Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1897)
Mlsa Kate Iwho h now secretary Hound Over ft>r Ailalteiy. I Th© Rac«‘O of ibe Oregon Secu'ar Union and a ««aimer Wood Wurth Ketlc-r Wuik>*il i Mu p > Tiwepod progr.m prned with a Jftn in tbe Liberal Umversi y at oiivsrion, ©ill I , »peak in »ouihern Oregon as follow»; Bros, butchershop iu A bi .I mi . i 1 aud livtd mil© dash. EteWuitu Muore entered Doi- Granta Paas, Sept 2G; Central Point, Sept, here for about three years up lo four . lie V, a black mare by Red Oloud, dam SMlDZRWTlSr ba© always taken SCHOOL ASHLAND. Or.. Thursday, Sept 23, 1897 r 27; Medford, Sept. 28; Talent, aept. 30. years ago, when be warned eastward unknown; Wm. Herr entered Slrepy Hi it) K 8 when presented in good condition*-this The J sckson County Sunday School Con- again aud at Lake Milla, Win.. Nov. 7,1 Dick, a sorrel gelding, pedigree un- is not a new dodge, ven (ion will meet in Ashland Sept 28 and icn. --------------- — known; J. O Slagle and F. M. Ferguson PERSONAL AND SOCIAL 29. Tbe session will be held in Ibe Pres 1694, was married . at . .. the home of her SHERWIN’S «• tbe onlv Regular Dw- byte nan church. Entertainment wilt be parents, lo Mies Anna Elects. They r entered Rondo, a bay gelding by Belem pOMitory lor State School Book iu Southern furniNhed delegates. Everybody interested e e e Oregon. Frank Ennis is up from Caliitogo, Cal. in Sunday School work will be welcome to moved to Deposit, Brown county, N. Y., , and Clubfoot; W. B Anderson euv red the home ol Keeler’« parents and the » Argo, a sorrel gelding bv Woodbury, Washington Irving said, he supposed a certain hill was called M! m Clara Mingus ii visiting at Siskiyou. these meetings 11ST give© lo every student buying Ladies, we have a fine line of stylish and acenes of hit boyhood days. A ton, now ' dam unknown; R. W. Simpson entered Rattlesnake Hill” because it abounded in — bulttrftitt. Tl Ed. Abbey ia out from Salem attending Books and Stationery, FREE, a first - «lass up to <ia e trimmed ami panern hats which two years old, was born to them. One > Jubilum, a sorrel gelding by Capt. Jinks tbe fair. rule of contrary " governs other names. Some bottles are, su School Bag. we will have on display next Tuesdav, Wed- posedly, labeled •’ Sarsaparilla ” because they are full of ... we Squire barker wts in from Barker a sta ne day and Thursday. September 28th, 29th year ago last May Mrs. Keeler retuined ! and Sny defolk. Argo came in first, tion Friday. we don't know what they are full of, but we know it's not sarsapa and30ib Y«>u will find us at tbe Fair to the home of her parents at Lake Milla, with Jubilum a close secoud, Rondo rilla; except, perhaps, enough for a flavor. There’s only one Go to Fox Jt Hildreth for ice. Delivered Store” in Medford, on© door west of Deuel Wis. Keeler finally sold his interest in third, Dick fourth and Dolly V distanced. & Stevens. Miss H A. Medyn^ki A Co. at your door. make of sarsaparilla that can be relied on to be ail it claims. It'. Two coaches start from Ashland, two a atone quarry there and wrote to bis , Time 0:3b 3-5. Th© parse was $75. Ayer’s. It has no secret to keep. Its formula is open to all Messrs. Hall and Ruey of Yreka are at No. 2 ©as a 3 in 5, mil© heats, trotting from Medford, one from Grants Pass, one wife in June that he would soon come physicians. This formula was examined by the Medical Com tending the races. from Roseburg and one from Eugene on tne borne. She never heard from him again. race, 3-miiiute class, purse $125- F. 8. mittee at the World’s Fair with the result that while every other Mrs. Emma Kellogg ot Ponlau I is visit E'ie“’ Excursion train next Mon-lay. More ing Medf.ud relatives. make of sarsaparilla was excluded from tire Fair, Ayer’s Sarsapa coach«« will be add«d, including a third Ktelrr’s mother wrote to her from De Slagle entered Hiau, a bay geldiug bv rilla was admitted and honored by awards. It was admitted be Mia» Esther Hjlnby is organising a class in coach from Ashland, if tbe ticket sales up posit wanting to know why her son Clalawa and Mollie Jewett; Luuais Heav io Saturday evening seem to warrant it. mu$ic at Jacksonville. cause it was the best sarsaparilla. It received the medal as the The very low rates should be well pair, n- didn’t write. The surprised wife wrote ier aud W. Walbridge entered Rosiuont, best. Nu other sarsaparilla liar been so tested or so honored. Dustin High was at Klamath Falla this ized io bring tbe excuision again next year. that he wasn’t there. Keeler left De a black stallion, by R jscoeand Altamont; Fine facilities for Instruction and Bates as low as week ou & business trip. Good motto for the family as well as the Fair: Admit the best, See advertisement ibis issue. posit July 14, and had told bls mother A. C. Roussin entered Leland W, a black the lowest. Opens September 15tl>, 1897. New Il exclud. the rest. J. O. C. Wimer ami family of Woodville Mrs O Coolidge entertained a few be was going to his wife. But he didn’t. siallion by Wayland W and Freedum; lustrated Catalogue, giving full information sent on ©re doing Crescent City. friends at her residence on Knob Hil‘ on application to H. L BOARDMAN, Pre». Any doubt about it ? Send for the •* Cur «book.” Mrs. Keeler divined that Keeler had Newsboy was entered but withdrawn. J«jhn Hammersley has returned from his | Tuesday, the 2Bt inst at 5 o’clock p. m It kill» doubt» aud cur«» doubter». ! The suinpii-us tea was skillful y serve«! by come on out to hia former home in Ore- Leland W took the first heat in 2:43, trip ij^ort Junes. Cat. AddrtM: J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Ma»». Mrs Coolidge herself, to the great enjoy MfaH Minnie Wai rad returned yesterday i ment of the following guest«: Revs Wru gon. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hnelry of this Hine second, Rosmont distanced. Hiac from her Central f «ant visit Clvdeand K'. G Strange and their wives, city are old residents of that part of Wis- took the next three beats by a close Trade Mar tra anti Copyrfg;its. All Reserved. Chas. Moure, the Portland attorney, took Me>d ones Fox, Ralph and Atkinson and conain and Mrs. Keeler wrote to Mr. shave, his first in 2:29^, and bis last two Miss Sarah Fox It was a very happy oc yesterday's stage for Lakeview. in 2:31 each. He Hosley asking if Keeler was here, casion and will not soon be forgotten. Col. Kobt. A. Miller aud wife of Oregon No. 3, one r ile dash, running, purse No man or woman can enioy life or ac- ley if quired and found thMt Keeler was City are visiting Jacksun euuucy. cotupli-b much hi this world while suffer not oniy here but also had an “incum- |125. L. Galbreath entered Tanner, a H Allixo*» and Emiuetl Sutton returned ing from a torpid liver DeWitt’s Little berance,” in the shape of a woman, to all sorrel stallion, by Longfirld and Marteen- Early Risers, the pills that cleanse that Saturday from Goose Lake valley. appearances his wife. He wrote tbe er, Wm. Shook entered Rubber Neck, P. Ivory. Jr , after an absence of several organ, quickly. Eugene A. Sherwin. sorrel gelding, by Coragan and Sinflre; The Ashland branch ot tbe Rogue River facts to Mrs. Keeler. years, h again back on Applegate Vai ey Musical Union was organized this Tbe dumbfounded wife took the oext W. H. McNamesentered Free Coinage, L. L. Freeman and family of Central week. Or people at h imo, wishing to A. F. Eddy is president. Miss He en Peint have moved tu Marysyùle, Cal. purchiibe their winter supply of Stanley secretary and Elmer Patrick treas train and arrived in Ashland Saturday sorrel gelding by Visi and Lucy Grav; Robt Baber entered Phillip Fair, bay Mrs. Jessee Houck went to Jacksonville urer Mrs. A C. Dixon. Miss M ry Sils- morning. Sunday before City Attorney by and Elmer Patrick are a corum it tee on Watson, she signed the complaint ciiarg s allioo, by Biahop and Sierra Nevada ; J. yesterday to visit Mrs. Judge Hanna. music atui A J. Hugeler, E E Washburn OLD MEN The late reunion at Gold Hill was a suc and Mrs. M<Tnt<»sh on constitution and ing Woodworth Keeler with adultery in J. Bottger named Epdymion, a sorrel cess, There were 125 o.d soldiers present by-laws. The union will meet weekly in gelding by Enterprise and Saffaneet, but connection with one “ Mary Doe. ” Al MADE YOUNG For sp it c i©h will find it to th sir Judge and Mrs. J. R Neil came up today • he various churches of Ash'and. R. T. ' be was withdrawn belore race started. It to attend the funeral of the late Mr. Helm. Andru- or Bolivar. N. Y.. will prob ably be , 3 o’clock p. m., befur© Keeler knew bi© wks a pretty race, Tanner first, with Free interest to get o lr prices on such -elected leader. wife was in town, tie was placed under bills before buying. . Misses Bessie and Delpha Hammond of .arrest in I<l urn’s butchershop, where lie Coinage a neck behind, Rubber Neck a Program Normal Entertainment Medford have entered the state university end off respectable third and Phillip Fair fourth. at Eugene. At Chautauqua ¡abernacle Friday even- . was employed, by Constable N. M. Long. Tanner’s time 1:47. To cheap cash stores and John P. Hazen of Poe val'ey, Klamath ing, 8ep»e'iiber 24, 1897 : Justice of tlie Peace A. P. Hammond set Guitar duet—' apt. Anderson and Lieut, Low Grade Goods when you countv. is here on a business trip aud tu at his bail at $500, in default of which be Wednesday’s program:— Warenpaugh of Salvation Army. tend the fair. get good goods at home for A Special race—trot and pace—2 in 3 Recitation—Fred Homes. was placed in jail. The examination saiuc money. . . . , J. G Mc onald of Tolo was in town yes Coronet solo Klamath Maid won first heat in 2:52, commenced Monday, Watson for the terday en roare to the Iron Mountain mine Recitation—Grace Nickerson, Alron second, McKinley Bill third. In in Shasta county. song— Mae Grainger state and Briggs for tbe defendant. Tai« — Hon. G. B. Wa’snu. Miss Jessie B-itt of Newberg, daughter I The examination took place Mondav second heat Klamath Maid came in first, Guitar duet — Capt. Anderson and Lieut. of the late 8. P. laud agent, visited Miss Watenpaugh i and Tuesday and resulted in Keeler be- 2:46, McKinley Bill second and Alraon Mabel < utts last week. Recitation—Hallie Thomas. , ing bound over to appear before the De tnird. I Recitation—Gertie Engle Sheriff Fitch of Klamath county arrived Tne half mile dash was captured by Tuesday and rook tbe train for Salem with ! Piano duet— Misses Thomas and Grainger cember grand jury for adultery. His ^•4*++++++++++-i'+++++++-{-+’^H ■('¿■•l"!*4'++++‘i‘++*H*-L-++++++++++-S-++ j bail was placed al $250, but the next da\ Jubilum in 0:50 2 5, Argo second, Hot Reci*ation—Joey Beyers. an insane man. When you are in Ashland. Oregon ubar dud—Capt Anderson and Lieut. . it was reduced to $100, which was fur JMuff Bessie third. The other entries Silas Shattm-k ami Rufus C>»le, pru.nin /h »top at the ...... e't pioneers an<l stocKineu of Siskiyou -VatenptMi Poors open at 7 and program begins ■t nished, ami Keeler was turned l<»ose were Little Girl, Boiut»oneer and Ten i mountain, were here yesterday. 8 o’clock. Mrs. Keeler will leave today for her home. Broek. Harvey Richardson of Trail creek was in Klor.dike won tbe “cow boy’’ mile Some people think they will compromise Woodville Breezeleta. Medford Tuesdav, having sold a bunch of | the case and that she will not appear to dash, Red Seal second. Toddles third. fine stuck cattle to Dalbert Terrill. D. N. Birdsey of Bolt is quite ill. Time, 2:01. Rev. Robert Ennis of Jacksonville, will Jos. M. Whipple left today for his placer ' prosecute in December, I “Mary Doe” was spirited away over prpac»i in exchange with Rev. w. G. Strange mines on Jump-off-Joe Two Old Settler© Pans Away. uexc Sabbath morning and evening. Best $1.00 a Day House The many families who have been in Jos- ’ ; the California state line Saturday night Joseph Rapp, the well-known gardner Henrv H Gilfry. legislative clerg of th«* ephine county picking hops are returning, i (>n the Pacific Coast. ' to prevent Mrs. Keeler from prosecuting United States sena e. is expected in Eugene as be hups are all picked. and farmer of Talent, an old pioneer and | I her for lewdoess. tbe first w«ek in October. I-.OC A.T'RIZ» I TM« CENTKK Judge Reid of Tacoma is expected to re- i Keeler was very much surprised when respected citizen of Ja< kson county,died “Only nervous” is a sure indication that turn soon and c<>mpie:e the deal for the •»t his home vesterday morning, aged 78 I the blood is not pure. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Hammersley mining propertv. W. A McGREW, Proprietor ' tie found himself in the toils. He had FIT SMOOTHLY purities the blood and cures nervousness. wars, of capilliary bronchitis. Tne fan ih of J W. Robinson, the Wimer anticipated that his wife would take no GIVE COMFORT Rev Joe Waldroop. several vears ago merchant, is expected to return soon from further interest in him and Mary D ie, Frank Helm, for some years a con- i LOOKWELL the chief populist orator of Oregon, preach (heir eastern Oregon camping trip. who was from the vicinity of Deposit, N. firmed invalid, died in Ashland Tuesday ' ed a sennun at Healdsburg, Cal., last week. NEVER RIP The survey on the Howell ditch on Evans The leases of the Pukegama saw mill in creek is completed Some work is being Y., was more to his liking. He told the night, in the 80th year of his age. He FROM THE SHEEP T© THE MAN. tend cutting about 5 OOO.nOO feet ot logs done, but active operations will not com whole storv to Mary and their purpose was an uncle of W. F. Songer and Dr. S. ■ this corning winter, to be ready for tbe mence until the arrival of Mr. Howell from was to leave New York, (where it le T. Songer and an old pioneer resident of Material as Strong a* the Best. Appearance Better than All spring drive. San Francisco The property promises to extremely bard to get a divorce), acquire this state. The funeral takes place this Max Pracht. who has been in the Good be one of the best in southern Oregon when i a residence in Oregon, secure a divor« e afternoon , Samaritan Hospital. Portland was brought completed. home Monday. Miss Lottie Pracht accom This section will present more than usual ©nd get married. They came to Ash The Mfr*. xuthorUe ux to give with every pxiz sold this unheard of Wirrantj • Harry High Dies Suddenly. panied him. activity among the mining industry this land because ho was running short of HEADQUARTER8 FOR You may buv a t>»lr of Wool Trousers at Ed. Cameron, in Jail at Roseburg charged c-ming season. Among «hose which will | money and wanted to come where be Harry Huh, the 15-jear-old sou of with burglary for stealing grub for his ‘ pen- be in active operation we note the follow Mr. and Mrs. R. F. High of this city, niless family, escaped from the Douglas I ing: The ('oast Range plant, the Howell was known. ditch and Tne Hamtuerslev. besides num diod suddenly yesterday morning at the county bas tile Monday. erous others on Pleasant and Foots creek. Investigating a Poisoning. reform school in Salem. He and his No one in ordinary health need become And wear them two months. For every SUSPENDER BUT _ will __ follow . .««en-iible bald or gray, if he Coroner Kir«hge©-«ner and Deputy Dis brother were getting along nicely at the The grand jury handed la the follow treatment. We V.’c advise cleanliness of the TON that COMES OFF WE will PAY you TEN CENTS. trict Attorney White are holding an in school and were well pleased, hence the scalp and the use of Hall’s Hair Renewer. ing report Saturday, and was discharged : , If they RIP at the WAISTBAND WE will PAY you FIFTY To the Hon. Circuit O*»urt of the State qu»st at Eagle Point over the remains of announcement uf his sudden death was Crit Tolman, who has been in Klondike CENTS. If they RIP in the SEAT or elsewhere. WE will Silas Wooley, the 17-yeai-old son of Cath h shock. His father took last night*» and Circle Cirv since spring, arrived home ol Oregon, for tbe Countv of Jackson : MAIN HTKKET—ASIII.AND. OREGON. from San Francisco yesterday to spend the PAY you ONE DOLLAR or GIVE YOU A NEW PAIR. We, the grand jury, empanele«! at the erine Wooley, who died Triday. train for Salem, where the boy will be winter. He was cordially greeted by all the He vomited up matter which was eat buried. September, 1897, term of court, respect BEST IN THE V.'ORLD. TRY A PAIR. boys. en by a dog who also died from its effects. fully submit this, our final report: KOR SAUhD UY Tbe papers in Douglass and I ane coun When you are suffering from Catarrh er A party in the neighborhood is bus We have carefully enquired into all j ties announce that C. B. Jeffries & Uo., tbe Co d in the head you want relief right a-ay. 1897 FALL MEETING fruit packers, have left numerous unpaid case© of violation of law which have been , pected of the crime, the motive being Only 10cents is required to test it Ask your bills there, and otherwise defrauded their brought to our notice and have foun<l in that he feared Wooley would testify or druggist for the trial site of Ely’s Cream creditors. Balm, or buy the 50c size. We mail it. dictments in such onlv as in our judg- ; inform on him for some crime. ELY B ..OS. 5b w arren St., N. Y . City. Owing to unexpected delavs in the works m-*iit the evidence seemed to warrant. , These aro the onlv particulars that 1 was afflicted with catarrh last autumn. We examined the c<»unty hospital, and of moving a>>d repairing the U. M. L. hall During me month ot October I could of Talent, the dance which was to be held converse«! at some length wit!» the in- could be secured at this writing. I neuber taste nor smell and could hear but in the bail on Saturday of this week has mates concerning the food and clothing litde. Ely’s Cream Balm cured it.—Marcus been postponed. provided for them, and also as to the«r To Cure a Cold in One Day Geo bbautz, Rahway, N J. Circuit Judge W. C. Hale, wife and two general treatment. With one exception Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, children eaine in from Klamath Falls Mon as to the clothing of one individual, all All druggists refund the money if it fails to day and took the next day’s train for Eu appeared to lie satisfied. We regard tbe 1 gene, where Mrs Hale will spend the win building as being entirely unsuitable for : Cure. 25c. ter while the children attend school. the proper care of the county’s depend John E. Harmon, o( Yreka, came over ents; and in particular would we reconi A Railroad Official’s Experience MARRIED. Tuesday to attend the fair, but was called mend such an addition thereto as will home yesterday bv a telegram informing enable the contractor to separate the sick him of the Heatb of bis motber-in-law, Mrs. and helpless and those who are unable . KINNEY-WAGNER—In Ashland, Sept. LIB ERAI. PURSES. L. Sche d, a pioneer lady of that place. to control themselves by reason of age j 20 1897. by Rev 8 E. Mrmenger, A. E. John Morley, who has been inch trge of and infirmities, fr<»m the main body of | Kinnev aud Miss Mabel Wagner. Entrances io all Puree Races, Ten Per Cent of the Amount of Purse. Armour <fc Go’s Fruit Growers’ Exprès - ice the inmates. At present they are housed ; Mr. Kinney is an industrious, prosperous Entries not Otherwise Specified to Close the Day Before the Rice house in Ashland all summer, returne d to and fed together. Tne sanitary condi- ■ and successful merchant of Ashland and is Sacramento this week. His numerous ------- PROGRAMME-------- tiuns of tlie building at this time, for the being roundly congratulated at hia success friends hope to see him here again next reason referred to, are very bad indeed in winning such a splendid young lady for season. SPECIAL NOTICE—All purses for the trials of speed sha’I be divided as follows, not otherwise provided for: Seventy per to be given to the first horse, twenty per I According to the Indian Hgn—an enorm We cannot, in the interest of helpless his bride. They have taken up their resi rent to the second horse, and ten per cent lo the third horse ous crop uf acorns and all kinds uf wild humanitv, do less than urge upon the dence in their new home adjoining that of Purses ottered for colts of one, two. and th^e«* years old shall not be competed for, fruits—the coming winter is to be a very se proper authorities the necessity of a radi- i the bride’s pioneer parents, Mr. and Mrs. except by colts owned and located, or whose sire or dam was owned or located in the i vere one. As there has been nw severe win c.d reform in this matter at once. ' Jacob Wagner, on Granite street and have district, or in Douglas, Coos, or Curry counties prior to tne first day of January, 1897. ter in several years tbe "sign” may prevail We have inspected, in a brief and cur this time. sory manner, tlie books of the several | the kindest wishes of a large circle of t.1 ■ FRIDAY, SEPT. 24. TUE8DAY, SEPT. 21, 1897 It is reported that A. Cavan has sold his county officers, and find them neat and . friend-« for a married life of continued hap quartz mine near lower Cole’s for $501*0. clean and apparently well kept. The piness Trotting — Two-forty-class ; 3 in 5^ 11 Running—W mile dash................ $ 75 on Parties have gone to C. B. Poole’s quartz limited time at our disposal torbids anv airs© ................. ................ I 125 00 Trotting-3 minute class, 3 in 5.. 125 00 mine with a view uf purchasing. The hairy extended or critical examination of ac- 175 00 Running—1 mile dash ; purse .. 126 00 12 unning—1% mile dash .. ESS BORN. Queen mine.owned by T, Jones, has shipped c unte, whicii, we felt, did not strictly 13 Trotting—Threr-vear-oldj; 2 in i- - , 125 00 ore to tbe smelter. 3; Dist. 3 minute c!aas... R. EDWARD EDMONDS, long con WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 22. c »me within the purview of our duties. fail nected with railroad construction in Running sores, indolent ulcers and simi We pxamined the county jail and found KIBBE—In Ashland. September 21. 1«97. 25. SATURDAY, SEPT. —Two-twentv-five class; to Mr. and Mrs. Chas Kibbe, a daughter Nebraska,writes: "My heart troubled 4 Trotting lar troubles, even though of many sears it in iairiy good condition and amply se- pacing, two-thirty class : 3 in 5; I 14 Trotting an i Pacing—Free for standing, may be cure«! by u>ing DeWitt’s • ure tor the safe-keeping of prisoners. CH APMAN—At Beagle, Sept. 15. 1897, to and pained me for 19 years. Shortness of pur-e.......................................... $ 200 0U all; purse................................ $ 300 00 Witch Hazel Halve It soothes, strength _________ — _______________ _____ 7f 00 15 Running X mile dash; __ purse H iving f illy completed the work be ! Mr. and Mrs. Walter Chapman, a breath was the constant and most common 5 Running Ä9.’ a£k-i — % mile da'di; handi ens and heals It is the great pile cure daughter. symptom. Intense, excruciating pain, gener 6 Cowboy Race—1 mile dash ; purse 25 00 fore us, respectfully ask to be discharged. cap; purse ............ .................. 75 00 i Eugene A. Sherwin. ally followed any severe exertion. Faintness, Signed by all the members of the grand 16 Special ........................................... THURSDAY, SEPT. 23. J«ie Bagley, of tbe car repairers, was mar hunger without any appetite, fluttering that Lack of vitality and color-matter in the made me clutch my breast, and palpitation ried Monday at Medfoid by Rev. E. jury. baseball . this Dated at Jacksonville. Oregon, 7 Trottingand Pacing—3 year olds, bulbs causes tbe hair to fall out and turn Fisher io .Miss May Busey a young lady of Beginning with and continuing during gray We recommend Hall’s Hair Re that often staggered me as if I would fail, 2 in 3; purse .............. $ 125 00 that place who has been in Ashland 18th day of September, la97. were frequent attacks Again, everything 8 Running—N velty; lmile: purse 120 00 the fair, there will be play-d each day. com- ! newer to prevent baldness and grayness. several months. Their numerous friends mencing at 9 o’clock a. in , a game of base- j would turn black if I arose from a stooping 9 Bicvc e— 1 mile; boys under 1Ü wish them a happy career. Rev. J F. Wallace, M. E. church south, If you have ever seen a little child in a 10 00 ball between clubs of the district,composed years ; purse.................................. Sleepless nights with their posture quickly. will preach at Emigrant creek school house Earoxysm of whooping cough, or if you of local placers only 10 Special ........................................ . . Andrew Z. Hammersley a pioneer of Lake prostrating unrest were been annoyed by a constant tickling at 11 a iu. and Neil creek at 3 p. m. a week Dr. Miles’ county and art early settler in Oregon died tn ave numerous and I could the throat, you can appreciate the value from next Sunday. at Lakeview recently, leaving a grown fam of One Minute Cough Cure, which gives The Southern Pacific has informed the society that tariff rates will be charged on all President McKinley yesterday appointed | Heart Cure get no rest day or night. freight thippe I here for exhibition, but all such freight which h><9 not changed hands ily of s-ven living children. He was a quick relief. Eugene A. Sherwin. I consulted leading phy* C. B. Moores to succeed R. A. Miller as I brother of Judge Geo. R Hammersley, of will be returned free, upon compliance with the company’s special regulations This sicians and tried adver Restores Geo. Estes, who will take the excursion register of the Oregon City land office. Gold Hill and a good citizen onlv to articles and stock for exhibition and does not apply to race horses. All tised remedies. They applies train to Portland Monday, is in to*n. perishable freight, which, on account of its nature has become worthless, will, upon Seasonable goods, such a* refrigerators, 1 Health ••••••• gave me no relief, One of Francis E. Bov<l. Jennie R. Nickerson, Word comes from all along the line that Professor THOS. F. CAMPBELL, A. M. presentation of certificate of society stating that *:ime ha? been on exhibition and has tents, hammocks and camping goods at Eliza A. Hale, Mollie E. Carrick, 11 T. the excursion will be much larger than Dr Mlles* circulars described my case so not changed hands, the freight charges will be n turned. One and one-third fare will be Opera House Furniture Store Chitwood, Oliver C Applegate and Geu 8, last year. Formerly of the University of the Pacific, will have charge of the Commercial exactly that I took Dr. Miles* New Heart charged for round trip tickets on all traius, to apply from ad stations from Ashland to Nickerson have filed articles with the secre Capt. Peterson and Lieutenant May of Cure and I am now a well man. I hope Comstocks. Department. Mrs Arant is visiting her children in I Medford tary uf state incorporating the First Con assisted the Salvation Army dur GENERAL CONDITIONS Douglas county. You can have your choice nf over fifty etndive fnr the price of one tuition. gregational Chursh at Klamath Falls. ing their harvest festival aud Capt Ander- ; every one troubled with heart disease will try Dr. Miles* remedies. If they will writ© Tuition for Term—165.00. son and Lieut Watenpaugh accompanied J lo cue tbe race, above given do nnt fill with four complete entriea, tbe board re- me personally, I will gladly give them full serves them to Medford yesterday, the right to make specials to fill the programme. details of my experience.” E dw . E dmond ©. TRANSFER OF ENTRIES—If a horse is entered in any race that does not fill, the Short Hand and Type Writing Department. i The report that the grand jury had in- P. O. Box 65, David City, Nebraska. entry may bs transferred to any other race to which the horse is eligible. I ticted Dr J M. Scruggs for the killing of Business Department. Dr. Mlles* Heart Cure is sold on guarantee i L. C. Quisling got into print in these col that first bottle benefits or money refunded. I Normal Department. umns last week was ircorrect. The grand I iury found not a true bill and Scruggs and Students received at any time. Boxr.l and Lodging from $13 00 per month Newbank were turned loose. to $20 00, Catalogue and Pamphlets on application. Notice for Publication Mrs. W. F. Bachand who has been visit ing her folks. John Frulan and family, Addr«, C E DOAN, Proprietor. joined her husband at Keswick today. 0 L and O ffici at R oskbubg , O rbgon . Mrs. Taylor, who has been visiting her K. L. FEBMAL. September 20. 1897. J. a. m ’ cobmick sister. Mrs. Harry Barbour, returned to Scott valley. Mrs. B. accompanied her to otice 1« hereby given that the following named settler has tiled not The Ashland I Gatelie. ice of hi*» intention lo make final proof in M. L. Alford, wife and son ©re doing Pell-1 support of his claim, a* d that said proof i can bay F.C.CtfS gfeJC.Co’S will he made before C. H, Withrow, clerk Ninth year opens Sept. 20,1897. Walter Frulan ©nd Waldo Klum are of Klanistb county, Oregon, at Klsmath Buys and gir's are receive«! at the earliest hunting at Dead Indian. Falls, Oregon, on October 3”. 1897, viz: school age. and are carried by a « arefully Robert M. Garrett on H E. No. 75»» for articulated course through all grades, up to i Frantz Baptist, tbe genial artist at the the Have moved their plant into 8 M -N K K. H E N W K. »nd Lot 2 final preparation for college ; Depot Hoiei lunch counter, and Mrs. Gloor, of Sec. 30. Twp. 40 8. K 5 Rast. awßpiii il. their new building, one block •/; An advanced course, equivalent to the j the highly respected niece <»f Mr. and Mrs. He name« the following witnesses to above tbe Chautauqua grove. freshman year in college. Fits fur the J. A. Gross, gu tu Poriland on Monday’s prove bis continuous residence upon and sophomore class. i excursion, where they will be married and of said land, via: Daniel D. H Vocal music forms a part of the regular i go to house keeping on • farm near cultivation, Daniel I. Waldroop, George W. They are prepared to do u—«__ course of in-truction in tlie primary an ! j Albany. Bai'ey, Al. Hopkins, all of Shake, Oregon. grammar grades; and iu ibe academy, in I R. M. VEATCH. Register. > Fox <t Hildreth hare ice in large or small struction in tbe rudiments of music and First-Class Work {q ianuues sight reading ia open to all who may wiau at Reasonable Rates. it. — The academy ia on the list of accredited . H h ; Certainly you don't want to suffer with schools at ihe university of Oregon, Feeffl© : dyspepsia, constipation, sick headache, sal- There wagon will call for unirersitj. Lemnd Ktanford, Amuerst, Wil-1 ! low skin aud loss of appetite. You have Hams. Wooster and Woman’« college, Bal and deliver work 10 all parte : never tried DeWiu’s Little Early Risers timore. <4 the city. j for these complaints or you would have Students ar« fitted for the examinations They are without a peer—Without a rival. been cured. They are small pills hut great of Harvard. Princeton, Yale, Bryn Mawr They give an added handsomneM to the figure I regulators. Eugene A. Sherwin. and other Eastern college*. They offer no restriction to the circulation, digestion or respiration. — I Ashland Steam Laundry Co. * The academy has a dwelling for gir!s ar.d They make short waists appear long To Cure Constipation Forever. young women, well appointed and under ! They are snug-fitting and combine both fashion-sense and common-sense, Take Caecarete Candv Cathortla. 10c er tSe. care: a I management. They give such sausfHCtion ss no other c<*r»et can give. If C. O. C. fail lo cure, druggists refund money. Market St. Ferry, S. F., Cal. Office poors for the cummer, from 9 a ni. They bare advantages no other corsets have. to 12 m and from 2io I p. iu . 13io bireel, They retain their favor with all iadie<i who have worn them, because of their I I. offprint Ladi«. low .how. Oaford., between Montgomery and Hall. superior quality no. .trap .nd four .‘r.o 8«o<l«l». fl'ir For catalogue address Sold and Roooamended by THE FAIR STORE. vw-tlain, A rm > c 7. 64 and fl* Merchant, Ex- Kid O. 8. plain too, at 60 conto 2 Portlmnd rriy, to 6. pootaoo u conta or fooo. Moa’o M f**" Fronden. CMtfornlU. "boro ABMLAND, OHÍÜUM Perused, Oregon. «•WM Mow |M7. Aak 1W U m . ' ccatraote tor .drontoto. Mtn bo modo lor It MOMSY'BACX, SAN FRANCltCO. hi KEEP POUR ETE ON PASCO! KhlUhi. Rattlesnakes, Butterflies and... ? «^^^Everything Guaranteed at Sherwin's McMinnville COLLEGE, McMinnville, Oregon. The Prize Winners at the World’s Fair, 1893 DutchcssTrouscrs GROCER/ES D. L. Minkler & Son ASHLAND HOUSE Poley&Co CHOICE GROCERIES MONEY GUARANTEE. $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50, $4 or $5 VAUPEL, NORRIS & DRAKE. First Southern Oregon District Ag’l Society. !(jas city Business College Full Details Gladly Given. MEDFORD, OREGON. Fall Term Begins Sept, 6th. f M Closed August 31st That Schilling s Best tea missing-word contest closed August 31st. We shall announce the winners and the word at the first possible moment. A $2000.00 missing-word contest begins at once. Schilling s Best baking powder and tea are _________because they are money-back. What is the missing word ? Every ticket taken from Schillings Best baking powder or tea is good for one guess at the missing word. Send your ticket with your guess and name and address to W. T. YORK, Secretary. Portland Academy N SMITHS CASH STORE THIS PAPER 2 StOCktOH, Cal