FALLEY RECORD. Woodville contributed two of its proe- pector« for Clondike this weak. Moving tbe Fruit Crop. Special Officer Newt. Gordon of Keno Killed for a Daer Hop picking has commanced Ln tB8 arrived ia Ashland Monday and arrested The eastern shipment ol fruit is being ri'ilnlty of Sacramento, OaL Mr. Kirk of Wolf creek last Sunday County Judge Crowell is «pending the one F. E. Johnson, for whom be bad a fbe ministers of Pasadena, CaLj have while out hunting mistook Ed, Jones, <> learned by tbe local growers, and It ia “1 d.a'l beltove there ever was a. » heated term at the spring«. <• warrant charging him with stealing bor- somewhat of a revelation. The Earl ar^anissd for the futhsrenos of puro aged 30 yearn, for a doer in the brush S..4 a pill wade a, Ayer*,Cathartic ASHLAND, Or. .Thursday, Aug. 12, 1897. ax5’, Keeaer. Hal Emery and Herbert Pllle. They will de all you recon* l> eee. Gordon overtook tbe fleeing John­ Company's manager and inspector have and killed him. Kirk gave himself up McCarthy are doing Pelican bay ■r,4 them ter aad evea mere. { <> -tStaiH*’ A fourth raaeiM Uqtue for tal(au to the conetable. O When I have a cold aad ache from Bnd F M Drake to­ son and his horses at Howard's elation, given tbe growers their instructions and PKKMONAD AND SOCIAL. day to join a party at Peii^san bay. but tbe warrant not being properly in­ don't beaitate to reject fruit poorly pack­ wreteen is to bv established at Lea Ab* head ta heel,, a uoae er two at these » o _______ Ths good pill hu a good Blackberries! M-F Lance and wife and Misa Carrie dorsed Gurdon earns on in with his man ed, picked in wrong stage of ripeneae, or ■«lea, Cal. <• pills la all the edi Ise aerde« ta • cost. Th* pill ooat •srwss o George Shepherd, on the Hockersmith John Brleer went to Montague yesterday. Mathews of Rock Point are at Crescent sod ascursd a new warrant, under which badly Used. It is quite a teak to get T. M. AMey, railroad couduotor, o set me right agaia. Par headache,« J two purposes; it protects i» place, advises all who want blackberries to City, Prof. J. J. Berry returned yesterday Johnson waa placed ia jail. Tuesday just what ia wanted. Thia careful scrut­ waa aacideutally ttilled by a trai* near come at once. He raises a first class < I ’ the pill, and disguises it to <> froiu biasou. , Mr« John Robinson and eon and Mrs. morning Gordon, Johnson and the bor- Hanford, Cal. berry. _________________ 'I the sensitive palate. Some coats are too heavy; they <> iny baa demonstrated that great quan­ Percy Newton of Wimer have gone to Go to Fox A Hildreth for ice. Delivered (Crater lake andeaetern Oregon. County Court. Buyers say that tlie crop ef olives to o aes were getting ready to leave for Keuo, tities of the local peach crop ia too small won't dissolve, and the pills they cover pass through o at your deor. The time for completion of assessment larger iu Southern California this year 0 the system, harmless m a bread pellet. Other coats o Mlu Bella Wltlu and C. W Sherman but they were so bowlingly intoxicated in size for eastern shipment and this will roll for 1867 was ezieudad until the first Miss Frankie Barnes leave, next week than ever before. <1 were merried at Roseburg laet uigbt and that both were arrested and stood up be­ cut down tbe estimated number of cars Monday in October are too light, and permit the speedy deterioration of o for San Jose. Cal. went to Klamath hot spring, today. o The enrollment of citizens iu Hauta The reports of conn tv officers and hos­ fore the recorder. Gordon explained to of peaches that will go oast. Estimates the pill. After 30 years exposure, Ayer’s Sugar Coated o Mrs. ltd Inlow of Ft. Jone, ia visiting o pital contractor were approved. o Ashland rela-i-ra. Misa Rose Dodge, wbo haa finished her Recorder Berry that he was "loading made from time to time have proven so Barbara couhty, Cal., subject for mili- Tbe amended report ot the school super­ <> Pills have been found as effective as if just fresh from 1» tary duty numbers 3560. intendent was approved. Dr. 8 T Songer waa at Jackaonville Sat­ school at Harbor, on tbe coast, returned up" bis man for the purpose of working erroneous that no one wishes to venture the laboratory. It's a good pill, with a good coat. ft home today well pleased with her trip. I» urday on business. For the first tints in five yean thera In the matter of certain realtv (ought at some evidenoe out of him. The talk a prediction. It io safe to say that there it Ask your druggist for o Tbe Mieses Stoopsand Miss Nellie Towns to not a single priaouer in the Walla Ur sale by J. H. Marrin in 18IM. SBoritf H E. Boyden and family of Medford weotall right and both were discharged. ordered io make deed to liagmar Martin, ft will be 50 carloads of peaches go saat ot Phoenix were at Celestin Friday, accom- o Walla (Wash.) county jail. are camped at Coleatin. widow of said J. H. Martin. They left town good and loaded with a direct from hers. This is tbe lowest es­ paning a friend that tar on her way east 1! « This testlmeBial will be found" ia iin'ia' Ayeri "Cure"bo<>k?^wlth^e II The sherifl waa ordered to enforce by C. Mingus is again in chargeot the Union Monterey county, Cal., is going .0 stock of wet goods on band. At tbe Mrs Geo. 8. Calhoun and intent are up timate. It may go a. high as 125 car­ give a bounty of 2 cents each for every levy and sale ot prorrerty taxes for 1890 o llrery stable at Medford. from Grants Pass visiting her mother, Mrs. Songer hill, on the Asbland-Klamatb ft hundred others. Free. Address; j. C. Ayr, Co.. I.owell, Mass. which are still dellnqu ent. o loads. Much of tbe fruit that ia picked squrrel killed within its limits. Miss Lillian Patty of Grants Pass Is M. H. Drake, and other relatives aad Falla road,both men were dismounted and stopping at Hotel Oregon. friends. too ripe for the east and rejected be­ Save You r Grain. A I xm Angelos tnau it going to test were celebrating in great shape. Mrs. Norris and children of Medlord cause of size, goes to Portland, Puget the legality of his daughter's marriage. M. O. Warner arrived Tuesday and left Few realize that e»u h squirrel destroys During the jamboree on Songer bill Sound and northern points daily to i went to Colestln Friday. yesterday tor Klamath Falla. He will be I |1.50 worth of grain a inually. Wakelee's I She eloped and was wedded at sea. dquirrel and Gopher exterminator is tbe Mrs. J. H. Barnum and Mrs. J. Clem here in about two weeks to doctor up tbe tbe prisoner took Gordon’s revolver and supply tbe northwest coast trade and is sick pianos and organs. most eiTective and economical poison The citisene oi Santa Monica. Cai., visited Medford over Sunday. the stolen horses and struck out for Cal- therefore not a loss. The eastern ship­ have voted to bond the town tor $40,- known. Price 1 educed io 80 cents. For Dandruff Is an exudation from the pores ifornia, reaching Hornbrook in tbe Mrs. Chas. Chandler lenvea in a fortnight sale by T, K. Bolton aud Helen Stanley, ments are a great relief to the northern 600 to build and compiute a sewer sys­ 9 of tlie skin that spreade and dries, forming to visit relativea In Oklahoma. ▲ganU. i scurf and causing the hear to fall out. evening. markets, as tho Ashland crop all dumped tem. J.H. Rhodes returned yesterday from Hail*« Hair Kenewer euros it. Gordon reached Siskiyou station and there would glut them so that peacher Beal Relate The newly formed Santa Barbara, Hamburg Bar, Klamath river. ! W R Johnson to K D Hume, q c d Mr. and Mrs. Rush Hicks, Frank Hon- wired tbe authorities at Hornbrook, who would not bring boxing and packing Fine facilities for Instruction and Kates as low as Ca)., naval militia division ia in c amp to 1.18 acre, in 133 s. rle........ Miss Fannie Cheatham ot Granta Paas ?u,ci?«a.n a_ e.A a, A-Lre.rere a.re.re..a .a. retore. morrow and the peach care from Ash­ apricots. V' aud 12, b6, Gold Hill........................ 75 00 TTT t TTTTT t TTTTTTTTTT TTTl VTT tt TTTTTTT V The S, P. has made a special rate of one about it, was destroyed by fire Sunday term of school in Table Rock district Heir, of Jacob Ish to heirs ol T The Saa Luis Obispo supervisors fare for the round trip from all southern night about 11 o’clock. It waa ol 10 ton land will be sold Monday. Much inter­ ■b When you are in AnKland, Oregon, • Mrs. C. I. Hutchinson returned to Coles- Oregon points to all who wish to attend the 10 00 est is manifeated in the prices to be re- I have passed au ordinance placing a Chavner.q c d to land in 136s,r3 w Í stop at the................. tin yesterday from a visit in Medford. J T Glenn to heir, of T Chavner, state fair which will begin at Salem Sept. 30. per day capacity and bad a good concen- bounty of 2 cents each on ground squr ­ csived and tbe condition of tbs fruit up- : q c d to same property................ 10 00 Mrs. G. * F. ! i trator. Tbe total luao loss wi will be $3000 and 7L McConnell, ---- ni' " who . has been em- uaiui. ¿iw vuiai W. H, Peninger and family of Willow rel scalps. H Klippel to same, eame property 10 00 at the Salem asylum, passed ¡aio_a_a- 5 on reaching there. Springs precinct are at Shovel Creek. Cai. ployed ----------------------- -- ---------------- Th« “>1>* •»- through to San Francisco yesterday. Her er® waB n° insurance. Carrie Cowles to R Beswick, land --------------- I Tlie Saginaw Lumber company of * Henry Robison, who has been up from little daughter accompanied her from thin | longed to Z. A. Moody of Talent and Dr. in Ashland................. .880 00 Up todate four carloads of fruit, largely . Williams, A. T., is increasing Uie ca- ! ___ ________ a___ to _ W ____ ___ x —q c _ d to Redding on a visit, returned yesterday. p---------------------------------------------------------------- i Flannagan of Granta Paaa. It baa been ^Mary E Swingle C Dnley it. plume, and many pears and peaches were , paoity of its mill from 90,000 to 125,000 i 40 acres in tp Stfs, rie; $75. Mrs. Al. Nash, wife of the 8. P. conduc­ n!JIhu!H Messner, who has been idle for eotne time and there haa been no loaded by J. A, Whitman at Medford feet per day i'redenburg ' * I. ’ H Newton to T J Fredenb urg—tract in tor, ia out from Portland visiting Mrs. J. J. visiting Gold Hill relatives since last fall, ' , tp 37 s, r 2 west ; $125. U. went to San Francisco Monday and leaves ttre In the Premiie« for inontba. There and iced by tbe 0. F. X. ice house here, | O’Neil. The total assessed valuation of prop- , mining locattons . Beet $1.00 a Day House , T Cai aiaIU°nt^S f°r ^9nie lri ^ontreaL wer® exploaive chemicals in the building have been started saat from Ashland up , W. W. Walters, who has been sick at «‘I,™.,8?*. Be,,lt0 co,ln‘y’ C‘1*,’ is: D Cameron on July 29th located a quartz on the Pacific C'oaet. + Phoenix for some time, left for Yreka ”T“ — purposes, to date and three more are expected thia I 10,410,010, being ua increase over lot ' claim in Foots creek diatrict that are used for amalgamation purpoeee. LOCATK U lr>i T111C d£.N,'t'KW tjlr TOWN J Tuesday. pbons ^rs?em in Yreka.n*MiM Ä »5"“» “>• >« ank"0”'* “ week. year of $66,050. Nettie Gnffin on J uly 21st located a quarti phone system in Yreka. Mira cTna Tvier" * ¿I"'- T —L -------------------- •’ T’k« u • i __ 1 i claim in Foots creek district. Miss Effie Cummings of Eugene, who daughter (iftllC'hter of of J. I U Tolov of nf Ashland iebl.nd nre- ! WftB e,ther iet on fire or cauaed by the M. Tyler The first car of peaches left Ashland _ _ ___________ lhe Pacific Bridge company has B W Baldwin, ______ J G Abbott and R8barpon W. A. McGREW, Proprietor. Í has been visiting Ashland friends, returned cinct, is the day phone girl, as well as oper-1 explosion of chemicals. The loss is a * -■ * 1 • _1_ 1O,k ________ I_s__ _ t._ __•_ Saturday for tbe eeatern market. An- commenced ’ the work of *“ excavating for July 12th located « a _i plarer claim in Farris last night. atrvv. tzva* flio D/\.*.l ator for tbe Posts! telegraph. other car want Monday, another Tueeday K un emplacements on Marrowstone ; K uloh district- severe one on tbe ownere, who are perse- land Commissioner Binger Hermann Mies Olive Brunk, the assistant postmis­ —a---- *a— a • . ■ . »• . al Tinini PnoA* aMiv«rl( ’ Mrs P W Oiwell on July 8th located a and his family arrive at Roseburg today tress, returned Tuesday from a visit .! , vering miners who are always at work and another laet night. It ia expected , P°*nL Puget sound. . tr i at • quart« claim in Pearl district. on a visit. __________ __ _ A mau and ■ wife and their ltt-year- John Oiwell, ____ Mike ________________ Kearney tnd John some weeks with friends and relatives In developing the mines of southern Oregon. that a car a day will be the rate from now - July ?"*- 6th located a quartz claim _bd_i Ad Graham, who la with the railroad the Willamette valley, and a stay of some on and poeaibly two care for come deva. Jd daughter were arrested at J-™.- Jackson-1 Kearney on J. C. Mitchell was over from Gazelle ™ , . ,, , i villw. Or for ateeliisff vuau, ui>3 < iiai.ua ! in same district. carpentering craw on the Sisklyous, was time st Newport end Yaquina. ville. Or., stealing vases and dishes Iia/i,alrl,';t* ..... These care are principally early Craw­ here Friday. Frank Oiwell on July Sth located a quartz H Brandenstein and a government in­ and bought about 300 bead of beef cattle , from a graveyard. I claim in same district. ford peaches. These shipments are by spector were here Saturday looking up the Miss Mabel Cutts is assisting her father from Fred Baroeburg, Arthur Hunt and j A charge of 50,000 pouuds of powder I Chas Sanders. 1 J Jurkepiie and O C ' " “ ' tbe ‘ railroad market for artillery and cavalry h orses He Spencer & Neil for delivery in Ashland the Earl Fruit Co. and go via Sacramento, during the *■ busy season in Purkey pile on July 31at located s quartz was u exploded bought only one, an Altamont, and a rela­ freight office. They are billed to Chicago, but may bo ¡>"e„ '’7ouuty. at Morens daiu, San claim in Foots creek district tive of the celebrated Klamath. Sept. 20. It is reported he paid 2‘i cents _ ___ it dislodged 100,000 Mrs. A. Fisher, wife of Hhe old pioneer diverted to any city. ‘ Don’t Tobacco Spit nod Smoke lour 1 4fe Away. *• tons of rock and dirt. Miss Mattie Morris who recently gradu­ lor steers and 2 cents tor cows, on foot. San merchant of Jacksonville, died io ’ ated as a trained nurse from tbe Good Sa­ To quit tobacco easily and torert ir, be mag­ WE ARE NOT CHEAP JOHN DEALERS. Francisco Friday. J. H. Stewart begins bis shipment of «_ __ real property of the estate of "The J. E. Pelton bought 50 bead ot stock maritan hospital, Portland, is low with netic. lull ot lite, nerve and vigor, tn he No-To- Hermann Helms, the well-known Jack­ spinal meningetis. and her mother of Cen­ cattie from J. M. Loffiand for $15 per Bartlett peare oast this week. Ths first , Mrs. NcGliucy,*oue'of Dunham’s San Bao, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men sonville pioneer, went to Coleatin Tuesday tral Point has gone to the bedside. cargoes Saturday via Poitland, Page Jose victims, will be sold, as the per- strong. All druggists, tOc or 11. Cui *e guaran­ head straight through. [•Í to spend a few weeks. teed. Booklet and sample tree. Address A Son bought his crop and he receives sonal effects will not pay the debts. Mrs. Jack Frizell and son. who have been Sterling Bsmedy Co. . Chicago or Nt rw York. J. E. Pelton bao purchaeed about 400 J. B. Russell name over from Yreka yest­ spending a month with Ashland relatives Manuel Chavez, who murdered his erday to assist the Ashland -Marble Works and friends, returned home to Yreka Mon­ bead of beei cattle from Geo. Barron and $1 per box. It was estimated early in through a rush of work. DIED. day. Mrs. Gordon Frizell accompanied her Thompson 4 Butler. They will be de- the season that he would have 40 car- mistress at the Senator mining camp, i loads. He raises a fine article. i ^«n Diego county, was sentenced to be Mrs.Thos. Fitch, Jr., of Sbickton, Cal., to vieit her father at Yreka for a short time > livered next month along with those pur ­ was on yesterday’s train for Fioseburg and ANDEKbON—lu Medford. Aug. 6, 1897, _ . „,,, ■■¿■■* . . . , . ’ hanged at San Quentin October Sth. There are 26.000 acres planted in prunes 1 Fred Miliorof Medford, who has gained Olympia to visit relatives. Wm. Edward, son ot W. T. Ai ideraon, in Oregon—15.000 of them in the William- chased from Melhaae Bros, at Ft. Klam­ considerable experience packing tor Last week 697,560 pounds of freight aged 5 months. ath. They were bought for 0. W. Thomp ­ Hon. W. I. Vawter, H. U. Lumsden, J. .nette valley, 6.500 in tho Umpqua valley, .. t ; f au were shipped overland from San Jose, The son, tbe Chicago buyer, who haa shipped Whitman Meriey and wffe. were among tlie Medford and 1,500 in tbe Rogue river valley for several vmre, is on. of fbe c>| the correapondi coast counties and Eastern Oregon have week ites at Colestin this week. in u,t vear ul0 poun£s wer‘ 5000 beef cattle out of Oregon thia season. foremen tn tbe packing bouse here. 2,000 acres. sbip- Mrs. S. Cowies and daughter, Mrs. Flo ! J. S. Herrin has sold 800 hsad of sheep W. H. Stewart, Earl’s manager, is in , pyl. C. H. Dalrymple, the Gold Hill attomev, i Otto, departed Monday to ma ke their fut­ has been spending a week at Cölestin, fn ' ! which C. Cunningham is kseplng on share, Roseburg, to return tomorrow. ure home at Lincoln, Neb. , The municipal electric light and A Railroad Official’s Experience. Dr. J. H. West, tbe Pokegamaphysician, company with Miss Emma 8. Yotile, city | i at Ft Klamath, to John Sirale of Gazelle. Roseburg, Aug. 8.—Messrs. Winston power plant of Riverside, Cal., prum- of tbe Everett, Wash., pub­ : The consideration was $1.50 per head for tbs left Monday evening for Chics go to visit bis superintendent lic schools, wbo has been stopping at Sts-1 A Agee are packing pears to bz shipped , is®’ not only to be self supporting iu folks for a couple of montbs. { entire lot ot lambs and ewss. son, be is visiting Ashland today. east. C. B. Jeffries A Co. of Portland, Ule n,Jlu' 1'utur«> but will prove a source Chas, Strang and family, T . F. West and J. W. Marksbury has mads an assign­ i L. 0. Coleman returned Tueeday rom are shipping green fruit east from this of revenne to the city. Dr. E. P. Geary returned to : Bedford yest­ ment of all his property for th. benefit of I erday from a stay at Colestii 1. The color line has been drawn on a bis creditors; liabilities $1430 His assets * 1 San Francieco. While there he had the section. negro in Los Angeles, Cal. He was re­ J. Conner, proprietor of 1 Jo tel Oregon, are $3100 and inability to realize on out-1 ■ Western Sugar Refinery, Spreckele’ con­ Chambersburg, Pa., Aug. 8.—The Blue fused admittance to the orchestra circle went to Salem and Wil la uiettee valley standing accounts caused the assignment. cern, aualyee four eugar beeta raieed on Mountain peach belt of southern Penn points Monday, on a business* trip. Senator Holt is the assignee of the Fisher operghyuse, and has sued Griffin creek, which were pulled two aylvania and Weetern Maryland is the the owners for' $200 damages. The Klamath River Lumber Co's mill at Street commissioner C, E. Hooper and Geo Hooper, his cousin, from Seattle, are Pnkegania started up in lull blast last week! ago. The reeult proved the beet! only part of tbe country that will have ; Wages at the smelter in Everett, Thursday and will be kept in operation to average 10 ouncee in weight. 100 in Coos county hunting and fis hing more than 20 to 25 per cant, of a crop . Wa>h-i L_._ have t_ ) remain. her from the “influence.” eugar, which ia very large. The eugar ; workman and has tbe beet of references. t catch him shot and hit the boy in the hunger without any appetite, fluttering that made me clutch my breast, and palpitation Tbe applicants at the August examina­ beeta require about 120 days to grow in Since hie last trip be has tbe additional i *e8* Mrs. George Eng*wi<.h' will go to Edge­ that often staggered me as if I would fall, The Salinas Valley Water company wood soon and w ,shes to dis|>ose of her tion for county certificates to teach are and ae the 200 or 300 patchee in Jackeon endorsements of Tbe Wiley B. Allen Co. were frequent attacks Again, everything Misses Maymie Williams. 8. Myrtle Har ­ buggy herse. Ca li at the Silsby residence. would turn black if 1 arose from a stooping vey, Katie’ Buckley. Belle Potter, Mary county were planted tbe middle of Apr!) and Sherman, Clay & Co., tbe two lead- ^as /'cured, the miles through the Salinas (Cal.) valley po-t ui-e quickly. Sleepless nights with their Economy and strength are combined in Dawson. Daisy M. Stites, Olah Mickey, the time for pulling ia near at band. ing musical instrument houses of thia for an irrigating canal. One hundred Hood's Barsaprarilla. Every bottle con­ Olena Holton, Fannie Donegan. M. Ella prostrating unrest were tains 100 doses and will average to last a Terrill. L. Hattie Eaton and Messrs. J. A. The Weetern Sugar Refinery will aend country. Save your work for him and and sixty thousand acres will Ire irri­ Dr. Miles’ numerous and 1 could Bish, J. H. Park, L. W. Fansher. month. each farmer a aeparate analyiie. Mr. you will be assured satisfaction. get no rest day or night. gated by it. Heart Cure Fox & Hildreth have ice in large or small Sprecklee baa been ill of late and Mr. I consulted leading phy­ , Mrs. C. H Humphrey has returned to A freight train on the Southern Penalty tor Starting Forest Fires. quantities. Klamath Fe.iLs. Her granddaughter, Miss sicians and tried adver­ Restores Coleman reports that bo will likely vieit Pacific road ran into a burning trestle Cora Carter, went with her to spend a tised remedies. They G. W, Kimball, 0. A. Thornton and T. this valley in the fall if bis health ia Mayor Dodge baa received circular let- month. between Marion and Jetfersen, Or. Health........ gave me no relief. Ono ot A. Hayes returned Monday from Mt. tere calling attention to the new forest good. The engine and eight cars were piled Dr. Miles* circulars described my case so Mr. and. M ts . H. M. Barrett wbo have Shasta They ascended tbe mountain from fire law passed by congress last February. on to the burning timbers and five of exactly that I took Dr. Mlles* New Heart been paying their son, Edw. Barrett, and the timber line and returned, and walked Lowell Roach, son of Dick Roacb ol It provides a penalty of two years im­ the cars were destroyed. his wife a visit, returned to Hornbrook to Sisson all in one day—on Sunday. Tbe Cure and I am now a well man. I hope wind blew a severe and chilling gale on the tbie place, started for Roseburg to secure Tuesday. every one troubled with heart disease wtH prisonment and $5000 fine for wilfully and summit. The scenery was grand and Elko, Nev., lias been so overrun with try Dr. Miles* remedies. If they will write a position in a hotel there. In order to maliciously setting on fire any timber, Tbe sermon suhiects at tbe Presbyterian gorgeous. tramps and hard characters lately, and me personally. I will gladly give them full church next Sabbatn will be “God’s Mes­ Fred Wall, wbo lost his position as S. P. eave expensea he worked tbe freight underbrush or grass upon the public'do­ go many burglaries and holdups have details of my experience.** E dw . E dmonds . sage from the Mountains”and “The Mount Sassenger conductor through a fatal acci- train. At Merlin Tuesday morning he main, or Buffer such to be done. An­ been committed, that the citizens are of Deoislon.” P. O. Box 65, David City, Nebraska. ent this side of Roseburg last year, is now met with an accident that made it neces­ other eection providee one year’s impris­ -thinking of organizing a vigilance com­ Dr. Miles* Heart Cure is sold on guarantee Misses Maggie and Pauline Grills, who conductor on tbe Coos bay railroad En­ that first bottle benefits or money refunded. have been sp ending some time visiting Mrs. gineer James Porter, who met tbe same sary to amputate bis left foot just above onment and $1000 fine for any one leav­ mittee to rid the town of them. Ed. Fields in Ashland, return home to fate, is now running a traction engine in the ankle. The freight was switching ing a camp fire or other fire, in or near I Guy G. Thompson, a 17-year-old lad, Roseburg to morrow. Douglas county. When Porter first took hold of his new engine he attempted to and Roacb tried to catch on, fell and hie any foreet, timber, or other inflamable was shot twice and seriously wounded Mr. and M rs. I. A. Webb and daughter. manage it with tbe air brake, but before be Miss Pearl V/ebb, who have been stopping could get. it through his head that there was foot waa crushed by the wheels. He waa material, before totally extinguiahing tbe at Portland, Or., by his stepfather, at tbe Colestin hotei, returned home to no brake on his new machine the engine taken to Grants Paes where hie mother is came. Tbe finee go to tbe public acoool Charles Hicklin, a restaurant-keeper. Medford Monday. .Hicklin is under arrest. He claims he had ran through several fences and fields. waiting on him. fund of tbe county. R. C. Hensley and wife of Central Point. did the shooting in self-defense. It heals everything except a broken Tbe Ashland Lumber Co., doing a saw Mrs. G. O. VanNatta and Mrs. W. A. Pat­ heart, may be said of De Witt's Witch A $71,000 pocket was found ou Morri The huge run of salmon in the Fraser TO THE CLEANSING PUBLIC i rick and children of Ashland are at Coles­ Hazel Salvo. Piles and rectal diseases, son gulch. Coffee creek, between Scott mill bueineea on Neil creek, have incor­ tin for their health. When my lease expires on the cuts, burns, bruises, tetter, eczema and and Trinity mountains. One piece con­ porated with a capital stock of $4000. D. river,B.C., coutinues, and canners have Ashland Steam Laundry August been compelled to put a limit on the There ia a time for everything: and tba all sain troubles may be cured by it quick­ tained $10,000, being three feet long, six A. McDonald is prssident, A. C. Gordon 19th, I shall be equipped with number of fish taken by each boat. A time to atLend to a cold is when it starts. ly and permanently. Eugene A. Sherwin. such new machinery as is requir­ Don’t wai t till you have consumption but Tbe Miller mine. Soldier creek, Josephine inches wide and two inchee thick. It secretary, and they and Chat. Hocum, T. large quantity of salmon is being salted ed to do good work and shall con­ prevent i's by using One Minute Cough county, was sold to Eureka, Cal., parties was very porous, and was accidentally E. Hille and James Wilkinson are the and as a result salt has jumpeddn price tinue to do laundry business at Cure, tbe great remedy for coughs, colds, for $28,090 cash. tbe same old place with the same from $11 to $35 per ton. broken in two. Reports state that they board of directors. croup, bn jnchltis and all throat and lung invitation, Mrs. P. L. Fountain is in from Klamath are etill taking out eomeof the same kind troubles. Eugene A. Sherwin. The butter output of the Lompoc, county visiting relatives. In a deciaion recently handed down at Cal., creamery for the month of June “If it don’t suit you, send it back.” of quartz, aud according to dispatches Dr. B. R. Freeland, the able and ex­ Pendleton the Oregon supreme court haa TOPS AND RUBBERS, WAX, perienced dentist. Insurance block, Oak sold for $2069 40. In the month of there are thousands more in eight. To Cure Constipation Forever. I shall employ no foreign help STRINGS, SEALING WAX, JELLY GLASSES, held that the homestead exemption actie April it turned out seven and three- street, is prepared te do all classes of work Take Cascarete Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c. but shall do my work as before in his Itn e in a scientific and skillful man­ If C. C. C. fail to euro, druggists refund money. Mrs. Gertrude Barkley, the dressmaker, valid. Thia law providea that a free quarter tons; in May seven tons and with tbe assistance of our own ner. Gii re him a call. Ashland people. Respectfully, has movsd to the Nelson residence on holder may claim exemption to the 1700 and in June six tons and 934 Spring street where she will be pleased to amount of $1500. Nearly all the circuit pounds. It is now- receiving between We have a quantity of the>e good» in meet her patrons and the ladies ot Ashland court« of the etate have decided that the 8000 and 9000 pounds of milk daily. and are prepared to make it an object who desire first class dressmaking. Mrs. Wheat continues to pour into Stock- law la inoperative, but the eupreme court to you to yet our privet before buyiny. Barkley will move into tbe business part ot . ton, Cal., and it is with difficulty that For Superior Photos see now afflrme the validity of that act. town in a fortnight. the water-front is kept clear. This We have a new Glaea Jar called the year’s crop in San Joaquin cc.nty is You and Your Granrifather Judge Willard Crawford, the well- ■ known lawyer, baa secured the Tolman i Are removed from each othar by a span of estimated st 60,000 tons, 7000 tons manv years. He traveied in a slow-going more than last year. The crop for the springe hotel and summer resort and is stage coach, while you taka the lightning .. Tbe Leading .. state is placed at from 850,000 to 900,- conductir g tbe same with firet-claae help. express on tbe alsctric car. When be was Which ia coming in favor with people who sick he was treated by old fashioned meth­ 000 tons by grain dealers, who have want eemetbing different from the Mason. ods and given old fashioned medicines, but made a careful estimate. This m 76,000 A The eupreme court Monday decided you demand modern ideas in medicine as or 80,000 tons more than was produced that Secretary of State Kincaid muat well as In everything else. Hood s Sarsa- last year. Of Medford and is the medicine of today. It is pre­ audit account! againet the etate and draw ' panlla Southern Oregon. pared by modern methods and to its prep­ * warrant! due. Tbie tneane that all claim!, aration are brought tbe skill and knowledge BOR«. | commieeionere, etc., will get their pay, * o! modern science. Hood's Sarsaparilla j Hie work i> all Strictly acts promptly upon lhe blood and by niak '¡FiritClaM. Price« Reato nable ing pure, rich blood it cures disease aud BURNS—In Ashland. Aug. 8. 1897, to Mr. John B. Stearns, who baa put up two establishes good health. and Mrs. W. H. Burns, a daughter. quarta milla in Josephine county, wm here H O. MACKEY. Prop. FC.CC*S Medford, Or. thia week. He will be engaged in the Wolf Tbe Oregonian printed a report that A. S. Dresaer. an Orecon Citv attorney, bad creek district for a time Get Schilling's Bctt tea at your grocer's; take out the Yellen Tl.hti been appointed to succeed Kobt. A. Miller as register of the Oregon City land office. (there is one in every package); send it with your guess to address below Tbe report grew out of a joke lhe receiver, Representative Stokes of North Caro­ i Judge Wm. Galloway, bad played on bis Isefore August 31st. lina has introduced into the national colleague. Galloway got up a bogus tele­ house a bill to prohibit members of con­ gram to that effect and caused it to be cir- . One word allowed for every yellow ticket. so as to see Miller’s heart palpiia*«. If only one person finds the word, he gets one thousand dollars. If gress, cabinet officers and chiefs of de­ . culated A ■ Miller’s term is about out and be will partments of the United States govern­ soon have to work for a living Miller be­ several find it, the money will be diviued equally among them. ment from obtaining free transportation lieved bis bead was off and himself made Every one sending a yellow ticket will get a set of cardboard creeping over railroads Does Representative tbe announcement. Don’t nauseate vour stomach with teas babia at the end of the contest Those sending three or more in one Stokes perhaps think such a bill can be and bitter herbs, but regulate yonr liver i wvelope will receiv« a charming 1898 calendar, no advertisement it. and sick beadache bv using tbose famous made law! 407 Berts of land un Antelope i little pills known as De Witt’s Little Early «FBTOT C urb T bbatmbwt for torturing, disfig­ Creek; 50 acre« under cultiva­ Risers. Eugene A. Sherwin uring. itcUlns. burning, wd scaly skin and scalp tion. 250 acre« under fence; 200 Electric Bitters. dtsaases with loss of hair. - Warm baths with Cv- bearing fruit tree*. Houee and Beside« this thousand dollar«, we will pay $150 each to the two persona Electrie Bittars is a medicine suited for Th«y are without a paar—Without a rival. TKWUA S oap , gentle spplleatioua of C wttcuba out-buiTding«, incl idihg large ■uy seaosuu, urn pvruHpa must gouciau; Ormran: wmxvzum*ms«. ua»wa«> Having H tasen roavu vtsw one bottle vi of (ointment), and full do^e of C uttotua Banov any season, bnt perhaps most generally They give an added haudsomnes« tn the figure. who »«nd in th« largest number of yellow ticket» in one envelope between ! needed when lhe lenguid. exhausted feeling yonr Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla I can ▼nrr,greatest oiblood parilera aad humor uarua barn. About 4/00,000 feet of They offer no restriction to the circulation, digestion or respiration. timber with water right for raw I prevails; when tbe liver is torpid end slug- truly say that it is lhe beet me iic'ne I have They make short waists appear long Jun« 15 and th« end of the contest—August 31st. mill purpose Cattle to go with glsb and the need ot a tonic and alterative ever taken for constipeaien, beadache and They are snug-fitting and combine both faahion-sense and common-sense. p ace if wanted. For fnrtMr Is felt. A prompt nee at this medicine bee general debt hated ay stem 1 feel overjoy- They give such satisfaction aa no other corset can give. particulars, call on or addreae. _______ _ ___ r___________ often averted long and _____ perhaps fatal bilious ed by tbe use of one eertle> 1 accidently They have advantages no other corsets have. fevers. 7 No ’ medicine 7-*--**- — - — — — They retain their favor with ail ladies who have worn them, because of their will act more snrel, got my ankle sprained a few years a___ /...... because it is fresh-roasted. What is the missing word ? Cut this out. for two weeks. & You won’t see it again Bl ___ BGHIMelNQ’B BERT TBA «AN FRANCXBCX “BALL” Brag steN. I at I. A- UkarwM’eB | tea Freaeteea sJC-GtfS ITCHING SKIN DISEASES For ttl (Uticura Emil Peil, Ashland, Oregon. «•auMiD, ommob . D. L. Minkler & Son.