VALLEY RECORD.1 10lh, Mot •*>!» of Alert haalien taUUUl UEJVV11V. Ouatenia ia to ordered heal the broken amt diseased tissues, The «fesni’-r Exec!« or errh nd ■. Winifred Back, the newspaper to To Gnaleina'an revolutionists have cap xHtlbe Ibe irrliatetl surface-. Io instanily fr«.m St M - tured the city of Oc a, a seaport tov.n writer known as “Annie Laurie,w has reli-ve and to permanently cure ia tbe nil. Ban Franc a *« eiun of DeWiu'e Witch Hasel Balve. Eu aels last week She brought down 63 American interests during the revolu on the Pacific coast. • f ed suit tor divorce at Sun Francisco gene A. Sherwin. passengers, most of whom were from against her husband, Orrin Black, on tion. Aft apparently wc’l-phinned revolu the grounds of extreme cruelty. The People'■ Paper. Frank McDowol of Elmira, Cal., was the Klondike. There was not near a» The coal miners' strike, as far as the tion has broken out in Nicaragua. Tne The Santa Ciara Valley Poultry and drowned in the Russian river, near much gol<l on the steamer as expected. ■ CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, »130,000 00 Pittsburg district is concerned, Is off, rebels attacked two important cities As near as can l>e learned tho amount Kennel club will hold this year’s show Iltaidsburg, where he was camping. ' MAIN OFFICES I ASHLAND. Or. Tburaday, Sept. Î3. 1887 and the 15,000 diggers have resumed •imnltaneously. is between $500,000 to $750,000. Aii at Sun Jo-ie, Cal., November 22d. Pet A lone highwayman held up an elec work at the 65-cent rate. The Spanish cabinet is expected to stock, such as rabbits pigeons aud Bel the Klondikers agree that there will be tric car iu the outskirts of Sacramento, Peter Jackson, the colored pugilist, resign, owing to the excommunication a great shortage of food al Dawson this Freight Traffic Manager U. »'. Smurr, has just come over from London, to of the minister of finance for taking gian hares, will be admitted. Cal., an.i robbed the conductor of 48 35. winter, and possibly starvation. Many mortgage satisfactions record ot the 8. P. hae completed bia atatialica look for a fight. He says that he will possession of a church. BRANCHES: Constable Spaulding of Pulo Alto, George Jones, of La Grande, Cal., ed in the clerk ’ s offieo show that Uma of deciduoua trull abipmenta thia aeaaon meet any man iu the world. A wire nail works and two lamp tilla county, Or., farmers have the Cui., lias been pioa-uted with a petition went to Merced to witness the circus YORK BOSTON CHICACO NEW upto Sept. 1. Up to that date there Dr. T. B. Carter and Charles P. Rus chimney plants have resumed opera means and determination to get out of signed b> 30 prominent eitisens, asking i and became intoxicated. Agente at all o'her When the him to resign. were aent from California to Colorado, the sel, prominent nten of Texas, mot at tions at Anderson, Ind., giving employ PHILADELPHIA. Important Pointa. I time came for the performance he went debt. The government will now go ahead i to a young lady’s home to take her, Miaeowrl river andeaalern points 83,750,- Abbott to transact some business. A ment to some 1500 men. IN O 1 W A '1' I N< i The receipts for Riverside county, 000 pounda of fruit, making 3,550 car dispute arose, each drew his pistol and By the burning of Preston Howard’s C.i’,, for 1896-97 were $319,59-5, which with the constiuction of a breakwater i but she seeing his condition refused to at Sail Pedro, Cal., and will push the loads. For tbe similar period of lost shot the other dead. home at Port Alma, Ont., three of his added to the balance of ca-h on hand go with him, whereupon he drew a year the carloads numbered 2,030. It is Mrs. James Baptiste shot and fatally daughters, nged IB, 10 and 6 years, of $115.741, mako u total of $435,316. work on the project. pistol and shot himself, inflicting a Ow Lung, a Chinese living at Fresno, were burned to dealh- wound from which he cannot recover. estimated that 2000 carloads of grapes wounded her husband, a, telegraph The expenses for the year were $331,- Cui., ate a quantity of grapes, swallow- The peace treaty between the fgov- 98!. will be sent east before tbe aeaeon clorea operator, at Butte, Mont. Baptiste David Lodge, a wealthy ’and owner ing the seeds. The seeds caused in- early in Nv.remler. The railroad offici recently left his wife and took up with ernment of Uruguay and the insur of Sonoma county, returned to his The citric acid factory about to bo gents has been signed, and their is oponed at Ontario, Cui., has secured a fiamation of the bowels,.from w hich he home near Healdsburg, intoxicated. als think that by tbe end of the aeaaon e variety actress. died. Fire destroyed the stock barn of great rejoicing among the citizens. He ended a quarrel with his wife by 187,500,000 pounds of green fruit, ur supply of cull lemons at j cent per J. S. Dariah was shot and killed by throwing a lighted lamp at her, but John A. Logan Jr., at Youngstown, O. The treaty of peace between Greece pound. This gives producers about 18 500 carloade will bave been aent from ARMOUR & CO., PRO^mcrona Eighty ti ne bred horses and many ele and Turkey ha« been signed. The cents per box for au otherwise useless Frank Milner, near Banning, River which struck a bed, exploded, fired Caluornia to Colorado and other pointe side county, Cui., while having a dis the house and destroyed it. The lose Genaral Offices: 205 La Salle St. Chicano, Illinois. gant equipages were burned. The loss Groces consider the terms exceedingly product. further east. Each car sent east carries is estimated at 475,000. pute over tlie ownership of an irriga will reach $4900. hard, and accept the result with mourn Besides having his The certificate of incorporation of tion ditch. about twelve and one half tone of fruit. | face and hands badly burned Lodge is The navy department will recom ful resignation. the San Diego Land and Town com Thia season is the beat in the history of Peter Johnson, one of the most prom- in _ jail to answer a charge of assault Five men were insiantly killed and pany at Kittery, c unity of York, Me., mend to congiess that appropriation be the fruit industry of California with the made for the construction of at least three were badly injured in a head has been Hied with the county cier.c inent capitalists of Los Gatos, Cal., w|(h a deadly weapon, possible exception of 1894. four new dry docks, one of which is to end collision of freight trains on the of San Diego county, ('al. The capital failed to fully turn off the gas when he The abundant fruit crop about Eu NEW CARS <>r LATEST DESIGN and CONSTRUCTION ONLY in USE retired and iu tlie morning was found Wisconsin Central railroad near How stock is placed at $3,159,000. An execution bae been issued out ot be located at Mare island, Cal. gene, Or., this year has caused a jar dead from asphyxiatiou. ard, Wis. tbe circuit court for Josephine county on A Perfect Ventilator and Refrigerator Fruit Car. In Bombay India, tho plague is car famine there, and glass jars cannot be Recently the little 4-year-old daught tbe judgment rendered last fall against rying off 500 people a week still. It is The case of the Northern Paeilic rail had for love or money. The usual Patrick Griffin, a miner, was knocked er of Jim llang of the Chinese quarter Pacific Coast Division: the Hammeraley Mining Co. iu favor ot now officially declared that the plague down u 1400-foot shaft at u mine in in Albany, Or., set tire to her ciothing way company against the settlors in number of orders M ore placed for jars the men who claimed miner«’ liens, Tlie volving title to 230,009 acres of land in Butte, Mont., and instantly.killed. His 1005 SECOND ST.. SACRAMENTO, CAL. purpoae ia to clear tbe title to the mine exists in Jiddali, the port from which was the fifth violent death at Butte and was so badly burned that she Eastern Washington line been decided early in the season by dealers, who OFFICES: I did not foresee the great demand for died. and tben endeavor to aell the property Mecca is reached. 210 STARK STREET. PORTLAND. OREGON in favor of the settlers. within 12 hours. • this Mare that has followed. One firm for a Bum sufficient to pay off alt the ROUT. r>-<AHAM, Manager Illinois, Indiana nnd Iowa arc suffer Los Angeles has a novel company Constable Janies Garsghty i ' ... __ ____ ______________ ______ During a dense fog that prevailed just incorporated under the name of and jn Eugene sold over 300 dosen glass claims. The mill on the property is ing severely for want of rain. In some claimed to be subject to tlie judgment. parts the rivers arc dry and cattle arc off the Newfoundland coast the British the Yot Loy Hing association. Its lhonias Gavin engaged in a pistol jars thia season, aud could have sold Uut Jones & Otten, the Woodville mer steamer Rhodera and the Norwegian duel in a Sonora, Cal., saloon. Gavin, many more if they had them. Many ------ THE------ chants, resist Ibis contention, end there dying for want of water. In Indiana steamer Eugene went ashore near object is “to encouiftge and cultivate who was looking for trouble, was shot olher firms have made as large or social, friendly and beneovleut rela tho corn is being burned to death. is room for a lawsuit as to the possession. I Cape Race, and both are total wrecks. through the nose. 11 ---------- ---------------------- »■'- • ----- * — I larger sales. Being unable to get g'as^ tions” among the Chinese. President McKinley is of the opinion John Corkin, the 18-year-old lad Willie Preiser, the 5-year-old son of jars, many people are now buying Ernest T. Hargrove has resigned the J. W. Stamper, one of the pioneers brought to tbe penitentiary from Aal'hud that there will he groat suffering presidency of tho Theosophical Society William Preiser of Fresno county, Cal., alone jara to preserve their fruits. t yesterday feels deeply the horror of tno among the miners in the Klondike of America in order, he says, to enter of Umatilla county, Or., is in his 73d wnB dragged to death by a horse. He year, but notwithstanding he raised situation. As Sheriff Barnes parted from region this winter and is determined him the boy clung io the officer and to land supplies nt Dawson city if pos the business world and recoup his for 13,090 bushels of wheat this year w ith had the halter tied around his arm and Ventilator-Refrigerator a r. tunes. wept bitterly. Being an orphan boy and sible. the aid of a boy, w ho worked for three the horse runaway. giving evidence of real penitence, Super W. B. McKay, recently convicted of A son has been born to the Duke and months only. Mr. Stamper disposed of The celebrated C- F. X Ventilator-Refrigerator Car H as a national reputation. Five members of a gang of brutal Duchess of Marlborough. The mother intendent Filbert thinks of making him manslaughter at Redwood city, Cal., his wheat at 76 cents a bushel. It injures perfect preservation of perishable fruits and vegetables through any a “trusty,” which will reduce his teim thieves, that for years has terrorised was formerly Miss Vanderbilt. The climate. Tne service is entirely supervised by our own agents between the Pacific The body fcof J. R >binson, drowned has been sentenced to five years in the one-ball.—Salem dispatch in Oregonian, farmers in Southern Indiana, were Prince of Wales has signified his wiil- and the Atlantic Coasts. more than ten months ago in the state prison. McKay killed his cousin 19th iuat. Nevertheless the boy ia about taken front the jail at Versailles, where ingness to stand sponsor for the child, “ white ............... has last June at Half Moon bay. Ll.w. liver near Tacoma, Wash., as hard a nut as there is abroad. they were confined for robbery, and Dr. DeWitt F. Crandall is in jail at I The yellow fever situation in New just been recover from a sandbar a Dr. B. R. Freeland, tbe able and ex lynched. I Orleans is growing serious. The disease mile from where lie fjll into the river. I.os Angeles, charged with murdering perienced dentist, Insurance block, Oak Bv u-ing the 0. F. X Care, with ventilators open from loading point to It is now a common occurrence for is spreading and mauy victims i street, is prepared te do all classes of ' work The tragedy is tho Monday work commenced with a Jack Bowman. Truckee. F<u.t is cooled quiekerin thia way than when car is iced and closed up in his line in a scientific and skillful man- the inhabitants of Havana to be with are dying. The plague has reached large force of men on a new railroad result of a petty quarrel over a woman at loading l»>inl. uer. Give him a call. out meat and luild for days at a time, up through the Missiiaaippi valley as from Kramer station on the Atlantic while on a debauch in a low resort. In all the world there is no other treatment 0. B SMITH, Gen’l Manager. CONTINENTAL FRUIT EXPRESS, •o pure, so sweet, so safe, so speedy, for pre- 8onoma county, Cal., has just corn- owing . to insurgents capturing \ the rail- far as Cairo, III., where two men have and Pacific road to Johannesburg, in The steamer Bismarck plying along serving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, 1219 Chamber ol O iinmerce, Onie iiO. 1012 Second St., Sacramento pl.t.d picking one of the finest crops of '“»d »Ution. and proventing transpor- the fever in mild form. Strict quaran the heart of the Mojave desert mining scalp, and hair, and eradicating every hu the Oregon coast, encountered a severe Lpa In ito history. | tation. tine has been placod against Alabama, region. mor, as warm baths with C utiouba S oap , storm while off Rogue river and would and gentlo anointings with CwncuBA (oint A wreck on the Wabash road at Key Louisiana and Mississippi. H. German, proprietor of tho Dragon ment), the great skin cure. Ixeon Hill, found guilty of murder have gone to the bottom had it not tesville, Mo., resulted in the death of President Diaz has given orders that dm- store, Los Angeles, lias disappear ing Lloyd Duke in Fresno county, last been for the ussietanco of the tug Postal Clerk William Gaines of St. the most rigid inquiry be made into ad, leaving debts of $7000. Tonquin. Louis, Fireman W. B. Smith of Mober- the lynching of Arroyo, the man who June, has been sentenced to life ini- General Commission Merchants. The Ontario (Cal.) Fruit Exchange — George Williams and George AV. _ . Nine others were assaulted him during the celebration in prisoninent. ■hipped 90 carloade of orange« last injured but none seriously. Slagel, the men who tried to holdup John Annerson, a lumberman, was the city of Mexico, and that the guilty year and will ship 200 this year. !■ Mid throufhoat th« world. P otter instantly killed in a logging camp near the Los Angeles express near Lathrop, D rug a O nbm . C obp ., Sol« Prop«., Boston. James Shea, shift bojs of a mine at parties be severely punished. ar" Al! About th« Skin, Scalp, and Hair, ” fto«. Eureka, Cal., by a log roiling oyer recently, were captured near Ncw- Banta Ana, Cal., now compels all I Centerville, Mont., was shot and Two robbers, masked and armed, him. nian, Stanislaus county, after a ten railroad companies doing business killed by Thomas Lane, a miner. Lane EVERY looted the parish bouso of Church ol thera to pay an annual licensefoe of reported for work while drunk and Thomas Inch, an escapo from the days* chase. the Sacred Heart, at Kansas city. $100. | V a set of sil-I 1>roston 8ell0 °'» at Cum was ------ 11ST THE STATE------- The explosion of a gasoline stove set Shea refused to lot him go on. After They secured $75 in cash, * Thomas Finnegan had both legs cut the shooting Lane committed suicide. ver tableware, a gold and silver chalice arrested and sentenced to five years fire to the clothes of Mrs. Louisa How I First-Class Eastern connections and best imprisonment for breaking into a ell, who lived near Long Beach, Cal., off and received injuries that caused facilities for Cur Loud Shipments. The Grand Canyon hotel at Flagstaff, and a watch. The robbers made good cabin and stealing a suit of clothe . and before her husband could extin Nos. Ill, 113 and 115 Front and bis death by jumping from a rapidly Ariz., was destroyed by fire, incurring their escape. guish the flames she received burns Portland, Oregon. 201 and 201H Washington Street. Frank Gomas, employe ! us a switch moving train at Fresno, Cal. a loss of $20,000. The valuab'o scienti J. L. Malcom, a Denver, Col., attor that caused her death. and Truckee ruil- Ex-United States Miuister to Brazil fic library of Dr. T. J. See, the astro ney, has just received a letter from a man on the I road, was el ween two pass- After two years of litigation, Mrs. E. Thomas L. Thompson reached his home mer in charge of the Lowell observa- miner he grubstaded with $300 for I eager coaches at Virginia city, Nev., C. Huntington has agreed to sell the TO THE at Santa Rosa, Cal., last week. He was tqry, whose office was in the hote1, is Alaska two years ago, saying that lie I and crushed so badly that he died city water works to Nevada city, Cal., has struck it rich and considers himself given a very cordial reception upon almost a total loss. MANUFACTURER ’S FAIR. soon after. for 426,000. The offer has been accept worth $8,000,000, one-half of which be his arrival. Senor Andrade, a former ed. Thirty-five thousand dollars will W. li. Bedford, an inmate of the long.* to the attorney. While the pros AT PORTLAND. The body of Thomas Spencer, alias to the United States, has been elected | county farm at Ukiah, Cal., committed be expended improving and extending 127 Front Street—Portland, Oregon. “Blackia,” a tramp, was found on the president of Venezuela. His election pector is considered as a very reliable HE THIRD ANNUAL EXCURSION suicide by shooting himself. He was the system. to THE F 11 It will leave Ashland by railrod track, near San Rafael, Ca1. is regarded as a signal victory for the man his story is regarded as a “jolly.” I a pioneer and wealthy at one time, Enoch Sylvester of Lebanon, Or., special train Sept 27th, making good time, Fear of yellow fever has lead to vio Three tramps have been arrested aud plan adopted to settle by arbitration but lost his money speculating in and a man working in a hop yard near taking excursionists from all points be placed in jail accussed of murdering the boundary line dispute between lence near Jackson, Miss, The people, stocks at Han Francisco. tween Ash anti and Harrisburg, inclusive, Independence engaged in a fist fight. at Venezuela and Great Britain. irritated beyond measure at tlie rail the following low round tiip rates to bin. ------- Wholesale dealers in------- Seeing Sylvester getting the best Allen Portland: A fire started in the home of Thomas Catholic missionaries are again suff road’s disregard of the quarantine A man named C. O. Boyle wai hold Logan picked up a club and struck him Hawkins, a funner, living near Green Ashland, West Fork and points be- of Jackson, up in Stockton, Cai., nnd robbed of ering severe oppression from the Chin rules for the protection tween,...................................... .... |7 75 wood, Mendocino county, Cal., from an on the temple, killing him instantly. $180 and a gold watch. Many burglar- ese near Yao-Ping, in the district of tore up a section of the Alabama and unknown source, while there was no Logan says lie did not Intend to kill Riddles and Myrtle Creek .......... .... 6 75 We solicit your consignment of Peaches. |ea have been committed there lately, Kwang Tung, China. The natives have Vicksburg railway a short distance one but a o-year-old girl in the hou^e, Sylvester, and only struck him to pro Roseburg. Wilbur and Oakland.. .... 6 45 Correspond With us. Send for Shipping Stencil. Yoncnlla, Drain and Comstock.. .... 6 26 for which the police say racetrack fol- been persecuting the Christians, burn west of the city and burned a trestle Cottage Grove............... .......... . .... 4 75 ing their houses, destroying their crops on the same road. The governor has and when assistance arrived the child tect his friend. loweri are responsible. and Goshen........................... ... 4 . 50 called out troops to protect railroad was burned to almost a crisp. The mill of the Albion Lumber com Creswell and putting converts to torture. Eugene. Irving, Junction City and Attorney P. B. Glidden of San Fran- property. » . • pany in Mendocino county, Cal., i Morris James, an old man who ar HariisDurg .................... ........ 4 25 The rebellion in India continues and qisco has been sentenced to serve one Tickets good we^en day», returning on closed down owing to a strike tliat has A report comes from across the At rived at Oakland, Cal., three we> year In prison for sending obscene numerous skirmishes are reported be lantic to the effect that Spain is busy any regular Southern Pacific passenger been in force for some time. The latter« to his former stenographer, MUs tween the British and the natives, w tlj with plans of conflict for war with the ago from Colorado, engaged in a v <»- company pay tho hands witli time train scheduled to stop ai destination. Chil lent quarrel with his wife and shot li « honorseven. The British engaged in dren under 12, half fare; under 5, free, if Juanita Ryan. PAGKKR9 mrxd 3HIPPBRS O K United States, The Spanish war de four time.8, but indicting no dangerou checks, and when asked to pay in cash accompanied by parent or other person battle with Mohmands near Ra.'.at A dog poisoner has been at work in holding ticket for the train Usual allow they refused, hence tlie strike. partment is holding special meetings wounds. He then shot himself twice pass, and were forced to retreat, with ance of baggage checked free Oakland, Cal., for some weeks and and is said to be perfecting tho most causing death. The wheat crop of Oregon this yeai Time Schedule: Leave Ashland, 6 a. many valuable dogs have been killed. 140 soldiers killed and wounded. minute details of expected battles. is moving seaward at a rate that is m; Medford, 6:25; Grants Fnss. 7:35; Mer One of the most extensive and di Ex-Congressman Wil iam Lyne Wil The police are of the opinion that the Public inaulta to America are becoming tructive fires that ever occurred lin. 8 o’clock ; Wolf Creek, 8:50; Glendale. breaking all previous records. During Shipping of Car Loads a specialty. poisoning is done by sneaktheives or son, who framed the tariff bill which very common, and Spain’s neighbors 9:05; Riddles, 10:25; Hoseburg, 11:26; Cak- Shasta county, Cal., started myi-ter- seven days five cargoes, totaling 431,- land, 12 noon ; Drain, 12-45 p. m; Cottage The best of connections in all the Eastern Markets, bore his name and who was postmast burglar«. consider war inevitable. Washington iouely at the Iron mountain mine, ami 737 bushels valued at $431,512, cleared Grove, 1:25; Eugene. 2:10; Junction City, Coriespondence Wolicited. er-general in President Clevelan I’s last officials do not consider Spain’s action a Chinaman made an unsuccessful 2:38; arrive Albany. 3:38; 20 ni inn tea from Portland for England, and a car totally consumed all the cunpun’ JAMES M. KYLE, Pres, and Mgr. fordinixr; leave Albany, 3:58; arrive attempt to come into tho United States cabinet, has entered upon his new woithy of notice. go of flour cleared for the Orient, valu buildings.'’ The lost is estimated at Portland, 7 p.m. by means of a nicely forged certificate duties as president of the Washington ed at $78,830, bringing the total export The recent visit of the Duke and from J00,000 to $ 100,000. All station agents from Ashland to Har Cor. Trade and High St’s. and J^ee university at Lexington, Vu. SALEM, ORE. but w»i stopped at Port Townsend. He Duchess of York to Ireland has again risburg, inclusive, bave tickets on sale for Fivo weeks ago Harry Cox, an 8-yea - pf the week to over $500,000. admitted that he had never been iu this train. Kxciirsloniats are urgently . 1 - - ... ■! ........................... ............... - -!!■■ — ............. .. 1.^» Back From the Grave revived reports of the Queen’s inten The investigation into the matter of requested to buy tickets as tar in the country before and that he was We cannot come, but we can often stay our tion to establish a royal residence on old boy of Fullerton, Cal., was bitlen smuggling Chinese into the United by a Spitz dog. The dog, supposed o advance um possible Coaches are or progress thither. Disease, like every«bing sent over by a Victoria firm. else, must have a beginning. All chronic tlie Emerald isle and to abolish the be mad, was killed after biting other States at Port Townsend, Wash., ia dered proportionate to the ticket axles re P^eaoher C. M. Scott and James maladies tend to shorten life, and render it Viceroyalty to which the Irish so ol>- persons. Tho Cox bov was suddenly developing sensations daily. So far it ported by agents. Tickets not used from sickness or other cause will be redeemed Oifron, the burglar« who for three a species of martyrdom while they last ject. Should the government take thi- taken ill a few days ago with spas ns lias been learned that there is a weil on presentation to sailing agent at any kidney complaint, chronic indi- action it is probable that Muckros» weea« operated successfully in Los ¡gestion, ; Malaria, rheumatism and died of alleged hydrophobia. organised ring of wealthy Chinese con tim»* prior to, but not after departure of —all have small be- castle, Killarney, will be purchased Angele«, but were captured recently, i ; ginnings, and may be stayed at the outset excursion train at that station. 132 Front Street, Portland, Oregon, At the close of the preliminary ex nected with the affair, and with tin GEO. EsTES, pleaded guilty at their trial, and the I with Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters. This ex- for the royal residence. It hae been amination of 'Jhecdore l'igol on hf aid of the Chinese interpeter in tlie Excursion Manager Being members of the American Fruit Growere Union of Chicago, former was sentenced to 14 years im- j ■ cellent tonic and alternative is adapted proposed to give the eldest son of ths Roseburg, Or., Sept. 6. 1897. to the prevention of disorders of the British heir appaiant the hereditary charge of murdering Isaac Ibrffma , government employ and forged lertili- and havii.v made arrangements to use the refrigerator cars of that prison men t and the latter to teu years, I I alike catea some 800 Chinese have been system and to their removal, and its early at San Francisco some months ago, the Union, without cost to the grower, offer superior inducements to title of the “Prince of Ireland.” The handsome residence of Ira O, | Use canpot be too strongly advocated. To judge bound the prisoner over ti> landed, for which tlie ring received the shipper in the marketing of the Southern Oregon peach crop. appetite and insnre tranquil rest, The rebellion in Guatemala is reach appear before the superior court to from $150 to $230 from each. Smith, on the outskirts of Los Angeles, | renew Our own agents will give special attention to each and every car there is no surer and pleasanter means than The leaden answer to the charge of murder, am’ wm totally destroyed by fire a few the Bitters. Tbe effects of overwork and ing a very serious stage. shipped. Daily advice« I No charges for the grower to pay except for The suit brought by George T. Finch icina, freight and commission. Every charge positive and definite. 4aya ago. The loss of the building ami exhaustion, mental or phvbical. are coun are men of great wealth and influence refused to allow Figel out on bonds. to oust the San Francisco board of sup teracted by it. and tbe busy merchant, the No extras. We handle all kinds of Fruit and Produce both for its contents will amount to $16,000. tired clerk or operative, and tbe brain gnd are gaining strength each day. A ervisors has resulted ill removing tlia While A. J. Privitt was on his way The fire waa an incendiary aud a dis weary slud*”:, author ui newspaper man, big battle was fought at Gu zaltenang to the Big Four mine, near Graml { body from office. The suit was brought | l OO-A.I j & EASTERN SHIP Is/LZENTS. on September 13th. Three thousand charged coaclnnan is suspected. derlrs irorn it present relief and future on the ground that the board had tail rebels attacked the garrison there and Forks, B. C., with a large sack of ed to do their duty in not fixing tlie energy. ______ _________ While a number of boys were engag fought for two days without capturing money to pay the miners, a lone high water rates for the city last February Four women were urrested at Pin tn ed in a watermelon fight near Clem wayman attempted to hold him up. the city. ent«, Cal, Rufus Wardrobe, aged 13 taFcek, pa., for inarchin*/ at the request Privitt drew a revolver and shot twice, as required by law. Governor Budd During the Independence day pro* | both bullets taking effect. The high- and Mayor Phelan immediately ap of striking miners. Their airest | reci im year«- tan »gainst a knife in the hands 407 acres of land on Antelope ox bis brother, Victor, with force that j itated an ¡iwipiont riot in which the cession in the City of Mexico, Iguacu ; wayman staggered off into the brush, pointed a new board, which lias taken Creek ; 50 acres under cultiva the blade penetrated his breast far deputy sheriffs fared ba<|ly. Two <f Anulfo, a violent character, assaulted ' and a few moments later shot and office and conducting the affairs of the tion 250 acres under fence; 200 city, jtaf bearing fruit trees. House and Ashland, Oregon—Myer Block. eqeugh to reach a vital spot and cause the women arres'ed carried babies in President Diaz, intending to murder killed himself. out-buildings, incl'tdihg large him. He was arrested before he did tlieir arms. hto instant death, barn. About 4,000,000 feet of The Secretary of ilie Treasury gave any harm. The prisoner was placed in i The “ Bicyclist'a Best Friend” is a famii- timber with water right fur saw Considerable interest is being mani authority to the Mi e Lee Way Village jail and the following day a mob broke I lar name for DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve, mill purpose. Cattle to go with fested by Sonoma county farmers in coippany to bring into this country 309 j p ace if wanted. For further into the jail, took Arroyo out aa<i always ready for emergencies. While a I the forth coming fanners’ institute , 1 Ciiiness to take part in the Tran>niis* specific for piles, it also instantly relieve-» particulars, call on or address, Fruits and berries and cure« cuts, bruises, salt rb*um, eczema which will be held at Santa Rosit on | 1 sippi ami International exhibition at lynched him. I and aii affections of tbe skin. It never fails. October 15th and 16th. The special I . Oraaha, Neb., next year. Handles the best product of Ashland Every hotly Says So. Eugane A. Sherwin. order for the opening dav ia the culture “ Merit talks” tji® ■■■ ■ ■ Cascareta Candy Cathartic, the most won- i medical discovery of the age, pleas- 1 of sugar beet, and an intcrestiiu ex intrinsic value of I I Several officials of the Greater Re- derful ant aud refreshing to the taste, act gently Th. Fair C... Knded. <3-1 ve them el 1 x *1 eb ,1. Ashland, Oregon. hibit of beets grown in Sonoma county ptblicof Central America, who were and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, Hood’s Sarsaparilla. ■ Al will be made. 7he great case of Nolt e R. Craven Merit in medicine means the power to pr tminent in objecting to IV L. Merry cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, headache, fever, habitual constipation against the estate of James G. Fair, cure. Hood’s Sarsaparilla possesses actual Two unknown men entered a saloon as United States minister to the Great cure and biliousness. Please buy and try a box near Fresno, Cal., held-iip and robbed > er Republic of Centra! America, are of C. C. C to-day ; 10, 25, 50 cents. Sold and which has been on trial for the past and unequalled curative power and there four months nt Sail Francisco has lieen fore it has true merit. When you buy the proprietor of $80. As soon as tho now loud in liis praise and a;c anxious guaranteed to cure l>y all druggists. finally settled, nnd Mrs. Craven’s Hood’s Sarsaparilla, and take it according robbers departed their victim g abbed ly awaiting h:s arrival. a shotgun and rushed out to the shle- Tanl Fricdlmfier, a San Francirco claim squashed. The jury could not to directions, to purify your blood, or Louise Michel, tlie notorious French walk, seeing two men be shot au<l fill anarchist, .-» coining to the United b a smith, was fins 1 J50 for beating agree, and the judge at once di-charg- cure any of the many blood diseases, you ed them. They stood eight for Mrs. are morally certain to receive benefit. TO THE CLEANtflftG PUBLIC i ed them full of bin! shot. Th<? men States in October. She will be aceo.n- a h rse to d»” th. Running Schedule Fruit Trains on Special Craven and four for tlm Fair estate. When my le«M expiree on tbe proved to be passers-by and in no wav pauied by prominent English anarch John I iant; »ry, a res dent of Migido- Judge Slack d nied the motion of the The power to cure is there. You are not Fast Time and delivered at Chicago Auction Ashland Bteam Laundry August They ists, and they will undertake a speech cim>, Cal., was killed by a cave-in of trying an experiment. It will make your connected with the robbery, 19ih, I shall be equipped witb Craven attorneys for a now trial and, blood pure, rich and nourishing, and thus Houses without delays or transfers. :• • • were not seriously injured. making tour iu America for the purpose reek while at work on a road. such new machinery as is requir sitting fl" «’hnnee1!-. , nr.lpi.i h;. dec drive out the germa of disease, strengthen ed to do good work and shall con The Heppner Gaaetteaaya: "Fiahaod cf adraacia: the anarchist propag Finch of the steamslop ision in faior <1 flic pa.niiiit. lie tinue ’o do laundry business at tbe nerves and build up the whole system. snake stories are not in it any more. A anda. Galic, ami Pilot Jordan, are under said tlier? no d > d<t in h '• mind Mark shipping orders “C. M. & St. P.” the same o d place with tbe same report comes from ijrant county that a invitation, Representatives of big Canadian arrest at San Francisco for violating that the | eneil will and let era of re* man down there went out in his garden fruit firms are now in Eastern Kansas the state quarantine laws. C. J. EDDY, General Agent. MRTLANO OREGON. publication were forge, ies and lie “If it d<m*t suit yon, send it back.” the other day, planted a cucumber seed The project to build au electric road believed the deeds were stumped with ami started on a run for the house, but and Southwestern Missouri, buying 1 shall employ no foreign help before he could get out of the garden, the apples in large quantities to ship to frem Sun Jose, Cal., to Saratoga, a the same brand. The evidence show but shall du my work as before cucumber sine overtook him, wound that country. 'Ihese buyers say the small town at the base of the San'a ed conclusively that the blanks on witb tbe assistance of our own around his leg and threw him down ; he failure of the Canadian apple crop will Ciuz in niituins, has been abandoned. which the deeds were written had no ran bis hand in hie pocket to get hie entail upon their people the shipment! James Henueberv, an Oakland, Cal., existence prior to 18:41, a id could not I. tbt boot, In tMt—th. O h Tm. Blood Puri «er. knife and pulled out a cucumber aix of Aaaarican apples. lad of 18 tears, while aa-istlng a police have been filled out during the life Propnrod only by &L Hood «<X,Lowoll. Mau. inches long. The hero of this atory is BU4PLK8T. Sarah Bernhardt, the actress, had a man to capture I mghirs, was shot in time of James G. Fair. aaid to bo a popnliet, which mak«o it all CHEAPEST. narrow escape from death near Paris. , tlie arm nnd seiioualy wounded by one Hood’s Pills MtifSrTÄ^ EASIEST TO OPERATE. the more voluptuous and tiue ” NO HHlfTINO <>F TRAYS. She was deceading a cliff and reached of I hem. DRIES AT LOWEST COST. Hmnsi.i: Having taxen one bottle of • dangerous point and could neither NO WASTE OF HOT AIR For Superior Photos are your Joy's Vegetable Saraanarilla I can I advance or retreat. There is more Catarrh in — thia ---------- section -- of A man came to I - ------------------------- PEKFEi T CIRCULATION OF AIR. truly say that it Is tbe beet medicine I have I ber rescue Inst as a bawlder to wnten which the . put to ner resc le just oawiaer to wmen i7b. . than all otaer Nu BURSTING OK DRIPPING. newiaer ” t^Tt diseases 7.V^.7."«« ever taken (or constipation, headache and «.rn^j««. The True Rmnedy. general debllialod system I fee) overjoy, she wae clinging broke away, and thus ‘aopposed to be incurable. For a great Can b. built lor th. largeat or »malic. ed by the use ot one bottle 1 accident:/ saved her from being crushed to death, , many years doctors pronounced It a local W. M. Repine, editor Tiskilwa. III., Orchard,. Fit my ankle sprained a few years ago and •----------- disease and prescribed local remedies, and "Chief," says; "We won't keep house Evaporate, I'runoa, Apple«, Peach«. Hnd my leg getting stronger and am feel <1 »re; I have been taking your Barspa- by constantly failing to cure with local without l>r. King's Naw Discovery for .. The Leading ,. Paar«, Berriea, Cherriea, Grapaa, ing belter In every way. Espert- I serilla. and think it a wonderful remedy 1 treatment.pronounced it Incurable. Science Consum ptlcn. Coughs and Colds Apricot«, Veyefablea, Etc. WJt.J. PERKY. have bad catarrh of tbe bead and throat for has proven catarrh to be a constitutional oiented with manv others, but never got From the wsll-known Superintendent Alnasbou.., sever, veers, and bave been treated by doc- disease, and therefore r»qnireec>>n.iituiion- the true remedy until we used Dr. King's Kanes Creek Qoarry. The tray« ar. put In at'b« top wbcra the *' ‘ treatment ----------- ‘ " t'u-e. — ------- Sen Francisco tors lent Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla al Hail's ---------- Catarrh manu- New Dt-cnVSry No other remedy cm temperature i> the 'ownt and tbe gradual and took it for about fire months, and from fectured by F. J Cheney & Co. Toledo, take Its place in our home, as In it we bsve CHEA* FOR CASH approach to a bigner temperatar« ripen« To tara Coorti)»».ton Forever. that day to this I bave never been trou- Ohio. Is the only constitutional cure on tbe a certain and sure cure for Conghe, Colds. Of Medford and the fruit «nd make« It aweeter. «bile the Take Cuacaren Candy Cat!}arile. 10c or ÎSo. bi<*<1 with catarrh, and I bel’wre I am entire- market It it taken internally In doses Whooping Crnngb, etc." It Is Idle to ex Southern Oregon. Heady to supply Ash K G C. C. fail to cui* druMtata refund rapid and uniform circulation of air drlee I have found it oa a t ch lass, troinlC drops to a teaspoonful. Il acta periment witb other rernediee. even If they land and all the towns the fruit very fast. thing to have handy. directly on the blood end mucona surfaces are urged on vnu as just as good as Dr. along tne railroad . ( His work is all Strictly ARKY L FIMMKL. For particular, or price«, call on or of tbe system. They offkr one hundred King's New Dl-covery They ere not as I First Class. Prices Reasonable Write for terms to Little lAka. Cal. addre««. dollars for any case It ta/v to cure. Bend good, because thia remedy has a record of Waits to TBoea Nmi aid tbsy will for circn'art and testimonials. Address, cures and besides is guaraatMd. It sever Carpenter 4 Allieon. W. T. JACOBSO, Mfg, riLL YOU IO* SLAB TBXT AMS TBAT Tin BK- F. J. CHBNKY A CO.. Toledo, O. foils to satisfy. Tnai ootiles free st K. A. rrsan A SVMTXTUta. Witold by OragglMs, Me. •Mtwla’e DraesieM. 4W Waabla<taa at. PORTLAND, ORB I Qeld Hili, Qregoa. Earl Fruit Company 1 Sacramento s Los Angeles. Cai. L I ALL FRUIT DISTRICTS OF CALIFORNIA. FRUIT GROWERS EXPRESS. I REFRIGERATOR SERVICE FOR DECIDUOUS FRUITS. C. F. X. BABY’S SKIN SAVE $15 TO $30 PER CAR Most Eïlffiiïe Handlers if Peaches cfrc’_ _ E XCURSIONS L evy &S piegl , T * * Commission Merchants. OSEGON FRUIT i produce co . Qreen and Dried Fruit$. Oregon and Washington Fruit Growers Union, I i s. A.pom Merit __ ~ Commission Merchant. Emil Pell, I Ciiicaitn, Milwankee & Si. Fail Bj. * Hood ’ s Sarsaparilla The Fleckenstein Evaporator. Mô£KÇY, NO. I QUALITY pHOTOGRftFHEE