S"1 F- valley recoup VALLEY RECORD; VA FINE PRINTING OF EVEkY DESCRIPTION NO MONOPOLY PRICES I Give us your order for Letterheads. State­ ments, Envelopes, &c. ASHLAND OBEUON, EY RECORD VOL. X. JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, THUR8DAY. Chief of the County Papers Published every Thursday. E. Z KAISER, Proprietor. SUBSCRIPTION ’’ix Months ................................................. 1 ' W Three Months.............................................. j AUGUST 12 NO. II. .Adverti>inv raten given on HE Pioneer Meeting. PllKsNI-:i> HIIKJKH. The annual nieetlncof the Mont hern Ore- gon Pioneer H«»riery will beheld Thursday, Hon. H. B. Miller wa« in town Saturday Sept. 2d. 1897 Th*- following named are Mr«. .1. H. Martin went to Oakland. Cal.. a|-p<d. <-h ijrmitn; Mis« Lydia 1 Monday McCall, vr« Lizzie Hoiburg, Miss Mabel A nice set of glass dishes for 40c at D. L. ' Believe hi Woman’s Writes> i Wagner. Miss Nellie R usm II, George An- | Minkler A Son’s. ffiuiuty. Mrs. E. P. Gearv and children are ▼hit­ * ” For seven years I suffered i “I suffer*d for three years with sal» i»>g Eugene re anves rlie»’m. The hutunr was on my hands and > with scrofula. I had p. good I I w.isob iged to keen a covering on them W. H. Packer w*i at Seattle tbe past physician. Every n eans of i ni-'-t of the time The «tinging and l urn- week »»n a business trip J cure was tried in v in. At last ing were verv severe N«»'hingdi d . DeLamar. Idaho. Mi«s Jennie Booth of Jacksonville is me after using seven bottles. ” ■ I H>>«» Ashland tiring the m .nth of G W. Revnolds and A J. m, <»f July as reported bv F. H Carter, local ob.«»-rver for the Oregon Blate leather Asbe-to*. have gone rn Kiondyk». Hen ice- Mrs. Wm. Ulrick and children of M»*d- Pre« 11 i'n ford are vidting Portland relatives. in inches. Mrs. J. W. Sevedge of Lake creek re­ turned last week Trom San Francisco. 1 79 6Í» 72 I I 72 51 2 63 Mrs. W T. York ha« returned to M»»d- 3 77 1'1 «3 ford from a visit with North Dako'a friend«. 4 78 43 60 5 5 Dr. Walter Farnham of Mo«row, Idaho, 67 51 59 68 6 ia here on a visit to friend« and relatives. 48 D H. J. S. liKKNDON, 58 trace 7 72 49 60 5 Ren Tahor. the Woodville miner, re­ 8 82 61 5 <1 turned Saturday from Siskiyou county, to 9 90 45 67 5 PHYSICIAN ANI) SU Rii EON. remain. 10 9> 55 75 11 96 j. c. r . • Pendleton, president of th»* new 53 A shland , 74.5 O beuon . 12 * -~r with Ed 88 district ' fair, -- was - here “ Saturday 54 71 13 88 Worman. 51 ♦19.5 EW^Office—In Townsend Building, 14 89 47 »>8 OaK Street, Opposite Hotel Oregon. Will Reames, A. N. Solis* and Prof, 15 89 49 69 ton <>f Jacksonville are studying the ocean 16 85 48 66.5 at Crescent City. 17 77 49 63 HINMAN. 18 87 40 Apples were selling at 85 cents per box in «3 5 19 92 46 69 Calitnrnla for shipping to China. They are 20 88 52 70 wrapped in paper. 21 SO M 67 Delbert and Ches Terrill, of Brownsboro, 22 85 44 61 5 delivered a bunch of fine beef cuttle to Pel- 23 46 86 66 ton A Neil Friday. 24 «> 47 <¡6 « IS^-lti the Masonic Building uu stairs 25 89 47 ’Ì8 Mrs. W I. Vawter and children «nd over Post OtHce. 20 91 50 72 Mra. b R Hill .... of ...___________ _________ _ Medford aire vidting 27 94 51 72 LI"ii co intv friends. 28 ; 9«i fti 70 5 Wm. Heelev, the veteran street co»nmi«- 29 89 D il. 8. T. SON G EK. 68 47 stoner of Jacksonville, started this week for 30 i 82 42 I 62 42 1 63 5 Clondyke. 8ft 31 1 PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. John Briner, Ford Roper and Misses Mean temp ,61 6; Max. temp.. 96 on 11: Min. temp,, 40, on 18: No. ot days clear 26; Della Rob son and Carrie Tice of Talent partly cloudy 1; cloudy 1; prevailing di­ Sundayed at Colestin. Novelty Block. Opposite Hotel Oregon, rection of wind, N VV. W. J. King a»»d Mr. Ritter of Medford July mean temp 16 years. 69 6 degree«; went »o Ban Francisco Sunday to take the A shland , . , O hkgon . July rain-all ave- ge 16 years. 51 inches «•earner for Clondyke Ju'.v 883 and 1892 we had no rain. Thi- Frank Zipsv. formerly in the railroad ----------- K. C. W. BAKR. moiith shows the lowest, July mean except emplov here but no v of Portland, visited 1»92 and 1893. Ashland friends Friday. ( Woman’s Writes I I Ayer’s Sarsaparilla . ..cures.. Professional Cards DENTISI D StHiifl.H at tlie Head. Dental Parlors in odd beilow’s Block. A ahland , O regon . I Aug. J. Bogel, the leading druggist of Shrwep« rt. La says: “Dr King’s New Discovery is the onlv thing that < ures niv A 11 work pertainin ■ to modern dent- cough, and it is the he«t seller I have ’ try. Painless operatiuns a specialty. J h . Campbell, merchant of .S.tttord, Z, riz . writes: ‘ Dr King’s New Discovery is al1 that Is cla*nied f »r it; it never tails, and i- I J M. BltOWKit M. i>. a sure cure for (’o'laumpdon. Coughs and ’’olds I cannot sav enough for iis merit«.’’ Dr King’s New Discovery for <’on.« imp PHYSICIAN and BURGEON. lion, C< ughs and ’ ’olds is not an exper-- ment. It has t»»-en tried for a quarter of n O regon . century, and to-day «tand« at the head It never disappoints. Free trial bottles ai E. A. Sherwin's Drugstore. Office—At Residence, intersection of Me­ DlMt of Ijeuern. chanic, Laurel and Main streets. Remaining uncalled for in the Ashland P. O., Aug 9. 1897. Mariin, James | Nickerson, Mrs H Kmie, Miss Kiltie Persons calling for .«»me will please set “adverusied.” W H B runk P M. SOCIETY DIRECTORIES. G. A. It. BURNSIDE POST NO. 23. Meet in Masonic Hall, on the 1st and 3«t >aturdav of °%ch month. Vinitlng <’<»n rades curuiaii) weicoinru. M ’ . t n B ; rry , Commander. J. R. C xricy . I jur» a. In Probate. Estste <-f D W. <’»>rni-h. Will »•’,m5tt»-d r»» probate M «rv E Cornish exTUinx aud W N Wright, ’.T''HER— On Wiliams ereek. July 24 attend F. M. D rake , N. G. 1H97, to Mr. and Mrs. J N. Gotcher. a H. 8. E vans , 8ec*y, P.O box 102. daughter, PILOT HUCK ENCAMPMENT, NO. 16. Meets in Odd Fellows’s Hull every 2d ami 4tii Munday in each month Me»'ibei> in good sLauding cordially invited tv attend. H. b. E vans , C. f. R obt , T aylor , Scribe. hope bkbkcca degree lodge , no . A. O. U. W. Meets in lodge room in Ma«onic Ha tvery second and rouaru Wednesday ii tach month. All brethren in good atanano ire cordially invited to attend. C. F. H asty , M. W. J. R. C asey . Recorder T. - M Shu - J«’“ W*'- «^“--INGRAM—Tn Jacksonville indie9 1W*7, bv w 8 Crowell, count* J , j, Henry N Holtun and Miss Geneva tnurarn. VN M AN-MeCGRMICK-InKlHmatb Fall. July 29. *897. Bud Inman and Miss Jessi* McCormicK X-^OW a RD-H Medford Aug. 9 1«9» bv R B. Dunlap, J. P. J 8. Laci and Mrs. Eliza Howard. ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 66. K. O. M AIUII Eli. MONTGOMERY-W' , nn f " P’ AM^,t.'u-7 b' -en,b.-..hn<.r 24. Meets on Che 2d and 4th Tuesday iu eaci mouth iu *nid Fellows' Hall. Ashland. Miss E lsie P atteróon , N. G. M isb N ina E mrhy , oecv. 0RANITE TENT GR 1FFIN—On Griffin creek July 24 IK,? to Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Griffin, a d' ter -*u^ M. NO. 4, KNIGHTS M SCCABEK8. OF the »Meet in regular review on the second an- fourth Thursday.« of each month at Odd Fellow’s Hail, Ashland Visiting Bi Knights cordially invited. G- W. t'Ri'WSON, Corn C has . H. G illette , R K. ills of men, come to the oldest A specialists©« the PacificCoa'd, * Dr. Jordan ft Co. Th ussnds \ L nneto P»di can buy from Dead Indian, Cant. M. Caton, f’hri« Ulrick. and family «nd Fred Furrv and family nave gone to ’’elican bay for an outing The people sav lots of dis agreeable things ab-idt summer at this time of the year that ' * they feel sorry for next f /inter. The Western Ma-tCo. shinned the tint ’ndn load—38*1 head—u’f beef cattle to dan FrancDco la«t w*'ek from Montague Mrs, J. D .¡Cumming * and son of KlS’m- a,*lon,®av e been vidHi.ig Ashland friend« and wi a gpend some 1» me at Cole-tin, . T ne 8 P will sei* round trip tickets for he Y 'quins hsy timdl Oct 10 from \sh- and to Albany, for 113 80. About a half rae. Jak»‘ Weeks, a ctilehrated Indian sport of ii« tri »e, wa« bur ied at Wi liamson river a«t week and the .Indians gave him a big u neral. Baldwin H. Fin e, a stockman and David tones, Jr , startedi to cross a slough 1” north Warner vallev on horseback. Fine was trciwin d. Mrs. Leeter and" Mrs. Rifihard*<«n of Oak- ami. Cal , mo lp-r a d sister of Mr« R. 8. ’•nrelay of Talent are up tor a summer vacation. The sheriff'jf Kia nr«th count? has levied »n the tinibe r lan ' thp K amath River umber Co, for about fMJUO delinquen' ax money. Geo M. Lr.vnaud Mike Hanley, arcnni- •anied bv t\jeir wi ves, have go e to Harnev vi lev on a pieasi *re Kwln* bv Privat? •onveyau» ce> tt her’ Hpsrlin d. ed of c»>n-umptinn in •i’. Vitceent’« hospit ^orHand. *»ed 28 par!'- He wa« bui ’»•‘I hi’ home on »Villi' iras creek. ,pt. A. D. Helman *ni* *’'e nnd1 ’■ > in A. Carter and d ;><»*<•':, *re T*9?1.1"»1 ■I elman’s daughte**, A IrB* Niles, at Adin. C al’. W. G Kropka and Irv ng Vining esme m Haturdav from two weeks at Jenny 1 creek and starred out agai. 3 this week tor a season at Cherry creek. Il is reported that one cattle ‘n Modoc eoun'y bougnt a ha id of 5 1 , J pax ing 5 cents per lb. The band in.’:*UUea . «teers, cows and calves. W 8. McKee of Los Angeles, who w».M married recently to Mrs. H B. Btanlev, for nerlv of Medford, 1« in the valley looking after her property 'nterests. «’apt. J T C Na«h and Attorney Craw­ ord. of Rio-eburg. went to ban Francisco Monday on bosine*» connected with ihe ale of the Golden Stan lard mine. John Madden, treasurer of Modoc county. Cal . has »sipped our taking $35.- • 00 of the oou tv’s money with him He got a good start before it was discovered. Jap WaiLe, the well-known Southern Pa- ■•ific locomotive engineer wa« married on be 2d in «t to Miss Edith I mb er at R<>se- • >urg and is receiving the congratulations of many frieuds. A letter from E.Pomerov.whn went to Visalia to look at the property he secured here in a trade, state« that he is well " <• ea-ed. the property being worth double 1 tie amount be gave for it. Mrs. J. R. Casey and Mr-. C H Harga- 1 dine returned Friday from the Wi lamen» ____ valley They we»e vi-itirig Eth ene rela- iivesandMrs uvesand Mrs Cua Cas v also attended the D I •»< H. grand lodge s at Port'and. Mrs. Bowers, wife of Gen. Bow ers, the *an Francisco mining expert, who is inter «ling capital in southern Oregon s nd ha« he Oregon ledge on Wagnerc»e“k t'onded ¡died in San Francisco Tuesday urp»»eof devising means toward colie i mg the b-ets for testing the sacch^n properties. From 200 to .300 fa’niers i Jacks.in county have planted and are cti • ivat ng a part of an acre each of this ar'i de for the purpose of giving the soil • ia«'k«<»n county a thorough test a« to i capacity in -ugar beet culture If it cm p t«» the high standard h-reotore secu’« on a smaller scale the farmer« will go in the bu«mess next year extensively and ugar 'actorv will lie open d in tha vahe« Fine Price* f«»r P«aub»-e uu«l Apples The U. S. Crop Bulletin for Julv, :> ■* iip «1 by the department of agrscu'tur eaya: P kachrh —With few exceptions the r narta on rhe peach cron arn uniavorahl I«» New York it is said to be in rail* p<»or condition ; in New Jersey, not vp' /no l; in Penna J vanin, only moderui • n D-laware. lean than 10 per cent hf iterage crop; in Maryland, a small cr i n Georgia, Ires Umri halt a crop; iu K m kv, as below last, year; in Ohio, aa iiost an entire failure. On the oln •’and, the Arkansas crop is on the wh ¿•»nd ; the California crop fair; the Wa« i ng ton crop never better, and that of O 4«»n more promising than last season. A pplkr —Thia crop also is below t* iveragw, except io the far west and < Hie Pacific coast. From all the N«*ri Atlantic states the reports are more - I m 88 unfavorable. In Ohio the fruit h dropped off badly, ami the indicati are that the present condition of 46 p cent will prove to be high rather tha mo low. Michigan has an average of oi iv 52, as compared with 99 at thia tin last year. Buekl»‘n's Arnica Salve. T he B est S alve in the world for Cui Bruises Bores, Ubers, Balt Rheum, Fev« Sorus, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblain Corn-, and «11 Skin Eruption«, and p »M ivelv cure- Piles, or no nav required I •« Euarantee-I to give perfect. eatisfacUti >n m »ney re’ll-'ded. Price 25 cents per h For .sale bv E. A. Sherwin. Circuit Court Proceedings J O VanDyke vs D T Pritchard; to r. cover money. Judgment for defendant b defHult W I Vawter, administrator of the estai» of F G Garrison, vs E G and Hilda Sal «tr- in: to recover money. Argued an mbmiited. I><>ra Shklev v« M A Shirley; divn»- » Leave granted to file amended comp Hint A C Guthrie vs O H Rloiin» et al ; contir mation. Sheriff's sale confirmed. W M Ludd, «t al. va John Slsemnre;» recover coney. Judgment for plaint i for $393, coats, etc. JEN whanks vs A 8 Barnes, sheriff : writ, of habeas corpus. Decided again- N»*whank M P Jarohv vsT TThomas; to recov i rnonev. Dominoed. U à C R R Co and 8 P Co vs Jackan «•oil .ft ; ii junction. Argued and su nitt»»d. Court adjourned for the term. Burning, itching «i>in diseuses instan’ •elieved bv De Witt’s Witch Hazel 8ah» I unequalled for cuts, bruises, bums fM‘HIs without h aving a scar. Eugene A Sherwm. Business ns She Is. Last year of about 1,150,000 firms doing business in the United States and Canada 224,53-1 either failed or wound up their affairs in disgust after losing their last dollar. Of the 17,300 tha* were driven into bankruptcy and prob ably, also, cf the 207,200 that volun tarily gave up tlie ghost before fallinr into complete insolvency 80 per cent were firms having a capital of $5,000 or less and 14 per cent wero firms hav- iug a capital of more than $5,000 and l»->s than ;520,000. At this rate it won Io take less than five years to wipe out oi existence every firm in the Uniter States having a capital of less that $.20,000 and to concentrate the who! butiniss of North America in the hand of a few hundred millionaires were i not that there are still many unsophi‘ tiented “ marines” ready to cm bar their email savings or inherited proper in the same rotten ship of middle cla enteiprise. Tho number of such mea aspirants to ruin and bankruptcy ha- indeed, been heretofore sufficiently larg to fill the gaps made iu the business di rectory by their unlucky predecessor? but it iu obvious that the supply of the- ■ can’ipt be unlimited, .and its rapid d* crease must suou become apparent.— New York People. An »»Anarchistic” Populist. For the purpore of illustrating th- honesty anfi manhood of Congreesma: Harris of Kuusiis, we beg leave to offe- the following story, which same is trie in every parrioolar: During the discus ( : Si<» ou tho Union Pacific funding bi. Ci Culjig Huntington seat a page t< ». UMlis, rtsjuestiug his preseuoo in e • * cz.muiiti*tf roota. Not knowing cejtan. t(j# bosinem> Harris re reond^d oau»« » ‘h»tP°iD’ »ponded, t. , .«ying, “Harris. I )iav. immediately ‘¿^what I can do ft» sent for you >. ,^ur views re- yon to have you c. nl pa gard.ng the fundlug o- ,uw ju cifle railroad debt. liar. the face, clinrhed his fist, in the old thief’s face and repi.»''; a d------- tiling,’’ then turned on h. • aud abruptly left the room. This is oe man that is now being abused by son* of our New York corporation owned newspapers. He is a Populist and, as a matter cf conrse, “anarchist,” as tho i term goes. —Denver Road. Wanted Will trail» Jackson county property. one hundred and aixtv acre« of goo. farming land seven miles from Klamat' A.I- 1 I Fall* for Jackson cnontv property. A-. Ireaa, I’. O. B”X 55, Yreka, Cal. The suan iu tu’j t-auaUiwU pi-iliuiDt •‘They don’t make much fu«s abou t it." shows nothing so xuneb us th« flpptru We are speaking of De Wiif» Little 1 ?«arly ity of the American kegi dative sja U l K >ers. the famous Int a pi 1« for con-, tips Ion, biliou-ness, and all stomach and Dominion senators uro appointed L liver t»oub es. They never grip«. Eug •’»• life by the head oi the executive depai \. bherwin. mmt, who is appoint* <1 by the cxowl W. F. Me Lean has a force of men at wo f*t on the Black I'lixnne mine running a t’J»1 The Canadian ■eimta is therefore t riel J H Shotwell left for the Appleg »t® email imitation cf tho British hoesc c country, to examine some mining pr per 'v ’ ioias. When there ar» a nawber cf ecl or Beattie parties, Tuesday.— Gold Hi.’ll News. I xitorial vaeancxei during a (JonMn'uUt . rtjgiiue, then, it coarse, a large iranibe. Russell, who was king in jail a week or nort-c a»ged wl'h mu derin* l'h «a. Psrk iJonservahvc m* mL* w aie appointed »-r. who died suddedly after eating s<>me Tjoefl, when the government is ovci m.i-n a' the '-l-k’v. n county ho-pit.l. where Rtis-ell wa- empb veti. has been dis­ Mixed by pojiulur vote aud the Liberals charged. Tlie chemist discovered nu p«» sun >e iu, there will bo a great body oi in Parker’s Stomach. co. ’ w^rvauve obstructionists in tue up Returns from a carload of peach p’umb« C ol ah pped t«»Chicago by the ‘ »regon Fruit and per Wxuse. This is the Canadian bitua Produce company last week. *how v e B 1 < preseut, aud the Liberals do not I growers netted 1*4 «ents a p und. The tien panie company wiL ship another carload find I it jdeaftant. lBExxl Remedy.* ’ rhurs*iay and on© Ba urday ot this week. rnui* -uch a- reirigt^t«^ ’ J. L. Brobst ha« returned fr- m Denver tentx. ha m,u a"’1 camping goods at where h»* La« »»rdf r ed a Bean furnace pro- Furuiture Score. - a uaraotr rd purely vegetable) Ce-s plant for the Elk creek mine«, to ar- opera Hi ■x>A rem edy, and never fails ■ rive next month His company h «ve about f-nrw C»»»»-»*IpwduH ><»rFver. to cure Ca □cer, E, wems. Rheumatism 2f> men at work ma-ing wagn r mo I. pre­ Take*’« s* vreus C omm v Cutbaitic 10c or 25a Scrofula, o r any otl ier blood disease, If C C. G fa’* eure- r*’funü paring h»r the erection ot a «aamill. and Our ba oks other preliminaries fur exten-ive work. will be m died Vim. vigor and victorr: »he*e are the free to aw t ad- cl a»actari«tice of l»e Witt’« L;itU Early dree®, s rift Ki«ers. th- famous little pills for con-tt* I Specific Co., uat on. biiiouane«« and a l iromach aud ÀtUateQH • uver trvabiee. Eageue A, Sherwta. sss I RATES Due Year ............................................. H .5 ............. .. OUR 1OUK1HIH in BUliOPK. IJ ll H-uHN ”3 OREGON State Normal School, The lluderminlix Inhueno. wi A h aonl.. lain - la Oar Cauntry to Bo Happed and Kulned a. Ireland Wa.?—Ar. W. ta B. Berta ot a Royalty Aping t-luta.ra.yr ASHLAND, OREGON, One of our duilie*recently announced vitli patriotio complacency that tour its und pleasure aeekera to the number f 133,000 hnve left theae khore* for the ontiueut of Europe. W.thiu the limit* d a moderate expenditure thi*u annual leai rters cf their native country will epo*it over $100,000,000 into thepook- ts of obsequious foreigners. The above, uo doubt, are impressive gures, bnt the sniu involved is a mere .igutelle iu comparison to the river of old which perennially flows from this orely burdened country for tho usu aud ehoof of the fut aud flourishing col- pii« of Aiuerioan* who have penna- , antly taken np their quarter* iu the deasure cities of Europe. These repndiators of everyt&ing American but it* gold live, as i* well tnown, in a style of maguiflcence that ar transcends that of the prince« and tobies with whom they strive at a pro- ligiotis cost to associate themsciwti by marriege. There can be no reasonable doubt hat this systematic abstraction of our country’s gold is rapidly leading to dis­ astrous consequences. A strangling de­ pression iu trade and u consequent bit­ ter discontent among the masses of the poor are among the crying evil* attend­ ant upon a country's resources being squandered iu foreign lands. H< iw must the artisan struggling for ver f exist enco feel wheu ho see* the pr< duct of American industry to the extent, of hun­ dred* of million* annually shipped from this country to maintain in un­ paralleled splendor and luxury ¡ifoseuteo millionaires aud their families? En­ forced idleness and poverty have a won­ derful effect in stimulating inajniry among the masses as to the cause* of hard time*. Million* who aru lacking in the common necessaries of life are beginning to see plainly enough that when title hunting Americans vie with each other in profuseness of expenditure abroad it ia the poor producer* at homo who indirectly pay the bill*. This absenteeism is an immense aud thorny question, just now involving, uh it does, one of the worst specie* of op pressiou to which a nation can possibly' be subject. It is, doubtless, producing the same deplorable result* in thini country which it has inflicted upon Ire­ land, only on a far more colossal and ruinous scale. It is, moreover, increas­ ing at a geometric rate of progression from the fact that it has become the fashion for our plutocrats to spend their enormous aud too often ill gotten wealth in foreign land*. Naturally enough the majority of our more timid and couservativecitizen*. admit the disease, but dread thoremedy- They are told, with some show of plaus­ ibility, that there is no relief that, would not directly infringe upon the rights of person aud property, seeing that a man has a right to spend his money how and where belike*. Fright ened. no doubt, by this and such like marketable cant, they have persuaded themselves that the most rational meth­ od of dealing with the case is to comply with necessity, put ' cod face on a bad bnsiness and allow the bleeding to go on indefinitely. There are, on the other hand, multi­ tudes of intelligent workmen, sunk, from decent manhood tosqualid pauper-1 hood, who feel provoked to auger at the I legalized ravages which are tending to j plunge them into irretrievable want | and misery. They view with uo less in- i diguation the anomaly of the govern­ ment of the most gifted aud iudustri- on* people in the world borrowing money at largo interest from London syndicates to supply the place of the gold which migrate* in a steady stream into the pocketsof plutocratic absentee* and titled spendthrifts, who condescend to marry American heiresses. They feel that they aro not toiling for their own bread, but for the luxurious enjoyment of diverting millionaires who totally ignore the social duties which they owe to their native country. Something is painfully necessary to be done to prevent a system of leg a. spoliation which is fast reducing the nation to bankruptcy. What renders this proces*of exhaustion so particular­ ly aggravating is the fact that while vulgar ostentation and titled bargain­ ing are rampant among our moneyed aristocracy American men and women, conntable by the million, aru driven to desperation aud degradation from want of work and inability to make an honest living. The cry that now come* from the lips of insurgent labor is that there i* no remedy tot this state of things but revolution and that rebellion itself is preft ruble to endurance. TlwMgb there are moral obliquities which uo Human law can reach, yet there are forces nt work, known a* the ’Uinal and immutable laws of nature, illicit, a* history shows often, work out i O m '-’’1 refortus iu a very tragical man ter. I* j> lofl falaHy certain that ab- ieutee luagtiftt«; of preposterous wealth and gigantic trust* nro spreading gun­ powder, so to speak, iu all directions, a.M it only rcqnlre* a «park to kindle it into «jtpiusioO. There iu? aigus enough of a coming itorgl, and come it must, fcr nothing less that, a general convulsion can reach the conscience uf privileged classes, intrenched behind law* a* own making. There are great changes going on in this land of ours, and we can t do better than prepare ourselves to be sur prised U scarcely auytliing. It won't do, as Mr. W»«AWJikcT aptly puts it, to sing ourselves to sleep or soothe our­ selves into the security of idiot* by »elf deception. —C. French iu Twentieth Century. Jbe Unit''! Fi;.!.ti urAlber otserva- tiou bPD'aiM Hie 1.; ».est canes far re- tuovtd frefcj t’:» tt(n.caplare cf the »ciL < * \ iuh - fl r H?‘| «taws pht K in v.i.t.t l!......... i.uLl.yLla ¿1 the et:'i litr uAAi i i d p Dpi’ ‘ f freeze, acc»n: itf' t\i starcu. '* i {’tiUL StiiLrf v.tui ■. sports arc therelcrt» ìl uo an AiCOlate avccui:t cf the real atMNM|.l eie nrd u .t ucrtl.y cf tin slightest cOBsiddalidi freni the ¡ eople. Lt* buu..a ieprrt tLe ltu.pt rature •bout six . Dann contributes to The North Am emo. in Review a suggestive paper on atmospheric electricity. He reiuinils his readers that the atmosphere is at all times charged with this subtle influeigDe, that we »lraw it in with every breath and that it invigorates us and gives us life. When the electria^J pres­ sure of th** iMmosphere is at tho weak­ est, as tft certain hours of the day, then we feel often weak and depressed, and we know not why. The samtf effect is produced wheu the air is«aturatsd with humidity. Iu that vase tiio electricity from our bodies passes oil into the humid atmosphere, inoistizm being a perfect conductor, and again we aio left without our due amount of this life giving current. That is why in hot, muggy, showery reasons we are often almost miserable nough to commit suicide. TLe most interesting part of the pa­ per, however, deals with the future pos­ sibilities cf that electricity which the atmosphere holi.s iu inexhaustible quan­ tities. Mr. Dunn emphatically believes Che time is near when this limitless store of power, health and light can bi tapped, drawn upon at will and stored for the use of man. He says: beveiul experiiutsnieis are already employed m devising a plan for gathering and storuij at;no-p: eric electricity, and I am confident from flic prog!«!.-« already attained in lliid lin< chat it will not be many years before atrnvs pherie electri ;ity can bo properly stored and utilized, titl ing the place of all ligtliing, hear­ ing and motor power employed at the present day. The possibilities and uses to which this pow er may be applied are innumerable. I expec- to see it used in every house in as simple a manner c.s gas or water, so that it shall b» within the reach of tho poor as well as the wealthy. Thu earth and atmosphere were given to va> fur useful ¡»urposes. Thu earth has re.ipunue., to many of oar wants, and now, us seieuv» progresses and we arc bccc.. mg Kioto eniign. ened, the possibilities uf u.un;..pheric qualitic. xud quant ities arc open lor experiment. Massachusetts Feather Law. Massachusetts has been the first state to enact a law looking to the protection •f birds usually destroyed for milliners purposes. Those who drafted and pabseu the law were apparently clear in their minds uh to what they wanted and meant But little they knew the re­ sources of the human mind, familiar as they were with legal juggling. The law explicitly prqhibiV* the kill­ ing of all birds except those used for food, also English sparrows, crows, jay birds and birds of prey. This is one sec­ tion. Another provides that all persons found wearing the bodies or feathers of any of the biids whose killiug is pro­ hibited shall be lined $10. The keeping of such feathers for sale is ako ferbin- deu. . That seems plain enough. But he.u steps in General Martin, piebident cd tbi Boston police commissioners, and say* no woman can Lc arrested and lined un­ der the law for wearing feathers. The reason he gives is the peculiar v.ord.u^ of the law—whoever shall hav3 ii “his” possession, etc. “His” mean, ouly men, according to General Mar­ tin’s ruling. “Let men who wear featii ei*» beware,*.’ says Martin. Thus far n Etrious attempt has been maue to tn force this law against u’aclty to am ma Is, though, as a piumiueiit mem be. of the Boston bar rtiuark. J, “Th* re an moie criminals walking the streets ox Boston (lnt.sod iu btylish clothes than there are in ail the pin.cjs cf Massa­ chusetts. ” When people marry these days, it iu well to take into con -ideiatiou the pos sihility of future divorce. In 1890 e lady wua so much iu love with Millard Polhemua that sko not ouly married him, but maue him a present of $20,000 besides. Ju 1895 she whs no longer u much iu love with him; no, not by lick. 1 New Buildings, Fin» t »nipu«, Good Water. Healthiul location, Delightful Climate, Excellent influence« for 8iud»*uts. COURSES: rtuh-Normal of one year. Regu'ar formal of three years, Business, horthand and typewriting,*’'«.liege Preparatory. Music, Art. THE ONLY C«‘MMER I\L SCHOOL IN THIS PART OF THE STATE IB one of the prominent departments of tlie*choo> ’in I js conducted in business college stylo The Training Baheol is graded and in charge of the senior Class the full year, and ndtr the direct supervision of a critic teacher trained in the noted Holbrook Normal of Lebanon. Ohio The Natural Sciences are taught by almost constant work in the labiatory. and Elo- <*uiion. delsarte and physical (raining by h specialist in these lines Special advan ace- in hu-ber mathematics ami literature. Pruning and vocal music are compulsory for Normal course ^Indents The regular Norma! School diploma is granted, good any Where in the stale without further examination EXPENSES: Tuition 16.25. board at hall $1 75, lodging 30 cents ’per week, student 'urnishing bed-cloihing onh . Famih board $2,50 per week. $125 furnishes the student noard. books and lodging, and pays his tuition for one vear: Grades are accepted from oilier schools, if the same cover the work required in the tyurninl. Teachers re tew clause« any time in the year. The next school year open« Sept. 6. For catalogue or information, address, W. T VAN BUOY President. J. P. DODGE Is Headquarters on FURNITURE! « If you don't believe it just call and Bee. I am Selling Sewing Machines Lotflar Than Anybody Else is Offering Them. . TRY ME ONCE AND BE CONVINCED ASHLAND MILLS CÖÜRI PATENTÏ FLOUR, ) VIRGIN & CO., PROP’S H. S. EVANS,ASIILAND-OR- M ain S treet , O pposite P laza . PATISTTS FA-ITSTTE-ELS’ TOOLS, WALL PAPER. G-ZL-A-SS. ETC BciLDltru P*r«a,. \äB*rrrao PiFtu »«» T wixm , AUTISTS’ MATERIALS. PAINTING, PAPERING, ETC KEEP YOUR BOWELS STRONG ALL SUMMER I NDY CATHARTIC CURE CONSTIPATION ALL DRUGGISTS A tablet now »nd then will prevent dlarrhœ«». dywentery. ull summer coroplaints.caumnir easy, natural résulta. Sample and booklet fi ée. Ad. STERLING REMEDY CO.,Chicago, Montreal, c,un.:oi2iy w_V.o2^L''2U MANHOOD RESTORED K,-s™SS 6uaranteed to cure all nervous diseases, such as Weak Memory, Loss of rain Power, Headache, Wakefulness, Lost Manhood, Nightly Emis­ sions, Nervousness, all drains, loss of power in Generative Organs of either sex, caused by over-exertion, youthful eton, excessive use of tobacco, opium or stimulants, which lead to Infirmity, Consumption or Insanity. Can be carried in vest pocket, ¿i.oo per box, 6 for $5, Dy mail prepaid. Circular Free. Sold by all druggists. Ask for it; 1 ake no other. Manufactured by the Pean Medicine Co., Paris, France. Laue-Davis Drug Co., distributing agents. Third and Yamhill Sts., Portland, Or FOR SALE BY E. A. SHERWIN. ASHLAND. URLGON, —* STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. M onmouth , O regon . J : TRIIino : SCHWM. - FiB : fUCIElill Begn!ar Normal course of ibree veara Sen or >ear « holly professional Trainjne dep.rimeul of nine grades with 2U0 child rm. IoMruction and ttaining in Gymnastirs. (Swedis’i syrieiu), and Vocal Music for public schools The Normal diplomas is recognized bv law n- a Wtate Lite Cert ficate to tiacb. Light expense. Tuition, books, t>oard and lodging (epproximai ly) »13500 per tear. students boardLv themselves. »110 00 per year. Academic grades accepted from Higb Schools. Catalogues cheerfully sent on application. Address. W. A. W«s, CAMPBELL, Hecratarv Facility President The painful truth is that her love lud grown fo cold she got a divorce from ! Eim. They are straugirx now. After! getting the divorce she also tritd to get her $20,000 Lack, Lut iu vain. rliiv court decided that - it hud been a free gift and the no longer Lad any claim cu it. lf Mr. Louis H. pavic#, L’unudiau niirister of rnaripe and tìsheries, ia Dot a dtlilerate r. tl.::i lic is tir? mest stupiti and ignorant mau in polit­ ica] office co thie coutiucnt. bpeaking of thè ettuits al to stop tbc deslrurticu cf thè Uoutiful and profilatole seal h< rd of Aliuka, Mr. Da­ vi» a of Cusnda aaid in un interview, * 'TLe herd is no more IL airi tLuu quis . ” No Cripe When you take Hood', PUU. Tlit I Ig. old fub- lotxxi. ,uir»r-eoiU.