▲ FLOODED MINE. ■ A DOO’S CURIOUS i ACTION» Appeared to Benalao That Hto Master AN IMPOSING CEREMONY. You Ought to Have One. A Nepalaaa TribaT,. m lesion in Pekin«— If you would like a copy of tbe hand­ somest railroad folder yet iMued address W. H. Mead, No. 248, Wasliington St , 1‘ortlaud, Oregon, and one will be sent you tree I The fold«' entertainingly describes the two New Northwestern Limited trains between Miuuespoiia, St. Paul aud Chicago—tbe Hurst trains in the worh'i—and contains pictures ot the fa- nious trains as they appear when run­ ning, each picture over three feet long splendidly engraved iu colora. This elegaut souvenir will interest the whole family from the oldest to the youngest, and you’ll say so when you see it. I nh . u tor th. Emperor. The reception In the Chiucsi.* capital of the decennial tribute mission from Nepal to the emperor of China is de­ scribed in the latest paper from the far east. Tbe mission consisted of 33 members, with a following of over 20 BICYCLE, Nejmlese traders, who seem to have _ amo nt taken their wares to Peking for sale. After lying idle for er a quarter of COAiTC/NT The whole arrived about the middle of n century the Allison Ranch mine, September, bearing presents of ele­ fatuous as one of the former big produc­ phants’ tusks, gold dust, woolens and ing properties of Grass Valley, ia to be brocaded cloths, os well as a letter from reopened and worked to its fullest ca­ tbe king of the Qurkhas, as the ruler of pacity. There is ample capital be hi ml Vegetable Preparation for As- Nepal is officially styled in China. There the enterprise, for the mine is now the were two envoys, one of whom died in siirdla t ing the Food and Regula­ that populist platfokm . is known throughout cycling as a light, staunch, property of John W. Mackay and James OF----- Peking and wan cremated with (iurkhn ting the 5 toniaehs arul Bowels oi | L. Flood. stylish, speedy mount. There’s a best in every­ rites. Special officials from the Mongo­ [Adopted oy the People’s party county The Allison Ranch has a unique his- thing; the ’96 Stearns is a veritable edition de luxe lian superintendency took the visitors convention at Medford, April 17, 189«, and 1 tory among California mines. As far among bicycles. Finished in black or orange. The which every popuiiet in the county i» about to the sights ’ of the capital. ' back or the early sixties it was conaid- morally hound to see carried out in »pint return presents from the emperor were and put into the letter of the law.) Stearns riders are satisfied riders, and always ♦•red one of the banner gold properties Promote s Digestion,Cheerful­ placed in the Southern Lake palace, proud as kings of their mounts. of the state. In the height of its proa- ness and Itest.Contains neither R esolved , That owing to outside the west gate of Peking, and the |x rity it was purchased by J. B. Hoggin Your address will insure receipt of our hand­ Opnim.Morphine nor Mineral. occasion of the visit to this place to re­ the depressed condition of the IS ON THE and A. E. Davio. Davis was known as some new catalogue. ceive tlu-m wae one of great ceremony. N ot N arcotic . a mining partner of James G. Fair, and Tbe surviving envoy was conveyed country, the low price of labor the rumor was current at the time that E. C. STEARNS & CO., Makers, Syracuse, N. Y. there in a green sedan chair and the and the products thereof, we iha property had fallen into the hands other Nepalese on horseback or in mule deeiD'the salaries ol our county San Francisco. Cal. Buffalo, N. Y. Toronto, Ont. of the “Big Four,” w ho were then be­ I carta, the start being made from tbe ginning to loom up aa formidable cap­ I officers to be in excess of the in ­ Tribute envoy’s hall, where the whole italists. Subsequent developments OF EVERY party wu lodged at the expense of the. come derived from other legiti­ showed that Fair wa* not interested in Chinese government from the moment mate business enterprises. tbe deal. of their arrival. The trailing members BOTTLE OF The mine proved a good buy for ita were kept outside the sacred precincts, We therefore pledge our candi­ new owners. In 1866 it led all Nevada while the official members were con­ date? for the legislature, if i county mines in the matter of divi­ veyed to the great hall of the ;>alace, elected, to demand that the A perfect Remedy for Constipa­ dends. Two years later it had paid over where they prostrated themselves be­ tion. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, $3.000,000 in dividends. One day a Worms .Convulsions .Feverish­ fore the eunuch commissioned to read district attorney and county : miner’s pick tapped a vein of water in the imperial edict authorizing th« officials be paid the following ness andLoss OF SLEEP. j one of the levels. The fluid gushed Nepalese to return to their own land. stated salaries: through the aperture with the force Tac Simile Signature of The presents consisted of 1,000 taels of of a geyser, driving the workmen be­ County clerk, $1200; one A FEATHERED MONSTER. silver (about £180), four complete fore it. Almost in an instant a proper- 'eputy. $800. Strange and Gigantic Bird Killed by a suits of fur, robes of wadded cotton and UNDER THE GOLD STANDARD | ty valued at millions was threatened Oastori. la put up in ons-ilze bottle* only. It NEW YORK. gauze for each member of the missis, Man in West Virginia. MEANS... Sheriff, $2000; one deputy, I. not sold in bulk. Don't allow anyone to sell with absolute ruin. Hoggin and Davis Elias Midkif, of Hamlin, Lincoln besides silk pongee« nnd gauze Peking Ton anything else on tbe plea or promise th-t it made sone ineffectual efforts tootay the $1000. curios, and the like, according to the. b I s * “just ss good'' and “will answer every pur­ flood, but the water flowed faster than county, was in Charleston the other i ranks of the recipient«. These presents Recorder, $1000. pose." AT- See that you get C-A-S-T-O-B-I-A. the pumps could lift it out, and a*ter a day, and proposed to the State His­ were ultimately conveyed to the resi­ The ho* few weeks of this discouraging work I , torical and Antiquarian society that if County judge, $1000. dence of the mission in special carts slmU. U oa it would send a taxidermist to Hamlin EXACT COPY-OF WRAPPER. Allison Ranch was left to its fate. •very District-attorney, $2000 for tigsttu, the society would secure a monster bird, and the members were taken to nn- That was 28 years ago. During all SUBSCRIBE FOR THE wrtppsr. if this time the mine ha» been a waste of of a kind never seen before by anyone j other part of the palace, about a quar- the district for all purposes. West Virginia. The feathered i ter of a mile from the place w’here the • water. Tunnels and machinery were in monster, «ays the Baltimore American, I emperor was supjKieed to be seated—for I long since abandoned. Now’ and- then SUMMONS. The gold standard means low prices, low wages, hard times. The bimetallic I an expert was asked to inspect the prop­ is described by Mr. Midkif, from meas- he was quite invisible—and there they ! went through the regulation three ------- prvs- standard means good prices, good wages, permanent prosperity for tbe producing erty and the report was always un- uremente taken by himself and W. W. ----- * classes. ■ trations and nine kowtows in recogni­ Adkins, of Hamlin, who killed the bird 1 favorable. There were those who be- In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, tion of tbe imperial bouftty. Tn fact, for Jackson County. I lieved that the bottom of the mine had at the mouth of Vannatters creek, with only the chief envoy ever saw the em­ Richard Bea wick, Plaintiff) five bullets from his rifle, while hunting fallen out. Hoggin and Davis spent a peror and this was on his arrival, when deer recently The bird is seven feet vs. fortune in their efforts to 6top the big four inches from tip to tip, four feet iur presented the letter from his own Wm. M. Colvig, as admin­ F2 to 40 Paas Weakly Farm and Family Paper. Prloe, $1.00 a Year i leak and then gave it up. istrator of the estate of J . sovereign avowing allegiance to China. C. Durkee, deceased. Eight years ago the property passed from tip of bill to tail, flat bill four Wui ’ e not neglecting its superb Agricultural, Horticultural, Live Stock and When the. ceremony of giving present« Hanna A. Durkee, wid­ j into the hands of John W. Mackey and inches long and three inches wide, Family Departments, etc., has at the same time, for many years, upheld tile Manager • and - Funeral * Director was over the mission was informed ow of the said J. C. somewhat similar to that of a duck; standard of the people against trust* and monopolies, more especially against , James L. Flood for a lyere song. Durkee, deceased, and web feet, covering nearly a square foot that it could begin its return journey that most iniquitous of all monopolies, the single gold standard. All who read Since that time there has been no ces­ Eda M. Lewie, Howard Suit to fore­ Myer Block, - Ashland, Or. of area each; neck 19 inches long, legs ns soon : ls tho necessary conveyances it agree that it is the best paper of its class on earth. F. Durkee, Agnes N. close a Mort ­ sation of the water flow until at the aw about 11 inches long, and about one and for so large a party could Is* prepared Abbott, Chas. R. Dur­ gage on real ; present time the water is actually run- kee. and Geo. A. Durkee property. a half inches through below the by the Mongolian superintendency. The ning out of the mouth of the tunnel as heirs at law* of the said andle first - class goods , if from some enormous monster. feathers; plumage dark brown, re­ journey from Khutmandu to Peking oc­ J. C. Durkee, deceased, Day or Night Calls promptly at­ ( Mackay and Flood made the purchase lieved on the wings and breast by light cupied oix months.—London Times. • and Eva A. Rodgers, tended to. blue shading. The bird when first seen minor heir of Effie Rodg­ with the idea that some day possibly Get your Job Printing done at the R ec ­ ers. deceased daughter of was circling high in the air, but came THE CHRONICLE ranks with the greatea the leak at the bottom, would exhaust >Ve will send the above great journal la connection with ord office. said J C. Durkee, deceas­ ■ewspapers In the United States. ©•“CHARGES REASONABLE. down very quickly and alighted in the itself. Now they are determined to ed, Defendants. THE CHRONICLE has no equal on the Paclfls water, where Adkins got a good shot at Coast. It leads all In ability, enterprise and n*wa To Ella M. Lewis, Agnes N. Abbott, pump the mine out in any event. An it, crippling its wing. Adkins at­ ABOVE THE HOTEL SERVANTS. Chas. R. Durkee and George A. 1 urkee, THE CHRONICLE'S Telegraphic Reports ars enormous pump with a lifting capacity the latest and most reliable, Its Local News the heirs at law of said J. C. Durkee, deceased, tempted to capture the strange fowl of 1,080,000 gallons a day will l>e put fullest and spiciest, and its Editorials from tha alive, but it was so vicious that he could New Aristocracy of Help Which Lives and to Eva A Rodgers minor heir of Effie ableat pen» In the country. to work. It is estimated that even« with Rodgers, deceased daughter of the said J. both one year, postpaid, st the extremely low price of $ 2 OO Apart iu Big Hostelriee. ■ not get near it without killing it» which THE CHRONICLE has al trays been, and always Durkee, deceased, of the above named this machine two years will be required With the advent of the big new ho C. in advance, and will give to each subscriber to this combination offer whe pays will be, the friend and champion of the people as required five bullets. defendants : — *o clean the mine of water. After that against combinations, cliques, corporations, or ten cents additional for postage and packing, tels uptown there has arisen a new INTHENAMEOF THE STATE OF TO THE oppressions of any kind. It will be independent development will be l>egun. you and each of you are hereby la everything neutral In nothing. E dwin W. J oy C o . : lam one of those aristocracy, which is about as amusng OREGON, TWENTY PACKETS OF SEEDS Owing to the slipshod manner of do­ who required to appear and answer tbe complaint place but little faith in advertised nos­ as most American aristocracies are.. It ing business iu the early days no accu­ trums but seeing so many local testimon­ is the aristocracy, of help. It wears its of tbe above named plaintiff' in tbe above en­ These aeeda are the beat in the mar­ titled court, now on hie with the clerk of the rate record or survey of the under­ ials, detailing the effects of Joy’s Vegetable masters’ and mistresses’ clothing, eats said court, by the first day of the term of ket. They consist of Farm, Vegetable ground workings was kept, with the re­ Sarsaparilla. I, too. bought it. I took it for in a dining-room by itself and, trying said court following the expiration of the and Flower Seed, of your own selec- in the back and chonic biliiousness, tion from a liat of aoo varieties. The time prescribed m the order for the sult that beyond the fact that the low­ pains the results of a disordered liver, which has to ape .the miuinera of its employes, publication packets are aa Urge as seedmen’s mail est level is at the foot of a 750-foot in- , given me much trouble, and I believe it has gives an exhibition to amuse gods and Jay will be, of this summons, which first GIVES THE CHOICE OF packets. cline, neither Mackay nor Flood have permanently cured me. I haven’t felt so men. The seeds alone at retail prlose MONDAY, THE 13th DAY OF SEP­ any definite knowledge of the interior well for ten years. I recommend it to all are worth II OO. Call and see us TWO TRANSCONTIENTAL Passing the dining-room inhabited by my friends, and we take it for nearly every­ TEMBER. 1897. about this great offer at onoe. or arrangement of their property. As soon thing over our way and it seems to bit. these haughty ones recently a reporter send remittances to thia offloa. And you are hereby notified that if ss the pumping is completed a definite NED NESTELL. heard a snatch, of the conversation in­ you fail so to answer, ,the plaintiff will apply 1 79 Everett street, San Francisco, underground survey will be the first _ __ for __ the ______ relief dulged in by the knights and ladies of to the above entitled court work undertaken. As well as can be re­ tiie boudoir, these gentlemen's and la­ demanded in the complaint, to-wit;— First that an order of said court be made membered the ledge is a big one and No RELIABLE DRUGGIST WILL TELL TOC HE dies* ladies: appointing a guardian ad litem to appear regular in its formation*. After thiB a HAS A SARSAPARILLA AS GOOD AS J oy ’S ‘ ‘ Kindly pawse the buttah. ” and answer for tbe defendant Eva A. Rodg­ T ake the best when you tay your money I big stamp mill will be erected. ers, minor heir of Effie Rodgers, deceased “Beg pahdong.” of said J. C. Durkee, deceased. < The projectors of the enterprise be­ “A little of the butter, if you please.” daughter Second for a judgment against the defen­ lieve they have one of the best gold MYSTERIOUS EGYPTIAN LAKE. ‘‘Why, certongly. It’s a little posse#*, dant Wm. M. Colvig, as administrator of -----and— properties on the coast somew’here that butter.” the estate of J. C. Durkee, deceased, and VIA VIA down among those countless gallons of Bin gala r Body of Water from Which against the said estate, for the sum of “ Indeed. Do you think so? I thought Egypt Draws Ita Salt. $543.CO and interest thereon al the rate of SPOKANE SALT LAKE water. At any rate they will spend n During the reign of Said Pasha a then« was something off color in the ten per cent per annum until paid, together fortune to find out. Steam will be taste, don ’ t you know. ” with the farther sum of $75 attorney’s fees utilized as the pumping power at first, causeway was built across the Lake of To all points east at the very lowest rates “A-nything going on in town, Tom?” and the costs and disbursements of this MINNEAPOLIS DENVER although it is probable an electric pow­ Mareotis with the result that the west­ «uit and the costs of and upon the foreclos­ “ Not a deni thing, me boy, not a dem FOR SALK BY ALL DRUGGISTS. ure sale herein: er plant will be erected this coming ern portion of the lake became highly thing.” The only line runninig ST. PAUL OMAHA impregnated with salt, while the east­ Third for a decree that the mortage in summer. “ Your mawster goin* abroad this the' complaint mentioned, and which is ern part remained, aa formerly, only through trains irom James L. Flood, b ‘ private secretary, AND AMD recorded at page 269 of vol. 9 of the Records brackish. Scientists are not year?” Walsh, and Richard V. Dey, who repre- slightly 1 ot Mortgages for Jackson county, Oregon, the coast to Me — oh, yon mean Allie. Yes, J “ as to the source of the im­ be foreclosed in the manner provided by law, ‘ 'MILWAUKEE‘ CHICAGO KANSAS CITY sents Mackay on this coast, lately made satisfied dessay. Ha usually goes—to get hi - and the following described real prop^ty WINNIPEG, MINNEAPOLIS, ST. PAUL oh » s* I a personal inspection of the. property, j mense quantity of salt contained in the closet, you know. Deucid good dresser, situated in Jackson county, Oregon, and They are enthusiastic over the pros- lake, and some have conjectured a.n un­ Allie—on* just me owu size, too—but which is the property in the said mortgage TORONTO, MONTREAL snd BOBTON LOW RATES TO passage from the sea. How­ pects. They believe that the Allison derground 1 and complaint mentioned, be sold upon there is no visible channel by don’t know much. Ah! if I had his foreclosure sale, to-wit:— ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ranch is destined for a new and long ever, < the. sea water might enter, anil allowance, now!” All of the north half of lot seven (7), in lease of prosperous life.—San Francis- which 5 “You’d cut u wide nu, James, tee hee.’’ block six (6). in Ashland. Jackson county. ' Tb, Chronicle Building. co Chronicle. 1 as one ca*n ride all around it, it is to all Oregon, as shown upon tbe duly recorded If you are going to OCEAN STEAMERS “Well, I’d try and not disgrace me intents and purposes a lake. maps and plats of said Ashland, Oregon, Operates its trains on tbe famous block name, Miss Marrie, haw haw.” LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5 DAYS NA KUSP Its length is about nine miles and its together with all of tbe appurtenance* Wanted 1 system CARIBOO “I hea*h the suvvants are kicking up thereunto belonging, SLOGAN CITY’ breadth four, and it furnishes the en­ —FOB— Jackson county property. Will trade I GOLD And that out of tne proceeds arising frot 1 Lights its trains by electricity through­ NEW DENVER tire salt supply for Egypt. A minia­ a devil of a row over their grub. Poor By Mall, Postare Paid. one hundred and sixty acres of good KASLO creatures! I’d rather die. right off than tbe said sale be paid tbe costs and disburse­ ture railway runs from the workshops out; FIELDS farming land seven miles from Klamath ments of this suit and the costs and expen­ Falls for Jackson county propertv. Ad- to the lake, where the salt is cut and, be a hotel suvvant. However, they’re ses of tbe said sale and the sums found Uses the celebrated electric berth read­ KOOTENAY NEL8ON TRAIL mostly Irish—them as isn’t Germans— due the plaintiff herein. trucks filled by gangs of Bedouins, who, dress, P. O. Box 55, Yreka, Cal. ’ For full information call on O. K. A N. MINING ROS8LAND ing lamp; Fourth that the defendants Wm. M.Colvig so it don’t make much diffen.ee what during the season, are kept at work day Agent, ROBT. LEONARD, Ashland, Or. as administrator of tbe estate of J. C. * and night. At the work shops the salt you feed ’em. Anything with potatoes. Durkee, deceased, and the said estate, and Runs splendidly equipped passenger DISTRICT or address : THE LATEST FAD. ' is ground and packed, and from there 1 guess. Haw, baw.” the defendants Hanna A. Durkee, widow Get a copy of “ Cari ­ trains every day and night between St. W. H. HURLBURT, “Hee. bee.” <>t the said J. C. Durkee, deceased, Elia M. Autograph Hats Now the Rage with Col­ distributed all over the country. boo aud Kootenay Gold Fields.” Gen’l Pass. Agent, Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Lewis,Howard F. Durkee, Agnes N. Ab ­ And so, with lightconverse and bright lege Students and Summer Girls. As one stands on the thick crust of bott, Chas. R. Durkee, and Geo. A Durkee, PORTLAND. OR Chicago; the One of the new fad« that started with salt near the shore, which stretches ns raillery, the aristocracy of help bright­ heirs at law of the said J. 0» Durkee, de­ If you are thinking of traveling call on E. McNEILL, President ami Manager the Cornell university boys is the fash­ far as the eye can see, one feels exactly ens the tedium of dinner.—N.Y. World. ceased, and Eva A. Rodgers, minor heir Uli Greatest Weekly in the Country, the agent of the Canadian Pacific Railway. Chicago, Milwaukee & and daughter of Effie Rodgers, deceased ion of wearing autograph hats. One as if standing on a field of ice, and in ad­ The Wife. / daughter of said J. U. Durkee, deceased, sees them everywhere, for college men dition to tbe dazzling whiteness of the Lowest rates to and from all parts of On New Year s, when she heart him say St. Paul and ench and all of them be foreclosed of He ll swear off every fault. in other colleges have, taken, it up. and salt, its beauty is enhanced by’ a pink Europe via. all Atlantic steamship lines. all right, title or interest in or to tbe She takes it in a quiet way, — a Also operates steam-heated veitibuled nave scattered themselves here and tinge, which, at the edges of the lake, said property, and of all equity of redemp­ (Including postage) to any part of ths United And with a grain of aalt. tion except tbe statuatory right of redemp­ there among the summer girls. The deepens to a mauve. The cause of this For fall information regarding the above trains, carrying the latest private com­ States. Canada and Mexica ________________ — Judge. tion therein, and that the plaintiff tiats are made of white canvas, with color is also a matter of conjecture, and THE WEEKLY CHKONICLE, the brightest partment care, library buffet smoking call on or address have judgment against the defen­ and most complete Weekly Newspaper in the stitched brims. Names can be written has been attributed to minute organ­ SCENES OF EXCITEMENT. E. J. COYLE, W. H. MOWAT, dant Wm. M. Colvig, as administrator of world, prints regularly 84 columns, or twelve cars, and p.ilace drawing room sleep­ in ink anywhere on the surface. One isms contained in the salt; whatever its the estate of J. C. Durkee, deceased, and 146 Third St. Agent pages.of News, Literature and General Informa­ reeling, ot Members Darlan a Divi­ against the said Estate for any sum that of these, had several names of well- origin, it fades as the salt becomes dry, ers. tion ; also a magnificent Agricultural Department Portland Ashland RAILWAY sion of the House of Commons. may remain unpaid after tbe applica­ known men written upon it, among but while damp the effect of the impris ­ Oregon. Oregon. SAMPLE COPIES SENT FREE. Parlor cars, free reclining chair cars and I do not know how there can be in tion of tbe proceeds of the said sale, and them the. man who pulled stroke for oned color is indescribably lovely. GEO. McL. BROWN. _ ______ , District _______ Passenger Fifth for such other and further relief ordinary' civil affaire a .sense of keener tbe very best dining car service. Agent, Vancouver, British Columbia, the Cornell eight that won such a glori­ To get an entirely different phase of as tbe court shall seem just and equitable do you want the excitement than is hrougirt up by one in the premises. ous victory over Pennsylvania, Harvard the sight one must ride over the cause­ For lowest rates to any point in tbe of ifhose thrilling divisions in tie house This summons is publshed by order of and Columbia in that memorable boat way. Here one has the ice fie.ld on the CHRONICLE Hon. H. K. Hanna, one of tbe judges of of commons, writes Justin McCarthy, United States or Canada, apply to rsre at. Poughkeepsie. right and on the left tihe rippling blue tbe above entitled court, made the 20th WB WILL KBBP ticket agent, or address Sentimental young men collect th< Mareotis. About half way across, where M. P., in the New York Independent. day of March, 1897. • YOU PO3TBD OB THB BFFA1X3 A.E. REAMES, names of their sweethearts, though the lake is deeper and the salt crust has ; All personal feeling is lost and drowned C. J. EDDY, a OF OOVBBN1ÍBNT. Attorney for tbe Plaintiff. this has it« drawback«, because there is not formed, the scene changes. The I [ in it. One’s ondy thought, one’s only J. W. CASEY, General Agent. • ThU It »hit you are always the chance that the last girl will water has the still and heavy look of the feeling, is for even tihe momentary suc­ Trav. Pass. Agent. Portland. Or. • looking for. showing want to know ail about the other girls Dead sea, but unlike the latter, which cess of the clause he has at heart. Life seems to have been worth living if only whose names she finds written on the Pullman looks like molten brass, this milky lake The United States, Dominion of to be a part of that great acene of strug­ ARE YOU CFO ING- EAST hat before hers. The words are usual­ Sleeping Cars i ly printed, though script makes a pret- with the clouds and the. blue, sicy re­ gle and of passion. Such a moment Canada and Northern Mexioo flected in it might be likened to a vast seems really,' in the words of Othello, If no be iure and see that your tickefi I tici hat. and looks less like an advertis­ ON ONK SIDE, Elegant opal, and the setting sun, throwing a read via the And the ing device. To see stalwart young col­ fiery ball into its depths, completes tbe to “make ambition virtue." For the Dining Cars ambition of the vast majority of tbe lege men stalking along w ith these hats similitude. members has nothing personal in it. on gives one the impression of one of Tourist This enchanting scene, however, is those impecunious individuals who evanescent. As the salt is formed by Most of us have not the siightMt expec­ ON THE OTHER SIDE. Sleeping Cars Supplies that Want. march up and down upon the business e' aporation, it is only during the hot tation of being invited to become mem­ •end $a and Get tbe Map and bers of a new government, and never • SODA WORKS @ sircet-s with a printed placard on their A fall and complete record of Weekly Chronicle for One Tear, summer months that- this can take plac.?, ST, PAUL______ Congreaolonal and Governmental backs to the effect that “a regular din­ and with the first autumn rain the pic­ had any possibility of a place in the old postage prepaid on Map and Paper. create given each week. MINNEAPOLIS ner can be had at the Blank dairy lunch ture fades away, and the sparkling ice government. Therefore, the ambition AbDRxaa f- is, for the moment, entirely pure and for 20 cents.” Fifty two week« for f l oo Send At Yreka, Cal. DULUT H _______ field resolves itself into a placid lake of A M. K. da YOUNG*. ' } postal for prospectus and «ample. manly and wholesome. It ie an ambi­ However, the fad is growing, and by 1 blue.—London Telegraph. rroptl.tor a X. Chntld, The largest and mott replete FARGO^___ ____ tion for the success of the party, the Chicago, St. Paul, fall the white hatswill be black. S4Jt FRANC WOO. OAX. / weekly paper in the country. ND are prepared to fill all orders on measure, the policy, the cause to which GRAND FORKS TO Anetent Archery. short notice. • • • * . Minneapolis & Omaha R’y one is attached. The excitement SILVER KNIGHT PUBHSRINO CO. Palaces on Wheels. The Cretans are said to have been the I CROOKSTON wiuhihotor , o. a. When people travel now a days, they first people to practice archery, they reuiseri by a great division never wears ’ Give them a call. — THIS IS THE — WINNIPEG out. The emotion caused by a great ! expect comfort, snd when they travsl o i having learned the art from Apollo. •••••••••••••••••••••••••' division in March does not in the lee st ! HELENA and Tne “Milwaukee” thev get it. Three of England's kings and two roval' AA AA A A AAA ; There has been on evolution In tbe princes were killed by arrows. Harold degree discount the excitement of a I BUTTE With all bad cons-querii-vJ, certatn’y and rapidly means of transportation for man that is and his two brothers came to their critical division in June. It is one of BETWEEN DULUTH nirtlrl hit - ind n«y Kt' d -n B irk and the few experiences In life which can I 3 oom frea. Calle, vri1* l>R WSK!» INSTITUTE verv Interesting. The more cirilned a death by arrows »hot from the cross­ ijON N n.h Mr ’ I . r;.., Mo be renewed time after time without) people becomes, the more exciting it grow*. bows of the Norman soldiers. William palling on those who are privileged to TSAOS The coaches now running between St Paul Rufus was killed by an arrow shot at a __ ___________ — OSSICNS, and Chicago, snd Omsbs and Chicago on deer, and Richard I., who revived take part in it. ’TVS'. OOPTRIOHTS ho. TO •The Milwaukee", are marvel* of elegance archery in Fngland. was finally slain by ► Anroo. wMIng • .ketch and dssenptloa >>u And all points East and South. The CHICAGO and convenience. The private compart qu.cti, ootruin, fre^ eb.cbw u> ln».ntlon & James J Loros, nee some pretty good -Magnificent track, Peerleee Veeti- ment care, library buffet smoking cars an arrow. Three great bottles of Eng­ ctive agents _______ for ____ EACH probably pat.nt.bl.. CommunloSUon. strictly .trlctly WASHINGTON advice to tbe bo vs of the Olympia Club, ► and tree reclining chair car* are models on lish history. Crecy (1346), Poictiers «-wrrMar County. Exclusive control and no buled Dining and Bleeping ► hi i ADELPHIA luxuriou* comfort, which in etyle and (1336), and Agincourt (1413) were won when be was in San Francieco last. He ri.k. Will cl». tear 12 ro 25 hundred _____ _ dollars a Car Trains and Motto: .pe^iTno