler at of a point R in Au.'tdvs » df-r.ii.' from a bullet on the other.” overboard from the steamer Portland Mound n the Intel <»f bi« liuud, the re- Alex Coudet, an Indian half-breed, and months will lapse before it is to be watched continually to keep him yy quarter of the N E quarter of Section 8. W 8, and was drowned. His home was in Running Schedule Fruit Trains on Special hu U of A ¿h’»t from a revolver fired by Paul Holytrack and Philip Ireland, heard from, while others claim that as from scratching the sores. We became in township 39 south of range 1 eant of W. San Francisco. M., in Jacksin county, Oregon, running Fast Time and delivered at Chicago Auction Wiiifur«! Glover, a 15-yeiir-o'd boy, full-blooded Indian«, fi»? flr3t of whom soon as the rcmittur arrives from greatly alarmed at hie condition. My thence south 22 rods thence west 72 rods Two information« for forgery have wife’s mother had had scrofula end the Glover is under arrest and confessed Mm;euced to death for the mur­ Washington, in about 30 da vs. the thence north 22 rod», thence east 72 rods to Houses without delays or transfers. :• • • having committed tb(i crime, saying he der of sii jnembei« of the Spicer family objection will be removed and tbe case filed against Charles 1. Wilde, ex-sec- only medicine which had helpd ber was place of beginning, containing nine and retarv of the Ameri. a.i fraternal Hood’s Sarsaparilla. We decided to give . nine-tenths acres together with the tene- tried to kdl the doctor ¡4 order to rob at tbeir home ne4r Winona, 8. D., last can be brought to an end. league, which has its national head­ it to our boy and we noted an improve­ I ments. hereditaments and appurtenances OST Mark shipping orders “C. M. & St. P.” him. February, and had just been granted a ' thereunto belonging? And that the pro- In theeaso of J. H. Bell vs G. Stooihe, new tjial by the supreme court, and Charles E. Fell has been Appointed quarters nt Ixis Angeles. Ho is said to ment in his case very soon. After giving , ceeds of said sale l>e applied to the payment C. J. EDDY, General Agent. have raised a check from JI 25 to *81 25 him four bottles of Hood’s Sarsaparilla of the costs and disbursements ot this suit PORTLAND OREGON. involving the title of Los Alamos Dip latter two self-confessed accessor­ postmaster at Pendleton, Or. and auother one from $5 8 > to $loo 80, tbe humor had all been driven out of his and to tbe payment of costa and disburse- rancho, Santa Barbara, Cal., valued nt ies in the murders, were taken from Captain Frank Smith, a lumberman, | ments and expenses of said sale and to the OO J, a decision has bean run do cd the jail in Emmons coqnty Sunday well-known all over tl|e coast, died at while secretary of the league. blood and it baa nsver since returned.1'( i paTm ,nt of of , the he sun ,onji s found |.in_ payment found dae due the tbe p plain Mrs. Mary A. Monro, wa. run over giving plaintiff the title, the ranch be­ night And lynched by a mob. ^V iixiam Bum,«« South Williams Bt., tiff herein, and for a further decree In the Seattle last week, _______ ‘ premises decreeing that tbe interests of the ; J. C Berry, one ot tbe beat known dtl. gnu killed by an electric car at San South Bend, Indiana. ing subject to a debt of $110,000. The ship Sierra Nevada called from Diego. She was deaf and did not hear 1 sen« of Spencer, Mo., testifie« that he cured Vren can mm buy hnv Hood Hrwl’ ■ a Sarsaparilla 8>rMn«Hii« of »« all «it | ' qnfBt *aid defendant G. W. plalnUff Stockwell is subse- You ftnd gabject .s 8aM mort. «O-T.-HM tor rift, himself of the wor«t kind of pile* hv using Tacoma last week with a cargo of flour th« car coming. druggists. Be eure to get only Hood’«. j gage lien thereon and that tbe interests of urerMitaod totano eure, niait.» weak a few boxes of DeWitt’« Witch Hate I Salve. valued at $9>,00o, for Oiina. trsA «trena. Blood pure. Bue. 11. All uruauots He had been troubled with piles for over | each and all of the said defendants in and Disfigurement for lite by bums or Maids SIMPLEST. R. A. Jone«, a prominent real estai« may b. avoid«! by using D.WitC. Witch Hood’« Pills SJÄTO to tbe said property and all of tbeir right, thirty years and had used many different CHEAPEST. JamM tadrew», llvinit on Point I,obo. kinds of so-called cures; but DeWitt’s was dealer of San Diego, Cal., is under Harel 8alve, tb. great remedy for piles sad title and interest tberein be foreclosed and EASIEST TO OPERATE. roed. 8e\ Francisoo. Mfi; the one that did the ibe work a and hewill verify arrest ou a charge of perjury, The for all kind, of sorts and akin troublM. cf all equity of redemption tberein except NO SHIFTING OF TRAYS. Till viN W. J ot Go.—G intlumix : I ¿bit “iif statement if anv an v one wishes to write VMM%T/NT%TZ1 ,he statutory right of redemption and that Eugen« A. Hh.rwin. DRIES AT LOWEST COST. arrest grew out of trouble caused by a «rieh to thank gen tie Aaweanas. men. for the ’ great hjgj. Eugene A Sherwin. «» ^a ISI I a « ¡U th* plaintiff bare judgment aealnst said da. ___ —_.... T.w your 1. you. Vawlfakla NO WASTE OF HOT AIK good which Joy’s V.gitabl. Sarrep*»- real es’nte transaction. * fenJanu Margaret J Engle and Jamas M Yo. OnRbt to Hare O««. PERFECT CIRCULATION OF AIR. Illa bgadon. for nr weak ay«», i tbouslit Kncle for any turn that may remain unpaid NO BLKST1NG OK DRIPPING. H von would Ilk. a copy of tba hand* ----- P» — blind. I waa actually I • Wand oaa now seetü well M I ever eov.ld. Cheney for tb« last IS yearo, and belleve Tb.y will be tronblwi with I om ot appctit. th. »bore en.ltlad court mad. th. 36th da Apricot«, Vegetable, Etc. Mv blood ia is M My is aooi coadlOra. i sm not him perfevtly honorable In all bu.lueae headaches. slMplamnaa», fain Una or dlaav the two New Nortbweatern Limited ' of OctolMr, 1N*7. lr»n»actlon. and tinaneially financially able to carry spell». Th. rno.1 wonderful remedy for train« between Minneapoli«, St. Paul ’ MiU. yjij WMk T.__ I 4o praiee rour Joy’» i tranaactlons COLVIG A RRAMES, The trays are put In at tbe top where the iraaeariUa. shonl« I out env Obligation, made by thetr hrm. the., women I. Kiectrie Thous­ .nd Chicago—th. flneat tram, in th« Vreitabl. s.rupi — . No - one ------- Attorney« for Plaintiff. temperature ia tbe lowest and the gradual r -re ... «ut . Joy’» y Ware ,. »■, ÄfaVAX, £ T« vax , Wholesale WbolMal. Drurgiat», Druzifiat», To- To­ ands of sufferers from Lame Back and world—«nd contain« picture« ot th« ta­ tak. ray otbmr — i.reapanM» Veg - approach to a higher temperature ripen» ledo. Ohio. Weak Kidneys ria. up and call it blrewd mo«« train« a« they appear whan run­ Itabi. Baraaparilla. tbe fruit and makes It aweeter, while tb. W* lb two. K iwwaj * M amviw , Wbolwal. It la th. medicin. for woman Female eom- ning, aaeh picture over tbre« feet long JAMES A«0R*W8. rapid and uniform circulation of air driw Progglitsi. Toledo. Ohio. « ptalnts and Nereous troublM of all kind, rplendidly engraved in colora. the fruit very fast. Hail'« Catarrh Cub. IV tak.n Internally, ar* aoon by th. ua. ot Kleetrlc addres»P*^tlCUl*^, Tbiaelennt_____ lir L will Aj ____ _ „ _ int.reat th« «•Ung directly upon th. blood and mucous Blttara. D.llcat. women shun id ke«p thia ■nrfaraa of U>. kyattm. Twutnonlaft »rat reread, on hand to build up th. avatam. whole family from the oldwt to ti-io, i. T. JACOBSON, Mffl. fre. Pric. 7So. pre botU.. >«ld by aU OnlejAtt.y« botu«. r.r aala by 1. A, yougw, aad yau’ll aay m wbee yo« ««•rwt*. mil« WrebtegWu M. P0BTLAM», «R* V allet Ashland Lumber Company, record . T. E. Hills, Manager. Marion ■ County - Nursery BEAUTIFUL SKIN W. W. Walker & Son, Proprietors, (yticura Earl Fruit Company * Sacramento L Los Angeles, CaL I NO. I QUALITY ALL FRUIT DISTRICTS OF CALIFORNIA. FRUIT GROWERS EXPRESS. Portland Academy. REFRIGERATOR SERVICE FOR DECIDUOUS FRUITS. C. F. X. SAVE $15 T0 $30 PER CAR L evy &S piegl , * Commission Merchants RRTTX7 A3VD PRODUOE Poley&Co "J CHOICE GROCERIES, The Fleckenstein Evaporator. IS