■axil UtM V. 'ALLEY RECORD. Lhi ASHLAND OREGON, fíne feinting F Chief of the County Paper* Publlat>.d ...ry Tbunday. VERY E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. DESCRIPTION 3UB8CIUPTION RATF.S Give us your order for Letterheads. State­ ments, Envelopes, ¿¿c. VOI.. X. ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY. JULY 22, 1897, NO. 8. I Sujiar lleet l,>ac<«»ry at It PKEftftED lilUCkb. In 111«» Nature of a Surprise Comet* I Du.Iilug Off Things. A Hinar bw-t meeting was held at R re- the Walter L. Ma n Big Show«». A young lady lately read an essay bury Siturday, when Asher Marks ure- James Harvey of Modoc county is here We had been a long time prepared to an- descanting on the advantages the pro- m>unce thn coming of a big circus to Ash aented a proposition from a tiyndieate oi [I on a visit land on Monday, Aug 2. the dav and date fessicu of journalism offered to women. capitalists to erect a beet suuar niuniifitc- ■ Mi-s Gertrude Churchman is at Astoria n<»w being positively fixed f«>r the appear­ Naturally the essay was read before a , for the summer. turirg plant alooK the line oi the 8. P. ance of The Waller L Main Grest Shows Theron Bu-h is paying Douglas county but we surety hat! no idea until we were re­ woman’s club. The gifted young lady R. R. to begin operations lor the Season j relatives a vi-it. cently assured of the tact that the shows remark« «1 in the course of her paper o’ 1S98, provided it can be shown at an were am tiling like the size and complete­ that the journalist «*oul«l sit down und Rev. Mr. Hewitt anil wife of Kansas are ness which they are -aid to be Reports earlv date that a sufficient acreage to visiting Frank Williams. from our correspondents in other places, in a few rninuti s “dash off” an article I supply requisite quantity of beets will be Mrs. J. W. Sevedge of Chimney Rock and from our various exchanges along the for which an appreciative editor would devoted to beet culture—3 j 00 acres next precinct is in ban Francisco. line by which the big show is coming tell I I wonderful tales of the glorious and trium­ pny her as much as the girl clerk or ' year and 6000 acres each year afterward. H.C. Jacobs of Chicago is visiting T. E. phant march of this magnificent and mar­ teacher could earn in a v. hole week. Hills and family, his relatives. velous tented amusement giant A im rc Eternal Vigilance Now, it may be that lady journalists J. L Fenton of the Ashland Iron Works newspaper notice, no matter how extended, Is the price of p«-rfect health. Watch care- is doing Siskiyou county points. cannot tell a tenth of the wonders with , are peculiarly gifted in the art of I fullv the first svmptoms of impure blood which the g'eat. tents are credited with j Brak»man R. McDonald, who has been holding There is a large three-ring circus, ! ‘‘dashing off” things. It may be, too, I Cure boils, pimples, humors and scrotula by taking Hood’s Sar-aparilla. Drive away laid up for weeks lias returned to work. a monster menagerie, which, bv the wny.i“ I that we are rath« r slow in our notions the pains and ai l *:, of ihtutuatisni, ma­ E. 1’. Vickrov. the Forest creek miner, entirely distinct and separate from the wild I of th«> work necessary to make a com­ laria and stomach troubles, shady y< ur was at Yreka this week on a business trip beast show, whicii cousiata of all kinds of * petent journalist. But we open our nerves and overcome that tired feeling by savage bruits, exhibited in startling per- | I taking the same great medicine. Mrs. O I*. McGee of Medford visited her fortuances tn a huge steel barred circular | hearts here.and now confess that in all I Absolutely Pure. brother, Robt Coker, at Sacramento, last ca e, the same as seen in European capi- 1 our experience of newspaper people— I Hood’s Pills are the best family ca- week. lais. New York, and Chicago ami Atlanta Celebrated for its great leavening j thartic und liver tonic. Gentle, reliable, and we modestly claim to have known Dr. 8. C Force, who has been absent for exhibitions. Then there is a real Roman strength and healthfulnsss. As­ sure __________________ and a world of wonders which some famous ones—we have never yet sures the food against alum and all some time, returned last week to visit his hippodrome, space forbids a detailed account of here. About nefri^ci'aior Cars. family. forms of adulteration common to the person of either sex who could All in all the Main Mam Mow* Shows are held to io !>*»' be ' ^et - the cheap brands. I^ yal B aking Nofwitbetanding reports to the rontrit * Geo. Hum, farmer at Klamath agency, a most MirpriMng and pleading unification “(lash off” in a few minutes u colnuin P owder C o , N ew Y ork , rv, which reports have evidently been and his family will spent! their vacation in of all that is new and wonderful in ihe irreat I or ho and get paid for it. The chances cirvuLited bv agents of certain refrigera­ Ashland. circus world, and our people may expect lo 1 are a thousand to one, on the other tor car line», the Oregon Washington be agreeably surprised at the marvelous .1. C. Hal' of Medford who has been stop- exhibition which will be seen here. MARVELS OF THE OCEAN. Fruit Growers Union have in.idt» such hand, that the dashed off article will ping at Tolman’s springs, returned home arrangements as will enable them to fur ­ R. J. S. 8. HERNDON, Sunday. be incontinently dashed into the waste­ Many Strang«« Things «hut Have Puzzled Circuit Court Pioceedlng«. nish the growers of Southern Oregon the the Mariner.. Mr Baird has sold the Medford electric Wallace Wood VM b Childers, foreclosure basket by any editor who knows Ilia use of refrigerator cars, free, the growers The makers of ancient maps were ac­ light plant to K. A. Proudiort of Portland of lien. Decree granted. business. having to pay for the cost of original ice- PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. who is opera'ing it. customed to introduce pictures freely. Elimor M>tule vs Sarah J Gorden, et al; ing of the car ami what little amount! No brethren, likewise sisters, it can­ In deserts there would be drawings of A shland , O regon , there is charged for icing the car en tran­ I Mrs John Clint, who has been visiting confirmation. Referees sale confirmed. Hydraulic Mining Co vs 1 Coffins ); in ­ not be done. The only newspaper writ­ lions, and along rivers they made “river sit to eastern markets; whereas other j her daughter, M iss Jessie Clint, tn Poll­ junction. Argued and submitted^ AP»0ffice—In Townsend Building, on agents of refrigerator car lines who are land tor some time, has returned home Dora Shirley vs Morgan A Shirley; di­ er who can prepare anything that any- horses”—which is the meaning of the Oak Street, Opposite Hotel Oregon. Mrs. B. A. Godfrey, wife of the pioneer vorce. Demurrer to complaint sustained hotly wants to read is he who takes ev­ Greek words that were put together to now’ in the fiehi are offering their cars and seem to intend to charge the growers school superintendent of Siskiyou countv and case di-missed. ery possible pains with it. He must in make up "hippopotamus." As for the and now a resident of Bonanza, died there J C Whipp vs G W Lance et ux and all the wav from $85 to $100 per ear for on Hie HINMAN. D. 1». S. the beginning train liimwelf to be infal­ oceans, they were filled up with any lOih. Lance Mining Co, injunction. Argued and the use of the same, at. tfie same time try­ lible in spelling, punctuation and pen­ queer monsters that came to hand. Of Davit! S. Bachman the San Francisco at­ submitted. ing to convey tfie impression to the grow course, these pictures helped to hide W 1 Vawter, administrator of the estate era of this vicinitv that the Oregon it torney who Inis been looking at the mines <>f F S Garrison, vs S (J and Hilda manship. The writing and paper must great spaces that -.vouid otherwise have * hereabouts, returned home Monday with­ Sa'8trom; equity. Continued to August 4. be neat, the penmanship as easily read DENTIST Washington Fruit Growers Union are not out been staring blanks. making a deal. J G Van Dvke vs 1) T Prichard; to set as print. The only successful writ­ in a position to carry out. their promises; Besides, men understood very little Wm. Flaekus. wifa and son are in from i a ide transfer. Demurrer sustained ami £^-ln the Masonic Building np stairs hilt we are ready to co-operate with the er is the one who loves his work, who about tlie strange happenings in the growers and bark up the statements we Dairy. KI ni tih c unt»1, for the summer. j plaintiff giv»n five divs to plead further. over Post Office. W M Ladd eta vs (4 A Jackson; to re ­ Billy will probably go to work with the toils over it as the artist toils over a world around them, ami invented fairy have made. Tfie agent, of our refrigera- I cover money. Judgment bv default for toi line will soon be on t"e ground, in railr ad carpenters main. painting, with patience and enthusiasm. tales to explain these mysteries. It is $178 2» Sam Clary and Jehu Jacobs were over fact in plenty of time for *he growers to He will practice till he cun say n Fix­ not remarkable, then, that so late as Court adjourned to August 4. J^R. S. T. SONGER. s-e fiiin personally and satisfy their owr fr- m llenlev Monday Jacobs is having lines of pure, perfect English what tho Columbus' time h’s sailors did not at Heal Estate. minds tfiat we can and will do as we the Ashland Iron Works comple: Dental Parlors in <>dd bellow’s Block. in Wagner creek district. Falls lor Jackson county property. Ad- they may be surrounded by water Portland Welcome: The morning paper w W Morine on July 3 located a quartz ing means all day work the year round. A shland , O regon . dresB, P. O. Box 55, Yreka, Cal. spouts, which are not entirely explained 'avs that the local "market is glutted with claim in Elk creek district. fr'iit”; but a great many people are not as yet; they may meet "tidal” (that, is, F. H Davis July 5 located a quartz c!aini j LUC of Gen er». sufficiently glutted with money to buy What fools men are to allow them Cfe.AH work pertaining to modern dent- in Elk creek district earthquake) waves, that rise from ,'!u Remaining uncalled for in the Ashland much of it at its pres nt prices. try. Painless operations a specialty. hicbard Maben June 1 located a quartz' Helves to be bribed or to let their votes to 60 feet, or even more, above the sur- P.O., July 19, 1S97. claim in Elk creek district. R. T Shannon and family who have been ! face; they may be'amazed by "St. El­ Div, B M, | Decker, J O, D W Pence June 12 located quartz claim j and influence be bought and sold! They living in San Frsnciscn, returned to Ash­ Tenev, Laura, I Wilson. R C. mo's fire,” ,he sparkling llames that in Pearl district. are always found out. The taking of land last week to remain here I. ” several D. M. BROWER M. Persons calling for same will pieuse say months while Mr. Shannon clri’cs a big 11 1) Jones June 14 located a quartz claim 1 unclean money is always brought Bonn play about masts and rigging; they tnav “advertsied.” W H. B kunk . P. M. in Gall s creek district. tunnel in the Oregon mine led ;e. I behold lightning in glolie form, sheet Martha M Wai kins on July 12 located a 1 to them, and they are overwhelmed PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, i Hashes, or forkc I bolts; they are sure Biieklen’H Arnica Salve, Dan McPhee has soM his mine on Forest placer claim in Watkins district. with infamy. There are men y3t living ! to sail through the phosphorescence ft F. G E and Albert Morine June 17 lo­ T he B est S alve in Hie world for Cuts, creek to Broad, Kennedy ami Throckmor­ O regon . A shland . He was here la*-t week and leaves cated quartz claims in Elk creek district. who are compelled to reside abroad, | that lias but lately lieen traced to ani­ Brui-es. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever ton J J Ney Ian, J J Wainscott an t John men who dare not show their faces in Sort-.s, Teller, <'happed Hands, Chilblains, soon to prospect a saltpeter mine 50 miles from Klamath Falls near the st te line. Wainscott June 26 located a quartz claim their Dative land, because of their con­ mal life. Then, too, storms and calms Office—At Residence, intersection of Me­ Corn', and alt ftkin Eruptions, and posit­ fogs and nioonlight. bring strange in Elk creek district. ively cure* Piles, or no pay required it Sea>onahle goods, such as refrigerators, chanic, Laurel and Main Streets, sights. Altoget lier. the ocean is a won­ nection with the Tweed ring. is guarnnit ed (o give perfect saiistaclion or tents, hammocks ami camping goods at The True Remedy. derland that lias new marvels every money reiu (ted. Price 25 cents per b<»x Opera House Furniture Store W. 1 M. Repine, editor Tiskilwa. III.. For wait by E. a . s; <•( win, Laws against lobbyists and bribe giv­ day; the very color of the sea is hardly The electr’ic light company intend put­ “Chief,” SOCIETY DIRECTORIES. ’’ says:^ “We won’« keep house ting in an ail night service and al o a sys­ without Dr. King’s New- Discovery __ for ers have not been effective, in spite of ¡twice the same.—Tudor Jenks, in St. llOilV tem to light the residem-es of the city The ('onsiim ption, Codgbs and Colds. Experi­ Nicholas. y cost for re'id nces will he from $1 to $2.50 mented with many others, but never got efforts to enforce them. IIow would it I G. A. 11. per month. Their water power will have the true remedy until we used Dr. King’s be to enact laws punishing the bribe BURNSIDE POST NO. 23. CARSON—At Cential Point, July 10. 1897, t » be increased and surveys for a ditch ami New Di covery No other remedy can taker alone and punishing him severely ' Meet, in Masonic Hall, on the 1st and to Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Carson, a so i. piping have been m ide. take its place in our home, as in it we have 3d Saturday of »ach month. Visiting Com There would then be only one set of a certain and sure cure for Coughs, Colds, HOWARD In Medford precinct, July 14, There is a time for everything: and the rades cordially welcomed. 1897, to .vlr. and Mrs. Jas. Howard, a sou. time to attend to a cold is when it starts Whooping Cough, etc.” It is idle lo ex­ knaves to run to earth and capture. The (Muses fully half the sickness hi the world. It M ilt <> n B erry , Commander. Don’t wait till you have consumption j»ut periment with other remedies, even if they legislator convicted of taking money retains the digested food too long in the bowels J. R. C asey , Adjutant. prevent it bv ti'ing One Minute Cough a^e urge ! on vou as just as good as l)r. and produces biliousness, torpid Ever, Indi- MAIIHIEII, I Cure, the great, remedy for coughs, colds King’s New Di covery. They are not as for his vote would be more easily found W. R. C. croup, bronchitis and a>l throat and lung good, because this remedy has a record of if the one who gave tho bribe were al­ cures and besides is guaranteed. It never BURNSIDE RELIEF CORPS NO. 24 BOARDM? N -STANDLEY—In Medford, troubles. Eugene A. Sherwin. fails to satisfy. Trial bottles free at E A. lowed to go free. Meets tn Odd Fellows hall at 2 o’clock ] Juh 12. 1897, by Rev. E. Gillius, .1 8. Mrs J. W Hamakar, who has been at Sherwin’s Drugstore. m on the second and fourth Fridays < Boardman and Miss Arviile A. btandley. Eugene with tier sons, vis’ted here last To Cure Constipation I urever. each month. M rs . J. D. C rocker , Pres. Take Cascare ts Candy Cuthnri A- 10c or 25c. gestion, bad taste, coated 8TORM8--BARRON—-At ban Francisco. week. Her «laughter, Mrs. C. L Parrish, Na'tonal Educational Assocdnt ion M rs . Alary Berry, Sec’y. If C. C. C. fall lo cure, drnggis»*-' refund money. tongue, sick headache, in­ Convention of Teachers. July 11, 1897, Mis« Cora B. Barren of who has been visiting >a*i Francine » and Raymore. Mo,, and Prof. J. W. Storms Eugene accompanied her. Mr. Par ish somnia, etc. Hood's Pills Before starting on the excursion to • ante in from the Falls and took them KNIGHTS OF l’YTHIAS. of Ashland. cure constipation and all its Milwaukee in July, write for illustrated $25 TO $50 PER WEEK home. GRANITE LODGE, NO. 23, Knights of Mr. Storms and bis bride are in Ashland, results, easily and thoroughly, 25c. All druggists. Pythias, Ashland, Oregon, meets ever) but will make their home near Sisson, Hon. Turner Oliver, grand chancelor of souvenir of “The Convention City,” tells you about Milwaukee, its I Can he made by AGENTS taking orders Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. tliiHM of Oregon, wiiicli telle I the Knights of Pythias Oregon made • which Friday evening. Visiting Knights in good wi if re be will teach . visit Saturday homes and public buildings, fares to local for “Tho Earth Girdled,’’ bv REV. The ouly Pills to take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Granite lodge an official ci” standing are cordially invited to attend. in the itie unwritten | points, and other interesting information. T. Ih-WITT TALM %GE. Rare, radiant | night ami drilled the p lodge lodgem D D. uOOD, 0. 0. DIED. work. He visited the brave boys at Med­ 8. G. E ggers , K. of R & 8. You can buy your ticket via ‘‘The and alarming Hundreds of new photos— j allen hildreth ford Monuay. Mr Oliver is one of the .Milwaukee” from any railroad ticket I hik I m , M’cne*. people »ad place». william fox . prominent citizens of L i Grande and has ( The World ’ s Wonders as seen and des ­ I. O. O. F. office. S'e that it read» C hicago , M il ­ BARROW—In terlingville precinct. July been county clerk of that county twice. cribed by the greatest living preacher and 17. 1897, to Mr. and Mrs. John Barrow, a waukee & S t . P aul R ailway . ASKLAND LODGE, NO. 45. orator. Over 500 massive quarto pages | j Morris Howell was down from the Siski- son. C. J. E ddy , Agents reaping a tcnlden harveNt of Hold regular meetings every Thursuav CLEM M ENTS—In Medford. July 12, 1897, I \ ou tunnel Sunday. He reports that the Ashland, Orr|p»n. «»• weoks ago, and was arrested ----- All kinds I freight, baggage F. A. Baker. FL S Reed, R. B Miller, 1 Meets in Odd Fellows’s Hall every 2d and t household „jods.etc., transfer- lli«‘ chci je of ad dtery upon thei + 4th Monday in each month. Member» in J. F. McCartnev and VV. H -arn, have or- on ' ed with promptness and safety. ties througa good standing cordially invited to attend. gamzed at Portland ti e G ill’s Creek Min­ arrival in San Francisco, on cainj laint + JEiaaaa irotii J Hauling on a large scale con­ nature’sown * H. 8. E vans , C. P. herb», mid ing Co., with a capital of $60,000. to work of < the Society for the Suppression of tracted for, .... , . . proper chan­ contains no ï R obt , T aylor , Scribe. the dd placer claim of the Pfetl Bros , on Vice, lias bi’cn held to answer to the nels. Joys mineral V e g e t a L1 e drugs or Gall ’ s ert ek, near Gold Hill, winch thej • WOOD FOR SALE Superior Court. Mr». Bradbury will in Sarsaparilla + deadly pois­ lately purchased for, it is said, $8000. , HOPE REBECCA DEGREE LODGE, NO. 24. cures Dys- all probability be similarly «lealt with. on. Joy’s ------- ICE TN 8KASON— pepsic. MILLINER V e g e t à b le A nice set of glass dishes for 40c at D, L. Meets on the 2d and 4th Tuesday in each Ch r o n i c I.atc advices from Alaska say that Sarsaparilla WiL handle ice in Ashland during the Minkler & Son s. month in Odd Fellows’ Hall, Ashland. Const; pt • lobs the Charles Clemens and Frank Summer, summer season, Delivered at your door tion, Liver M im E lsie P atterson , N. G. 5iood of all The Evans creek coal company, con- two ! rverv morning. Com plaints Los Angeles railroad men, have Jts iuip-iri.- M iss N ina E mery , beev. OPPOSITE PLAZA. and Kidney stating of p. H Oviatt, 1) R. Ambus ( ’ es, a n d made a big strike on the Clondyke. Hssengers delivered to ar.y part of Affections. Courses all and Aj D.ivtnn, has purchased a tract of , They located claims which they have these iiupuri- land on upper Evans creek from the O . A. O. U. W. sold, Clemens getting |J5,00U A C. railroad company on which is lo- lately * ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 66. Latest Styles Summer $50.090 for their respect­ rated what seems to be one of the most and l Meets in lodge room in Masonic Hal) interests. Both men are en route promising coal prospects yet found in the ive i every second ami fourth Wednesday in •F ! ---- IN----- each month. All brethren in good ataudiug to «country. 1 civilization and are bringing their i ire cordially invited to attend. “They don’t make much fu*s about it ” fortunes with them. C. F. H asty , M. W. Fashionable Millinery. F Joy’s Vegefflbla We are speaking of De Wilt's Little Early Everybody bays So. —VIA— J. R. C a 8 ky . Recorder barsnparilla Ribera, the famous littla pi Is for constipa­ Cascarets ( 'andv Cutiiartic. the most won ­ prevents tired feel­ tion, bilioU'ntBs, and all stomach and derful ( m« dical discovery of the age. peas­ ings, staggering sen­ liver Doubles. They never gripe. Eugene ant , and relT< slung to th«; tas;act gently A. y her win. ( and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, sations, palpitation WRAKITK TZNT NO. AMERICA’S SCENIC LINE. the entire sysP tn, dispel colds, of heart, rash of tf ACCABKK8. Still another Oregon man — Attorney cleansing ' cure lietKlauhe, lever, habitual constipation blood to tho head, Caplet—bus been “recognized” and re- and ' Meet in regular review on the second bi.iousncss. Please buy and try a box dizziness, ringing in warded. He has long been a partv ora­ of C. C. C to-day; 10, 25. 50 cents. Sold and fourth Thursdays of each month at Odd ears, spots before the Rock ai tor, always ready io clack and clatter guaranteed | to cure by all druggist». Vírale in Fellow’s Hall,* Ashland. Visiting 8i eyes, headache, bil­ Ballati Knights cordially invited. partisan piatitudes, anil it is proper that Dining Governor Budd issued a proclama­ iousness,const! pation G. W. C rowbon , Com. Car a la his tongue should have a chance to rest for the limitation of a Federal of bowels, pains in C has . H. G illkttx . R K. in some foreign land—if he can allow it tion 1 Carle the back,melancholy, axainst the export of do­ to do so. Caples is a shallow old fellow, quarantine < tongue coated, foul cattle from California. At pres­ net too scrupulous, but probably will d<» mestic i breath, pimples on ent the entire 8tate is under quaran­ no liatm in Valparaiso. THE ALL RAIL ROUTE TO face, body and limb, by order of the Secretary of Agri- From the well-known Burning, itching skin diseases instantly tine ’ Kanes Creek Qoarry. decline of nerve force KOOTENAI - MINING - DISTRICT relieved by De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, < ultnre, owing to the presence of splc- dizzy spells, faint unequalled for cuts, bruises, burns, It n -tic fever among the cattle in certain — VIA — _u suffer from any of the CHEAP FOR CASH. spells, cold, clammy heals without leaving a scar. Eugene A < c ions. The Governor docinrcs that ills of men, come to the oldest foot and hands, sour specialists on the PacificCoa^t, Sherwin. SEATTLE n iiu.lu. TRIAL SIZE. I applying C’hamberlair s * Ey. and Skin I Ointment. Many very bad eas a have been For tickets an 1 full information ci 1 on permanently cured b\ it , It u e-pally equally ' Bart n Bakrd B-ans, English or add rejig, K. L eonard , Agent. efficient for itchii 3pi “ ’es and « a - f. •roriterem-1 •- Pljui Pudding, a.id Frcsh Eist­ J. E E nyabt , As .land, O For Infants and Children. ps ; chapped hands, chil-1 ern Or Sters. Evervthing honie- • edy for ’ore nippl—, - ., Medford, Oregon. CREAM BALIY hronic sore eyes. ■ Mains, foist bites, and chronic eyes. , baked by Expert Cooks. R. C. S teven », A. E. C. D ennihton , I For sale by druggists at 25 cents p. r box. contains no cocaine G. W, P. A . Seattle, C. P. «* r. A. Poultry, Farm. Garden. Cemetery, mercury nor an« Portland, Orejón All special or 1* mb for fancy Try Dr. Cady ’ s rendition i ’ owdcr», thej i other in urirais dru» Lawn, Railroad and Rabbit pastry must have 24 hours notice. I ire just what a horse needs when in bad condi I II ia quickly Ab- Fencing. For a first-class ineal and j sorbed. Give-* relief at once It «»pens and ' tioc. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. Tknuearf.. •/ miln "■ Frr*- I chames ths Na _ ___ , _ V V- In prompt orders cail on us. a! Fas-agas. For Sala by ASHLAND DRUG CO. Ltr. ; fl m ma’inn Heals and Protects lha Mem- TRIAI ¡ brane Rr*»ores the 8ensev of T u M p nn*l ■ 4ee«y, nervo«« rtteSltr No-To-Hac for Fifty Ceni*. Vtertising Acer.ex, 64 and Merchante Ex­ MEALS AT _ Size __ ... 50' w ; _____ and ¡Mi v.ía¡ity wot I t »« tor li «oct, Trial b'«e 10c st Ite MCMULLEN WOVFN WIRE FENCE CO. I Small. _ Full G on run te rd tobacco teabit cure, make* weak change. San Francise », California, where ALL HOURS Drujfbt.-* or bv mail. mcDBironc, b.ood pure. No,$l. All druggi»!* 1.-..-.3 ¡.lÚTUTUn, !3Ï. (tilín.IO.Ií. centrarte for adyerUaiug can be made for It M. M. 11« «MIK*. *w*«l *t. CHICMO, ILL. I KkVliKUlMkifo.M WarrsaSt . N. Y. Professional Cards '■1 State Normal School, ASHLAND, OREG-ON, The largest and most progressive School in Southern Oregon | I ; I J New Buildings, Fine Campus, Good Water, Healthful Location, Delightful Climate, Excellent influences lor Students, COURSES: Stile-Normal for one year, Regular Normal for three years, Business, Shorthand and Typewriting, College Preparatory. Music, Art. THE ONLY COMMERCIAL SCHOOL IN THIS PART OF THE STATE 18 one of the prominent depart ments of the school.and is conducted in business college style The Training School is graded and in charge of the Senior Class the full vear. and under the direct supervision of a critic teacher trained in the noted Holbrook Normal oi Lebanon. Ohio. The Natural Sciences are taught by almost constant work in the labratory, and Elo­ cution dels arte and physical training by a specialist in these lines Special advantages in higher mathematics ana literature. Drawing and vocal music are compulsory for Normal course students. The regular Normal School diploma is granted, good anywhere in the state without further examination. EXPENSES: Tuition $6.25, board at hall $1 75, lodging 50 cents per week, student furnishing bed-clothing only. Family board $2.50 per week. $125 furnishes the student board, books and lodging, and pays his tuition for one year. Grades are accepted from other schools, if the same cover the work required in the Normal. Teachers review classes any time in the vear. The next school year opens Sept. 6. Free catalogue or information, address. W. T VAN 8COY. President. I J. P. DODGE Is Headquarters on FUKNITÜBE! « If vou don't bidipv’xit just call and se.*. I am Selling Sewing Machines Lower Than Anybody Else is Offering Them. TRY ME ONCE AND BE CONVINCED ASHLAND J MILLS. ÖÜR~I PATENT Y f LÖÜ r TI VIRGIN & CO., PROP’S H. S. EVANS,ASHLAND'OB' M ain S treet , O pposite P l > za . FAINTS FA^INTEHS’ TOOLS, WALL PAFLR. GLASS. ETC. B uilding P apers , W rapping P apers PAINTUN G, and T wines . ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. PAPERING, ETC KEEP YOUR BOWELS STRONG ALL SUMMER I ear wholly professional. Training department of nine grades with 20» children. Instruction and training in Gymnastics, (Swedish system), and Vocal Music for public schools. The Normal diplomas is recognized by law ns a Stale Life Certificate to teach. Light expense. Tuition, books, board and lodging (approximately) $135.00 per vear. Students bearding themselves, $110 00 per year. Academic grades accepted from High Schools. c ■ Catalogues cheerfully sent on application. Address, W. A. W ann , P. L CAMPBELL, Secretary Faculty. President NO. I QUALITY ___ ___ __ _____ _ _ FENCING DRUGGITS ____ __________ PALACE CITY BAKERY! THROUGHTOURIST $60 CATARRH CASTOR IA COLD 'N HEAD THIS PAPER I I For VERY fastidious people A good wheel very cheap. >0 The success of the Waverley Bicycle in ’96 places it at the head of the leaders for ’97. This year we produce a new and expensively made wheel, equipped with the only perfect bearings yet made— $100. Last year's famous model, greatly Improved, has been reduced to *60. The saving U In tea coot of machinery. E. WASHBURN, Exclnolva Ag.at, Aahlaad, Or.