VALLEY KECOKh. THEY WEARIED HUYAN. . the acene liecame intvrvating, resembling t he operations of pigs at a newly filled Scenting Fie Through Bryan for hog trough. Capt. Eggleston had the 1900, Tbe N« braska Orator la upper hand, being chairman ot the c>p;e W Hi* Dull I ( mitiee. Chai Nickell was to the lure Axea to Gr«nd I Fin« facilities lor Instruction an.I Kit«, as low aa 1 moet of tbe time by the force of a 1 market is improving and this week it is ! the loweat. Opens September l&tn, 1897. New Il­ Bryan arrived from California Friday. 1 superior and moat cheerful cbnvk. So- PERSONAL AND SOCIAL. averaging 40 centa per box; the lowest Aaaemblyman Shanahan of Shasta and lustrated Catalogue, giving fu‘l information sent on Put a pill in the pulpit if you want practical application to H. L. BOARDMAN, Pren. being 30 cents. Some going 55 and 60 W. H. Alford, chairman of the democra­ crates Howell, well ho wouldn’t let go or preaching for the physical man ; then put the Go to Fox & Hildreth for ice. Delivered cents. This ia for Ashland pead:ev, tic state central committee of CalLiornia, l»e knockoti off. Motet. Leonard and at your door. pill in the pillory if it does not practise what it accompanied him here. He waa greeted Col. Crowell, old political Chums, have Henrv Pape and John Devlin did Ash­ which bring top prices. The express by big crowds along tbe line as well as brokec friendship over the affair. Leon­ preaches. There's a whole gospel in Ayer's land ibis week. rate to Portland it 11 cents, I »oxi ng ami , j iu Ashland. ard’s enemies and tome false friends j Sugar Coated Pills; a “ gospel of sweetness Mrs. Jack Fnzell ia over irom Yreka packing <‘oata 8 cents. Baaing it on 10 M. F. Eggleaton, K. K. Kubli, Chas visiting relatives. per cent commiaaion for sale at 40 cents Nickell, A. N. Soliaa, D. H. Milhr.T. J. tried to down him, but in the end Leon­ and light.” People used to value their nhysic, Mrs H K Hanna is visiting her chil­ per box it would make 23 cent*« per box | Howell, G. W. Trefren, W. F. Horn, .1. ard came out on top. He made the bee! uj they did their religion,—by its bitterness. W. Howa r d, J O. Booth and Wm. Gal ­ dren at Oakland, Cal. imprea-don on Bryan aud tbe dietinguiab-1 , to clear all costa. Thia leaves tha grow­ loway of Oregon City met him at Coiea- The moro bitter tho dose the tetter the doctor. H. Bryant of Albany is out on a visit to er one cent a pound for hit fruit. Grow­ ed statesman accepted the invitation to tin. He was greeted bv applause at the I sleep tn Leonard’s bed and room. Cmwell I bis brother. T, W Bryant. We'vo got over tha-.:. We take “sugar in ours"— ers have received something from every depot and bowed and smiled. He was Misses Ida Siseiuore and Francis Barnes gospel or physio—now-a-days. It’s possible to ' shipment made. The Alexander peach taken to bis room at Hotel Oregon. In , has been spending weeks at artful devices of Bams Valley are doing Ashland. the evening a reception took place at toward capturing Bryan and if reports are p'oaso nnd to purge nt the samo time. Thero Miss Laura Cox of Central Point returned ' looks very beautiful, but ia not a good Hotel Oregon when a couple of thoueand I < true succeeded in making a more dismal Friday from a Visit with Yreka friends variety, hence the situation ia up to ex­ people shook hands wit»* him. About 9 | failure than any of the others. His work may bo power in a pleasant pill, That ia the M ins Agnes Mattoon is out from Drain pectations and auxura well for tbe later o’clock he retired to R<»bt. Leonard’s was brazen enough, but too coarse, necessi­ gospel of to keep house for her father, H. J. Mattoon. aud better varieties. 1 roonl tne McCall residence where he tating Mr. Brvten to sit down on him. ,n , . x < , . oicpi. xiiv next dav ue receiveu many 1 Crowell “threw himself insight” with tbe r 4 Blept. The he received A small detachment Of those Mexican 1 n« government fiffnvArnmAnt frtnf . a rj() ... |anclied . ' The fruit ernn crop ri>nnrt. report for fur Rt hi , , ruoaJ iook gypsies are headed »bis way from Portland j general demeanor of a painted harlot, Everybody, including their cousins, June shows a continuation of the poor fruit »nd at 2 o’clock comtuenced bis speed! | Bryan was lying on his bed in his room grove, , _ Tbe audience a on's, uncles, etc., were in town to see crop reports for eastern states. The report in Chautauqua More pill particulars iu Ayer'« Curebook, 100 page*. says: General average condition of peaches was about 35o0 Bryan. President Billings in­ when Cruweli, strutting with his fingers I Sent free. J. C. Ayer Co., I.owell, Mass. I gen- troduced hirn. Rev. G. N. Annes prayed, under his vest armpits, pompously said to Miss Fannie Hall of Wisconsin arrived 67. as against 64.7 in June, 1896. In ¡ar to be ' during which time Bryun bowed hit> at Medfoid this week to remain with Dr. eral, the present prospecls appear Brvan: “I want to take a square look at ! Odgers' family. poorer than for any year since 1890, except­ j hea 1 and covered hie face with his hand, you. I’m a lawyer and when we get a wit­ i Prof. Hitchcock made some announcH- ness on the stand the first thing we do is to Mrs. Chas. Haraadine is in from the ing only 1894. Tbe outlook is best in Con Klamath country on a visit to her folks, J. neciicut, New Jersey, Maryland and Cali­ m^nts. The Medford lady quartette— look square at hint.” Bryan remarked he Mrs. W. I. Vawter, Miss Grace Foster, R. Casey and family. fornia, in tbe last named the condition be­ Mies Mabel Jones and Miss Adel Pickel hud been on exhibition quite a bit and al­ Pure, rich hlnnd feeds the nerves. That ing the highest since A891, —Sang an original song prepared by Mies lowed Crowell to s»rutt and blow. About is why Hood’s .Sarsaparilla, the great blood It was received Spencer K. Newel), Pacific coast superin- Elva Galloway. __ __ ___ well ___ _____ _ the next pass Crowell and bis pluggers at­ purifier, cures nervousness. tempted to start a conversation about bow Capt. J. T. C. Nash was at Victoria, B. Undent of the Earl Fruit Co , was in Ash- a,,d l*‘«» quartette responded to an en- singing another original piece, great and glorious a man this Ceaser was C., last week and left yesterday for San land Monday and Tuesday looking over the j situation in the fruit line and soliciting | Wel an^ requeettni a It didn't interest Bryan. Crowell handed Francisco on mining business. I copy ot the song. Bryun a typewritten manuscript at the J. K. Leabo was over from Elk creek thi« business. He was on bis way to Poriland, i GREETING SONG. hotel. What the document contained is week and met his daughter, who bad been where J W. Nelover is their northwestern | Being members of th« American Fruit Growers Union of Chicago, spending tbe 4ih of July at Yreka. ||Tune: “My Heart s in the Highlands.”! not generally known, since Crowell has not agent, and will he here again. and havli.c made arrangem«n's to uan the relrigeracor car« of that Harrv Pinkston and 5 i. Ahlstrom have seen fit to make it public. Borne people He’s come to the city, 8. A. Hering of Portland and Robt. Gra­ Union, without cost to the grower, offer superior inducements to returned from a mining expedition to the ham of San Francisco, representing the Ar-1 1 think that it was a pedigree and eulogy on He’s with us today, the shipper in the marketing of the Southern Oregon peach crop. remote corners of Josephine county. Crowell. Bryan didn t read it ail. After This man from Nebraska Our own agents will give special attention to oach and every car m »ur Refrigerator car line, were here the! <• Miss Helene Mitchell of Indianapolis ar­ glancing at the document a moment Bryan slopped. Daily advices! No charges for the grower to pay except for Who’s still in the fray. rived Tuesday to make her home with C. first of the week and arranged with W. J. ' icing, freight and commission. Every charge positive and definite. threw it back to him. He still fights for silver Schmidt, the contractor, for the immediate I. Hutchinson and family of Medford. No extras. We handle all kinds of Fruit aud Produce both for With voice and with pen; Like all small men in silver politics in Turner Oliver, grand chancelor of the erection of an ice bouse near the fruit pack- j Oregon Crowell attempted to slander one His heart's in the good cause — 1 >x warehouse at the depot. The building Knights of Pythias, will make Granite LOCAL & E A 1ST SHIPMENTS This leader of men. . of tbe greatest and most consistent silver will cost about $750 and will be of 150-tons lodge an official visit Saturday evening. j advocates tn the country, Crowell told ■ Frank Williams, who continued on capacity. Truckee ice will be used. The i Farewell to the prairies , Bryan that he believed that Pennoyer through to P rtlond front San Francisco Armour line expect to do considerable busi - His heart loves tbe best, OOOOOOOOOOOO OOP o o o o I proved false to him. Bryan promptly sat Jast Thursday, returned home yesterday. ness out of southern Oregon and this ice ' And welcome our mountains, , down upon Crowell and flatly told him be Mrs. John Coleman returns from houNe will give their cars prompt icing. ! The pride of the west Dixon, Cal , today, accompanied by Miss Mr. Hering will be here quite often during I : didn’t believe it. and he deprecated these Farewell to the blizzards Mattie Coleman, who will visit a month. the season. I rumors founded upon jealousy among! And cyclones that blow; If the care of the hair were made a part I leaders. Bryan particularly admired Pen- Ashland, Oregon—Myer Block. The following is the prices paid in the . He’s come to the country of a lady’s education, we should not see s«< 1 noyer and expressed tbe belief that he was Where peach orchards grow. many grav heads, and the use of Hall’s ea tern markets for California peaches on ! j a great leader of people. Crowell said he Hair Renewer would be unnecessary. July 7th. The variety was Hale’s early Give cheers to the speaker * was losing his grip. Crowell attempted to Guy Hamaker is out from Eugene en and the prices range considerably over last Whose cause is so grand, j commit Bryan to the new union party route home to Klamath Falls, Mrs. H year ai thD lime. The boxes contain 20 Had him with your heart . that a few politicians in this state who has been keeping bouse for her chil lbs. of peaches: New York. $151 p< r box; dren attending the state university, wtl Chicago, $1 37; Boston, $1 33 and $1.63. And your voice and your hand. I are organizing Bryan got in his soon return to Klamath r2|(s. Farewell to all malice, work again by telling Crowell some Jxmes M. Kyle, bead of the Oregon Let joy reign today, As the northbound overland train was wholesome truths that pie-hunters are in coming down Cow creek canyon Thursdv Fruit and Produce Co., the reliable com­ Both now and in future need of. He told him that he was a great night a forked-horn buck deer jumped in mission house of Salem, was on Saturday’s Let Bryan hold sway. stickler for state rights and he never inter­ front of the engine and was struck bv the ♦ram returning home from a tour in the — ENCORE — fered in politics outside his own state, and ' pilot, breaking a leg and crushing tbe skull. California districts brushing up on the Fox & Hildreth have ice in large or small latest points in picking, packing and Hand­ [Tune: “Old Uncle Ned,” arrauged for j would refuge to take a hand in Oregon. It Ladies’ Quartet.] quantities ** was a question the people should decide ; ling fruit. Gov. Budd, of California, came ns far There is a noble man and his name is j themselves The question of office hold- ' Col. C J. Eddy, of Portland, tbe clever north as Ager with Mr E.yan last Fridav William Bryan, I ioa arouNed so many jealousies that would and continued up the Klamath river stage general as/ent of the Chicago, Milwaukee & He’s come to our home near the sea, inject tbenuelve" in effecting ihese unions J road to Klamath Hot Springs, where be St. Paul Railway, was here Friday inter­ He speaks to the crowds from the depths of ' that the principle would be lost sight of in ■ will try the hot mud baths. viewing the fruit growers. His road is ex- i his heart the strife for spoils. If the people had The bloomer minstre's did not appear at ceptionally well equipped to handle tbe! i sufficient conviction in tbe union move- the opera house Saturday, having gone t«» fruit shipments There are two fruit auc­ In a cause that will make people free. I ment they would come together anyway,! pieces at Redding. They should have nude Ashland. A big crowd was in town that tion bouses in Chicago and are operated on Then lay down your trouble and your woe, I and if they didn’t have, no fixing up by | I! night and there was an enormous sale of alternate days. The Milwaukee depot is Shoot your arrows from a ailver bow. politicians could do any good. tickets one and on the alternate day tbe fruit cars , There’s now no fear among silverttes, I Crowell had a sorry time of it in his I Misses Bryant and Ewan. Fiank Robbins, are sent to the Northwestern. This arrange­ For it’s gone where the gold-bugs go. Fred Parson. D L. Rice and wife. Prof J I efforts to make Bryan think him a great I Bryan mouuted a table, picked up liie W. Storms and bride arrived home las« ment, in connectiou with their special Fast ' man. His final effort took place at tbe end night. Prof. 8torms has surprised the Time Scheduled Fruit Trains, makes the chair and sat down. He exulainmi that > ff«« * *\ te*’« it ......___ _ usual good health and Bryan’s speech. In an impassioned Portland, Oregon. not ......... in his town. At Han Francisco he met his affi­ Milwaukee the best road to ship over, in­ iia waa anced, a lady from Missouri, and they were suring against any loss of time or delays. asked the audience to indulge him for I ^one °f voice he called for three cheers for married. They take from both St. Paul and Omaha. , speaking in a sitting posture as it Would [ Bryan. This style of intoxicated expres- j Among the prominent residents of Klam­ shippers should send to Mr. Eddy for r‘ | i rest him tip. For over two hours lie , sion has ceased in this section. In the late ath county in to hear Bryan and vi'it spoke in that position. The'finishing Ti__ ‘2 ___ i campaigns r_.o „ ____ , tabooed ____ __ at! it ___ was _____ studiously Ashland were. J. H. Houston, J. D. postal cards containing statement of con- I 1 oi of ms his enurt effort was^ meesings, ! j was delivered ^standing standing ^up up I j both the populist and free silver meesings, Fountain and family, L. F. Willits and signment, which will cause the car to be and in that time tie wurmed up to his and is particularly out of place at Chau-! wife Judge J. 8. Orr, P. L. Fountain and looked for and taken care of by telegraphic tauqnas. Ct eer/were offered by about 20' subject eloquently and threw in the hot tanquas. son. J. B Garnett, Chas. Silvers, Aden orders from Portland. asked “ jiv My rucnuo Friends” f j SIMPLEST. shut of Promethiau oratory at a livelv | people. Crowell vn then a*»»«-*« Holt, M. C. Kasson. 127 Front Street—Portland, Oregon. CHEAPEST. rate. The speech lasted two hours and *<> unite with him by saying “Amen ’ to Hon. R 8. Sheridan, receiver of the _ - _ ___ _ iiu to it» take | 1 EASIEST TO OPERATE. forty minutes and held the closest at- lle h'ast that __________ they wished Grid care of Bryan on this journey. The Amen 1 Roseburg land office, Chas. H. Fisher, The Golden Standard Mine Bonded. NO SHIFTING OF TRAYS. tention of tbe audience. The talk was DRIES AT LOWEST COST. editor of the Review and F. B. Wane, Capt. J. T. C. Nadi has bonded tbe Gold­ clear and plausible. It reached tbe peo­ was indulged in by only a few. The scheme j of taking advantage of the public interest NO WASTE OF HOT AIR. prominent democratic citizens ot Douglas en Standard quartz mine owned by tbe ple, delighted all the advocates of silver and enthusiasm in Bryan to flatter the county, accompamed by their better­ PERFECT CIRCULATION OF AIR. -------- Wholesale dealers in- Kubli's and Judge Watson near Gold Hill. 1 and more money and made a deep 1m- egotism of one man who wanted to (mer­ halves, carne out Friday to hear Bryan NO BURSTING OK DRIPPING. They took in Colest.n Sunday and returned The priced, «126,000. Nash went to San . pression upon many of the opponents of chandise it for political purposes was too j • Can be built for tbe largest or smallest home on the evening train. Francisco yesterday to have a conference ; silver last isll and quits a few converts transparent. It was given a cold-shoulder i Orchards. bj’ other small pie-hunters, proved a frost j We solicit your consignment, of Peaches. It heals everything except a broken with John Daggett, superintendent of the were made. The speech was well re­ and nauseated three-fourths of tbe audi­ Evaporates Prunes, Apples, Peaches, heart, may be ^aid of De Witt’s Witch San Francisco mint, and o'hers interested ceived. Though loud uproarious demon­ ence. Correspond With us. -.- Send for Shipping Stencil. Pears, Berries, Cherriee, Grapes, Hazel Salve. Piles and rectal disease-, in tl.e bond He will also meet two mining I •'«•“><«> •• “"t method of expresaing cuts, burns, bruises, tetter, e< zein a and from Kansas. Capt. Nash has Apricots, Vegetables, Etc. C. autauqua asseinblles and Th. county people in Ashland all sain troubles may be cured by it quick­ ,, | bus beeci Btea<'iil.y tabooed at populist and did considerable kicking about the man­ The trays are put in at Ibe top where tbe ly and permanently. Eugene A. Sherwin. tbe Davis quartz mine in Willow bprings 81|Ver meet in us in Ashland, ibt re were ners «nd customs of Oregonians in receiv­ temperstore is tbe lowest and the gradual Beveral general outbursts of approval ing and en'eriaining Bryan and themselves. Gordon B Frizell, the well-known 8 P precinct under bond. approach to a higher temperature ripens railroad round hou-e employe, wh«> was Jack Conant, who lias made two big 1 when the speaker made a telling point, They sp.cially observed that there was the fruit and makes it sweeter, while the married to an amiable young ladv of Yreka. mines in northern California, the last one I He made tbe. case againstthe present no big displays of evergreen niches, bunt­ rapid and uniform circuiation of air dries ar>cl Ob* arrived h »me last week with bis fair bride the fruit very fast. ing, Haas, etc . no brass band and half the dishonest (gold) dollar as plain as day and has been receiving the congratulations bringing him $150,000, moved to Ashland ine-i folks were not piled up in saloons ca­ For particular, or prices, call on or and all seemed to be convinced that of his ho't of friends. The happy young this week from bhasia county, to remain address, rousing and howling for the hero of the couple .have the best wishes of ail for a some lime. His family is with him. He there was a demand for an honest dollar. day. There is quite a difference between prosperous married life. Bryan took the evening train for I the Yreka style and the Ashland style of will give this country another thorough and Phoenix fie ebook shook \ doing things, tiiinge' it il~i's~ true, ' ¿iskivou people north. At Talent aud rhoemx he is true. Shipping of Car Loads a specialty. Vim, vigor and victory:-these are the prospecting. 430 Washington St. PORTLAND, ORE hands with the section hands and Others, "blow in" about »5 to every |L spent by characteristics of De Witt’s Little Early The best of connections in all the Eastern Markets, .... . ... 1 — . 1 . . . ' , ...IB A $3500 pocket was found on Ash creek. He was also met bv large crowds at I Ashland people and their extra $4 usually Risers, the famous little pills for consti- Correspondence Solicited. fiation. biliousness and all stomach and Klamath river by Harry Nichols and bis Central Point, Woodville and Gold Hill *<>«■< for noise, wind, bluster and booze, tver troubles. Eugene A. Sherwin. and .hook hand.. At Medlord a bin way and the Ashlandites another. Our I partner. JAMES M. KYLE, Pres, and Mgr. crowd aMembl.d at the depot and be The following ar » ?mong the Siskiyou F. G. McWilliams of Houston, Tex., who made them a speech from the rear plat­ county people whe visited Ashland last has bad Garrett & Pennington <*?ive 100 form. At Grant. l’aes the train was it, feel it, smell it. They don’t call it hos­ week: H. B Gillis, wife »nd son, J F. Farraher feet of tunnel in the Hockersmitl ledge, is held 25 minute, and be gave them quite pitality until then. We believe that the and wife Chas, lunker and wife, P O. here on a business trip to retrain some a talk and .hook hand, with the cr-'Wd. loud matures that our Yrekn friends failed | — TOPS AND RUBBERS, WAX, Lemay and children, Rout. Willard and time to investigate tbe mining business. A band nai out, but when Bryan talked to see in the Bryan reception were a bless- , STRINGS, SEALING WAX, JELLY GLASSES, shter, E. H. Murray and wife. F. A it didn't play and when be quit .peaking Ing to Mr. Bryan, and are only sorry that I Grisez. Sims Fairchild, Miss Annie Farra­ th. big "ine’s’' and little "me ." of local the band boy. made a rusti to .hake po itical grab bag, pie hunting circles, the her. Miss Denney, Miss Nellie McBride, Miss Bryan. J. 8. Carr and wife M. Short Mis* Mamie Isaacs of Medford visited hand, with the orator. He was greeted fellows with such dull augurs, would have J. P. Bryaa and wife. I »an Davis, Henry Miss Elsie Patterson and Ashland friends along the road late at night and early io been as equally modest and not lamed We have a quantity of th ene yoode ÍH the morning. At Lebanon be .poke to Bryan by boring him with their instru- Koester, 4. G. W. Davis, M. F. Campbell, this week. and are prepared to make it an object I menta of torture. Notwithstanding their A. H. Denny and wife, Bam Jackson, Cha*«. HEADQUARTERS FOR 10,000 people. It was free. criticism, we can truthfuliv say that Ash­ King and wife. Dr. Fred McNulty, 8. L. to you to yet our ¡trice» before buyiny. “I crave but One Minute,” said the pub­ John P. Irish arrived on the even! 'KI land loved the Stskiyouans while they were Wilson, Frank Huvey, Louis Heller. C. W. lic speaker in a buskv voice: and ihen he Mahan, W. A. Courts. P E. Conner, Ixm- took a dose of One Minute Cough Cure, train and made a straight gold-bug talk here and remember them kindly now that We bave a new Glass Jar called the ise Dixon, Mrs. Dr Miliken, Dr Nu ting, and proceeded with his oratory. One Min­ to a »mall audience. It was entirely free they are gone. I N. A. Hawkins, R. H. DeWitt, Chas Cash. ute Cough Cure is unequalled for throat from abuse and very dry. However, it That 50 cents admission to bear Bryan R. J. Nixon, Jonn Dowling, T. B David­ and lung troubles. Eugene A. Sherwin. had th. merit ot being nne of the best kept many people away and they satisfied son, Con O’Donnell, Geo Durand. Fre