T* VALLE! BECOBD Shoe worker* at St. Paul bay» $6M Ex-Treasurer Lock wood of Pacific The assessment roll of Santa 'losa, The Sierra (Cui.) railroad Lai com­ Jim Key, a marvelously well-educat­ _ , a hows a decrease w Okl. of . $44,303 from Bounty, Wash., han been indicted at ed horre, owned by Dr. William Key, menced establishing j»eriaanoat sta­ aa a stril* for an increase of wafsa South Bead for embeszlement aud lar­ Striking pantsmaker* of New York test year's aeeeaameut. a aegro of Shelbyville, Tenn., has been tion «60 W at °"ee 10 ““ Sportsmen's Protective .«socia- ceny. It is alleged that there is a sold to U. G. Duffield of New York for A Iclcphoua line is being put up to Th* People’« Paper. I tiou haa be«n organised at 8*11 Jose, shortage of $3327. The jury also indict­ »‘0.000. .______________________ conned Lompoc, CaL, aud 8'iff, a dis- ** ed F. W. Wudu and A. [. Denio, cash­ bicycle’ tax of Chicago has haa kayg bape ' Cal. It haa ItO members. The bicycle' The discovery that sprinkling with ' tunee of nine uiilcs. . CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, txjo.ooo.oe sciarsi! u.coaatitutioaal uaconstitutioaal by a cycling crude oil lays the dust along railroad | ci.ar.e- Faulkuer, • pioneer and declared cyciing The Ffesno TO11Ilt ,upervUo„ have ier, of the suspended First National ' MAIN OFFICKSl bank of South Bend, for receiving - years, was run over and killed by a child were seriously burned iu a fixe at that vicinity in a state of terror for fear drive out the germs of disease, strengthen Chicago, caused by the uxploaioa oi other la strictly scientific language that Btance. Fowler would not patent his railroad train near New York city, the roving lunatics will do tlunn sonic | the nerves and build up the whois system. gasoline. violence. the learned alone can comprehend. Thus invention. where he was visiting. A water-spout at Hot Springs, 8. D., whan a bulletin is issued telling bow Ashland, Oregon—Myer Block. Manuel Krull, who accidentally shot William McCabe, on trial at Redwood washed away a number of small houses, All the coal miners in the Ottumwa to hying a calf up by hand the.oue for district, la., went on a strike. They city, Cal., for the murder of his cousin, several railroad bridges and one life is and killed August Bullwinkle at San Francisco a few days ago, was discharg­ the people will be in English, the other demand 80 and $1 from tho operators. Robert ’Curry, last June, will have to reported lost ed from custody at his preliminary will translate the plain terms of simple The latter grunted the 80 cent rate, have 'another trial—the jury at the King George of Greece has declared examination. oalf feeding into proper Greek and but refused to bind themselves to the present trial disagreed. his intention to abdicate if a system of winter prices. The schooner General Banning arriv­ Fruits and berries E. E. Ellis, general agent of the European control of Greek finances Latin derivatives. ed at Eureka and reported that shortly Is the best, in tact—the One True Blood Purifier. William Collier of Memphis, Tenn., Oregon Short Line, with offices at Port­ is established. The climax of a foolish scientific fad Prepared only by a L Hood AOo., Lowell, Maas. Handles the best product of Ashland after leaving San Francisco William can go no further. If affected individu­ is under arrest at Narragausett Pier, land, is said to have resigned and Trav­ England lias been suffering from a Palmer, a seaman, jumped overboard als wbo are paid for issuing useful in­ K. I., charged with planning to assas­ eling Agent W. E. Coman lias been long spell cf hot weather, and the crops Hood's Pills and was lost. tx*laJL« fatuation to the people do no. know | sinate Dr. Edward Everett Hale of appointed his successor. GS-1V are in danger. There were 200 prostra­ A movement is being inaugurated at Boston, who ia visiting the Pier, Col- Elbert Partee, a negro boy aged 11 tions iu Loudon. the English language well enough to Sacramento, Cal., to erect a monument lier is a crank. years, shot and instantly killed anoth­ realise that it is equal to ali tirafts oil Senator Tillman of South Carolina W. B. I’erhani, grand secretary and er negro named Rich Griffin, while he says that the ministers, in opposing ?n the Capitol grounds in memory of it and, moreover, good enough for every­ was attempting to assault his mother the state dispensary system, are leagu­ the California soldiers who were killed body, professors aud all, then it is time treasurer of tlie Order of Railway Tel- in her home a Fresno, Cal. in the rebellion. egraphers of Amerioa, has been arrest­ ing themselves with the devil. somebody taught them. General Commission Merchants. 0. D. Seymour, formerly division ed on a charge of violating the Federal While Thomas Anderson of Grass In a interview published in a New superintendent of the Southern Pacific statute forbidding the importation of Valley, Cal., was beating his wife she York paper Secretary Shermau Owning a Volcano. says railroad and later in charge of the alien labor under contract. shot him three times with a small revol­ deems odd, does it not, to think of ver. One shot took effect in the left that England ia more anxious to talk Oaklaud mole, died at Oakland a few From the well-known Mary McCarty, tho daughter of a back than to fight, and that Spain is so days ago of cancer. being the poesessor of a whole volcano Kanes Creek Quarry. wealthy Granite county, Mont., ranch­ eye, causing the eye to be removed. deeply in debt that war is out of tbe and running it to suit one's self? Yet O. O. Winter has resigned as assist­ Clara Fallmer, u 17-year*old Ala­ question. er, was found dead on a road near her CHEAP FOR CASH that is what General Gasper Sanchez home. The horse she had been riding meda, Cal., girl shot Charles La Due ant general superintendent of the ------ IZbT THE STATE------ Iu a collision between the Chicago Greafc Northern railway, with head­ Ready to supply Ash­ Oohou of Mexico is and docs. His farm was also dead. They are suppesed to during a fit of jealously and then land snd *11 tbs towns attempted suicide. La Due will recov­ express 01a the Pennsylvania line and1 quarters at .Spokane, Wash. He will First-Class Eastern connections and best includes the great volcano of Popocate­ i have been killed by lightning. along the railroad. a »with engine at Indiauapolis the be succeeded by R. W. Bryan. facilities for Car Load Shipments. er but the girl may die. petl, who.? name a dozen generations Mrs. A. H. Humphreys, mother of engineer of the latter was killed and Write for terms to Nos. Ill, 113 and 115 Front and Miss Emma Hinckley of L oh Angeles, of school children have successively William Hunphreys, professor of Ger­ Mrs. Kate Conway of Oakland, Cal., both locomotives wero wrecked. 201 and 201% Washington Streets. Cal., fell ofi the wharf at Redondo ami Carpenter & Allison, Portland, Oregon. tried to pronounce. man in the Priucstou university, was was frightfully burned a few days ago. The Memphis and Charleston passen­ was drowned. A dozen of her Gold Hill, Oregon. She was was using a lamp to heat her What is more, General Ochoa, with drowned at Lake George, N. Y. Pro­ ger train was wrecked near Stratton, an enterprise worthy of a real Yankee, fessor Humphreys had a narrow escape curling irons and it exploded setting Ala., by a misplaced switch. Tlie mail friends stood on the wharf ami law her drown, being unable to assist is going to make bis volcano pay. In a from death. Mother and son were ill fire to her clothos. Two new oil wells are being excavat­ and baggage cars wero overtured and her. few mouths he will l ave a cable cat a rowboat, which capsized. badly damaged, and the baggage-mas­ William Chapman, a young mining running to its very cruler. Popocatepetl * The fast flyer of tlie Kansas Pacific ed at Coalinga, Fresno county. The ter and postal clerk were perhaps fa­ man of El Dorado county, Cal., is in a production of the wells is now 175 spouts out from itsawful throat sulphur railway was wrecked 40 miles east of tally injured. The lease on the Ashland Steam 1,sundry critical condition at Placerville as the barrels per day. The gas used in Fresno 127 Front Street—Portland, Oregon. enough to fumigate all the ward poli­ Deaver, Col. ' John A. Wurd, engineer, is manufactured from the Coalinga The greatest race meet in tlie result of a self-inflicted bullet wound. expires August 18th, 1897. / aud W. B. Harrington, baggageman, ticians in America, and General Oehoa history of American cycling was He was despondent through excessive The undersigned, owners ot the plant, oil. will send this in curs to points where it were killed. Eleven others were in­ will take charge of and operate the laundry Pierre Chaplau and Marie Bogaerts held in Philadelphia last week when drink. jured. Tlie wreck was caused by a can be shipped. Foijr hundred sportsmen assembled on and after that date. were married at Oakland, Cal., and the eighteenth annual meet of the League washout. The car’s running up tho mountain day following the event the wife left of American Wheelmen was held. Over at Marysville, Cal., last week, at the We have engaged the very best of help ------- Wholesale dealers in------- John Parker, a farmer living near for the Alaska gold fields and the *5,000 people wore present during the < third annual ofiting of the Sutter and from the San Jose, Cal., steam laundry, will also carry tourists. They will Kamiah, Idaho, has been missing for two days racing. PRUIT AIVD Yuba gun clubs, at the yearly shoot. reach the top in 20 minutes. It used to husband will stay in Alameda county and will be prepared to do first-clais work. day,. His house is buraed down, his The torpedo boat Plunger, costing One of the features of the gathering We solicit your consignment of Peachex. taka travelers nearly five hours to make orchard cut down, and two horses shot. and cultivate the farm. R. L. Ferral. was a pot stew of ijOdo doves. Correspond With ui. Send tor Shipping Stencil. th« climb afoot. Consequently few as A bleodv ax was found ou the premises Work on the Ojai valley railroad, $150,000, was successfully launched at m The difficulty ofzgeUiug-.sailors for. J. S. MoCormtok. oeAdad the old burning mountain. Now, which leads to the belief that he was running from Ventura to Nordhoff, in Baltimore. Thè bhkt tk regarded us a California, will commence August 10th, great triumph in marine warfare. It deep water and coasting vessels is get­ however, visitors by the thousand will murdered. and be pushed to an early completion. is said that at a pinch she will run ting worse at San Francisco. All soils tleak thither from the United States. It R. PRESIDENT—"I would suggest, Is Life Worth Living? The road will be 16 miles long and tap under the water for a distance of sixty of men are being pressed into service, will mx longer be necessary for us to go that, as yon have been elected to pre­ It there is an individual on earth who is a rich fruit and wood section. miles. The lull crew will consist of and if matters get much worse there side over our deliberations, yon procure a to J Naples to see a volcano. We have excusable for thus interrogating himself, it five men. Will be grelit danger of- persons being M a sc st, of P ari . îa . mkstsv P rockdusk , a is the unhappy mortal wlio sellers I mm Richard W. Martin, a well-known on« ait our own doors. When General malaria in someone of its diabolical forms. The large number ol table of rules observed in Congress, and in Mrs. Chloe Humphrey-Barlow, a ihfcpghaied. Ochoa's transportation arrangements This is no difficult conundrum, however. young man of San Francisco, accident­ wealthy Patterson, N. J., widow, 76 Meamers going to Alaska have taken all public bodies, to aid and assist you, that you may do credit to the office, and honor ar* completed, travelers can leave the Lite Is worth living to any man or woman ally killed himself at his father’s ranch years old, has just been married to till the spat e men. to yourself.” By mail 10c. F. W. S tsabiss , wbo enjoys good health, and is not bar- Oity. ot .Mexico at 6 in the morning, rsssed by a reproachful conscience. Tbe near Livermore by taking laundanum. John Wesley Riley, 23 yours old. One Educate Tour Bowels With Cascarets. 805 Third Street, Milwaukee, Wis. He intended to take enough to induce malarial scourge, heavily laid on, is a ter ­ make a trip to Popocatepetl aud be of the woman’s 40-year-old sons sWenr» Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. sleep, but took an overdose. one for tbe poor sufferer to endure. C. C. fail, druggists refund money. Shipping of Car Loads a specialty. back again at 6 in the evening. This rible Jie will spank his boyish stepfather the 10c, 25c. If C. A series of freezings, scorchings snd sweats ---------- Charles Darge, a 10-vear-old liov of first time he inselli him. The best of connections in all the Eastern Markets, kind of travel will suit American, ex­ —the last leaving one as limp and strength­ E dwin W. J oy C o .: The immediate and Correspondence Solicited. less as a dish rag, are hard indeed, recurr Oroville, Cal., shot his father, W. F. actly. Cloudbursts and inundations have permanent relief afforded me by the use of ingas thev do with fiendish regularity. Darge, in the back while the latter was JAMES M. KYLE. Pres, and Mgr. Joy ’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla from the terri­ devastate«! the eastern part of Ger­ Hostetter's Stomach Bitters u the world­ The newest wrinkle in piisou disci­ wide known preventive and curativs of quarrelling with his wife. The ramrod many during the past week, and are ble affliction of dyspepsia,accompanied by , was in ‘ he rifle when the shot was racking headaches, has prompted me to pline is not from Kansas this time, this class of maladies, either in the form of Cor. Trade and High St’s. SALEM, ORE, the worst that' have occurred since express my in dorsement. Two though it is very near it, liuviug orig­ ague and fever, bilious remittent, dumb fired, aud it is feared it may cause 1870. According to reports 105 persons voluntarily • • years of extreme Buttering vanished as if by MILLINER ague and ague cake. Used wl-h persistence blood poisoning, with fatal results. inated in Kansas City. The authorities they will, rely upon it, eradioute disease were killed in Silesia and in Saxony magic. To those suffering similarly I rec­ the easualities will not fall short of ommend its trial. Its merits will do the of that town decided that they did not from tbe system. They also conquer rheu­ Many parts of Austria are flooded. rest. Yours in health. B. D. CARN, matism, kidney and bladder complaints, want to be bothered with women in i and constipation, and renew falling Great damage to property and loss of 180. The financial losses foot up to OPPO8ITE PLAZA. Poso township. Kern County, Cal, ■ 150,000,000 marks. Large ,11ms of jail. They accordingly determined to strength. life have occurred in Bohemia, Vienna public money have been granted the No one should be fooled by a dis­ and otlie Important places. The Dan­ make law breakers of the weaker sex Fibel aud Qabb, the big Eminence, honest druggist. There are plenty ot break stone on the iitreets with the other Ky., distillers, have foiled for $180,000. ube river ia almost double its width and sufferers. honest druggists wbo would be glad Latest Styles . . still rising. Four lives were lost in an exploeion to have your trade. bad fellows. They also decided in their Graiu for export u beginning to ar­ HEADQUARTERS FOR which took place during a fire a few Governor Bushnell of Ohio has taken ---- IN----- wisdom that flowing feminine vest­ rive at Galvestou, Tex., in lively style. days in the Northwestern grain steps to have'Mayor Ganson of Urbana ments were not suitable for a s.ouo tdiai **•<*•!• <*•«**•*- The New York State Hop Growers elevator at Chicago. Three of the dead rnrr < i/ 9L L I lililí msntfor weekneu and Fashionable Millinery. breaker, but that th»' women should estixuato tlie crop for the state at from and SlierifT McLain of Champaign ■■■!«*■« dtCay, nerrou» debility • • county ousted from office, charging are firemen, the body of another fire­ Í 1 nrr ■ ■■■■■ and lort vitality «cut free for 19 cent, wear masculine overalls. This last or­ 65,000 to 75,000 bales. them with neglect of duty in allowing man is thought to be buried in the der settled things. Immediately after WARD INSTUTUTE, lMjr.StlStW.WnS.il’ ruins of the elevator. I^lfty-one per- It cost tlx« Australian government a negro to be lynched. its issuance the bad girls already in jail $30,000 to extradite Frauk Butler, the ! sons were injured by the explosion. Three little children found a bomb managed in some way to get their flues murderer, from Sau Francisco. in a street at Butte, Mont., and while ' Either the bursting of a boiler or the MAIN STREET-ASHLAND. OREGON. paid and themselves released, and not u Theodore Turner was hanged at playing witli it the thing exploded, explosion of mill dirt caused the havoc. woman has been arrested since. Kansas . Spring Hill, Ala., for an attempted frightfully wangling them. Tlie bomb | The loss is estimated at $300,000. S Oily is applying the new woman doc­ j assault on a farmer’s daughter. was intended to be need to murder a fiouor Canovas del Castillo, prime ---- VIA---- trine heroically. Dr. A. 8. Elbert, a colored physician mine superintendent. minister of Spain, was assassinated the of Indianapolis, bus refused the ap­ In a theives' fight at Denver, Col., Bunday, August 8tli, at Santa Agueda pointment ns consul at Bahia. over the division of plunder, William by an anarchist. The murderer fired ▲ oauioua bill has been introduced Davidson Brothers of New York, O 1 ’Brien was killed by 8. H. Edgar alias three shots, two of which struck the AMXRICA’S RCIRIC 11X1. into the British honse of commons. Its dealers in leaf tobacco, have assigned. Edwin Edgar, wbo in turn received prime minister in the forehead and the wounds from which lie died. Both other in tlie chest. The wounded mau object is to provide safety guards for There is uboul $125,030 involved. lingered unconscious two hours before were well-known crooks. all cutting machines used on farms, Representatives of large malting men 1 Ventilator-Refrigerator Car. Rock Meals in he died. The assassin was immediate­ notably the so called chaff cutter, which firms met in New York recently and Owing to the refusal of the armor Dining Ballast ly arrested. He is a Neapolitan aud has taken off a limb for many a stupid took the first steps to close a combina- 1 plate manufacturing companies to The celebrated C. F. X. Ventilator-Refrigerator Car baa a national reputation. ■LT’S CKBAM BALM lispodtlYeeirt. Oar a la I It insures perfect preservation of perishable fruit* and vegetable* throngh any supply the government with armor gave the name of Rinaldi, but it is »y into the nostrils. It is quickly absorbed. 60 Carte or careless British farm laborer. A tiou. believed his real name is Michaele An- I climate. The service is entirely supervised by our own agent* between the Pacific i at Druggists or by mail ; samples 10c. by mail. federal law compelling the use of safety The Greater New York Republican plate at $300 per ton the secretary of gino Golii. The murderer declared h 1LT BROTHERS. M Warren St.. New Tork City. i rnd tbs Atlantic Coast*. guards on agricultural cutting machines convention will not be held until navy has appointed a board to inquire killed Canovas in accomplishment of a THX ALL RAIL XOl’TE TO 8eptember 25tli, five weeks ’>efo.-e the into the advisability of establishing a ‘just vengenee." His act is believed in America would seem very odd. government plant. election. ALLIN BILDBITH to have been the outcome of a conspir­ WILLUM FOX. KOOTENAI - MINING - DISTRICT The latest official estimate of the acy. He arrived at Santa Agueda the By using ths 0. F. X. Cars, with ventilators open from loading point to The New York grand jury for August A grim looking monster enough is —VIA— Truckee. Fruit is cooled quicker in thia way than when car is iced and cloaad up that locomotive engine lately bnilt to is composed chiefly of millionaires, population of the United States is 77,- sauxe day as the premier aud was fre­ at loading point. 000,0b? This is made by an officer of quently seen lurking in the passages of SEATTLE à SPOKANE. run 100 miles an hour. Philadelphia is whose aggregate wealth is estimated at the treasury whose duty it is to report bathing establishment where the prem­ $125,000,000. 0. B. SMITH, Gen’l Manager. CONTINENTAL FRUIT EXPRESS, called a alow town by New York, but Ashland, Oregon on the par capita circulation of money ier was stayiag. There are over 1800 ears loaded with 1219 Chamber of Commerce, Chicago. 1012 Second St., Sacramento. Shortest and Quickset Line to it this engine la successful New York wheat on Kansas city sidetracks and a in the Unite? States. He eetimates A Barrel ot Squirrels. will be glad to take Philadelphia as a City Passenger that the presen! holdings of money are blockade, especially on the Southern St. Paul, Minneapolis paoemaker. The 100 mile an hour en­ roads, is in prospect $?? 63 for every n an, woman and child N. P. Williamson of Salem. Oregon, writes "I have tried several brands of in the United States. gine stands 18 feet above the ground Duluth, and Truck Transfer hicago e lhe Hudson river tunnel project to squirrel poison, but Fry's ia the beat I and is of the kind called friction geared. connect New York and New Jers-'y has A sensatioual law suit has been com­ believe one can of Fry’s SQUIRREL AND ALL POINTS EAST. —All kind, oi freight, baggage POISON will kill a barrel of squirrels, and been revived, anil tlie tunnel will be menced at Lewiston, Me., against the by household good,, etc., transfer- using early and often you stop the wi."'* of IV. E. Hadley, proprietor of the Somebody asks who is the author of pushed to completion. ed with promptnese and safety. breed. " Every can is guaranteed or money Horton House, San Diego, by Arthur refunded. Hauling an a large scale con­ the quotation, ‘ ‘The more I know of Price 30c.; for sale by E A. Striking saloon keepers at Danville, Running Schedule Fruit Trains on Special tracted for.................................... men the better I like doga ” It was II!., list > weakened, and are taking Melchc* of Auburn, Me. Melcher is I Sherwin, Helen R. Stanley and T. K ________ ________ suing fol $25,060 damages on account Bolton. Fast Time and delivered at Chicago Auction Onida, the novelist, who said that. out licenser at the high rate, the coun­ of breach of promise. Mr,. Hadley W OB FOR SALE Houses without delays or transfers. :• • • Lewis A. Wofford, a cattleman, who cil refusing to lower them. SLEEPERS, DINING and LIBRARY was to have married him but about a —-IHB TN INA AON------- Altec all, Abdul Hamid of Turkey A train struch a wagon near Rock­ month ago met and luariled Hadley. lived in the eastern part of Fresno OBSERVATION CARS. county, Ca!.. was shot and killed by knows enough to come in when it reina land, N. Y., and killed two children of WIL handle ioe la Ashland during the ur Mark shipping orders “C. M. & St. P.” Deafhese Cannot be Cared Patsy Rearden. Wofford tried to summer season. Delivered st your door John Maulick mid i dured four others Dally Trains * Fast Time every morning. release some of his cattle Rearden had by local applications, as they cannot reach it Will earprtsa Yow. and the father ami mo.’>er. C. J. EDDY, General Agent MRTIARD OREGON. the diseased portion of the ear. There is In order to prove tbs great merit of Ely a SXBVICX ARh SCIXKBY UMiqUALXD. ffiV^Peseengers delivered to any pert of A number of families have secured a oi.'v one way to cure deafness, and that is locked up for trespassing, and when Cream Balm, the most affective .re 50 ct,. laid out in tlie colony plan. J, E. E xyabt , Ashland, Or. . When this tube gat, inflamed you have a ELY BROS., 56 Warren St., N. Y. City. Medford, Oregon. George W. Schofield, a rancher living A storm, accompanied hv a striking rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and Klv', Cream Balm baa complately cured R. C. S txvkxs , A. B. C. D xxxistox , it Is entirely closed Deafness is tbe •ear Madrone, Santa Clara county, axe of catarrh whan everything else failed. electricul display, occurred' at Madison, , I wbei. G. W, P. A.. Seattle, C. P. A T. A. result, -nd unless the Inflammation can be Many a>-quaintanoea bare used It with ex Wis., a few days ago. Over 300 tele­ taken out And this tube restored to its nor­ Cal., was foully murdered by someone Portland, Oregon. oellent results.—Alfred W. Stevens. Cald­ phones were burned out by it. mal conditio», bearin/ will be destroyed who shot from ambush. An investiga­ SIMPLEST. SAM DO”, Proprietor. well. Ohio. tion ef the case lias justified the officers forever; nine cases out of ten are caused CHEAPEST. Fighting steers smashed several car­ by catarrh, wblc! Is nothing but an In­ la piaci ng under arrest Mrs. Sarai; EASIEST TO OPERATE. S PIONEER BLOCK, $25 TO $50 PER WEEK It wu a strange coincidence that just riages in a funeral possession at Cin- flamed condition o.'tbe mucous surface, Schofield, the murdered mail’s widow NO SHIFTING OF TRAYS. We will give Oue Hundred Dollars for Irving Man. her 17-year-old son, and A number of people had DRIES AT LOWEST CO8T. at the time when the seal industry of cinati. any case of Deafness 'caused by catarrh) £2 WASTE OF HOT AIR I I Alaaka ceased to be profitable to the narrow escapes from being killed. Bread, Pies, Cakes, and Evarv- 1“ b« mad. or AGENTS taking ordere that cannot be cured, by Hall's Catarrh Daniel Dutcher, a ranch hand. The Freeh PERFECT CIRCULATION OF AIR. .. 1 for "The Earth Girdled,' by REV . Send tvi The strike of white cotlon mill opera-1 .. Cure. for virvoinr», ejrcnlarj, free. free, three were at the house when Schofield NO BLR8T1NG OR DRIPPING. United States the marvelous richness of thing Psrtaining to tn* T. DeWITT TALMAGE. Rare, radiant F J. CHEN EY A CO., Toledo, O. was kiled. tives at Atlanta, Ga., continues, as the Bakery Trade. and alarming Hundreds of new photos— the territory in gold should be discov­ Can ba built for th« largest or smallMt mill president refuses to stand by his ff^Sold by Druggists. 7.5c. lands, ecenaa. peapie and plaoee. ered. Orchards. I Th« World’s Wonders as seen and dee- agreement to discharge all colored G, xts ; I have been taking your Sanpa- Bark.ley, Cal, may have a police Boston Baksd Benos, English Evaporate» Prana», Apples, Peach«, , cribed by the greatest living preacher and labor. _ ______________ tarilla. and think It a wonderful remedy 1 Great Britain will do nothing for the patrol system soon. Plum Pudding, and Fresh East­ orator. Over 500 massive quarto page> Pears, Berriee, Cberrire. Grape«, have had catarrh of the heed end throat for ern Orators. Everything home- preservation of the Alaska seal, and it Agents reaping a golden harveet of John Griffin, of Zanesville, O„ says: “I Apricot», Vegetable«, Etc. About one-half the town of Fahning- seven year», and have bean treated by doc­ | orders; one reports SO sales in 8 hours. never lived a day for thirty veer, without baksd by Expsrt Cooks. will probably ere long become extinct tors. I got Joy's Vegetable Hanaparilla I Liberal term,. No exparleno« needed sartering agony, until a box of De Win’s lon, Wash., was destroyed by Are. The trays are put in at the top where the and too* It for about five month,, and from commercially. But wbo tbinka of that Witch Hasel Salve cured my piles ” For Write for sgency, quick I temperature is the lowest snd the gradual Giles Magee, foreman in a vineyard that day to thia I hav* never been trou­ special ordera for fancy PEOPLE’«, se*l Market fit., Phlla. approach to • higher temperelure ripens now! Gold. Alaaka gold, la the thing. piles and rectal troubles, cut,, bruises, near Frueno, Cal., shot off a portion of bled with catarrh, and I believe I am entire­ All paatry must bava 24 houra notlce. sprains, ecstma and all akin troubles De­ the fruit and make« It sweater, while the ly wall of it I bare found It matchlau Witt's Witch Hasel Salve is unequalled. left arm accidentally. rapid and uniform circulation ot air dries is a good thing to have handy. ! For a flrst-claas meal and Eugene A. Sherwin. the fruit very fart. TUIQ DADCD * ’ k *P t 011 *»• * ARRY L. FIMMEL. prompt orda» cali on us. For particular, or price», call on or I nio rnren e . c. daki ' sa < i Little Laks, Cal. __ addrere, Waive To rneax ssoslx a»n tbsy will mhaij » at varUalng Agency, 64 and 65 Merchants Ex - W. J. JACOBSON, Mfp, obanga, San Francisco, California, where mix” teiteriww.*"’ *■** ** ALX ■< eeatreets ter advertising ma ba mafie tor It «0 Waeblagtea M. PORTLAND, 9U Earl Finit Company 1 Sacramento ® Los Angeles, Cal. I ALL FRUIT DISTRICTS OF CALIFORNIA. Merit Hood ’ s Sarsaparilla Oregon and Washington Fruit Growers Union, Commission Merchant. MY, NO. I QUALITY Notice to the Public. L evy &S piegl , * Commission Merchants. F»RODUOE, M OREGON FRUIT&PRODUCE CO. Qreert and Dried Fruit;. Mrs. E. Fo$ Poley&Co 1 9 CHOICE GROCERIES, CoXccrtìx • Library-Car Route CoU tai C. F. X. SAVE $15 T0 $30 PER CAR THROUGH PALACE & TOURIST CITY BAKERY! The Fleckenstein Evaporator.