MINES AND MININO. DU GRANT HANGS TO-MOIYKOW. I Experiments made in Germany are The municipal election of Greater CONSULTING THE CLOCK. reported to have shown that aluminum New York last week resulted in victory Progr««« and DoiHga In anti About th« lb. Unit ..I stut,. Supremo C'uurt Wil'I »«miliar Fsca That Ar« S«ldom Over­ is particularly suited for use in kitchen for 1 ammany’d cand date—Robert A. Mine« of th« Coast. Let th. Law Tube It. Crur... looked by Mew Yorkers. utensils, beeuurn* it. is not liable, like Van Wyck. The election was the bll- Very encouraging reports come from ' One of the popular habit« of the pr<> copper, to communicate uny poisonous The People’s Paper. teiO»t ever waged fur the mayoralty ol Monday tho United Stator unnrenn the mines around Needles, Cal. pie of this city is to consult the clock ingredient to the food. The use of such New York. There were six candidates court, ut Wushiuulou, 1>. C., tiiliruieil The WiBurghly miqe, iu Gold valley, ! the decision of tlio circuit court ol almoat on every occasion when an op­ utensils is already quite common in in the race but the content was between ASHLAND Or ..Thursday, Nor. 11. 1897 tine«—R. A. Van Wyck, Democratic; Cal., re turned $1100 ier* six duv? run. 1 California refusing a writ ot habeiu portunity is presented. It. matters lit­ thia country and is increasing. The Virginia Dale (Cal.) placers are1 corpus to William Ilahry 'lTseotlore tle whether any special n«ed require* It F. Tracy, Republican, and Heth Chalking th« Celibate«. Low, Gniien»’ Un on. Henry George’.' I aai«l to yield about $1000 per week from ! Durrant, under seiitciuo ¿f clealU fol that consultation or not, the clock will In the south of Ireland there still sur­ thus be consulted. Especially is this Miss Fram i-i E. Willard w as re-elect­ death on the eve of election removed the labor of 15 men. the murder of Mi.» Blanche Laiuunt in vives the old custom of “chalking” the the case if a particular elock Las the ed pi««iduHt of thu Wun.en’s Christ: >u one of the leading candidates; while young men and women who remain un­ Captain Roberts is working a big ban Francisco, iu April, 1695. reputation of being a good timekeeper. Temperance Union at the Bufl'u.j bis son ran in his stead he polled but force of men ou his properties in Har­ married after Shrovetide, the usua " So well is this known by many store ­ •etsiun. 12,060 votes. The complete returns rison gulch, Shasta county, Cal. time for weddings being between keepers that they will place clocks in Captain lxivering, who caused a show the votes cast as follows : Van Preparations are about completed for their stores so situated us to be easily C hristmas and Ash Wednesday.—Chi­ cago Chronicle. soldier to I hs shamefully abused nt Wyck. 235,181; Low, 149,873; Tracy, running the Prbicess hydraulic mine, seen by persoL» who may be passing 101,823. Fort Kh«rMaii, it to be court-martialed Disfigurement for life by burns or scalds in the Mu'etown district, Shasta coun­ along the adjacent aidewalk. If the i Robert G. Van Wyck, ¡navor-elcct oi for domf bo . may be avoided by using DeWitt's Witch ty, Cal. clock has a good reputation and the the second largest municipality in the Hazel Salve, the great remedy for piles and Y um U juuuqu , one of the players of word, is u native of New Yotk city, 4tf pedestrian is fortunate enough to carry for all kind-i of sores and skin troubles. There are 18 men working at the tlu: University of Georgia football a watch, a comparison is almost sure to Eugene A. Sherwin. Unity mine, Gold Flat, Piacer county, team, di«d from the iujur os he receiv­ years old, and a lawyer by profession. Cal., and takiug out $12 ore. be made. The In 18S9 he was elected to a justiceship ed iu a recent game ut Atiautu. Many times a clock with a good repu­ shaft is down 300 feet. in the New York city court, and Intel tation placed in the back part of a store The formation of a strawboard trust, became it* presiding judge. The owners of the Altoona quicksil­ becomes a protection thereof, especially controliog every plant in the country, Other cities in New York state that ver mine, in Trinity county, Cal., are at night, if near it is located a light has been vlKc'.ed nt Anderson, Ind., elected Democratic mayors are: Albany, contemplating driving a two-mile tun­ strong enough to illuminate its face and aud will begin operations ut once. Syracuse, Bingliampton, Rochester, nel by which to drain their mine. show the time. A policeman told a Gvnerul Thomas L. Ctiugiuan, ex- Buffalo, Amsterdam, Rich ¡ock has been struck in the Schenectady, Mail and Express reporter the other United States sunutor from North Car­ Kingston and Jauiestowu. The Repub­ Iron Mass mine, near Volcano, Ama­ day that a good clock, thus situated, is dor county, Cal., in a cross cut ut u olina, died in un iitsuue asylum at licans carried: Cohoes, Rensselaer, better than a private watchman for a Raleigh, last week. Yonkers, Newburg, Gloversville, Os­ depth of between 200 and 300 feet. It jewelry store, as every belated passer­ assays up in the hundreds. Ex-Turkish Consul Joseph A. Ias gi wego and Utica. by is likely to look through the store to The Tom Keating group of mines in was found guilty ut Boston of einbezz - see what time it is, and would be al- In Pennsylvania the Republicans iug from Frunch uatatus sums to the elected a state treasurer and an attor­ Southern California are under bond to m-ost certain to notice anything un­ S prbdy C vbr T bbatxxst for tortartng, dliflg- amount of $14 >,000. usual in the appearance of the place. It ney-general, by a plurality of 124,381 H. Z. Osborne of the Los Angelos Ex­ uring, itching, burning, and scaly akin and scalp 7HEODORE DURRANT, diseases with I om of bair. — Warm bathe with Cu- therefore becomes indirectly a silent TIOVBA General M'les has recommended that for the former and 140,531 for the lat­ press. On these properties $2500 was S oap , gentle applications of C utiouba decision permits the law to take it» watchman guarding the premises pounded out with a hand mortar. (ointment), aud full dose« of C utiouba Rtsoiz- a company ci light artillery be placed ter. vbmt , greatest of blood purifier« and humor oorea course with the condemned man. against the depredations of burglars, on guaid ut euvh of the United States The Appol ’ . o Mining and Milling Massachuetts elected Roger Wolcott, Chief JuMtice Fuller announced tlit and makes the pedestrians, as it were, mints and sub-treasuries. Republican, governor, by over 70,000. company of Elk creek, Jackson county, The 1898 senate will have 33 Republi­ Or., is working from three tunnels—45, court’s decision, but made no remarks assistants in the work. A diaputcli from Argentine says that Church clocks have always had a Assays run from $4 50 save to cite a few authorities oil which the prospects for the wheat crop are cans and seven Democrats. The house 33 and 20 feet. the court based its decision. large n umber of patrons in the work of splendid and there is every indication remains unchanged, 182 Republicans, to $50, averaging $16 50, and ore bodies The last hope of Durrant to,oblaip consultation, and nothing seems to be Ia sold throughout th« world- P ottbb that the yield ut wheat will be very 51 Democrats, six Independents and large. a Oif > m . Co««.. Sol« Props.. Boston. Ho so annoying as to find such a clock in­ D rug ay ** How to Car« Itchinc Skin Di««aMS, ft««. one Prohibitionist At Forest grove, although the wator relief in the court» is now gone. largo. active. When an eventof this character The Democrats in Virginia carried supply is exhausted, considerable gold will be immediately taken to San Fran­ HANDS by C vticob . Election day ut Frankfort, Ky., was is being taken out of the dry dirt. A cisco from the San Quentin prison, and occurs, especially if the church is lo­ i few ushered in by a bloody encounter on everything. the superior court will fix a day for his cated on or near a busy thoroughfare, days ago i> $57 nugget was found, New Jersey’s assembly will have a the 'streets between Republicans and the fact of the clock being stopped, or and u short time previous a nugget execution. Democrat« resulting in the shooting to majority of 21 Republicans. that some defect appears to exist, is Judge Bahrs yesterday re sentenced worth $220 was found. The Fusionjsts carried the state of' death of tluee mou and the wounding often made the subject of a notice in Nebraska completely. A force of men bave a contract for Durant to be hung tomorrow, Friday. the daily papers. Especially was this of two or more. There will be no delays. The Republicans had the best of the sinking the Alabama shaft, Tuolumne the case when the steeple of old St. Five dusperadous confined iu jail at eouuty, Cal., 100 feet below the present Paul’s was recently undergoing reno­ Deadwood, S, D., ovorpowered the election in Maryland, and a Repub­ 300-foot level. The Omega mine, iu Old People. jailer, outraged his wife and escaped. lican senator will succeed Gorman. Old people who require medicine to regu­ vation, and it was a joy to many on tho same district, is in the hands of A. Iowa elected Shaw, Republican, by late the bowels aDd kidneys will find the noticing that the newly gilded hands of Four of the men were lobbors and the P. Dorn, who will reopen the property. remedy in Electric Bitters. This medicine the clock were again traveling along From the well-known over 30,000 votes. Other a murderer. does not stimulate and contains no whiskey their accustomed circuit, and the deep- Kanes Creek Quarry. The rew plaut for the south shaft ot Colorado electel a Populist, Gabbet, oLher intoxicant, but acts as a tonic toned bell was ready to strike the hour General Weyler, late captain-general as justice of the supreme court. tho Gwiu mine, Culaveras county. Cal., nor and alterative. It acts mildly on the stom­ CHEAP FOR CASH •f Cuba, will be placed under arrest as is nearly completed. The mammoth ach and bowels, adding strength and giving once more.—N. Y. Mail and Express. •ver. aa he readies Mpaia and tried by Municipal Electiou at Sacramento. Ready to supply Ash­ water wheel and air compressor are in tone to the organs, thereby aiding in the performance of the functions. court-martial for making a farewell land and all the towns ENGLISH MILITIA. The municipal election at Sacramen­ place and a largo force of men arc nature Electric Bitters is an excellent appetizer and speech at Havana that wax not to tho to, Cal., last week resulted in the elec­ busy completing construction. along the railroad. The aids digestion. Old people find it just ex­ Write for terms to best interests of the Madrid authorities. tion of iV’iiliain Land R., as mayor; D. mill is running steadily, crushing 150 actly what they need. Price 50 cents and Land Artillery Which Might Well Be imitated Ilerc. $1.06 per bottle at E. A. Sherwin’s Drug A disturbance was raise on election W. Carmichael D.-C’it., treasurer; A. tons of rock daily. Carpenter & Allison, Numerically, England has a militia Store. day in the Crooked creek precinct. A. Deligne R., city attorney; C. C. Some recent strikes have been made force which is far ahead of that of Gold Hill, Oregon. Castlerock county, Ky., and when the Robertson R., city tux collector; city in Tuolumne county, near the Stanis­ D. Casase, a. prominent wine-make: America, though it is to be remembered Sheriff tried to restore order a general trustees: Dr. F. F. Tibbets Ind.-R., laus river. At a new property an ore of San a R >.■‘.1, Cal., was nrreatetl on an that the United States has a volunteer •hooting affair took place. Henry Charles Paine R, Phil Douglas R., body was opened at the 200-foot cross­ iiidicimvnt eliurjpng him with perjury. reserve of able-bodied men who could ’*hrd, John Lawrence and Charles Henrv P. Brown D., John H. Dolan cut, 32 feet wide, going $23 per ton. A l>e called out in case of an emergency Two bodies of members ol' the crew This reserve consists of 7,000,000 or 8,- Payne, the disturbers, wore killed by I Jnd.-R. 40-stamp mill is to be erected on the deputy sheriffs during the fight Ninth year opens Sept. 20,1897. property. It is estimated that the ore of tbe steamer Jasper, wrecked oil 000,000, and it has been shown that it Boys and girls are received at the earliest Ah Sac, an aged Chinese and tlie can be milled for $1 75 per ton. Point Arena some weeks ago, were can fight. Rather. The new congressional library, which school age. and are carried by a carefully picked up in the ocean a few day« ttgo. There are, however, says Leslie’s articulated course through all grades, up to has been in course of construction for only one in Humboldt county, Cui., lias left that place for China. British ahip-builders have refused to Sierra railroad trains are now run­ Weekly, many points about the British final preparation for college. the past six years at Washington, was An advanced course, equivalent to the Gurneyville is now one of the best sign contracts to construct cruisers for ning regularly into Jainostoivn, Cal., volunteer militia which it seems tome thrown open to the public a few days freshman year in college, Fits for tbe •go. There were no ceremonies of lighted towns in Sonoma county. The Spain, fearing they will not bo paid for its terminus. A big celebration w as might be incorporated in our own serv­ sophomore class. held there in honor of the completion ice. They have, for instance, what is auy kind. About 350,000 volumes are Btreots are plviitifully supplte 1 with the work. Vocal music forms a part of the regular incandescnt lights. called a land artillery, which has course of instruction in the primary and now on the shelves of the library. of the road. Edward Hamilton employed lit the grammar grades; and in the academy, in­ Citizens of San Francisco have taken Worcester _________________ A convention between the United National _____ bank, ___ at Worcest- Los Angeles will hold a special elec­ reached the enormous number of 46,- struction in the rudiments of music and Btntes, Russia and Japan looking for the first, step» toward breaking up a ! er. Ma»«., killed hi» wife and daughter tion December 11th on the question of 000 men, and which is as thoroughly sight reading is open to all who may wish the joint protection of the seals has powerful combination among the coal and then »hot himself. refunding the present outstanding trained in rifle exercises, marching, it. drilling and the handling of big guns as The academv is on the list of accredited been signed at the state department, dealers of that city. The sale of the Kansas Pacific brand) i68d,,00U worth of lauded men arc ttrmtffl with a short carbine and The Ashland. different parts of the city, all of which ®r Guadalonpe mine, has been declared a »word bayonet, - were extinguished except one. This by the general land office to be agri­ Smith’s boarding house in Eas^ Dallas, property left him by his brother. fire was in the beautiful Kan Marco cultural land and not subject to min­ Tex., became jealous of the attention J. C. Berry, one oi uie nest Mown citi­ The San Francine, Count,y Miners James Barton, another boarder, was hotel, which cost $250,000, and tlie eral entry. association propose to hold a big cele­ zens of Spencer, Mo., testifies that be cured of the worst kind of piles by usine building was burned to the ground. Theodore Cantwell, convicted of paying to Mrs. Smith and he killed bration in San Francisco on the '’4tli of a himself few boxes of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve Barton and Mrs. Smith, and then blew January, to celebrate the 59th anniver­ He had been troubled with piles for ovei An attempt was made Friday to manslaughter in having caused the out his own brains. Have moved their plant into theirnew building, one block sary of the discovery of gold in Cali­ thirty years and bad used manv different assassinate the president of Brazil, Dr. death of bis mistress, Mollio Phelan, kinds of so-called cures; but DeWitt's was A message from Hermosillo, Mexico, through a severe beating administered above the Chautauqua grove. fornia. Prudente Jose de Moraes, by a soldier. the one that did the work and he will verify The president’s brother, an uriuy olfi- last July at Los Angeles, was sentenced says that Captain George Parker and a this statement if any one wishes to writ, The Oxfords, proprietors of the Chico sailor named Johnson of the junk cm, was probably mortally wounded to ten years’ imprisonment. (Cal.) sugar factory, have selected him. Eugene A. Sherwin. They are prepared to do _ The Monterey (Cal.) board of trustees World of San Diego were killed about Huenetne, Ventura county, as the by the would-be assassin, while at­ Octoker 27th by the Seri Indians on Small pill, safe pill, best pill. DeWitt ’ s First- lass Work tempting to shield the chief executive. has settled the water front question by locality for another sugar fuctory. The Little Early Risers cure biliousness, consti­ General Machado Betbancourt, min­ imposing an annual license of $100 the Tiburon island. new factory will have a daily capacity pation, sick headache. Eugene A. Sherwin at Reasonable Rates. Eight whaling veiselsare reported to of 1000 tons. ister of war, who was one of the presi­ upon the Pacific Coast Steamship com­ dent’s party, was shot and killed by pany for water front privilege«, allow­ be caught in the ice floes in tbe Arctic The boiler in the Royal City mills at There wagon will call for unknown per so us during tho excite­ ing the company to own and maintain ocean and the outlook for the safety oi Vancouver, B. C., exploded recently, and deliver work to all parti its wharf. their crews is most discouraging. The fatally wounding a young matt' named ment of the city. J. D. Osborn, an Oregon pioneer, »hips bad only a month’s supply ol Forbes, aud seriously injuring Charles John Watka, a Creek Indian, who kilU <1 a fallow triLesinan, w oxacut- aged 70 years, shot and killed W. II. provisions and no aid can reach t lien, Phillips and G. Sully. The latter had Catarrh and Bronchial Trouble — Ashland Steam Laundry Co. ed ai Cbelzeu, I. T. AValkii was sen- Rader, near The Grove, Malheur coun* until next June. The men may erose to have his left leg umputated. Had no Appetite—Now Better In iei'-z.d to death some mouths ajo, but ty. The killing was ilie result of a the ice pack and reach land but could The Sparta stage was held up by two Every Way — A Delicate Child. not secure provisions. Allowed hi. liberty, piomisiug to pre­ qudrrel over pasture rights on Osborn’s masked men about three miles from “ Some time since I took a sudden cold sent himself for exeeiitiou at a stated ranch, Rader being Osborn’s tenant. SUMMONS, Baker city, Or. The highwaymen •nd could not get rid of it. Being subject The Union Pacific Sold. time. Duriue the summer be went to frightened the horses, causing them to to catarrh and bronchial trouble I coughed 1 In the Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon Tl>e Union Pacific railroad proper, run away and upset the coach. The Kaus«, city with a baseball team and A Piece of Parchment for Jackson county. had ample opportunity to escape lied When unwritten on, is not more colorless including the buildings and all that driver grabbed the mall sack and ran terribly. I lost my appetite and grew poor and weak and I did not feel like ) Richard Beswick, Plaintiff, vs. Margaret J. he desired to do so. He presented him­ tfian tbe cadaverous countenances of those goes to operate the zystem, was sold at to Baker city. • i Engle, James M. Engle and O. W. Stock- work. I began taking Hood’s Sarsapa­ self promptly ou time for his execu­ uniortupate persons whom we are accus­ Omaha to the Reorganization com­ well, Defendants. tomed to call *‘confirmed invalids.” What A fire occurred in a row of tenement rilla. In a short time the cough disap­ tion. a misnomer! implying, too, despair, a giv­ mittee for the sum of $63,528,582 76. houses in San Francisco and destroyed peared, I slept well, had a good appetite > To Margaret J. Engle, James M. Engle ing up for lost! As long as ;fie vivifying This amount does not include the sink­ Kwer of Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters pan ing fund in the hands of the govern­ over $25,000 worth of property, and •nd I was better in every way. Last ■ and G. W. Stockwell, Defendants: Wanted ! IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF felt, and that is possible so long as there ment, and taking this to bo $4,036,400, also made homeless a score of poor »p.ring I was rot feeling well, I had no ap­ Will anyone in Ash’and or vlci.?tty ft'*4 is no absolute collapse of the faculties,fresh families. The sufferers were all labor­ petite and no strength. I resorted to OREGON, you and each of you are hereby position to young married man. lntelu’ent' vitality can be infused into wasted. f«eble tho amount stated ill the government ing people and, haring lost all they Hood’8 Sarsaparilla and soon felt morp required to appear and answer the com­ plaint filed against you in the above entitled energetic; good book keeper, clerk or sales­ frames; color anfi fiesb can be brought back decree covering the sale of the road, man, but willing to do anything. Kindly lo wasted, pallid cheeks with this grand the total paid for the property is $67,- possessed, were left destitute and suff­ like work. My little nephew was a (MB- court by the first day of the term of the court following the expiration of the debilitated and the sick- 584,932 76. There were no other bid­ ering. address. N zcmsity , care "Record.” Ash­ sheet a*'ci,or ot cate child and had a humor which trou­ said time prescribed in the order for the publi­ land, Oregon. ly. lt iaau,.”10 ol 'be potency Under Sheriff J. H. Mansfield, who bled him so he could not rest at night. cation of this Sammons, on to wit, aud tbe utmoat pu.’*«' »"? “ „remedy for ders, and the road went to the reorgan­ and preventive of dyspe^*' mB,a' isation committee without »ny opposi­ was in the fight with and wounded He has taken a few bottles of Hood’s Sar­ MONDAY, THE 13TH DAY OF DE­ SETTLED THE DIFFICULTY. Murderer Fiitui)elly at Redwood city, saparilla and now he has a good appetite rious, rheumatic, nervous anu *’dney C0IJ’ tion. CEMBER. 1897, After Cna.lns Each Other the Two Mis­ plaints. Appetite and sleep are great.7 a‘d* Cal., two weeks ago, has been appoint­ and is able to sleep.” Miss A bbie J. And if you fall to answer on or before the ed by it; it counteracts the effects f undue sourian. Became flood Friends. W arning !—Persons who suffer from ed sheriff of San Ma too conntv, to F beeman , South Duxbury, Mass. said time the plaintiff will take a default fativue, or excitement, and nulifies the coughs and colds should heed the warning against you and applv to the said court for “Cussin* out" ”W<1 to be one of the often perilous consequences of exposure in of danger and save themselves suffering succeed Sheriff McEvoy, wliodiud from relief prayed for in the said complaint, HoOd’S Spa*rma the ways of settling controversies in the inclement weather or damp clothing. and fatal results by using One Minute wounds received during tbe shooting which is as follows, to -wit: First, that the Ozark country. It originated, says Cpugh (’ure. It is an infallible Remedy for with Finnnelly. plaintiff will take judgment against said the St. Louis Globe-Democrat, with old 'gfrbs, colds, croup and all tbroat and Margaret.I Engle and James M Seafaring men are going to petition *; While at work 011 s me excavations Is tlie One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. 81. defendants Inng trotyblg». Eugens A. 8herwin. Engle, her husband, for the sum of $400. Vz Findley anil John Carter. The tongress to modify navigation laws. st Scarborough head, at the *irt4utit of Hnnd’c Dalle are the best after-dinner with interest thereon at the rate of ten per Findleys came from Georgia. Old Uz 1112» pjn3> ai(i digestion. *26«. cent, per annum from the 4th day of Sep­ The first of the ten-inch guns for the .fame-. Andrews, living oa Point Lobos the Columbia river. Or., R. Lucss was 11UUU S took a grrat interest in politics, and tember. 1895, together with the sum of $60 buried beneath a pile of concrete, by road. San Francisco, says; fortifications at San Diego, Cal, hag as reasonable attorney's fees therein and for wherever he went he was followed by TH« Enwiir W. J ot Co.—G xstismsm : I tlie bursting of a wall. Hu w as dug arrived there. his costs and disbursements herein. Sec­ a venerable negro named Rosen, whose I wish u> thank you. gentlemen, for thegreat out, to a 1 nppcaiances dead, ond, for a decree foreclosing that certain J. S. Clide, who shot and killed Wab good which yopr Joy’s Vegitable Sarsapar- duty it was to steer his master home­ mortgage recorded in Book No. 12, at page ha. done for tag we»k eyes. 1 thought taken to the morgue at Aatorla. ward when he needed help. At one of ter Russell in Chico, Cal., was sentenc­ I I ilia 151 of Mortgage Records for Jackson Coun­ I Would soon go blind. I was actually holy was placed on a dissecting ed to prison for life. ty, Oregon, and that the property described the early elections old Ux and John , loosing niv sight My eyes wer. w veak and physicians prepared to hold n post­ in said mortgage be sold in the manner pro­ Carter liccnme very angry at each other. The Farmers’ Alliance warehouse at 11 Imd to stop reading day and night. Jes­ mortem examination, when suddenly vided by law, which said property ia de­ sie read all lbs papers for me It looked as if nothing but a fight Genessee, Idaho, was burned with its scribed as follows: Commencing at a point the body commenced to move and After using four bottles of Joys Vegita- could settle the issue between them, rontents of 100,000 bushels of grain. 30 rods s«ulh of the N E corner of the N I ble Sarsaparilla I put »way the green glass- presently Lucas sat tip. W quarter of the N E quarter of 8ection «. when suddenly old Vi shouted: “Mr. During a violent gale on Lake Erie ‘ as and can now see xs welt as J Mtsr could. in township 39 south of range 1 east of W. Carter, stand and be cussed.” Carter the steamer Idaho was wrecked, and My blood is tn good condition. I am not M., in Jackson county, Oregon, running weak at all. Yes. I do praise vour Joy’s To Car. Constipation forever. removed his hat. walked out about ten 16 of her crew of 19 were di owned. thence south 22 rods thence west 72 rods Vegitable Sarsaparilla. No one should Take Cascareis Candy Cathartic 10c or the. paces from the crowd and told old Vx thence north 22 rods, thence east 72 rods to Thomas Nulty has confessed that he take any other sarsaparilla but Joy's Veg It C. C. C. fall to cure uhmw M s refund money. place of beginning, containing nine and to go ahead. Findley removed his hat ilable Sarsaparilla. nine-tenths acres together with the tene­ JAMBS ANDREWS. and. walking out in front of Carter, murdered his three sisters and a broth­ ments, hereditaments and appurtenances G knts ; I have been tak‘ng your 8arspa- said, with deliberation slid emphasis: er, near Rawson, Quebec, during a • hereunto belonging. And that the pro­ •arilla. and think It b wonderful remedy. 1 "Mr Carter, If this earth was one piece quarrel. The ox'ensive establishment of Hey­ have had catarrh of the bead and tbroat. for ceeds of said sale b* applied to the payment of the coats and disbursements ot this suit California grapes are gaining such wood Brothers, manufacturers of rat­ seven years, and have been treated by doc­ of parchment and the sea one basin of and to the payment of coats and disburse­ ink, and every quill upon earth was one favor in the New York markets as to tan furniture, at Boston, was damaged tors. I got Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla ments and expenses of said sale and to the asd took it for about five months, and from quill, and I had the power to use that be a detriment to the sale of imported ! to the exlent of $50,000 by fir«. payment of the sums found due the plain that day to this I have never been trou­ quill, that parchment and that ink, I stocks. tiff herein, and for a further decree in the Natliau Stark, a prominent farmer, bled with catarrh, and I believe I am entire­ premises decreeing that the interests of the would fall short, sir, of being able to Spanish authorities are tiakng meas­ was held up on the highway at Mercer, ly well of it. I have found ft match lees. said defendant G. W. Stockwell ia subse­ describe the corruption of your old ures to put a stop to the wholesale Mo., by Ira Sexton, a neighbor, whe It is a good thing to have handy quent to and subject to plaintiff's said mort­ ARKY L FIMMEL. heart, sir.” Carter said never n word, importing of firearms into Spain by the attempted to rob him* Stark resisted, gage lien thereon and that the interests of Little Lake. Cal. MAY. R ELECT ft. A VAN WYCK. but stood with uncovered head until Carlists. each and all of the said defendants in and Wam TO TBOfg PKQFLt AND rxrt WILL and Sexton shut and killed him. to tbe said property and all of their right, Va was through. Then he said: "Mr. TILL TOP HOW TH>T Agg THAT TgtT BB- title and interest therein be foreclosed and J. Anderson, eppk^and five seamen ntSBD A SPBeTITPTB. Findley, stand, sir, until I cuss you.” How’. Tine! of all equity of redemption therein except of the scliooifa Oiixo recker, arrived Old Vi bowed his head and Carter said: the statutory right of redemption and that We offer Ono Hundred Doll.rs reward Yota Ought t» Hare One. “Mr. Findley, had I all the talents ever for any case of Catarrh that cannot bo on a stciuner at Newport News Vu., tbe plaintiff have judgment against said de­ •s pris mefiitihbTh Bahia, Brixil. While fendants Margaret J Engle and James M WIRE ROPE SEIVAGE. produced in Europe and America com­ cured nv Hall's Cwtarrb Cure. If yon wodld like a copy of the hand Engie for any sum that may remain unpaid F J. CHENEY A CO . Toledo. 0 •ni the IrtfIrHA Anderson murdered bined in solid phalanx, and was to un­ somoet railroad folder yet issued address after the application of the proceeds of the We. the undersigned, bare known F J. the capt.un Hlid lipte, and nt the point dertake to apeak of you. I would then I heney said sale and for such other and further re­ for tbe last 13 years, and believe of n gn i eomjielled the grew to flro the W. H. Meed, No. 248, Washington fit., lief as to the said court shall seem just and fall short of describing the corruption biro perfectly honorable In all busiuoM Portland, Orsgon, and one will lie sent equitable in the premises. of your old heart, air.” Thia settled transactions and financially able to carry nh ioncr. The ssllors fogfe to the yon free. This Sammons is published by order of ont any ob'ig.tion. made by tbair firm nna!i b<>ats and drifted about until Tbs folder entertainingly describes the difficulty. The two men resumed Hon. H. K. Hanna, one of tbe judges of Wsst A Tai-AX, Wbolaaala Druggiat». To­ picked up by a ve s J. ths taro New Northwestern Limited friendly relations. The custom of ledo. Ohio. the »bore entitled court made the 28th day trains between Minneapolis, St. Pant ‘‘cussin’ out" was thus introduced in WsLOtic., KrwtiAX A M.nvitt, Wholesale ^ujuxTFurmToardra^emeteryr of October. 1807. VALLEÏ RECORD ITCHING SKIN DISEASES (Qticura Ashland Lumber Company, All kinds of Lumber for sale. Shingles, Lath, Doors, Windows, Peach, Apple and Pear Boxes. All al lowest price possible. If you want to build up Ashland enterprises and give employ­ ment to home labor give us your patronage and keep our money at home. Mill on Neil creek. Lumber yard and ofrice in the rear of Sutton’s livery stable. T. E. Hills, Manager. Marion - County - Nursery GROWERS OF FIRST-CLASS NURSERY STOCK. Including Apple, Pear, Cherry, Prune, Plum and small fruits. New fruit« a .specialty. We have tbe most complete list of large red Winter Apples of anyone on the coast ; also several new and promising varieties of other fruits. We grow all the leading varieties of old as well as the new. New yarities the same price as old. W rite for Dencriptlve^Price Lint Before Purchasing. W. W. Walker & Son, Proprietors, Salem, Oregon. ♦ Portland Academy. Poor and Weak FENCING tea Ozark country. Druggists. TolwJo. Ohio. ■ «•rvbody »ax. Be. Hafi'i Catarrh Cure ts uten internally, . CawarMa Candy Cathartic, the moat woa- acting directly ape- the blood and mucous derful m-dtoaTdiecovery — ------ ivory of the o«e. a«e. [ piaa»- surfaces ot the system. Testimonials sent ant refreebr— to * the UM«, act gently aot and refreoliiu free Eric» 73c. per bottle. Sold by all on-------------- Uver »nd bowel», clesui.inr the entire evetext, dispel coida Druggists. c** “ heaâiMiie, ievêr. haMÜal'côoetip»UM “— e-re and Pieaae L — and _____ We-Te-Bae tee Fifty Ceata ceti bl iousuoM dimm buy try a box GueraMeo^tebeCTO beb^ey jnakes^week and Chicago—tbs finest trains in the world—end contains pictures ol tbs ta­ mo« trains as they appear when run- ning, each picture over three feet long splendidly engraved in colors. This elegant souvenir will Interest the whole family from the oldest to the youngest, sad you’ll say so when you ofC.C. Ck> lay :!#,». Wcenu. Muidaad t rrnmateod U owe by all draggMa. MO It. Lawn, Ballroad and Babbit CQLVIG A REAM RS. Attorney» for Plain tiff. THIS PAPER ÎJ’S.'îr.-.ï vertfeiDg Agency, 64 and 6Ö Merchants Ex- CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, tijo.ooo.oo ' I ( MAIN OFFICES I E arl F ruit C ompany i Sacramento C alifornia L RED ROUGH NO. I QUALITY I CHICAGO $ Los Angeles; Cal. BRANCHES: NEW YORK BOSTON Agent» at all o’her Important Points. PHILADELPHIA. O F» FC W A T1 r>4 C> ALL FRUIT DISTRICTS OF CALIFORNIA. FRUIT GROWERS EXPRESS. ARMOUR & CO General Offices- P roprietors 205 La Salle St. Chicago, Illinois. REFRIGERATOR SERVICE FOR DECIDUOUS FRUITS. NEW CARS of LATEST DESIGN and CONSTRUCTION ONLY In USE A Perfect Ventilator and Refrigerator Fruit Car. Pacific Coast Division: 1003 SECOND ST.. SACRAMENTO, CAL. OFFICES: 240 STARK STREET. PORTLAND. OREGON ROBT. GRAHAM, Manager THE------ C. F. X. Ventilator-Refrigerator Car. The celebrated C. F. X. Ventilator-Refrigerator Car has a national reputation It insures perfect preservation of perishable fruits and vegetables through an climate. Tne service is entirely supervised by our own agents between the Paclfl and tbe Atlantic Coasts. SAVE $15 T0 $30 PER CAR By UBing tlie C. F. X. Cars, with ventilators open from loading point to Truckee. Fruit is cooled quicker in this way than when car is iced and closed up it loading point. C. B. SMITH, Gen’i Manager. CONTINENTAL FRUIT EXPRESS, 1219 Chamber of Commerce, Chicago. 1012 Second Si., Sacramento General Commission Merchants ------ IIST rJ?H2E STATE------ Eirat-Claee Eastern connections and beet facilities for Car Load Shipments. No». Ill, 113 and 115 Front and Portland, Oregon. 201 and 201.% Washington Streets L evy &S piegl , 137 Front Street—Portland, Oregon. 'A' Commission Merchants. ------- Wholesale dealers in-------- We solicit yoor consignment of Peaches. Correspond With us. Bend for Shipping Stencil. Poley&Co ’ 5 HEADQUARTERS I OR CHOICE GROCERIES, MAIN STREET—ASHLAND. OREGON. Running Schedule Fruit Trains on Special Fast Time and delivered at Chicago Auction Houses without delays or transfers. :• • » Mark shipping orders “C. M. & St. P.” PORTLAND ORICON. C. J. EDDY, General Agent. The Fleckenstein Evaporator. SIMPLEST. CHEAPEST. EASIEST TO OPERATE. NO SHIFTING OF TRAYS. DRIES AT LOWEST COST. NO WASTE OF HOT AIR PERFECT CIRCULATION OF AIR. NO BURSTING OR DRIPPING. Can be built for the largest or smallest Orchards. Evaporate» Prune«, Apple», Peach»» Peer«, Berriee, Cherries, Grape«, Apricot«, Vegetable«, Etc. Tbe tr«ya ere put in at tbe top where th» temperature is the lowest and the gradual approach to a higher temperature ripen« th« fruit and make« it sweeter, while the rapid and uniform circulation of air dries tbe fruit very fast. For particular« or price«, call on addmB, or W. T. JACOBSON, Mfg, MO WaahlMWa M. PORTLAND, OU