DON’T SHOOT SOLID SHOT. Shaded velvet Is again seen for even AnUlery H m Abandoned Ihv Ore ut Tkn* ing wear. A charming empire gown has A A A A A A a belt of velvet shad ingfrom poppy red to Project Un They Are Telltale »lens of Healthy re rose-pink. Another of clinging green The use of solid shot In wi.rfsre has Sick The question, What shall we do with china crap« showed belt and shoulder “When I went to a nerve specialist our burglara in the intervals of their been practically given up. The pro­ straps of velvet is shaded orange. flrat," Baid a man who was once an in­ convictions? has been partly solved bv jectile of to-day is u eonical shell of A A high evening Ixslice is made of valid to a Boston Gazette reporter, u man who appeared recently at the steel anti sometimes loaded with powder stripes of lace traced with silver so as to explode, or by a time fuse. It WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THH “he told tue that one way to judge ot central criminal court, London. His sequins, alternating with white chiffon A the condition of a person’s nerve, was wlo-y, says the lx>ndon News, was one is wonderfully different front the shell and insertions of pale-yellow net. The EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD “CA8TOBIA,” AND A to watch hie UiumlM. Ever since that of vulgar crime in most of its details. of twenty-five years ago, *ays the Wish- “ PITCHER’S CASTORIA,” AS OUR TRADE mark . A small V-shaped front is edged with time 1 have found the greatest fascina­ He had been caught breaking into a ingtoi. Star. In those days one could elaborated frills of the yellow net and I, DR, SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts, tion in looking at people’s thumb«. house and he was now sentenced to 12 watch the projectile as it sailed through the belt is o' black velvet, drawn The doctor said that if they moved in­ I months' hard lal>or. It was particular­ the air in a graceful curve, at leugth •ww- —« m MSBMH was the originator of “PITCHER’S CASTORIA,' the sams voluntarily through n. steel buckle, which incloses outward it was a sign that ly well deserved, an he was un old of­ bursting. There was even time to get ______ ____ r light, . . durable. Such *i grace of design as is handsome, out of the way, under fuvorable circum­ a bunch of pit k rosea tied with a blue fender. But the police were able to the nerves of that man or woman were that has borne and does now v/f>, on is embodied in "this “fist, easy-running, much-talked- not in the beat condition. 1 find my­ show that 6»nce bis last release from stances. But the new stj le of shell ribbon. bear the facsimile signature of wrapper. self now line sweeping the line oppo­ gaol he hail been geting a living by re­ moves at the rate of u little more than about ”< mount can only be secured by the most TOLD IN BRIEF. approved methods, finest material and skilled work­ A This is the original ” PITCHER'S CASTORIA,’’ which has been site me in the ear, and if the doctor’s porting inquest* for newspapers. No half a mile a secund. In striking a tost is a good one. there ia a surprising one can cost the first stone at an honor­ metal target, its energy being trans­ deepest hum shaft in the world is manship. used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty I.umber of people in thia town whoa: able profession on that account, for formed Instuntaueously into \eut, it the Tbe Red Jack* of the Calumet and The '96 Steams is the best bicycle it is possible to becomes red-hot, and a flame is actually Ileola, o-\ Lake Superior. The depth I f years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is nerves need looking after. There are was not Mr. Peace a gentleman with a seen produce. Finished at your option in orange or black. to burst from the point struck. few people among tihe women who do gig of his own and a distinguished mu­ A 4,1)00 feet A the kind you have always bought on not involuntarily move the thumbs out­ sical amateur? The more interesting Such a projectile moves, one might suy, Address now for beautiful new catalogue. Paper gaspipes are coming into use In a straight line, and its impuct at a ward at intervals of every few minutes, question is whether the prisoner was io England for underground purposes. and has the signature of wrap­ and "Cht Yellow fellow.” when your attention have been well advised in his choice of a depert­ distance of a mile seems almost simul­ They are made of cellulase paper taneous with the discharge of a gun. per. No one has authority from me to use my name ex­ once attracted to it, the process ot inent of press work. Inquests must be A soaked in asphalt. E. C. STEARNS & CO., Makers. Syracuse, N. Y. A Such a shell, ¡Musing near a man, will watching their gloved hands grows demoralizing in their tendency, as they Several Chippewa Indium in Doug­ cept The Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletcher is very tear his clothes off, merely from the TORONTO, ONT. BUFFALO. N. V. intereating. I have found the fi.miliarize the mind with crime. Fires, las county. Wit., ure profitably en­ habit much less frequent among meu, on Hie other hand, ought to be purify­ windage. If it comes very near, though gaged in slaying wolves, for which they without hitting him, it will kill him. He ing, and a close attention to the busi ­ but take the average number of women A A receive $10 a head. A A A A March 8,1897. in a street car, and it will be a sur­ ness of the police courts, with its abund­ drops dead without a sign of a wound. A queer habitation aarv^i at* a home prise to you to see how many of them ance of awful examples, should make Whereas an old-style shell would burst for a man near Tupeka, Kan. The four indulge unconsciously in this little a man four square in moral resistance into a few pieces, the modern projectile flies into a myriad of small fragments, w alls are formed entirely of baled hay, to every ill wind that blows. habit. I only hope it does not mean Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting each of them moving with tremendous with a canvas roof. anything as serious as it might in­ EAT APPLES AT NIGHT. a cheap substitute which some druggist nay offer you dicate if that nerve specialist's diag­ velocity. It may easily be imagined G kntlemkn : Having taken one bottle of that half a dozen six-pound Hotchkiss your Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla I can Statement Which Keverees th» Old Prov­ (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in­ nosis was a good one. shells finding their •.•.ay into a vessel truly sav that it is the best medicine I have erb About the Fruit. gredients of which even he does not know. natural Dentistry. The apple is such, a common fruit that would scatter death and destruction in ever taken for constipation, headache and debiliated system. 1 feel overjoy­ A curious fossil that bears a fantastic very few persons are familiar with its every direction. Protective armor, general by the use of one bottle. 1 accidently resemblance to the work of some pre­ remarkably efficacious medicinal prop­ owing to its great weight, can be placed ed got my ankle sprained a few years ago and historic dentist is mentioned in a recent erties, states the Bulletin of Pharmacy. only over the ship’s vitals—that iB to I find my leg getting stronger and am feel­ BEARS THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF book, “The Gold Diggings of Cape Everybody ought to know tliat the very say, along the middle part of the hull, ing better in every way. WM.J. PEBKY. Horn.” An acquaintance of the au­ best thing they can do is to eat apples near the water line, so as to cover the UNDER THR «OLD STANDARD Superintendent Almshouse, thor’s, during a journey from the Strait just before retiring for the night. Per­ machinery. MEANS... In future battles gun­ San F-snciaco of Magellan up the coast, stopped under sons uninitiated in the mysteries of the ners will direct their fire against the a vertical earth bank to pick out a fossil fruit are liable to throw up their hands unarmored ends of an opposing vessel. that he saw protruding. The relic in horror at the visions of dysjjepsia proved to be part of a mastodon's lower which such a suggestion may summon LAYING ON THE LAST STRAW. jaw. with two teeth still in place. As it up; but no harm can come even to a The Horse May Now Be Seen lLed on the was in bad condition he was about to delicate system by the eating of ripe Street by a Bicycle. SUBSCRIBI FOR THK throw it away, when he saw in a split in and juicy apples just before going to The horse has been getting the “worst t he top and side of one tooth a bit of bed. of it” for some time. First he was some foreign substance. This turned The apple is excellent brain food, be­ found to be edible and was made into « ut to be gold, and, as the finder be­ cause it has more phosphoric acid tn The gold standard means low prices, low wages, hard times. Tlie bimetallic sausage and canned and sold in steaks lieves, must have been deposited in fine easily digested shape than other fruits. standard means good prices, good wages, permanent prosperity for tbe producing and his hide made into cordova. Then grains by the action of the water. classes. It excites the action of the liver, pro­ electricity took away the work of his motes sound and healthy sleep, and old age—pulling street cars. And now Wanted Jackson county property. Will trade thoroughly disinfects the mouth. This the bicycle has further restricted his one hundred and sixty acres of good is not all. The apple helps the kidney sphere of usefulness by depriving him and prevents calculus of pulling the Sunday young man and A 32 to 40 Page Weekly Farm and Family Paper. Price, $1.00 a Year I farming land seven miles from Klamath secretions $ $ Dealer in $ $ THE CHRONICLE rank* with the great«* Falls for Jackson county property. Ad­ gi-owths, while it obviates indigestion his best girl on their afternoon drives. While not neglecting its superb Agricultural, Horticultural, Live Stock and newspapers in tbe United States. and is one of the best-known preven­ Livery, which was his exclusive field, dress, P. O. Box 55, Yreka, Cal. THE CHRONICLE has no equal on tbe Pacific Family Departments, etc., has at the same time, for many years, upheld the tives or diseases of the throat. Every­ has been adopted by the impertinent Coast. It leads all In ability, enterprise and news standard of the people agaiuot trusts and monopolies, more especially against THE CHRONICLE'S Telegraphic Reports art body should be familiar with such wheel, and now, in the next stall to that most iniquitous of all monopolies, the single gold standard. All who read Matiagor • and - Funeral - Director Granite, Marble, Joy’s for the jaded and Goo« the latest and most rollable, Its Local News the knowledge. it agree that it is the beet paper of its class on earth. the horse, is the glistening bicycle, Health for all Mankind. fullest and spiciest, and Its Editorials from th« Ereestone Monuments ablest pens tn the country. Myer Block, - Ashland, Or. which needs neither oats nor bedding. JOY'S VEGET«BLE~S*IM*PAR il L*. THE INSPIRED CAMP COOIG THE CHRONICLE has always been, and always Then, too, they have shared with him will be, the friend and champion of tbe people as and Copings. Thingfl He Must Know to Make Lif« and the bicycle the honorable epithet against combinations, cliques, corporations, or ties througn andle first - class noons Jsmads from Pleasant for His Comrades. oppressions of any kind. It will be lndependen* “steed,” and the gaudy wheel, with its nature’sown herbs, and Day or N'irht Calls promptly at­ la everything neutral in nothing. Outing tells about camp cookery, in ­ proper chan ­ contains no noiseless, sneaking rubber shoes, is Also agentó for IRON FENCES tended to. nels. Joy’s mineral cluding the cook. The genuine camp called the “noble iron steed,” etc., ad Satisfaction guaranteed drugs or We will send the above greet journal ia connection with Vegetable cook is an artist in his way. The musi­ nauseam. The future of the horse ifc «^■CHARGES REASONABLE. Sarsaparilla deadly pois­ cures Dys- on. Jov’a cian makes men hear things entrancing indeed dismal. P.O. Address: YREKA, Siskiyou Co.. pepa» a, V e g c t a b le and the painter brings tears to the eyes Ch r on ic 6ar sa par ilia Cal. The crowning insult, however, went Constipa­ robs the if inspired. The camp cook genius, by unresented the other day. Down tion, Liver «IMBMIBaB blood of all the very way in which he does his work, Grand Avenue, says the Kansas City Co in plaints its impuri­ oth one year, postpaid, at the extremely low price of $ 2 <’O and Kidney ties, mi d makes men hungry. Star, rolled a man on a wheel, leading Affections. n advance, and will give to each subscriber to thia combination offer whe piys courses all “The camp cook,” says the writer, a fine, sturdy, middle-aged horse, in I these impuri- 'i cents additional for postage and packing, TO THE “should take pride in the artistic hand­ the prime of life and usefulness. The 1 ling of his utensils, particularly in the horse jogged along after the wheel I TWENTY PACKETS OF SEEDS T ability to keep half a dozen things going with his head hanging dejectedly and | These seeds are the beet in the mar­ at once; he must keep already cooked shamefully. He evidently realized his ket. They consist of Farm, Vegetable things hot; and cook the uncooked degradation, but was too hopeless and 1 and Flower Seeds of your own selec­ Joy’a Vegetable things in the meantime. To do this he heartsore to resent it. And lovers of tion from a list of loo varieties. The Sarsaparilla has to understand the kinds of fire to the horse, man’s intelligent friend and i packets are as large as Ma d m en's mail GIVES THK CHOICE OF re vent s tired feei­ have, whether large or small blaze, hot companion, looked after him pitying-' packets. TV » ßl IK THE IV1TER IS 1 T # 11C. ng», staggering sen ­ The soeds alone at retail prices ashes or red-hot embers. He should TWO TRANSCONTIENTAL ly and wished he would back up, pull are worth «1.00. Call and see ua sations, palpitation also know how to get the most work at about this great offer at once, or Being Sulphuric and Alkaline it eradicate* the man off the wheel and dance on the of heart, rush of send remittances to thio of fl os. the least expenditure of labor from his machine—but he didn’t. fungi and animalculea, and neutral­ blood to the head, izing and correcting all acidi­ comrades. Something many cooks are dizziness, ringing in «S ties it promotes a normal and lacking in is the way to keep camp B erlin ranks as the healthiest city in ears, spots before the healthful condition in every the world. i eyes, headache, bil ­ dishes clean for cooking. An unwashed part of the system. iousness,constipation apple saucepan will serve to fry trout T he steamship City of Paris keeps up of bowels, pains in in and give, them a pleasant taste, but SWIMMING RINK. steam with the aid of fifty-four furnace the back,melancholy, in unwashed fish spider will scarcely fires. - . kt * tongue coated, foul Inclosed and covered, the same medics serve to cook apple sauce in. In other T he women of Morocco never cele­ breath, pimples on water, always clean, for the springs run a words, the cook should know when and brate their birthdays, and few of them VIA VIA face, body and limb, Si heavy volume- more than twelve hun­ what to wash.” know their ages. declineofnerve force SPOKANE SALT LAKE dred gallons per hour. dizzy spells, faint P owdered glass is now used to make I A STRANGE CHARITY. spells, cold, clammy sandpaper. The glass is pulverized by You may dive and swim and have more I Broad Dispensed Free in the Village of feet and hands, sour heating it red hot and throwing it into MINNEAPOLIS □ENVER fun than “anybody”—come out as “line Brouffhton-iA-FnrneM. risings, fatigue, in­ To all points east at the very lowest rates water. Sc as silk" and “white as wool”—rejuven­ somnia, and all dis ­ | The efforts of the organized charity ated and happy. T he condor is the largest bird in ex- ST. PAUL OMAHA FOR BALK BY ALL DRUGGISTS eases of»he stomach, I associations in this country sometimes istence. Some of those shot in the Located on Che liver and kidneys. The only line runninig I take on strange phases, as in the wood­ Andes had a spread of wing of 18 to 20 AXO ABB Moy|S Vegetable Sar- HELMAN LAND. HALF A MILK yards, and in the free coffee stands es ­ feet. bupanllais sold by all through trains from druggists. Refuse a KANSAS CITY tablished a few years ago in the east­ CHICAGO NORTH OF THE PLAZA. By Mail, Postage Paid, substitute. When you • Record” for your printing, Everything the coast to ern cities. A Cincinnatian who recently ■np. y for the best see that first class. you get the best, z visited England tells about a queer WINNIPEG, MINNEAPOLIS, ST. PAUL LOW RATES TO charity he noticed there. In the little THE DEVIL'S PUMP. TORONTO, MONTREAL and BOBTON ALL EASTERN CITIES. village of Broughton-in-Furness is a Proprietor small baker’s ahop, over the door of Odd Combinations of Natural and Arti­ ficial Curiosities. which is the following inscription: tu« wu.Tt formo poM- OCEAN STEAMERS One of the greatest combinations of vc;y cured. yesrr “One piece of bread, to be eaten on the LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5 DAYS ' i rtel i '. 1’r’f.1 ,i • «;< n!b'enthKl. Cure» Operate« its train« on the famous block premises, given to anyone passing natural and artificial curiosities on the by ti.ftll «H st •?<’»,. Tuinja C-. . - lilAr.k eno If you are going to —FOR— butta fr««. Çal, vi will«. p» i through Broughton direct until ten p. coast of California is called the Devil’s system 'PO NA KU8P The pholas, or shell miners, m.” This extraordinary signboard was Pump. CARIBOO Lights its trains by electricity through ­ Th« Greatest Weakly in tbe Coaatry, SLOGAN CITY affixed on the shop eight years ago by a a species of mollusk which excavates GOLD NEW DENVER out; immense caverns in the very hardest ARE YOU QOING EAST' neighbor, who recoups the baker for KASLO FIELDS stone, have tunneled the entire coast the bread which he disposes of in this Uses the celebrated electric berth read­ a h in the vicinity of the pump. Water KOOTENAY NELSON Steamers Monthly from Portland to Yo- If ro be sure and see that your tickets singular way. ing lamp; TRAIL read via the (Including postage) to any part of the United rushes into these caverns with each kohoma and Hong Kong; via The North­ I E dwin W. J oy C o .: 1 am one of those ROS ALAND States, Canada and Mexica Runs splendidly equipped passenger MINING SODA WORKS > succeeding tide flow and, in this partic ­ ern Pacific Steamship Co. in connection I who place but little faith in advertised nos- THE WEEKLY CHRONICLE, the brtghte« DISTRICT ular case, finds vent through a cylin ­ trains every day and night between 8t ' trums bet seeing so many local testimon- and moat complste Weekly Newspaper In t' with (he O. R. and N. Get a copy of “Cari­ I ials, detailing the effects of Joy’s Vegetable drical opening some distance from the world, prints regularly H4 columns, or tweiv Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and For full information call on O. R. & N. At Yreka, Cal I Sarsaparilla, I, too. bought it. I took itfor water’s edge. It is estimated that this pages,of News, Literature and General Inform boo and Kootenay Gold Fields.” 1 pains in the back and cbonic billiousness, hole, which connects with the set< i tlcn; also a magnificent Agricultural Depart rueu Agent, ROBT. LEONARD, Ashland, Or Chicago; the ' the results of a disordered liver, which has SAMPLE COPIES SENT ^R.E OR ADDRESS: If yoa are thinking of traveling call on ND are prepared to filiali orders on ; given me much trouble, and I believe it has cavern, is 75 to 100 feet in depth. Every Chicago, Milwaukee & W H. HURLBURT, I permanently cured me. I haven’t felt so time the tide rushes into the davern the agent ot the Canadian Pacific Railway. short notice. • • • * • I J well for ten years. I recommend it to all beneath the “pump” throws water to DO you want mi Gen’l Pass. Agent, St Paul Chicago, St. Paul, fW-Give them a call. my friends, and we take it for nearly every­ the height of a full 100 feet above the PORTLAND. OR Lowest rates to and from all parts of thing over our way and it seems to hit. Also operates steam-heated vestibuled CHRONICLE mouth of the opening. The Indianh NED NE8TELL. Europe via. all Atlantic steamship lines. Minneapolis & Omaha R’y 79 Everett street. San Francisco, trains, carrying tbe latest private com­ formerly called it by a name which signified “fairy water gun,” but the — THIS IB THE — partment care, library buffet smoking No RELIABLX LRUOUI8T WILL TKLL YOU HI For full information regarding tbe above IIA8 A SARSAPARILLA AS GOOD A8 JoY’S irreverent, white men have given it the call on or address cars, and ptlace drawing room sleep ­ T axi thk bust whrn you tay your monxy title of the “Devil’s Pump,” and by that B W. GREEK, W. H. M0WAT, ers. showing name it will probably be known by fu­ 146 Third 8t. Agent BETWEEN DULUTH Hatching Eggs on a Fire Engine. ture generations. Portland Parlor care, free reclining chair cars and Ashland A good story is told concerning the The United States, Dominion o There is a similar curiosity near Oregon. Oregon. tbe very beet dining car service. members of a fire brigade in a certain Horn Head, County Donegal, Ireland, RAILWAY E. J. COYLE, District Passenger Agent. Canada and Northern Mexico ¡Southern Pacific Co. town not far from Hastings. On one oc­ where a hole in the rocks is called “Me- For lowest rates to any point in tbe Vancouver, British Columbia. ON ONE SIDE, casion it appears a fire broke out in the Swiney’8 Gun,” says the St. Louis Re­ And All points East and South. The And th« United States or Canada, apply to Expresa Trains Leave Portland Daily town and a rush was naturally made public. Like tiie California oddity, it is -Maicniflceut track, Peerless Vesti- ticket agent, or address for the fire engine which was aJways on the seacoast and has connection buled Dining and Sleeping 1 South North 1 kept on the premises of one of the in­ C. J. EDDY, Car Trains and Motto: When th'5 1 »i.OOp in Lv Portland Ar 9:30 a nr 1 habitants. When the men attempted to with a submarine cavern. ON THE OTHJCR 8IDK. J. W. CASEY, General Agent. !) M) a ÏU Ar Ashland Lv 5:50 p m i north wind blows and the sea is at “ALWAYS ON TIME’’ Send 92 and Get the Map and ! 10 : 20 R tn Lv Ashland Ar 5:20 p m 1 take the engine out, however, they were “half flood” the wind and waves entei Trav. Pass. Agent. Portland. Or. i 7 45 a Weekly Chronicle for One Year tn A r San FranciscoLv met with the exclamation from the cus ­ 8:00p m ¡ Have given this road a u.lional reputa­ the cavern and send up immense col­ postage prepaid on Map and Paper todian: tion. Ail classes of pasaaengeracarried umns of water through the “g*Mi.” Above trains stop at all stations on the vestibuled trains without extra “Hi! ye can’t take that out. I’ve got ADDRK8S between Portland and Salem, Turner Travelers say that each charge of «va- charge. Ship your freight and travel a hen sitting on there and you ’ ll break Pullman tfc M. H. de YOUNG, Marion, Jefferson, Albany, Tangent, 1 my. Tangent. ter sent from the “gun” is accompai ied over this famous line. All agents have tShedds, Halsey. Harrisburg, :, Junction City, ! her eggs.” Proprietor 8. F. Chronic)«, TRADE by an explosion that can be heard ioi Sleeping Cars ticket. SAN PfLANCIMCO. CAL Eugene, Cottage Grove. Drains and all DESICM8, Tradition avers that the men seeing miles. stations f(pm Roseburg to Oakland, in­ W. H. Mean, Gen. Ag't.. OOFYRIOMTS Ao. the force of this argument instantly Elegant Anyone sending r nketch and description may | 48 Washington St. Portland, Or clusive. Rnaalan Clergy, quickly ascertain, free, whether an invention ia withdrew and the fire was put out by Ilosebrfrg Mail Daily. I T. W, T easdale , G. P. A., Dining Cars probably patentame. Communications strictly The clergy of Russia are divided into means of pails of water drawn from a confidential. Oldest agency for securing patent« THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR. ♦ ♦ ♦ arrive : I lkavr : St Paul. Minn. in America. We have a Washington office. two alasses—the white, or village, neighboring well. — Pearson s Weekly. Tourist Patents taken through Munn A Co. receive Portland 8;30am | Roseburg 5:20 i» in ♦ ♦ WORLD-WIDE CI RCULATION. clergy, who must all be married, and ■pedal notice in tbe .4 :30p id Koseburg . 7:30 s tu I Portland Sleeping Cars the black clergy, or monks, who are Every Day Excursion» Twenty Pages; Weekly; Illustrated. ; vowed to celibacy. The higher digni­ Dining Cars on Ogden Route. beautifully Illustrated, largest circulation of 1 To nil ntria H the world can be arranged taries of the church are invariably any scientific Journal, weekly, terms$8.00 a years ( 8T. PAUL_____ I ndispensable to M inino M en . ' fl.50 six months. Specimen copies and llAsra 1 lor anv iluv in the war, for one or more th«.... Write to T. S. Q utncby , Buox om F atk ’CT s sent free. Address MINNEAPOLIS cbosen from this last class. The great PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. - axix DOLLARS Pl> YEAR, POSTPAID. persons, upon Rpplirnttnn to any princi­ Drawer 130, Chicago, Secre­ MUNN A CO.. SAMPLE COPItS PME. majority of them have no particular —AMD— DULUTH pal ticket agent oi the Chicago, Milwau ­ 301 Broudwny, New York. tary of the S tar A ccident duties to perform, and a movement is Srronil-ClaKM Steeping Car» kee & St. Paul railway. Itineraries are MINING IND SCIENTIFIC PRESS, C om . ant , for information FARGO___ «•are.oily prepare*! for excursions to Cal­ on foot for utilizing them as assistants Attached to «11 through train,. 220 M arket S t ., S an F rancisco , C al . regarding Accident Insur­ GRAND FORKS ifornia, Florida, Mexico, China, Japan, to pariah priests in villsges.—Chicago TO ance. Mention this paper. ! «nd to anv part of Europe. Estimates Timsa-Herald._________ ___ WEST 81 DE DIVTMION. By so doing you can save CROOKSTON I furnished including expense«. Tickets metnbershin fee. Has paid over |600,C00.00 for Between Portland and Corrali!». Palaces on Wheels. furnished for the complete journey, it WINNIPEG accidental injuries. When people travel now a day«, they ÌA VMY w C m is not necessary to wait for anv of the so expect comfort, and when they travel on I VAI1.TRAIM DAILY (BXCBFT SUH DAY.) HELENA and Be your own Agent. With all bad eoo«Aqu«ncw, eertaln’y «nd rapidly called "Personalis Conducted Excur­ Tne ‘Milwaukee’’ thev ret it. • Depend Upon. rered vbh M«e and easy methode. UnePiiin Blank tnr' arrives : LBAVB8. sions." In these days of progressive en­ BUTTE KO MEDICAL EXAMINATION REQUIRED There has been on evolution in the Bookfrea. Call writ« DR WARlt ’. NSTITUTS- 120 N. N nth StrcA-t. l r. Loo««, Me Menred. 0VB Fll DUI WWIX FATWT lightenment, with the English language means of transportation for man that is BTAfwiD. Bead aM«l, sketeh «r photo, with S lickly Portland... .7:30 am I Corvallis 12.15 p id apoken in everv land under the san, one | very interesting. The more civilised s ' doscripUon for fro« reportaste patentability. 4S-PAOr. CorralIU.., 1:06 p m | Portland. 5 :50 p m does not need to depend on the 'services 1E“*1* becomes?tbe more exciting It grows «AMD BOOX ran. Costai a« rHbroasoo sad fall $25 TO $50 PER WEEK iaformattea. WXm FOB COPY OF 0YB SF10LAL for sight-eeeing, hot can go it ; Th.?£??che’ n®*ronn!?B P,u WANTED AT ONCE! 0FFXB. It is th« most liberal proportion «var mad« by At Albany and Corvallis connect with of guides m K i . l sort Chicago. and Omlha and Chicago, on a patent attorney, «Bd BVBBY IBTXJTIOB SBOPtb Csn be made by AGENTS taking orders train« of Oregon Central Sicuiara it voo are contemplating a trio I 1 tirni.binas »r 25c for 11 sample. Bi Tacoma and Nortbsrn Pacifl: Steamship PKOPLK'S, 3041 Market 8t , Phil «bat, »i yon bave been eiectea u> pre­ tlefrr phtalcian f«f 20 years’ experience. VJT store. By all these mtan. the fatigue nde o ver or ' deliberaUons. yon procura a MoLadetfectoordeteutlon from bUHineae. A\X\ Z/J For Infanta and Children. ~ LADIES* FAVORITI. Rates and ticket, to Eastern pointa end Incident to travel la red a ord to a minimum. Co So star. . ut. wriuktea or fiabtrtuewi. Im L L-JAi dj M ástil of P abliamsktiy PaociDuat, a Europe. Jiro Ja ’ an. China. Honolulu and Tbe Chicago, Milwaukee A 8t. Paul Rail ­ For Information, tima cards. map and go »eral health and beautifies c«>mptexi«L Phy- Australia can be obtained from way is always popular, and those traerling tab a of rules observad in Congress, and ,»< tclans society ladies Indoree IL Thousands cured. tiekata, oall oa or writ. D. L. HICE. Agent. Ashland, orerlts liaes are ths loudest tn its praise. sil public bodies, tr aid and assht yon, tb ' PATIENTS TRSATSD BY MAIL A. D. CUARLTOY, C. H MARKHAM. Ail coepon ticket agents sell tickets sis the yo1« mav do ctedft to tbe office, ecd e,tw* >r anSdsstlallf. for pwttoalan WSrsw with n—s, • ¿ GLg, .- t kwt lort vital rtwutg W.I in. fw :i ~.u R. KOEHLER. Menacer. G. F. * P. A. A aalatant General Paawngar Agent. fbbMB. Milwaukee * ■«. Paul Railway lo vourWlf ” By malí 10o. F. W. Bnaars. OR. SNYDER. 0. J. XMy. OeneMl Aaoat. Portland. Ora, «tt Thlrd serst, Mfiiraakss, Wto. Penlaad. Or. • .. l.Afi. t.lrJfuTE, UHMAILMCaa POSTLAND. OBMQM REFORM WANTED. WATCH THE THUMBS. AN OPEN LETTER What Might De Done w|th Wh»a Not Burs I log. Burglar* Che Stearns Bicycle To MOTHERS. Do Mot Be Deceived. The Kind You Have Always Bought" 16 Patches tol Pair of Ms Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. TWO • SILVER ■ CHRMPiONS iliUK ASHLAND CASKET CO.' J. B. RUSSELL. The Farm, Field and Fireside, H. S. EMERY A GREAT COMBINATION OFFER H The Valley Record 0. R. & N ASHLAND EAST BATHING ROUTES Oregon Great Northern Ry Short Line fANADIAN o "PACIFIC T\Y- SOO PACIFIC LINE. the : GRANT HELMAN Only $6.70aYear. The Weekly Chronicle CtYPHIUS PARKINSON & WISE FRANCISCO. SAN daily This Railway Co. WITHOUT CHAN GE $1.50 « A GREAT - SHORT - LINE PACIFIC e Reversible Map? EAST AND SOUTH. J^ORTHERN ---- ST. PAUL & CHICAGO R U Map of the World I N S SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, Friend THE ACCIDENTS OF LIFE p Kenwood Bicycle V aricocele ju stricture PATENTS THROUGH TICKETS A CASTORIA TCf r TRIAL M H.B.WILLSONACO.