A CHINESE REFORM. AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT’TO THB EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD "CASTORIA,” AND “ PITCHER’S CA8TORIA,” AS OVR TRADE mark . 7, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator of “PITCHERS CASTORIA, i/ie sams ihat has borne and does now °n bear the fac-simi’e signature of wrapper. This is the original “ PITCHER'S CASTORIA,’’ which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the hind you have always bought and has the signature of wrap­ per. No one has authority from me to use my name ex­ cept The Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletcher is Baglnnlng of a Movement to Abol­ ish Foot Binding. AN IMPROVED WHITE HOUSE. The PrMidential Family to Ilav« G rester ConvenleucM. The residence of the preaident of the United States ought to be worthy of the office.* The present white house is equal to all the requirements of such a residence, so far as it goes. It is a simple and dignified building, whose beauty is a constant delight to appre­ ciative persons. It was conceived and curried out by the architect who planned it in the proper spirit, but it is i.ot large enough for the uses to which it is necessarily put. The country and the city of Washington have grown, and the president’s house have not grown with them. A large part of it is given up to the business offices of the presi­ dent, his private secretary, and his clerks, and the president’s family are deprived of the use of another large part of the lower floor of the house be­ cause it is necessarily on public view iuo.it of the time. The family is there­ fore cramped foi proper accommo­ dations, and there afé no rooms for the entertainment of guests. Moreover, the house is so badly arranged as to entrances, exits, and hallways that a state reception, there is always an un- comfortable and dangerous jam, while many an invited guest, and many offi­ cers who attend certain functions under orders, have been made seriously ill be­ cause they have been compelled io stand for hours in cold or stormy weath­ er until they could gain admittance tlirough the single door that can be usod for the purpose. The deficiencies of the white house are so thoroughly recognized in Wash­ ington that for many years efforts have been making to secure worth­ ier accommodations for the president. Some of these efforts have been in the wrong direction, because they have, contemplated other buildings, foreign to the intent and character of the white house, within the same grounds. Other efforts still are attempts of speculators to move the site of the mansion to the hills north of the city. The w hite house, with ail its unarms and memories, should be preserved, and it should remain on. its present beau­ tiful and historic site, its fine grounds unencumberd by other structures, lu furtherance of this idea, a plan pre­ pared by Mr. Arthur J. Dillon shows conclusively that the white house can be made, not only abundantly spacious, but even improved, while its architec­ tural features will be at the same time preserved.—Harper’s Weekly. THÉ G R APC INDUSTRY. An Importaut DusiuiMa in th« Eastern Mtataa. The Sn. In Ourmah. The new woman houkl take her way to Ilurmah. Therv traveler» any, is. th«- only |>kuA- on earth where true equality between the wxee exist«. In spite of thia, it. is claimed. no women are more womanly than the Burmese women, whose good sense enables them to sec the line where they ought to stop. In the higher classes a woman has ;>TO| t rty of her own and manages it herself. In the loa-er clueses she always has a trade anti runs her business on her own responsibility, t.he sexea choose their own o|wrations, and it i» curious to see the men sometimes sewing or embroid­ ering. while the eomen have nearly al’ the retail trade oi the talaud oil llteir ban e. The nuuuq'emeiit ot the vineyard is an interesting atudy anti one which to be successful requires technical knowl­ I edge. In the large vineyards, as a rule, the owner himself gives perional M>|ter- vision to every detail; sotuetimes a manager or overseer performs these duties. One of the largest growers in this section tells me that the most suc­ cessful grower is the foreigner who with his family of eight or ten conies and liases or buys 25 or 50 acres of land, each member of the family having bis or her part in the work to perform from spring until picking time, while the winter is devoted to the making of E dwin W. J oy C o .: 1 aiu one of those the baskets. Thus no outside expendi­ who place but little faith in advertised nos­ trums but seeing so many local testimon­ ture is incurred and when tlie grapes are ials, <1eiri lini’ the effects of Joy’s Vegetable sold the proceeds return to the family SHrsapanlla. I, too. bought it, I took itfor as the profit on th© individual labor of pains in the buck and cbonic billioustiess, each member—quite in contrast wit It the results of a disordered liver, which has me much trouble, and I believe it has the large owner who is compelled to given permanently cured me. I haven’t felt so hire help to do each little thing, in addi­ well for ten years. I recommend it to all my friends, and’we take it for nearly every­ tion to buying his baskets. The Concord grape is the only variety thing over our way and it seems to hit. NED NE8TELL of any consequence raised in this re­ 79 Everett atreet. San Francisco, gion, and some idea of the magnitude No RELIABLE DRUGGIST WIL1 TELL 1OU HE of the business carried on may be had HAS A SARSAPARILLA A8 GOOD AS JoY’S when it is known that the shipments T ake the best when you fay your money t his year from Chautauqua county alone amounted to 3,500 car loads, 3,000 bas­ kets of ten pounds each in each cur. These are token from the grower by —VIA— some one of the numerous growers' as­ sociations, whose business it is to find a market. Strang': as it may seem it i< nevertheless true that three-fourtbs of —or THB— them go to points west of Chicago, while the other one-fourth travels east­ Southern Pacific Co ward. The making of baskets is an impor­ Express Trains Leave Portland Dally tant item. Many factories are em­ North ployed. The price ranges from two to South I two and a half cents per basket; thus (Luo p m Lv Portland Ar » «3U a tn * - Ashland Lv 5:6«> p m t.he grower who would find his business 9:50 a 111 Ar Ashland Ar 5:2u p m Lv _______ is any way profitable must in addition 10 20 a tn A r Ban FranciscoLv 8:<>0p u) 7:45 a m to t he cost- of the basket realize at least one cent per pound for his grapes, while Above trains stop at all stations I to-day it is a common thing to find a between Portland and Salem, Turner Marion, Jederson, Albany, Tangent. ten-pound basket on the retail market Shedds, Halsey. Harrisburg. Junction City, slow sale at ten cents. Thus we find Eugene, Cottage Groye, Drains and all tluit the utmost care must, taken in the •tations from Roseburg to Oaklaud, in­ management of a vineyard to make it clusive. Roseburg Mail Daily. profitable.—Robert Lew Seymour, in t'hantauquan. arrive :____ _ leavk : BICYCLE. Cbe Yellow yellow _ ANDM COMTEAiT The nineteenth century craze for the emancipation of women Las at last found its way into the darkness of China, and a »reformation has been started of vaatly more importance to the woman, of the Flowery Kingdom than the bloomer question and other is known throughout cycling1 as a light, staunch, like problems which ha'e been vexing stylish, speedy mount. There’s a best in every­ her progressive sisters of the western thing; the ’96 Stearns is a veritable edition de luxe world. among bicycles. Finished in black or orange. This new departure calls for the abo­ lition of foot-binding, common among Steams riders are satisfied riders, and always all classes of Chinese women, from the proud as kings of their mounts. ¡K>or creatures slaving in the rice Your address will insure receipt of our hand­ fields to the dainty belles whose some new catalogue. fathers hold lucrative public office«. Everything moves with tremendous E. C. STEARNS & CO., .Makers, Syracuse, N. Y slowness in China, particularly innova­ *March 8,1897. 3a n Francisco, Cal. Buffalo, N. Y. Toronto, Ont. tions. and the reformers expect that it will take a century or more to make the change complete. I The practice has existed for 20 cen­ Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting turies and may have existed for 40 cen­ and naturally it will be a diffi- a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you c turies, ult matter to root out. The greatest MV (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in­ problem to be overcome is the aversion of Chinese men to marry w omen wboce gredients of which even he does not know. feet are not squeezed into deformed ob­ jects bearing little or no resemblance to the natural human foot. As the one ambition of the Chinese BEARS THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF girl and of her ¡xarents is to marry they willingly undergo the tortures of foot­ binding to realize, the matrimonial state. A woman whose foot is any­ where near t.he size nature intended is an outcast so far as matrimony is con­ cerned. The men deem it a disgrace to marry her, and an unmarried woman is a, burden to herself and her relatives. With these conditions to face the re­ •uaacniax for thc formers are counting upon a had'd time of it. Gi TWO • • CHAMPIONS The binding process is the acme of torture, as the pain is incessant and ex­ The gold standard means low prices, low wages, hard times. The bimetallic tends over a period of many years. The standard means good prices, good wages, permanent prosperity for the producing little Chinese girl usually enjoys the classes. full freedom of her feet until she is four SUMMONS. or five years old. She can run about like The curious vernacular known os •’•»rtland... 8:30am j Roseburg . .5:20pn' Roseburg . 7:30 a in I Portland 4:30pn In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, other children and can rest the full Pidgin English is a strange mixture of weight, of her body upon her feet with­ for Jackson County. A 32 to 4-0 Page Weekly Farm and Family Paper. Prloe, $1.00 a Year English, Chinese and Pottugueae, and out suffering exquisite torture. Dining Cars on Ogden Route. Richard Beswick, Plaintiff | While not neglecting its superb Agricultural, Horticultural, Live Stock and is used by most of the natives of Hong vs. But all this is soon stopped, for it is a * * Family Departments, etc., has at the same time, for many years, upheld the Kong atui other Chinese ports in their Wm. M. Colvig, as admin­ custom, sanctioned by centuries, that a PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Manager and - Funeral * Director standard of the people against trusts and monopolies, more especially against istrator of the estate of J . intercourse with foreigners. Its basis woman’« feet must net be more than —AMD— C. Durkee, deceased, that most iniquitous of all monopolies, the single gold standard. All who read James Andrews, living on Point Lobos consists in turning the consonants “r” three inches in length. By the .time a road, San Francisco, says; Hanna A. Durkee, wid­ Second- Class Sleeping Cars Myer Block, - Ashland, Or. it agree that it is ths best paper of its class on earth. ow of the said J. C. girl is four or five years old her feet are T he E dwin W. J oy Co.— G entlemen : 1 into “1” amd “v” into “b,” adding a Attached to all through trains. final “ ee" to most words, and Durkete, deceased, and wish to thank you, gentlemen, for thegrea 1 already more than three inches long, Eda M. Lewis, Howard Suit to fore­ good which your Joy’s Vegitable S irsapar above all, the. constant use ot the word WEST side : division . F. Durkee, Agnes N. close a Mort* end t hen comes the torture. ilia has done for my weak eyes. 1 thougl.i andle first - class goods Narrow strip« of silk nine or ten ftet I would soon go blind. I was actunib “pidgin,” which means business in the gage on real Abbott, Chas. K. Dur ­ Between Portland and Corvallis. Day or Night CallB promptly at- most extended sense of the word. Not kee, and Geo, A. Durkee property. long are. used by the fond parent to loosing my sight. My eyes were so weak tanded to. MAIL T1AI« DAII.T (SXCirr 8ÜFDAT.) heirs at law of the said crush the further growth. The silk is I had to stop reading day and night. Jes­ Jong since n gentleman in Hong Kong J. C. Durkee, deceased, We will send the above great journal in connection with sie read all the papers for me was interrupted by his servant, a boy arrives : leaves : drawn tightly over the instep and then and Eva A. Rodgers, gWCHARGES REASONABLE. After using four battle* of Joy’s Vegita­ c» rried over the four small toes and the ble Sarsaparilla I put away the green glass­ of 14, who rushed into the office in an Portland....7:«30 am I Corvallis. .12.15 pm minor heir of Effie Rodg­ ers . deceased daughter of heel. The toes are drawn under the es and can now see as well as 1 ever could. excited manner to inform his master ' Corvallis... 1 ;05 p m | Portland... .5:50 p ro said J.C. Durkee,deceas­ foot, and the pressure, is so great that My blood is m good condition. I am not that his wife had presented him with ed, Defendants. weak at all. Yes, I do praise your Joy’s a daughter. He gracefully and deli­ At Albany and Corvallis connect witl To Ella M. Lewis, Agnes N. Abbott, lhe sole is almost drawn Into a semi­ Vegitable Sarsaparilla. No one should cately made the announcement in Pid­ rains of Oregon Central A Eastern Rail both one year, postpaid, at th. extremely low price of $ 2 00 circle. Chas. It. Durkee and George A. Durkee, take any other sarsaparilla but Joy’s Veg­ ■ -oads gin English in these words: “ Missy in advance, and will give to each subscriber to this combination offer who pay» heirs at law of said J. C. Durkee, deceased, The large toe is j>articularly difficult itable Sarsaparilla. Express Train Daily (Except Bunday.) and to Eva A Rodgers minor heir of Effie Smith hab got one piece© small caw JAMES ANDREWS. ten cents additional for postage and packing, I Rodgers, deceased daughter of the said J to subdue, and separate bands of the TO T JEI IE chilo! ”— Chicago Tribune. ___________ ________LBAVa:________________ ARBI VI ■________ TWENTY PACKETS OF SEEDS | C. Durkee, deceased, of the above named silk are drawn over the member and James J. I orbel aave some pretty good Portland 4:5<)p m I McMinnville 7:30pn> carried under the heel, squeezing it I defendants:— THE POLITE ITALIANS. advice to the bovs of the Olympia Club, These seeds ar« the beat in the mar­ IN THE NAMEOF THE STATE OF down with double pressure. Unyield­ when he was tn Ban Francisco last. Hi M’Minnville.6:60am | Portland... A :25 a t> OREGON, you and each of you are hereby ket. They consist of Parm, Vegetable Florence, the City or Well-Mauaered told them that the best way to get strong required to appear and answer tbe complaint ing shoos, made ironlike in streagith, and Flower Seeds of your own selec­ ritlaene. was to avoid all excesses In youth, so that Direct connection at 8an Faancisco with of tbe above named plaintiff in the above en­ are crowded upon the feet, and the tion from a list of 200 varieties. The If I wished to teach an awkward they should arrive at manhood lusty and Occidental and Oriental and Pacific mail titled court, now on hie with the clerk of the happy days of the little girl are over. packets are as large ee aeedmen's mail said court, by the first day of the term of The shoes are removed at night, but child, youth or girl good nianueTs by healthy. Manv men who have been guilty steamship lines for .IAPAN and CHINA. packets. QIVK8 THE "CHOICE OF said court following the expiration of the the bandages «remain night and day. example, I should send him or her to of excesses and over-indulgencles, and havt Sailing dates on application. The seeds alone At retail prices used the Celebrated Medicine “CUPI time prescribed in the order for the are worth $1 OO. Call and see us Rates and tickets to Eastern points and TW(b TRANSCONTIENTAL publication of this summons, which first For the first few months the child is Florence, says a writer. There may be DENE" lived to give testimony of its won- Europe. about this great offer at once, or Also Japan. China. Honolulu and lil-mannered persons there, but I never stimulating and curative powers derful urable to move about except upon her day will be, send remittances to this office» can be obtained from saw one. Poor people behave with the “CUPIDENE” will check all the waste tis­ Australia, D. L. RICE, Agent, Ashland, MONDAY, THE 18th DAY OF SEP­ hands and knees... The circulation of sue of the body. In fact, it stops all losses the blood in the feet has been choked suave dignity which used in Englund •‘CUPIDENE’’ is a powerful, harmless, R. KOEHLER. TEMBER, 1897. U.H. MARKHAM, Manager. G. F. A P. A., And you; are hereby notified that if and the pressure of the body and the to stamp the lady or gentleman. Most vegetable Compound. It is as sure t< Portland, Or. you fail so answer,the plaintiff will apply fxercise of walking force the blood |s-rsons are brainy, but cleverness is strengthen the generative organs as it is to to the above entitled court for the relief through the strangled veins, causing not eager to shine. It is very subdued rebuild and regenerate you. Trial package 11.00; fl packages 45.00. For sale by E A demanded in the complaint, to-wit;— and more oily than corrosive. The Bnnwin First that an order of said court be made the most intense agony. This pain is appointing a guardian ad litem to appear nothing, however, to that suffered when eharm of Florence steals on one like t he- The I and answer for the defendant Eva A. Rodg- it is necessary to change the bandages wit of its clever inhabitants. Write to T. B. Q uincby , -----and— COMPASSES OLD AND NEW. | ers, minor heir of Effie Rodgers, deceased every fortnight for fresh ones. The senses are soothed in all directions by Drawer 156, Chicago, Secre­ VIA i daughter of said J. C. Durkee, deceased. VIA '»(»“.''■«q??’ or harmonious manners and objects. The Way or M«km< a Good Ono at a Very tary of the S tar A ccident Second for a judgment against the defen­ sudden loosening of the bands allows Trifling Expense. C ompany , for information Wm. M. Colvig, as administrator of the blood to shoot into the benumbed Architects understood chiaroscuro lint SALT LAKE I dant SPOKANE the estate of J.C. Durkee, deceased, and end deadened feet, and the pain is often­ less than the great paintersand seulp- regarding Accident Insur The motion of a small craft in rough ! against the said estate, for tbe sum of times so exquisite that the child faints torit. One never wearies of the streets water causes the common compass card ance. Mention this paper. To all points eastfat the very lowest rates i $543.10 and interest thereon at the rate of MINNEAPOLIS By so doing you can save and pulllie buildings', their nttpecta con­ to jump about so tnueh as to be perfect­ . ten per cent per annum until paid, together away. FOK8ALK BY ALL DRt'OOIHTB membership fee. Has paid over $600,000.00 for Even the. girls who in later life must stantly and strongly vary, according to ly useless to steer by, while a fluid com­ accidental I with the fanner sum of $75 attorney’s fees The only line runninig injuries. OMAHA ST. PAUL Lights and pass remains steady and reliable under and the costs and disbursements of this perform the hardest kind of manual the course of the sun. I suit and the costs of and upon the foreclos­ labor have their feet crippled. The shades at ten in the forenoon are whol­ all circumstances and conditions. through trains from Be your own Agent. AND AND ure sale herein: There are several fluid compasses in NO MEDICAL EXAMINATION REQUIRED the coast to IMlLWAUKEEj Third for a decree that the mortage in spectacle of women working in the ly different from what they will be at KANSAS CITY I the complaint mentioned, and which is field's on their hands and knees, be­ four ill the afternoon. The Florentine the market at a reasonable price, which CHICAGO WINNIPEG, MINNEAPOLIS, ST. PAUL I recorded at page269 of vol. 9 of the Records cause their deformed feet are unable to women have interesting, though not can be depended upon in an emergency. LOST MANHOOD | ot Mortgages for Jackson coanty, Oregon, support the weight of the body, has no beautiful, faces. But one has only to The fluid on which the needle floats is Eaiily, Quickly and Permanently Restored. TORON TO, MONTREAL and BOSTON i beforeclosed in the manner provided by law, C ilebrated E nglish R emedy LOW RATES TO ' and the following described real property I effect on ¡»arents of other children. And walk into the market to see country generally alcohol, to guard against NHRVlJk. ALL EASTERN CITIES. situatedin Jackson county. Oregon, a nit | the workers themselves bind the feet of girls w ho would have done for models freezing, and is simply a development which is the property in the said mortgage ! their girls without the slightest twinge of Raphael’s Virgin-mothers. One is of a primitive compass used by the m A Itiseold on a positive | and complaint mentioned, be sold upon j c.f conscience. wf guarantee to cure any Operates its trains on the famous block struck in the galleries with the nice daring seamen of the twelfth century. If you are going to I foreclosure sale, to-wit:— form of nervous pro«* OCEAN 8TEAMERS JBK trationor any disorder 'The leader of tne reform movement is judgment with which the pictures are The old-fashioned instrument, says a system; All of the north half ot ic* seven (7), in I LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY & DAYS| I block writer in Outing, consisted of an iron NA KUSP of the genital organs of sixiG) in Ashland, Jackson county. a highly educated native of the city of hung. What more lofty in sentiment CARIBOO either sex, caused Lights its trains by electricity through­ SLOGAN CITY 1 Oregon, as shown upon the duly recorded Snift, the chief town of the province than the tomb of Lorenzo de Medici? needle, one end of which was stuck into sdftbZhkZJte —roa— Before, by excessive use of After» GOLD NEW DENVER maps and plats of jaid Ashland, Oregon, a piece of cork. The other end was Loftiness is an attribute of Florence Tobacco, Alcohol or Opium, or on account out; together with all )f tbe appurtenances of Szechuan, one of the richest districts architecture, palatial or domestic. The well rubbed with a load-stone, and of youthful indiscretion or over indulgence etc.. KASLO FIELDS of the empire. For many years he has Usee the celebrated electric berth read ­ Dizziness, Convulsions, Wakefulness. Headache, thereunto belonging. KOOTENAY NELSON And that out of 1 .ie proceeds arising from been employed in an official position in loors of private houses might pass in when the cork floated in an earthen­ Mental Depression, Softening of the Brain, Weak TRAIL Bearing Down Pains, Seminal Weakness, ing lamp; the said sale be paid the costs and disburse Peking, and on his return home he found England for portals. One feels them to ware bowl of water, the end so treated Memory, For fall information call on O. K. <4 N. ments Hysteria, Nocturnal Emissions, Spermatorrhoea, ROSSLAND pointed to the magnetic north. In Loss of Power and Impotency, which if neglected« Rons splendidly equipped passenger MINING of this suit and the costs and expen­ Agent, ROBT. LEONARD. Ashland, Or. ses of the said sale and the sums found his five-year-old daughter hobbling be great facts in their way. DISTRICT lead to premature old age and insanity. Talking of harmonious things re- spite of the meager knowledge of those may trains every day and night between St about on crippled feet and crying from due the plaintiff herein, Positively guaranteed. Price. $1.00 a box; 6 boxes early navigators concerning variation or $5.00. Sent by mail on receipt of price. A written OB bddbxss : Get a copy of "Carl, Fourth that the defendants Wm. M Colvig the pain. Tie at once removed the band­ minds me of the Boboli Gardens. Is W. H. HURLBURT, Paul and Chicago, and Omaha ann as administrator of the estate of J. C. ages and declared that he would never there a spot in England, the land of and deviation, they generally managed guarantee furnished with every $5.00 order received boo and Kootenay Gold Fielda.” o refund the money if a permanent cure U not Geu'J Pass. Agent, to make a sufficiently good land-fall. Durkee, deceased, and the said estate, and Chicago; the consent to such torture of his children stately and lovely seats, that at all ap­ It may not lx- generallly known that a fleeted. PORTLAND. OK the defendants Hanna A. Durkee, widow NERVTA MEDICINE CO., Detroit. Mioh. proaches them? Insituation.andtran- you are thinking of traveling call on ot the said J C. Durkee, deceased, Ella M. or the children of his dependents, sewing needle rubbed on a magnet and Chicago, Milwaukee & the If agent A. L. MOHLER, Preaident and Manager Lewis, Howard F. Durkee, Agnes N. Ab­ of the Canadian Pacific Railway. FOR BALE BY T. K. BOLTON. This was the first of the reform ]iiil, generous loveliness. I cun only carefully propped into a vessel of water bott, Chas. R. Durkee, and Geo. A Durkee, think of one—the duke of Northumber­ St. Paul heirs at law of the said J. C. Durkee, de­ movement. He called upon the richest land's terraced gardens at his place will float and point to the north. Lowest rates to and from all parts of i ceased, and Eva A. Rodgers, minor heir and most influential men in the city and Alao operates steam-heated vestibules Europe via. all Atlantic steamship lines. Every-Day F.xeuraions and daughter of Effie Rodgers, deceased the province, and succeeded in inducing in Surrey. The Iloboli Eden, where tlie daughter of said J. C. Durkee, deceased, many of them to sign a pledge calling prince an«l princess of Naples still court To all parts of the world can be arranged trains, carrying the latest private com $ $ Dealer in S $ and each and all of them be foreclosed of For full information regarding the above seclusion, has the advantage over the for any day in the year, for one or more partment cars, library buffet smokim all right, title or interest in or to tbe for the abolition of the foot-binding Surrey paradise of being under a re­ peraons, upon application to any princi­ call on or address said property, and of all equity of redemp process. Each signer agreed to stop it cars, and pilace drawing room sleep- E. J. COYLE, W. H. MOWAT, lion except the statuatorv right of redemp­ in his own family and among his de­ vealing sky. Every shade of greenery, pal ticket agent of the Chicago, Milwau­ I tion therein, and that tbe plaintiff pendent». 14« Third St. every floral hue is well brought out. kee A St. Paul railway. Itineraries are Agent era care.nlly prepared for excursions to Cal ­ Granite, Marble, have judgment against the defen­ Portland Ashland RAILWAY Royalty has not yet expressed it« One sees the faultless texture of statues ifornia, Florida, Mexico, China, Japan, Parlor cars, free reclining cbair cars and dant Wm. M. Colvig, as administrator of Oregon. Dragon. the estate of J. C Durkee, deceased, and opinion on the subject, but it is be­ and fountains mellowed by time. In and to auv part of Europe. Estimates Freestone Monuments the very best dining car service. GKO. McL. BROWN, District Passenger against tbe said Estate for any sum ihat lieved that the okl dowager empress, a so strong a light a well-ordered design furnished including expenses. Tickets Agent, Vancouver, British Coltftubia. I may remain unpaid after the applica­ far-seeing woman will use her influ­ is required, and one has it. The marbles furnished for the complete journey. It and Copings For lowest rates to any point in the tion of the proceeds of the said sale, and are the climax. They are to the horti­ United States or Canada, apply to Fifth for such other and further relief ence. in favor of the reform.—Chicago cultural beauties as brilliants to the is not necessary to wait for any of the so called "Personally Conducted Excur­ as the court shall seem just and equitable Tribune. ticket agent, or address lace’nnd satin of a fine woman's dress. sions.” In these days of progressive en­ ll»o agent» for IRON FENCES. in the premises. . cilium of the l.air, in 1 morally bound to see carried out in spirit properly is learned, the learneT is al­ MINNEAPOLIS nix month«. Specimen coplea and H and At Yreka, Cal. fLAO harmonious relation with the face. I and put into the letter of the law.] B ook on P atents aent free. Addreaa lowed to go into water and put it. into fancy these French coiffeurs are not DULUTH MUNN A CO.. R esolved , That owing to! 301 Bread way, Mew Y«rfc. Being Sulphuric and Alkaline it eradicate. practice. much employed by Italian ladies.—Lon­ Chicago, St Paul, FARGO ND are prepared to filiali ordert on tn net and animalcules, and neutral­ don Truth. the depressed condition of the «bort notice. • • • * • ising and correcting all acidi­ Palace, on Wheel.. GRAND FORKS TO Minneapolis & Omaha R’y country, the low price of labor ties it promotes a normal and AAAAAAAAAAAA A AAAA When people travel now a days, they , healthful condition in every CROOKSTON expect comfort, and when they travel on Get yoar Job Printing done at the R ec ­ and the products thereof, we part of the system. — THIS 18 THE — WINNIPEG ord office. Tne “Milwaukee" th«v get it. deemjthe salaries of our county SWIMMING RINK. There has been on evolution in the HELENA and I officers to be inexcessofthe in- GREAT - SHORT - LINE meant of transportotion for man that is Yon Ought to Have One. BUTTE With all bad 4Mn«eqa n?> «, 'trt«1n*y *n ”<»«. kick in’' ► U voo would like a copy of the hand-1 . ..“ water, always clean, for tha spring, run a people becomes, the mor. exciting it grows. i '.- a .U. v ...« J)R WAH!) l.v-iTl • I TE- ► 1/* V k n.h R«- • - I . ti » heavy volume- more than twelve hun­ i The coaches now running between St. Pan11 aomcat railroad folder yet laaued addreaa I mate business enterprises. » W. H. Mead, No. 248, Waahington St., dred gallon, per hour. and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago, on Portland, Oregon, and on. will be sent We therefore pledge our candi­ WANTED AT ONCE! dates for the legislature, if You may dive and swim and have more The Milwaukee”, are marvels of elegance you free. TO fun than “anybody"—come out es “fine and convenience. The private compart­ The folder entertainingly deacribea Anti all pointa East and South. The patent i. M«nrM w. .Ill ».hK it. •*!• ibr »Uh- CHICAGO aeeilk” end “white as wool”—rejuven­ ment cars, library buffet smoking cars the two N.w Northweetern Limited elected, to demand that the ctive agents for each ont .<» rh.rr O FABS BA«V-B0«X UM te -Maenlfleeot track, Pearlaaa Veati- ► ated and happy. WASHINGTON County. Exc'urive control and no and trre reclining chair cars are models on train, betwren Minneapoiie, St. Paul district attorney and county bnled Dining and Sleeping Till, la th. ate« aaapleta HWa aateal A risk. Will clear 12 to 25 hundred dollars a Imcatcd on the PHILADKLPHlA rtUltbM tai «.-7 iarcBtoral'AM WIITf FOB On Inxnrions comfort, which in style and and Chicago—the floret trains in the officials be paid the following Car Train» and Motto : year. Enclose stamp for full particular* ■ W. B WILLSON SCO . Ibteat «Mutton. ► furnishings are palatial enough for royalty , world—and contains pictorre ol the fa­ NEW YÒftK HELMAN LAND, HALF A MILE itself. or 26c for fl sample. Big Rapids Mineral i trains as they appear when A great pleasure for the traveler on 1 mous . ------------ ------ --- run- ---- stated salaries: “ ALWAYS ON TIME ’ ’ Water Co., Big Rapids, Mich, BOSTON AND ALL Its sleepers and private compartment car. »ing, each picture over three fret long I NORTH OF THE PLAZA. County clerk, $1200; one is the .lectrie berth leading lamp, which is splendfdlv engraved in colors, POINT« EAST and SOUTH Have given this road a national reputa ­ n .. .• — ,C mz ‘U’,T* z '“ ,nr? T wl ,‘h H oma "Th» laitwnu-, MHwau- elegant Buuveuir aouvenir win will .. interest int.reat the deputy, $800. z * fcaaaa z.— a cicxKin THB OLD DOCTOR’S all ... ___ __ whole a Thi. s family tion. All claaaefl of pasasencvrscarried Through tickets to Japan and China, via ihT. ’ Tha httmtlnwla Li\*.K don!A b R- 7 m -a- ’*•*"*• froxi the oldeat to the Sheriff, $2000; one deputy, ' on the vaatibuled trains without extra thus doing away with the old fashionmi vonneeat and von ’ llrev an .h.. Tacoma and Nortbern Pacifl- Steamship 1 ■ p#*r motitti by * harm- Move. By all there mean, the fatigue ” T h,n r °° charge. Ship your freight and travel Props I mor wva tr»atm«’nt l>r pr«c- wW $1000. . Oo. incid.nl to trarel is reduced to a minimum tlrtnf Dhntdan »>f 20 yearR* erperienea over this famous lino. All agents bare No bifeffartaor detention from F>uMne*a zrl For information, time oords. map and Th. Chicago, Milwankta A 8t. Pani Rail­ I ticket. Recorder, $1000. No starving, wrinkle* or flabbtneM. Im I L_UfJJ way is always popular, and those traveling tickets, call oa or writ« 't rove« gene ral health and beano flea euflBplrxlon. Phi- W. H. M sad , Own. Ag ’ t., over It. linn are th. loudret tn ita ilclani and enrjety ladle« fnd«CM It. Th .iiM.nd« cured. County judge, $1000. A. D. CHARLTON, Meto! .re« tv . Tt efn»r»,t . Cum 48 Waahington St. Portland, Or. Al) coupon ticket egret* Mil tickets via th. Tk* fke> FATH MT« TFKATKD BY MAIL ■,w.- .. District-attorney, $2000 for Assistant General Pnaeenaer Agent. ennBi—fltlly. fut partiealan addrwa witli stamp, •wfc'Pe^ Cal. wiue J!TrJTf .< :• • wt> MATLAMD, QBMOX rtS «. '.I- st. ; tho district for «lì purposes. OR. SNYDER, Do Not Be Deceived. “The Kind You Have Always Bought Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. ASHLAND CASKET CO H. S. EMERY EAST AND SOUTH The Shasta Route 16 Patches tol Pair of Pants SILVER The Farm, Field and Fireside, A GREAT COMBINATION OFFER H The Valley Record 0. R. & N EAST RO U T E S Oregon Great Northern Ry ShortLine C anadian o 'P acific K y . THE ACCIDENTS OF LIFE S00 PACIFIC LINE. DENVER This Railway Co. WITHOUT CHAN GE FRANCISCO. SAN « J^ORTHERN PACIFIC R U J* Ml---- N S ASHLAND PARKINSON & WISE White Sulphur Springs BATHING SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, A /AHICCCE’E PATENTS THROUGH TICKETZ A GRANT HELMAN FATF olksmms