Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1897)
Timber, Fl-re©’ Kxctiraion t«» Portland. Mirs Mand Fuson, who ha« been »penn ing the summer wi'h her mother in Ash I on at A'hUud: D D. H. Yeager was in from Jrn II “Your pilla are the beat tn the I» land left yesterday fur Alameda to engage o Mayor J P Dodge. E A bherwtn. W B in the dr«»»making business. I» world. X used to be annoyed with creek v ret ©rd ay and iuforme us that eon* o •lion. Win Fox, Tboa Roberts. Dr A Hin constipation until X began using Catarrh Cured. A clear head and sweet 60 men are onerating in the timber io nun Frank Lo«>mis, Frans Panimier, M o ASHLAND, Or...Thursday. Sept 30, 1307 !! them. breath secured with Shiloh's • atarrb Rem David Horn’s sub conlraciors, and bav« > War ier, O E Palmer, G W Crowson, Now I have no trouble of SHERWIN baa alw.). taken SCHOOL o edy; sold on a guarantee. Nasal injector Utuii Fell, Hugh Tavlor. A J McDonnell, II that kind any more and I attribute BOOKS when presented in good condition—thia Th« duelling pistol now u great loads of trees ready for the railroad free. Sold by T. K Bolton. I K h reeiand. W W Miller. M'lle Henrietta my recovery to the use of your valu i* not a new dodge. PIRMONAt AND SOCIAL. <• oooupies its prop«r plaoe, !! le.sie, Waiter Farnham. Horace Reeser, Mr. Horn ’ » contract cads for 13,000,(00 ► able medicine. In the springtime Hum Bracht, Otto Miller, J. H. Brigrs, T Jam •». Jos Kinney, HC Myer, J K Read- SHERWIN’S ih the onlv Regular De Clarence Lane and Misses Minnie R«»ck- fe«t between now and spring. Tbe rail r. Dan Walker, and their wives. L A Neil. | II of the year I always take your • in the museum of the <• < I John J. Fay of Etna, Cal , was here lam fellow and Ella Pica»d returned Tuesday r*>ad la being extended another two mil ci viie pository for State School Book in Southern and dau nter. K L t hrfoman, wife and oollector of relics of bar- o week. from Pelican Bay—Crater lake, etc. o Oregon. ao fons, E G>enn, wife and children 1 making 12 miles in all to reach tbe tim I» bf.riBm, The pistol ought to have beside it the pestle o I W Burns» went to Bisson to-day on Misses Maybei »«nd Pearl Russell Lucinda j John Flo“k, the rai road brakeman, who SJrz£give« to every student having o that turned out pills like bullets, to be shot like o business Iryunt, Anna uoodman. Ju ia True. Bt-lle I was severlv scalded in the last Cow creek bor cutting point. They are now operat Books and Stationery, FREE, a first - class uid Sadie Anderson. Maud Gallant, Aman- ' canvon wreck, has left the ho*nital in Port o itig in lhe K. R L. Co ’ a best timber belt o P. W. Paulson returned Tuesday from land and is visiting in Ashland ibis week School Bag d< Payne, Rosa Patterson, Dora Jacobs, bullets at the target of the liver. But the pestle is 0 o Pelicau Bay i * m 1 k » an<i are taking cut the choice auger ami lad « Ree«er. Jennie Barnum Me*«iame* l I J. E. Robbins, brother of Frank Robbins o still in svidence, and will be, probably, until every- o Mrs. I). G Clark and daughter have yellow pine tr ee. Mr. Horn himself at Benj Egghston, Geo Engle E B B rron, D I land Mrs. 1). I). Good, accompanied bv his gone to Portland. II F Fox, G It G tllant, l.izz’e Avers. L E Nor-1 <1 wife and child, came over from Little tends to the work of putting them on da. Chas Mi lsap. 11 L W> Red, J T Emer i o body has tested the virtue of Ernest Carter returned from Redding Shasta fast we«-k to visit here and her fam th»* cars for dumping into thn liver an«’ an o L Gluor Ms« Zuda Owen Tuesday to remain. o ily at Pn entx. o Dr E J Bovd a dwifeo Klama’h Falls, I next we^k 10),000 feet per day will b< o R H 8ch<»field, Mrs B Bro» ke ami Mi*» o C D. Cuninions and family have gone t*» H. 8. Evans has comp eted «n ariiatic put into Klamath river. Anna Murray of Yreka. J B Ager and o LaKecoUa.iv to winter. job of papering Supt. T. James’ residence at o daughters Fannie snd i.ucy and Jud Ager j theBhony mine, and left last night for o # This testimonial will be found in full in Ayer's “Curebook” with a <1 Slaying Bear. Carl Narregan. formerly of Medford, is and wit© of Ager, Misses Dora and Grace ,1 Clenda'e to paoer the new hotel of Mrs. o attending Blanford University. o J. E. Rummel killed a she bear and H«»r*i or Hornbrtmk and x-ir* J C Woods 1 C'arke at that place o hundred others. Free. Address J. C. Ayer Co., I.owell. Mass. «nd two daughter» of P<»kegama. and Chas o Mrs Frank Sherman went to Central Mis» Mar'ha Cardwell, who recently com three cubs just under Grizz.ley Beak a Kuppler, tbebrewer, ot Ema McMinnville, Oregon. Point Sunday to visit relatives. pleted the summer term of school ai Peli week ago Sunday. This makes eleven From Medford and vicinity : Mias Ida Lane retnrne«! Tuesdav from a can Bay. returned to Ashland Tuesday, bear killed this season in the mountains Fine faeilitiea fur In.truction and Ratra at low at Capt J T C Nash, Senator Holt, F M Min- • having visited friends nt Tule lake and stay at Cole's with Mrs. E N. Hilt. the loweat. Open« September 15tb, 1897. New Il just east of Ashland, Rummel killed a gus, H U Mackev, F V Medynski. I H Bel- I I other points in Klamath county. lustrated Catalogue, aivlnir full information aent on Claude Rock fellow, a nephew of A. O. linger, E P Jennings, J U Baird. W W Greg David Allen has been appointed agent for five point buck and a coyote on this hunt. ory. W W Ferguson, V, P Bquiies, J D Kockfellow. died in Kansas recently. application to H. L. BOARDMAN, Pres. Wnn*maker & Brown's clothing establish P. 8 Puckett and his dogs have started Grossman, G D Owings, Ass Fordyce, (’has . Mrs Mui :a Purkey pile of Central Point ment and has opened an office in tbe He has been granted a soldier» widow pension- Pe nt block, where he is tilling many order* on a hunt at Lake of lhe Woods. He Wilson. C Crystal, F M Wade. W H Smit- . i K E Phipps, E Elliott, Mr Freese, J Hill, A. D. Ferguson was at Cole’s the past for tirst-dass goods Note his new ad. Or penpie at home, widiinr to killed three bear tbe first thing and is Frank Gregory J Beek, sr. R A Proudfoot, week erecting a brick foundation for Rufus purchaie their winter aupply of W W lenn, E W Starr, 8 J Richardson, Trade Mar fr» «o<r Copytfghta. All Rights Keservad. Chas. Scranton returned Tuesday from a add at it. Cole. B F Vandyke. A 8 Johnson. L B Warner, prospecting trip in Trinity and Siskiyou W C Kinney, R G Galloway. Ed Phipps, Mrs Ranse Rouse went tn Medford Tne*. counties and G. W. Browning whostopped To Cure a C<»ld in Ono Day Mr Payne, Jess« Wilson, and their wives. day to visit Ranse, who is steward of Hotel at tfottoowood will return Saturday. Mr. The Prize Winners at the World’s Fair, 1893 Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets Mesdamea H G N ch«»lson,G H Haskins. E Scranton will go to Sacramento to visit his Nash. M Lumsden, W T Kame, Edxv Gittens, J K brother. All druggists refund the money if it falls to Miss Edna Adams came up from Table Morgan, E P Smith, Mrs Barkdull, Mrs For sp it cish will find it to th Mr Rock Tuesday and will enter the normal I Miss Kate De Peart returned home yes- Cure. 25c Wil-un. Mi.-se« S Kinney, Virgie Wood interest to get our prices ou such terdax to visit her mother tor a few weeks school. ford, Flora Harrold. bills before buying......................... Indicted for Murder. Site has been on a lecturing tour through From Jacksonville and vicinity: Mis«es Alm a Johnson and Ro«e Long of out. Oregon and Idaho tor the state Secular Levi Kirk, who killed young Jones Bandon will arrive this week to attend tbe Union, beintf accompanied bv Mrs, P. M. end. off Wm M Colvig. Wm Bvl»ee. J«»hn Devlin. normal. while on a hunt at Wolf « reek, was in H H McCarthy, L R Rolisvn. C II Basxe, W Hostuer who is a tirst-class vocalist. To cheap cash stores and get tl Holt, Chris Thompson, J H Brad.ey, Ed dicted lor aiurder by the Josephine San Francisco parties are inspecting the Low Grade Uoods when you can ___ Karl’s Clover Root Tea. for constipation. Cameron-Griffin quartz mine with a view of It s the best and if after using it you don't county grand jury thia week. The evi Helm*, G R Johnson, Wm Grob, Jartq*s get good goods at home for the UroDemilier, John Bhger, John Renter, Er purchasing sav so. return the package and get your dence against him is very strong. nest Elliott, J DeRohoam, Bert Barnes, Jas same money. OLD MEN The Hamniprslev mine sale still hangs money, sold by T. K. Bolton. Linn, Mrs J Kubli Mrs Henry Kubli, Mrs tire, «waiting the return of Judge Reid A Hunaway WiAs. 0 Penter Mrs M J Armstrong. Miss Emma A N. Laphan and wife of Viatillas. and MADE YOUNG from Tacoma. Fred Bartley a»»d J M Power» of Kla'uath J. H. Burgess, a Josephine county mi er. I Arni-trong. J H Hutter and wife, E DeRo Arthur Furry and fanulv have returned count\ were nt the Shannon House this is in town hunting hi« runaway wife and •oam. wife ami two daughters Hudson, W R Brum md wife Cora Linn. Mrs 8 R Tay to Phoenix frotu their Klaiuarh countv week Powers left for a point on the Pacific tour and outing coast 1' 30 mil* s north of Seattle, and Hart 6-\ ear-old daughter. They were at Red-1 in _> lor Maude Donegan. Fannie and Josie Nit nan. Mi>s Newbury, Ueneveve Kearnes, Mrs | at last accounts. Miss Fannie < bpetham was called to ley went to Texas The Laphans were after Lew Parker. Grants Pas-« Tuesday bv the dangerous ill their winter supplies. Mrs. Anna K. Keeler left last Thur>- From Weoiville: ness of her father. If you have ever seen a little child in a Elmer King, H i‘aynj and son, Mr$ J P dav for the home of her parents at Lake Mr*. E E Johnston, who has been visit paroxysm of whooping cough, or if you Lowe. Also Mrs D Cailey ant sistCr of ing Mr^. Jesse Barker, returned home to have been annoyed bv a constant tickling Mills, Wis. Her recreant husband is in Wimer, who went to McMinnville to make t*i the throat, vou can appreciate the value Dunsmuir Tues lay. Ashland Iving idle and waiting for mon thul place their future home. of One Minute Cough Cure, which gives HEADQUARTERS FOR ey from the east. His frieud, “Marv (’has. Silvers and J. B. Garnett. Pelican quick relief. Eugene A. Sherwin Bay Biockmen. were here the pabt week The Dunt-muir News says a party of D ie,” has not showed up here since her after winter supplies. The usuil fortnightly service will be held in Trinity church -n Sunday next. October hasty departure. Woodworth Keeler’s nhoiog aphers, consisting «if John Git- I Miss Anna Bogue came up fr »m Ri Idle 3*1, and a cordial invitation is hereby given h »nd is $100 in cash, for his appearance inau, J. W Tollman and J. G. Fields | ye-terd <v to _ ■* ‘ r; miend the normal ...... „„i and boa**d to «»Il to attend The niu*ic will be given wnh Mrs Erriest »•♦•forn the I) comber grand jury lor adul* tried to reach the summit of »Mt. Shasta • v ihe vested choir in! a s *lo*nnz bv Miss lv>p r Bumiav Sf.,00 3 p M «nd M' r \ \V u er • -i ‘a >. ’ r . II inmmis »©deeming th*»am u»«t lately, but failed in thiir eff rt. They j <-r- i. <ia. Hr .M h - P xr . ’»- hvp > -m p>*.i ' qu: elk > 'ora •nt anticipate »* . , in ’ with th» ir first mmfoi une when >hev winter at Fruit Vile, (Ul Mi-' Elan \btiolt wh » has be»m visiting arrival of hi* wif * at that time to pros «Hacked the cimp at timber line and,j MA lb STREET—ASHLAND. OREGON. Mrs. Henry Reid of l,e and, J xephine her uncle, J . W \b»>n r, and family on ecute. If she c >mes he can be apprised f »und no water. The spring has not been county, t ame up yesteniax to visit her • KVagner creek for two \ ears, and her cousin, dry there before for years. They stopped \l;en Abbott, leave thia week for Nebraska of it and m k** good his escape. lumber, Mrs. E. L. Applegate. City, N^b , where they will remain until over night there and started out next day A. C. Dix«»n and Otto Winter .......... .. and their Ohri-tmas. when they will go to her home Scott Valley Stage Robbed. batter halves have returned fr«»m their tr,p at st. Joe. Mo. for tbe summit. At Thuiub,Rock a slide to (’rater lake and Pdlic n Bay. The Yreka—Scott Valley stage was Aaron Ban ehurg. of Crescent City, <’al . ronbvd Satnrdav at 5:45 p. rn. on Forest | nad taken place which madelheold trail Rev. E. p Childs left Monday to attend •vh«* came over t * attend the fair. ‘ visited ! perpendicular. .A eat could not climb the annuxl Mate conventi-m <4 the t’onxre- hi* cousin, Mrs. D. High, in Ashland thia Hmisv mountain by a lone masked high- up it. They then wound around the gatiounl churches at Ho*xl River *eek a id is visiting Med»ord relatives be- wax man, who was covered with a sac k All kinds of Lumber for sale. Shingles,, Lath, mountain to the north, but found no Mrs Oust Ediund came over »ram Duns tore returning. Maj W H Wootlbiirv. vbo run* »he Bav Hofei. al*o attended tbe over n <>sl of hi* bo ly, a long linen dust place where they could climb to theeum- muir Monday n> visit her folks. W. J. Ab Doors, Windows Peach, Apple and Pear Boxes. fair and vinted hi* daughter, Mrs. E. H bott and family ot Wagner creek. er that reached to M b feet and a big mit. T<»e snow is all off and the glaciers FIT SMOOTHLY Murray, at Yreka, return! ig Tuesday. All at lowest price possible. If you want to W J Virgin was ar. the Iron Mountain sloth h bat. The robber was bid in a are melting which have not been expose«! GIVE COMFORT Frank Wil iam< and S. H Hoit are in mine, Shasta countv, which uses great build up Ashland enterprises and give employ Portland finding out whether the people’s ditch behind a clump of bushes and rocks, f*ir years. It is just black ice which looks LOOK WELL quantities of Ashland flour, last week. ment to home labor give us your patronage and party is to be in rhe middle-of-the road or a short distanc'* above the turn, and about like a solid rock. Slides are taking place The warm spell last week sobered off with tor fusion There was a time in its history NEVER RIP keep our money at home. Mill on Neil creek. a soaking rain Mondty and we are now en when these qd***!ions were sealed by the 50 vards above where the holdup of last at all times and tiie mountain is a very FROM THE SHEEP T© THE MAN. joying ur usual glorious fall weather. spring took pl.we. Frank Hovev WfB «iangerona place to be found on. Big party itself. But those were otherda.xs. Lumber yard and office in the rear of Sutton’s livery stable Material as Strong aa th« Beat. Appearance Better than All Miss Mollie Mflter of Jacksonville and Col. Robt A Mifler. register of the Ore the driver and compiled, throwing out rocks breaking loose and sliding down Miss Be-sie t’alb nder took Suridav's train gon i’ity 'and office, who is vist'ing south t if expreaa bog. He didn’t want the the mountain sound like heavv thunder, for Los Catos, Cal., to spend the winter. ern Oregon, was 111 town vesierd.iv and de mail, and qu e'ed (I e fears of a l».dy pas and once in a while a hundred ton or so After serious illness Hood’s Sarsaparilla livered u* a lecture ui politics. Strange to has wonder'ul bui dingup power ft puri say Mr Mideri* thoroughly in favorof the senger by telling her he would no* mo- < f rock will go down with a crash which Ths Mfrs, authorize us to give with every pair sold this unheard-of Warranty - ties the blood and restores perfect health u-spubat«, democrats and silver republicans h'Si her. The driver obeyed the orders shakes the old peak to its foundation. ! “getting together”—on the offices. And You may tav a pair of Dutrfercs Wool Trousers at Railroad Commissioners E Idv. Componn there are several others to move on. At the summit * f tl e moun The parties took several views of the and acruin, accompanied by Supt Fields mountain aud were glad to get back alive. ' tain the stage met T. J Nolton, the min* C A Bailey of Gold Hill went down the j an*i other S. P officials, were inspecting K amath rive mining district yesterday on ing man, who drove to Yreka in lea» than the road about Ashland Tuesday. a mur ot inspection Gold Hill is to have Ail the grain ha: voted in St. Helena No man or woman can enjov life or ac three new business house«, J L. Bcott of en hour and informed the authorities. And wear them two months. For every SUSPENDER BUT complish much hi this world while suffer Riddle putting in a new ge ieral merchan Search was immediately instituted. Early and the adjoining valley has been TON that COMES OFF WE will PAY you TEN CENTS. ing from a torpid liver. DeWitt’s Little dise store. G. E. Dean of Grants Pass a next morning a blood hound traced the stored in the warehouses al St. He ena, Early Risers, the pills that cleanse that, Racket *tore and Mr. Downing of Central If they RIP at the WAISTBAND WE will PAY you Fib l'Y N«pr ind Port Costa, where it will be* organ, quickly. Eugene A. Sherwin. 1/ P«>inr a feed store . Chas. F. Young’* new robber 50 yards below the wagon road held in anticipution of a further rise CENTS. If they RIP In the SEAT or elsewhere, WE will Mrs. Frank Morine came up from Table saloon is one of the best looking resorts in . where the box was found with all its con in the price of grain. PAY you ONE DOLLAR oe GIVE YOU A NEW PAIR. I hu Union hotel Ita* changed tents, except the c in, near the robber’s R.»ci; Saturday an t her sister. Mrs j B. tbe stale The Santa Cruz (Cal.) supervisors Leach, re umed with ~ her Monday for a bands. I E. De Boy retiring. The « ew pro ------AN?-------- BEST IN THE WORLD- TRY A PAIR. camp fire. The dog followed the trail of prietor, whois from Chicago and i* a broth have considered favorably the estab short visit. iiv er in-law of H<m. J . W. Merritt, gave his Miss Valene Kubli and K K. Kubli ac first ineal Tuesday evening His name is the robbers into Yreka. Two men who lishment of fish hatcheries at Boulder companied f»tends as far as the '■daklx on«* Fred Burke. camped at Ira Das’a ranch near bv are creek, which will bo the means of Mumia), returning to Jacksonville on the Huspc<te<l. The amount secured Irom attracting anglers to the country. evening train. J L. Marek of Trail creek wa« in Ash- Peiry Mel) ¡laid, a young man of ____ _ a _ su- Well« Fargo was about $50. Masonic Temple, Stockton, Cal, Government inspector J. b. Howard »nd land Tuesday and ye-terday selling Monterey, Cal., left recently on a bi- en»r quality of syrnp he put up on h s A. AmireWM returned Mon-iav from Lo>t I place Newton D ivi», the eon <f tuts fall and which ts a fine article for cycle for his home in Ontario, Canada. River, Klamath county, where they in preserving fruits, etc. Mr. Marek was la-t I) N. Davie of Green Springe mountwin, The distance is 3200 miies, and he ex spected a survey. year lhe victim of a postal inspector’s greed J. E. Hoover wife and two sons of Clay for a $500 reward and had »0 remain in the austnined » double fracture of ibe I.ft pects to make the trip in 50 days. HIS SCHOOL is the result, of a successful experience ton county. Iowa. Mends of Ex-Mayor J. Multnomah county jail one month. When unn.jugt above lhe wrfat, on Fiidav of in ali the grades of the public schoo * for a term of The Scott vulley stage wa-* held up R t’a*ey, visited his (ami.y last week en Ills trial came on the low down inspecurr w<*-k. It occurred while be end | thirty years. It was not instituted as a mint in which to nine miles from Yreka, Cal., by a ¡one didn’t have the manho >d to get on the route for California. 1 amass a fortune. I don’t want a thousand pupils, with stand ami have himself proven a scoundrel Frank Tyler were plaving with a lariat, highwayman, who got the express b x. • regiment of teachers. When the hair has fallen out. leaving the who would bear false witness against an in The amount it contained is unknown. head bald if the scalp is not. shiny, there is nocent man for a reward. Mr. Marc* was Frank roped Davie’ foot and the latter a chance of regaining the hair by using promptly acquitted by the jury, but his was tripped in auch a manner aa to fall Four passengers were aboard, none of Hall’s Hair Kenewer. DON’T TEACH two hundred branches. I don’t ad attorney fees, other expense«, d images, etc , on the ground landing with force on bit . whom were molested. vertise on farms and fences My school is a plain, M. B. Miller, a southern Oregon pioneer have put him back about $1000. He is cheer left band. Jack Hankins, a farm hand working prac ical, common sense school. I teach all English who opened the first »tore in Jacksonville, fully rustling to retnve his lost fortune. | near Grevelle station, on the oid Sea branches from the bottom up, thoroughly and well, was -n Tuesday’* train for Pomona, Cal., I A. and B 8. Webb are up from Med- Tbe wreck of tiie Brother Jonathan has { ttle railroad, took a doae of strychnine with daily reviews, until perfected is secured. -:- from Spokar.e, Wash. ‘ ford tnday. Ben 1* up from Los Angele« been lorate»! in the vicinity of Point St. I for what he supposed to be common Ed Fields, the railroad operator, who on a two weeks’ visit. G-o>ge, at Cteeceut City, bv Silas White 1 salt, and died in 2J minutes. ++++++++++++ *+++L+-J-+++++ has been here with his faimlv sev ral mon 8. A Borough, awed 49 year«, died at ths, has be-n trsnsfer»ed to Ba em. where Wiiderville on the 29th and C. D. Moody, representing ths Broth It is estimated that 6 K) or 7>K) teach they moved Tuesday, Mv Pupils for ceitificates, for the Civil Service, for West A piece of ers will attend the San Joaquin Vailey Mrs. Knox, wife of Oscar Knox of Ap- er Jonathan Searching Co BUSINESS LOLuECE Blanford University has secured the ser Point, for the N »rrnal Acedeiny, never fail; and my p'egate. died on ttie 27ih lust. NORMAL INSTITUTE wood bocusht up from tbe deep sea was Teachers’ association session, which is vice« of a noted eastern fool ball instructor. keepers never have to bunt a job.................... announced to convene October 22d and in a good state oi preservation, and cov »0 that tbe cause of the higher education at Ponoma, Cal., has over HIM public that institute is now safe. ered with small shellsand barnacles. The 23d at Fresno. Practical Course for 6 months, $30 00; $50 00 for year, luhool children. The advance guard of a big German Business Course for 6 months, $»•) 00; $00 00 lor 1 year. work of searching for the sunken vessel Running sores, indolent ulcers and simi San I), ego reports a $230,000 real colony has arrived at Salinas, Cal. Normal Course for 6 months, $50 00; $91) for 00 1 year. lar tr<ruhies, even »hough of many tears has been carried on for over sixteen y ears. Board and room of the beet in private familiei, $16 per month. standing, may be cured by u*ing DeWitt s estate sale. Forty colonists, representing families The company will n-»w have divers go Wi ch Hazel '•alve It soothe.«, strength Ponoma ha* turned out a new spec numbering 200 people, mainly from Jens and heals It is the great pile cure ies of poisonous spider. down when calms occur, towards secur Chicago and the east, are there to set .1, JLJ.A * *Jl Jilfl InlnlnM. AXA '.J. J.A ^Eugene A. Bherwin. ing th© immense amount of treasure that tle upon land bonded by the German is in tbe ship’s hold, and also anything Catholic Colonization society. Thinking, Reasoning, Anolysis, are Specialties elee that may be of benefit or value. The The trial of Kitty Calvert, charged ship sank in a bad piuCe for searching, with being accessory to an old soldier about, hall a mile off shore a little south named Du plane at Santa Monica sev I erly oi Point St. George, where calm eral weeks ago, came to a sudden end Earnest Meissner, engineer of a weather seldom prevails lor any great by the defendant being discharged for throbbing engine at Yerington, Nev., was NATURAL: Schilling s Best leait not only pure butit is NATURAL lack of evidence. length of time to permit diving opera fell under the wheels of the machine For Constipation take Karl’s Clover Root tions. __________________ I)e Peatt Block-w-Agent for because it it fresh-toasted. Tea the great blood purifier. Cures head while it was moving ami was so badly ache. uerruusnes1», eruptions on the face, crushed that lie died in a few hours. L J The following 154 each got $6.50. Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 19,1896. makes tbe head clear as a bell Sold by WASHINGTON Among (he effects of Bill Williams, Messrs Ely Bros:—I have u«ed Ely’s and dAN iRANCISCO 39'4 Merritt I CALIFORNIA BLfiBWHIRE T. K. Bolton. ( ’ team Balm a number of years ami find it alias Ford, the burglar who was killed Wr, Alkl non. Clara Lovejoy, Cool Hlldur A.Shelgren,Longbranch works like a charm. It has cnied nie of 1811 Harrison Francis W. l-ewh, Marc'ii Concord J. P. Dunn. MrA Block. by officers at Stockton, Ca ., last week, Eoi som Mrs. Kate Manning, the mo*t obstinate case of cold in the head W. Bu< h,uan, Downey Frances Dudley Medics. Lane was a letter addressed to one of his * Rinvìi, ,“"n - e l.»03S ------- MArkel in less than 48 hours from the time I felt' Ro»* Crow, -- Mrs. H. B. Gibbs, Ilk Creek Geo Rebel. Meafie Ml,» A. C.rt.r, »21 H»or.uiento Mrs. AnuaM Dooley, " Eureka *“ Mrs. Katie Peterson. ibe cold coming on 1 would not be with- j pals tolling of a weii-laid plan to rob a Philadelphia. Spangio 23d and ‘ Capp ' , Allee Tbempson, Mrs. .Tease lleaverlo C. CUuwen out it. Respectfudy vours, Spokane Stockton bank. The dead man l» Bryant rt. I | O. C. Lewis, Folsom Elisabeth A Bellis. Mr,. 1. Dnrlnit, 283 Hart St. F kkd ’ k F ries Tacoma Mr,. Klltd. Larkin L a ..." and B’way i Mrs. J. E Kenning, , Fruitvale Mrs Fred II. Carr. bad ed to Mountain View and bote a Before the genoral advance t’reHm Balni is kept, by all druggists. Spokane M.rr C. H.rllly, UU Bro<ulw«r I Mr» < Garberville Mrs Ella KllB Dahle. unnie, vo»rwi»,i»v Rosetta L. Sutton. reputation. Hu was wanted in San Mr,. Hol,k*mp. SSi ‘i Fllborl ' Miox Mabel Ivey, Graw Full s-ze50c. Trial siz** 10cents We ruaii it. »/Hi in clothing they stocked up Professor THOS. F. CAMPBELL, A. M. - Valley ñauo» ilraomriMMt Mr, IlkurMth, „-11 Uli DUChaUSn duoh.utn I Mrs. V UTAH Greenwood N. Davey. ELY B. 08 5 k Warren 8t , N Y. City. Jose for burglary. and will sell at last season’s 20 M. MeKen,tc. 2" Clementina ”--------- ‘"* Orey Dann, Hydeevillc J. L Rhesd, Corinna Formerly of the University of the Pacific, will have charge of tbe Commercial 1M2S c Mutter Kenuett Nina Mickelson, T. 1. MIU.r, Dinner puces. Satisfaction assured. Mrs. W Buncombe. George Marshall, alias Lmis E. 7U6 Tennessee Anua A. Lewis, Department. L -st Tues lay night some b lrglara tried Kvswlcs K.W R,.lln«. Goshen T Peteraon, 16M Eddy Mrs. Kila Kraus. Loa Alamitos Mrs. Shroder, who was sent to San Quentin Mr, T. Sdlonion, 7, Midway Mrs Maggie Huber, You can have your choice of over fifty studies for tbe price of one tuition. to filter Thus. Jones ’ erore in the Horn 413 Ai?riav Ross price. Madera Mr,. ChM. Slock. Morgan < h J Anna Fry, six months ago to serve a th rec-yea r Tuition for Term — $65.00. Call and examine Fall and ¿va McCarthy, Magalia Mrs. lienrv Baumetster. .— e “*---! Mr,. W. Taylor, building at Hornbrook, but were discov- Ogden Jnruwri Mis» ■Mi«"«»' sentence fa burglary commi ted at Maxwell Mrs Kinma Sireeker, Mr. Tbon.Con, Vivian Duncan, Ogden 944 Ovary i Flossie Flanagan. Mendocino Cora errd bx Gene Dowling’s faithful dog wak i If inter style» and samples. Mr,. A V,rdl,r. Warwick, Pleasant •_r urov© —v Stockton, went into one of the guani ’ « Short Hand and Type Writing Department. «29 Dourla.«« Mr«. Q. Bradiey, Middletown Mr, g. W.l».o, Mld.lleloirn Mrs E C IfenrichMcn 1‘rtfvo ing him up to run the burglars off. Gene rooms, donned a suit of the guard’s 177 Cook 1 SarahStani«,. MlxtonSanJow Horace Chalmer.Salt Lake City MtM K«ll, W ,ln. Business Department. 1 lAyoin.rrino.MokelumneHlll sleeps in the «tore, and his large New- best clothes, quietly walkial out of tile Clara L. Deighion, “ CALIFORNIA JCIXIWHEI K _____ mpbrll, , Monson Mrs. C. J. Trump, “ Monwn M The flour mills at Pendleton, Or., Mr». Oil, Bordw.U, Al»m,.i, _ Normal Department. loundland dog kept pimping on his bed, prison gate and made his escape. Mr». N Bishop, National City Bra J. Busby, '• M Mr,. O. t Woodtow '• owned by W. 8. Byers, have been des and licking tils face to arouse him . He KmmtT Donn.l-y.Lo, AaroiM Mr» J A. 81 in moos, Oleander Charles A. Jenks, « aplain of troop A, Mrs. Minnie Horn, " OTHKR STATES* troyed by fire. '1 he loss on the plant StadenU received at any time. Boird and Lodging from $13 00 per month Mr». JO® R H,n,h». “ thought the dog acted strangely, so he Mr*. H K Johnson, The Pa ms National Guani of California, vn- and wheat will reach $200,000. to $20 00, Catalogue and Pamphlet« on application. CMill* Nolan, The Palo Alto Mia. E Woodin, Frank Petry, Albany Or. Mr,. >. M Hhlpm.n " got out ol bed to see what might be the found guilty ol starving 16 hordes be Parkfleid Mra C A Harlan. Mra.KateEngbera.Bfxeiow, M flames came near spreading to the $80»- Ad«l, Willi»»,. _ ________ Pa^dena Mrs. A WU.att,Bridal Veil. * G. W Robinson. longing to the troop, and s< nt<»nr<**l to Ad lre«, C E DOAS, P.oprietor Oakland matter, and heard some one trying to Mr. C. L Book. 000 courthouse on the opposite side of Miss \...w R om A. Cox head. Peralta Mra.W Howell, Oregon City, * pav a fine of $500 or j-ei v<- «*-x fm »nthh the street, but the fnlHng of the mill Mr». L By»»)». open the door. As he erose from his bed, J. Covls. Coyl©! ________ Farri* Hilda Johnson, Portland, “ E. Oakland Mr» A. J. 0rthur Bran. Hich'dGraham. Peta urna Mamie Hanning Virginia.‘■•ev. in jail. Jenks left the horses lied tn a Oakland the dog made a rush towards the door, M. Wa M»T. Mamie* Goyan. Placerville e.,la M. Smith R. MILES’ RESTORATIVE NERVINE I barn for four days without f »od, nitho Malls enabled the firemen extinguish Wasnoe M Ck»a. A MeDon.1’1, Pomona Mrs. w. Futik.Winnemiiecft, ” Mrs W. H Ruaaoll. when the intruders ran off. This dog is I the fire. 1 cures nervous prostration. Not mi Mr. O.H M.inwMiM, " Porterville J. J. Rodgers. ugh he whs allowed mi l had ample Rena Maxvtn, » Oakland Mra A G Walker Port Coat» Mrs. God ward, AUautic Wy<E one of the best watch doga in the country, raculously, but scientifically, by first Patrick J. White, one of the early M um Burnt fork, Mra. Geo. F. Moore, Oakland Mra Goo. Ward, funds to buy them fce<l. F.C.CO'S Mra. Emily Ric«, Cheyenne, formerly belonging to a man killed a few removing the germs of disease, and then X ECXO'S «t illers of California, died at his home Mra. Ckaa. B Tenney. ” LealM Ha<elit«in.9aoramento Mra C. Hendrickson. Rediand« Of.o Arnold, Evanston. supplying healthy nerve food, increasing 1 Naval ffic’als have ordered ti e gun in 8nn Frauci*co one day recently. In MI m M O’Brien, Rodwood Citv Hrs Hn-iander, Gt.Pa i»,Monk years ago in being run over by a train, Artlta© Lima. _ “___ Mra J R. Balkwtli. the appetite, helping digestion and strength boat Wheeling tn proceed vi:h«»nt “ iUed —* e> •Ira. G Merritt,Bola** CH», >la. eaiiy days he was sheriff of Sierra IL while lying on the track under the ioflu- ening the entire system. Desperate cases Rio Visti Mra F. J fialber W.RHinforth. Ronners f'v. delay to Hoiiolu u an«l *h • i< n w n< I county and later held a similar position Rock. I H, G. Marling, Laura 1 aft, Baiida, «'oto, ence of wnisky, whore body trie dog require prolonged treatment as shown by Koh nervi ■ W. J. Moyers, »lra.C.Carpcn ter .Florence. Aris on her way, having eft San Francisc-» in San Francisco. Sau Raise I t'.ugene Kfetike Fhmnlv. " Mrs J. urahaaa guarded against disturbance, until lass that of Mrs. M. B. Reed, of Delta, Iowa, who Thursday. The c; u -e o rushing her Joan Bauer, Jells Willis. writes: “As the result of a lightning stroke, Froilck, James D. Phelan, mayor of San oed and captured.—Yreka Journal. 4anta Cm him Iva ©erten. t rs. s. c. Marsh . Cerriuwa, N .M. Isolino, the physicians said 1 had a light stroke of off is unknown. The United Siate«- Frcnciscn, ig going tobui.U a first-class, rollini Ares is Henrietta Miller dth. war vessels at Hnnoltt tl are the Phi! - Vacav. naralysls, my limbs would all draw up. I iiRlTRH COLU MB. A _ ___ Auburn Georg© C. Akerly Isnson. up-to-<late theatre, w to a «eating ca Si'inrthlnK to Depend On. Mra Cora Hrntley would have throbbing» dolphin and B ’iningion, with the W Hamlicoa Ladners Mrs. John Waiter pacity of 18 0, na |»r »perly of the Dr. Miles ’ , •-uUeanarx. Baden Mra If M Hacko of •telle p McGary Mr. Janies Jones, of lhe d«ug firm Victoria in my chest that seemed Wheeling and Yo k .un on ti.e way Vin« Mrs A. M k «v, W. Merkel»} Mrs J. D. Jonoe. Phelan estate in San Jose. Jone« A.Hon. Cowden, III., in »(»taking of __ W a1 lac. unendurable. For three there ami the O « “ inti preparing to <fo Mn Cbaa Hau. s r.oesBlsui Mr». J. A. Wlnan« MEXIC« Dr. Kina» New Discovery, »ays tHat tart Nervine Wheatland months I could not sleep Junction city, a Trinity c<untv,, C. MeKill can. b Mrsdlv Mias Belie Mecann Wiseburn a vador Narclo. Kna*nada i winter bis wife was attacked with LaGrim»e Yee G, h Cni.’eM- h •, rp. er «4 town, was a I non« t wiped out by fire a Mali ■ Baton. *>bino Mr« earner and for three weeks did and her ca*e ,trew .«o serious that ihe phy Restores Mrs. J. O. unainebam < CX-Coih»< t.»r Hpuu b'i-* »4 P •• • luxvti- not close my eyue. I ’wo Si 50.00 pnxes *or sending n tht largest num- few days ago. A l the 1« a*l ngbusitie™ sicians at Cowden and Pana could do noth- J prayed for sleep, and send, Wash., and Ch ug Gee 11« «, a house» were destroyed- The loss wi 1 The winners of the . ina for her. It seemed to developed into Health...... Hasty Consumption. Having Dr King’s! felt that if relief did not come I would be wealthy Seat' e ( i:inumali, nic ui;d* i reach $17,060. |>er ot tickets were: uta<i~-uuoucksv New Discovery in tbe store, and selling | dead or Insane. I took Dr. Miles’ Restora an eat charged with try ing to bribe J. Tbsy ars without a peer—Without a rival, rs, J. •»■«>?. ** Saghrt Krît.—US tickets The officials of the department of I lots ot it, he to ok a bottle home and to rhe I tive Nervine ««.nd the second night slept two E. Gardner, the government intci- They give an added haiidsomne»» handaomnesa to tbe the figure tig rs» a nais Parte». surprise of all she began to get belter from hours and from that time on my health im agriculture announce that the entile They offer no restriction to <hc circulation, digestion or respiration. peter, to falsely translate latter» foun t tbe first dose, and a half dozen bottles cur They make short waists appear long • oi tekcu. Wren# I—w* ain’t ed her sound and well. Dr. King’s New, proved; slowly at first, but steadily and in Gee’s store nt Port Townsend, by state of Californ a is included in the They are anag-fitting »nd combine both fashion-sense and common-sens». Some people «ent coupons nsteau Discoverery for Consumption, Cougbs and surely. I took in ail 40 bottles, and I cannot which the government seeks to provei country in fee led I y Texas fever. It is They give such satisfaction as no other c>*rsel can give. a g nehes. Cold« is guaranteed to do this g«>od work. ' exprw» how grateful I am, for I am now only the part of the country west of count them. The •uctat" * the p«pe. i < Thev have advantages no other corsets have. Try it Free trial bottles it K' A. bher-: perfectly well, and have taken no medicine the existence of a conspiracy for th* the mountains that is affected. They retain their favor with all ladies who have worn them, because <M their win s Drug Store. for over four month*." Dr. Miies* Nervine unlawful lauding of Chinese and Ger’- superior qnsiitv jodO O contest or we Is sold by druggists on guarantee that first part therein. Sold awd Recomwi»«de<l by THE FAIR STORE. You musi -'I'OW tl.e rules rxactiv •» lh“ Owen McKendree is in from Bly. bottle benefits or money refunded. 8©a*onabla goods, such a« r©trigeratnr«. REI Olii’. KEEP YOUR EYE ON PASCO! ’^^^Everything Guaranteed at Sherwin’s Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, McMinnville COLLEGE, GROOER/ES Dutchcsslrouscrs Poley&Co CHOICE GROCERIES Ashland Lumber Company T. E. Hills, Manager. MONEY GUARANTEE. $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50, $4 or $5 NORMAL BUSIN ESS A.CAEEMY INSTITUTE, VAUPEL, NORRIS & DRAKE. Gas City Business College T Fall Term Begins Sept 6th. I The Missing Word David Allen Wanamaker & Brown Wir id â I Will Not Perform Miracles But It Will Cure. StOCktOH, Cal. D S couni youi word* Addrwa MONEY BAcK ¿an riaacisco» H. B. Oatman, a pioneer, died at Myr tle ereeii ieei week. D, “u* lenta, hammocks and camping goods at IRHTU House i uraiiur© Store. »•