l'Al.Lt.1 KECOlili. Fruit Market mq <1 Pricey. Art Uuv and Al. K *ch were iiunting It in given out that U iu . J. Brian rude It 1« reported that th«ro h:i sctr. iiv Up to last night 2732 box«» of patches w**k bel we- n tt »• head of Neil creek from S«n Fr^nuiat u to Pordaud uu a rail- ■ It'c'c'c non;,,'-‘Bd.’Catl'|uri,|c ntcirBe. of laborers at Seattle, Wa -h. u. c. u. full to cure, druggiM* refund uiuiw-v were «hipped through Welifl-Faigo’« offee i, and Ashland butte and killed tna largest road pass and applied to the Southern — Feodor Clog«, th? wel.-known olive in Ashland thia season. A sharp u i . j„ dlM of reJ bear that has been ma It» to bite the dust Pacific for the •urn*. This is true. But ASHLAND, Or. ..Thursday, July 22, 1807. grower of Auburn, C4I., ¡« dead. McMinnville, Orsgon. I’ it Wae n,.| a compliamentMry pass. It Ijetiar Hliinglrs has caused the 2o> The Alexander peach crop has been mar- (in that section (or many years, He The I teat of lost wrmk did consider­ keted and the Haie’s are now commencing.’ weighed about GOO Ihe. and hia foot was on tbe account of tbe Omaha World- siting e mill.« in the etato of Washing­ Fine facilities for Instruction and Rates as low as PKtUONAL AND SOCIAL. Tbe A'exanders brought fair returns. They measurement was 7 inches in width. Herald . Bryan is one of the owners and ton to run ,lt lhoir fullest capacity, able damage to the Napa county, Cal., the lowest. Opens September 15th, 1897. New Il­ grape crop. lustrated Catalogue, giving full information sent on averaged 40 cents per box in Portland. | Nine shots were throwed into him (adore editors of that paper. Kailroadfl adver­ lite en,tern ileinaml is t|)e greatest Dr 8. C. Force »turned to Portland y»»- application to H L. BOARDMAN, Pre*. Carlos G »mez was sentenced to three t.rd.y, Very re labie rep orts show tha’ rhe crop I he would gay quits, the fatal shot being tising in newspapers'*do not pav cash. over known. Juno shipmeute amount­ years in Sun Quentin for burglary com­ ed to 320,^0.000 shingles. cf »mall fiuiis in England and France will through his head as he was coming at They pay for their advertising in railroad 01 course it» hot; but do you expect »now mitted at Visalia. be the smallest on record A successful bis antagonists at a furious rate In July 7 A fire oecnrrerl in the paint, oil and trip tickets up to the amount of the ad­ | ttttttttttttttttttti J.,k, X J. .1.XX J XXX A XX r-r tt - tttt The board of ct^ializtiliun of San season isexpamed ihere in Califoi nia fruits, varnish works of Yates A Co., at San M D. Hotrell of Evaua craek is in San Geo. Bower, tbe San Francisco expert vertising each year. The trip ticket« are Fiancisco, and burned fiercely for sev­ Bernardino county, ('al., has raised the i A shipment left Sacramento June 29 and Francisco. (then you are in Auhland, Orcyon, who is developing tbe ‘ Oreg m” quartz confined to the owners and employes of eral hours. Tim building, a five-storv assessment a $500,000. Dr J. 8. Parson went to San Francisco ■ brought good prices. »top at the ...... yesterday. A pocket containing $31,000 worth of Six handsome refrigerator cars, five Arm - I I mine on Applegate, was thr >ugh the Clon- tiie paper advertised in. bJ'c*„°“'‘-"•••“ Jdinaged to the extent 1 dyke district two years ago making a re ­ of >30, iKst nii,l tl„. loss of the contents gold was recently discovered iu the Go to Fox A Hildreth for ice. Delivered ' ours and one Earl’s, arrived m Ashland ' I Brvan could run for office on a populist port for tbe Russian government. Speak- at your door. will reach J&iO.OOj. Tansy mine, Tuolumne county, Cal. ! Tuesday to be ready for service. | ing of the recent rich discoveries and great platform in Jackson county. In his Ash­ | California pears badly affected with San Mr., Chas Hargadine it vi.iting Eugene The skeleton of a man, supposed to land speech, in the points where he was William Neff, until recently a resi ­ wads of gold taken from the placers he and Portland. i Jose scale, were ofti ¡ally condemned at save tbe newspaper siatements that any­ disctiHsing the vital question of the dis- dent ofCincimvti, committed suicide be the remains of 1 homas Fa hay, whs A. B. Knight, a mining man of Butte. 1 Salem this week. Thev cime in Karl fruit | recently found in Placer county, Cal. thing near like it was never beard of before, | J honesty ol tiie gold dollar he said: Con­ at Loa Angeles la«t week. Since his Mont., is here. 'boxes and it being apprehended that the lient $l.OOa Day Monne was not true. During ihe winter of 1852-53 traction oi tbe currency ia a serious evil death it Im» been learned that offlcersl I Violet Cloves, a girl 22 years of age, Mrs. K.T. Melius and two children are I pest was being carried to the state on an J on the Pacific Coant. | he and Mr. Shively worked a placer mine except to three classes of people—salar­ were scouring the country for him to committed suicide at San Francisco be­ »topping at 8i»a.,n. I extensive scale, the horticultural com in is- 1 on Shively gulch, Jackson creek, near ied officials, annuitants and h »idar« of return him to Cincinnati to answer to i cause she was out of work and had no LrOCJL.T'ßE) IN T1-1EÍ Ci EO INi *r Bi W OK T?OWT4 Rev. N. 8. Buckner and family are here eioners of the stale were warned to look ' Jacksonville, that in three months produced securities. But th« mas-es were ma le to charge« of forgery and embexxlenient. ; money to buy food. from Coos county. out for it. He was a member of a wealthy and The United S ates warship Monad ­ W. A. McGREW, Proprietor. Max Pracht has returned from an official 1 Up to Saturday the total shipments of 1150.000. Thus he Alaska reports have uffer As dollars contract in volume respectable family. nock is at Lun ka, ('ill., and the naval hardly eclipsed southern Oregon vet. visit in Cooa county. these crow richer. Then as to the salar­ | fruits east from Sacramento was 1279 car«, ++++♦+ 4H.+++*++++++++++*++++*E++++++-}-++++++++-r+++++++ reserve at that place is being drilled J. J. O Brien, the well-known dry Win. High and family j were here last week This partially indicate« Ihe ea«tern demand I Robt. Potter has opened a well defined I ied officer—liis salary increases, although ---- --------------------- twice a day on tiie vessel. rom Butte creek. Cal. thiw year on account of their short crops I 4-foot vein on a tributary of Elk creek. paid the same number of do are bv tl».e goods man and vice-president of the Golis 1\ Huntington has presented Hibernia bank, of San Francisco, died Assays made in Abh a id went $17 and $24 T. A. Cregan. Klamath Falls, was reels- 1 The Daily Fruit Wor’d of Sacramento (increased rise in their value. There i-a from overexertion in a hot sun al the University of California with a ’ tered at the Ashland House yesterday. says: Prices are not very high at present, per ton. great contrast between tiie man paying Highland spring«. Lake couiitv, Cal. valuable collection of manuscripts and I J L. Prob«t is in Denver and 0. J. Probst Mr and Mrs. Robt. Taylor returned but all good fruit that is being shipped Monday from ibeir trip to b.n Frsuci^o, »hows a profit, which 1. mor. ib.n c„ be 1« having a trail cut to their Elk creek and tbe one collectin' the taxe« While He was alone at the time of his death rare books about California. mine, after which buildings will be erected the salaried official finds his salary in- ami it was only after a vigorous search The defunct Randall Banking com- ! Geo. F. Merriman and daughter of Med- said of hardly anv other line of trade. Know that a cheap advertisement | ford were up Munday to hear Miss Benley 1 for a crew who will run a tunnel. They • creased th« tax payer who furnishes the and the assistance of hounds that the pany of Eureka, Cal., has declared a I j Horticultural Commissioner Casey lias have organized tbe Sunset Mining and money to pay these salaries finds hisdiffi- body was located in a deep and inac- < Means cheap and worthless goods. Arthur Abbott and wife of Dunsmuir : ' received a letter from John Minto ot Salem, dividend ot 10 per cent on all verified I ( claims, payable immediately. have been visiting Wagner creek relatives j Milling Co. | cullies correspondingly increased to raiae ce>»able revive. ' se>"re’t we better it? Well, we’re much in the ion. On Mondav evening the idol of the leccives from his office bigger pay for aunt, Mrs J Houck. condition of the Bishop and the raspberry: “Doubt­ Sacramen'o Fruit World.| | season, the gifted reader and elocution­ w<»rk performed than any other oifice in less, he said, “(¡nd might have made a better berry, Rev 1 aac Dawson will conduct religious The crop of Bartlett pear« in New’ York ist, M ish Ida Benfev, in all the glory of | 1 the county, sat where Bryan could see services in the Ashland Episcopal church «tat« will be very ltrge and price« are ' i 'li also. He never did.” Why don’t we next Sunday at 11 a. m. an evening dress, disclosing the delicate I him. Hu applauded everv time bat better the sarsaparilla? We can’t. We are using the expected to rule low. A N-W York stale eame old plant that cured the Indians and the H. H. Howard, tbe commercial traveler, shipper writes that lie expects to bliv all heautv of the feminine frame, acron« Brvan st<>pp«d to take a t»rea>h, but when Spaniards. It has not been bettered. And since ire and bis fair bride were in Ashland and at 1 the pe.ire t ar he want« at one cent per I panied bv a long trained skirt, appeared Brvan was taking a turn at squeezing the make sarsaparilla compound out of sarsaparilla plant, Coiestin the first of the week, . pound. New York state grower«, as a upon the platform. The asso' i itinn is fat out of these oily official salaries we see no way of improvement. Of course, if we were Chas. Harris left yesterday for Redding, j rule, are beginning to tnj the Cdifornia { making^ some secret chemical compound, we might.... Well did not applaud. said to he liberal and generally gives ns where be ha« accepted a position tn the ; package, tint as tneir p> a a are n »’ r.-adv But we re not. We’re making the same old sarsaparilla Western Union te egraph office. ’ to ship Until the lOtti of September they both sides of the question Y<>u Heard to cure the same old diseases. You can tell it’s the Ijoyl A.siiby, aged 13 years wat> M. R. Moore and Mrs J. R Casey are (will not affect the «ale of C di ornia pears Lunar—Ackerman and you saw Benfey. same old sarsaparilla because it works the same if v, il -I in ihe Russian river, near attending the A O U W. a d D. of H. in the east, Tne crop o piptus in that Take your choice. old cures. It’s the sovereign blood purifier, and grand lodge meetings at Purr'and. '.V ndsur. Cat. st te will be the largest ev r produced, , s Ayerf8, Hon. A. Bush, tbe pioneer citizen and . and ttie growers are wondering what they | Grants Paas, Julv 18—H »sea Brown, and Ono thousand acres of grazing banker of Salem, and Dr. A B Gillis came ' will do with them. New Y >rk scats ¿¡tuber land oast of Livermore, Cal., out from the state capitoi Tuesday. I plums have as yet gained very little favor ; who lives with his grandson, Ora Brown, have been swept by fire. on the Applegate river near thia citv. | with the trade in the east. They are' The proper way to build health is to make i George N. Platt, a well-known citi- the blood rich and pure by taking Hood’s i «mall ami very apt to be wormy. The 1 today celebrated hia 105th anniversary. Sarsaparilla, the one true blood purifier. 1' fact that there i« a large crop of these There were present about 200 relatives |Z‘neantv will alwave nave day. j the pref use the refrigerator ear-» of that to be the oldest man in the state of Ore­ rich strikes in the counties of Clark companving his wife, daughter and son j 1 market. and Skamania, Wash. Union, without cost to the grower, offer superior inducements to this tar on their trip to Michigan to visit No better move can be made hv Oregon gon, and the second oldest in the United the shipper in tbe marketing of the Southern Oregon peach crop. relatives. Colonel R. ('. Alien, formerly British growers than the adoption of a stristly I S a’es. Our own agents will give special attention to oach ami every car vice-consul at San Diego, Cal., and at Mi-s«s Lizzie Adair and Hattie Butler, 0. uniiorm style of poxe« and crates for shipped. Daily advices! No charges for the grower to pay’ except for E. ex^ry.ionisls of Des Moines, Iowa, have Roseburg, Julv 19—Near Fairview, one time a rancher at San Jacinto, died fruits, and uniform style ami siz^s icing, freight and commission. Every charge positive and definite. been visiting G. R. Gallant and family and «mall recently in South Africa, for b* X « for handling the prune crop, Cooa county, yesterday, while George Medford friends. No extras. We handle all kinds of Fruit and Produce both for | botti green and dried, that snail be A leu At!ridge was drowned in San F. W Snath and daughter. Miss Mamie adopted a-« the standard for the state, Martin and a companion were leading Francisco bay by the overturning of a LOCAL & EASTERN SUIT3 M2 ZE31ST TS. Smith, ciinie over trout Hen>ey to hear I ami shall proclaim even where the iden- two horses. Martin was attacked bv his 3_oooooooooooo oooooo yacht. Five of his companions were Bry.tn. Miss Msniie remains to pay rela­ I tity of tne Oregon product. I I horse arid bad I v w winded. The horse rescued just in time to escape a similar tive- here a visit. seized him, threw him to the ground and Many farmer« of the Delaware P min- fate. We have heard » great many complaints of the beat, but the worst was from a ania, wnose orchards contain 1000 trees was tearing the flesh from his body in a Juan An dr teas, an Indian living at Woman who boards, and who does nothing each, declare that thev will not raise horrible manner when his cnmnanion Rivets de, Cal., committed suicide by all day but fan and rock. peaches sufficient for their own use. secured a club and killed the horse. throwing himself in front of a Santa The best way to avoid sca'p ’iseases, hair | T'«e picking and p icking of fruit ia a Martin’s shoulder-blade is broken. It is Fe train. lie had trouble with his falling out. and premature baldness, is to question of vital importance and should Aahlatid, Oregon—Myer Block. use the l»esi pre* entive known for that pur­ j receive tiie careiul attention of all grow­ thought that he will recover. wife and struck her in the face just be­ pose.—Hall's Hair Renewer. fore he killed himself. ers. One of the reasons why eon’s of It is not a remedy put up by any Tom, I. 0. Miller returned Tuesday from a the brands of fruit do not carry well is James Philips is under arrest at Mo- trip to the bay citv and a visit with his I because of the improper liar dling they I) ck or Harry; it is compounded ny expert Complet children. «Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Van Horn, ; rec- ive at tide end 01 the line. Peaches pharmacists. Elv Bros offer a 10 cent trial d sto, Cal., chaiged with the theft of size A«k your druggist. Full size Cream at Aiameda. Mr V. is doing well in tbe 17 head of horse«. He bail been sys­ S'tonhi a wavs he picked in the morn- Balm Wcents We mail it. Fruits and berries. grocery and fruit business at that place. tematically stealing cattle for several ELY BROS.. 56 Warren st., N Y. Citv. 1 ing before tlie sun ha« had a chance to H. E. Ben den and wifeof Me ¡ford were neat them, and simuld be packed and Handles the best product of Ashland Since 18 il I have been a greit sufferer mo i ths. & up yesierd iy to meet eastern re auve.« who | shipped the same day. This fruit in fr>m ______ , catarrh. I tried E y’s Cream Balm Mrs. Charles O. Gara died at Port­ were with the excur ion—’4 F. Boyden and io all nppearanc-s am cured Terrible land, Or., fiom the effects of ptomaine wile of Sheffield, 111 , Mrs. A. E Lo ing t» *rtn ular sfioul'i never be left standing , and headache* from whi h I had long suffered them and Miss Ne lie Loring of Davenport. Iowa m the packing shed over night. It is are gone.— W. J. Hitchcock, late Major U poisming. Tiie poison is supposed to hotter lo pick all v<»nr fruit as earlv in have been in some pork sausage which Fox & Hildreth have ice in large or small tre si«ib|e, lull when it is picked 8. Vol. and A \. G»n . Buffalo. N. Y, q lantities during the beat of t -e dav, it should not Mr«. H T. McCiedan of Roseburg is vis­ she ate. Service« as usual next Sabbath at the he < xposed in fiaDling; a canvas cover of iting Jacksonville relai ves. Presb'ierian church. Dr, Hewiu of Em­ s-mie Aort should be spread over the pr. B R. Freeland, ihe able and ex­ poria, Kan., will preach at the morning ser­ wa/on to protect it. If it is necessary to Authentic reports from Harrison ! perienced dentist, Insurance block, Oak General Commission Merchants. vice The Endflavorers who attended con­ street, is prepared te d » all cl ts«es o work vention win have tbe evening for reports keep the nickers at work ad NO BURSTING OK DRIPPING. rife among ihe many pro«pec ors of alize the imp «rtance of protecting their efactor to Thousands First-Class Eastern connections and best Mrs D. E. Hyde was elected president. Can be built for the largest or smallest facilities for Car Load Shipments. Mrs. Lucy William« of Me iford corres­ iruit from the sun and iust. It is these that section who took advantage of the Orchards. ponding secretary. Mrs. E. W. George of ¿rowers, generally, wft » complain «»f the opportunity to stake out a good claim. Nos. Ill, 113 and 115 Front and Evaporates Prunes, Apples, Peaches, Ashland recordpig secretary and Mrs L sdes, and whose fruit very often arrives steamer A -Ki left Seattle, Portland, Oregon. 201 and 201}^ Washington Streets The Pean, Berries, Cherries, Grapes, E. Morris treasurer of the Jackson county in t’»c market in a demoralized conditio i. W. C. T. U. at their recent meeting. Apricots, Vegetables, Etc. Tne fact of improper handling calls-'« Wash., for Alaska a few days ago 12» passe, gers ntul as many taking Pure, rich blood feed« the nerves. That -Dine of the finest fruit WhliUi leave« here The trays are put in at the top where the is why Hood’.« Sarsaparilla, the great blood r-» arrive in the market nearly worthless provision a< *1.« could carry, all bound temperature is tbe lowest and the gradual purifier, cures nervousness. Tne grower to-fav who is m iking m »nev for the g »; Ifie ds. The news of tbe approach to a higher temoenture ripens the fruit and makes it sweeter, while the H.C. wackey. the .Medford photograph­ m trie one who attends to the details of gold find« in Alaska Ims caused a ter­ rapid »nd uniform circulation of air dries er. was here Monday. He took >ome view- ms business rific exoito'iient on Puget sound, In the fruit very fast. of tbe Bryan meeting in the Cha itauqua the large cities men are resigning goo I For particulars or prices, call on or fr »ve. shooting a crowd of peop e with 127 Front Street — Portland, Oregon. I j . <>. T. M positions, including city offiria s, ami address, Iryan sitting in hi« chair on a table ad­ Mi-s R. T. Smith of Salem, deputy 8U ••repaving to go north. If all go who dressing tbe audience. They are selling W. J. JACOBSON, Mfg, p eme commatv’er <»f the L. 0 T. M.» WÍ I want to some oi lie towns will be min­ well. I»e in \shiand Wednesday. July 28ib, and «0 Washington 8t. PORTLAND, ORE Th* power house of the Grants Pa-s will ad'irHH« all interested in this o’der a' us male pc illation. electric light a id water sxwiem burn-d to tiie‘‘dd Fellows’ hall on ’hat evening. Colonel Charles F. Cnmker died at ------- Wholesale deniers in------- the ground Tu»*«day afternoon A tola Ail are cordially invited to hear her h s country residence in San .Ma eo lo«s. No n-urance It is expected b Sat­ urday to have enough water lor domestic Don’t nauseate v«» zema an i -tale. — Albany De oocrat have kept a bottle in my bouse and use i all sain troubles may be cured by il quick to you to yet our price» before buyiny. mento D *ce nber 2», 1851. He follow- whenever my nerves become unstrung, witi The Dnn-mutr Hera'd says Mr. Stillman, ly and permanently. Eugene A. Sherwin. ed closely his falliei’s line of business always the same good results. My son als< inspector and tester of ma e-ia s for the Wu. F Henin, chief counselor of the 8 P. Company, was in Dunsmuir severa with considerable success, The va ue Shipping of Car Loads a specialty. We have a new (»I sbb „ar called the takes it for nervousness 8. P. R R . veiled his folks, Hou. J S. »n a d wtU continue five weeks. Kxpen«es Mr. an i Mrs. T H. -imps»», a son. Editor and proprietor of D er L andsmam . Prof Led»;« wood will assist f’rof Franci-co at the annual election ot officer, ig 1 Dr. Miles’ Nervine is sold on guarantee ’Al.DWRLL-In Ashland. July 20, 1897, slew nt'lithe ago he geve a banquet at Van 8coy in the school. to Mr an i Mr*.8 8. Ua dwell, a daughter. first bottle will benefit or money refunded. which he arran.-ad tbe seats ot honor, 11 is rumored that th« C. E’s at San Fran­ Wm F. H.rrlu was sealed at the right ol cisco were so ta-en with Messrs Burriss, Mr. Hunlingion. Huntington thus recog­ Taylor and Houck of Ashland that they HEADQUARTERS FOR EC.CO'S ’^F.C.CO'S nizing hi, abilities. elected them tn go to the world’s conven- ¡ion at Dindon next year a« delegate« at Vim. vigor and victory r-these are ‘he ASHLAND characteristics of l>. Wilts Little Early aree. We may expect to hear most any­ Kisers, th- famous little pills for con-11- thing the-e times. pation biliou»uesfl and ail stomach and The Virgin Milling Co. will start tbe Cen­ fiver troubles. Eugene a , Sherwin. tral Point mill next week. R. H. Halley I will be business manager. Don't fail to bear Miss Smith on frater­ nity among women. MAIN STREET-ASHLAND. OREGON. A Metiford dispatch to the Oregonian mi -ays a magazine cai»vas«er named O'Brvan wes arrested charged wiih stealing a watch from Mrs. James Coeti. Alter the ex Itehing, «caly, bleeding palma, ebapeleee nails, for yellow / 11 if’ ill, t’ E. L. FISHER, Prop. , amination lie was disoha rged. and painful finger end«, pimples, blackbtada, oily. Bothy akin, dry, thin, and falling hair, itch­ I John Ke iter has rnumed to Jackson­ ing. ecaly ecalpe, all yield quickly to warm bathe ville. having graduated from Rush medical with C ctictra H oap , and gentle anointings I codege. Chicago. They are without a peer—Without a rival. with CcrtcVBA (ointment;, the great akin cure, The Cleanest Work. They give an added hands-»nine«« to the figure I '! Mi»« Ltrite i» »irein in Jackson- COUpOIlS . * T1|je g(ur an ,b„nce in Kun.pe. They offer no restriction to the circulation, digestion or respiration. Promptne»» »nd Accuracy Assured. t SCnd rniinntK Running Schedule Fruit Trains on Special They make short waists appear long They are snug-Atting and combine both fashion-sense and common-sense. Fast Time and delivered at Chicago Auction save them Mell Order» a Specialty. Rave Your Grain. They give such sautfaction as no other corset can give. Give tbe Laundry a Tria Few realize that each squirrel destroys Houses without delays or transfers. :• • • Thev have advantages no other corsets have. $1 .M) worth of grain annually. Weke'ee’s else. and Prov» It» Work. They retain their favor with all ladies who have worn them, because of their Squirrel and Gopher exterminator is the superior anility. Rules of contest published in large I most effective and economical poison Mark shipping orders “ 0. M. & St. P. ” Sold and Recommetided by THE FAIR STORE. Trice reduced to 90 cent« Fur advertisement about the first and middle I known I sale bv T. K. Boiton and Helen Stanley, C. J. EDDY, General Agent of each month. Al* | Aonw ASHLAND, OllEOOM MRTLAai. 81ICIX McMinnville COLLEGE, 1 ASHLAND HOUSE, THE PEOPLE The Same Old Sarsaparilla E. A. Sherwin, Druggist & Stationer « THE OLD RELIABLE FIRM. Are Selling at^ Rock Bottom Prices i Summer Dry Goods, C lothing , Furnishing Goods Commission Merchant trial Giv The Fleckenstein Evaporator. a DR. MILES, L evy &S piegl , » Commission Merchants A.JVD FRODTJO^a. Fruit Jars OREGONFRUITIPRODUCECO Qrecn and Dri^d Fruii;. “BALL” Poley&Co One Guess cvny ticket—in every package of Schilling s Best tea. Don’ for something RED ROUGH HANDS STEAM LAUNDRY (ytlcura MYER BLOCK D. L. Minkler & Son • J CHOICE GROCERIES, a ■Maa ’W u ui uu lu J