. I Mr. Bryan save tho people out weet i l Don't Tobacco Spit sad Saoko To.r I If. Away. Edward L Dakas, United States con' A vein of coal has be«n struck near Tho sixteenth annual international To quit tobacco easily sod (orever. be mag • shake hands as do no other people on ini at Buenoa Ayrsa, is dead. Narlock, Cal. neiie. lull ot life, nerve and vigor, take N’o-To convention of tlie Christian Endeavor _ earth. They go at it as if they meant it. The Trane-Mississippi congress Win» is b»ing sliUiped from Escon- Use. the wonder-worker, that makes weak men aociety *aa hel*l at San Francisco strong. All drugglau, too or 11. Cure guaran­ putting about 69 pounds of pressure imo annual session at Fait Lake city, dMo, Cui by th» carload. teed. Booklet and sample free. Address The People’s Paper. last week. There were twenty-five , each ...v.. ........ shake and ........ keeping the grasp .......___ Aim thi“ week. Tlie Ponooia, Cal., colli’g» has tuadu Sterling Heiuedy Co. Chicago or New York. Many persons take a variety of remedies and try many thousand delegates present. San Fran­ ss long as the oilier paity maniiests manifests no no1 Tlie big packing-house of Viles 4 as a public appeal for fuuds. novel procedures to reduce their weight. We do not refer cisco has extended to them a most cor­ ASHLAND, Or Thursday. July 14,1(07. | barolc disposition to get out ot the vi100,000. bit drire Inst week and slew 432 uf tlie high all over the northern Middle-West amount of flesh, and yet have been losing weight of late, Tho annual conwation of the Inter­ the city is decorated in holiday long-eared pests. State» July 4th, and many persons died milure that the boy orator was compelled Old Penoover sizes up clear out of to deliver his Ashlsjjd speech while national Longshoreman Is^u session at attire, streaiuars of flags stretched The Los Angeles city couucil has from the heat in Cleveland, Louisville, there is something wrong. If there is an inherited ten­ from one side of Market street to the Cleveland, O., this week. sight of the army of small silver poli- iitting.—Salem Siatesman. deciiled to work tlie chain gang in Washington, Kansas City, Cincinnati dency to weak lungs; if your cold hangs on, or if you are and other cities in that section. ticiaus to Oregon. For weeks the small | -------------------------- Charles H. Porter, an ex*congreee* other extend from the ferry landing to Elysian park on xoa ls. Ths body ol Clyde Nuilsy. the 7 year man from Virginia, died at Cairo, N. the Mechanics pavilion, where the con* weak, without appetite, losing color, and easily exhausted; During a severe storm at Larrimore, fry bare been arranging, scheming sod < Jame* Wood 11 is iieen sinteneed to old son of Geo. L. Nutlsv, the. Fokegama Y., a few days ago of apoplexy. vention ia to be held. Many cross death at Nelson, 11. C., for the murder N. D., the residence of S. E. North was this loss of flesh is the signal of distress. Heed it, promptly. conspiring to bebttle him iu the eatima- i shoemaker, who was drowned at the struck I)}’ lightning, and North, his Samuel Brown, a miner, and his streets are similarly deeoruted. At one of 8. I). Woods last October. tion of Bryan. It was left to Judge I lumber company ’ s boom io Klamath wife and his three-year-old child were point on Market street an immense | wife were burned to death in their Crowell to slur Pennoyer here and when i Tlie Citizens’ Water Company of Ri­ killed. Tlie only member of lhe fam­ Bryan was to arrive in Portland tbrte river two weeks ago, was found Saturday home at Pittsburg, Pa., by a fire caused and lianusume arcli has been erected. alto, Cub, lias tiled articles of incor­ ily that escaped was a fifteen-months- Tlie structure is studded witli Incan- 1 poration. Capital stock, S150,90U. small men intended to put an indignity some 20 miles down Klamath river. The by a lamp explosion. oíd ciiiid. • Recent development! in the hot descent lights. In th« center on each . Tlie city trustees of Fresno, Cal., upon him there. Crowell succeeded in body was buried at Pokegama Sunday. of Cod-liver Oil, with hypophosphites, comes to the rescue, Sam Mitchell of Empire city, Kas., springs of Yavapai county, A. T., prove side is ''Welcome' ’ and suspended have increased tlie license ol nickel-in- thoroughly disgusting Bryan here for Roseburg, July 12.—Harry Weaver, wiped out an old filed by shooting and because it supplies a peculiar food in a pleasant and easily his pains and when Bryan arrived in unmarried, for a long time a resident of them to be among the most wonderful from the center tlie initials "C. E.” the-slot tnacliines to $50 a quarter. killing Link Cole, ex-citv marshal. medicated water of the country. These are also studded with lights. All digested form. This oil has medicinal properties not found Stockton, Cal., is to have a new up- The men met on the Mtreet and Mitch­ Portland Ptsnoyer took charge and was Roseburg, recently employed as hostler The First Methodist Church of New the business houses are decorated and ' to-date school-house containing eight the whole thing. It was a cold day (or by the Messrs. Div at their Olalla mines, ell shot without warning. Cole killed in any other fat; while the hypophosphites have sustaining Rochelle, N. Y., was destroyed by fire. many private residences. In fact the clnKS rooms mid accommodations for Mitchell’s brother a year ago. the small fry from one end of the stale was killed yesterday afternoon about 6 It was more than 1U0 years old, and the Endeavor’s colors, purple and gold, are and life-giving properties of their own. Don’t let yourself 550 scholars. to the other, Bryan understands a o'clock near Winston bridge, while rid- oldest church in Westchester county. James Butler, a farmer of Lisbon, to be seen everywhere. get thin. thing or two himself and doesn’t hesitate ' jng jQ a wagon loaded with mining ma- The first meeting of tlie convention ’ Apricot drying is going on at a lively W’* , went home one evening last week C cl*. Mud I* * bottle. SCOTT A SOWN«, Ch.mfets, N»w Yarh. Captain Cei of the Barsaglieri Guards. In a quarrel with his to sit down upon shallow people who at- cbinery. In descending a steep grade the Italy, has invented u rifle from which was held Wednesday afternoon and rate all around Redlands, Cui. Tlie intoxicated. tempt to use him to boost themselves brake broke, the wagon turned over, and eighty shots a minute may be fired tlio convention was declared open for crop will be fair iu size and extremely wife he seized an ax and almost bach­ ed her to pieces and caused her death. the contents fell upon Weaver, crushing without removing the weapon from tlie the transaction of business, election of 8°°d i‘t gualitv. Another object lesson as to the honesty I A. 1. Mohler, | officers, etc. The vurious reports sub- ... L ~ ~ , the new general man- Butler escaped. KEEP YOUR BOWELS STRONG ALL SUMMER I him. He lived an hour, suffering dread­ shoulder. A freight train on the White Mount­ of the profession of the democratic party I mltted show a marvelous increase in ager of the Oregon Railway and Nav* tally. _________________ Eight persous were poisoned near ' membership from all quarters and tlie igation company lias arrived in Port- ain division of the Boston and Maine lias been given by their late state con ven* i ¡ railroad was wrecked by a washout a.va. wmv w .» s . There Sr® 30 CSni p8 in lb« grOVC, prin- Fort Duchesne, Utah, by eating chick­ immense amount of good done and tlie laud and assumed charge. tion aaa in vrwav. Ohio. wwaa John *w. R. uav^caaaa McLean who with . ’ ’ z,. . .. ,, cipally people from Medford, among whom ens that had been feeding on plants general usefulness of the Endeavors. Patrick It in rumored that Lucky Baldwin north of Woodsville, N. H. his great newspaper, the Cincinnati Ln-■ Dr B. F. Adkins, wife and daughter, on which green paint powder bed been Business ie is well under way and tlie has sold tlie Puente ranch of 30,000 Lennon, the engineer, Bert Pebbles, quirer, so ablv led ih. Brvan tight in Mr». Hibbard and two daughters, Mr. sprinkled. session closed Monday. A fine acres at Latnanda Park, to a syndicate fireman, and O. E. Lange, brakeman» Ohio last lot year, vear a*, nihtr roughly rnuohlv han han- ! andfhmi Fawceu | and fsmity, Mrs. 0. Johnson vino was rather Vi Mlsa |.|ovd and J. Miss Bursell, Mrs. Lillian Langtry, who recently chorus of 1500 trained voices, backed which will build a large beet sugar fac­ were killed. died by the convention, and onlv escaped Dr. Odge-s and daughters, Mrs. Kellogg secured a divorce through a California by an orchestra of 100 pieces, was A boiler explosion occurred on the being turned down in his contest for the ; »."? d»“lthterA, Wilmer McBberson and j court, will shortly marry Prince Ester- • in attendance to assist tlie choir. I’ray- tory. ,T , ! sisters. Mrs Wortman. Dr. Berlin, Mrs. George Weston, an aeronaut, anil his farm of W. A. Allen, near Hartsville, United States senatorsbip agrinst Mark . Lumsden, H. U. Linusden and family, A. ! hazy de Galautha, a wealthy Austrain, . ers and speeches have been given by assistant, J. Tapseott, received injuries Tenn., by which nine people were in­ _____ ..nd _____ ____ Hanna, by sacrificing his friends, with- i N- Berlin and family family G. W. White and 60 years old. many of tlie most prominent clerygmen from which they will die, while try­ stantly killed and live badly injured. .... j. i „ \ .. family. family, C. U. I. Hutchinson and wife and 10 < ALL drawing bis candidate for the governor- , M1SH fa utchin8on> Mr . True and family, A. M. Winebrenner, who was under in tho country. Miss Hutchinson, Mr. True and family, A. A. ing to ascend 111 a balloon at Eureka, Some of the victims were mangled beyond recognization and pieces of the _______ DRUGGISTS 25< SO* ship, and lending his aid toward giving R. Yantis and family. Misses Fannie Has- arrest for cruelty to his step-daughter, ' Saturday evening the meeting was Cal. A tablet now and then will prevent dlarrhwa. dysentery, all summer complaints. causing easy. natural I kins, Della Pickel. - Grace Foster. Éíva iho tn a . Nation- kins, Della Pickel. JoneSf Grace Myrlle Foster. j^wton. Elva was taken from the jail at Beatrice, : turned over to the State Christian boiler were 700 yards. results. Sample and booklet free. Ad. STERLING REMEDY CO., Chicago, Montreal, Can., or New York. 170 the „ommutiAn nomination fnr for governor to UM1|Oway , Mabel Mabel The supreme court at New West­ Galloway, Jones, Myrtle Lawton, Endeavors, who held their tenth Shortage amounting to $15,000 of the Neb., by a mob, horse-whipped and , al bank president and coal baron. Ths | Kev O. N. Annes and family. Rev. J. minister, B. C., recently awarded moneys due from the County Dispen­ annual convention. and family, « Rev. J. A. Crutchfield tarred and feathered. illy concealed venom of the old moss- | Merley “ J1200 damages to the widow of Frank sers to llie State of South ('nro'ina were I and family all of Medford, and Mrs. White The body of John Egan, a Salt Lake I back Brice-Campbell gang who refused ' and family of Rock Point, Mrs. Bacon and I Scott, who was run down by the A creamery’ is to bo established at steamer Dr.n.imi ’r.in Frazer river and brought to light by ihe Dispensary city, Utah, hotel-keeper, was found in to support Bryan was so plainly to be Miss Barnes of Gold Hill. Board of Control. The books are in Bonall, in the San Luis Rey valley, guaranteed to cure all nervous diseases, such as Weak Memory, Loss of an alley of that city, where it had been drowned. seen and their power over the convention Power, Headache, Wakefulness, Lost Manhood, Nightly Emis­ ft* Brain Who can fail to take advantage of this such a statu that no record ean be had left by the persons who murdered him. I Cal. sions. Nervousness, all drains, loss of power in Generative Organs of The oldest squaw in Inyo county of all the shortages, but it is probable so apparent that everything was surren­ I offer. Send 10 cents to us for a generous Three either sex. caused by over-exertion, youthful errors, excessive use of men are under arrest suspected I Ralph W. Peck, a saloon-keeper gf died last week, 10> years old. Accord­ trial size or a*k your druggist. Ask for dered to them but the right of Mr. Me- Ely’s Cream Balm, the most positive ca­ tobacco, opium or stimulants, which lead to Infirmity, Consumption or of having committed the crime. Valley Springs, Cal., committed sui­ ing to Piute custom, her house and that the total sum will be much larger. h’ Insanity. Can be carried in vest pocket Ji.oo per box, 6 for $5, t>y mail Lean to apply for the senatorsbip, and tarrh cure. Fuit size 50 cents. John Taylor, a 15-year-old boy, was * prepaid. Circular Free. Sold by all druggists. Ask for it; take no other. V Fire destroyed a large saw and grist cide by shooting himself. brlc-a-bac were burned to preclude the ELY B k O s ., 56 Warren St.. N. Y, City, Manufactured by the Peau Medicine Co., Paris, France. Laue-Davi« killed at Ogden, Utah, on Sunday, by even this was not done by the action of Drug Co., distributing agents. Third and Yamhill St»., Portland, Or. Eureka, Cal., has been flooded with possibility of her ghost haunting the the explosion of a gas pipe cannon. 1 suffered from catarrh of the worst kind mill and their contents, connected with i the convention. The following special i ever FOR SALE BY E A HHKKWIN. AbHLANl». ORI-.G0N. “nice a boy, and I never hoped for the plant of the Berlin Mill Company, ; counterfeit mone.v lately in the shape spot, and her body was buried. Arthur Larsen had a hand torn off. dispatches from Columbus after the con­ cure, but Ely’s Cream Balm seems to do at Berlin, N. II., entailing a loss of of twenty-five and fifty-cent pieces. The search for natural gas at tlie San The pipe was loaded with giant pow vention adj aimed show bow the popu­ even that. Many acquaintances have $100,000. Five hundred men are thrown There is supposed to be a gang of coun­ Joaquin County Hospital lias been a eer, and was being hammered into an and their U'Cd it with excellent results.—Oscar lists and silver republicans interpret its Ostrum, 45 Warren Ave., Chicago, Ill. out of work. terfeiters located in the neighborhood. failure. Though a flow of 10,0(10 feet ' earth bank when it exploded. marvelous cure. action. Neither will affiliate with the Science of the 19th Century William H. Gates was arrested at his Don’t nauseate your stomach with teas Joe Knauer, proprietor of a barber of gas per day lias been secured tlie A number of insolent Japanese sail- looks on with amazement democrats in support of their ticket. and bitter herbs, but regulate your liver home in New York, and jailed,charged shop at San Francisco, was shot and contractor stated that ho would be un­ at the most remarkable rec­ ' ors from the Japanese warship Naniwa, and sick headache by u*ing those famous with tlie murder of his wife, Carrie < ord of cures ever known in SILVER REPUBLICANS HOT killed by A. L. Knott, a crazy lock­ able to go lower for a greater supply. 1 at Honolulu, severely beat a young little pills known as De Witt’s Little Early the World’s history'. Gates. The two had not lived together smith. The men had trouble about a Columbus, O., June 30.—The silver re­ Risers. Eugene A. ¡Sherwin. Many inquiries are being received ' American lady on the streets of that publicans held a conference tonight, and for some time. Gates gained access to ' year ago and Knott grieved over it. from the southern states as to tlie cul­ I city. Some of the sailors of the Ameri- i Hundreds of thousands of Sufferers cured without • single failure The summer school of the Normal has expressed ureal indignation. They said been postp ned one week, and will open the room occupied by his wife and shot ■ He met Knauer on the street and shot ture of tobacco in San Diego county, i cun warships beard of the affair, and by “ FIVE DROPS.” it was true tb«v had announced they did ¡July her. him without a word of warning. 26th in the art budding in the Cal., and tho writers say that if tlie I hunted up the Japs and gave them a not want a place on the state ticket, but Chautauqua grove The school work will I Though so universally used and tested did you ever hear anyone The big strike of the coal miners in ’ Bertram Hill, a six-year-old boy liv­ experiment has proven u success they terrible threshing. One Jap was so the announcement was not made until ] be chiefly review ih the common branches, «peak ill of thia great remedy r No. you never did and never will, for if taken as directed and iu the proper quantity “5 Drops’’ cannot fail after being toL! »hey could not have it. ; a d will continue five weeks. Expenses Pennsylvania, Ohio and Tennessee is • ing at Oakland, Cal., went to witness a will oome and engage iu the business. roughly handled that he may die. to cure any of the diseases for which it is recommended. What Ov«»a*.v.a at Blair Park, and in ... They appointed a state committee to I light Prof. Ledge* wood will assist Erof. now in the second week of its existence ' balloon « ascension William Jennings Bryan was Senator Isham G. Harris of Tennes­ it has already done to relieve the suffering is told in thousands of call a convention to nominate a separate i Van Scoy in the school. with no sign of weakening on either I Bome manner became tangled in the I addressing meetings at various sections see died at his residence at Washing­ letters of grateful pialse. ticket. The populists also announced Educate Your Bowel« With Caecaret«. side. Nearly all the mines in those | ropes and was carried up to a height of throughout California lust week. ton, D. C., a few days ago. He was they would hold a state convention and A/z. 7. P. Limiburnrr, widtlf brawn for m.iny rears as lie sptcial refresentateter of Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. states are closed down and the output | 1000 feet, when he fell, lie was killed Everywhere he has been lie lias re­ une of the best-known statesmen at have a separate ticket. the Populists and Free Silver Press of the United Stales, has kindly forwanM tht 10c, 25c. If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money. i of coal is practically stopped. I instantly. Thousand, witnessed the ceived an enthusiastic reception, and Washington, having been prominently fol., nng letter for fuHnatuns. GOLD DEMOCRATS ACTIVE. Tom Stergul and Anthony Dollar, I tragedy. Immense crowds attended his meet- before the public since 1849. D bab S irs —I urn anxious for tho sake of the suffering and out of gratitude to you U President C. G. Baldwin of the Po- Columbus, O , June 30.—Immediately miners, became involved in a quarrel five my personal endorsement of your wonderful remedy. On the wth of January, 1H0T, Edward J. Matthews, 20 years old, ings. Five hundred persons at Wappinger, after the close of democratic convention i mono, Cal., college has resigned. was in Washington and was suddenly weized with an aggravated, case of influ—matory | over a woman at Greenwood, Ark., was instantly killed by the explosion lands Orange county, Cal., peat Chairman Holden, of the Ohio gold X. Y*. were poisoned at a fourth of rheumatism: so severe and painful was the attack that within 24 Lours my left arm was Fire swept over 3000 acres of the paralyzed and I was only able to dress with assistance. I secured a bottle of 5 DROPS democrats, issued a call for a meeting on I Betkerely, Cal., hills a few days ago. and to settle tlie matter fought a knife of a mortor at the public display of which sold for $5 per acre Ion years July picnic by eating ham sandwiches, and took a dose that night, nibbing some on externally as directed. Lhe following duel in a dark room. Stergel was fireworks at San Francisco, July 5th. ago now sells for $590 an acre, as it lias most of which had been cooked in a July 8. A large number of leading gold morning I was surprised to find myself immensely relieved, and continuing treatment Tho Pasadena, Cal., country club killed and Dollar received fifteen A young lady who was with him was been found valuable for vetubles. □oppevbottoined kettle. Three hund­ democrats have been invited to attend woke the second morning cured. My arm was absolutely free from pain, and all swelling and stiffness had disappeared. The quickness and completeness of my cure wps re­ the conference. The probabilities are has been organized and will be incor­ wounds and will die. badly lacerated on the face, and re­ Horses used in plowing the soft land red of the afflicted ones suflvred severe­ markable. I have known for over a year of the great curative properties of your medicine they will support Mr. Chapman. porated. and have several friends w 10 have been cured by it of Neuralgia, Catarrh and Asthma. Hawaii has offered to refer to arbi­ ceived a shock to her system which may are shod with wooden shoes twelve ly and are not yol well, but none have Wishing you e^ery success and trusting that those similarly afflicted will at least, Thus the resuit seems to be in Ohio W. A. Dunn, an old resident of So­ tration the immigration dispute pend­ a fleet her mind. inches square. • died give this remedy atrial. Sincerely yourB t H5*EB0RNER, that the Cleveland and Bryan wings of noma county, Cal., died in Santa Rosa ing with Japan, but so far the Tokio Bur can of Populist and Reform Papers. Old Stock Exchange Building, Chu.i£t\Ilo. An advance of a Russian-Jewisli col­ Winfield Scott Parker, who was tax A fir tree which lias served to mark the democracy have “got together” in recently, aged 77 years. Government lias ignored tlie proposi­ ony arrived at San Francisco last week. a section and township corner in 1849, collector for Fairhaven, Wash., in CURES THE INCURABLE. their tug for office, and a corporationist D ear S irs ;—I would like to thank you for your gTeat remedy, “6 DROPS.*' and tell Sepulveda, the Mexican hoyse-thief, tion. Telegraphic information lias been Tlie party consists of thirty-five men when tlie tree wuseiglr incites through, 1801, and who absconded with $12,000 you what it has done for me. I had Rheumatism in every joint and in the heart, and I received at tlie State Department, and and five families. They will select land was cut down last week on tlie west­ of tlie city’s funds, has just settled the and national bank president, doth lead has been sentenced at Riverside, Cal., had Catarrh of the head for 30 vearB, I was so poorly that I lost the use of my legs and arms, it is, therefore, possible to deny the re­ somewhere iu the State and follow ern slope of the Cascade range by an account in full. Parker is now living and could not move without pain. I was so crippled, that I had done but little work for them. Populists and silver republicans to five years at San Quentin. seven years, and our family physician, a good doctor, told me that my Rheumatism will each have a separate ticket. As be­ A rumpus occurred in the San Jose port tlint Japan hud agreed to arbitrate farming. The entire party consists of Oregon City man. Tlie stump now is in Buenos Ay ros, South America. and Catarrh were Incurable, and I believed him. But now, after using ”6 DROPS ’ only- 1200 persons, and will come when the forty inches in diameter. two months, I can truly say 1 have not felt so well for seven years. This medicine does, tween the democrats, Biice, Campbell, Board of Trade last week, and over fifty tlie vexing question. During the heat of a clii'd'sh passion more than ie claimed for it. Al this time my Catarrh is much better, and I have scarcely site is settled. They are from Pennsyl- News from Washington states that The great sugar factory at Chino, a five-year-old son of B. Locke, at San | et al, who are in control of the party ma­ members resigned as lhe result. any Rheumatism at all and the heart weakness and pain are gone. My hearing is now good vavia. and my eyesight is much better. 1 have gained more than io pounds of flesh and ean do there is no hope of relief forth« soldiers Cal., will commence operations this Leandro, ( nt, caught up Ids father ’ s chinery iu Ohio, and the republican, There has been a decrease since last a full day’s work. It is the beat medicine I ever saw to give a mother who has a young child, County Treasurer B. S. Ward, of week. Tlie product of 11,000 acres oi revolver, and leveling it at a three- for it has the same effect on the child as on the mother. It wards off Croup aud cures tba under Mark Hanna and Sherman, there year oI §¡218,081 in ihe assessed valu­ who have received no pay sin<*e May. hive« of the child and causes sweet and refreshing sleep to both young and le affliction of dyspepsia, accompanied by Sciatica, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia, Backache. A st how, Hay Fevsr, Catarrh, SlaapiessDesa, Edmund Davis, a well-known Boston July celebration lhe “goddess” of lib­ To which would you prefer to belong? racking headaches, has prompted me to Nervousness, Nerv^/aiid Neuralgic Headache*. Heart Weakness, Toothache. Earache. Of the many appointments expected fice. The regular, undoubtedly. The irregular, voluntarily express my indorsement. Two lawyer, committed suicide. He had erty was a flaxen-haired youth seven Croup, “La d-ippa,*' Malaria, Creeping Numbness, Bronchitis aud Kindred Diseases. The crusade against the gambling are. admittedly, the most numerous, bin to be sent to the Senate this week,three ears of extreme suffering vanished as if by •** FIVE DROPS ” is the name and dose. Large bottles (300 doses), g}.00. Six bottles for been arrested for embezzlement. feet tall. will have great interest for California. games at Los Angeles has been com­ they are in a very undesirable state of no- nagic. To those suffering similarly I rec- |5 00. Sample bottle pi epaid by mail 2&c. Not sold by. druggists, but only by us and our The intense heat throughout the Hostel’er> Stomach Bitter- •m mend its trial. Its meritswill do the agents. Agents appointed in new territory. George Sprecknann, a blacksmith, i It is understood that Captain Merry menced. All of the tape and broker­ di-cipline. eastern states last week caused scores I was drowned in a tub of water at! will be namod as Minister to Nicara­ age establishments were notified by the will soon remedy this wantina disorder?)’ est. Yours in health. B. D. CARN, SWANSON RHEUMATIC CURB CO., M7 Dearborn St. CHci««JIL iyer or bowles. Biliousness manifests it- Poso township. Kern County, Cal. of deaths among people of the large Stockton, lie went to wash his face, gua and Salvador, to succeed I^wis police that they must cease business. -elf tn yellowness ot the skin and eyeball-, cities. This action, which has been threatened .our breath, furred tongue, morning nau- Baker, of St. Paul. Senator Ragsdale, took’a fit and fell in bead first. No one should be (holed by a dis­ tes. discomfort tn the iicinitv of ihe liver Barnum, Minn., was partly destroyed Bruce Pendegrast has been appoint­ of Santa Rosa, Consul to Tien-tsin, for weeks past, is the result of an opin­ vertigo and sick headache. Hosts of peo­ honest druggist. There are plenty ot by a cyclone and flood. Nine persons ed superintendent of schools of Yolo China, and John C. Lynch, Collector of ion given recently by Assistant District ple sutler thus. These signs of insubor- loneet druggists who would be glad Attorney Chambers on the legality of ‘iinaticn to the govarnance of health, to­ co have vour trade. were killed outright and a number in­ county, Cal., to fill the unexpired term Internal Revenue at San Francisco. —VIA— the game?. He held that they came gether with an Irregular condition of th’ jured. of Mrs. Clara Armstrong, deceased. Mr. lioshl, tlie Japanese minister at —VIA— within the pale of the law and were bowels, are soon regulated by the Bitters, Mrs. Teresa Clawson Wells, wife nf Washington, sent to Secretary Sher ­ which also overcomes malaria, dyspepsia Mrs. Laura Turkham, a teacher in rheumatism, neuralgia, nervousness ano Governor Wells, of Utah, died at Salt the Pasadena, Cal., grammar school, man bls reply to the note of tlie secre­ subject to prosecution. Herbert Hyde, a San Jose boy, who Kidney trouble. As a means of checkin* Lake City after an illness of several aged 33 years, recently wedded Alum tary of state written in answer to —or THk— premature decay, hastening convalescence only celebrated his sixteenth birthday A merica ’ s scenic lise . months. R. Taylor, one of her pupils, aged 19 Japan's original note of protest against in June, attempted suicide by shouting and millgating the Infirmities of age, th- Southern Pacific Co. een lost mid property estimated at confined in n hospital suffering from OBSERVATION CARS. San Francisco, Oilraiiia ground out for his two fighters gyd7ey‘n7riv^d in San rraneiscii' Sun­ from $50,000 to $100,000 in value de­ nervous prostration. Between Portland and Oorwalliw. S3 PIONEER BLOCK. ® anil putting them into tlie "play-act- ,plv t|,c yellow flag living. Both Daily Trains - Fast Time stroyed. MÀI1.TBÀIX DAILY (XXCin SUXDAY.) Samuel II. ¡Sackett of Napa, lias been II;;'' | ■.•..lines» for keeps. | stiaiii < v c ff •> i... Ex-Premier Amor de Co*»nios, an obi appointed a Customs inspector in tlm SERVICE AXD BCENEBV VNIQUALID. Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes, and Every- LBAVBS; abbivm : There is Nothing So Good. ■ port* ciid -■ ” < ........ ■ adieu political war horse, pioneer newspaper place of John M. Plunkett, who was thing Pertaining to the For tickets and full information call on man and capitalist, once considered tho killed by a collision in San Francisco I r There is nothing just as good US pr.jfrom 'it-.- ii v - ”• yetl.”i l.-.er on the Portland.... 7 :30 am Corrali!*. .12:18 p m or address, R. L eonard , Agent, Bakery Trade. King's New Dt’Coverv for Consumption.1 th” co. a..'--. Ii»o tes’l'i* are in quar- foremost nun in Western Canada, died , bay between the tug Resolute and the i Counhs J. E. E syart , Ashland, Or. Corvallis... 1:05 pm Portland. 8:60 p r» and Colds, so demand it and do not; nntlne at Victoria, B. C., u few dip v ago. Medford, Oregon. permit the dealer to sell you some sub- * schooner Sacramento^ Boston Baked Beans, Endiab At Albany and Corvallis connect wttb ■ ■ — R. C. S teves », A. B. C. D exsistos , stitute He will not claim' there t i any- Pedro Gamblllini and Valente Becli- With Hood’s Sarsapa- ■■■ Plain Pudding, and Freeh East­ ’-rams of Oregon Central A Eastern Rail- A Barrel ol Squirrels. rill»," Sales Talk, ” and B^ I If pr^t »ormet nffigri«' to °£ " 01ki“F - -'joining G. W, P. A.. Seattle, C. P. A T. A. roads. Every-Day Kxcnrsions ern Ovsters. Everything booie- iinixu suiuvuiiuK rise iu ue . i ■ r •how that this medi- B S* I N. F. Williamson of Salem. Oregon, Portland, Oregon. baked by Expert Cooks. Express Train Dally f Except Sunday.) You want went l>r. Dr. King ’s Newl New} farm famis ’ >» in I«-««»» . county, ............... got .. into King'» Joaquin writes* "I have triad seversl bnvuts of To ali parts ol the world esn be arranged Hist as jrood. Yon --------- you .------- know .. it . to . be safe/ .n a dispute ----- 1.60. Bolton ________________ _________ ______ ____ ______ _ what Hood’s Sarsaparilla does, that tellr and to anv _ part nf ____ Europe. Fatimates "teamsbip lines for J APA.N and CHINA. MEAIS AT Ashland, Oregon. the story. All advertisements of Hood'. Own; I have been Uklng voer garapa furnished including expenses. Tickets Sailing dates on application. ALL HOURS. F.x-C<«l lector of Internal Revenu? »art. la. and think it a wonderfill remedy I furnished for the complete journey. It Sarsaparilla, Ilka Hood’s Sarsaparilla it­ Bow a This! City Passenger Rates and tickets to Eastern points and bare ¿’*d caUrrb of the head and throat for is not necreearv to wait ter anv of the an O. M. Well mm of San Frnnrtfcn, ufo self, are honest. We have never deceived M a otter One Hundred Dollars Reward the public, and thia with its superlativi Europe. Also Japan. China. Honolulu and seven ftars, and have hean treated by duo- called “Personalis Conducted Excur- <*bcvenusiats Toledo. Ohio 5" baa stfseu nr rtt-u-titina rrnrn business ticulars it yoo are contemplating a trip. WUi b.idle tee it. Ashland dunns th, • Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally Xo «tarvlna, wnuklrn or SeltMrwM. Im ummer season. Delivered at »our door nrtnrs r-nnrst health an-1 . acting direcuv upon the blood and mucous Almost to the exclusion of all others Try ft vleiana and a.letj ladles ladura. It rb .naenda rani. •srv morning. Prepared only by C I. Hood A Co.. Lowell. Mass To Car. Coo. tip« I Ion Forarci VALLET RECORD heed the signal Sccdli SmaUtciL QANDY CATHARTIC .'obcaAetb CURE CONSTIPATION MANHOOD RESTORED ’S£,» RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, CATARRH. ASTHMA, HEADACHE Eino 'PSI J < F SLEEP BABIES GO EAST EAST AND SOUTH The Shasta Route Library-Car Route SKIN-TORTURED 8KIN 8CALP CITY BAKERY! THROUGH PALACE & TOURIST Sales FOX & HILDRETH. 35-Cts. THE ACCIDENTS OF UFE Hood’s K Sarsaparilla Take Cucareis Candv Cullarne toe rr tea. It C C. C. tall lecur-. aruog.-rs rctawù tnowey. «^■Pssse irsrs delirersd to ,‘ho etty PATIENTS TREATED SY MAIL p,rt of amadewiaur. For parueaun addrem, wir* «amp. HR. SNYDER,