J. P!«”S ru liel'i.» pre -ired f»r A >10,« Bdaeats Voar Hnw.l. With Ca.ear.ta. AOolpti Wi e ol I'.i.on ft it, N J., Dr, I. VanC, Horner, the dentist n S^*'i,ïlcLÎ.ur? c',nsUp*uon turerer. ui- OoO .Mutiiodiat EpMcupai ciiuruh to be Pacific Crove, Cal., dropped dead a 100. too. It C. C. C tail, drusxleta refund men.y. I orveted at Pu ade.ia, CaL that place from the bursliug of a b.o >d M. C. McCord has been installed In Mrs- Ma rilia Jacqu tli has disappear­ vessel recently. Jvt! rson 1 ho in.is, a farmer vi iflng Th. Cnksteww loath. office as governor of Arsons. in 8t. J, was attac -ed w greaaln London a year ago declared that CAPITAL ANO SURPLUS, Sajo.ooo.oo bank at Ph.l.ipsburg, M v UL, bus failed. the greatest piece of geographical ex­ Mis. George Gralbiin, one of the pio­ a violent aieil of usiliuia reccutly a. At Degralt, Ohio, Frank Wr „'lit «as MAIN OFFICES! Four boy. were drowned iu the river fou"'l lying dead on his wifu’s grave neer wiiieu of Humboldt county, CaL, died in a short limo. ploration remaining to be undertaken ASHLAND. *»r. .Thursday. Aus. 5. 1SH7. died at her home iu Eureka, at tlie ago at Kansas city. Mu., while bathiug last with a bullet in 111* head. J. U. Mrff rd. who wa< caught in th la that of the antarctic regions. Since Sunday. He’ of “ rolling a di utik ” at Sun Migu < , then a number of .small expeditions to­ Tlie Virginia Populist convention •f 75- Ex-Poatmaater James McKean of At­ met at Roanoke, Va., and endorsed the Tlie H attie (Wa«h.) Coal and Iran was senteucod to eight years iu ban ward the south pole have been planned, BRANCHES: Til» Butterine War. but little has yet been accomplished, lantic city, N. «g., J., wsao was autvu killed Sunday — in national platform adopted in fit- ituU'S, company baa been sold to Murphy, Quentin for robbery. __ . . . . ¡ «s»M ‘»v vauy. and Dr. Mill reminds English readers Kansu, the old fighting ground be- s aucidenL YORK BOSTON CHICACO NEW Grant A C h of New Yota •iró four Mo., in 1896. Jogiali S uigis, proprietor of tho A • tn Nature that, although 55 yearn have tween Mavery and antialav^ haa had ! Otu> Munchmever, United States Agent* at all orbe» Agricultural implement manufactur­ other creditors for *130,01)0. h'unbra Hotel at Martinez, and a Ca - «lapsed alnoe Capl. Roas discovered the PHILADELPHIA. liupurtaut Potuta. a war of one kina or another on n«r j gaa Salvador, cumuiittod sui* ers in the east are rushed with orders Th, preliminary work of dividing iforniu pioneer, died at his home u lew two giant volcanoes which he named ----- ds «IrwM* th* ever dava alnoe frf OPKHAT1NO IN bea almost the days of side a few days ago. for material. In various directions de­ the College ranch, in th< te northern days ago, at tlie age of 81. Mounts Erebus and Terror, they have John Brows. There is just now a fight part of Santa Barbara count, i/rCuL, , into I The ___ __ The city of Waterbury, Conn., is del­ mands are improving. fight over the outate of Nicholas never again been Men, and no impor­ hetero her which threatens to be the uged, caused by the overflow of the C. Creede lias . _____ commenced The Grand Lodge of Theatrical homes for a colony of 200 people, has J — -___ - at _ L L<>s j An- tant additional ftsots here been learned hottest since the closing of ths political Naugatuck river. j geles between the ate millionaire’ aliout that mysterious pert of the Mechanics ended its session in Balti­ commenced. campaign. it is the contest for and globe. Another attempt to secure the free­ more last week and decided to bold its The xecretarv of war has issued ord­ | widow aud his adopted child. against h' erina. dom of Mrs. Florence Maybrick from next session at Wil waukee. ers to cease preparations for sending Redondo, Cal., is a paradise for hu • Imitc > butter baa been practically an English prison has proven u failure. j Secretary Alger approved the revised United States troopa to Alaska. It is tern us well -a anglers. The dove ni"’ ruled ovt o. "oat of the populous states Captain Hatfield, the notorious West allotments made by the Mississippi too late this season to get the soldiers rabbit shooting in the sand dunes adj. cent is said to be excellent just now. of the Union except Indiana and Kan­ Virginia outlaw, has escaped from the river commission for tbe improvement to the regiou desired. 132 Front Street, PoHland, Oregon, sas. Is manufacture and sale forced jaii at Huntington, and is still at large. . of the Mississippi river. A general sbake-up bus taken pl.ic Tom Hynes of Maryaville. Cal., was down the prior of real butter till farm­ A Manitoba, Can., farmer claims to I The festivities of the eloaing days of Stabbed to deatii during a drunked car­ in the San F'uucisco school departing.' Being member« of the American Fruit Growers Union of Chicago, Made and Merit Maintalna the eon Aden oe ers rad creamery men declared they have seen Andree’s baloon passing over I Nashville Exposition began last week ousal, in which his wife and a man About tweuiy-five teachers have bee of tbe people in Hood's Sarsaparilla. If a and having made arrangements to ubh the refrigerator cars of that could no longer make a fair living. The his place at Wbitemouth on the 29th with an elaborate presentation of tbe named Quinn took parL Tlie w oman discharged on various degreesol iiieom med Icine ourea you when aick; if it makes Union, without cost to the grower, offer superior inducements to bombaidment of Fort duinter. is supposed to have done the cutting. petency. As many more are liable t. tlie shipper in the marketing of ttie Southern Oregon peach crop. “nog butter" product, however, did ult. wonderful cures everywhere, then beyond Our own agents will give apecial attention to each and every car The Omaha board of lire and police Edward Olsen, assi-tant engineer of go. one good thing. 11 compelled the farmers Congressman Smith of Arizona says ■flipped. Daily advices! No charges for the grower to pay except for Charles Oekel. for many years a resi­ all question that medicmepoBsea.es marit. and creamery men to put upon the mar­ 'here is no hope for his territory be­ commissioners has adopted a resolu­ the San Francisco bay steamer Tiburon, dent of Sim Jose, Cal., committed sui­ icinw, freight and commission. Every charge positive and definite. tion calling on Chief Higward of the Was repairing the paddle-wheel of the ket better genuine butter than they had coming a state during tlie present ad­ No extras. We handle all kinds of Fruit and Produce both for cide by drinking carbolic acid. He police department to resign. steamer when it suddenly turned and •ver made before, and for that we, the ministration. crushed the middle of his body into a committed the deed seated beside the LOCAL & EASTERN SHIP LLR31STTS. A cyclone struck the farmhouse of A. Garrett E. Anderson, a retired bank­ consumers, are grateful. grave of his first wife, in Oak Llill cem­ McDowell, near San Jose, III., demol­ pulp, causing his deatlu The greatest imitation butter fac­ er and broker of New York, died from ishing it, killing seven inmates aud etery. Colonel Tupper, the man who tried tories in ths world were at Chicago and (lie heat and exhaustion, while crossing seriously injuring three others. ; Frank Valdez, the 17-yoar-old Mex­ That ia just the truth about Hood’s Bar- to smuggle a revolver into the roll of the desert eight miles from Phoenix, saparills. We know it possesses merit were owned by Armour & Co. The Illi­ A big Are in the central portion of “Kid" Thompson, tlie train robber, in ican boy, accuse«! of the nturder o’ because it cures, not once or twioe or ■ nois legislature at its last session en­ Ariz. ‘ Mike Lorden, a »tore keeper at Cala- Nearlv all of Leadville’s (Col.) offi­ Michigan city, Ind., caused a $100,000 the county jail at Loa Angeles, CaL, bas, lias been released from custody at hundred limes, but in thousands and acted a law that butterine should not loss. James Bowman was killed and was sentenced to five years in Folsom thousands of cases. We know it cures, Loa Angeles owing to lack of evidence absolutely, permsnently, when sll others any longer be colored in imitation of cials have been indicted by the grand three others were fatally injured. prison. Ashland, Oregon—Myer Block. jury, on charges connected with tlie tell to do any good whatever. We repeat to convict him. butter. It might be tinted london purple gambling that is being curried on Manuel Fernandex, a young Amer­ The wheels of the Blue Lakes Power ox rose color or paris green or azure blue, there. J. E. Pruett, a deputy assessor and ican, has been found guiltv of bearing company are now running and furnish­ bn! butter color, no, This law ruined collector of San Jose, Cal., shot and Heavy tribal fighting has been tak- arms against Spain in the Cuban war ing light for tlie towns and power for the butterine trade in Illinois. It was ng place up the Nile, Egypt, between and sentenced to life imprisonment. the mines of Calaveras and Amador killed himself a', his home a few days only because it looked like real butter Dervishcrs and Jaalius. The Joslins MrB. Joseph Smith was instantly counties. The system may be extend­ ago. He was nearly J4 >0 short in liis Fruits and berries accounts and is supposed to have com­ that 1$ could be sold at all. In its natu­ liad 2U00 killed in one battle a short killed and Mrs. Amelia Webster badly ed through San Joaquin county. Handles the best product of Ashland mitted auicide. injured by a wagon they were in run ­ ral state the article resembles in ap­ time ago. Hiram K. Rogers, a purser who was ning over an embankment near Cedar said to have committed suicide from M. Casov, a San Francisco man, sud­ pearance mutton tallow. No human A race war took place at West Lake, the steamer Santa Rosa while on her denly went insane while on a train at Is the best — tn fact the One True Blood Purifier. «nature would put auoh stuff upon his lol., between laborers employed in a city, Utah. ■——Give tliem a. Train-wreekers threw ajtrain off the way to Hanford, Cal., last June, is now Missoula, Moat. He attempted to cut bread, no matter now wholesome it stone quarry and resulted in two track near Thorntown, Ind. Seth Will- believed to be alive, and tbe suicide his throat and slashed himself with a was. The great butterine makers of Illi­ negros being mortally wounded and slow, the engineer, B. Crickmore, the story was gotten up in order to get his razor and jumped from the train, re­ several seriously. 4 Washington Streets. house stood. tian butter ia to be made in the Kansas make an arrest a policeman struck a aioner. and they were both lost. aloDg tlie railroad. He objects to serving on Stories of the wonderful wealth of Writs for terms to legislature, which will be asked to pass man on tlie head with a revolver. The account of tbe "spy system" of getting Rev. E. T. Geraiht, D. D., living a' the Alaska gold-fields continue to laws against the imitation butter simi­ blow caused the weapon to discharge, evidence against women. Los Angeles, Cal., attempted to com ­ Carpenter & Allison, reach the coast and wildly excite pros­ lar to those of other states. The butter­ killing a negro named Lowe. Tlie Baldwin Locomotive works of pectors and others ready for adventure. mit suicide recently. He is a Hebrew Gold Hill, Oregon, ine manufacturers might have more hope A dispatch from Cape Town says that Philadelphia lias received an order for Every steamer that leaves for the far by birth but choose the Chritinn faith, of success only for one thing: They are a report has reached there from the twenty locomotives for Japan. An north is crowded to its fullest capacity for which he was disowned bv his par­ ents, and not making a success as a ASHLAND the men who belong to the great beef Bilini district saying that the Port­ order for thirty others has just been with passengers and freight. 127 Front Street—Portland, Oregon. preacher he decided to end hia life. buying and slaughtering trust. Under uguese liad been badly routed by the shipped to that country. The erection of a creamery at Chins, The mortgage holders of the Edison Cal., has given the farmers there tbe their Hue manipulation Kansas farmers natives. The natives claim that there I-eon Evers, a boy 15 years old, have witnessed the curious phenomenon is not a Portuguese left alive in tlie dis­ Illumination company of St. Louis have upper hand of the beet sugar factory whose home i< in Oakland, Cat., wa trict. foreclosed on the plant and property of of beef cattle going down, down in peoplo and unless they can get better accidentally shot and killed by Whip­ ------- Wholesale dealers in------- Floods in New Jersey last week left that concern and it will be sold at fore­ prices for beets they will sow their ple Hall, ilia companion. The boys prioe, while dressed beef went at the a long trail of wrecked barns, ruined closure sale on September 11th. lands to alfalfa and engage in dairying. were spending their vacation in Santa same time up and up. Because of this crops and impaired railroad tracks. At One of tlie most destructive hail If the farmers do this the factory will Cruz county aud were preparing to go ths farmers of Kansas, whose live stock Elizabeth the water tilled the streets in We solicit your consignment of Peaches. hunting when tbe accident occurred. B. L. FISHED, Prop. interests are very important, have no some places to a depth of several feet. storms known in South Dakota past be idle. Correspond With ue. Send for Shipping Stancil. over Sioux Falls. The storm destroyed A rapidly moving train struck a Mrs. Nettie R. Craven, of Craven- love for the butterine men, and these The electric light plant was flooded and everything in its course, and fully a Fair will fame, tendered her resigna­ buggy ata crossing near C’oeur d’Alene. need expect little mercy at their hands. the city was in darkness. million acres of crops are ruined. tion as a teacher in the San Francisco Ida., containing Mrs. Thomas Holme-, The Cleanest Work. Bids were opened at the treasury public schools, and the directors Mrs. Kniite Knutson and two children. Promptness and Accuracy Assured. The Cuban army is closing in on Hav­ During our civil war aoouaations ana despite tlie efforts of the Spanish department for the foundation work ¡of promptly accepted iL The resignation One child was'killed, the other serious­ Mail Orders a Specially. Were hurtled plentifully about that the soldiers to chock them. A few niglits tlie Chicago postoflice building. That was tendered inorder to avoid answer­ ly injured and both women are in i .- Give the Laundry a Trial fighting would have been ended a year igo a large body of insurgents swept of McArthur Brothers company, ing some serious charges and possitily critical condition, with thoir recoveij aud Prove It. Work. or two before it was only certain gen­ through tlie suburbs of the city carry­ Chicago, for $208,453 was accepted. dismissal. doubtful. They tlemen high in authority wanted it to ing everything before them. Editor Patterson of the Argo, the The estate of Joseph Bachelder Us go on until they and their friends had gave battle to the Spaniards wherceveY colored paper at Montgomery, Ala., being contested for in tbe Santa Roja, THE STORY OF THE SALMO*, made fortunes smuggling cotton from they met them, killing and wounding was shot and killed ill a church there. Cal., courts by two widows. Bachelcfer Shipping of Car Loads a specialty. ■aid to D.p««|t It. Eggs la Its Native He became involved in a quarrel, the south and quinine and other sup­ many. River. The best of connections in all the Eastern Markets, A Spanish statesman, commenting struck the pastor and was shot dead. plies to the eouth. There are to this ago when he came west, and married In the autumn time, and onward to Correspondence Solicited. In a runaway at Peoria, Ill., Miss again shortly after settling in Sonoma the beginning of the next year, the day those who believe it. It is not sur­ on the fact that Spain will soon lose JAMES M. KYLE, Pre«, and Mgr. prising, therefore, to find the same Cuba to the insurgents, said that to Grace White leaped out of a carriage county. The eastern widow has been mother salmon ascends the rivers to de­ provoke war with tlie United States and was instantly killed. Mrs. Peter granted letters of administration to the posit her eggs, and thus to secure the charges being made in referenco to tlie Cor. Trade and High St’s. SALEM, ORE. would be Spain's only,salvation for fut­ continuance of her race. In connection Cuban war. It is even said, how truth­ ure existence. Such a course would be Spurcks was thrown out upon the estate. pavement and is not expected to live. with this periodical visit or visits to the ■ ■ The stern-wheel steamer IL C. fully, of course, one cannot say, that an excuse for losing the island, and The steamer Cambria, which left Grady has completed her hazardous river must be mentioned, says Cham­ Weyler himself ia amassing ■ great pri­ would prevent u home rebellion and MILLINER. | Detroit Tuesday with 100 passengers trip down the coast from Portland, Or., ber's Journal, a very curious fact. The vate fortune out of the Cuban war by the overthrow of tlie Spanish mon­ [forSaulte ste Marie, was wrecked on and arrived snfely at San Francisco. idea is entertained very strongly by blackmailing and other methods. In archy. Lake Huron, three miles north of Tlie trip of nearly 1000 miles was luaile some authoriti 1» that a salmon Invari­ OPPOSITE PLAZA. support of suoh accusations is for one I Sarnia. The passengers were al) safely in five days, and without injury to the ably reiurns to its native river or that Is Life Worth Living? thing tbs story that Weyler allowed | landed. in which it is bred. It has even been as ­ boat, although rough weather Was If there is an individual on earth who is two cannons to be sold reoently by excusable for thus interrogating himself, it serted by fishermen that, when several HEADQUARTERS FOR Advices from Brazil state that a bat­ encountered. rivers enter the sea in one stream (as Spanish officers to the insurgents. An­ is tbe unhappy mortal who suffers from tle occurred then between government Latast Styles. . The west-bound overland mail and at Bonar bridge, tar example), the sal­ malaria in someone of its diabolical forms. other point is the arrest of wealthy loy­ This ■ • is no difficult conundrum, however. troops and 10,000 well-armed fanatics, express train on the Central Pacific ---- IN----- alists and supposed loyalists in Havana Life is worth living to any man or woman in whicli the former were badly defeat­ road was wrecked six miles west ;of mon bred in each, river will pasa back into their own water end will avoid the who enjoys good health, and is not har- charged with constantly selling supplies ed and left fully 3000 dead on the Reno, Nev. Fifteen Indians were rid­ strange stre'xna. The late Frank Buck­ Fashionable Millinery. rassed bv a reproachful conscience. Tbe in an underhand way to the Cuban malarial scourge, heavily laid on. Is a ter­ battle-field. ing on the blind baggage car and Bix of land, a strong believer in thia instinctof army. Nobody Luows whether it is true rible one for tbe poor sufferer to endure. A syndicate of rich Chinese has been them were killed and five injured. T))ie the fish, regarded the sense of smell as A series of freezings, scorchings snd sweats incorporated at Springfield, III., for the wreck was caused by a broken rfiil. or not, as reported, that the Havana — that which led it to its'nat ive river. Per- the last leaving one aa limp and strength- MAIN STREET-ASHLAND. OREGON. chief of police told the arrested men less as a dish rag, are hard indeed, recurr­ purpose of building and operating a The engine and several of the clrs lmpa the truth is that for the most part ing as thev do with fiendish regularity. system of theaters, bazars and res ­ were thrown over an embankment a|id they would be released if they paid col­ salmon do return to their own river, but Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters is tbe world­ Out of tlie the practice and habitare not necessari­ lectively $100,000 to the military wide known preventive and curative of taurants in the leading cities of the completely demolished. forty passengers only one was injured, ly invariable. We know the fishes cer­ authorities. That, however, such a this class of maladies, either tn the form of United States. ague and lever, bilious remittent, dumb tainly swim great distances ajong coast Colorado Springs, Col., will lie con­ and that one only slightly. story is told has a bad look on the face ague and ague cake, t eed with persistence nected with the Cripple Creek gold Secretary Wilson has received a re­ lines where they are captured in stake of things. they will, rely upon it, eradicate disease ---- VIA— A port from a firm at Lisburn, Ireland, and bag nets, and it may well be the from tbe system. They also conquer rheu­ camp by a short line electric road. France and Germany have agreed in a matism. kidney and bladder complaints, franchise was granted to Irving How- on some retting and scutching experi­ cose that now and then a fish will turn and constipation, and renew falling bert and associates. Work on the ments conducted by them in Ireland into a river »hat is near, in preference to Running Schedule Fruit Trains on Special friendly way to mutually divide up strength. grades has commeuced. with a ton of flax straw grown in the seeking its own and distant water. that part of Afrioa lying between Dogo AMXBica’a acxBtc uxs. Fast Time and delivered at Chicago Auction Arrived in her river, the mother sal ­ Seasonable goods, such as relrigeratnrs, Two women, giving their names as Puget Sound region of Washington. and Dahomey, and each has sliced off Houses without delays or transfers. !• • • tents, hammocks and camping goods at Mrs. Maria M. Cicotte and Mrs. Martha These experiments develop the fact mon begins to scoopout a kind of trench with the consent of the other the section Opera House Furniture 8tore. in the gravel of the st ream. This she ef­ Alt and claiming California as their that for flax culture the Puget Sound Rck she will take. This is the first thing The Cuban insurgents have captured home, were arrested and fined at region is equal in climate of some, of fects by plowing into the gravel with Meals in Mark shipping orders “C. M. & St. P.” Ballast France and Germany have agreed over the town of Las Pintles, a suburb of her body. This trench is to be the t lining Chicago for disturbing tlie peace and the best flax-producing regions of Eu­ nursery of her young. The eggs are laid Car a la sines 1870. C. J. EDDY, General Agent Havana city. They plundered a mili­ resisting an officer. Being put out of rope, and less seed brings much larger PORTLAND OREGON. Carte tary station there, secured the money a hotel for uot paying their bill caused yields. Fiber and seed can be grown in the furrow, and are duly fertilized by the male saknon. Then the trench is on the same plant. So large a minority in the United that was to (>ay the Spanish troops and the trouble. filled In by the efforts of both parents, States senste insisted on having paris a large quantity of medicine. They Mount Rainier (Wash.) climbers are the eggs are covered with gravel, and THE ALL BAIL BOUTB TO Trie Naval board of construction does green put upon the free list that their have seized all tlie trains running into not deem it advisable to report upon meeting with many accidents tliis sea­ the mound thus formed is called, in fish­ KOOTENAI - MINING - DISTRICT Havana and no provisions gan be sent son. Professor Edgar McClure of the demands wsre acosded to. The demand er's language, a “redd.” How many to lhai city. Residents of the Havana the use of flrepoof wood for deck plank­ — VIA— was in the interests of ths farmers, who are leaving for the United States as a ing, but for bulwarks, furniture, joiner Oregon State 'iniversity at Eugene, eggs a mother salmon will deposit Is, of 8IMPLE8T. made n misstep while descending from SEATTLE « SPOKANE. wood, etc. It is recommended that the course, a difficultquestion to determine, use great quantities of this ohamioal to matter of safely. CHEA PENT. the summit with the Mazama party but a stock calculation maintains that present process be continued. EAHEbT TO OPERATE. destroy lnssct pests. and plunged over a 300-foot precipice she produces about 900 eggs for yvery A 23-yenr-oltl London lad named NO KHItTINH <>F TRAY8. Miss Grace Allen, tfie Kansas teacher Shortest and Quickest Line to to his death. Ilis body was recovered. pound she weighs. Each egg in Its di­ Marconi has made a discovery that DRIES Al l.OWEcT COST. Mr. D. L. Howard c* Iowa proposes NO WASTE OF HOT AIR. promises to revolutionize telegraphy. on trial at Chandler, O. T., was acquit­ Just 24 hours later George Rogers arid ameter measures about a quarter of an a new kind of trnet, one that will mako PEKFE T< I' CULAT1ON OK AIR. ted of the charge of poisoning her St. Paul, Minneapolis H. A. Ainslee, -if another party, fell He telegraphs without wires and mes­ No BUKbTlNG OK DRIPPING. millionaire pork packers of Chicago and sages can be sent a distance of twelve rival, Miss Phronia Eckes, and the into a crevice in the same locality. Lin- inch, and it is estimated that 25,000 eggs go to a gallon. Duluth, Chicago. elsewhere grant, if not squeal. Mr. ] miles. He has discovered a method of latter's mother. It was shown that the lee was seriously injured and Rogers Can be built for tlie largest or smallest Orchards. Howard is a swine breeder, and he pro­ i preventing collisions at sea and lias yvomen were poisoned with ague medi- will probably die. Mr. Peirce of Pen­ AND ALL POINT8 EABT. Gxirrs; I have been taking your Rarspa- , dleton was rendered partially insane •arilla. and think It a wonderful remedy. 1 Evaporates Piativa, Apples, Peaches, poses nothing leas than that the hog made communication so certain, so eine. Pears, Berries, Cherries, Grapes, Mr. and Mrs. William Webb were from gazing down a glacier. Miss Fay have bad catarrh of tbe head and throat for raisers of the land form a trust to con­ superior to the obstructions devised by seven years, and have been treated hy doc­ Apricots, Vegeteblrs, Etc. trol ths production of pork. Tbs mem­ any enemy that the whole scheme of indieted and jailed at Memphis, Tenn., Fuller of Tacoma was struck by falling tor. I got Joy'. Vegetable Sarsaparilla The trays are put in at the top where tbe bers of this Hog trust will keep them­ modern warfare may he changed on a charge of conspiracy to rob and rocks and was unconscious for several i and took it for about five month, and from temperature is the lowest end the gradual blackmail the Citizens’ Railway com- 1 hours. H. 1. Pit tack, president of ths that dav to thi. I have never been iron- selves informed to a dot how many thereby. approach to a bigbsr temperature ripens bird with catarrh, and 1 believe I am entire ­ pan}-. Mrs. Webb boarded a car several Mazamas was caught in an avalaache ly well of It. I have found It matchless. SLEEPERS, DINING and LIBRARY Great Britain is having eenous the fruit and makes it sweeter, while tbs •wise there are the country over. When narrowly escaped being carried It 1. a good thing to have bandv days ago and fell in the isle. She has and i rapid and uniform circulation of air dries tbs number exceeds a figure where the trouble with the ^natives in parts of sue 1 ror $25,000 damages. OBSERVATION CARB. over a precinic' to hi« death. ARRY I. FIMMKL. tbe fruit very fast. During the week a number of farmer can realize a profit, then down Africa. Little I-eke. t'al For particulars or prices, call on or battles were fought, with considerable Daily Trains - Fast Time address. W1ITST0 Tgo.x rkOZLS AMD THAT WILL goes the number. It can easily be re A Barrel of Squirrels. A Valuable Prescription, loss to each side. From 12,000 to 15,- TXLLTOV HOW VLAD THAT ASS THAT Tg ST SB- ducod by selling a proportion of the 000 natives are no»' in arms. The gov­ W. J. JACOBSON, Ufo, N. P. Williamson of Salem. Salem, Oregon, SXBVICS ABD aclXlBY IMZqCALlD. Kdi'or Morrison of Worthington. Ind., rcash a acaoTiTtm. stock cu hand. When the supply gets ernment has ordered the Reserve writes: "I bava triad sarsral brands ol "Suu” wriies: "You have a valuable pro­ 4M) Washington St. PORTLAND, OBE For tickets and full information call on squirrel poison, but Fry's Is tbe best I scription In Electric Bitters, and I can low again, the farmer will turn his at- brigade at Simla to lie iu readiness to believe one "to of Fry's SQUIKREt '-beerfull. reoomend It for constipation and or address, R. L bobabd , Agent, toatian to swine breeding onoo more. move to the seat of trouble. To relieve POISON will kill a barrel of squirrels, and «lek haadache. and as a een-ral system J. E E xyabt , Ashland, Or. by using early and often you stop tl » ontc It ha« no equal. ” MI m Annie Stehle Mnifnrd, Oregon. Uoef Such a trust as that would leave the surrounded garrison at Dargai breed " Every can 1« tuarsnrawl or mon. y 5125. Cottage Grove Av».. Cblcaro. was all R. 0. S tbvsms , A. B. 0. DurxtBTOx, the great pork packers at ths agricul­ troops were com ¡»lied to make a forc­ refunded. Price 80c . for sale by E A ran down, conld uot eat or direst food, bad G. W, P. A . Seattle, C. t’.áf. 4. turists’ mercy if the farmers had ths ed march, which resulted in 19 of them Hherwin, Halsn R. Stanley and T. K • backach» wbicb never left brr and fait Portland, Oregon. tired and weary, but six bottles of Electric dying from sunstroke. The natives Bolton. grit to farm it and stick by it. Bitters restored her healtb and renewed are desperate and heavy lighting is ber strength Prices SO cents and 11 CO A LOCAL Theodore H. Shints, a lawyer, rei Get a boule at E. A. Sherwin’s Drag btors. Dtseaao $25 TO $50 PER WEEK John Griffin, of Zanesville, G,. soya: "t lujked for. Ashland. Oregon. estate dealer ami private banker, i never 11 red a dav for thirty years witboat Chicago, fa led * few days ago, Il suffering agony, until a box of De Witt's Dearness Cannot be Cared A Climatic Can he made by AGENTS taking orders City Passenger Witch Hasel Salve cured mv nile. ’ For had qyer »200,000 belonging to liar Affection Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes, and Every­ piles and rectal troubles, cut«, bruises, by local applications, as they cannot reach working people that they had give KKV for "The Earth Girdled. . ” by KKV. •pralnA.ec.emaand.il skin troubles De­ ths diseased portion of the ear. There is Rare, radiant Nothing but a loca' T. HrWITT TALM UiK. “ thing Pertaining to the only on. wav to cure dsafnass, and that is him to invesf aqd every cent will L and Truck Transfer Witt’. Witch Hag.i Salve is un aqua lied. and alarming Hundreds of new photos— remedy or cbangao' by constitutional remedies. Deafness is Bakery Trade. Eugene A. Sherwin. lan<1>. -e-nr- people and plaoea. climate wilt core It caused by an inflamed condition of tbe lost. —AB kinds oi trsigbt, barrags The World’s Wonders aa sron and de^ Boats W J ot Co.: The immediate end Get C.C z a well “di • knowt mucous lining of ib* Eustachian Tube The Indiana Farmers* Saving am permanent rette! afford. I ms by the nse of pharmacaulica household good. stc.. transfer ­ erircd by tbs greatest tiring prsacbar and Boston Baked Beans, English When this tube gvts infiaiuad you bare a or! trito prom ptneee and «sfai y. orat.-r. Over 500 massive quarto pates ’s V« stable Sarsaparilla from ibe terri­ remedy. Vegetable the terri- Plam Pudding, and Fresh East­ rambling sound or Imperfect hearing, and Loan Association went into tlie hand Joy Hauling on a largo scale con­ Agents reaping a <<>lden harvest of ble affi ctlon of dvspep.la.accomt>anled by Elye ern Ovscers. Everything home- when It Is entirely closed Deafness is the of a receiverou July 21,L A. A. Pur racking tracted for.................. , . . •••d.-rwt on. repo-ts SO s .I oa In ■ hours. headaches, bas prompted me io result, and unless tbe inflammation can be mag being appointed by the Cour baked by Expert Cooks. voluntarily express my tn dorraneuL Two Cream Balm I.iberel tarms No szparisaoa needed Tlie liabilities will reach MM.uOO, coy .ear. of extreme suttrnng vanished ae If by Write for aganev, quirk I WOOD rOR SALE 'iurte. To those suffering similari. I rec­ I It la qolckly absork PEOPLE'«, SMI Mwrkot Mt., Phlla. All special ord are for fancy forever, nine cases onto! ten are cau-ett ered by aaasts, consisting of farm inert ommend Its trial Its merits will do tbe ed. Gives rellef ai pastry most have 24 b iore notice. -----ton in it*««— Open, and bv catarrh, which la nothing but an In gagse amounting to 880,00'). rest. Yours in health. B. D. CARN. claansse thè Na-al Panare.. A lev. In­ looted condition nt tbe muco is surfaces For a firet-claee meal and Poso township. Kern County, Cab fiammatine Heal-and prvtrct. tb. Mem­ TURO DADCD u ■e la a-hland during the We will giv. Ou. Hand rod Dollar. fo> on * prompt orders call on us. i. Delivered at your door brane. Roetom ihe -enre. of Te«te and I Hid rnrtn b . c . daee ’ s Ad any case of Deafness (caused by eatarrhi No oae should bn fltoled by • Smeli. — No ------------- Cocaine, — no — Meranry. — no — Ir. vertising Agency. «4 end 06 Merchants Ex- that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh a die- die-_____ noneet drw«««a<. Thora aro »ptenry l __ , ot , jurions ______ Cure. Send tor drculsrv. free i>rag _ _____ Full sise SOe. Trial sin 10c. change, Haa Frettate*', Uallferula. abare daUeered M any part at F. J. CHKNEY A CO., Toledo, O soalzaste 1er ad veroHag eaa bo made far II ■ VlLLEI KEi db I'. The price of wheat la the autern touched a leieplio.ie wire und market continues to ria» roastod to des.Iu Earl Fruit Company Sacramento $ Los Angeles, Cal. ALL FRUIT DISTRICTS OF CALIFORNIA. Oregon and Washington Fruit Orewers Union, Merit Made S. A. POTTER_ _ — Comieissioti Merchant. Hood ’ s Sarsaparilla NO. I QUALITY L evy &S piegl , STEAM LAUNDRY » Commission Merchants. * OREGON FRUIT»PRODUCE CO Qrecn and Dri^d Fruit$. MYER BL>0CK. Mrs. E. Fo$ Poley&Co., CHOICE GROCERIES, Library-Car Route I THROUGH PALACE & TOURIST CATARRH WBoM «r Draate»», Tie. 88 Wt ■$„ X. T. ; T- The Fleckenstein Evaporator.