il lie» V alle »_ kecuk I'. VALLEY RECORD. FÍNE PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NO MONOPOLY PRICES t €!»*• us your order for Letterheads- State- menta, Cnvelopes . &c. VALLET RECORD. , VOL. X ashland obcuon Chief ef the County Paper» PsbUahed every Thursday. C. J. KAISER. Proprietor. aUlMCRlPTlON BATY.»: Un« Y«ar.................................................. 11 <♦ Six Munii»............................................... > Thr.a Munti»........................................... CM ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER II, 1897 NO. 24. application Aflvtrtising rato* glv«n un -I-1 ..... Jg Mining Items PKfcSHED BltlCKB. MISS HELKN KKLLBHEB Eureka, Nov. 6.—The people of Eureka The old Gold Hill quartz ledge, which Who Itecturea In Aablaud Tueaday, now lib ve before them a proposition from I in the early days produced in a small > Mrs. J . T C. Nash of Medford spent Sun- Nov. aorh. T. 8. Bullock and his aaeociaiee, who space several hundred thousand dollars 1 day in Ashland. U Uead^BavHFB mb built the Sierra Railroad into the miues Oregon City Enterprise.) is now being prospected under the direc- Representative Nat. Langell of Jackson­ from Qakdale, to build a railroad about I tion oi the company who own it. C. H. Miss Helen Kelleher gave her charmingly Dalrymple of Gold Hill is secretary and ville was in town Monday. illustrated lecture on “Semi-Tropic Califor­ 150 miles long from Eureka to Grunts treasurer and L. H. Gage of Chicago is A carload of dried peaches, prunes, etc., nia” at the Baptist church Monday even­ Pass, in Josephine county. Or. Eighty Those pimples or blotches leaves thia week for Minneapolis. ing under the auspices of tlie young peo­ miles of this road would pass tbrougu president. that disfigure your akin, are ’s society to a good audience. The start the haart of the great redwood forest The Ashland House for a first clas^ din­ ple Cottage Grove, Nov. 5.—B. K. Worley was made from Oregon Citv in one of the from north to south, and the whole road blood bubbles. They mark of Tacoma, who owns the Golden Slip­ ner. Rouflb A Helms, proprietors. gorgeously upholstered Pullman ears of would open up an empire of vast richness ♦ If you don’t believe it juzt call and eat. the unhealthy condition of the < District Deputy Chas. H. Gillette visited the Southern Pacific company, the lecturer | for settlement. per mine, in the Bohemia district, came blood-current that throws them 1 in from his mine todav and will go to the Gold Hill Maccabees officially Saturday. talking entertainingly of the great state of Bullock and his associates ask for cer­ Oregon, its matchless scenery, limitless re | up. You mu it get down to i Portland tomorrow to meet and confer Mrs C. F. Gegax returned Sunday from sources, etc., until Ashland, the metropolis | tain rights of way and terminal grounds, I am Selling Sewing Machines Lower the blood, before you cau be with Judge Reid as to putting the Ham- a visit with her sister, Mrs. Green, at I)uus- also that the people furnish pure baser» of Southern Oregon was reached, when the N rid of them. Local treatment mersley mine, near Grants Pass, which uiuir, real start on the journey was made. The' for $375,000 of their first mortgage bonds, i Than Anybody Elsa ia Offering Them. has been so long iu litigation, in opera- is useless. It suppresses, but R. D. Huiue, the Rogue river cannery­ views presented along the route brought I limited to $20,030 per mile and payable l Í tion. man. was on Saturday's train for San Fran out the predominating features of the <4ol- in installments of $75,000 on completion does not heal. The best rem­ den state, the charm of the journey being of each ten miles of the road until the Mr, Worley says Bohemia is Bound to cisco. edy for eruptions, scrofula, not in the choice stereopticau views shown ' make the largest mining camp on the amount is paid. The citizens are very Miss Julia Rodscbau has finished her sores, and all blood diseases, is TRY M£ ONCE ANO BE CONVINCED Pacific coast. He says he has under con­ school in Klamath county and returned alone but in the eloquent and graphic de­ auxious to give the proposed road ail as­ scription ot the views presented by the lee- 1 sideration, with other parties, the pur­ home. tnrer as well. Beginning with the huge ■ sistance in their power. A large number chase of a smelter to be erected near his Mrs. S. U. Alfred went to Woodville Sat­ trestle on the summit of the Siskiyou j i have expressed their willingness to con- property at a cost of about $6000. There urday to visit the family of her brother, J. mountains, the view of Shasta and the trip | i tribute liberally to a fund to be given to are concentrates enough at the Music O. C. Wimer. to its sr.owy summit, Castle Crag, with its to the first purchasers of the $375,000 sublime views of mountain torrent, canyon bonds, if such purchasers can be found, mine alone to pav for the smelter, besides i George aud W. T. Stidham of Central and plane, followed in quick succession those at the Noonday and Champion Point have returned from their work in with scenes along the route until San Fran ­ mines. Mr. Worlev has consulted with Scott valley. From the First. cisco was reached, when the views of the WOMEN IN BRICKYARDS. owners of other mines with a view to se­ “1 aufl*red with headaches and intense Mrs. O Coolidge left for Sacramento Mon new buildings, Golden Gate park, the Cliff I attacks of neuralgia and became very curing their co-oporation, and has met day to spend the winter with her daughter, house and Sutro baths, were well worth the ' feeble 1 began taking Hood'» Sarsaparilla Many Ara Employed In C’hlo ftffo at Uaagh with all the encouragement chat could be Mrs. G. G. Ogg price ot a ticket if nothing else were seen ( Labor. desired. Then followed a trip to the various resorts : though so weak 1 could take only small The statement made the other day at Miss Susie Homes is assisting Miss Glea­ for which California is so justly famed, and j doses. 1 felt better from the first and 1 Probate Court, have not had an attack of any severity since J^R. J. S. H6IINDON, the Chicago trade and labor asaemblj son, her department in the public school Mt. Hamilton, the “Big Tree” country and | Estate of Horace L Isb ; M R Teh ap­ being overcrowded. Yosemite valley. The view of | 1 bega.i using it.” G. A. B utton , llilJhurst. that women and you ng children worked Washington. _________ island of the Pacific, was particularly fine, pointed administrator and Thos E Nic h- in Chicago’s brickyards appears to hare W. W. Walters and Dr. Bunnell took PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Hood's Pills are the beat family cathar­ a foundation in fact. ols, M S Wood and F Schneider apprais­ Monday’s train for Dutch gulch, in the Sis- rivaled only by that of Indio, a palm desert, now a gieat resort for consumptives. Since tic and liver tonic. Gentle, reliable, sure. ers. kiyons, to prospect A visit was made to various brick* A shland , O regon , Miss Kelleher was here so many people Estate of Jos Rapp; Inventory and AN AFRICAN POISON STORY. yard and, although only one woman Wm. Slinger, vice-president of the Jack- have expressed a desire to hear the lecture appraisement showing propertv, real and son County Bank, returned Saturday fram and see the magnificent scenes presented, flPOffiee-!n Townsend Building, on was found at work, this was simply be­ personal to the value of $22,361.95, ap­ a trip to Hornbrook. which areoul; excelled by making the ac­ Stranffe Phenomenon Witnessed la cause the yards quit work at ten o'clock Oak Street, Opposite Hotel Oregon. the Northeast of the Dark Continent. proved. to tual journey, that she may bi induced ‘ J. C. Eubanks, after doing the val'ey Charlea M. Stern, of Chicago, who in the morui ng. No one conneotod Estate of Fred Downing; hearing of towns in the interest of his firm, went repeat it. HINMAN, D. D. 8. final statement set for Dee 7, 1897. lately returned from a journey through with the in dilatory denies that women southward Saturday. Something to Depend On. work in the yards, but say their work Estate of A G Colvin ; same proceed­ Rev C. A. Lewis ot Portland, formerly Mr. James Jones, of the drug firm of Northeast Africa, told of a curious me­ is mostly what is technically called ings. of Ashland, parsed through Saturday on a Jones it Son. Cowden, III., in speaking of teorological phenomenon which he ob­ “backing’’ brick. Estate of Ezra Rhodes; same. business trip to Nebraska. Dr. Kings New Discovery, says that last served in the district called Gwallah, DENTIST This consists of turning the bricks winter his wife was attacked with La Grippe reports the New York Mail and Ex­ Small pill, safe pill, best pill. DeWitt’s Vint. Beall, jr., who has been working in and her case grew so serious that the phy­ press. “The vegetation in that region over and piling them Hp in rows. Lt M al NTkkzT. UrroaiTk P mia . j Little Early Risers cure biliousness, consti ­ Riddle ’ s prune orchard at Riddle, returned flffrin the Masonic Building » id stairs sicians at Cowden and Pana could do noth­ does not sound like very bard work, but pation, sick headache. Eugene A. Sherwin to 1 Central Point Iasi week. ing for her. It seemed to developed into is very luxuriant,” said he, “and the when it comes to either stacking or over Post Office. Miss Jennie Knight of Applevate is in Hasty Consumption. Having Dr King's | plant life must give off an unusually turning over thirty thousand bricks a F-A-USTTS, PAINTERS’ TOOLS, What Dr. A. E. Salter Says. Portland taking a course as nurse in the New Discovery in the store, and selling large quantity of carbonic acid gas. At B uffalo , N Y.—Gents:—From my per­ Good WA l .TLIL PAPER. GLASS. ETC. day it will be seen that the task would I 1 I S. T. SONG F K. lots of it, be to ok a bottle home, aud to the i Samaritan hospital. sonal knowledge. gained in observing the that was ------------ the conclusion I reached surprise of all she began to get better from I least, ------------ ;------ - ------- - ------ •tax the back of many a man. B cildlo PariM. Wkarriw. B av . m A>1> T wlm . ARTISTS' MATIR1AM. effect of yor.r Shiloh's Cure in cases of ad Deputy U. 8. Marshal F. W. Carroll of the first dose, and a half dozen bottles cur- after seeing three natives die and four Most of the rough labor is done by yanced Consumption, I am prepared to say Roseburg visited his daughter, Miss Grace ed her sound and well. Dr. King's New PHY8ICIAN and 8URGE0N. or five dogs. Poles, and it is said that this is mostly it is the most remarkable Remedy that has Carroll, in this city, Monday. Discoverery for Consumption, Coughs and ‘The moment the animals put their the race which allows its women to ever been brought tn my attention. It has Mrs. C. F Young returned fo Gold Hill Colds is guaranteed to do this good work. certainly saved many from Consumption, Novelty Block. Opposite Hotel Oregon, Saturday from a visit with her sister at Try it. Free trial bottles at E. A. Sher­ noses close to the ground they would work in the. yards. Contrary to expec­ bold by T. K. Bolton win s Drugstore. fall over and gasp, and die in about five tation, it is neither widows nor single Dunsmuir, Mrs. Grace Turner. A shland , . . O regon . minutes. The natives who died slept on women who do the work, but the wives W J. Strong and wife of Waldo. Jose­ MAKK1ED. October Weather Summary. I the ground instead of in hammocks, as and mothers of families, who labor in phine county, recently visited Phoeuix Following is a summary of weather ob­ others did. My theory is that a stratum the yards right beside their husbands. w. relatives, J. R. Reanies and family, I FARRA-LETTEKEN-In Woodville pre­ servation at Ashland during the month of CANDY Not much can be learned from the Albert Loveless has returned to Williams, October as reported by F. H Carter, local of the deadly gas covered the ground cinct, Oct. 31, 1897. by Rev. Joel Milton. Josephine county, from the saw mills at observer for the Oregon State Weather for a depth of three or four inches, and employes themselves, but the police W. H. Farra and Mrs. Effie Letteken. Dental Parlors in Odd Fellow’s Block. Igerna where he was at work all summer. Service: CATHARTIC any living thing breathing in that area who have traveled around tlie yards COCHRAN-WRIGHT—In Jacksonville, A shland , O regon . tell baft tales. They say that it is no Van Dunlap of Klamath county has Mak. I Min. 1 Mean. Noy. 3, 1897, Frank Cock ran and Miss Precipiti was asphyxiated. Date. moved his wife and children to Phoenix uncommon sight to sea little girls Laura L Wright Temp 1 Temp 1 Temp. in inches. “I could not understand, however, All work pertainin ■ to modern dent- HAMMOND—COLWELL—At St. Joseph’a and will go to Klondike in the early spring. 39 1 «2 50.5 how the gas was not diatrubuted in a turning bricks who are so tired that try. Painless operations a specialty. 2 33 67 50 R. O. Thoma«, railroad agent at Turner, Catholic church. Jacksonville, by Rev. thinner layer, and what kept it in one they crawl on all fours from one pile to 72 3 54 36 Father Desmarais, Nov. 6, 1897, Eugene and his wife visited Misses Ada and Ha lie place for a whole day. Nothing like it another. Their backs are bowed and 80 4 53 Thomas of the state normal during the past 66 5 1 j . Hammond and Miss Mary L. Colwell, j y M. BKOWEfl M. D. 88 had ever been known there before. The bent and they cry when they try to week. 5 48 68 CURE CONSTIPATION of Klamath county. 6 75 50 62.5 deaths of the men and the dogs all oc­ stand up straight. Mrs. Dan Applegate, wife of Wells-Far ­ M’DONOUGH — YORK— At the Taylor 75 60 The women, for their work, are paid 7 45 curred within 24 hours. Then the gas, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, House in Jacksonville. Nov 4. 1897. by go’s express messenger will spend lhe win­ 8 78 42 60 .... if it was really gas, seemed to be dissi­ six dollars a week. The children get JOc Judge W. S Crowell, John McDonough ter in Ashland stopping with Mrs. M. L. 9 76 40 58 .... ALL three dollars—or, rather, their parents McCall. and Mis9 Ida B. York. 33 O bboon . 10 A shland . 76 54.5 pated. It was a very strange occur­ •.... 25c 50c get it. Owing to the hours in the yards DRUGGISTS 11 81 37 59 John Kegg. wife and two children, of Lit­ .... rence and I might have been induced to the school inspectors can do nothing 12 .46 tiO 53 tle Shasta, Cal., vidted Ashland several make a more exhaustive investigation Office—At Residence, intersection of Me­ 13 BOHN. 57 27 42 days the past week, stopping at the Ash because most of the children attend .... if my presence had not excited distrust. chanic, Laurel and Main Strrets, 14 56 32 44 land House. .... afternoon school. 15 62 30 46 .... I got away as quickly as possible rather Work at the brick yards begins at CARPENTER—At Alturas. Oct. 19.1897, Frank Swingle of Langell vallev ship­ 16 62 28 50 than be accused of being the cause of I io Air and Mrs.Stepben Carpenter, a son. ped two carloads of mulea from Monta­ half-past three or four o’clock in the 17 74 33 53.5 SOCIETY DIRECTORIES. the sudden deaths. The natives are su ­ 18 78 33 55 ft morning and is over when the sun gets j MOORE—In Central Point, Oct. 29. 1897, to gue last week, th«» first shipped from that ffuatuf teed to cure all neivous diseases, such as Weak Memory, I/xa uf perstitious, and attribute most of their hot—about ten o’clock. Then the little 19 68 43 55 5 Mr. aud all is Forest Moore, a daughter. station in a long time. Brain Power, Headache. Wakefulness, Lost Manhoud, Nightly ^mis­ 20 % 72 42 57 G. A. K. misfortunes to witchcraft, so I thought children cun go to play or go to school sions. Nerwousneaa, all drains, loss of power in GaaaraUva Organs yf Ec!us Pollard, the Josephine connty sur­ 43 55 49 21 it the part of wisdom to get away. ” . either aex, caused by ower-exartion, youthful errors, excoaaive use wf BUBNSIDK POST SO. 23. and the mothers can go to their home ­ veyor. and Mrs. Mattie Walsh were mar­ 22 31 49 40 .01 .A, tobacco, opium or stimulants, which lead to Iafcauty, CaasnmstUn or I work. They have earned a dollar and ried last week and went to Portland to Meet io Masonic Hall, on Che 1st and 23 52 38 45 42 Insanity. Can be carried in Test pocket. X i . qs per box. 6f-rS5.ay mail spend their honeymoon. M Saturday of each month. Visiting Coin 24 38 50 SUBSTITUTE FOR COAL 6repaid. Circular Free. Sold by ail u. uggrats Ask tor u; ither. 44 .06 a half. (anuiactured by the Peau Medicine Co., Paris, France. Lauo-Dayia radeacordially weicomeu. 25 57 32 41.5 .03 Mrs. Eugene A. Sherwin returned home Women and children have only been Drug Co., distributing agents. Third and Yamhill Sts., Pc rt^nd, Qr. M ilton B kbky , Commander. A ■mwkele.a Fuel That Seems to Bo 26 63 30 46 Monday morning from a very pleasant visit employed in the yards recently. There FOR BALE BY K. A. SHERWIN. ASHLAND, OREGON. J. It. C abby , Adjutant. 27 69 Gaiolnir In Popularity. S3 51 of several weeks with her parents and fam­ 28 72 31 53 In the future we may be exporting was a general strike among the brick­ ily at her home in Wisconsin. 29 70 58 46 W. R. O. maaut instead of exporting coal, says makers a few weeks ago on account of J C. Gage of Medford was in town this ?0 6« 36 52 BURNSIDE RELIEF CORPS NO. 24 the Chicago Inter Ocean. Maaut is a the manufacturers not paying the week with a wagon load of sorghum syrup 31 69 35 62 Meets in Odd Fellows hall at 2 o’clock p. The syrup was fair in quality and found by-product in the distillation of raw union scale of wages, aud women and Mean temp. 52.7, max. 88 on 5ih ; mm. 27 children have been employed to take readv sule —Alturas Plaindealer. m on the second and fourth Fridays of on 13th: total precipitation 55 inches; No petroleum. It is also manufactured each month. M bs . J. D. C rocker . Pres. A panther has been running wild among clear days 16, partly cloudv 8. cloudy 7; from a cheap brown coal found in Sax­ the places of the strikers. Mas. Mary Berry, 8ec’y. the neighboring ranches about PokegAtua dales of frost, light on 10, 14. 15, 17. 18, 22. ony. There has been, until recently, lately and although eight or ten shots have 25, 26, 27. killing on 13 and 16; prevailing There 19 no need of little children being great trouble in finding a furnace suit­ tortured by ecald bead, eczema and skin KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. been fired at him, he is still at large. direction of wind NW. The first touch of Rheumatism is a able for burning it. It is now blown eruptions.' DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve October mean tern, 16 years, 51.9 degrees; GRANITE LODGE.NO. 23, Knights of C. E. Reid has opened bis cider mill, at P/thias, Ashland. Oregon, meets every fair warning of much torture to follow. Robbins’ planing mill, and will grind your average rainfall same time, 1.27 inches: by atesm into a special furnace, on the gives instant relief and cures permanently. The little pains which dart through the Eugene A. Sherwin. rainfall in October ’90 and '95 was less than principle of the Lucigen light, and used Monday evening. Visiting Knights in good body are not so severe at first, possibly apples into cider six days in the week. this month; only October, '91 shows as low without difficulty. It is 40 or 50 per standing are cordially invited to attend, For 10 gallons or less. 25 cents, larger quan­ a temperature. THOS. H SIMPSON, 0. 0. mere pang, and cause little lnconvei luconveu- tities, 2% cents per gallon. cent, cheaper than coal, and is 20 per ----- AND-------- 8. G. E ggers , K. of R & 8. ience, but if the warnii warning is ’ unheeded. * ' , Lincoln Park, Chicago. cent, better as a heat raiser. Steam can H. 8. Evans of the leading paint and oil they will multiply rapidly and increase One of the beauty spots of Chicago is de­ be got up quicker and kept at a higher in severity until they become almosl house of southern Oregon, returned Friday I. O. O. F. from several weeks at Glendale, where he scribed in a most beautifully illustrated pressure, and more work can be done unbearable. ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 45. hx**d up in elegant style the new railroad book, of 96 pages, now being distributed by by the machinery. From a naval point Cure all liver ills, bilious­ Rheumatism as a rule is much severei eating house and hotel for Mrs. Clarke. the Chicago. Milwaukee ■ distant day.” “How are you to-day darling?” 6, blk 23. Medford; $1800. R . k F D Million to K M Shepherd; lots 9 and The answer went promptly back by Meals in Y«»u can’t attorn L- risk your life by al- Ba 11..I ! the boy and »as to thia effect: "I am Dinina TO THE CLEANSING PUBLIC! »Mw(ngacold to develop into pneumonia 10, blk 33 Medford: $160 N> A b Barnes to Wm Lyttleton; 160 acres Car a 1 a or consumption. Instant relief and a cer better, love. ” He once carried a mes ­ When mv lease expires on the Duet tain cure are afforded by One Minute Cough in twp 38 s r 1 w; $257.8 52 sage of death to a colored woman, and Carta Ashla..^ steam Laundry August Capt. O. E. Hughes, the popular rail­ Cure. Eugene A . Sherwin. 19th, I shall he equipped with M F Eggleston on Oct 8tb located a placer after reading it her emotion overcome road man of Columbia, S. C.,says: such new ntaohlnery as Is requir­ The atmosphere of a hot town has a claim in Little Anplegaie district her to such an extent that she caught “At first I paid very little attention to ed to do good work and ahall con­ J W Rogers on Oct 6th located • quartz peculiar influence on gentlemen who range THE AI.L RAIL ROUTE TO the messenger in her arms and soundly tinue to do laundry business at the little pains, but they became so in Klaniatb county. That man Jackson claim in Little Applegate district the same old place with the same much and more frequent that who some years ago made famous a “lady D High, J W Rogers, Robt Taylor, on boxed his ears. Another colored woman KOOTENAI - MINING - DISTRICT invitation, before long I waa almost disabled. The friend” in Han Francisco, has a companion Oct 8th located a placer claim in same dis­ refused to open or sign for a message, — via — disease attacked my muscles, which in misery in lhe experience »hat befell Geo trict but walked the floor and beat her •‘If It don’t suit you, send It task.” would swell to many times their natur. Schwenke W F White on N ot 4th located a quarts of Sprague river. He came to SEATTLE A SPOKANE. breast, and screamed, supposing It an- claim in Sardine creek district. Jackson county recently and found ita dull 1 shall employ no foreign help size, and give me the most intense pein, ______ r , nounced a death. When all the neigh- “I was ready to doubt that Rheuma­ hole for his hot blood. He left for San but shall do my work as before Great Music Offer. ' bors had come in, one more venture- with the assistance of our own tism could be cured, when I was advised Francisco and the city papers say be bad Shortrat anuuMC, conwistiii# of popular soREs.wakze*.' “*—1---------- —**“------------------------ — ----------- London sanity fair is aucnomy im marches, etc., arranged for the piano and 20 cents. She is now in jail for grand lar ­ AND ALL POINTS EAST, disease for eight years.” organ. Address: the solemn inuunncsiaeai that Queen The mercurial and potash remedies, ceny. Popular Music Pub Co.. For VERY which the doctors always prescribe foi Victoria has made a careful study, ail Shiloh’s Consumption Cme cures where Indiauapolia. Ind. Rheumatism, ouly aggravate the trouble, others fail. It is the leading Cough Cure, fastidious pet oct nt her nir.i b M.d, of tbe American and cause a stiffness in the joints and and no home should be without it. Pleas­ E duiv W. J ot C o .: The immediate and repubU ; mid lu cuuclmkd in cause- aching of the bones which add so rnueb to ant to take and gees right to the spot. Bold permanent relief aflorde I me by the use of uueuct that wo ore doomed to rieatrae City Passenger the diatreMof the disease, besides serious by T. K. Bolton. Joy’i Vegetable Sarsaparilla from the lerri- lv affecting the digestive organs. S.S.S ir old lady! t»|w affliction of dyspep«ia,aeeofut>anied by •k U Wir.-. rh< SLEEPERS, DINING and LIBRARY The success of the Waverley Bicycle In *96 placet and Truck Transfer (Swift’s Specific) to the only cure foi Tba account that comes from Benin of racking headaches, has prompted me to a voung man who undertook to kiss his Rnckli-n m Arnica Salve. OBSERVATION CARS. Rheumatism because it ia absolutely free sweetheart 10,000 times, and waa paral­ voluntarily express my in dorvemeni. Two It at the head of the leaders for *97. This year we ___ £11 kinds ot freight, baggage Tut B est H alve in the world for Cuts, years of extreme suflenng van»-!«ed as if by from potash, mercury or other minerals ysed vied --------- before bait wav through, household goods, etc., tr.nif.r- a. . throngb, .-L says _ noth- magic. To ihoM suffering riuilarlvlrec- BruLe” Sore«. ITlrevw. Halt Rheum. Fever Daily Train* produce a new and expensively made wheel, equlppe*' It to the only blood remedy guaranteed - Fast Timo >d with promptness .nd safely. ing about the condition oi the w .. ___ oauwmdits trial. Ila merit» will do the Sore», Tetter. Chapped Hands. Chilblains, Hauling en a large seal, oon- inference it that she wm still In the rest. Your» in health. Corn«, and «11 Skin Eruptions, and pori- with the only perfect bearings yet made—$100. B. D. CARN, (reeled tor. .... SkBYlCk ARD aCIMKRY UKSOPSLSD. arena.—Eugene Guard. Poao townahip. Karn County. Cal, lvely cure* Piles, or no nay required It is guaranteed to give perfect watisfaction or WOOD FOR S-A.IuEI For ticket* and full information call on ■■ money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. Last year's famous tnodsl. greatly improved, has been No one ahoul MANHOOD RESTORED 5SSK Little Pain NORMAL 4CADEMY Hood’s BUSINESS INSTITUTE, Pills CATARRH I d^C0LD"*HEAD GO EAST Library-Car Route Notice! E. L. FISHER. THROUGH PALACE & TOURIST Purely Vegetable t.