of LoUGn,; Up. LIFE IN QRfcAT CITIES. TO PKLVbNr Iu the last tbu n luuutin Lyiuau J ijeaifh» AboM Kat Mair» Graaa IU« PopulUt Cou-iewioan Hpeoks 1« th« Is la Loss Eanrvaaug Than Chat to c' 'o has lcc':«d up ♦ ¡0 060,000 of the lMilAtad Lnmmmn.»iT t Ablas wad Aaiads. Peopla'i Church ou "lb« Fourth.- [H ople'i« ni iuey. If tba peop a ba 1 good And aa to the tendaxu^ of thjQjgrtxwtb on diet believe tivtt it m use. tltejf would now proceed to lock Oii invitation Cougreuiuau Jerry i most of ua who are of great aith* tnencrv»i(c aau&Qjt, t ar$e would be wed Simpson and Senator Allen made ad­ is no proof of it otc all, unhwR wo identi­ in health <• eat tnorugTeen vegetable.» Mr Gage up. A secretary of treasury dresses in the Pcoplu'e church in Wash­ fy tin» life of gmit cities with, the i < uj - with our meat and starchy foods than who is guilty of what be has done WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE ington ou the morning of July 4 Fol­ sion for idkseaa and plenjmre and self- xve do at present, says the New York .bould net be allowed to ruu at large. If he bad stolou the $60,000,000 aud DCCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD “CASTOxU-A,” AND lowing is what Mr. Simpson said in indulgence which aompt LmpNu but by l*oat. Indeed, some go so far as to be­ left tbe country, it would have been it “ PITCHER’S CASTORIA,” AS OUR TRADE MARK. no means anivcrfliilJy, accompanies lieve that the absence from our menus part: leaner wrong than that which be “I doubt if half a dozen men at the their growth, says the London Spec­ of plenty of green vegetables und salads done.—Knights of L ibor Jourual. 7, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts, accounts for tbe biliousness of the tator. When yvu get a largo proletari ­ time who took an interest iu the affair was the originator of “PITCHER’S CASTORIA,1 the sam American fievple. The best known of! really understood ihe full import of the at, living, aa that of ancient Rome and And Tiler’ll Get It. IMxmibly of Nineveh and Babylon er improved with v a couple of friands the funnel “Sha’ll not be ba-ck,’’ said the jeweler, ARnivrs: lkaves : ers. deceased daughter of rights of the American people ever trick. said J.C. Durkee,deceas­ after the door had closed. “Happy known. Portland.. . 7:30 sm I Corvallis pm “ H ’ s this way, ” lie explained, “ you ed, Defendants. both one year, postpaid, st ths extremely low price of $ 2 OO creature! She really never intended Corvallis... 1:05 p m | Portland. 12.15 . 5:50 p m * ‘ The leaders are shrewd—the shrewd­ put tbe funnel iu the top of your panta­ To Ella M. Lewis, Agnes N. Abbott, in advance, and will give to each subscriber to this combination offer whe pays duplicating the ring, but she was Chas. R. Durkee and George A. Durkee, est of the land, They put a man like loons, so, then throw your head back, ■ ten cents additional for postage and packing, mortally anxious to find out how much At Albany and Corvallis connect with heirs at law of said J. C. Durkee, deceased, Reed ahead after every election or place so, and—wenv!” and to Eva A Rodgers minor heir of Effie her dance had paid for it. For that was trams of Oregon Central HARD ON CATS. tion from a list of zoo varieties. The required to appearand answer tbe complaint 100 years, studied to acquire wealth. of his engagement ring. Now she ’ s M ’ Minnville.5:50am | Portland. . ..8:25 a n of the above named plaintiff* in tbe ab- ?ve en­ Now we enter upon the new struggle, A French Government Cosaaa lesion er Cen­ packet, are as large as eeedmen'e mail happy. Did you notice the beatific ex­ titled court, now on hie with the clerk of the that of its distribution There was a packets. sures the Conduct of Uflloial CaU. pression when I told her my price? said court, by the first day of the- term of time, only 30 years ago, when there The esedo alone at retail prloee Direct connection at San Faancinco wi»b GIVES THE CHOICE OF The French government Luu> just had Happy youth! They are pretty much Occidental and Orient h I and Pacific mail are worth SI Oo. Call and see ua said court following the expiration of the about this great offer at once, or tune prescribed m the order for the was a thirst for wealth. Cotton was occasion to appoint a commission to all alike.” steamship lines for JAPAN and CHINA. ■end remittance to this office. TWO TRANSCONTIENTAL publication of this summons, which first king and slavery ruled. After riots it inquire into the grievances of the cats Hailing dates on application. day will be, was actually discovered one day that in its employ. Their report is un amus­ PATRON SAINT OF BARBERS. Rate» and tickets to Eastern points and MONDAY, THE 13th DAY OF SEP­ there were 22 good men. It was a Sod- ing exhibition of official stupidity, and Europe. Alno.lwpan. China, Honolulu and TEMBER. 1897. om and a Gomorrah. John Brown, with will rouse a righteous indignation in Alexander the Great Started the Fashion Australia, can he obtained from ot Shaving. And you _ are hereby notified that if 21 good men, went to Harper's Ferry* the bosom of all friend« of the useful D. L. RICE, Agent. Ashland, answer,t he r plaintiff you fail so t to __________ ______ will apply ... C. H. MARKHAM, Thu confessor of Francis II. of R. KOEHLER. to the above re entitled court for the relief and before the end was iu view the mouoer. Manager. (4. F. A P. A , stars and stripes meant something. A demanded in the complaint, to-wit;— It. appears that cats are kept in some France refused him absolution until he Portland, Or First that an order of said court be made million men were sacrificed for a prin­ of the French military magazines to had completely removed his beard. An appointing a guardian ad litem to appear ciple that gave the block slave his lib­ ancient German was by tribal custom keep down the surplus population of ---- and— and answer for the defendant Eva A. Rodg­ not allowed to cut off his flowing beard ers, minor heir of Effie Rodgers, deceased erty. Muy the time come for us when rats and mice. Their food is regulated until he had killed his first man in bat­ 22 good men will go to Harper’s Ferry by ministerial decree according to cir­ VIA daughter of said J. C. Durkee, deceased. ▼IA Jk . Write to T. 8. Q uincbv , Second for a judgment against the defen­ or some other place aud fight for the cumstances, and at present there is a tle. About the year 200 B. C. thp Roman Wm. M. Colvig, as administrator of liberty of the white ale "Si Drawer 150, Chicago, Secre- Emperor Scipio Africanus inaugurated SALT LAKE dant SPOKANE : regulation in force authorizing an ex- the estate of J. C. Durkee, deceased, and tary of the S tar A ccident To all points east|at the very lowest ratea “Let us demonstrate that the Declara­ ' penditure of 2% centimes per cat per the custom of shaving among the Ro­ against the said estate, for the sum of C ompany , for information man nobles. Henry I. of England won |543. 1 0 and interest thereon at tbe rate of tion of Independence did mean some ­ iffr ™ regarding Accident Insur • diem. But this does not seem enough, DENVER . MINNEAPOLIS FOR HALF BY ALI PRUGGIHTR a beard until a courageous preache: ten per cent per annum until paid, together thing—that it meant reward for toil of as the unfortunate governmental cats ance. Mention this paper. The only line runninig with the farther sum of $75 attorney’s fees leveled his eloquence at him to such By so doing you can save OMAHA ST. PAUL and the costs and disbursements of this labor, and not that the results of miners’ have grown extremely thin, so at last good purpose that he submitted to bf I through trains from membership fee. Has paid over $600,000.00 for suit and the costs of and upon the foreclos­ hard work should go into the pockets the ministry appointed specialists to ▲ND ▲ ND ure sale herein: of Mark Hanna or any other plutocrat. inquire into the matter. These have shaved. From the time of .Tuliiu Ca*.sai accidental injuries. the coast to I M ilwaukee ¡ Third for a decree that the mortage in I refer you to the last campaign, wheu gravely reported that “the cars of the until the advent of William the Con Sr I Be your own Agent. the complaint mentioned, aud which is WINNIPEG, MINNEAPOLIS, ST. PAUL queror the Britons wore mustaches, but KANSAS CITY CHICAGO recorded at page 269 of vol. 9 of the Records they wanted to set aside Flag day and army are very slow to accustom them­ NO MEDICAL EXAMINATION REQCIJUID. TORONTO. MONTREAL and BOSTON ot Mortgages for Jackson county. Oregon, Mark Hanna, the patriot citizen, was selves to the diet prescribed by the gov­ the clergy, after the conversion of tin beforeclosed in tbe manner provided by law, to be made the banner bearer of the oc­ ernment circular. Thus they seldom islanders, were forced to shave by law LOW RATES TO One of the early popes established thr MESMIN’S FRENCH FEMALE PILLS. and the following described real property casion. The sole purpose of the ugitu- ent bread, and never lap up greasy wa­ shaving of Roman Catholic priests tn ALL EASTERN OITIES. situated in Jackson county, Oregon, and Containing Cottos Root art Pennyroyal. Operate» it» train» on tbe famous block which is the property in tbe said mortgage tion was to bolster up the Republican ter unless actually driven thereto by distinguish them from the patriots o'. and complaint mentioned, be sold upon policy. The purpose of Mark Hanna's pangs of hunger, so that they are dying If you are going to Constantinople. The priests of the foreclosure sale, to-wit: — OCEAN STEAMERS flag is to cover up the dirt of the Re­ off or else abandoning the military mag­ mtutirntm. system; Greek church still wear beards. Petei All of the north half of lot seven (7), in publican party. NA KUSP YisUssH Bc«t rsllat LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY & DAYS block azine®. ” CARIBOO six (6). in Ashland, Jackson county. Lights its trains by electricity through­ the Great of Russia laid a tax on beards SLOGAN CITY ImalsrsasdyliUswOTl “I hope the day will come when that Oregon, as shown upon the duly recorded —FOB— GOLD NEW DENVER and delinquents were forced to have Mssmln ’ s French F out; maps and plats of said Ashland, Oregon, flag will mean something—equality of male Pills, have her James Andrews, living on Point Lobos their faces shaved with a blunt razor KA8L0 together with all of the appurtenances opportunity. I believe in the American road, FIELDS sold for over twem Uses the celebrated electric berth read­ Ban Francisco, savs; thereunto belonging. years,and used by Tho KOOTENAY NELSON Tar Enwtx W. J oy C o .—G xxtlimzm : I or to have the hairs pulled out with And that out of the proceeds arising from people.” sands of Ladies, wl ing lamp; TRAIL wish to thank you. gentlemen, for the great pincers. So everybody shaved. The have glvon testfmonir tbe said sale be paid the costs and disburse ­ TUNING ROSSLAND For tall information call on O. K. A N. ments of this suit and the costs and expen­ good whicb your Joy’s Vegitable Sarsapar­ first shaving was done by order of Al­ Conservatism. Runa splendidly equipped passenger that they are nnexcslle illa has done for ray weak eyes. 1 thought as a specific month * Agent. ROBT. LEONARD, Ashland, Or. ses of the said sale and the sums found DISTRICT 1 have read many definitions of “con­ I would soon go blind. I was actn.llv exander the Great, who forced the trains every day and night between St medicine, for immedie due the plaintiff herein. rell- of Painful. a> OB ADDBB8S: servatism,” and I have made a few my­ loosing my sight My eyes were so weak Greek warriors to cut off their beards, Get a copy of “Carl« Fourth that the defendants Wm. M.Colvig Paul and Chicago, and Omaha ano Irrei t Menses, 1 f had to stop reading day and nigbt. Jes­ as he found them awkward impedi­ W. H. HURLBURT, boo and Kootenay Gold Fielda.” as administrator of the estate of J. C. self, but the other day I discovered this sie male « iknossetc. read all the papers for me ments in the hand-to-hand contests cf Chicago; the Gen’l Pass. Agent, Pries t-.OO a box. wi Durkee, deceased, and the said estate, and from the pen of Charles B. Newcomb, After using four bottles of Joy ’ s Vegita ­ full directions. that time. PORTLAND. OR tbe defendants Hanna A. Durkee, widow and I want to help give it currency, as ble Sarsaparilla I put away the green glass- you are thinking of traveling call on .'AKE NO SUBSTITUTE» OB SPURIOUS IMITATTO> Chicago, Milwaukee & he If agent ot the said J. C. Durkee, deceased, Ella M. -2. of the CanaUian Pacific Railway. A. L. MOHLER. President and Manager Lewis, Howard F. Durkee, Agnes N. Ab­ it seems u> ine to be more all definitive ea and can now see as well as I ever could. MESM1N CHEMICAL CO. D etroit . M ich - M.v blood is in good condition. I am not bott. Chas. R. Durkee, and Geo. A Durkee. than the rest of its companions: Every-Day Excursions St. Paul FUR HAL’S BY I. K. MOLTON. weak at all. Yes, I do praise your Joy ’ s Lowest rates to and from all parts of , heirs at law of the said J. C. Durkee, de­ “Conservatism is the refuge of weak Vegitsble Sarsaparilla. No one should To sll parts of the world esn be arranged vlso operates steam-heated vestibule. Kurope via. all Atlantic steamship lines. ceased, and Eva A. Rodgers, minor heir minds, n respectable shelter for those take any other sarsaparilla but Joy’s Veg­ for any dav in the vear, for one or more I and daughter of Effie Rodgers, deceased who have not the courage of their con­ itable Sarsaparilla. trains, carrying the latest private com persons, upon application to any princi­ i daughter of said J. U. Durkee, deceased. JAMES ANDREWS. For full information regarding the above : and each and all of them be foreclosed of victions or are entirely without opin­ pal ticket agent of the Chicago, Milwau­ partment care, library buffet emokin I I Dealer in I | all right, title or interest in or to tbe ions, never having learned to think. It cell on or address kee A St. Paul railway. Itineraries are cars, and pi lace drawing room sleep I said property, and of all equity of redemp is a sort of 'institute for the feeble prepared for excursions to Cal­ E. J. COYLE, W. H. MOWAT, tion except the statuatorv right of redemp­ ifornia, Florida, Mexico, China, Jspan, era. 146 Third St. Agent tion therein, and that the plaintiff minded,' ‘a retreat’ for genteel poverty Only lovesick. and to snv part of Enrnpe. Estimates Portland Ashland have judgment against the defen­ of thought.” That covers the ground as ■’arlor care, free reclining chair cars an< It is not long since t-he emperor of furnished including expenses. Tickeia Granite, Marble, RAILWAY Oregon. dant Wm. M. Colvig. as administrator of completely as the celebrated definition Austria definitely settled the succes­ Oregon. furniehed for the complete journey. It tbe very beet dining car eervice. the estate of J. C Durkee, deceased, and of “public opinion”—“that chaos of GEO. McL. BROWN, District Passenger Freestone Monuments sion to the throne on his nephew, Arch­ is not neceeesry to wait for any of the so against tbe said Estate for any sum that Agent, Vancouver, British Columbia, For lowest rates to any point in th. ■ may remain unpaid after the applica­ ignorance and prejudice which we call duke Otto, passing over the latter’s eld­ called “Personally Conducted Excur­ public opinion. ” Was it Carlyle or er brother. Francis Ferdinand, becaus • sions.” lu these days of progressive en­ tion of the proceeds of the said sale, and and Copings United Rtates or Caoada, apply t. Fifth for such other and further relief Huxley who said that? Whoever it was, be was on the point of death from con­ lightenment, with the English language ticket agent, or address ! as tbe court shall seem just and equitable he only rendered in literary and scien­ SO YEARS* sumption. Francis is apparently re­ spoken in everv land under the aun, one liso agents for IRON FENCES. , in the premises. ■ XPCWICNOK. 0. J. EDDY, ' This summons is publshed by order of tific terms Vanderbilt's feeling as to the covering his health, however, and it doe. not need to depend on the services Satisfaction guarantees of guides for sight-seeing, but can go it I. W. CASEY, General Agent. i Hon. H. K. Hanna, one of the judges of | publio and its opinions. —L. C. Ober- is hinted that he was not suffering so or in small family parties, with i the above entitled court, made the 20th , cliaiu in Housekeeper. fij W vK J w I — j Trav. Past!. Agent. Portland. Or much from consumption as from blight­ alone | day of March, 1897. great comfort and security, snd at one’s P.O. AddreM: YREKA,Slskiyott Co . » W ■ n| ' ■ |L ed affection, lie has long wished to own convenience. Write tn 0. J, Eddy, A. E. REAMES. Cal. Pity Tie True. m y M g w M marry Archduchess Stephanie, the wid­ General Agent, Chicago, Milwaukee A Attorney for the Plaintiff*. 1 Shall labor be armed? is a question ow of Crown Prince Rudolph, whose St. Paul railway, Portland, Or., for par­ Pullman brought forward by several sensational tragic death at Meverllng a few years ticulars it yoa are contemplating a trip. ARE YOU GOING EAST' TRAD! MARKS, Sleeping Cars speakers lately. We might trust a few ago will be recalled, and he was con­ DC sic ns * OORYmOMTS Ao. of them with guns, but if they did not stitutionally debarred from doing to If no be sure and see that your ticket» Elegant Anyone landlnf ▲ sketch and description may I read via the show more sense than a majority of while he remained in the direct line of THAT POPULIST PLATFORM. quickly ascertain, free, whether an invention la Probably patentable. Commnnicatlons strictly Dining Cars them did wheu they cast their ballots succession to the throne. confidential. Oldest agency for securing patents in America. We have a Waahlngton office. laat fall it would be very dangerous, for Tourist [Adopted by tba People'» party county .(L“in^t!ikr?tL,;rou,h •00 Gladstone's Versatility. they wonld be as apt to shoot them­ convention at Medford, April 17,1396. and Sleeping Cars In ail the stress and trouble of his selves as their enemies.—Voice of La­ which every populist in the county Is 8CIENTIFI0 AMERICAN, long political career, says the Dramatic bor. beautifully must rated, laraest circulation of morally bound to tee carried out in »pint ST. PAUL______ 2?L*c'fnt,8cw««kiy.termsM.00 a year; Mirror, Gladstone has never gave such •LAO slx months. Specimen oopiee and H and At Yreka, Cal and put into the letter of the law.] B ook on P atents sent free. Address MINNEAPOLIS T# »RIH TIE WATER IS k TII1C Get your Job Printing done at the Krc- evidence of his mental balance and his title to human admiration as he did the MUNN A CO., ord office. R esolved , That owing to DULUTH 3G1 Uroadnny, Few Ysrk. A ND are prepared to fill ell order, on Hein, Sulphuric and Alkaline it eradicate, other day at Hawarden. He was judge i the depressed condition of the Chicago, St Paul, FARGO funxi and animalculea, and neutral ­ < a. abort notice. e e a * a and prize-giver at a competitive meet ­ ! izing and correcting all acidi­ Palaces on Wheels GRAND FORKS I ing of 28 brass bands. He heard them country, the low price of labor ' 4LÂAAAAAA A A A A A TO ties it promotes a normal and Minneapolis & Omaha R’y H^Givo them e call. When people travel now s days, they all play, and he was amiable to the and the products thereof, we healthful condition in every CROOKSTON part of tho system. » o y j expect comfort, and when they travel on last. I — THI8 18 THE — deemjthe salaries of our county WINNIPEG Tne "Milwaukee'' thev get it. — SWIMMING RINK. There he. been on evolution in the officers to be in excessofthe in- great HELENA and Ton Ought to Have One. SHORT - LINF Inclosed and covered, the tame medic, I ">•«• of WwoportoMon for man that is] I < QUI0XLT SECURXD. Trade-mark* sad Copyrights come derived from other legiti­ BÜTTE If von wonld like a copy of the hand* . 4 Mgnurod and patoat buaiaoss of «vary dacoriptioa water, always clean, for tho springs run a ’"’ The more civilued a BETWEEN DULUTH i promptly and akillftUy contacted al iowaat ramo mate business enterprises. railroad folder vet Issued addreoo heavy volume-more then twelve hun-; b«com“' “or* »writing it grows, d I**”*»— i**r4wcod. eofDMoioa femad, aod PAT- W. H. Mead, No. 248, Washington St., t < ENTS SOLD ON COMMISSION $A yoan .xpon.h-. drod gallons per hour. The co*ch« now '»nnlng between St. Paul Portland, Oregon, and one will be eent We therefore pledge our candi­ ' Hi«hoot refemacM Bead m aoodoL okoteh or Photo . and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago, on ! ; < or icntioB, with .iplBn.a.., .ad w. «11. nMrt y«n free dates for the legislature, if WANTED AT ONCE! < whMhar paHntabl. 00» »11 You may dive and swim and have «.ore The Milwaukee”, are marvels of elegance < »ATxiil vu» rimrr n Auosrau. Wh.. ► The folder entertainingly describee TO ^'nandn«t.-.7,^'^n™nn' *"d —Pl­ elected, to demand that the And all points East and 8outh. Th- I , » Me ' -J w. »III ...... (M Ml. ily from the oldeot to the Sheriff, $2000; one deputy, on Through tickets to Japan and China, via ths veetiboiod trains without extr. thus doing away with tbe old fashioned youngeet, and you’ll eay oo when yon ■ p^r iiwitiui by s harm- ML Tacoma and Northern Pacifl- Steamship charge. Ship your freight and trav» Props lern» I - t r- >st in«'fii by prar- W*] stove. By all these means the fatigne ' it • $1000. I iclnx phrrtclan <»f 20 year»' experience. over this famous line. All agents bar. Oo. j incident to travel la reduced io a minimum. I | In bfel etfectaor detention from biMiueoe. / fl W LADIES* FAVORITE. Recorder, $1000. Tbe Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul Rail- lo stsrvins, wrinkle« or flabbine««. Im I . L .▲II U ticket. Fov information, time cards. map and ▲LWAT8 BBT.I A BL* and perfectly RA FK- Tha mwk rnvMi renerai health and beautifea eoaptexton. : way is always popular, and those traveling W. H. M bad , Gen. Ag’t.. ' ,n*n • lo’er ,h* t'nttrd Stat«« ticket», call oa or writ» County judge, $1000. .dane and «nriety ladles Indoree IL Th<.u«a»d>» cured. <-’»• OLD DOCTOR S private mall practice, for M y«an over its lines are the loudest in Its praise, 8t. Portland, Or » I -ot arinole i«d ruoli. A. D. CHARLTON, PATIENT« TNIATID «Y MAIL All coupon ticket agenu soli tickets vie tho ' Dittrict-attorney, $2000 for «8 T. Washingtoa *•••7 ** r^mtotad. Had « Mnt> or.SdMUIsUr. Fnr panleuUn »adrsss. Wits sump. W. T bssdau , G. P. A., AseUtaat General Passenger Agent. laixM) for mlvd Mriieatar«. I c ^ v ^Z^T a I:1.. IT* tho diatrict for all purpose«. St. Paal.Wlan. tttti., SLUals.Ma. I OR. SNYDER, PORTLAM9. QEIGON SIMPSON IN THE PULPIT. ANOPEN LET I Cbt Stearns Bicycle To MOTHERS. Do Not Be Deceived. EAST AND SOUTH The Kind You Have Always Bought” 16 Patches toi Pair of Pants The Kind That Never Failed You. TWO • The Farm, Field and Fireside, ASHLAND CASKET CO.! H. S. EMERY A GREAT COMBINATION OFFER H The Valley Record 0. R. & N EAST ROU TES C anadian o Oregon Great Northern Ry ShortLine V/ 'PACIFIC 1\Y. THE ACCIDENTS OF LIFE SOO PACIFIC LINE. This Railway Co. SAN WITHOUT CHANGE FRANCISCO. J, B. RUSSELL j^ORTHERN PACIFIC R U N S PARKINSON & WISE ASHLAND White Sulphur Springs @ SODA WORKS @ BATHING ! THROUGH TICKET? GRANT HELMAN PATFOLKSMSSSfa I