VALLEY RECORD. 1 Mining Item«. Mrs Emma Thompson brake the ladle«' The Gentleman From London Toirn. recurU for Kuxsne a; oocSed hat on 8alur- | Ex-Sheriff 9, Patterson returned from 8t. Georg»Carey, th» bloody, blooming, day. She made a soore of aixty-reven. The o “I dhn't believe there ever was so beet geotlemau record in Aibland ia 48. by Yreka last »veiling where he »old the blaretad English blood «bo »panda bis o good »fill made as Ayer's Cathartic o Bert bpencer. Tbe lady record is 32 by Miss Patterson placer mine» on Beaver creek time exclusively in the pursuit ot pleas­ <1 PiH«. o AH H LA ND, Or...Thursday, N ot . 11, 1897 Clara Mingus. However, the alley baa only They will do ail you recom­ o mend them for and even more. to H. A. Eapey. Th» consideration w»» ure sod who baa been doing tbe Klamath beeu going a few weeks • _«... , J-Y. 0 D When I have a cold and ache from o Trinity Church—The .service on Sunday $4000 »nd tbe naw proprietor will begin country lor month», created a eeueetion The good pill has a cood o PERSONAL ANU SOCIAL, O head to heels, a dose or two of these morning next. Nov. 14,will be of a specially , operation» in lb» spring. at Klamath Falla Tuesday by showing hie Will open a large lino of fine HOLIDAY pill« la all the medicine needed to Interesting character. The bishop of the cost. The pill cost serves I» V G. M. Grainger and Ed. Sutton have contempt tor email matters iu general diocese will be present and will preach. A GOODS. You have always bought the O set me right again. For headache,* two purposes; it protects o Will Shook canie to town today. solo will be »ung by Mrs. F. D. Wagnsr. | bought 40 acre« of placer ground from aud tbe proceseee of lulerior courts in <• vwwwwwwwwwwwww^wwwwwww the pill, and disguises it to o Mr». Fisher ill preside al tbe organ. A ' best goods for the least money of Sherwin. A. J. Suwart haa returned to Medford. David Allen in Willow Spring» precinct particular. Charley Lens’ wife io a na­ cordial invitation extended to all. < I the sensitive palate. Some coats are too heavy ; they o tive Indian of that counts aud »be ia Mrs, Carrie Orton left for Redding Tues­ which they will equip with a pipe and O Conductor Frank Nail brought the Jack­ won’t dissolve, and the pills they cover pass through <> day. Fine Perfume, and very induatrioua aloug tbe tinea of her sonville branch engine and coach up to operate thia winter. O the system, harmless as a bread pellet. Other ooats <' Wm. Bybee is driving 165 hogs to Happy Ashland on the 8. P. track Tuesday and Cut lilasa Bottle.. beet understanding,which ran» to artistic o are too light, and permit the speedy deterioration of !t J. U. Baird and H. H. Good, electric Camp. turned tne thing around on the 8. P turn­ laate in the creation ot clotlieo. moeca- o the pill. After 30 years exposure, Ayer's Sugar Coated Board at tbe Blue Front Restaurant, $3.50 table. Continuous hauling back and forth light men, bav» built a two mile ditch to < I Pills have been found as effective as if just fresh from without changing has worn the wheels on •ina, gloves, etc., out of buckskin and per week. Apothecary and Bookseller one side and tbe purpose was to even up catch Savage creek water during th* fore and bides in general. The English i o the Cortez MiHer returned Tuesday from tbe wear and tear. winter for their gravel min» between It's a good pill, with a good coat. o Ask laboratory. lord took a fancy to her work and ordered San Francisco. your druggist for Woodville and Granta I‘aa». The annual students reception will O and received work to the extent of $43. Miss Kate Bellinger of Medford spent tomorrow (Friday) evening. Everyone Work on tbe Joaepbioe copper mine» The time of payment run over two weeks Monday in Ashland. !! invited to come and bring cake, pickles, or * Thia t«$*iiuomal will be found in full in Ayer'* •• Curebook," wTth a E. M. McIntire went to Portland Tues­ sandwiches. The program will beain at ! has been itiapeuded. and the bard-up Lena lamily needed tbe 8 o’clock, followed by lunch and amuse­ o hundred day on a ten days trip. others. Free. Address: J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Ma»*. Six placer», all within a mile of each inonev due them, to Charley attached tbe ments Bus leaves winter'« corner at 6:15 M m . Ida Canning was on yesterday’s and 7:15 p m. Will Fox will also go out other, will be in operation on Pleasant costly artillery and pbarapbanalia of train for San Francisco. about 7 o'clock with the Ashland bus. McMinnville, Oregon creek all winter. the lordly St. George. Thia enraged the David Allen, agent for Wanamaker &l A tip top dinner at the Blue Front Res­ Englishman and be overlooked his native taurant on Thanksgiving. J. Conner to Take the Willamette. Brown’s clothing, has just received an in­ Fine facilities for Instruction sod Mate« as lew as Irvin and Zera Dahnck returned to Butte voice of samples for ladies apparrel, tailor ! Mr. and Mr». J. Conner of Hotel Ore­ country’s fine record tor fair play and the lowest. Opens September 15tb, 13V7. New Il­ made dresse , cupgs cloaks, jackets, etc. I creek this week from Idaho. even banded justice between man and lustrated Catalogue, giving full information «ent es Ladies are invited to call at tbe De Peatt gon went to Salem Sunday, Thia is Mr. Mrs J. B. Leach was at Medford yester­ block and see what bargains we offer. i • Conner'» lecond trip and they are there man. Filled with the American spirit of I application to H. L. BOAQDMAN, Pre«. day on fair premium business. Or people at home, wishing tn A party of photographers, recently at- 1 ' wi»h a view of taking tbe Willamette vile plutocracy he proceeded to the court 8. E. Damewood of Snow was registered 1 tempted to reach the summit of Mt. Shasta, i purchase their winter »upply of house, juat opposite to which be met at the Ashland House Tuesday. and when they got to the snow line they Hotel, thabig hostelry of that place. It Chas. Lens. Lenz Is small iu stature ami Mrs J. H. Barnum is recovering front a | found no waler. th6 spring being dry, a wa» ahut down laet week when A. I. St. George la an all round athlete and most unusual condition. Owing to the : Wagner, who ha» mane »uch a dismal Trade Mar** **t cidi will find It to thair . .......... 8. U. Mitchell the Central Point horse­ summit. | put tbe place in good shape before re- , 1 llln' After St. George let go and interest to get our prices on such man and attorney was in town Tuesday. Mr.'and Mrs. ConnL L * ’ DZ commenced finding ont that he was Catarrh Cured. A clear head and sweet opening the same. I... bills before buying......................... . A. J. Weeks returned to San Francisco J breath secured with Shiloh’s Catarrh Rem­ It will be n few he * ,eeb,e at'ack on theEng- returned this morning. edy: sold on a guarantee. Nasal injector today front a visit with the folks at Phoe- free. Hold by if K. Bolton. ---------------- -- ... < lav» before he decide». He expects to l‘ihman ,rom the rear but received only nix. To cheap cash stores ami get Tlie Southern Pacific Uo are putting continue the management of tbe Oregon another knock out blow for hi., pa ns. St, Ed. Spencer apd Jim Watkins have re- Low Grade Goods when voti can George presented himself to the town turned to butte creek from Washington forth their best effort* to defeat the rail­ just the same. get good goods at home for the state. road tax case now ia tbe circuit court. recorder end put down (16.50 fine and same money...................................... Killed Two Men in Two Hours. Mrs. Dr. Parson went to Grants Pass Besides their regular force of attorneys coats, saying it was very cheap, very Tuesday to visit her sister, Mrs. Geo. Cal­ they have recently added Colvig & H H. Davis, a lahnring man who was i cheap, indeed. OLD MEN Reatnes of Jacksonville to the list. houn. workine on the big ditch on Wolf creek i Fur a first class meal at a second class was killed at the Grave creek railroad Huntlnic Items. Mrs. K. W. Gibbs of Medford has joined MADE YOUNG her busband, the sewing machine ageut, at price—25 cents—go to the Ashland House Ireetle just hevond Leland Mondav after­ E. A. Hildreth, er., Jac b Stone. Al. Ranse Rouse is a first class dining room Seattle. manager and never fails to please the most noon at 2:30. He and his son ha mento, Cal., shot and killed hi» wife ling his heg-* and cleaning up his I business Holmes....................F B..........................Herrin Ex-Senator Cogswell may be supposed affairs. He left yesterday for his i Klamath Tharp ..................... QB.................... Rose, H to have “tipped” the celebrated political and then »hot himself, Init may reoov- been sentenced to be executed at San er. He is supposed to have been tem­ Quentin Friday, January 21st. county ranch, Subs—Foster, Colton . reporter of the Oregonian, for in this porarily deranged over business There arc more residences undei Mrs. J. J. O’Neil, wife of tbe engineer, „__ . For Salo at a Bargain. morning’s issue the ex-senator is re­ troubles. and son, left yesterday for a visit in ban construction at Ilanford, Cal., at the Philadelphia Francisco. He goes to Portland Sunday ported as having, while posing as a dem­ A Cart, horse and harness. J ust The jury in the second trial of John present time than during any previous on business. thing for family use or for traveler, ocrat, made “the first direct anti-free B. Newcomer for the killing of Colonel period in the history of the town. Coughs, colds, pneumonia and fevers at Sutton’s stable. Before the general advance After being out 24 hours the jury in silver speech delivered in Oregon.” A Jabel Dorsey, at the Dorsev mine near may be prevented Dy keeping the blood in clothing they stocked up pure ana the system toned up with Hood’s Lecture November 80. year or two ago Mr. Cogswell, who possi­ Sonora, Cal., after being out 30 miu- the caso of John B. IhiUidet, accused and will sell at last season’« uf the murder of his brother at San Sarsaparilla. The Portland Oregonian. Oct. 6, says of bly thought be had nothing more to gain minutes returned a., verdict of not pices. Satisfaction assured. Luis Obispo, Cal., last March, found a M. J. Roche, the clever northwest pas­ Miss Kelleher’s lecture: The lecture was j by playing democrat, caused the public guilty. verdict of not guilty. senger agent of Rio Grande Western Rail- on "Semi Tmpic California.” beautifully il­ The Master Mariners ’ association of way, was down from Portland yesterday lustrated with a profusion of handsome ' announcement to be made that he was Call and examine Fall and Louis Sternberg, who was sentenced on a business trip. stereo pt icon views, some so realistic in pre­ I then and thenceforth a republican. As San Francisco is going to present as to almost startle the observer. 1 lie is a canny ami thrifty man, and Adolph Peterson and Henry Anderson to three year«’imprisonment in Folsom II Inter stylen and sam/det. Premature baldness may be prevented sentment were glimpses of rugged mountain with tuodals lor their bravery in rescu­ lor “stufling” the great register at Sai and tbe hair made to grow on beads ai- There found in the .Siskiyou and Cascade doesn’t throw away many dollars of ing, at tlie risk of their own lives, the Francisco, lias been pardoned after ready bald, by the use of Hall’s Vegetable scenery ranges: in striking contrast were a series sound money, It is reasonable to pre- captain and a sailor of the lost steamer serving 19 months. Sicilian Hair Renewer. of beautiiui views of the famous citrus belt For Superior Photos see The Chautauqua Association have gone of central and southern California. The i sume that this announcement is a hint Caspar. Miss Edna Ackerman, whose home into the theatre business for the winter to enjoyable trip was made in less than 2 that he has now served a sufficient term The eutire property, both real and is at Oakland, Gal., committed suichl. hours and when Yuma was reached and the dig up some of the money the association personal, of the Oregon Iinprovemenl at her grandfather’s homo on the delighted audience bidden good-night every ; of probation to be given an office. K sinks during the summer. one present went home well pleased with Cogswell was always, even as an alleged company was »old at auction at Seatlie Island of Hawaii, October 23d. Sin- Mr and Mrs. R. 8. Barclay leave soon the attractive entertainment. She lectures by Sfaater in Chancery Ebeu Smith left no explanation ns to why site took democrat, a hyaa close tillicum of Joe for a visit with relatives at their old Home in Ashland Noy. 30tb. ., Tbe Leading ,, herjlife. in Oakland, Cal Mr. Barcley may take a Simon, sod he may be put on Joe’s under an order of (ale from the United trip down in Mexico later on. States circuit court. The property was Library Officer« Elected. The bon rd of supervisors of Mnder.i I I ticket. purclmsed bv a reorganisation commit­ county, Cal., has decided to erect a jaii I Homer Barron and Miss Minnie Ross The annual meeting of the Ashland Li- I Free Lecture will be married this evening at her home bran* tee for »1,900,000. Association for the election or officers building at Madera. The building wil A wedding dinner will be served at the was held Nov. 8, 1897. with the following At opera house. Saturday, D. C. Heirin, Of Medford and Miss Rosa Knell, a member of the be of granite and clinker brisk, ami Barron homestead to-morrow. result: Mr». K. V. Carter, president; Mr. Brand lecturer A. O. (J. W. Also musical Southern Oregon. Well-known Knell family of pioneers ol will cost, including six steel cells, Karl’s Clover Root Tea for constipation. F. G. btrange, vice-president; .Mrs. E. A. and literary program. Santa iClara county, Cal., committed >12,000. It s the best and if after using it you don’t Sherwin, secretary and treasurer; Mrs J. To Cure a Cold in One Day J His work is all Strictly suicide at Sau Jose, by drinking car­ say so, return the package and get your 8 Herrin, librarian: Mrs. 8. E. Johnson, Hans Johnson and son John, 19 years Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. bolic acid. I First Class. Prices Reasonable. assistant librarian. Board of managers, money, sold by T. K. Bolton. The young woman was old, were returning from a hunt, near Mrs E V Carter, Mrs. E. A. Sherwin, All druggists refund the money if it falls to well connected, but iu reduced finan­ Soledad, Kings county, Cal., and the Mr«. R. A. Smith returned .Munday from Mrs W. H Mowat, Mrs. 8 E Johnson, Cure. 25c H. C. MACKEY, Prop. a visit with relatives at W eelersburg.Ohto. Mr«. J. 8. Herrin, Mr. F. U. Strange, Mr. cial circumstance« and was forced to boy’s gun accMentally discharged, tbs Medford. Or. Her niece, Miss Althea Wallers, returned Whited. Total number ot membership« It Will Surprise You. earn her living as a domestic. This sliot taking effect in the father’s face, with her to live in Ashland for her health. taken during the year, 173; amount of mon­ In order to prove the great merit of Ely’s received. $146.07. Expenditure for the Cream Balm, the most effective cure tor preyed on her mind and caused her to inflicting wounds that (Mined bis Chas. C. Chitwood came in from Klam ey year, $116.91 Number ot books bought, I Catarrh and Cold in Head your druggist kill herself. death. nth Falls Munday aud returns today with 121: books added by donation, 87; number Governor Budd haa pardoned Ramon his sister, Miss Irene Chitwood. who has volumes now in library. 926. Library open will supply a generous 10 cent trial s ze or we will mail for 10 cents. Full «ize 50 cts. Herrera, alias Garcia, from San Quen­ been visiting Ashland relatives and friends. from 1:30 to 5 p. m. Saturday. ELY BROS . 56 Warren St.. N. Y. City Mas. .1. a S H khrin , Secretary. tin. In 1891 was Herrara was sentenc­ Stop that cough I Take warning * It may Ely’s Cream Balm has completely cured lead to constipation. A 25c. bottle of dint- me of catarrh everything else failed. Many ed to »er ve 20 year» imprisonment on oh's Cure may save your hie. bold by 1". MAlllllKD. acquaintances have used it with excellent a charge of burglary. The principal K. Bolton. results,—Alfred W. Stevens, Caldwell, O. witness against liim recently died in Professor THOS. F. CAMPBELL, A. M. A Cavan the mining man ot Coles went EATON — M' MA HON-At the Presbyter­ Mexico and left an affidavit stating Imnd Wanted by the Railroad. to Medford Tuesday being tn ill health He ian manse. Ashland, Nov. 9, 1897. by Formerly of the University of the Pacific, will have charge of the Commercial that his testimony at Herrera ’ s trial has dune well in recent years in selling The O. BSC- reached San Francisco Sunday, were iu F.C.CO’S FC. COS tion 29. irone On August 10th, while the vee- 1 supplying healthy nerve food, Increasing Township 32. range 3—Part of 8WJ4, sec­ sei was cruising in tlie Behring sea, the the appetite, helping digestion and strength­ tion 3 —NEU NE«, section 9. ening tho entire «ystem. Desperate cases Their object require prolonged treatment as shown by Township 35, range 3—8E%8EM. »action men set fire to the bark. was, after having destroyed the vessel, : 11. that of Mrs. M. B. ieed, of Delta, Iowa, who Township 37. range 3— NH and part of to take the small boata, make their' writes: "As the result of a lightning stroke, 8U section 3, part of WM seciioo 17, and way to St Michael and oa to the Klon-! the physicians said 1 Lad a light stroke of WU NWM section 31. Township 39, range 3—8WM 8W.1. »ac­ dike. A passing vessel had conveyed ‘ paralysis, my llmbe would all draw up. I would have throbbing« tion 11. the uews of tho gold strike and tho Township 34. range 4—EM NE%, »action prisonera got tho fever, which lead to Dr. Miles’ iu ruy chest that aoemod IL—8WM 8WM section 15. unendurable. For three Nervine Township 36, range 4-Part of NEM. »ac­ deed. months I could nut sleep tion 17,-Part of NEM. »action 21. The 4-year-old son of Mrs. Mary! Restores and for three weeks did Township 37. ranaa 4—Part ot NM and Wessels of hau Franciseo pulled a light-1 not close my eyes. I part of 8M. section 19. Health ...... prayed for sloep, and Iu falling the Township 38, range 5— Part of 8WM. ad lamp off a table. I section 15. lamp broke, spilling kerosene all over felt that if relief did not come I would be dead or Insane. I took Dr. Miles* Restora­ tbe little follow and setting his clothes They are without a peer—Without a rival. Mr». M. E. H.rrin retara«! today froi on fire. Mrs. Wesaele rushed to the tive Nervine And the second night slept two They give an added handaoniness to the figure Grant* Pau. hours and from that time on my health Im­ They offer no restriction to the circulation, digestion or re«Dlratton child’s aMls snce, and in an instant proved; slowly at first, but steadily and Thev make short waists appear long For Constipation take Karl's Clover Root both mother and child were a mass ol rarely. I took in all 40 bottles, and I cannot They are »nug-fltting and combine both fuhion-un.e and common-ienae Tea. the great blood purWer. Curve head­ flames. Help soon arrived and amotli- express how grateful I am, for I am now They give such satisfaction as no other onrset can five ache, nervousness, eruptions on the face, ered the fire, but the victim Were so perfectly well, and have taken no medicin* They have advantages no other corset* have * and mikes the head clear as a boll. Bold by severely burned that both died. for over four months." Dr. Mlles* Nervine T*“y ra?X?m1lh’,.7’,llh‘lll*,lie’WhO Worn bK*"M “'•ir T. K. Bolton. toroid by druggists on guarantee that iMt Sold and Recommended by THE FAIR STORE. bottle benefits or money refunded. Pill Clothes. ON DECEMBER FIRST SHERWIN 500 Dolls. Ayer’s Cathartic Pills. I! McMinnville COLLEGE, i GROCERIES orx’t The Prize Winners at the World’s Fair, 1893 I end off Dutchcssjrouscrs D. L. Minkler & Son ASHLAND HOUSE; ñ FIRST CLASS HOUSE <^2®^ WITH SECOND CLASS PRICES MONEY GUARANTEE. G. W. Smith, David Allen, Wanamaker & Brown, $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50, $4 or $5 VAUPEL, NORRIS & DRAKE. Gas City Business College Fall Term Begins Sept 6th. 2V\ftCKeY, P hotographer Will Not PerformMiraclcs But It Will Cure. SMITHS CASH STORE StOCktOH, Cal. D Can’t be done! Try to make some baking powder yourself. Buy the cream of tartar and soda, mix them in the right prop- >rtions. Then imagine that you are the manufacturer, and have to make a profit, and besides, sell it to the grocer at such a price that he can make a profit too. Ask your grocer to sell you his best cream of tar­ tar, see what it costs, and see if you can make pure good baking powder for 25 or 30 cents a pound. It can't be done. SckiHings Best —at your grocer’s—is the best of the right-price baking powders. ■" Corsets! »A± /KT« *—• ASHLAND, OREGON. F«