Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911, July 29, 1897, Image 3

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Henry Klippel 1» visiting his son at Oma-
ha . Neb.
18 KINO,
Cel Eubank. Oats Married.
A Plonlo ol a Time at Tolman’a.
Th« rate war between the Southara
Mr. and Mra. Daniel Taylor of Phlh-
Geo. G. Eubanksol the Western Union I
Pacific coinpaay and the Oregon Rail­
Mr and Mn. L L. Jacob, and .Mrs The Chicago Market Ne'e the Orow-
telegraph office veeterday received a tele-
Mary Peter have re'urned to J.ckwnvills
rea B 1-4 and a 1-2 Caule Per Lb.
Hugo Taylor, era out from the eaet on way and Navigation company ia on the
grstn frern hie brother, J. O. Eubank., ' a visit to his elater, Mrs. John Tavlor, verge of a collapse. An understanding
A’’HL\ND,Or ..Thursday. July29. 1’97 fern ibe A O U. W convention at Port­
f<>r Hale Peach*».
ia d.
from Saerammtn, stetina that he wee II ainl otl.rr relative, and fneiida in thia has bsen reached in the matter ot
The return* fruiti 'he ca lo‘d ot fruit
Mi»a Ito-e Bucklev. who l>a> been »pend
freight rates between San Francisco
ma nearly two mun>ln vleiliiis her Bilk», ahlpp-d to Chicago by J A Wbuiuvu. lite married that dav to Mine Eva Jon item. Beil ton. Mr. and Mr.. Dtniel Tail.r
lame, liucklev and fatui.y, on Aoplegale. a„t
(r„m here in\h,
market. I. , Tnouuh ttiie is a surprise to the grooms* •start tor ill,me neit Vfon.lav over (lie »nd Portland, and pawenger rales will
Northern Pacific. Wii| Taylor will speod be adjusted shortly.
rriurnsd lo ban Franc>*co yesterday.
i .
. ..
I decidedly encouraging. The car used wi» 11 many acquaintances io Ashland, his old tne winter here. A picnic among the
Ed. Miller h«s returned home from Yreka
Prof. Hi-chcock amt wife. Mi-«a Je.Me , c. F. X of lb» Earl Co. and the Christian j home town, it is nevertheless s pleasant J nuinero is friends was had at Tolman
The largest combined harvester ia
rant and
and Haiti«
lltait as Glea*<>n
<Jn <j . w* < Mc
\i/»i ’’ 'aII
all _
Go to Fox A Hildreth for ice. Delivered 1 tn-l
Frof Day Parfcar left .Momlav for Dead Endeavor trains ao delayed it that it was 11 piece of news to hie old friends end the springs in honor of their visit Sunday. the world is at work on Roberta island,
St your dt»r.
da'-a on the road The peach plums sold friends of ths family. The question so 'Ill the evening Mi sees Eva Taylor and Sun Joaquin county. It cuts a swath
Ind an, Pedcan Bay and Uraier laxe
Delbert Terrill, the Butte creek stockman,
in ca.xea where dandruff, scalp disease«, for 95 cents per crate of 20 iba., netting the often propounded to the grcom, “Why I Annie McAllister were returning home fifty-two feet wide, threshes, separates
is in tow a today.
in Robt. Taylor’s buggy behiud their tug and sacks the grain ready for market.
riling and graynesauf the hair appear, do grower 1^ cents per lb. A tier of Hale's
iot neglect th**ru, but apply a proper rem- early peaches were put in the cart“ test the don’t you set married?'* bee been so- I blacli horse. Tom Scribner and Alex. Tlie haga come out of the machine at
Prof N. L. Narrigan and family left ves
*<ly and tunic like Had*« Hair Kenewer. market. The boxes that carried 80 psaches ewe-ed. The bride ie unknown to thie McAllister, two young men, were riding
terday for California.
the rate of three a minute, which
Mrs. Ada A. Witham arrived Sunday to the box brought 95 cent« per box and writer but the fact that she hypnotised behind them on horse back. At tfiM would make 18 '0 sacks in a day's ran
hire. Frank Ven Horn is visiting at Sacra­
iroru Woodland, Cai., on a visit with reJa- > tbo»e going 56 to the box brought fl per such an artist in taste as Mr. Eubanks ia open flat about two mile, this side of
mento and Han Francisco.
Toiiuan’a, Scribner’s horse stumbled and of ten hours.
lives after an absence of many year« She
Prof, W. H. Led’«rwood and wife came ■ is a daughter ot Govan High of this city. box. This netted the grower 2% and 2% evidence of her being truly a charming lell into the Taylor rig. There was a
down from Salem Tuesday.
cents per lb. This shows up handsomely, lad» of true refinement and culture. general coiliaaion, wreck and amasii np.
Elisabeth. N J., Oct. 19. 1896
Mr. and Mrs. T. J Kennev of Jacküon-
E. J. Farlow and family are camptd v I e. who t*»uk the Christian Kndeavcr ex­ indeed, and auvuis well for future ship­ Along with hie many friends the R kdobd Miss Tavlor fell nut on the uphill aide
E ly Baoa.. Iiur Sir.:—Plea-, accept
above Long’s, In ibe canyon.
favor in ibe gift ot a
cursion to 8an Francise *. returned home
j wishes them a happy and prosperous
McAllister, Scribner and itie horse were bold, of Cream Balm Let me ».v I have
vrs. Louis« We»t arrived yes terday from Friday, having bad a good rime in the bay box of 40 lbs. netting the grower 1*4 cents,
can thoroughly rec­
thrown under tile buggy. The florae in
Merced to remain three weeks
which is only fair. Peaches are the variety ' married career.
it tor whai it claim,, it direction,
I the rig ran, t,ut was soon overtaken. ommend
Notice the advertisement of H. C. of fruit in demand.
are followed.
Yotirs truly.
Dr. W.8. Jones and family of Medford
I The buggy prnved a costlv wreck and
Mackey, the Medford photographer. He f i
(Ilev ) H. W H athaway .
are rusticating in Klamath county.
The Hale peaches have been selling for
A shocking accident occurred in Ash­ I [ the harness was also damaged. M¡M
a a c ever artiat ami is turning “tit Nome
No clergyman .tiould tie without it.
Dr. J. W. Easter returned to Gold H II wp end id wort. What Mackey does is doue 40. 5C end 00 cents per nox in Portland up land, on Main street, in north pert of McAllister was bruised in
i_ the «ida and Cream Bnlni la kept by all druggi.t». Full
Where he has opened a den al office.
to Tuesday. The arrival, of California town, Momlav afternoon
Mrs. Ada Scribner received very painful injuries site 50c. Trial site It) cents. We mail It.
-a.»., .u-
juj parties thought
the knee,
Rev. Kobt. Ennis the Presbyterian divine
KLY BROS., 56 Warren St.. N. Y.C’ily.
Misses Jessie Wagner. Lillian Wst’on Crawfords the last two days cut the price Hunter and her mother, Mrs. William I about*
of Jacksonville, was here yesterday.
they Kwra
were feillArl
killed. -
ami 8une Homes and Fred Carter, John to 40 and 30cents per box. This week will Kiiiahten, were up from Talent picking ■ thav
blackberries from the Jackson Hocksr-
Geo. Bower, the 8an Francisco mining McCall and Heurv Gaie.v are doing Pilot finish the shipment of Hales.
Eureka, Cal., will hold its second I
R him and -»ukiyou Mountain today study •
Frank Bowman,"aiwltchm’an in the
ainith place, now leased to George Shep­
man, was at Woodville again this week.
As predicted early in the columns of the herd. Mrs. Knighten concluded to re­ employ of the Southern Pacific com­ annual fair in September, Iroui the 6tli
ng geuiogy.
C. K. 8mitb of DeSmet, Idaho, is here
Prof. W. T. Van8coy, president of the R eco an peaches will command a handsome main all night with the Shepherd family pany at Oakland, fell from a freight I to the 12th inclusive.
looking fora home for an Iowa farni’y.
Ashland state normal school, and Prof price and return the grower a better profit and Mrs. Hunter started home in Jetf
Stockton, Cal., bicyclists are making
Frank M. Mingus of Medford visited bis RiceS Eubank left Tue’day for Newport, than any other investment in the produc­ Bell’s one horse buggy. In coming down car pn the rails and five cars passed
entepaive preparations for their annual
tsmily at ( olestin the first of the week.
on Yaquit.a bay, to attend the stale teach­ tive industries this season. The cause is the axle street adjoining Engineer Mc­ over him. Both of liis legs were cut
off and he was otherwise mutilated. watermelon run, which takes place
Mis« Hypatia K urn has returned from ers’ imutuie
the general failure of the peach crop thia Carthy's place the horse got away from
August Sth.
Bly where «he has been leaching school.
Tom Anderson was up from Eden pre- year in the principal peach districts of the the lad»'a control The line either broke He will probably live.
G, F. Allen and M E. Harris of Gazelle cinc Tuesday, He rep >rt* that 'he grain ea*t and sontb. If it whs not for the new nr fell from her hands. The horse raw
were registered at the Ashland House Mon­ cr<>|»8 on the Hamlin and Garden farms,
down the hill and turned the corner un­
u-ually such large producers, will be very peach districts in the south that came in der high pressure. Mrs Hunter at-
this year there would have been a peach j ¡^nipted \c»Pin
ligut this vear.
Chas. 8trang, wKe and three children ot
imp or was thrown oat bv
ie force
o( the
th. turn. She was found ly­
Medford weut to Coiestin today to cauip for
Rev M. Harpe.-on Williams creek lost famine in the United State*. Fruita een-' >i
force of
his pesid< nee and I'.onieots by lire aunday •rally will prove a profitable investment ing in the street apparently dead by Mrs.
Jake Btrobeck, Mr Nicbo1« and Thoma'* night while he und his family were at thia year, but the peach is King. The David King, who witnessed the runaway.
Mr. Swather’s home adjoining fruit crop of southern Oregon is unpre­ S*ie was taken Into the King residence
Lawner, Hemey miner», go to Ciundyke church
was also burned.
this fall.
cedentedly large and of the best quality and Dr.. D M. Brower ard S. T. Songer
Miss Helen R Stanley, of the Telephone
Frank Hansen, who is clerk of the Ru-s
ever raided. The Ashland di»trict ha» were called and rendered the necessary i
Hou-e, San Francisco, is oft to New York Drug diore. retur ted from San Francisco from 200.'00 to 300,000 boxes of peaches medical treatment.
1 u-s la*, bavi >g had a delightful time tor
on a trip.
She died at 3 o’clock Tuesday morning
eyeral we< ks, the guest oí her aunt, Mrs. alone. The prospects are that it will net
*^ox <fc Hildreth have ice in large or small Minnie < uuu nghaiu.
the have of the brain being fractured.
the grower not less than one cent and
Mrs. Hunter was born and raised in
Wm. Taylor, the pioneer citizen and from that to 2 cent» per lb It mav go even Jackson conntv. being a member of the
D. R. Mills left yesterday for Ch cago
That s Ayers. The same old sarsaparilla as it WM
His wife accompanied him to visit Iowa farmer oi Asn-and precinct, is in 8t Luke's more. Everv day seems to »how more W' II known Knighten family of Trail
lo-pital. mu Franc! co, lor treatment. cleanly the effects of the eastern failure
80 d
years ago. In the laboratory it is
creek. Her father and her husband, J.
*’ne puysicians were discussing the advis-
There modern appliances lend speed to skill
A Hunter, great present»* Ft. Klamath,
Mrs. Dr. Parson went to Grants Pa«** abi ty o> operating on him a< las« accounts.
the sarsaparilla is tne same old
Tuesday to pay her sister, Mrs. ueo. Cai-
having taken the contract to cut and put
Chas. W. Johnston, register of the Rose­
sarsaparilla that made the record— SO years of cures,
huun a visit.
burg land office during Cleveland’s first fortunate combination of circumstances up fbe hav crop on George Sneplierd’s
it? Well. we\e much In the
K D Jones, who was over from Little term was arie<»ted at New Urieaii* lor try- h»s ever befell the iot of the Ashland place, while Mr. S. is spending the su n­
condition of the Bishop and the raspberry: “Doubt-
Shasta visiting his family returned again ng io -ell a C maman 1.50 certificates lo peach gr wer. Tbi» is the year that be nier in Ashland for iiia health. Mr.
/ less, he said, “God might have made a better berry.
last week.
and Clrneae. He could not gel bondsmen will find his Clondvke at his home after Hunter le t Ft. KI «math at 3 a. m. Tues­
Rx But doubtless, also, He never did.” Why don’t ws
Wm. Bailey and J. Ropp'rry. Joseph ne and tie's in jail.
better the sarsaparilla? We can’t. We are using ths
several weary years of seeing the freight day morning and arrived at the death
county miners who left here i.i the spring
E. A. bberwin left yesterday for Pelican
same old plant that cured the Indians ana the
are at Clondyue.
o»y inteiidiug o remain m that district and commission merchant take hi» hard changed once The distance ie61
yj) Spaniards. It has not been bettered. And since we
earned fruit and send h ni a dunn for mil*, by the D-ad Indian road. Mr,
Prof. Frank M. Anderson arrived Torn .’ev«-rai week w.tb headquarter.*, at Crary’s
make sarsaparilla compound out of sarsaparilla plant,
California today He is pursuing the geol­ tiler hi* re urn >1 r». oner win .eave» lor freight. Tnat 'he peach crop of tahlami Knighten came in also, but at a slower
we see no way of improvement. Of course, if we were
.V.'uu..•*!(» to vi-ii her lamny and old will bring inn« thia c*«iu iinnity th usand’ rHt**
og \ of ibe country.
some secret chemical compound, we might....
fiend* for nev« a m >n h
im ' m there can he no
we re not. We’re making the same old sarsaparilla
Miss Mvra Smith, who ba* b * n stopping
Mr* May. wue »i Capt
L d ty, an
doubt The pe icb man ha» been »<> thor­ ■ lav am! t»«e funeral was held at the
to cure the same old diseases. You can tell it’s the
ir Ashlaud tor a tn •nth, returned wGiauta
oil «ireii
a I i • have ueen ab-etu lor some
same old sarsaparilla because it works the same
Pass ia*$t evening.
oughly fleeced that- be is only grad ally Pnoeiiix burvioz Krouixl vesterday.
McMitmvllle COLLEGE,
McMinnMilla, Oregon.
Fine faciliti», fot Instruction «od Rate, as lo* M
«he lowest. Open. 8epti*œb«r 15th, 1897. N.w II- Catalogua, si vio. fall inlormetion sent on
application to
+ When
you are in Ashland, Oregon,
stop at the..............
The Same
Old Sarsaparilla
H.8. Emery, cabinet maker. Helman »nd
Mechau in streets. Fir*t-class work guaran-
t. d. Give him a trial.
8. A. Murray has returned to Medford
from a bu»m«»s trip through northern Cali­
fornia and eastern Ureg >n.
Mrs. L. J Rogers is up from Monterey,
Cal., for her bea th. she 1» ibe court sten­
ographer fur that county.
We know the real cure» by H«»od’s Sar­
saparilla are genuine because the pe /p e
themselves write annul them
Miss Minnie smiih, a ter a vis t of several
Weeks with Ashland iriends and remaves,
returned io Hurnbruv» today.
Mr and Mrs. Jesse Houck returned Sun­
day from a pleas mt visit o! se\erai weeks
at dan Fraucisco and Gauland.
Miss Kate Herrin, daughter of Wm. F.
Herrin of 8an Fruudaco i» a»h
laud, the guest of Miss Bessie P»ed.
W. 8. Fiizgerald, wife and family who
have t»een Mt iaj » ’»a'os j«ev'e»al mouths, re
turned to Medtord Friday to remain
F D. Wagner am: wlie, Mrs » rarv. Mr»
D D Hyde and E
<herw.n ► t tester-
day tor Pe icau Bay ludae to lUsiicate.
Mis» Ida Holton of Missouri, who was a
delegate to the Endeavor cuuveniiori, is
here on a visit to her unoe. J. Huliun,
J L. Downing and Aug. Mick eson are
singing the praises ot the Lord thiouah
Dead Indian, Peiican Bay and Crater iak..
Wm. Slinger of Medford and his Ventura
county. Cal , friend. Jame> Evans, went to
Cot^tin yesterday io spend a week or
J B C Taylor, industrial tea her at
Yainwx Indian re*ervaiion, i. ok Tue day’’
train for lhe Indian teacher»’ iii.’tnuie in
Rev. J. 8. Smith and family who hav*
been atiemring the Chautauqua an t visiting
ihe Treireu lamily» left ye»teiday «or Anti­
och, Cal*
Jack Plvmale. Al. Reynolds Jack Wil­
liam» and *”. Cbihurs. Jr.,ot Med .-rd. amt
Joe Fr.zeli of Ash.and have leiurnt d from
Pelican bay.
Janie» Riley, who is located at Yreka, is
here on a visit to E. M Mil e< and tamih
His son, Lesier Riley and wiie, will loca e
in Ashland.
W W. Cardwell, the Roseburg attorney.
Dr Bradley, Mr < ar.w igbt «nl anoitir-i
citisen of that u»wL !aks the »«earner c.ldet
fur Cloudyke.
£. E. 8a ph, the Tiilam«»ok attorney-at-
law who was raised in jmck - o «couuty. wa*
on I used y s train for oau Francia:o on a
business trip.
A. B. Croa-man. the Portland merchant,
wts on ye*tanla« ’» tr 1 i for >an Francisco
He is a uroiher of Ora Cruasman the rail­
road trainman.
Ml»« Ltszie B Tavlor return 'd yes»erd»y
to Etna • al. Mr», ft. P. Taylor wil remain
for some lime visiting her daughte , Mrs
H K. Barbour
Mrs. A. C- Snowden of Davenport and
M's Minnie FunahoU’er of P »itsburg.
Mo., arrived Inst evening lo Vi it their
cousin, Mrs J. 8. Herrin.
Kev. 8 K. Mein^nger a d wife. Dr T. B
Ford. H. L bay«e»a..d wile, ami Mr*. J
W O Gregory aim two daughters are
camped at Kingsbury’» springs.
(’apt. J. T. C. Naab ha« retimed from
S hu r rancisco and left tjdav f«»r daw« era
Bar to linereiew John D»K>eil on Ui.
Gulden Su. dard mine propuainon.
Don’t nauneaie vour etoinscb w th tees
«nd bitter herb-, but reaula e jo.r liver
and .lex hMd» tie bv u-ina tbo-e ¡amons
little puls Xnowti a« De Will’» Liltl Early
Risers. Kugrne A. Blierwin.
ill Hl111' Vitin g her »later. Mr*. Sl.iUgnier, i
cum.. It’s the sovereign blood purifier, and
41 fUrblo. L'.n , ami ai to. tomia of lle.-! «w«k«iimK up to lhe idea that ihi* ia really
The S. P. has made a special excursion
—it9s Ayer’s<
mlK», B inline d and iaiuuy, iti Ne- hia day. Il will take several moniha tor rait« from Ashland and Medford toColes*
vada, retu ned home Tuesday evening.
him to get the notion out of his head that tin and return, beuinnina with last Tues­
“Nobby” Martin, fortnery of this place, it was a dream.
day and ending September 15th. The
ii steward on ihe .<*teatuer Eider »tiat letves
rate heretofore has been eash way, $1.30
for Alaska uu ibe 3l»t iroui Port<aud
with '
* Co’s refrigerator car line, from Medfor<i and 80 cents from
a crowd or Uiotid«kers. il_
A? '
FfO*1 Growers Express, will coon land. The new special excursion
ma«*e a ew ( on the E der, get enough
*........ | have their new ice bouse in Aahland uood for 30 days, round trip from
m .nej to grub »ia»w inm and go into Ulon*
| readv for hUM'ipes. The building will b* I md and return is $1.10 arid from
di ke.
|Cmnc»lersd this week.
ford $1 75. An* tn»-r rat*—Sunday ex-
lbere is a time for everything; and the
Mr. M« Nultv, representing the Eirl curhion —good fr >m Saturday to Monday,
time 10 attend io a cold is w «eu it »tarts.
just half the regular fare, or 80 cent*
Don’t watt ti.i you have c >u»u npiiou nut Fruit C«»’.’* U. F. X refrigerator car line
prevent 11 b> Using Gue Minute C -ugh has ordered an ice house constructed im- ir«trii Ashland and $¿.30 trom Medford,
Cure, the great (entedy for coughs, cold», nvdiuelv arid the w ok on the same will round trip. This last rate will do lots of
croup, t)r<mcuiiis and ad turuat aud mug i comm *i re this week. The capacitv of business as it allows just what ths peo*
■ rouble». Eugene A. oner win.
Being members of the American Fruit Growers Union of Chicago,
I each :a ample and will prove permanent pie want.
Major Cha». E. Worden, ailoting agent of institutions,
” ‘
. They are located alongside
arid having made arrangements to use the refrigerator curs of that
Latest Mining News.
die Kiatu itu reset v tlton, took Tuesday
o( ( each other
othe next to C arter & Co’s hig
uesuay’a s ! o
Union, without eost to the grower, offer superior inducements to
train lor Furtiattd
mi .,»««,^ wagon
vts » ka . u /r(1jfc Gatehouse in railroad vards. Thi*.
The flihby- Horn-Tucker placer mining
lhe • military
the shipper in the marketing of the Southern Oregon peach crop.
r ad Ittini grant owner» •> Mil
no in
in ti.4*
the will
Our own agents will give special attention to oach and every jar
(J. o, court IrutL. ailoting certain land» ttiey .¡i r- wjve these lines prompt iciug la- tu New York paries for $20,000.
shipped. Daily advices! Nn charges for the grower to pay except fay
claim and Major Warden goes lo defend
Mr». Nancy E Hilt, one of the most en­
icing, freight and commission. Every charge positive qqd definite,
tne suit.
| g
Rea'-b, president of the Oregon & terprising and thrifty wotn»*n in the coun-
Nd extras. We handle all kinds of Fruit and Traduce both for
Ben Bullard, who was in charge of the' Washington Fruit Growers’ Ui)ion. arrived I iry. wh »e head plans executes and carries
-qu<tw ia»*e mating eni^rpn e for the tom- here \esterday to attend to lhe fruit bust- I cn ,p*»re bu»h>H8s than hundred» of men
patty th«u nu ceedtd K.ippel, Hanna and ne>s from Uris end fur several weens,
would ever care tn Interest their npnd with,
det inger. Was uu M«»uda» train with Dr. ,
was here from I’ols’a ¡»«l week tn visit her
H. &. Prat lot Navit-na city aud F. B Johu- 1
bruUMW, Rev N. 8. Buckner, who if quite
Mr» Hilt ba» a quartz mine in the
s<m ot bacrann nio Tiiey lake the »learner I year will be excellent.
’i u» which ea-teru parties ottered to
Eider for the (Jioiidjke.
About 5,000 baskets of peaches will be
Mr. and Mr». R F. Neil and son Grover, | shipped from one station in Delaware bond for 150 000 The parties not having
come to her term.» »he i» going forward
Mrs. W. J. Virgtu anu son Will, i this season, which will hr about one bxs- with the development work of the property
E*cher and Marj doahy, Ulara Browt and ket to every seventy trees in the neigh*
•Jla.dta Virgin aud Tom Brown Jett borhood.
Aahlaud, Or«goB—Myer Block
this moruing for Dead Indian aud
The properties of W P. Nichols. Keevev
alter getting sufficiently cooled oil' will uo
The eastern markets are in excellent and william», and “Old Yank” on Galice
F'Jican Bay.
condition and it ie expected that even creek, Josephine county, will no doubt be
purchased by the Fortland company, ior
W E Jacobs, who has been at Roseburg batter prices will be realised from now mining purpose».
getting h«» a d U W. Baahiord'a tirw pur­ out.
chase, the Rose flour milt in «ea«uiie»s,
Dr. J. M. Keene of Salem will run Dr. A.
The first carload of green fruit title sea*
came up oundai slid is packing up the
0. ('ahi weh’a office at Jacksonville for some
***•- . rad)
—. •*«.
n ’hseuold <<>uds
for _
io that ■nn ,r”m fcalrm on tlie 16th. It consist* mon'b» while Dr. ' aid well goes on the road
Jacou*» _ a «d
pl ice. Mr*.
il. ---------
~ their two daugnte« rd of prijnrs, and whs shipped hv the to navel in the interest of a patent. He
e .ve «his week tor their new home.
I Or-Kon FrirtA Pro ’tl« • Co. to Nrw Yore. will continue >«n east from San Francisco
E U Potnerov of Beag e left ve-d^rlay I The Earl Fruit (Jo. «ay they will «Irin 300 * here he went with th? 0 E. excursion.
to look alter ins orange grove at Vi.-a .ia, ear load» of green fruit trom Oregon to the
W. F Wihtanison traded his ..range east thu Heaton, principally Dalian and
g »ve for Jesse Kictiardsou's larm nea ! Hlver prune». Fruit» from Eugene and
Medtord and R cn.ndion traded Lhe grove point» north will reach Chicago in seven
I. Pomeroy ior hu ptace. Jlr.
f da\s
PAN KEY-I ii Sann Valiev. July 14, 1897,
will sett his Visatu ptupeny v ami
aud lives
live ill
tn. I
to Mr. and Mrs. Ubas. I’anaev, a »on.
The Dai'v Fruit World of Sacr.niento is
Jackson county.
just tlie
ill« ibing
___ _ . for . the
— ___
fruit „
__ . -----
Dr. B R. Freeland, the able and •*-< handler. . T:.«
The K scobd unhe.lunngly rec-
pertenced demist. Insurance block, Oak ontmends it as the best means of promptly
st reel, i» prepared te d . ail classes of work - furnishing
you ju>t
wnat y<«u want every
in his line in a 'Cieuiiiid and skiiliui man­ I day
bend them 50 cents. $1 00 or |2 00 for
ner. Give him a call.
) three, six <»r 1 waive month», respectively, DUTCH ER-In Medtord, Jnlv 18. 1897.
1- fun» child of Mr. and Mrs. H. Dutcher,
L. F Conn, rhe Lakeview attorney, went and you will never regret it.
aged 4 months.
10 -uriem ye-te- lay m argue ’ lie ca»e «»f A.
Three carloads of pear» were gent in or­
Frank, vs. C«*untv T«e.«»U er Haney to dinary So'iihern Pacific ventilator cars t«» 8TO'’K H AM—In Central Point precinct,
July 16. 1897. of inflammation of the
compel the trea-mrer t<> cbnii ab nit $JOu * in Ogtien and there transferred 10 heavv re
bowels, the t wo-year-old child of Mr. Firat-Claaa Faatern connections anil beat
33% tee county warrant*. Tne county b.»d frigerator cars at $105 per car Dav of
a"d Mrs Markham
compromised • »u a lot of the-e warrant» «»u 8g««bel <t Day. «he we 1 known New York
facilities for Car Load Shipments.
me ah -Ve basis. The supreme court after­ | tiirit nien, pronounces the pan a perfect
Nos. Ill, 113 and 115 Front and
ward decided these warrants illegal.
! success, ana oth *r dealers telegraph their
Portland, Oregon.
201 and 201)4 Washington Stretti
ttoaitoouir Baiker .,« to. Sb.... divb.or
ha- remed Mrs Ajers’ reabience near title successful way of handling all kind» of
ojH-ra h us-’ and will in »ve hi» laiuily over California fruit.
— Dun-iuuir
— w 1^ uiake auo lier
It WrtS expected that the large amount
ytcceNFioii io ihe numerous families of ran- ■ f |r||ir wpju«| wuild be thrown Upon ttie
road men riving in ub<4 d, which ia 111- markets in a lump, b* cause of the delate
. reading every ve >r The« are ui *a« s wei-
c »me, having ail hinds of money to burn. I incident to tn» Christi in Endeavor ex-
' cureion», wool I result in low prices being
It heals everything except a broken ; realized for a few <lavs, but su< h has not
127 Front Street—Portland, Oregon.
nt-at, may be »-aid >»f DeWitt’s Witcii I been the case. All the e»»’ern tn »rkets I
Haze: alve
Piles and rectal dtaeaara, are comparativeh free of other fruits, I Wluthor Itching, burning, bleeding, -caly,
cut», burn», bruixea, teller, tn zeins and
orusteil, pimply, or blotchy, whether simple,
an »»in trouble» may be cure«! tij 11 quick­ | and indications are that prices will ruin
eerofuloua.or hereditary, from infancy to age,
ly and pei uianeu lly. Eugene A. Suerwin. ' high during th*- latter part of Julv and
speedily cured by warm bath, with C cticcsa
AugtPri. The June drop of peaches on
-------- Wholesale dealers in--------
soap , gentle anointings with CUTICUBA (oint­
H n A Bush, the Baiern banker, and the Delaware Fen insula lias been the
ment), the great skin cure, and mild doses
|)r. A. B udlis hi- physic an, who spent moat severe in rears, anil the last reports
a week in A-b and, reiumed h .me Mon­ indicate there will not t»e 10 per cent, of
st C uticctia RssoLvnrr, greatMt of blood
day. Mr Bu h isonroi tne great tins ciers
parts.r. and humor curse,
We solicit your consignment of Peaches.
of Oregon and also one of the shrewdest the usual crop. There has been a good
Correspond With us.
Send for Shipping Stencil.
polidcians in his lime. He is 80 years o«d market for California peachea so far thia
and i-< rated ••»*« ol the three richest men in season and everything seems still ’avor-
.hestste. Hi- m nd is not as subtle a- it able for high prices for tide variety of
has been a”d he is out recreating to keep fruit in particular. The fact that dried
In« to nil off of DiS details of business mat­ aprir«>t8 are movi tg si »wlv at 4 cents per
ters as uiich a» possible.
poma Dava Avo C«« m .
p> und makes it itnprobab e that even a
I - bm M IhrowfhoHt th«
C obp ., Sol« Props., Bo
1 x£?j BlvdHumor," tir««.
fair pricr- will be paid f«»r drie«l peaches.
«O» -How to C m « 1
Sacramento Fruit World, .luiv 18.
Ï *.
W. A. McGREW, Proprietor.
11 1 11 1 sji f »'
Zv .
Will Check up One Hollar for one
hundred cents worth of actual value
E. A. Sherwin, Druggist & Stationer
Are Selling at^
Rock Bottom Prices
Summer Dry Ms,
132 Front Street, Portland, Oregon,
C lothing
Furnishing Ms
,000000000000^0000 ooooooooooQooooooo
Boots and Shoes^
No Cheap John Goods
Commission Merchant
Fruits and berries.
Handles the best product of Ashland.
The Fleckenstein
General Commission Merchants
Can ba built tor ths largest or
Evaporates Prune«, Apples, Peaches,
Pears, Berries, Cherries, Grap«.,
Apricots, Vegetables, Etc.
Humors L evy &S piegl ,
The trays are put in at the top where the
temperature is the lowest and the gradual
approach to a higher temperature ripens
the fruit and makes it sweeter, while the
rapid and uniform circulation of air dries
the fruit very fast.
For particulars or pries., call on or
* Commission Merchants
Rave Yom Grain.
Few realize tl at each squirrel deMrnrs
11 M) worth of grain annuallv Wake'ee’s For Superior Photo« lee
Squirrel »«nd Gopher exterminator t» the
most effective and economical p<n»on
Price reduced to 30 cents. For
.«Hie by T. K. Bolton and Helen Stanley,
Who will get it ?
Schillings Best tea is not only pure bitt it
,'s___ p----- because it is fresh-roasted.
What is the missing vord ?
Joaquin Miller, speaking of the Cion*
dvke, says: “Never «inc« ’49 has gold
arrived in tons, and this arrival of gold
in tons is going to tear down tne baatile,
which mean« gold tir*«i up in stockings
and buried in teapots. Within fort*
riat s then* will tw a change in the con­
ditmri of affairs, greater than we ever
Count* Judge W. 8 Crowell, who was
granted a pension a few veers ago, was
granted an increase last week. The
* i
jri’ik* does a good busin-ss in performing
Get Schilling's Best tea at your grocer s; take out the
marriages and also pulls down consider-
(there b *ne in every package); send it with your guess to address below able in land office, mineral land contests,
finsi proofs, etc. Be*sid**s this he prac*
| ti<*ea land and directs the work on his
before August 31st.
ranch. He receives $100 per month as
One word allowed for every yellow ticket.
judge of Jsrks<»n cofintv hut that
If only one person finds the word, he gets one thousand dollars. II ; CilQntv
don’t take up much of his time. The
I department at Washington was very
several fin I it, the money will be divided equally among them.
g' od in granting him an inrreaas of pen*
Every one ending a yellow ticket will get a set of cardboard creepmg ►ion.
He nerds it so badlv. The gar
babies at the end of the contest
Those sending three or more in one Colonel is a healthy looking corpse,
envelope will receive a charming 1898 calendar, no advertisement on it.
.. The Leading ..
P hotographer
Of Medtord and
».attorn Oregon.
I Hie work ta all Strict'*
1 First Olas*.
1 M«d/ord. Or.
Shipping of Car Loads a specialty.
The best of connections in all the Eastern Markets.
Correspondence Solicited.
and Mgr.
Which is coming in favor with psople who
want ssmsthing differsnt from tbs Mason.
Call and examine it
Running Schedule Fruit Trains on Special
Fast Time and delivered at Chicago Auction
Houses without delays or transfers. :• • •
ing better in every war.
Superintendent Alni-bou«e.
J*«n Franc!‘CO
WUAUW* mr TSA ban vbanc » co .
lie have a quantity of theee good, in
and are prepared to make it an object
to you to get our price, before buying.
Qrcen and Dri^d Fruitj.
CMcato, Nilnte A SI. Pail Kj
Gsw-nncxx: Having tsRsn nns bottle nf
; your J..jr’s Veevtabie s«r«anarilia 1 ran
truly aavtnat it is the best medicine I have
Te Cere Constipation r.r.TOV.
D. L. Minkler & Son
H. O. MACKBY. Prop.
Fruit Jars
Cor. Trade and High St’s
thia thousand dollars, we will pav $150 each to tne two persons wver taken for coi.«tipaH.>n, he-dsebe a d
Besides tnm tnousawu uu
debiuaied « ums
1 feel ..verje.r-
who send in the largest number of yellow tickets in one enve ope between
b (h#
1 accidently
| got my ankle aprained a few years ago and
June 15 and ths end of the contest—Argust jist.
| I find my leg getting stronger and am feel
You won’t see it again
Price« Reatoi able.
480 Washington St.
ÖT Mark shipping orders “C. M. & St. P.”
j Maniai aa¡aaa.
C. J. EDDY, General Agent
Know that a cheap advertisement ’’
Means cheap and worthless ghods. ’’
h ,
Cut this OUt.
for two weeks
Beet 91.00 a Day Houee
on the Pacific Coaet.
Tbsy are without a pear— Without a rival.
They give an addxl h.odvinine«« to the figure
They offer no restriction to the circulation, digestion or respiration.
They make short waist, appear tong
They are .nng-littlng and combina both fashion-sense and common sanae.
Taey give such satisfaction as no other corsât can give.
Tbev have advantayes no other corsete bave.
They retain their favor with all ladles who bava worn them, bacauM of their
superior quality.
Sold sad Rscommssdsd by THE PAI« «TO««.