VALLEY future, unless we possess more than Hindoo capacity to defend ourselves agaiast the de»poilers of the world. We aak all who are in deadly earnest m seeking reform io uni * with us. For the The People's Paper. m»re pullers of wires and «eskers of office we t ave no p>a «1 vf paiUnce When hu­ ASHLAND, Or. . Tburwlay. Juh 22. 1897. manity is sinking into the abyss it is of no fu xi ent whether the duty on calico is u ha f penny more or less. Chicago has imposed a yearly tax o! The plan to ama gaiuate the Inter- The diitillery of the Fr isno Vineyard John Dm bin, Ore gon’s oldest pioneer, c ;upunv, at Fie»uo, Cal., was burned national Association of Lithographers fl on bicycles. died at Sa ein, Saturday, a^e 1 1 »3 on a recent night. The loss will reach with Artist Lithographers has failed. Fire destroyed the Outlet te block, years. He located in Oregon in 1845. tlO.UX). Durbin uUs a soldier in the war of 1812, I Ilerr Andree and party have left the Windsor, Ont., last week. Salmon cannen on the Columbia Island of Troms<>e, Norway, in their Women prisoners in the Kansas city, and the Mexican and civil wars. i¡ver hate re«iuce entrances, tonnage that if any man will not work, neither SYMPATHY FOR DISSATISFIED ENEMIES. A statement prepared at the Mint but the clothes they wore. MENAGERICAL COLLECTION ! shall he eat; that the interests of rural ana bureau, Washington, shows that the 1,148,081, and 2307 clearances, tonnage With the suffering and dissatisfied rank ' George K. Fitch has brought suit Second Lieutenant William H. Mor­ number of silver dollars coined at the 1,156,653. Imports $7,064,934, as com­ civic labor are tbe same, while their ene­ and file of those parties we are in heartv against the supervisors of San Fran­ mies are identical.” sympathy and will gladly welcome them cisco for malfeasance in office on ford, United States army, is under United States mints during the fiscal pared with $5,483,846 for 1895. Ex­ ports $11,858,062, compared with These ideas are the natuial sequence and into rhe people’s party. account of their failure to pass the close arrest at Camp Lakeview, Minn., year was 21,203,701. supplements to the Declaration of Inde­ $6,854,707 for 1896 The total receipts We reaffirm the principles enumerated water rates in February, as required by on a charge of conduct unbecoming an There has been a total of 31,977 head officer. The specifications are reported pendence. Without them the words of Jef­ in the platforms of our parry in the full be­ law, and has asked that they be reinov­ of tlie district were $272,528. to be in connection with money of cattle shipped from Tucson, Ariz., ferson are a mere “brutum fulmen”. The lief that when enacted into law they will en from office. Educate Your Bowels With Caacareta. since January 1st, more than double matters. right to “pursue happiness” is of no avail produce universal prosperity Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. Two children, aged 4 and 2 years, of the number ever before shipped in ono 10c, if men are prevented by misgovernment 25c. If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money. After murdering their baby, George season from that point. We reaffirm the previous declarations of I Mrs. Bessesen, a widow living at Linn- &£ an Liz on dress . P arade from attaining it. Liberty is but an idle our party m favor oi the initiative and ref­ I ton, Or., perished in their burning and Lottie Jacobs of Cincinnati, O., Lightning struck the military camp E dwin W. J oy U o .: The immediate and word if the human family are to be swept erendum and recommend that the people’s i home, an 1 two others would have met attempted silicide with laudanum and permanent relief afforded me by the use of at the Young Men ’ s Christian Associa ­ through poverty and suffering into bond­ party adopt this system in all partv pro­ 1 a similar fate but for the heroic effort slashing themselves with a razor. Both Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla from the terri­ age. Life itself is not worth having at the ceedings, believing that the direct control 1 of their 12-vear-old brother who carried will live and have been charged with tion at Peekskill, N. Y., killing Corpor­ ble affliction of dyspepsia, accompanied by al J. J. McDonald and rendering racking headaches, has prompted me to The New price ot shaine and degradation. murder. of legislation by the people themselves is | them from the building. voluntarily express my indorsement. Two unconscious several others. World is no better than the Old World if the only remedy for corruption in party An order was posted in the Missouri of extreme suffering vanished as if by | The assessed valuation of property The War department has awarded to years tne condition of the people is the same. magic. To those suffering similarly I rec­ management as well as in the law-making ■ in San Bernardino county, Cal., for Pacific railroad shops at Sedalia, Mo., the Pacific Bridge company of Port ­ ommend its trial. Its meritswill do the ENGLISH SNBJECT AGAIN. power, by corporate wealth, now so univer­ I last year was $14,415,375; for the pres- instructing the 400 men employed there rest. Yours in health. B. D. CARN, We escaped from England in 1776. We sal in this country. We look upon this as | ent year it is $14,698,263. The valu- to work nine hours, six days a week land, Or., the contract for the construc­ Poso township. Kern County, Cal, tion of a mortar battery at Marrowstone are again her subjects in We are not the most important question now before the i tion of the city of San Bernardino in hereafter. The men have been work­ point, Puget sound, for $163,450. No one should be fooled by a dis­ permitted to pass Jaws necessary for our American people, since it involves the con­ 1896 was $2,706,413 and in 1897 it is $2,- ing short hours for several months. John Scott Oliver, the Los Angeles, honest druorgtat. There are plenty ot own welfare without her consent ; and that tinuance of free institutions. 411,155. W. E. Burlingame, president of the Cal., deputy sheriff under arrest at honest druggists who would be glad consent cannot be bad since she thrives by A Barrel oi Squirrels. Alexander Henderson, a pioneer defunct Bank of Commerce, which New York, again attempted suicide in to have vour trade. plundering us. N. P. Williamson of Salem, Oregon, farmer of Baker count}’, Or., was failed at Springfield, Mo., in July, 1893, Cheap production in the United 8tates writes: "I have tried several brands of thrown in front of a mowing machine, has been sentenced to three years’ im- I the Tombs prison, by thrusting a lead Several prophets of tbe astrological pencil down his throat, lie did no se­ order have announced the coming of means cheap supplies for her citizens. In­ squirrel poison, but fry’s is the best. I his light arm caught under the guard | prisonment for receiving deposits when rious damage. This is his second the millennium during1 the year 1897. stead of a sovereign people, leading the believe one can of Fry’s SQUIRREL POISON will kill a barrel of squirrels, and ami two of the guards entered his I knowing that the bank was in an in­ attempt since his arrest. world to higher levels of statecraft and de­ by Their prophecies are based upon un­ using early and often you stop the breast and shoulder inflicting wounds solvent condition. velopment. as the greatest, most powerful breed ” Every can is guaranteed or money A severe storm raged on the Atlantic usual events in the planetary system, from which he died. A number of New York merchants, and most thoroughly educated common­ refunded. Price 30c.; nn- - ■' lor - sale • • by “ * Ê. A. ocean, oft’ New York coast, a few days but to the lay mind these adroitly ad­ A vessel arrived at San Francisco a thinking there was going to be a heavy ago. The waves rolled in on the Coney duced reasons seem feeble causes wealth on earth, we are dwarfed into m?re Sherwin, Helen K. ¡Stanley and T. K. Bolton. few days ago and reported passing a tax on tea, imported between 15,000,- provincials, toiling to enrich our cunning island beach so far that they did a such a momentous upheaval, masters, »ide by side with tbe starving G ents ; I have been taking your 8arspa- quantity of wreckage a short distance 000 and 20,000,060 pounds of high grade quarter of a million of dollars’ worth of present these reasons is not out, also what appeared to be the bot- tea intending to get the benefit of the Hindoo, the wretched Egyptian and the ini - sarilia. and think it a wonderful remedy. 1 damage to seaside resorts. object of thia article, but to poverished Irishman, have bad catarrh of tbe head and throat for ton of a schooner. Shipping men are duty, but as no duty has been placed Z. T. Lewis, the famous bond forger, scribe the panics caused in ruder The peoples party was born to live and seven years, and have been »reared by doc­ inclined to believe the wreckage is on tea they are heavy loggers. tors. I got Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla that of the schooner Martha W. Tufts, pleaded guilty to a charge of forgery ages of the world’s history by similar not to die. It was created not to put a few | and took it for about five months, and from The Administration has practically at Urbana, O., and was sentenced to unnouncementsof thecoming*of dooms­ men in office, but to give to all men that | that day to this I have never been trou­ which is now a month overdue. ignored the latest protest submitted by eightyears in the penitentiary. His day. happiness guaranteed by the constitution j bled with catarrh, and I believe I at beginning, and that we will contmu6 His was the third case of drowning Charles M. Phelps has confessed h. I culiarly in Atlanta, Ga., some three districts of Southern California. The view of selecting a location for one of the good fight as long as God lets ns live, i ' within four davs. the chief of police at Salt Lake city, i J ears ago, when a negro evangelist, ig­ disease first makes its appearance in the colonies While we have the largest toleration for Utah, that he murdered John Egan, I norant but eloquent, announced that the form of a white mold, which a few For five days last week people at all honest differences of opinion and will The great miner’s strike in the east­ days later assumes the look of fine ern coal districts is still unsettled, with whose body was found in an alley there, tlie godly would be transplanted to Trained Jaguars, Tigers, Lions, Leopards, Bears, Lynxes, Port Townsend, Wash., were without welcome to our ranks all patriois. we de | powdered sugar, spreading over the no prospect of giving in on either side. a few days ago. lie said he and his Heaven at a certain hour in the after­ dare that those who think the party ou ht : sugar. The stores had entirely sold entire surface of the lemon. friends only intended to drug Egan, in noon of a certain day. For weeks be­ Wild Cats, Grizzlies, Catamounts, Elephants, The strikers are commencing to get order to rob him, but by mistake he fore tihe date set for this phenomenon to die have no more place in its tanks than out and none could be procured from neighboring Lowns. Grain dealers and millers in Walla restless and it is believed serious gave him an overdose and killed him. he went among the poorer negroes ex­ Benedict Arnold had in the Continental Horses, Stallions, Monkies and Ponies. army, or Judas Iscariot in the Christian horting them to prepare for the celes­ William Dewuer is under arrest at Walla, Wash., estimate that there will trouble is imminent. church. Fider and its productions by and bowels greatly invigorate the system. The Alaska Development company thev are in a very undesirable state of no- States will buy all of the Choctaw and Regular size 25c. per box. Sold by E. A. shanties and cabins in obedience to the f . A- increasing the supply of money, and it is di-cipline. Hostel er ’ s Stomach Bitters commands of the exhorter, who had in­ therefore a matter of ihe utmost c >nse- was recent y organized at Seattle, will soon remedy ibis want in a disordered Chickasaw’ land outright. They will Sherwin. flyer or bow >es. Biliousness manifest» it­ form a colony, go into Mexico, buy a formed them that the angel could see quence to all the peopie of the United Wash., to develop the coai and oil self Don ’ t Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Away. in yellowness of the skin and eyeballs, them more easily and get them to Heav­ States; but it must not be forgotten that li bls iuicly d>«’ovnred in southeast­ -our breath, furred tongue, morning nau­ lot of land from Mexico and have their To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag the opening of the mints to silver would ern A.aslia by R. C. Johnson of Los sea, discomfort in the vicinity of the liver, own laws. netic. full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To en quicker. Although the flight waa not to take vertigo and Mick headache. Hosts of peo­ not decrease one iota tbe robberies of the Gatos, Cal. Japan is said to be communicating Bac, the wonder-worker, that makes weak met The charge of adultery against Mrs. ple suffer thu3. these signs of insubor­ with the government of Brazil with the strong. All druggists, 50c or 11. Cure guaran­ place until two o’clock in the afternoon corporations, the usurers, tbe ringsand the teed. Booklet and sample dinate n to the gnvarnanre of health, t<>- free. Addrest ell of them were up on the roofs before trusts. It will avail nothing to add to tbe John Biadbury, the Los Angeles elop­ etlier with an irregu'ar condition of th* idea of the possible purchase of the Sterling Remedy Co. Ch! w New York daylight. They waited there patiently value of labor and its productions if the ex­ er, has been withdrawn from the wiwels are soon regulated by the Bitters war ships now being built for Brazil in XSiH;- in the heat of the broiling sun, anxious vhich al*o overcomes malaria, dyspepsia, England and Germany. It is the opin­ actions of plunderers are permitte«! to in­ -an Francisco courts, and the woman rheumatism, “ I crave but One Minute, I the pub neuralgia, nervousness and is on her way to Chicago to join her creato in equal or greater proportion. ion of naval men that Japan is prepar­ lie speaker in a buskv voice: and »hen he but confident. idney trouble. A» a means of checking took a dose of One Minute Coin'll _ Cure, ¡ Two o’clock jwissed. but tne angels As our democratic brethren bad not pa­ husband. •rFuiarure derav, hastening convalescense ing to give the United States a tussle and proceeded with bls oratorv. One V n- | triotism enough to adopt free silver until The trouble between the British Col- ■ nd mitigating the infirmities of age, th» in the event of the annexation of ute Cougb Cure is unequalled for thr< al I < ame not. One of the negroes, who ha* become frenzied with excitement, made rear tonic is without a parallel. Hawaii. we had popularized it, would not they nmb a fisherman and tlie dinners has and lung troubles. Eugene A. Sherwin ' a leap into the air as the bells of a near­ slump back to their first wretched state if »een settled by a compromise at 1(1 The Most Marvelous Monster of the Mighty Seas, William Melil of Marysville, C’al., Frank Ihiticr, who was arrested nt ' by church tolled out the hour. He ex­ ALASKA’S GOLDEN WEALTH. the peoples party were to stop its mission­ cents a fish instead of 15 as demanded San Fr.tnciac i while seeking to eecape pected to 1 m > wafted to Heaven, but he ary work? by the m n and 8 cents as offered by iiia lv an attempt upon the life of his brother Charles, by shooting. He in­ Arrival at San Franrlaco of Miner, With from jnstii'O in Australia, was banged fell into the yard around his house and The deino»’racy may be fit to assist in he cntiners. flicted a slight wound in the face and nt Sydney, X. s. \V., July 16th, for the 1 broke hie leg. When the ambulance handling a temporary side issue like free Fortune, of Gold. Canadian government is going to pu’ powder burns on the neck. Thinking murder of Captain Lee Weller. Just I came to take him to fhe hospital he silver, but the welfare of rnankin 1 and the ihe a ien-iabor law in force in Manito­ San Francisco, ano the country gen- fought the doctors, explaining that the interests of all the ages demand the con ba, the Northwest Territories an«l Brit­ lie had killed him, he shot himself, rrally, was thrown into a great fever of bef re Ilia oxeciltion Butler confessed I angels would come and not find him. tiuued existence of the peop es party. Free ish C'<>uinb:a .it once so as to protect dying instantly. The only cause known rxcitement when the little steamer that he murdered Weller, l’reston mid The others waited and waited, some intuii ut ion* cannot survive its detruct on. Can ulinn workmen against those com­ for the shooting was the bad mental Excelsior arrived last week from St. Burgess, i I ? also confessed to otliei I of them until midnight. Then they be­ condition of the dead man. crimes. It has d- ne more for mankind in five years ing from tbe United Stales. Michaels, Alaska, bringing news of the came eleepy and hungry and began to A consignment of fish known as tau- than any other party has accomplished in Iu v. Francis Hermans, the aniliorof Santa Barbara, Cal., people have just togs and crabs of the blue shell variety finding of the richest gold fields the lite Scandinavian iliuii li atrocities at lose faith. First one and then another twentv-five years. All arguments have world has ever known, and to prove climbed down and the exhorter disap­ ceased against its principles; there is noth­ won the suit confirming the city’s title arrived at San Francisco last week from the statement were a score of miners, Salt hike city, Utah, is under arrest at peared. The next day there was tre- I to the land on which the city hall the Atlantic coast, from where they ing left but misrepresentation. eacli with a fortune of virgin gold, of Egansville, Ontario. lie will be re­ mendous excitement among the kin­ It is tbe only national p«rty in the United ! j stands, possession of which has been were sent by the United 8tates fish from J. t O j O to 190,000, also «250,000 of I turned to Salt Lake city to answer dred of tbe godly ones. The latter fetaiea. It has eliminated the last lingering I | contested for a number of years by commission. The fish have been turn­ the metal belonging to the Alaska I a charge of murder. Hermans is aecus- ; went about demanding the return* of bitterness of the civil war. There is no ! Jose la de le Guerra. ed loose on the reefs in the Pacific Commercial company, the trading and I ed of killing Henrietta C'lansen, chop- 1 household effect«, clothing and money. Raby Hippopotamus, Baby Lions, Giant Camels, Wonders, fratricidal blood on its garment*. It will A report has been made by Poslmas- ocean, near the Farallones, and the supply company of the northern terri­ ping her body to pieces mid cremating Moat of the recipients refused to return Features, Prodigies, Surprises of all kinds. Best Equipped eventually make us one people, bound to­ | ter White which shows that the reven­ crabs in San Francisco bay. the treasures, and the civil courts were tory. The amount of geld brought by it in tlie church furnace. gether by ligaments of mutual esteem and ue of the Oakland, Cal., postoffice for Antone Burgle, a restaurant keeper the steamer is estimated at «500,000. Two large reservoirs in the Fishkill | I soon filled to overflowing with litigar and Conducted and most magnificent Amusement Enter­ love from the lakes to tbe gulf ' the fiscal year ending June 36, 1897, at San Francisco, attempted to kill Sig­ The new diggings have been but lately mountains, New Vo. k, which supply­ tion. Thus ended the prophesied flight | prise ’Neath the golden sun LET DIS RNSioN CEASE. ‘ totaled $102,895 09, a considerable in­ mund L. Braverman, a diamond brok­ discovered and are located in Canadian water to the towns of Mattewmi mid I to Heaven.—Washington Post. er, a few days ago. He shot at him territory. A town called Dawson lias Fishkill, burst tl.eir »alls and the | Educate Yum *........ ,. We call upon rhe whole people to rally crease over last year. Cascsrsta. NO TONGUE NOR PEN CAN TELL THE SIGHTS TO SEE ! Cathartic, cure constipation forever. to its standard. There is room for al and August Harry, a driver of a milk several times but missed. Braverman -prung up, with a population of 3000. water that was released swept through | 10c, 25c. If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money. a heart big enough for all. Let dissensions 1 wagon at San Francisco, was shot in Secured a revolver and shot his assail­ Thousands of persons are preparing to the Duchess valley, causing dentil mid I caase Close up tbe gsp* and forward to the neck by Mrs. Augustine Morgan­ ant four times, inflicting wounds from start iiuiaediatelv for the frozen Ei ruin. Five bodies were taken from tin j • or« • Let every populist become a mis- ton, with whom he had been living for vhich Burgle will die. They had some Dorado. wake of the fl mil, ami th-ee mint sio. ary to prosek te the unthinking and sometime. She shot him because he difficulty over a debt Burgle owed. John Griffin. <>f Zsnesvllle, O, says: “t I personsale mis.-ing and a e >np|>osed convert tbe mistaken, l^et us meet preju­ refused to live with her longer. lived a dev for thirty rears without1 to bo buried somewlieii' beti. atli the An agreement between the citizens never .utfering egony, until a hox of De Witt's 1 dice with facts, p ssi«ad i: :i over thousands at thia season. light.” in the former agrees to subscribe a site four white b >vs who «. -e sitti :g o t We see our leading men traduced and revolt amongst the pupils he severely fol- the works and $59,000 worth of Eugene A. Sherwin. the track at Austin, Tex , ns p, kill­ They have no appetite; food libeled because 'hey will not sell us out i whipped one of the ringleaders and property in consideration of the latter The Cat's Religloa. ing three of them instantly and badly does not relish. Theyneedtbatoningupof We must sU&d by them We see our | the boy’s father caused his arrest. erecting a steel works that will give Th© late Father Stommel, of Doyles- wounding the f urtli. Ai the s-tnte the stomach and digestive organa, which newspapers boycotted because thev will Edward Donahue, a book-keepei employment to from 400 to 700 men. ’own. Pa., who died recently in Phila­ train «as leaving an hour latter a I a coarse of Hood's Sarsaparilla will give not assist in the destruction of the liberties living at San Francisco, lies at hi» James S. McCue ami Jerry A lams delphia. was something of a wag. and negro attempted to catch a brake bai them. It also purlflea and enrichee the and rights of the people. We must sustain home there in a precarious condnioi , lany instances of his wit are told by to steal a ride but slipped and fel blood, cares that distress after eating and them and spread their circulation every­ as the result of being stabbed with ; the proprietor of a hotel nt San Rafae . a friend«. One of his neighbors, It is under the cars, being mashed into an Internal misery only a dyspeptio can STTJF EL YEXHIBIT JLT - ASHLAND were p aving a game of cards for $5 . where. hat pin by a woman he had been cou- side, with Adams loser. Adams finalh lated, who was not of the same faith n tire cog n i z-tbie nnl< know, creates an appetite, overcomes that We are engaged in tbe most desperate eorting w ¡th. ? the reverend gentleman, once pre- grabbed the money that was on th tired feeling and ba tide up and sustains battle ever waged in the world It is the How « Ibis! The schooner Sparrow’ arrived at Sa* table and put it in his pocket. 'nted him with a very pretty latten, Il the whole physical system. It so prompt* conflict of tbe few. armed with giganti* Francjs«-o a tew «lavs ago, ir >m Eureka ring very emphatic in her avowal “ that We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward ly and efficiently relieve» dyspeptic symp­ powers, against the many. It signifies the and reports that w hen LO miles fron then became engaged in a qnairel wii for any ca-e of Ca»arrb that cannot be t was a good Catholic cat. ” X few McCue ami Li the seuffic McCue ah* toms end cures nervous beedschss, that It exploitation of labor by the idle rich cured bv Hell’« Catarrh Cura. ays later, when out for a walk, she Mendocino Daniel F aliertv fed ove - dm inflicting a wound that infty prov F. J. CHENEY A » 0.. Props ,Toledo,O. aasms to have almost " a magic touch.” that those “who toil not, neither do ibex as hailed by Father Stommel after board and w : s drowned. .atal. ____ _ __ We, the undersigned, have known F. J. spin.’ shall rob industry ot its reward and his fashion: ,fMrs. ~ -, I thought Cbenev f<>r the last 15 years, and believe An unknown woman and child we»e leave those who prouuce ail wealth without ’ ou told mo the feline you gave me was him perfectly honorable in all burines^ G entlemen : Having taken one bottle* hoioas. clothes or food. Tbe eight million drowned in >«» l ay this we k our J««y’s Vere» able ^ar-anaHlia I «•» i good Catholic cat. I beg to assure you transaction* and financially able to carry The child fell off a docc and it, out any obligation mad a by their firm. nily aav that it la the heat medicine I ha« «farmers yvbe have just peri - tie« 1 of starva­ xat you were mistaken. It ia a blue- W vt a Tar ax , Wholesale Druggists, ver taken for onnstiienion, headache a tion in Haudoslan are not tbe *icliii>s of attempting to rescue it the mother le tockirg Presbyterian, a ad eats meat Toledo. Ohio onerai debiliaied «v»trm 1 feel »«verj .drouth alone, hut of cruel tuis-governiuent in tou, and they sank together. 'D Friday!” W aldinq . K iwnan a M arvin . Wholesale dhi the use of one bottle 1 accident also by their Kr.goah »uasters, who so im- DruvriMs Toledo, Ohio. •t my ankk sprained a few year* ago an ' find my leg retting ai ronger and am fee TOHIA. 4. jveriehec* them that they had no resources Heil’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, ; ng better in every war. act'nr directi v upon the blood and murons to tbe tw«t-In fact the O m Tm Blood Putta a • (all back upon when a (allure of crops Ti« fie­ WMJ. PERKY nali« surface« of the sysrem. Price 75c per occurred, la their miseries we read our liga«:»« Superintendent Alm«boa«e. bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Tesumooi* •wn danger, ia their present we tee our No gambling or Swindling Tolerated on the Show Ground« Sen FraaeUee ata tree. RECOKIi First Tour of the Pacific Coast. Greatest Glory of this Golden Age Grandest and the Best of Shows, THE WALTER L MAIN 3 Ring Circus, 5 Continent Menag erie, Free Horse Fair, REAL - ROMAN - HIPPODROME, Herd of Trained Elephants, * THE BOV ALAPUS, The Biggest Born Marine Wonder! WALAOE. THE RIDING' LION ! THE - ONLY - RACING - STEERS Grand Golden Glittering Mile Long Street Parade Eat CHEAP EXCURSIONS ON ALL LINES OF * TRAVEL. > ON MONDAY, AUG. 2 2 Grand Performances Every Day Doors Open 1 and 7. Hood ’ s Sarsaparilla Performances 2 and 8 p. m.