f n I Rt I nui 'is- l . AN OPEN LETTEr Some Froah Woidera Performed by tho Otmars« To MOTHERS. Extraardlaary Combinations Produced by au Ingenium» Arrangement of Mirror»— Some Curious Example». WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO 11 EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD “ CASTO HI A,” ANU “PITCHER’S CASTORIA,” as our trade mark . J, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator (^“PITCHERS CASTORIA, the sum that has borne and docs now on eve ! bear the facsimile signature of wrapper. This is the original “ PITCHER’S CASTORIA, ’ which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bought on and has the signature of wrap­ per. No one has authority from me to use my name ex­ cept The Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletcher is . p. March 8, 1897. Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in­ gredients of which even he does not know. The Kind You Have Always Bought” BEARS THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF The Kind That Never Failed You. TH* CCNTAUR COMPANY, TV MURRAY »TRSCT. N(W YORK CITV. ASHLAND CASKET CO.1 SUMMONS. | In the Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon, for Jackson County. Richard Beswick, Plaintiff a vs. Wm. M. Colvig. as admin­ Manager - and - Funeral - Director istrator of the estate of J . C. Durkee, deona fide photograph of a well-known Parisian being ridden in the street by his horse. (1 rotrsque com­ binations such as this are, of course, familiar to us all, for photographers have long been able to produce very curious effects by embodying figures from several negatives in one print. The beauty of this last photographic novelty is, however, that the prints do not “give away” the process, as the old- fashioned built up photographs invari­ ably do by the stilted p stures and in­ congruous discords of the composition, but appear to be single, instantaneous glimpses of real scenes of an altogether impossible nature. They are clever enough to deceive an expert, or to make a superstitious person almost believe in miracles. All Paris is enthusiastic over one of his pictures in particular. It is a pho­ tograph of a gentleman in evening dress, with the face of his fiancee daintily poised on his immaculate shir* front. The girl’s face seems to h<‘ as much a part of the man’s figure as is his fiend, and not merely a picture stamped on the white linen bosom. This feat is accomplished by posing the figures in such away that they are reflected from the maze of mirrors di­ rectly into the eye of the camera. Some­ times the woman’s face is reproduced in a smaller form, and in the shape of a heart, and is so arranged as to take the place of the organ in which the god of love is popularly supposed to dwell. Photographs taken by the mirror process show' people in every conceiv­ able position. For instance, two broth­ I ers are photographed to appear as one balanced upside down on the other’s head. As l>oth are in evening dress, from patent leather pumps to crush bats, it is difficult to decide when on»' has the picture right side up. Pictures of airimals in all conceivable positions are a fad of this photographer, whose art often takes a humorous turn. A very small snake in the act of swallow­ ing an unusually large elephant, is a fa­ vorite w ith those who have a sense of the ridiculous. Other pictures, how­ ever, lean to tragic rather than the comic. A pyramid of babies, to the number of a score, is another picture which a. tracts a great, deal of interest, for. though the tots are still in the long clothes period of existence, they appear to balance themselves with all the sang froid of professional acrobats. One large photograph which tho Pa­ risian camera juggler lately exhibited at an exhibition of pictures, noted more for their oddity than the popular char­ acter of their subjects, is probably the most grewsome of any he has yet taken. This photograph portrays an exceeding­ ly beautiful woman dressed as for « ball, through whose body the bare arm of a man is thrust, the hand clasping the handle of a sword that is dripping with blood. The woman’s face is dis­ torted. as though with pain, and she seems about to fall to the ground.—N. Y. Herald. TRYING TO CE FUNNY. i Mohamin«* called “Personally Conducted Excur­ sions.” In these days of progressive en li/hien meet, with the English languag*- spoken in everv land under the sun, on* does not need to depend on the services of guides for sight-seeing, but can go it alone or in small family parties, with ¿reat contort and security, and at one’s •wn convenience. Write tn C. J. Eddy. General Agent, Chicago, Milwaukee M 1NG II.»« U«|i r 1« M-uii It it NI h W-. !• v* rv inan. woniRti and child w ho know-* anything ntmut cir< u*es and wh»» ever mw t e Waller L. Maj»» eiioriiioiis H. K show-*, wil be lighted io know that the big chow s in ni heir mm nthreiu e and ex ii '♦• 2 a «1 |> «•e»de b.nli * x ihiti«»i> wiih the i.ruiiihst loormiig Mf.e p » a<- er<’. he sir nge.Nt and tuoRl unique marvel i which the <‘eep < cean ever gave birth. The ebaggx. fierce tluui b b» nun.*, four ol a kind, infants of thefore-l area -'range and lovely sight The R oiiihii h pi odi• me. an exact repro­ duction of (lie Corse of Ancient Kerne and ttdtrn .'nee ourse The circus, which consists of one hundred and fitly superior acts, given by one hundred superior arenic stars, r*q iires three lull hours in which to give ilium The men »gerie will be a delightful study lor ail, becau-e jc coiupri.-es more wild, lame and sira ge beau» than our people i ave ever belore had an opportui ity to see I hu -how is greai in everything and amaii in nothing Che Stearns Bicycle is handsome, liffht, durable. Such sjrace of design as is embodied in this “fast, easy-running, much-talked- about’L mount can only be secured by the most approved methods, finest materia! and skilled work­ manship. The '96 Stearns is the best bicycle it is possible to produce. Finished at your option in orange or black. Address now for beautiful new catalogue. "the Yellow Tellow.” E. C. STEARNS & CO., Makers, Syracuse, N. Y. BUFFALO, N. V. 16 TO 1 Southern Pacific Co. Express Train3 Leave Portland Daily. I A r Portland 6.00 p in Lv Lv Ashland 9 5<» a in Ar Ar 10:2') a iu Lv Ashland 7:45 a iu 1 A r San FranciscoLv Second • Chis# NORWEGIAN THRIFT. Smoke Cigars in Homeopathic D obcn am! Save the Ends. \n English traveler in Norway says: ‘I had read that the Norwegian chil- Ircn were exceedingly fond of sweets, ■nd owing to the heavy tax’ on sugar, ¡ave few opportunities of eating Ihcm. ii I bought a pound in Bergen, and thi.' ' hand round. ‘■'I he whole family solemnly help heniselves, and, with deep gratitude lepicted on their faces, come upto us. hake hands with both the doctor an 1 myself and say: ‘Tak,’ “I give some cigars to the farmer md the two sons, the latter having lever before smoked such a thing. The thrift of the Norwegians is shown in he treatment of these cigars by tin» vouths. They smoke for five minutes, hen carefully extinguish the burning nd and place the cigar away in some corner of the house. “'Phe next morning 1 see them having another fise-minutes* smoke, and these cigars actually last for over two days, being taken in homeoymthic doses at in­ tervals of about two hours. Finally the ends are cut up and used in grandfa­ ther’s pipe.” TORONTO, ONT EAST AM) SOLITI UNDER THE GOLD STANDARD MEANS... North 9:3*> a Bi 5 5'» p ni 5:2d p m 8:i»np in 18 Patches toi Pair of Pants Above trains stop at all stations between Portland and Salem. Turner Marion, .leilerson, Albany. Tangent, Shedds, Halsey, Harrisburg Junction City, Eugene, Cottage Grove. Drains and ail E dwin W. J oy (J o .: lam one of those stations from Roseburg to Oakland, in­ who place h'it little faith in advertised nos­ clusive. trums but seeing sn nianv local testiinon- lloMcburg Mail Daily. ittls. detailing the ett’ei ts of Joy’s Vegetable - ..saparilla. I, too. bought it. 1 took it for ARB1VK : pains in the back and ch «nir billiousness. -he remits of a disordered liver, which has Portland .. 8:30a m I Roseburg.. .6:20 p m 7:30 a m I Portland . 4:30pir given me much trouble, and I believe it has llo*.\ >; > \ P \ ui l.l.A as GOOD AS J oy 'S fAKETHE BEST WHEN YOU r AY YOUR MONEY SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. Sleeping The gold standard means low prices, low wages, hard times. The bimetallic standard means good prices, good wages, permanent prosperity for the producing classes. The Farm, Field and Fireside, A 32 to 40 Page Weekly Farm and Family Paper. Carn Attached to all th rough trains. WEST SIDE DIVISION. Between Portland and Corvallis. A GREAT COMBINATION OFFER MAIL TRAIN DAILY (EXCEPT SUNDAY.) LEAVES Price, $1.00 a Year While not neglecting its superb Agricultural, Horticultural, Live Stock and Family Departments, etc., has at the same time, for many years, upheld tho standard of the people against trusts and monopolies, more especially against that most iniquitous of all monopolies, the single gold standard. All who read it agree that it is the best paper of its class on earth. arrives : V.’e will send the above great journal in connection with The Valley Record Portland... 7:30 am | Corvallis .12.15 pm Corvallis... 1:05 p m | Portland... .6:60 p in At Albany and Corvallis connect will rains of Oregon Central & Eastern Rail road 8 Express Train Daily (Except Sunday.) year, postpaid, at the extremely low price of $ 2 OO in advance, and will give to each subscriber to this combination offer whe pay. ten cents additional for postage and packing, both one ________ L.AVK: ARRIVE. Portland 4:50pm I M’Minnvtlle 7:39pn M’Minn ville .5:60am | Portland ..8:26 an TWENTY PACKETS OF SEEDS Direct connection at San Faancisco wi'li Occidental and Oriental and Pacific n>ai! steamship lines for J A PAN and CHINA. Sailing dates on application. Rates »nd tickets to Eastern points and Europe. A Iso Japan. China. Honolulu and Australia, can be obtained from I). L. RICE, Agent Ashland, R. KOEHLER. C. H. MARKHAM, Manager. G. E. .V P. A . Portland. Or \i irt* These seeds are the best in the mar- *) ket. They consist of Farm, Vegetable and Flower Seeds of your own selec­ tion from a list of 200 varieties. The packets are as large as seedmen’s mail packets. The seeds alone at retail prloes are worth $1 OU. Call and see us about this great offer at once, or •end remittances to thia office. MONDAY, THE 13th DAY OF 8EP- TEM BE K. 1897. And you are hereby notified that if you fail so to answer,the plaintiff’will apply’ to the above entitled court for the relief ÍW. ' h demanded in the complaint, to-wit;— First that an order of said court be made Write to T. S. Q uincey , appointing a guardian ad litem to appear Palaces on Wheels. Drawer 156, Chicago, Secre­ I and answer for the defendant Eva A. Rodg- tary of the S tar A ccident i ers, minor he>r of Effie Rodgers, deceased When people travel now a days, the\ VIA j daughter of said J. C. Durkee, deceased VIA C ompany -, for information expect comfort, and when they travel on Neceasnry Precaution, Second for a judgment against the defen- regarding Accident Insur The “Milwauxee” thev get it. H an t Win. M. Colvig, as administrator of Bridegroom (about to marry tbe ance. Mention this paper. SPOKANE ' the estate of J. C. Durkee, deceased, and j There has been on evolution in the By so doing you can save youngest of three sisters)—My dear I To all points eastiat the very lowest rates ■ against the said estate, for the sum of means of transportation for man that it* friend, I want you to stand immediate­ Membership fee. Has paid over $600,000.00 for $543.< 0 and interest thereon at the rate of | DENVER THEY WERE MARRIED. MINNEAPOLIS verv interesting. The more civilized a accidental injuries. ly behind me during tJit* ceremony and I ten per cent per annum until paid, together i with the farther sum of $75 attorney’s fees 1 people becomes, the more exciting it grows. She Waited Outside While He Bought a keep your eyes open. I am very near­ Be your own Agent. OMAHA ST. PAUL and the costs and disbursements of this I The coaches now running between St. Paul Cigar. sighted, and I am afraid they may sub­ ' suit and tbe costs of and upon the foreclos- j and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago, <»» They were coming away from the stitute the oldest sister at the critical NO MEDICAL EXAMINATION REQUIRED AMD AND ure sale herein: The Milwaukee”, are marvels of elegance theater and the fell to discussing the moment.—Cl ins._________________________ Third for a decree that the mortage in and convenience. The private compart [ WINNIPEG. MINNEAPOLIS, ST. PAUL the complaint mentioned, ar.d which is ment cars, library buffet smoking car* young couple w* o sat in front of them HICAGO Y«>u Oogiit to Have One. ' recorded at page 269 of vol. 9 of the Records i and free reclining chair cars are models on “They are evidently married,” said It vou woind like a copy of tbe hand TORONTO. MONTREAL and BOSTON ot Mortgages for.Jackson county. Oregon, i luxurious comfort, which in stvle and the girl in the Parisian waist. “I no­ ■*oni' bt railroad folder vet issued addres.1 beforeclosed in the manner provided by law, furnishings are palatial enough for royaltx LOW RATES TO ticed that they didn’t exchange a word W. H. Mead, No. 248, Washington St.. and the following described real property itself. A great pleasure for the traveler oi TB1XAMCT TITIira, ALL EASTERN CITIES. situated in Jackson county. Oregon, ami ' its sleepers and private compartment car. while the curtain was down.” ths boot and noit reiub! Portland, Oregon, and one will be sen! which is the property in the said mortgage j is the electric berth reading lamp, which i> “Nonsense! They are merely en­ vou free. f taxis rtmsdy is ths ww i and complaint mentioned, be sold upon an exclusive feature with “The Milwau­ gaged,” said the girl in the black gown. Mesmin ’s French Fe Operate, it, trains on the famous block If you are going to The folder entertainingly describe! I foreclosure sale, to-wit:— OCEAN STEAMERS kee”. The beating is all done by steams male Pills, havo bee- the two New ’ North western Limitvi' “ I heard him tell her that he did not NA KUSP All of the north half of lot seven (7), in thus doiug away with the old faebiono* system; Bold for over twent LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5 DAYS block six (6) in Ashland, Jackson county. stove. By all these means the fatigue j consider the ’eading lady even pretty.” trains between Minneapolis, St. Pan CARIBOO years,and used by Thou SLOGAN CITY Liglit, it, train, by electricity through­ aanda of Ladies, wh Oregon, as shown upon the duly recorded incident to travel is reduced to a minimum — FOB-- “Perhaps they are merely brother md Ciiicago—the finest trains iu tin NEW DENVER GOLD have given testimonial maps and plats of said Ashland, Oregon, The Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul Rail and sister,” suggested the young man world—and contains pictures ot the fa­ out; KASLO that they are unexcelle. together with all of the appurtenances way is always popular, and those travehru FIELDS mous trains as they appear when run as a specific month! of the party. thereunto belonging. over its lines are the loudest in its praise Uee, the celebrated electric berth read­ KOOTENAY nelson V medicine, for immedia' oing, each picture over three feet loni “No, they weren’t-,” said the girl in splendidly engraved in colors. And that out of the proceeds arising from All coupon ticket agents sell tickets via th* reli o* Painful, tn TRAIL ing lamp; Irre^ r Menses, i, MINING the Parisian waist. “He’d have gone ROSSLAND For full information call on O. R. & N. tbe said t-ale be paid the costs and disburse­ i Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul Railway This elegant souvenir will interest th* male , .kncasetc. ments of this suit and the costs and expen­ 0. J. Eddv, General Agent Portland. Ore Rung splendidly equipped passenger DISTRICT out between the acts if he were only whole family from the oldest to th* Price $ . 00 a box, wi* e Agent, ROBT. LEONARD. Ashland, Or ses of the said sale and the sums found full directions. her brother, while an engaged man youngest, and you’ll sav so when yor due the plaintiff herein. DYSPEPSIA PROOF. trains every day and night between St. oa address : Get a copy of “ Cari ­ ?JKE NO srBSTITUTWI. OR iPCTHOVS IMITATION wouldn’t want to leave her, and—” Fourth thattbedefendants Wm. M Colvig it. W H. HURLBURT, ALESM1N CHEMICAL (XX. D etroit . M ich . Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and boo and Kootenay Gold Fields.” as administrator of the estate of J. C. One American Race That Knorrs Nothing “ A newly married man wouldn ’ t dare Gen’l Pass. Agent, of the Modern Curse. Hot and cold baths at Storey’s barber FOIL bA l.E BY T. K. BOLTON. I Durkee, deceased, and the said e.state, and Chicago; the to,” broke in the girl in the black gown. CORTLAND. OR tbe defendants Hanna A. Durkee, widow ■ , If you are thinking of traveling call on Much is said about American dys­ shop. Opposite town hall. “She. took off her hat. as soon as she ot the saul J C. Durkee, deceased, Ella M. pepsia, but there is one native race of E. McNEILL, President and Manager Lewis. Howard F. Durkee, Agnes N. Ab- Chicago, Milwaukee & i the agent of the Canadian Pacific Railway. came in.” remarked the young man. HIBERNICISMS. — I bort, Chas. R. Durkee, and Geo. A Durkee. America that is certainly not greatly “That looks as if she were married and Lowest rates to and from all parts of St. Paul ■ heirs at law of the said J. C. Durkee, de- troubled by’ the modern curse. Th - Two “ Irish ’ * Balls Not at Ail Chargeable in the habit of consulting the feelings ceastd,and Eva A. Rodgers, minor heir sturdy’ little Eskimos defy all the laws Europe via. all Atlantic steamship lines. to Irishmen. S S Dealer in i $ Also operate, iteam-heated vestibuled of some one else.” and daughter of Effie Kodgers, deceased Tbe Eskimo, The Spectator records two “Hl- 1 daughter c! >aid J. U. Durkee, deceased, of hygiene and thrive. “Or that the; were not really en­ train,, carrying the latest private com- For full information regarding the above and each ar.i all of them be foreclosed of I like the ordinary dweller in America, gaged yet and she wanted to show him bernicisms” which are not chargeable partment car,, library buffet «moking call on or address all right, title or interest in or to the eats until he is satisfied, but there i‘ how considerate she could be,” said the to Irishmen. One of them was recent­ , said property, and of all equitv of redemp E. J. COYLE, this difference, that he is never satis­ ly uttered by the captain of a “boys’ W. H MOWAT, car,, and p dace drawing room sleep­ girl in the black gown. I tion except the statuatorv right of redemp­ 146 Third 8t. brigade”-—a popular military organiza­ Agent tion therein, and lhat the plaintiff fied while a shred of his feast remains “Or that she was merely conscious of er«. Portland Ashland have judgment against the defen­ uneoDsuined. His capacity’ is limited having pretty hair. ’ said the girl in the tion in a certain English parish. He R.AILV7AY Oregon . by the supply, and by that only. dant Wm. M. Colvig. as administrator of Parlor carl, free reclining chair car, and Oregon. Parisian waist. “Will you wager a box addressed the corps on the subject of the estate of J. C Durkee, deceased, and GEO. McL. BROWN. District Passenger lie cannot make any mistake, says of chocolates that thev are not mar­ the death of Prince Henry of Batten­ the very beet dining car service. against tbe said Estate for any sum that the Youth’s Companion, about Agent, Vancouver, British Columbia. burg, and in ending his sympathetic the ried?” ! may remain unpaid after the applica- For lowest rate, to any point in the manner of cooking his food—for as a remarks chose an appropriate hymn to tion of the proceeds of the said sale, and “I I’(l rather you ladies would settle Fifth for such other and further relief rule be does not cook it—nor, so far ns close the service. United States or Canada, apply to it between you,” said the young man. as tbe court shall seem just and equitable the blubber or fat of the arctic anima) “And now,” he said, “let us sing these Aho agents for IRON FENCES. hastily. on have so much more in­ ticket agent, or address 60 YEAR«» I in the premises. is concerned, about his method of rac­ lines in solemn silence! ” Satisfaction guaranteea [ This summons is publshed by order of sight in such matters, you know.” C. J. EDDY, The other remark was made by a cler ­ I Hon. H. K. Hanna, one of tbe" judges of ing it, for he simply does not eat it; he “There they come now,” said the girl ■I. W. CASEY, Generel Agent. . the above entitled court, made the 20th cuts it- into long strips an inch wide in the Parisian waist. “Let us notice gyman in a discourse on the transitory P. O. Address : YR KA, Siskiyou Co 1 day of March, 1897. and an inch thick, and then lowers the Trav. P«„. Agent. Portland. Or. nature of eai thly things. what the/y do, and perhaps we can de­ Cal. A. E. REAMES. strips down his throat as one might “Look,” he said, “at the great cities cide. If they are merely /riends they Attorney for the Plainlift’. lower a rope into a well. of antiquity; where are they now? will stop for cream and soda, and—” Pullman And after all that, he does not suffer GOING- EAST' “If they are engaged she will tell him Why, some of them have perished so ARE YO(J TRAD! MARKS* from indigestion. He can make a good Sleeping Cars how hungry she is, and they will stop completely that it is probable they DKRIOKR, À A A K meal off the flesh and .skin of the wal­ if so be sure and see that your ticket» never existed! ” OOFYRIOHTR Ao. for supper,” said the young man, bit Elegant rus. provision so hard and gritty that read via the Anyone sending a «ketch and description may terly. quickly ascertain, free, whether an Invention la in cutting up the animal the knife must Dining Cars Pr°bahly patentable. Communication* strictly THAT PO PU LI«T PLATFORM. “While, if they are married,” went çnnfldential. Oldest agency for securing patenta be continually sharpened. in America. We have a VVashington office. on th~ girl in the Parisian waist, “he- Tourist Patents taken through Munn  Co. receive The teethof the little Eskimocbikl will •peclui notice In the «wuwvw what did I tell you?” [Adopted dv the People's party eounti | meet in a bit of walrus skin as the teeth Sleeping Cars The couple paused before a cigar convention at Medford, April 17, 1893. anil of an American chilJ would meet in the 3 SODA» WORKS e store, and be vent in while she waited which every populist in the county is flesh of an apple. And that when the morally hound to see carried out in spirit ( ST. PAUL at the door. and put into the letter of the law. I hide of the walrus is from half an inch MINNEAPOLIS BOOK on r.TRXT* anni free. Addr«M T» hRIU TI I WATE* 18 1 T«JIC. Io an inch amd a half in thickness, and i “You v. cre rurht." Mid the girl In the At Yreka, Cal. MUNN A CO., black «-own; "thev are married’’— R esolved , DULUTH , l>cars considerable resemblance to the 3G1 Broadway, New York* Rein« Sulphuric and Alkaline it eradicate? skin of an elephant. The Eskimo child Pittsburgh Chronicle-Telegraph. Chicago, St. Paul, FARGO fungi and animalcule», and neutral­ ND are prepared to fill all orders on | will bite it and digest it. too. and never ah'iv/nut'th'pL"1.,"^" l<'f'hand«l|1' izing and correcting all acidi­ GRAND HJKKfr short notice. • » • • » TO / know what dyspepsia means. ties it promotes a normal and Minneapolis & Omaha R'y ! AAAAAAA •“"•‘.vs put the knifes. fork< healthful condition in every i'K< >« >k- lox »poous iV,1V> tuviwi, wc Let not anyone say that he cannot on the lable in thp them ■ call. part of the system. — THIS IS THE — WINXIl1!’«, fashion. Tier ninM. T.poke to her’ govern his passions.—Locke. The greatest misfortune of aJl is not SWIMMING RINK. I Il K I I- X \ . 5 STRICTURE to be able to bear misfortune.—Bias. BUTTS Inclosed ,nd covered, the same medics 1 QUICKLY SECUKED. Trade-marka and CipyrinhU certi ir » ■ i ripidi The mind grows narrow in propor­ BETWEEN DULUTH ■ ■' ..U r.A..k an j _ r-jKia'-rad and patent tnaineaa of avary daaeriptlon waler, always clean, tor the springs run n tion as the soul grows corrupt.—Rous I l ; • i i I TE , promptly and akillfnllv conducted at lowwt rate*. 4 na fntr'diiced, eomr-anica formed, heavy volume-more than twelve hun seau. .lame.-J. i.orhet gave some pretty g»Hn.w. and ..4 9A.9- rar- • ______ ____ t,TS SOLD 0, COMMISSION. »7Mn’«.p.n.<>e. ► advice to the bovs of the Olvmpia Club, dred gallons per hour. « r.ftren»«., K.nJ ... nndnl. ak.Uh «r Ph.U ► James Andrews, living on Point Lobos when he was in Han Fran cisco last. He ______ ___ ____ __________________ , — .1 inv.nli n. with .i.l.n.ciga. and »• will rnpnrt ► X." "• P'-nlnn,. ... n..l. Ir~nlcli«m OUX FBI ► You may dive and swim and have more road. San Francisco, says; WANTED AT ONCE! TO rarANL, wmn rtrzm is aixowtD ws.n . T h « Enwiw W. J ot C o .—G intlkmen : I fun than "anybody' — come out as ‘ tine And all points Exit and South. Th» fnont >■ «-.„-nd *• «)|| edn^t lu Ml. for r>n With w wish to thank you. gentiemm. for the great CHICAGO as silk" and "white as wool"—rejuven 1 it -ttr. rbnr,n Sd-rat», MSO-SOOX «nd 11««1 - -Mairnifl'-ent track, Peerlew Ve»ti- ctive agents for each good which your Joy’s Veritable Sarsapar­ ated and happy. an mr.nl>..n. wanud mailM tn Inmun Dw npnn r W ASHINGTON T««. tha ---------------- — ¡ittla -, ► Thia moirt "*>m plate Mi wn, County. Exclusive control and n<> illa ba* done for mv weak eves. 1 thought ot «xce«»r- .nd ow-indul«nti„. and b.v. officials be paid the following i bnled Dining and Sleeping z ; pnbiiahtd ___________________________ and every inventor ah >u!d WBITI f ro, on * risk. Will clear 12 to 25 hnndrud dollars a I would soon go blind. I wa* actually used J me I.ocatotl on the PHILADELPHIA celebrated Medicine "CUPI-I .„.„1 Car Train« and Motto: C*lebr «‘*1 testimony MM»« of /•CUPl.| a,„,„r1 OQ | H B WHHOL 4CO . runi-.i»»»« ’ DEN K 1!* ' lived «o give iu woo- statetl Salaries: year Enclose stamp for full particular*- loosing niy sight My eyes were so weak I NEW YORK I L. Droll a .4 LVAaHINSTON, O. C. a HELMAN LAND, HALF A MII.R I had to stop reading Hay and night. Jes- 1 derful stimulating and curative powers. I or 25c for fl sample. Big Rapids Miuera! “ALWAYS ON TIME” BORTON AND Aj.L Water Co., Big Rapids. Mich, sie read all the papers for me "CUPIDEN E" will check all the waste tis­ NORTH OF THE PLA2A. After nsing four bottles of Joy ’ s Vegita- ' sue of tbe body. In fact, it stops all tosses. I POINTS EAST and SOUTH ble Sar-*aparill« I put away the green glass­ "CUPIUENK" is a powerful, harmless Have given thi, road a national reputa­ THB OLD DOCTOR'S es and can now see as well as I ever could vegetable Compound. It is as sure to > tion. All clarae, of pamanKeracarriad Through tickets to Japan aua China, via M y blood is in good condition. I am not strengthen tbe generative organs a- it i, io ¡ on the veatihiilwl train, without extra Tacoma and Northern Padt'- Steamship atakatail. Yes. I do praise votir Jov’s rebuild and regenerate you. Trial package charge. your freight and travel Prop» letnr Vegitable Sarsaparilla. No one should ♦1.(10; 6 packages IB.no. For sale by KA ! Co. over this famous line. All agent, have W LADIES’ FAVORITE. '■‘¡'i!'. •if»ft*«>r«i»*v*ijtk»n from ßuelne*L take any other -ar-aparilla but Joy’s Veg Sexatriw For information, time cards, map ticket. itable Sarsaparilla. . i. — tv.... _ . T-. u enaoplexD«” » »'♦ir ’hr- ­ rore» health and^autifJÀ» and brautiftMewlexP*' tickets, call on or write OZA.»-A*-eXXX.A.. W. H. Mian, Gen. Ag’t., JAMES ANDREWS. idane and «ode r ledi#* Indon* it Thouaaoda cured. A. D. CHARLTON. Tie fae- *8 Washington St. Portland. Or. PATIKNTS TREATED BY MAIL tiai’.j Get yoar Job Pnming aous at the R«c- A wistent General Passenger Agent. 'f.r.lldenttally. For particular* add re«*. wtU Manu T. W. Taasnau, G. P. A., «lgsr.nrt obb office. PORTLAND. OR IO ON Great Oregon Northern Ry ShortLine -By—,1 SALT LAKE i/AHO*oniTVi KANSAS CITY ’ THE ACCIDENTS OF LIFE SOO PACIFIC LINE. The only line runninig through trains from the coast to MESMIN’S FRENCH FEMALE PILLS. Containing Cotton Root and Pennyroyal, —0- - - - WITHOUT CHANGE I FRANCISCO. SAN This Railway Co. •J. B. RUSSELL J^ORTHERN PACIFIC Granite, Marble, Freestone Monuments and Copings R U N F P atents ■J ' V***" S PARKINSON & WISE ASHLAND White Sulphur Springs BATHING 8CIENTIFI0 AMERICAN, in That owing to the depressed condition of the country, the low price of labor sandspoons land the thereof, we i... . i products i ’ (ieem.tlle Salaries of OUrCOUnty this ami «he ingenuously snid.-^ \'h* officers to be in excess of the in- GREAT - SHORT ETNE ym01" 7i'c^ed !o*h’