valili klcokd . VALLEI BECORD ASHLAND 0B4G0N, VALLEY RECORD FINE PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Chief of the County Papers Puhliah.d .vary Tburadky. E. J. KAISER, Proprietor SUBSCRIPTION RATES: I On. Year........ I Six Months ... j Three Months I ; Advertising rates given on applicatioa % NO MONOPOLY PRICES I Give us your order for Letterheads. State­ ments, Envelopes. ASHLAND, VOL. X. Tl e Pay oi Assessore JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY. JULY 29, 1897 NO. 9. WALTER Li. MAIN'S MENAGERIE i PKKSNED HlilCKS. In Marion county the county court has r«fnt(*»Mor» $4 a day. It ia discovered there is no warrant ot law for paving drcutiea $4 a dav or any salary whatever. It may be agreed upon between the assessor and the comity court what rhe pay of deputies shall be. However, a jnat and equiiabb» assewifnent is more important than per diem of dep­ uti«», but «*uah ¡t seetna we cannot have In L'nn e- iintt the ass»seor detpAndad $3 a dav for HenutiPB. The Hrt o**red him $1 50, which was all he haAo^-r^i tn pav his men. The aaee-sor employe-1 lawyers, but they couM find no law 8<’ he concluded tn take $1 50 a day au I did .1 ■o.—PendiHon East Orp^onian.’ SOUTHERN OEUEG-OJST UNCOOKED FOOD. J. 8. Hagev of Medford has gone east on Tho Moat Complete Zvoloj,lc*l Col. • I a visit. lection on Earth. Oscar Carpenter was in Klamath county A eirt'Ui, no matter if it waa The Wal­ Tho Strange Faro of Three Hearty last week. ter L. Main Greateat and Grandest of all California Women. ASHLAN3. OP.SdON A nice set of glass dishes for 10c at D. L. the World’* Shows, would not be com-, I r ------------------------- ----------------------— —— » Minkler A Bon a. piste without a Menagerie, and no one Arttato of Food there is no need for John McIntosh and Geo. Rose have gone knew this better than Col. Main when tue Natural st to Klamath county. lie apent about a million dollars deplet­ to contemplate a Thia Odd Rainie is **?n‘ C.mpu*, Good Water, Healthful l^xialioa, Delightful Cflmato, The Evans creek placer mines produced ing the jungle, and furests of Ove conti- Prefer rod» Excellent Influences for Student,. nenta tor lieaata rare anil fsncioa-, when you can enjoy the $12,00'i in gold dust this season. uk SV11 <*f one year, Regular Normal df three years, BuSinws, strange and beautiful, to people hi* vast pleasure of sitting again Will dwell of Davenport, Wash., visited Shorthand and Typewriting, College Preparatory. Mnslo, Art. menagerie, wlt'ch is connected with hie j . Thetre are three charming women in f’-entral Pviai relatives last week. 1HE ONLY COMMERCIAL SCHOOL IN THIS PAHT OF THE STATE IS mnintler 3-rittg circus and Roman H>p- under your own “thatch.” i Robt. 8. Cathev, a Rogue river valley podrome. Will he seen at Ashland Berkeley who constitute the exception 0U*?L<^? I’fO'ninent depart menu of tlieechool.and is conducted in bounaaacoUaMatyla pioneer, died at Eugme lust week. You can begin to get Vk Li11 . s,,hooI ts graded and In charge of the Senior Claaa the full year, and on Monday, Atncaat 2*1. Cage upon cave neceswury* to prove the rule that man tnder the direct supervision of a critic teacher trained in tho noted Holbrook Nornljo: Miss Mabel Abbott of Yreka carne oyer and row« of them filled with ever* ^1 cooking animal. They regard cook- your hair back as soon Lebanon, Ohio. Bunday on a visit to Mrs. B. Beach, strange and awful beast known to the ♦ Iliff as barbhrifv. Their dainty palates «,.*.JileAatuIa* Sciences are langht by almost constant work in the labratorv, and-Elo­ as you begin to use Millie« Him Feel Young, M R. Moore returned Sunday from the Z osraptier. Ontel among the amphib­ rebel nt the suggestion of any food that cution. delNarte and physical training by a specialist in these lines ‘ Fcritoiqe time I suffered with great A. O. U. W. grand lodge at Portland. ious, carnivorous, biborned. split-hoofed has had its crude nature modified l>v opeciMi advaniaKes in higher mathematics ana literature. Drawing and vocal music weakness ahd whs not able to walk. I are compulnory for Normal course students. W W. Nickerson »nd wife returned Fri- mammals is the terrible Povalapus. fire. To them the chef and all his works could not «deep bights and did not have Titere ate elephants, camels, dromedar­ are anathema maranatha. They eat e . v regu,.ar b’°rn»8l School diploma is granted, good anywhere in the state without •lay from tbeir trip to San Francisco. «nv a i petite, (hie day a friend ad vised further examination. me to take Hood'"» Sarsaparilla and I d'd F. W Gibbs, the sewing machine rustler, ies, Deer, bears, lions, tigers, leopards, three hearty uncooked men Is every day, C JuUion $8.215. board at hall $1 75, lodging 50 cents per week, »ludent grizzlies, serpents, reptiles and in a and are as plump as partridffe«, as rosy so Afier taking five bmtle* mv health has gone north, headed fur Clondyke. Celebrated for its great leavening on,v- Family board $2.50 per week. $125 furnishes the itudeiil worti birds and beaata of every Itiod. X was wonderfully improved. Hood’* Bir- strength and heahhfulness. As ­ as pippins and as happy a« sandboys board, books and lodging, and pays his tuition for one year. A mong the Oregonians at Clondyke is There is also in a very attractive part of saparil'a ha« ni*de me feel young again.” sures the food against alum and all Grades are accepted from other schools, if the same cover the work required in the withal. Oscar J. Hult, formerly of this county H.K etar , 841 Ye*ley Wav, Seattle, Wash the menagerie the cn'ast little baby hip- forms of adulteration common to Normal. Teachers re\ lew classes any time in the year. This ffasironoinical eccentric trio con­ O. L D»ivi* and Robt. Galloway of Med­ the cheap brands. R oyai . B aking The next school year opens Sept. 6. For catalogue or information, address, Hood’s Piiln are easy to take. 25 Cfs. ford are doing (’rater lake and Lakeview popotatnua imaginable and four little sists of Mrs. L. Beal and her two daugh­ P owder C o ., N ew Y ork . baby lions; and in the unique depart­ W. T VAN 8C0Y President. S. A. Commons is lving very low with ment, auiidst many man * a—too many ters, Alice and Mary Beal. The Beals Jacksonville. July 22--The p10 dav*» have- witnessed remarkable H»*tiyitv in the lung trouble at the home ot his" mother in to name in detail—a giat t camel, the are a cultured English family. Their tallest animal alive. One hour is given wealth and intelligence preclude the Southern Ore^n minine field. The an­ Ashland. BOSTON’S NEGLECT OF POE. nual e'ean-up shows that last year was a (ice Bros, will erect a new store b Hiding before each performance in wnich all can idea that their extraordinary diet J. S. HKKNDON, prosperous minim* season and the result i* at the Ft Klamath creamery, two stories see the animals and haar them lectured No Fitting Recognition of His Fame in shouJd have been adopted through new lot-aii. have been made th«» past week A group of that it lias never occurred to the town of moved from England to the South S pa A shland * O regon . «even ri<*h placer m'ning claims on the Rig Medford Sunday. island#», where Mr. Beal was a repre­ Boston to erect a monument to Poe, Bucklen’a Arnica Salve. Applegate were s* Id ypsterdav to the Faira- L. M Goodwin and familv left Monday who, next to Franklin, probably has the EW^Oftice—In Townsend Building, on bau't Mixing <'n of Portland. This prop­ to locate at beattie. Bam Rhodes is also T he B est B alve in the world for Cuts, sentative of her majesty’s royal govern­ most world-wide fame of all the men of Oak Street, Opposite Hotel Oregon. ertv embraces 150 acres, with splendid wa­ located in that city. Bruises Bores, Ulcers, Balt Rheum, Fever ment. When Mr. Beal died they came ter right, and an abundant, water «uppl.v letters native to that town, and Poe was Ed. Redfield, the watchmaker and gun­ Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblain.*, to California, and have been living in The m ne has heen in operation several sei- Corns, and all Bkin Eruptions, and posit­ a very pretty little place which nestles connected with Boston not alone by the If yon don’t just call and see. 2^ HINMAN. D, I». 8. sons, with a giant, with good results. The smith of Grants Pass, and Geo. Hale leave ively cure* Piles, or no nay required It importaut accident of his birth, but new company will begin at once to en'arge 1 hi* week for Clondyke. is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or among the Berkeley hills. fapiliri*’s for extending work this winter by the commencement there of his lit ­ Tt was during their residence in the John Galvin, Jr . ton of the well-known money refunded. Price 25 cents per box Geo O Purkee and Terrv Bros . on t’ar- roadmaster, will enter St. Mary’s college at For sale bv E. A. Sherwin. islands of the South sea that the Beals erary career, iteelf an event worth com­ ■ berrv creek, have aho made a successful Oakland. Cal , this fall. acquired their ta»te for uncooked food. memorating. So far as I am aware, I season, and will enlarge operations the cum­ Real Estate. Mrs J B. Leach has returned from a in i' winter. The Beals are in no sense simple Boston never awarded to Poe the honor E 1) & L R Howell to Ashland Electric In the Masonic Building up stairs vi-rit with her mother. Mrs. Heffling, at J ml re I a . Me Murray and Judge W H Light it Power Co—right of way for ditch; eaters of fruit. Their regimen includes which, in the case of her dead literary over Post Office. RetJ. of Tae-nn arp here considering n Merlin, Josephine county. $1 00. all kinds of vegetables, cereals, fruit, men of eminence, she sometimes deems proposition I «»king to the s*ift ()f the r Seasonable goods such a« refrigerator«, TRY ME ONCE AND BE CONVINCED J D Bolton to same—same; $1. mi- e npar "'atkins. on the Big Xpn’egaiP. i- nts. hammock« and camping goods a< I D H Mirier to T F West-lot 6. blk 2. Kerrie»—every thing, in fact, except worthy to be taken in lieu of any fur­ They have had ver»* satisfactory ’■«turns • »pera House Furniture Store meat. But nothing is permitted to ap­ ther monumental attention, namely, S. T. SONGER. West’s add 10 Medford; $16X). from their propertv for several years, and A (J Wooley to A C Stanley—40 acres in proach the. oven or the pot, the frying the calling of a public meeting by the Mis« Grace Nickerson, who will return to n w have quite a templing offer to induce mayor, at which addresses are made and 2 w ; $250. pan or the griddle. them to part, with it. the normal school in September, is visiting tp F 35 M s, r Amy PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. to Ashbury and Benjamin The first, article on the Beal break­ complimentary resolutions adopted. Peter Appkgate. who is here from the her mother at Ft. Bidwell, Cal. Beall—188 acres in tp 3G «, r 1 w; $325u The name of Poe is, indeed, carved on Elk creek minitie district, says the outlook A 8 Barnes, referee, to Milton Maule— fast menu is mush. That is, they call it Mr«. E. H. Murray, wife of the court there is most promising, and new locations mush, but no one would recognize it the outer walls of the públic library Novelty Block. Opposite Hotel Oregon, reporter of Siskivou county. Cal., is over tract in tp 37 s, r 1 w; $1000. are being made every day. L H Newton to D L Ntw on—lot 5, blk as the time-honored article. The raw at Boston; so are several hundred other from Yreka visiting Jacksonville friends ASHLAtfD, OREGON. >6, Central Point; $150. material is taken from the original names. Their purpose is chiefly deco­ T, Collins, who has been in Jackson S< mothing to I’epend On. Baine to same—lot 7, bik 69, Central county several weeks, left Tuesday for package and deposited in the dish of rative. Mr. James Jones, of the drug firm of Bly. He will move to Jackson county this Point; $100. However, Boston’s neglect in respect Alice 0 Sargent to Lydia T McCall—q c each breukfaster. To t his is added milk Jones read.” Any shaming them into a protert, Lt is prob­ at 1 he G. C. Coy home for some weeks claim ia Wagnvr gap distriot. Rusmann, F WJLT-tli. l’JLFEJTò. G-LJVSS. ETC chanic, Laurel and Main ¡Streets. lat may be in season is al­ able ibat the ]>oet’R fame would still J L Pennington on July 16th located ’ “ a. Persons calling for same wWI please fcay -taried homeward Bunday. Bheis visiting lowed—string beans, cabbage, tutnips, ¡»e quite destitute of any public memo­ her mother at Yreka this week. cla m in Wagner creek district. B uildiso P avem . WsAvrtwa P afem ahd T wises . ARTI8TB’ M ATERI ALB. “advertsied.” W H B runk . P. M. Daguiar Martin on July 16th located carrot«, ariichokes or asparagus,’as the rial.—Atlantic. Matney Bros of Klamath county have SOCIETY DIRECTORIES. quartz claim in Wagner creek district. case may be. Green, corn eaten from Vim. vigor and victory :• these are the sold 35 head nf yearlings past. 15 fresh H W uendar on Jan 1st re-located a cows (calves thrown in) and 10 head of dry t ho cob uncooked is mid to be. a great charactaddies of De Witt’s Littld Earh quartz claim iu Wagner creek district. G. A. R. Risers, th- famous little pills for consti- cows nt$14 and $15 to Judge Braith luxury, and raw green peas de­ fiation. biliousness and ad stomach and Dr. James Keene, formerly a Salem den­ BURNSIDE POST NO. 23. scribed as delicious. When fresh fruits Wanted iver troubles Eugene a . Sherwin. tist. and a republican politician of ^Marion Meet in Masonic Hall, on the 1st and are out of season, the dried fruits are KEEP YOUR BOWELS STRONG ALL SUMMER I county, spent several dava in Jackson Jackson county property. Will trade 3utn children—all arrayed in tbeir richest of the house. The furnishing of the sions. Nervousness, all drains, loss of power in Generative Organs of Hold regular laeetings ever) ThurtHiav trimmed with creamy lace and bands of of «he Yukon river, in the summer of 1X52. either sex, caused by over-exertion, youthful errors, excea»ive use of evening at tbeir hall in Ashland. Brethren holiday attire. The children especially, place is very simple, but of the finest I City Passenger when that territory belonged to Russia tobacco, opium or stimulants, which lead to Infirmity, Consumption or in good standing are cordially invited tu dark fur. with tbeir bright faces and black eyes, that con be purchased. The floors of Insanitv. Can be carried in vest pocket Ji oo per box, 6 for $5, by mail Young girl, in Paris are wearing lit­ atlenu F. M. D rakk N. U. D. B. McDaniel was over last week from and their pretty costumes, farmed a prepaid. Circular Free. Bold by all druggists Ask for it; lake no other. the house are uncarpeted, but are of H. 8. E vans , 8ec’y. P.O bos 102. Truck Transfer Manufactured by the Peau Medicine Co., Paris, France. Lane-Davis tle block net frocks, with huge sashes of his mines on tleaver creek. He has dis most pleasing and interesting feature of hardwood, highly polished, with rugs Drug Co., distributing agents. Third and Yamhill Sts , Portland, Or. ..,.P color or the favorite turquoise blue coven-d an-'ther ledge that parallels the old one. It is a 10-fnot vein and some of the this living oriental picture. ----- All kinds oi freight, bsggags FOR 8ALR BY E. A. felt EK WIN. AB H LA N d . OREGON. made from the pelt« of wild animals PILOT KOC’A ENCAMPMENT, NO. 10. best ore a*SHve0 per ton. 8* Patterson household goods, stc.. trsnsfer- Everybody seemed to be happy and found in the islands. The raiment of Meats in Odd Fellows's Hall ever) 2d -»•*•» •truck bed rock in his p'acer mine last sd with promptness and safety. day’s for the jaded and Good good-natured; and ever and anon, as Mrs. Bcol and her daughters is as sim­ 4th Munday ill each month. Members m week and is now operating in pay dirt. Hauling on a large scale con­ OR.EC3-O7ST Health for all Mankind. n group of friends met, they stopped good standing cordially invited ic attend tracted for, . . , , , . • ple and yet as expensive as the rest of James Fie’der, wife and two children at­ d. 8. E vans , C. P. and amid much ceremonious bowing ex ­ JOY’S VEGETABLE-SARSAPARILLA. their environments.—San Francisco Ex­ tempted to ford Rogue rivet near Bnow- R obt , T aylor , Bcribe. WOOD FOR SALE ’••ose Bros, an ■ Trefren’s mine. The boat changed the compliments of the sea­ aminer. __ _ — be *xme upset, emptying all in the river. son; for this festive occasion was ----- ice t. SZABOS---- ties ♦hrougn is made from HOPS REBECCA DEGREE LODGE, MO. 24. The baby in Mrs. Fielder’s arms was nothing more nor less than the celebra­ nature’sown M onmouth , O regon , herb», and A self-important little country gen­ Will handle ice I l Ashland during the proper ch ati­ wrenched out, washed down the stream contains no tion of t he Chinese New Year. Meets on the 2d and 4th ruesda) in rar. tleman entered Baron Ilausamann'a summer season, Delivered at your door néis. Joy’s mineral and drowned The body was recovered. 1 : TB1IIIH : MI««LTr»t : TEKIEkS. Vegeta ble month in odd Fellows’ Hall, tsliiand The idea of celebrating New Year's office in Paris one day, having some every morning. drugs Sarsaparilla The magnificent work of I) C Herrin a* Miss E lmir P atter * oj L N. U. deadly Ilegular Normal course of three rears. day in February may strike some of complaint to make, and proceeded to cures Dye* gtand lecturer of the A O U. W lodges of on. J Passengers delivered to any part of M iss N ika E mkhy . oecv. Sen or year « holly professional TrainlnK pepsi a, Ve get "regoti for the past year wa* appreciated my readers as odd. But, since this hRs state his errand in a pretty lofty tone the city Chronic department of nine grades with 200 Baria partila bv the grand lodge which not only re­ lteen the Chinese custom from time im­ and without taking off his hat. The Constipa • children. robs the elected him unanimously, but raised his memorial, and is older, by several thou­ officer was equal to the occasion. tion, Liver blood or all Instruction and Gaining in Gymnastics, «■alary as well. He now receives $12. ‘‘Now,’’ said he, “I will hear yoq " — VIA rtear. Students boarding themselves, R. C abby . Recorder • gen? at Klamath" a special Indian timber question, however, was of no con­ 1110 00 per y ear. , To Cure Constipation forever. land agent for Minnesota at $2000 per year cern to this merry holiday throng. Academic grade* accepted from High. ’L j * .ffif Take Cascaret* Csndv Cathartic 10c or Sic. and expen*es. K. O. Schools. They were quite satisfied with the ar ­ Joy’s Vegetnblo It 0. C. C. tall to cure, druggists refund money. A musical union was or anized in Ash­ rangement; and, with the utmost • ■ADIT* TCMT RO. Catalogues cheerfully sent on application, A merica ’ s scenic link . Sarsaparilla Address, land Ift't week B. R. Williis of Afhland belief in t heir own superiority, they felt ■ ACOAIBM. W. A. W ans , prevents tired feeL KNOWN BY HIS MUSIC. •* CAMreif.k, is president. H. C. Kinnev of Grants Pass Srcr.tarv Faculty, Mee* in r.eul.r review on the second in logs, staggering sen­ at heart an inborn contempt — common and Rev. A. 8. Foster of Medford, vice- fourth Thursday!* of each month at Odd sations, palpitation pre*idents, «nd Geo. Cramer of Grants tonllChinese—for “outside barbarians." A Great Composer Whose Face Was Rock Meals in Fellow', H.ll, Ashland. Visiting 81 Little Known. of heart, rush of Pass sFcretarv. Local Unions will be or­ This term embraces all nations not liv­ Knights cordially invited. Ballalt Signor Arditi, the veteran conductor Dining ganized in all the t"wns of the vallev and ing within the snored boundaries of blood to the head, G. W. CaoWSOM. Com. next winter a mu-ical convent on will oe of Italian opera, seems to be a man of Oar a la dizziness, ringing in C has . H. Q illctt *. K K. "the flowery kingdom.” and includes held at Gran:« Pass for one week, ending Cwte ears, «pots before the ready wit, to judge bm an anecdote in in a grand concert. The musical world is the inhabitants of all the world; and eyjo, headache, bil­ his “Reminiscences.” qui'e alive in southern Oregon There are these unfortunate outsiders are broadly iousness,constipation — now in tbis vnllev some splendid singers On one of his American tours he re­ divided into two classes — eastern and of bowels, pains in L «Ol'TF TO and players of musical instruments. na p al f You can 1 ceived one day a check from his mana­ western barbarians.—Theodore Wore., the back,melancholy, ger. It was already' near the expiration Burning, itching skin diseases Instantly IY| L11 1 be cured <1 KOOTENAI - MININO - DISTRICT tongue coated, fout relieved by De Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve, in St. Nicholas of banking hours, and having need of breath, pimplee ou If you suffer from any of the ( — VIA — unequalled for cuts, bruises, burns. It Pencil with Electric Ll*ht< the money, he jumped into a carriage ills of men, come to t nc oiaest , face, body and limb, heals without leaving a scar. Eugene A. specialists on the Pacific Coast, | A tiny electric light, attached to a and drove hastily to the bank. On hand­ SEATTLE A SPOKANE. decline of nerve force Sherwin. Dr. lordsn Ik Co. Tit nmnd* . dizzy spells, faint now live hapoy live, that we I L. Gerber shipped the first beef cattle of pencil, enables French reporters to ing the check to the teller, however, he saved from the grave. , spells, cold, clammy the season from Montague to Sacramento. take note« at n»:«rht. was met by the statement that it would Stricture.ton« of ruanltnoo. I Shortest and Quickest Line to They were 200 head from Swan lake and Stretchin* a Nerve to Cnre Selatien. be necessary for him to be identified. feet aud hands, sour diseases of the skin and khl- j l.angell valley. He thinks not over -5000 risings, fatigue, in­ < 1 nev* nuickiv cured without the use c* A new Danish mode of curing «eiwticA “But don’t you know me?” asked the head of cattle will be taken from Klamath somnia, and all dis­ St. Paul, Minneapolis, and Lake counties against about 14 0P0 is by stretching the nerve of the leg af­ musician. “I am Signor Arditi.” eases oft be stomach, driven to the same place last year. The fected. For this purpoee the leg i« ’ of Marriage,” free. ( I The teller »till shook his head. He Duluth, Chicago. liver and kidney». difference is not that the catt e a-e not in raised and drawn toward the upper was sorry, and all that, but he couldn’t e'ov.9 Vegetable Sar DR. JOKDAJÍ & CO.’S , the county, but about 4000 will be driven to »„iparillaia »old by a'.i AND ALL POINTS EAST. I I 1 GKKA* ORÏAT MVSEVM — Of ANAIOXT. - — - Reno, and the remainder will be shipped part- of the body by a cord, which pay out money without an identifica­ drugjist«, Ko fuse a from Hnntington and Ontario to th ■«” can be wound on a roller ■ by turn­ tion. A sudden idea came to Arditi. Niib’t lute. When you , | Co .nd learn how J°^i* 1 ’ Hinde* how to avoid iteknes* and disease. pay for the best sec that eastern des 1 ination where tbev are either ■ ng a handle. TTie cord pnawr “Do you ever go to the opera?” he in­ | Thousand» of new objects. Additions coo- ( you get the best, f short on cattle or long on corn. over a fixed and a loom* pulley* quired. ’ tinually. Catalogue sent free. \ I “They don’t make much fuss about it ” tlie latter attached to a strap encir­ I I—tost mrkststrwt »«nFrsaelses.Cal. f “Yes, often,” was the teller’s reply. We are speaking of De Wtit'a IJuie Earlv “Well, then, see her«;” and at thf Risers, the famous litila pi 1« for constipa­ cling the ankle, the free end of the cord bring fastened to a hook in a board, word Signor Arditi turned his bad tion. biltou-ness. and all atoruaih and the aded SLEEPERS, DINING and LIBRARY liver trouble«. They never gripe. Eugene which is attached to the wall, and car­ upon the teller ancTtook off his hat, ex tor VERY A good wheel OBSERVATION CARS. A. Sherwin. ries all the parts of the apparatus.—X.j posing his bald head, with the sight oi very cheap. fastidious people % | which al! opera goers had reason to I m The Granta Pass public school te chers Y. Journal. laily Trains - Fast Time WIRE ROPÍ SflVACE. selected for the following year are: W. F. familiar. “Don’t you know me now ?” Cameron. Cattle Rock. Col. principal; A rerr handeome blue and green A smile spread over the teller’s face tonnes AND SCENERY LNEQVALED. Mis« Arts Goodin. Monmouth; Sirs. T. M changeable poplin is combined with “Yes,” he said, “you are Signor Arditi.” For tickets and full Information call on Jackson. Eugene, a sister of Kelly Bros ; The success of the Waverley Bicycle In '96 places Misa AbtPo Biites Williams; Miss Bernice corn-color silk, plaited crosswiae for And with that he handed forth th< oraddrewa, R. L eonard , Agent, Cameron, (Jniontown: Misses Mary Mc­ the bodice, the armholes finished with It at the head of the leaders for ’97. This year we I. E. E xvabt , Ashland, Or. Carthy, L M. Davis, Maggie Cui es, Alice three scanty ruffles, edged with gold money.—Youth’s Com panion. Medford, Oregon. Smith, I'e«'ie Tnomns«»»», Grants Pa-s braid. produce a new and expensively made wheel, equipped t. C. S tsvkmr , A. B.C. D xxxi . tos , The principal receives >751) per year, the rtr*t assistant $40 per month . all the other* O. W, P. A . Seattle, c. ff. AT. A. with the only perfect bearings yet made—$100. Ever- hod. Says So. ultry, Farm, Gorden, Cem.tery, $« per month The corps of teachers ere Portland, Oregon. good. The declining prices of these teach • L aws , Railroad and Rabbit Caacareta Chndr Cathartic, the moat won ers salaries were made by by the ________ w cor- derful medical uiecoverv of Ute age. p eaa Last year a farr.oua model, greatly improved, has been era board , to Fomin». respond with the declining value« of tbe aut and refn alone to the uale, act *eotl) For Infant* and Children. reduced to $60. The aaving to in the coat of machinery. nweiU, is»«-. Calais«' **• and itoaiUvely on kUueya. liver and bowel* labor and product« of th« taxpayer«. rw«r*< r»M. I*««. *«*• cleansing the entire system,