Tha Fruit Crop utarra East. I Tha cage of the O. * 0, B. B. to re- AJ. Harliac. foraarly ot Aahlaud, on A carload of fruit, composed principally etrain tbe ebertff o' Jackaon county Irom Monday mat with aa aaeldant that cams ae _ 8____ ___ _______________________________ _______ of proceedings to levy upon sud offsr for nearly provlog fatal, al Quartz Mountain. " ■ ------------ ------------------------- ■- >_ .______ , ,, . _______ , _JII . , . .___ _____________ ie being packed in Ashland today and will eala their property in tbi* county In da- Oal. He waa employed in a mine and a AdHLANl), Or. Thursday. Aug. 5, 1S97 be started for Chicago to night through fau|tol payment of the balance oi $19,- caving down from above blm covered the Karl Fruit Co. It is tbs first car of money, comes up before Judge bioi up to bla face. When removed It Fin. facllitiea for act ion and Bataa aa low th. loweat. Op.n. S.ptambar 15th, 1897. Naw peaches out of Ashland for lhe eastern i Hanna again today. Tha t-ompauy waa discovered that bla hip waa maabed PKH.-4ON.1L, ANO SOCIAL. liutratad Catalogue, giving fall information eent market thle sea.on. | chargee that County Clerk Jackson and and diaiocated and one buoe broken. Il application to H. L. BOARDMAN, Prca Another car inee Friday and another Counts Judge Crowell oonepired to do- wea thought ha was also injured intern ­ F.. A Carter and Milton Gregory are at Sa'tirday. Next week they will go two cars , ( fraud the company lor .... ------------- _. tha purposes of ally. Hs TM taken to the bou i of bia Redding. • day. | -.7; T" __ • . political buncombe, etc., and toey paid cousin, Frank Lennart, at Jamestown, Pox A Hlld-elh have ice in large orameli Whitman shipped a mired car of plums, w(17t" »¿’"jurt aud ria^nable.' . The some 20 miles, an I the latest report was qiat titles apple, and peaches last night front Med­ ’ H’hen you are in Athlayd, Ortgott Mi’s Kate Herrin returned to Castle ford and wi'l start one or two more care queotion of the motives ol the county tavorab a o bis recovery. »top at the.............. Crags Tuesday. I board of equalization may be true, but sh a week. He ia with the Earl Co. Geo. W. Kiepb.n.ou, tn. experienced they cann >t be dearly proven aa against George Henriot ia out from Portland in­ The Etrl Co. are shipping these cars and horseman. is looking up the horse bu.ine.ft specting the oumruer girls. i Jackeou That Judge Crowell and County they go via Sacramento. thia week for H. Brandenstein, who wants Capt. end Mrs. A. D. Heiman are doing A-oeeeor Klippel were influenced by the to purchase 60 artillery and cavalry horaea, Pelican bay and ( rater lake. W. H. Stewart ol Sacramento ie boro to political aspect of the case after the June haya, blacaa and gray a. Jhe weight ahould Mr. S' d Mrs. Link Helman are visiting have chargeot the Earl Fruit Co's business «lection and that Crowajl’a motive waa be 1060 to 1100 Ibe. and they ahould aland the K lamalh county resorts. ' this summer. Bent 91.00 a Day Hou»e Wm. Taylor relumed Monday from St. 1 ' A. P. Brvsnt of the Santa Fe freight de- for the purpose of uaiug it ae a lever to s ' hjui 13H banda high. The agea ahould be from 6 to 8 y ear. and the animal, ahould Luke's hospital, ban Francisco. on, the Pacific Coa»t. ' partment is malting his headquarter* io further bia individual political lorlunts bo well broke. Tbo requtrod horaea will i hereafter ie quite clear. He cackled over brtiig good U.ures, but they mtt.l be th. Miss Gma Crocker is visiting the Marden • Aah'and during the fru't season. LOCATED IPS THK 4_ PC NT XC VC ! the thing so much after the egg (ibe kind of anim.l- wanted. Mr Brandenstein family at igerna, Sisknou county. i Notice the advertisement of tha Earl Charley Hamakar and H. E. Smith of Fruit Co in ibis issue of the R scobd . They iasue) had been so beautiiully laid by wilt be in Aah and nex< ba'-urday. W. A. McGREW, Proprietor Klamath Falls, did the Maili circus. are exton-ive handlers of trait and an old Jackson, that lie gave bitnaelf away. Don’t nsu-Huue vour .lomacb with test ++++++++++++++++++++++*++++++++++++•!•+++•:•+♦♦+*++++++♦+ C D Wilson of Kiatuath Falls was reg- established firm. These things would cut a big figure in and bitter barb», but regulsie your liv.r islared ai tbs Ashland House Sunday. and »tex beslache by u«ing those faruou- J. Ross Trarner of Marysville. Cal., is the case if au injustice was being done dill. pul. known aa De Witt'. Uttl. Early Miss May Bailey ha* returned from a here this week looking up eastern ship-J the company, aud if the raise iu the aa- Kisers. Eugene A. bherw.n. visit with Medford relatives and irie» r not allow any more Turkish troops to family. for several months preceding and up to land. Turkey propose, to Igors them. The Stockton, Cal, water front is ex. «year. ness interest., returned to Portland Tues­ It is thought that fresh trouble ie brew­ periencing a w heat blockade. P W Paulson will bit Pelican bay and day. the June election, and our readere are Frank A. Loach has taken charge of ing. Crater lake summer resorts hard in Sep­ familiar with the real facte of the caee ae Women shoplifters have been visit- United States mint at San Francisco, Ed. C. Smith, representing a Cincinnati, tember. The Hundred Thousand club of Fres­ i life jewelry stores at Saliuas, Cal. time developed. Nothing new has been us Hiiperintendenl. Mr and Mrs. O. O. Helman arrived ves Ohio, fruit house, arrived Monday on bu-i- no, Cal., propose, to have a display of The Oakland, Cal., industrial exhib­ terdsv from Winters, Cal ,to visit relatives ne-s. He sprained bis ankle at Glendale developed or offered since. A branch of tha Women’s Christian made in some i lie county ’ s products and friends. If the company cannot knock the ition has just dosed after one of its eatirg station and is walking about on •astern citv, and also, probably, at the Temper, nee union has bccu organised Dr. R-L. Parker and wife and E R.bmitb crutches. most successful displays. county out on some legal technicality ol ■xposition to be held in Omaha next it Sitka, Alaska. and family are visiting the cl er y ford family W. O. Randolph, representing the Good- law, and it ie generally believed that lhe Tiie naval reserve at San Diego, Cal., Horace Cadle was fatally stabbed at year. in Lake county. ell ventilator refrigerator car line with head-1 legHl papers in the case will stand the is undergoing drills on the gunboat Princeville, Or., by some stranger with Mr and Mrs W E. Denny returned t of the Sonoma At a recent meeting quarters at Portland was b«re several davs test of the various couria, the railroad Bennington, now lying there. Hornbrook yesterday from a visit with the vhoin he was fighting. County Horticulture society members this week interesting the big handlers and folks in Ashland. company will be compelled to pay na u-reed not to sell their crop of prnnes The total value of real estate A. II. Conrad, a farmer, was killed growers. They have done a great business Rev. Isaac Dawson will hop’ religion’ taxee according to the aeaesament. The or Ies3 than $25 a ton, cling peaches it Junction, Or., a few days ago, by be- Santa Clara county, Cal., according sen ices in '«hland Episcopal church next ( in California during the past several years. question of the motives governing the die assessor's report, is $50,1U,935. tot less than $25, pears for canning $15 ng thrown from his wagon. Sunday at 11 a. iu. John Morley of Hacraniento, who has Salmon packing is in full blast individuals constituting the county boaid md freestone peaches $15. The Sonoma county hupgrowers have Clif Fu>on. Fred McGrow, Ed. Miller been with lhe Fruit Growers Express for a llaska. The run of salmon is proving and Curie»* Mil'er 'eft with the circus. They number of years, has been here for two of equalization is not a heavy argument The contractors on the ferry depot at ixed the price for picking this year’s o be the greatest ever known there. expect tu make San Francisco. week* and will spend the summer in Ash­ in a ease in court. The question as to y the commissioners not to sign their Eastern shipments begin in dead earnest ly just and right) for the purpose oi con­ own of St. Helena with a ten-acre duties. Cha j . W Prentice, nephew of C. P. Hunt­ warrants unless they made faster prog- ract of land as a site for a high school. ington, came up from Sacramento Tuesday this week and lor the next month or so the verting it into the leading issue to rhie San Francisco policemen make a -ess on the work. to spend his wummer vacation. themselves into power and authority ami peach and fruit bnsines* will lie the swiftest John Fenton, a railroader, living at roundup of water front pickpockets Mrs. B. Cole, propnet »r of th- Cole-tin enterprise in this country. It will require the privilege of rem lining at the public Late reports from Alaska state that Ishland, Or., was caught between two Sunday, and ulniost a dozen of them summer report hotel and springs, w *s in Lr will require s ill and bard work to prop­ pi- counter after tlie next election, will he first snow of the-season has fallen -ars and so badly injured that he died. were landed in jail. town Monday on a budne-s v ait. erly pick and pack «he large crop The <1 • the railroad i-otnpauv verv liille .0 • i the mountains near the Cbilcoot F.x-Senator K. E. Kelly of Solano Brakeman Houser was instantly kill­ A. J. Leland. r**pre-e»ting the North­ gooy, lost bis life by drowning in a cul­ track. Their icing service is the most re­ diil what was right and just f >r the pur­ vert that empties into San Francisco to celebrate the decision of Congress to taken charge of by the sisters. 00090000000Q000009Ô Mrs. Jane Clift, who has been visiting ---------------- 1---------------- ■ ■ ------ X— poses ot political buncombe ami to further Chinese highbinders in San Francisco her mother. Mrs. Wm. Patterson, left yes­ liable. To ship over their line is like good >ay. His dog made a hard effort save place a duty of 1 cent per pound on cit­ insurance, it eases the mind of the shipper. hfa own selfish political interest*. If the terday for her home at Berkeley, Cal. have notified six prominent Chinamen dm, and held fast to the boy’s arm, rus fruits. there that they will be killed if they Dr. J. W Robinson, the Jacksonville The fruit cr >p in south Douglas will be raise in the assessment aas unequal ami t though he was twice pulled beneath P. 8. Langford, a prominent rancher ?hvsician and drnggu-t. went ro <’ole-din some'bing unprecedented ibis year. Orch- ; unjust the company would have a gooii he water. The dog finally lost his of L*->s Gatos, Cal., was thrown from a continue to oppress the Chinese slave uetday. His family will move up Satur­ ards which have formerly be--n too young case. Aa it is they are without a propei told and the boy sank. day, wagon and received injuries that mav trade. to bear heavily are now tieginning to couie defense. The case is in the counts tor Sheriff Van R. Weaver of Utica, N. The sermon subjects at the Prcshvter'an According to the statement of two prove fatal. Y., arrived at San Jose last week for church nex' Sabbaih will b-*.* “The King- on. and everything in the shape of a prune decision andtheqneetion of demagoguery listinguiBhed Russians now staying in Brigadier General Henry S. Merriam ship of Jesus ' and “Religion and Daily tree is loaded so th 0 arid 1,000,000 pounds of dried fruit Yorkers. deamships between that citv and Vlad­ is visiting rhe Hammeraley’• at Gold Hill, or 50.000 bushels of green prunes from The A. O U. W. grand io lve of Ore. on ivostok, the eastern terminus of the of the Columbia. L Cavanness was sentenced at Jack- called on Ashland friends tbe first of the south Douglas, about 50 carloads. Gus Bullwinckle, a San Francisco voted $200 to be used as a reward for 'be Transsiberian railway, and it is assert- week. son, Cal., to eight years in San Queu- One extensive California shipper who apprehension and conviction of the mur­ ed that the new line will be in opera- baker, was accidentally shot by Man- 1 tin for counterfeiting. C. L Bedient John and Clay Johnson and Kearnev uel Crull, who was examining a pistol. Robinson, voting men ot Etna, Cal., visited kept a record of his prices in the e «stern derer of L 0. Quisling nesr Flounce cion probably within • year. was sentenced to six years in Folsom He will probably die. Ashland friends ye&terday, en route for nia kets from Ju’y 10 to 20th, 1H96. has Rock. The state aud coantv pay out a OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOQOQOOOQO 0 0 0 3 0 0 for the same offense. Seattle. The final collapse of the Brotherhood compared the same with prices received i George Reagan and William Clem­ great deal of money every year for lhe of the South Seas, a colonv of men that Jens Bjorliolm, a farmer living in Mrs. Hughes and children returned to same lime thia year. It shows a gain ot 1 I ents are under arrest at Santa Roea, Hornbrook yesterd >y afier a visit with the per cent, on price of peaches in Chicago office of sheriff and also that of distiict eit San Francisco in the Percy Edwards poverty at Haywards, Cal., has just family <>( her brother, Engineer Frank Mc­ market Bartlett pears show a gain of 56 attorney. But as far aa the present she. id „st Feburary to settle on the islands Cal., charged with the burglary of the • received notice that he has fallen heir railroad depot at Sonoma. Donald. i percent in price. Plums show a decrease 01 Jackson county is concerned he con- nt the South Seas, has taken place. to an estate valued at$l(Jt>,UO'J, through Misses Carrie Roper. Fannie Ralph and The City Water company of I a great extent loss of bearing. By the bar b- tn offered e good poritiou In the fi.b prp»ente and are prepared to make it an object Heard and family of Medford have I Geo. -top. With the aid of a shotgun he I. C. Df’dkie, “ •• .......... .......... so oo Hon. C. B. Wauon will deliver a lec'ure been risiiing Cole.tin this week. Mr. Henrd ,C B. Watson, “ to you to yet our price» before bnyiny. •• ..................... 10 uo on "Our Ke anona io the Subject of Geo - compelled the train’s crew to assist him ia represeuiiiig mining cepitsl end is inter­ J. W U. Gregory salarv for July... For Superior Photoe see soo ested In properllee In Jackson and Jose­ Milhm Berry, Recorder s fees ......... n os ogy” at U M. L. Had, Talent, next Hunda« in fighting a fire that sparks from the We have a new Glaea Jar called the He had them phine counties He is a native of Yreka (’ E. Hi’Oper, work us street com er 40 00 afternoon at 2 o'clock. Every body invitea engine bad started. but has not teat -ed there for twenty years, i Norris & Co . luml>er working three hours. ................... 19 28 bartag trareled ezten.Irely since then. ; H. (\ Messenger lumber ....... .......... 17 8« Save Your Grain. Dr. Barr bas returned from tbe east H. Hurtt. Iab"ron »tree'« .. .. 10 80 Two inoendiary Area at Ottawa, I1L. ., Tbs Leading ,. Few realise that each squirrel destroys caused 19 50 Where begra-luated w!■ h the class of 1897 Fox A Hildreth, hauling ......... the lose of $10«,000 worth si Which ia coming in favor with people who 258 $1 50 worth of grain annually. Wakelee’s in the college ot dental aurgery, and his H. F. Ree-er. merchandise....... 50> nqulrrel and Gopher exterminator I- the property. diploma n>>w ornaments his office in I O Eugene Walrad, service went eemething different from tha Maaou. 2 00 must effective and economical p >t-on O F. block. He comes home better G. vv. Smith, Eight thousand New York pants- 1 30 known. Brice re meed to 30 cent«. For pleased with Ashland than ever and is pre- g . K. Gallant, »( pared to meet bit old customers and the E. A. Hildreth. 1 so sale by T. K. Bolton and Heleu Stanley, makers are on a strike for better Of Medford and 1 co Agents. pnhi|>- generally whe want llrst-clandenial C. L. Lo-.mta. labor on water works, Southern Oregon. wages. so wort done. i J. H. Pratt, mending citv flag.......... Phillipsburg, N. J., sheet iron work­ FOUND! Mre May. wife of Capt. J. L. May. and ( Hie work ia all Strictly ers have refused to work at ent wages, Mre. K gwlcnt. wife ot Conductor George Work ba» been relumed at th» Siski­ Ì Firat Claee. Priera Beaeoaable Engwiclit started from the Den-'t b"tel for On railroad track, oetween biekivou erd and are o> a strike. you copper mines on lower Illinois river a drive Monday evening The spirited Steinman, July 19th. a watch. O rner my The National convention of Steno­ horse became frightened at a passing circus under superintendence of H. A. Keller have »ame by applying I ■ Gud Attd- S >n, H. C. MACKEY. Prop wagon, roared, lunged and ran away. M rs. of Shasta countv. W. A. WcKeen will oteinman ft tati'o. and dent ty ng property. graphers wae in session at Nashville, EC.CO’5 Medford, Or. F.C.CtfS ID YOU EVER suffer fYom real ner- Engwicbt waa thrown oal of the buggy and he foreman and two shifts of miners will Tenn., this week. vousnetA? When every nervrj seemed bed her ankle sprained. Mrs May was comn ence work running the crn«e cut to next to bit the earth, rc-eiving l«o sea ps tap the ledge at a depth of over 500 feet. to quiver with a peculiar, creepy The reportad rich atrikea in Alaska do Charles Schilling, a New York bicycl­ over her eyes and one on the h-ad. Tbo This the nenneae rictmeoe oi of v-liiori.ia Usltiuri'ia ist, ran into a buggy and wae killed by feeling, first in one place, and then another 1 hie Wu.-k work will determine the extent ol of) ) not come up to tne buggy waa »rus hed into smithereens. and all seemed finally to concentrate in a the ore bo y and will be watched with i placers io pioneer davs.^ D .wo at Plaeer- i< shaft piercing bis heart i aft writhing Jumble in the brain, and you be­ It heals everything eacept a broken Intereat. 'J ” * “ ' City, So­ ville or old Hangtown, Nevada heart, may bo said of De Will's Witch The Kansas corn crop has been se­ come Irritable, fretful and peevish; to be nora, Mokrlnnine Hill, Downieville and Frank M. Thomas is the first man to manv other California diggings, the riously injured by drough and wind. followed by an impoteut, weakened condi­ Hasel '■aiva. Pile» and rectal dl-oasoe. cats, borne, bruises, tetter, e< zems and leave lor the Clor.dvke from Granta Pase. ground prospected belter than Klon tion of the nerve cer.Urs, rinrinf In the Sixty per ent of the crop is a lose. all eetn trouble» may be cured by it quick­ He ia a cousin oi James SiinetMugh and i ears, and sleepless. miserable nights ? ly and permanently. Eugene A. Sherwin. got the fever very bad. On Monday. dvke’a beat yield reported. In northern Mr. sue Mrs. W. E. Gladstone cele- Mrs. Eugene Searles, California alert, eepeciallv around old Julv 26, at 2 p. m. he wirsd bis father In bra ted the 58th anniversary of theii 110 8'montoa St.. Elk­ Shasta in 8haau county and Yreka In the east lor money enough to go. $h00, hart, Ind., says: "Ner­ Siskiyou county, richer strikes were wedding, July 25th, at London, Eng. Na and at 9 a. m. the 27th he had $1060 in vous troubles had made matte, with chances of more other c«>r»el can give. den det. Insaranoe block, Oal cry over nothing. I commenced talcing Dr. particulars, call on or address, Tbsra ie s time for everything: and tbs i ed bv the um of one bottle 1 acctdeotf' Tbev have advantages no other corsets have is prepared te do an olwe« of wort Mlles* Restorative Nervine and four bottles tlm-to attend V, a cold is w'• wonkteo. CagoM A. akarwia. | •M F raasiaow RECORD.! McMinnville COLLEGE, * ra__ a____ peaches a_____ I_________ l _______ 1 . early Crawford and some plum', McMinnville, Oregon. I H -FH- ASHLAND HOUSE, ♦♦♦»»< 1 1 '1 Any sarsaparilla is sarsaparilla. True. So any tea is tea. So any flour is flour. But grades differ. You want the best. It’s so with sarsaparilla. There are grades. You want the best. If you understood sarsaparilla as well as you do tea and flour it would be easy to determine. But you don’t. How £ should you ? When you are going to buy a commodity whose value you don’t know, you pick out an old established house to trade with, and trust their experience and reputation. Do so when buying sarsaparilla. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla has been on the market fifty years. Your grandfather used Ayer’s. It is a reputable medicine. There are manv sarsaparillas. But only one Ayer’s. IT CURE* ’ g Sarsaparilla Sense I IIIIIIH FALLEÏ THE PEOPLE Know that a cheap advertisement Means cheap and worthless goods. ANY THING YOU BUY OF ITVWITW . . . Will Check up One Dollar for one hundred cents worth of actual value E. A. Sherwin, Druggist & Stationer THE OLD RELIABLE FIRM Are Selling at^ Rock Bottom Prices Summer Dry Goods, Furnishing Goods Boots and Shoes FACES @tlcura Notice to the Public Cavalry Horses Wanted! A.UQUST "7tlx In order to purchase Sixty Artillery and Cavaliy Horses. Bays, Blacks and Grays. Weight 1050 to 1100, and about 15 1-2 hands in height and 5 to 8 years old; must be sound and well broke. H. BRANDENSTEIN. R. L. Ferral. J. 3. McCormick. M Almost O Distracted • Fruit Jars ?V\ftCKeY. “BALL” *^pHOTOGRftFHER Call and examine it * O Dr. Miles’ Nervine Restores Health...... August 31st is the last day of the Si000 missing word contest SchiUiftgs Best tea is wonderfully fresh and fine. R I Emil Pell, * D. L. Minkler & Son