VALLE! RECORD.! VALLEY RECORD FINE PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION NO MONOPOLY PRICES ! Give us your order for Letterheads. State­ ments, envelopes. &c. VALLET RECORDi VOL. X ▲MBLAMX) OBÄGON, Chtef af th« CeuAty Paw« PnbUaned every Thnreday. E. J. KAISER, Pr«prleter. SUBSCRIPTION &AIM: Ona Year ............................................. 11 *4 Six Montila .......................................... J « •» Threw Munito........................................... A 8 HL AX 3, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1897. MO. 96. Mining New«. PltEHHKD BRICKS. New Mall Route. MONTHLY MALARY DRAWING. N. C. Bayntcn and a Partlan l party Capt. O. 0. Applegate of Klauatt. Falls A Whole Lot In Big Chinn Paid have bought the old Swacker ledge on James Coeti the Medford saloon man did has drawn up a petition which it being Th. hoots creek and will commence work im- Ashland circulated along the lino of the proposed , Out in Oflic al Salario* and Very Friday. I mediately. Man, Frank Robison came up from Redding route by Ohae. Lens and others, asking; Bueall Baba For Public O »od, (or the establishment of a daily mail line j C. 8. Crane of the Oro Fino quartz Friday on a visit. from Klamath Agency to Prinevil’e, I I Warrants ordered drawn November mine on Jump-off-Joe bad 13 tone of free Miss Lena Wallace left Bunday for Kes­ Crook county. This would connect with ' term Oouniy Court. | milling ore crushed in the Hicks mill in wick to visit Mrs. Frank Howard. Arthur Wilson, labor on roads in tbe Ashland-Klamath Falls daily mail Ashland which made a $500 brick. On districts Nos 39 and 4 Shc was a good woman. He Fred Sifers has returned to Tolo after an route an I increase the business of this : John Grieve. 6 davs*attendance up­ Saturday he shipped two carloads of base loved lier. She w«ui his wife. town and the route. The Klamath Falls I on **■•* board of equalize ----- - - ............ ion. ore to the Selby smelter. Some of this absence of several years in Idaho. The pic was good; his wife Miss Mattie Briscoe of Trail creek has Republican thus speaks ot the enter­ John (Jlement^, 36 days’labor, nine will go $1 a pound. days' hire of team and freight gone to Siskiyou county to reside. prise: A daily mail front Ager or Ash ­ made it; he ate it. But the charges................................. Two new quartz mills are being erected The Ashland House for a first class din- land to Prinoville, which would bo tbe E E Fhlpps, printing....................... pie disagreed with him, and within two miles of Hornbrook, one oil ner. Rouse the open air Flack. Richaui Chappell. A shland , constipation, kidney and bowel trouble. W E Anderson, recorder............... 116 75 the year round. Nearly every night Ln O biooh . I tilla ranch. Third grade—Messrs. Curl Von der Hel- Your Tea soon cleansed my s \ stem so thor­ G P Lindley, county treasurer...... 66 70 , len, John E. Roth. Frank Oatman of Picard. Cal., was here ough^* that I rapidly regained health and Gus Newbury, school supt ............ 58 30 the year, rain or shine, they have only Un’Office—In Townsend Building, on the past week eu route to Myrtle creek to strength. .Mrs. 8. A. Sweet.Hartford,Conn. A M Ford, janitor............................. 27 0U the sky for a roof and the bare ground Oak Street, Opposite Hotel Oregon. Catarrh Is a Disease spend the winter. Sold by T. K. Bolton. John Watkins, Rogue river ferry­ for a bed. Their pillows are their sad­ Which requires a constitutional remedy. man ................................................ H 00 dles. They are made up of the flower of Ed. C Giltner, Senator McBride’s private Horses aud Mule«. Il cannot be cured by local applications. secretary, A R Merritt, groceries for E U Y HINMAN. D. D. S. Saturday in Ashland vis­ ; Hold’s Sarsaparilla is wonderfully success iting David spent Vance and family, indigents....... 6 Oi Texas maunood. A wild, yelling, eur»- F Fox. John Lofftus returned yesterday from | ful in curing catarrh because it eradicates Indigent allowance........................ 33 UU ing cowboy ia looked upon with oan. California, where be went with horses i from the bloou the scrofulous taints which The reports of threshing machines show A Fitch, serving grand jury sub­ tempt by them. They depend upon He bad no trouble in sell­ A poena cause it. Butlers from catarrh find a cure that Lake county produced 67,332 bushels ami mules on M M McGinnis, oi DENTIST ing bis large mules, but the email onee in Hood’s Sarsaparilla, even after other of grain this season. Klamath county, and 90 miles 9 60 their aix-ahootera and carbines, their found poor eale and some of his horses Boyden & Nicholson, wire & white­ coolness and marksmanship, the known remedies utterly fail. Miss Jessi»* Rose has returned home from wash materials, county bridges . 17 35 courage of their oomrades. The gov­ £9"*ln the Masonic Building 'W stairs Hood's Pill» are prompt, efficient, al Klamath county, having finished her be brought home. Beet Co, one barrel ot coal tar ernor of Texas ia the ehief officer at over Post Office. ways reliable, easy to taae—easy to operate school at Round lake. A. N. Buchanan and 0. F. Loveland, J for bridge ....... .......................... 13 00 the rangers. What he says ie law to accompanied bv Frark Slade and ___ Chas. ____ R 8 Dunlap, 7 days’ labor pruning Mrs. Thad. Powell returned to Dunsmuir Apple Shipments. them. The sheriff, ths polioe, the Sunday ft« m • visit of some weeks with Howard, were here the first of the week trees in court yard and hauling J^R. 8. T. SONOER. The xMiller-Ferkina Fruit Co. with Ashland relatives and friends. brusn .......................................... with 80 head of mulee, 1 jack and 5 jen­ 15 00 militia, must not stand in their wa,- if Chas Nickell, printing ................... headquarters at Grants Paes expect to 11 75 Dan Cawley the veteran stage driver who nets, which Mr. Bachanan purchased PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. ship 30 carloads of Rogue river valley took the last overland stage out of Ashlaud, from J. W. Welle near Bly. The mules John A Miller, 26 day*’ labor on ernor. The rangers hold individually Bybee bridge ......................... 58 apple« east this winter. Six carloads is now living at Bogus, Siskiyou county. will be driven to Sacramento, and the Smith aa much power as any sheriff in Tex&s. Bros, 2536 feet of lumber for have been shipped and 10 more are be ­ jrtnnete and jacks will be taken to the Novelty Block. Opposite Hotel Oregon, Geo. Irwin and family have been visit­ roadsand bridges......................... 24 00 They hold more. They are nek beuaMsd ing prepared. Mort of thia fruit goes to ing in Klamath county, with a view of lo­ Cox Clark ranch in Idaho.—Lakeview White A Jacobs salt, lime and lye by county lines. A shland , , , O regon . i Germany and England. cating should they trade (heir home here. Examiner. for cleaning jail............................ 2 05 Whenever a sheriff is unable to cape Inquest of Silas Wooley— J. H. Stewart of Medford has sold 10 car­ Asa Bateman, a young man of San Jose, with lawletnneM he calls on tho gov­ Free or Charge to Sufferers. E Kirchgessner, coroner, disal­ loads ««f Ben Davis apples to a New York Cai., came up last week being attracted to J^R. C. W. BARK. lowed $7 40; allowed ............. ernor and the range re are sent to take 13 75 Cut this out and take it to your druggist firm fur 75 cents per box f. o. b. He ha- this place. He is a guest of B, F. Reeser s G W White,district attorney, dis­ and get a sample bottle free of Dr. King’s charge. The section which the rangers not >et sold his Yellow Newtown pippins. family. allowed $2.50; allowed .............. 12 40 police is larger in area than all of New New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs Chas. Boulilard of the Oregon Fruit A R. L. Ulen went to Grants Pass last week Jury fees ................. ..................... 6 00 Dental Parlors in Odd Fellow’s Block. Colds. They do not ask you to buy England, and it is of such a character Produce Co of Salem arrived here Satur­ where his son who was clerk at the Hotel and Mrs Wooley, disallowed $2.50 before trying. This will show you the great A shland , O regon . day to secure and pack apples fur eastern Josephine, was taken down with scarlet merits of this truly wonderful remedy, and Witness fees................................ 29 20 that were it not for their work it would shipment by this enterprining company. fever, Alex Patterson, professional ser­ show yon what can be accomplished by the be given over to lawlessness aud dis­ vices, disallowed $10: allowed.. 40 00 order. They are paid $40 a mouth and Wflri- All work pertaining to modern dent- E. E. Washburn and Misses Ivy Wash­ regular size lx>ttle This is no experiment, You can't cure consumption, but you burn Joseph Wilson, use of 3 glass jars and would be disastrous to the proprietors, try. Painless operations a specialty. and Ollie Brunk will give a taffy pull­ can avoid it and cure every other form of claimed $5; allowed................. 3 00 their rations and arms and ammunition they not know it would invariably cure. at Washburn’s tomorrow in honor of did throat or lung trouble by the use of One ing are furnished by the state. They pro­ Many of the best physicians ape now using W F Radford, cleaning jail A wash­ Miss Nora Hulen. Minute Cough Cure. Eugene A. Sherwin. ing clothes, claimed $8.40 and al ­ it in their practice with great results, and J y M. BROWER M. D. vide their own horses, the state paying lowed .............................................. Miss Claudia Virgin left for Roseburg are reh ing on it in most severe cases, Ii 6 15 for them if they are killed. They will Friday to visit the Misses Jacobs, after is guaranteed. Trial bottles free at E. A. W C Leever, nails, waaher» A hard­ DIED. which she will visit Portland friends, the Sherwin’s Drugstore. ware for bridges ........................... 11 65 take the saddle at a moment’s notice PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, guest of Miss Hauie Martin. Walter 11 Damon, material for to go on a scout of a month’s duration. Regular size 50 cents and $1.00. bridges ............................................ IS 70 They have no uniform. They have no O regon . A shland . at the Blue Front Restaurant, $3.50 Ashland Iron Works, bolts, etc. ... HOEFT—At Lake Creek, Nov. 8, 1897, per Board 35 95 week. In Probate, Jos A Wil«on, repairing roof of jail Henry Hoefl, aged 18 j ears, of dropsy. 2 50 military discipline, as discipline is gen­ Estate of .Io, Itapp. Order made for al* _ J' ekinun A Kearnes, pens and mk erally understood, but they obey their Office—At Residence, intersection of Me­ J. D. Fountain has sold bis stock of goods lowanre of $1000 for support ot widow and tor circuit judge ........................ and 5t»^re fixtures at Klamath Falls to 1 50 officers and will go with them to cer­ chanic, Laurel and Main Streets, Hugh Olopton and Geo, Chastain who are minor heir, conducting of business ot de­ White A Jacobs, groceries for Mrs BOHN. tain death without a murmur. cedent by executrix and sale of personal Vogel and family ........................ opening a new store at Bonanza. 10 00 property. Martin Perry, county commissioner Palace« on Wheels. SOCIETY DIRECTORIES. C. B. Gillson the blue gravel miner form­ Estate of Annie E Evans. Order made CANTRALL—In Uniontown precinct, Nov. per diem and mileage................... 12 so When people travel now a days, they O, 1897, to Mr. and Mrs. Mues F. Cani- erly of Henley who started for Klondike for sale ot personal property. \V 11 Bradshaw, same.................... 15 to expect, comfort, und when they travel on via the Yukon river, has returned, and will Estate of Lewis Rees bale ot real estate rad, a sun. G. A. K. Tne ’Milwaukee” thev get it. start again in the spring. His boat got continued. There has been on evolution in the Bucklen s Arnica Salve. atucic in the river. burnsidm post no . 23. Estate otlt J Newman. Same order. means of transportation for man that is T he B est S alve in the world for Cutí, verv Guardianship ot W W Williams, et al., Meet in Masonic Hall, on the 1st and You can’t afford to risk your life by al­ inrereNtlng. The more civilized a Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever __ 8d Saturday of each month. Visiting Con» lowing a cold to develop into pneumonia minors. Order made for sale ot real estate. Sorts, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblain.», people becomes, ttie more exciting it growsl Estate of E W Carver. Final account of rades cordially welcomed. or consumption. Instant relief and a cer executor The coaches now running between 8t. Pa 4» Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi- approved. M ilt <» n B erry , Commander. irin cure are afforded oy One Minute Cough Chicago, and Omaha nnd Chicago, on Estate ot Otis Frierson. Tuesday, De­ ively cures Piles, or no pay required. It and J. R. C asey , Adjutant. Core. Eugene A . Sherwin. The Milwaukee ”, are marvels of elegauc e is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction oi cember 7, 1897. set as day of final settle­ convenience. The private compart­ money refunded. Price 25 cents per " box. and A petition addressed to the Rivers and ment ment cars, library buffet smoking cars W. R. C. Harbor committee is being circulated by K-tate of O R Myer, an insane person. For sale bv E. A. Sherwin. and free reclining chair cars are models on Thos. McCormick, asking for an appro­ Order made to show cause why real «state BCRNSIDB RBLIKr CORPS NO. 24 luxurious comfort, which in style and priation to open up a channel between should not be sold. LONG ISLAND TIMBER. Meets in Odd Fellow, hall at 2 o’clock p. uriiishings are palatial enough for royalty K'amuth and White lake in Klamath coun­ Estate of R Pryce. Tuesday, January m. on the second and fourth Friday, oft itself. A great pleasure for tne traveler ou 4, 1898, set as day lor hearing final settle­ Celebrated for Its Onk, Walaat, Bat­ its sleepers and private compartment each month. Ma,. J. 1>. Caocasa, Pres, i Though the disagreeable effects of Ca­ ty. car, ternut nnd Chestnut. O. Harbaugh of Jacksonville. Karl Kim­ ment. M r «. Mary Berry, Sec'v. is the electric berth reading lamp, which is Estate of J G Birdsey, Sale of real prop­ tarrh are felt all the year round, cold and mel ot Canyonville and 8. C. Flint and L. An Interesting fact not generally an exclusive feature with "The Milwau­ erty approved disagreeable weather aggravates the L Hurd of Roseburg were the southern known is that Long Island produce.1 kee”. The beating is all done by steams KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. disease and it is during tne winter sea­ Oregon people selected for «he U 8. district doiug away with the old fashioned FASHION In IHSIHUMENTS. better working timber than any other thus GRANITE LODGE, NO. 23, Knights of son that its severest form is felt. Each court jury which convenes at Portland on stove. By all these means the fatigue Pythias, Ashland. Oregon, meets every succeeding year seema to intensify the the 30th. BMatlfal Irish Harp, to B. th« Vacua part of the country. Its oak, walnut incident to travel is reduced to a minimum. Monday evening. Visiting Knights in good ! disease, so that it gradually fastens its and butternut, for furniture and indoor The Chicago, Milwaukee A 8t. Paul Rail- j Thia mason. Grant Crary, proprietor of Pelican Bay ■ taiiding are cordially invited to attend. way is always popular, and those traveling There U a faahion in musical instru­ fittings, outrank that of all other lo­ over its lines are tbe loudest in its praise. 1H0S. H. SIMPbOM, 0. 0. I hold upon the sufferer with a grasp that Lodge, and Lou Bender who has been as­ sisting him. returned to Ashland last week ments eo far aa the English young wom­ calities in beauty of grain and durabiii All coupon ticket agents sell tickets via the | becomes firmer each season. 8. G. E gokrs . K. of K A 8. Catarrh often appears as only a cold at to winter. W. G. Kropka who has been t^y. Its poplar and whitewood are hard Chicago, Milwaukee A8t. Paul Railway. I first, and is hardly noticed. But gradu­ the guest of the place for several ivouths, an ia concerned which compels ohanges er and heavier than the. ¿umo wood pro­ 0. J. Eddv. General Agent. Portland. Ore.' » I. O. O, F. came in with them. as sudden and sweeping aa those wbicli ally the cold returns, and it i9 more duced in the western states. ASHLAND LODOK, NO. 46. Mrs, Gordon Krizeile returned from take place in,regard to the same young difficult to cure,and stays longer than for­ Another wood worthy of note is the Hold regular meetings every ThurauaV merly. These symptoms cannot be mis­ Yreka last week where she had been for women's bonnets and hata Of course white oak. Like ¡ill The native woods, evening at their hall in Ashland. Brethren taken; they mark the first appearance of a some time taking care of her father, 8. F. all of them who have pretensions to be­ in good standing are curdially invited lu disease that will develop in severity and Brown the pioneer cabinet maker of that ing considered what is vaguely termed its grain is exceptionally handsome,tak­ p ace Mr. Brown has recovered sufficient­ attend. F, M. D haka , N. G. stubbornness, aud which it is impossible ly to be able to be about and came over “musical” reckon among their accom­ ing all sorts of cui ls and waves, and its H. 8. E vans , Bec’y, P. O box 102. to cure with the local treatment of sprays, with his daughter to spend the winter in plishments the ability to play the iiregular lines strongly defined, pro Stimulate the stomach, rouse the liver, cure bilious­ washes, and similar applications. Being Ashland, piano, and they do not disdain to de­ during a fine effect when polished. ness, headache, dizziness, PILOT BOCK BMCAMPMKNT, NO. it). a disease of the blood, only a blood Tree« that have attained a great age •our stomach, comti pat ion, The reward ot *3u0 paid by the Wells- Meets in Odd Fellows’, Hall every 2d and remedy cau have the slightest effect Fargo Company for the kil ing ot Harrall, vote the surplus of their musical ability are notably rich in marking, iuj wa> •tc. Frlco 25 conta. Sold by all druffRhta. 4tb Munday in each month Members in upon it. S.S.S. (Swift’sSpecific) is the the stage robber, was equally divided be to instruments«! a more portable kind. found in the Bryant oak, an immense Tlio only Pilla to take with Hood's Saraaparilla. good «landing cordially invited tc attend. only cure for Catarrh, because it is the tween G, H. Stewart of Delta and the heirs For a time it was the banjo, then the H. 8. E vans , 0. 1’. only blood remedy which goes to the of Wm. A. Radford, who lost his life in at­ mandolin, then, taking a flight upward, tree on the pout’» estate at R immju . R ost , T a r lob , Scribe. seat of all obstinate aud deep-seated tempting to arrest the robber. the violin itself was degraded into the which a few years ago wa* undermined cases, and forces out the disease. Karl’s Clover Root Tea is a pleasant lax­ position of a “fashionable” instrument, by springs at its root. HOPE REBECCA DEGREE LODGE, *O. 24. Mr. T. A. Williams, a leading mer­ ative. Regulates the bowels, purities the dividing its claims with the violoncello. The tree woa stored away to season blood Clears the complexion. Easy to We are said to be now on the eye of and preserved for the family's use, to b Meets on the 2d and 4tb Tuesday in each chant of Spartanburg, S. C., writes: make and pleasant to take. 25 cents. 8old made into furniture. On learning th.i t month in Odd Fellows' Hall. Ashland. another change. According to Music, by T. K. Bolton. Miss E lsie P atterson , N. G. it had been a landmark for over a M iss N ina E mery , Secv. The new lumber company at Klamathon the instrument which is to be in vogue century and a favorite with many old are still working a force of inen up in the thia winter is the Irish harp, which lesidents, Mito Julia Bryant presented timber, but they began operations too late many young women belonging to the A. O. U. W. in the season to make more than one drive very smartest society are said to be al­ one of the long arms to an old friend ASHLAND LODOK, NO. 66. It is the intention to get about sixteen mil­ and neighbor, who bad the wood con­ Meets in lodge room in Masonic Hall lion feet on the skidway ready to drive ready industriously practicing. It is verted into small articles for library tat «very second and fourth Wednesday in not the large and rather unwieldy thing down to the mills as soon as the water is •acb month. All brethren in good standing high enough in the spring. They have we are wont to eee in the street orches­ use, «uch as |». the washing of many snows had obliterated entirely with chestnut, and not an inch all this. No doubt the skeletons are those BESSIE'S GREAT SACRIFICE. of a tribe of Indians of the distant past oi this wood has needed attention. ■he rei Sony for a B«hy Who Bad Me Long Island is also noted for its yel­ Cure that cough with Shiloh’s Cure. The AMERICA’S SCB^IC LINE. Doll. low locust and black walnut, and there best Cough Cure. Relieves croup prompt The stockings had been hung up and Iv. One million bottles sold last year. 40 ls none finer in any part of the country the little ones gathered around the than those found on the north shore. “For four years I had nasal catarrh, doses for 25 cents. Sold bv T. K. Bolton. and though the case was a mild one at An Indian woman considerably past 100 hearth to hear mamma tell the story An aanateur geologist accounts for this Meals in TO THE CLEANSING PUBLIC: was not long until I noticed that it years of ago died in Klamath county last of the Babe of Bethlehem, »ays fbe by the fact that large amounts of silica Dining She was the mother of Matilda New York World. Their small faoe.s When my lease expires on the wa3 gradually growing worse. Of course week arc rn the clay underlying t\e surface Car a la Ashland Steam Laundry August I was under treatment of first-class phy­ Whittle arid a relative of Link River Jack expressed profound sympathy when soil, and that doubtless this quality in Carte of the Klamath tribe when the first 19th. I shall tie equipped with sicians, but their remedies were applied chief they heard bow the So t of God wm their earth food gims Long Island white settlers commenced stealing their lew machinery as Is requir- locally, and the disease seemed to beget­ such new ed to do good work and »ball con­ ting a firmer hold on rue all the while. God given rights to the soil of that sectiou. Ixirn in a stable, how He lay on a bed timber its superio *ity in beauty and tinue the little faoe forces out all traces of the d isease. Kepublic. Everyone who has ever visited After a long ailesee the child raised of their absolute combustion. and Truck Transfer and SLEEPERS, DINÎXG ami LIBRARY Swift’s Specific is the oily remedy tne part will appreciate tbe souvenir, and her eyes, which tad such an expstasion E dwin W. J ot C o .: The immediate and which roaches real obstinate blood dis­ for those who have not it will be a revela­ ar those of the martyrs must beta worn permanent OBSERVATION CARS. —All kinds oi freight, batuta relief aftordel me by the use of eases; it cures Catarrh, Rheumatism, tion of what is to be seen in Chicago It at the stake, and said, firmly: “Take j «»\’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla from the terri- household goods, etc.. transfer- ___ ___ can only be procured by enclosing twenty •d with promptness ffnd safety. Cancer, Contagious Blood Poison, Ec­ five (25) cent* in coin or postage stamps, to it to Him, mamssn ” bh affliction of dyspepsia,acoorno’inied by Daily Trains Fast Time Hauling vn a large scale con­ zema, Scrofula, and in tact every other Ge«». H. Heafford.general passenger agent, racking headaches, has prompted me to Closing her eyes tight Bessie laid the voluntarily tracted for.................. • • • express my in dorvement. Two disease of the binod. It is guaranteed 410 Old Colony Building, Chicago, Ill. sea vics anr SCENERY Vr.EQCALf D. doll in her mother's bands sa l buried years of extreme suffering vanished as if by WOOD FOR SALE her face in the pillow to try tD forget magic. To those suffering similarly I rec­ For tickets and foil infornimi.m call on its trial. Its merits will do the — -ICl IN SEASON— the great sacrifise she had made.______ ommend K. L eonard , Agent. or address, reek. Yours in health. B. 1>.CARN, A^hUrid, Or. WIL handle ica ia Ashland during the and ia the only blood remedy containing Poao township. Kern County, Cat J, E. R nvabt , Medford, Oregon. rammer seaaon. Delivered at your door Mo owe ahoald be fooled by a die- no potaeb, mercury or other mineral. a . B. C. D kxnistox , evarv morning. honeet drw«tat. The»*e are plenty ot B, 0. S tkvens , Book,mailed free toany addmabytha O. W, P. A.. Beattie, C P. 4 I*. A. g^Paaatnail prepaid. Circular Vraa. Said by alt draflBbffa. Aak Car 11; taka aaaUier. Manuiactarad by the Pean l£adto>eQ«, Parte. Ptaare. Xaaa-Barw Drug Oa., diatribnting ageala Third and YambiU Sts , Pacttoad, Or. FOR SALE BY E. A. »HERWIN ASHLAND, OREGON. NORMAL ACADEMY ■AND BUSINESS INSTITUTE, Masonic Témple, Stoekton, Cal. FI1111S SCHOOL is the result of a successful experience JL in all the grades of the public schools, for a lerni of thirty years. It w«» not instituted as a mint in which to amass a fortune. 1 don’t want a thousand pupils, with a regiment of teachers. DON'T TEACH two hundred branches. I don't «ri­ ve Use on barns «nd fences. M.v school is a plain, I »ranches practical, common oense school. I teach all Angiuh from the bottom up. thoroughly end well, with daily rtyiews, until perfection la escured. +♦+♦♦♦♦♦++++++++♦+++♦++♦ Mv Pupils for certificate«, for the Civil Service, for West Point, for the Normal Acedemy, never fail; and my book­ keepers never have to hunt a job........................................... >. Practical Business Normal Board and Couree Comae Course room of for 6 month«, $30 00; $50 00 for for 0 months, $50 00; $90