VALLE! KfcCOKD. lALLLl VALLEY RECORD. OF EVERY --^n FSC ff I PTION NO MONOPOLY PRICES I Give us your order for Letterheads, state­ ments. Envelopes. &c. AtìHLAND OB EGO Ji, Vi FINE FEINTING VOL. X. ASHLAND, JACKSON Chief of the County Papers Publhhcd svary Thv»d»y. E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. 3ÜBBCRIPTION RATES: Ona Yaar....... Six Mouths ... Three Months COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY. JULY 16, 1897 NO. 7. PKE.SHKD BRICKS. The Late H. C. Hill. Myrtle Point Enterprise, July 10.] For two weeks Evangelist R"»s has . been i-nnduvtinir revival meetings at thia j place, the M. E. church, south, being packed even to the aisles and entrances, i Great interest was manifested from the beginning and it looks as though the inertings would be crowne l with grand I reauits. Never before bag auch hot shot lieeu bulled into Satan’s camp at this ■ place, and His Majesty can no longer withstand the bombardment. Hie forces are muted and are reduced to humble «objection. Many, even of the most I hardened in sin, have approached the altar and become converted, and many I mom are to follow ere the close of tbe meetings, Sunday evening. The Evange­ list’s plain language has had a telling effect and bis earnestness and liberality has won the affections of all. As a result of hie meetings he alwava reaps an im­ mense harvest of converts whom he turns over to the church of their choice. FBRNITÏÏREI _,’on’t believ« it just call and see. to Take asy to Operate Hood’s Pillay Proprietors. Lowell. Mass. — He miy pate so take Witte Boed‘s For Sal! by A»HLAND PRt'O CO « $ I am Selling Sewing Machines Lower Than Anybody Else is Offering Them I i Professional Cards DB Headquarter! on Is TRY ME ONCE AND BE CONVINCED Ayer’s Hair Vigor. Meta u Drarttet. of bym :l cmL BIT »«OrUEMS, M w MT>a BL, N« Twk City, g i —— J. P. DODGE POWDER CASTORIA . u ENOLAND'S 1NTEHESL'. Hansell Corloa Hill was born in Joseph Robison came up from Shasta Charlestown, Maas.. Feb. 9, 1822, and A* a ('miller Nation There Oan B« tai county this week. iiie«l in bis home in Ashland July 4, Doubt M to Her Position on the tub­ Hol tend cold baths at Storey’s barber­ 1897. aged 75 years, 4 months and 23 J«*. S. H H. Goddard was appointed justice of July 4. He was buried at Canyonville. As to the prospect of an international er words, but for the fall of prices the After I became his pastor he was one of tbe peace of Talent precinct. Harry Galarnean and wife and D. W. my most faithful hearers and supporters monetary agreement, to which many of entire item of debt would havo been Tbe county clerk was instructed to issue and wife of K amath Agency took as long as health permitted, serving very us here have devoted our energies for Wiped out, and a bonus of £2,500,000 an alias writ lor the collection of delin­ Ryan acceptably as treasurer for 4 or 5 years. the past 20 years, you will perhaps per­ would remain to the credit of the col- Monday’s train for a visit in Portland. DENTIST quent taxes. Statement of sheriff showing tbe amount The lale Ed Schieflelin carried $35,000 He was a man of strong convictions, mit me to write at some length. Look­ ony. I have no doubt that in the case of of taxes collected, an i that remaining de­ insurance on his life, and his brother positive and vigorous in the expression ing back to tho records of the abortive California, a community equal in popu­ OF*In the Masonic Building np stairs linquent, was approved. Charles was up last week gathering the of his mind, no middle of tbe road man, conferences of the past, it seems pretty lation and similar in resources, the ex­ over Post Office. proofs of his death to collect tbe money. but a man of forceful character, of up­ clear that those who attribute their fail­ ternal indebtedness of that state is not In Probate. The Mining Journal says Senator Joh • right, clean life, loved by all nearest him Estate of J G Birdsey. Oreler mada for P. Jones of Nevada is becoming interested and honored by all who knew him, for ure to England’s hostility know too lit­ less than is the case in New South J^IC. S. T. SONGER. citation N— H EN RY — In Jacksonville. P. H. Donoehue. who was ruptured while Remaining uncalled for in the Ashland prices. The truth is that the great fall July 10. 1897. bv Rev. J. M Shulse, S. G. at work with the railroad carpenters at Sis­ PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, P. O., July 12, 1897. Epperson and Mrs. Annie E. Henry. TO STOP FREE SEEDS. in the price of your staple exports, such kiyou, was in San Francisco last week as wheat and cotton—a fall which will I Dr. Herr & Co, O bigon . TURPIN—BUNYARD—In Medford, July where he saw Andy Matson, formerly of Bolzien & Mair, A shlan d . Reason* Why the Kfl’ort* Made In Thia Neill, Robt A, | Hels jn, a O, Ashland, in the hospital. Matson has lost 8. 1897. by Rev. G. N. Stines, Niron Tur­ each year make it more difficult for you Direction Should Not Succeed. the sight of one eye and was there having Hammaeland, Wickter. pin and Alias Edith Af. Bunyard. to pay the interest on your foreign debts an opeiation performed on the other, Office—At Residence, intersection of Me­ FOELLER-M AT HEWS— In Jacksonville Persons calling for same will please say without shipping your gold—it is this A circular letter from some dupe of chanic, LaureJ and Main Streets. W H. B bunk . P. M. July 5. 1897, by Hon. W. 8. Croweil, The following is said of a brilliant speak­ “advertsied.” very fall which, by giving ns, your the one eyed cyclops, monopoly, urging county judge, Daniel Koeller and Miss er at the Ashland Chautauqua two years Evidently the makers of Schilling’s Best creditor, cheap raw material and cheap the peoplo to join in a universal remon­ Rose E. Mathews. ago: Dr. Frank Gunsaulus, of Chicago, Tea believe in good measure, and don’t food both, secures our manufacturing strance against the free distribution of SOCIETY DIRECTORIES. SCOTT-EACHU8 — At Woodville. June has been compelled to retire from active seem to care if the measure runs oyer a supremacy and enables us to flourish in­ .seeds through the department of agricul­ 28, 1897, by Rev. Joel Milton, Ge«nge W work, as pastor and lecturer, on account trifle. of ill-health He seems to be badly ¡shat­ Scott and Miss Clara B. Eachus Most all our readers know of this missing ordinately as a nation, notwithstanding ture at Washington, setting forth the G. A. R. tered and is suflenng from malaria, rheu­ word contest; butsotnetning happened in the paralysis of our agriculture and ol immun** cost of this feature of our pub­ matism and mental unrest. The papers connection BUBNSIDB POST NO. 23. it tbe other day that may certain other special industries which lic institutions, is at hand. hint at some “mental trouble” which be news. It with BO11V Meet in Masonic Hall, on the 1st and queer, anyhow; but the Can it be possible that the American caused him Io be quietly removed to a right word for seems have been undermined by the competi­ it is really liberality. 3a .-Saturday of each month. Visiting Com Michigan sanitarium. He has worked all voters are going to permit themselves You ruay remember that their large ad­ tion of silver using Asia. rades cordially weiuoiueu. tbe vitality out of him, having dipped in ­ M ilton B kbry , Commander. vertisement contained this sentence: Let me show the effect of the fall in to be hoodwinked into consenting to the CHILDERS — In Sams Valley. June 28. to a little of everything. J. R. C asey , Adjutant. “In addition to the |hJUO ottered, we will | 1897, to Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Childers, a prices upon our creditor relation with abolition of this beneficent feature of “They don’t make much fuss about it.” pay $100 each to the two persons who I son. foreign countries. Our foreign loans and a popular government? We are speaking of De Wilt's Little Early send in the largest number of Schill­ W. B. C. Let us urge upon our readers this im­ CANTRALL—In Jacksonville, July 6, 1897, Risers, the famous Jittla piHs for constipa­ investments are upward of $10,000,000,- ing ’ s Best yellow tickets before June 15. ’ ’ BURNSIDE RELIEF COBPS NO. 24 to Mr. and Mrs. James M. Cantrall, a tion, biliousness, and all atomach and 000, the interest on which is supposed mortal truth, “Eternal vigilance is the No one could tell from this wording that daughter. Meets in Odd Fellows hall at 2 o’clock p. liver troubles. They never gripe. Eugene tney wanted tbe plums to go to the people to averago 4 per cent, or $400,000,000 price of liberty.” Think of this: No in­ m on the second and fourth Fridays of A. Sherwin. who used tbe tea—not to grocers, though a year. This interest reaches us in the dividual at his own expense is going to each month. M bs . J. I). C bockeb . Pres. Marshal Elhott of Grants Pass was ar­ such was tbe case. But it happened that spend $1,000,000 to print arguments in Mae. Mary Berry, Bec’v. Na tonal Educational AMsociation rested and given a preliminary examina­ two stirring grocers took bold of tbe propo­ form of wheat, cotton, wool and other favor of saying the public from an in­ Convention of Teachers. tion before County Judge < hiies at Grants sition, sent in a small cart-load of tickets, pioduce. Wheat has iu the past few appreciable tax. There must be some KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. years fallen more than one-half. Trans­ charged with giving liquor to minors and won the prizes Before starting on the excursion to Pass, Of course, that was not turning ont just lating, then, our entire receipt of inter­ powerful motive behind it. Let us see During the recent city election jollification GRANITE LODGE, NO. 23, Knights of Pythias, Ashland, Oregon, meets ever) Milwaukee in July, write for illustrated Elliott bought a keg of beer and turned it as A. Schilling & Co. wantedit; but it did est into bushels of wheat, it may be if we can’t find the cat in the meal tub. Friday evening. Visiting Knights in good souvenir of “The Convention City,” over to a crowd A lot of boys got hold of not seem to worry them much—they got said that instead of receiving 270,000,- Suppose some syndicate of British which tells you about Milwaukee, its it and become bowlingly intoxicated. Rev. out of it by paying tbe grocers $200 and standing are cordially invited to attend. 1). D. uOOD, C. C. homes and public buildings, fares to local Robt. McLean began agitating tbe subject then paying two additional prizes of $100 000 bushels of wheat as the equivalent capitalists had succeeded iu suppressing to the two consumers who sent the of $400,000,000 of interest we are re­ the free feed distribution before it had 8. G. E ggers , K. of K& 8. points, and other interesting information. and after keeping it up for some weeks each to the complaint. It could not be largest numbers. placed the Concord grape iu the hands You can buy your ticket via “Tbe swore I bat is rather a graceful and elegant way ceiving, at the average price of the past of the American farmer, don’t you see proven that Elliott gave the boys tbe I. O. O. F. Milwaukee” from any railroad ticket liquor Judge Chiles dismissed the CH'e to get out of a difficulty. four years, over 600,000,000 bushels. office. 8 ethat it reads C hicago , M il ­ and taxed the costs, about $50, to the com­ ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 45. As our total consumption of wheat is that this delicious luxury would have waukee A S t . P aul R ailway . plainant. Mr McLean. He will appeal to A nice set of glass dishes for 40c at D. L< less than 240,000,000 bushels a year remaiued in the control of cur “giant Hold regular meetings every Thursday the circuit court and in tbe meantime is C. J. E ddy , (857 pounds per capita), the fall in cyclopian” monopoly, and instead of evening at their hall in Ashland. Brethren telling tbe people of Grants Pass the price Minkler & Son's. in good standing are invited General Agent, .V cordially — ,— -J to J. W. C abby , prices has given ns in the form of in­ Concord grapes being within the reach of law and order. allena L F, ’. M. ” D “ ka K k . , N. M G. A Nickel Standard. creased interest on our foreign invest­ of the humblest citizen they would he Trav. Pass. Agent. Portland, Ore. There is a time for everything; and the H. 8. E vans , Bec’y, P. P. () O box 102. 102. Five cents was the value which a ments more than the entire annual found only on the tables of our Ameri­ time to attend to a cold is when it starts. Don’t watt till you have consumption but Texas farmer once placed upon a min­ bread supply of our people. It is little can nobility? PILOT BOCK BMCAMPMBNT, No. lb. The general introduction of the Early prevent it bv using One Minute Cough ister's prayer. The story is told in the wonder, then, that we reformers, fight­ Joy's for Lie Jaded and Woo® Meets In Odd Fallows’s Hall every 2d au Cure, the great remedy for coughs, colds Epworth Era of Rev. H. 8. Thrall, one ing this battle in England, make little Rose potato, to say nothing about the Health for ail Mankind. croup, bronchitis and all throat and lung 4th Monday iu each mouth Members m of the pioneers of Methodism in Texas. headway against those who say, “Bet­ other varieties of this most valuable of troubles. Eugene A. Bherwin. good standing cordially invited tu attend. JOY’S VEGETABLE SAWAFAR il L*. all farm products that have found their In company with a number of itinerants te: free bread than free silver.” H. S. E vans , 0. P. who were on their way to conference, Rc Ta 1 lob , Scribe. Professor Walker, however, used to way to the public through the depart­ Real Estate. tie* througn iBinaae from ment of agriculture, has been worth Thrall stopped to spend the night with nature’sown herbs, and State of Oregon to C A Marriner-40 an old farmer. It was the custom then warn us of the possible insolvency of more to the taxpayers of America than proper chan­ contains no HC RKHKCCA DSUKKK LODUX, -O. 24. onr debtors, because of the great col ­ acres in tp 40 s, r 4 w ; $50 nels. Joy's mineral Wm Pence »o A W Sturgis—q c d to to settle the bill at night so that they lapse of the price of what they produce, the total cost of this bureau from its V e g et a bl e Meets OU the 2d and 4th Tuesday iu each drugs mining ground in Forest creek district ; $ »0. might rise about three o'clock in the but thus far, by contrast with onr en­ foundation ten times over. Sarsaparilla deadly month in ' >dd Fellows’ Hall, Ashland. cures Dyâ- W F Yocum to A W Yocum—160 acres morning and ride a good way before on. J It was this institution that gave us Miss Kuna P atxbboos , N. G. tire foreign loans, our losses in Turkey, peps 1 a, in tp 38 s, r 2 w ; $275. Vegeta _ breakfast, and lie by in the heat of the Greece and the Argentine have been a our sorghum seed, our mammoth sugar M iss N ina E mkry . Secy. Ch r on ic Sarsaparilla Max Muller to Melissa 8 Marriner — Constipa­ robs the day. Dr. Thrall, acting as spokesman bagatelle. Nor is there any real alarm corn, our best varieties of pears, berries 43.46 acre*» m tp 40 s, r 3 w ; $75. tion, Liver blood of all Lou L Earle to Esther Sinclair—tract in of the party, said to the old farmer as yet felt in England that the further and other fruits. And now who can Co m plaints Xs impuri- A. O. U. W. tp 36 s, r 1 w; $200. and Kidney after supper: “We are a company of .ies, end Affections. ASHLAND LODOB, NO. fitt. Dagmar Martin to R Beswick—1.40 acres Methodist preachers going to confer­ fall of prices will involve any extensive have the brazen effrontery to ask the courses all Meets in lodge room in Masonic Hai these impuri* in tp 30 s. rle, $737 66 liquidation in America and Australia. people to abolish this institution which svery tacos D and fourth Wednesday in A V Reinbohz to L L Freeman—q c d to ence. If you will get the family to­ Thus far we are getting our $400,000,- has already demonstrated the wisdom aich month. All brethren in good standii lots 12 and 13, bik 16; also lots 3 and 4, blk gether we will have prayers with you.” 000 of interest, and if one-half of our of its founder by the incalculable bless­ 24. Central Point; $.’0. are cordially invited to attend. After prayers one by one settled his L A Murphy toG W Isaacs—160 acres in his bill. Dr. Thrall’s turn cam«, and debtors prove insolvent we should even ings it has showered en mankind? C. F. H asty , M. W. No, sirs—Messrs. Ayer & Co. You tp 38 s. r 2 w : $75. (lieu be as well paid as if prices under J. R. C asey . Recorder W H West to W A Roberts—q c d to he asked for his bill. The old farmer bimetallism reverted to the previous can’t catch the people with your chaff. replied: “ Well, pa ’ son, I charged the mining ground in tp 39 s r 3 w : $160. Joy’s Vegetable We know n good thing when we have K. O. Mary E Roberts to Annie M Stewart, 3 rest twenty-five cents, but bein’ as you high level before 1873, and all our got it, anel don’t yon forget it.—Archer. Sarsaparilla acres in

»t'<). erv of the age. p eas­ If C. C. C. fall to cure, dr manats refund money. R ot . Charles H. Vail in Twentieth claim in E k creak district. ant and rtdri'slung to the tasie, act gently Oentory. ___________________ Martha Squire July 6 located a quartz au1.00 a box; 6 boxes for >5 00. Sent by mail on receipt of price. A written guarantee furnished with every >5.00 order received \o refund the money if a permanent cure is not sffected. , ’ NERVIA MEDICINE CO.. Detroit. Mich. FOR SALE BY T K. BOLTON. Granite, Marble, Freestone Monuments and Copings. A1 m > »genti for IRON FENCES. Satlafsction guarantee« P.O. Address: YREKA, Siskiyou Co. Cel. ASHLAND POKEGAMA White Sulphur Springs BATHING I* »KIH Tit WITH It 1 TIJIC. Being 8ulphuric and Alkaline it eradicate« fungi and animalculea, and neutral­ ising and correcting all acidi­ ties it promotes a normal and healthful condition in every part of the System. SWIMMING 150 Choice Residence Lot! for isle In Pokegim!, on reaaonabla ter .ns. Lots sold on ths In­ stallment plsn. RINK. Inclosed and covered, the same medics EMO 2,000 ACHEH ot Cbole water, always clean, for tbe springs run a Sugar and Yellow Pine Land for sale heavy volume- more than twelve hun­ on the Klainath Rivet. Tarins made 1« ■uit on application. Address. dred gallons per hour. CHAS. COLE, You may dive and swim and have more Poksgsma Blakfyou Co. Cai. fun than “anybody“—come out as “fine as silk” and “white as wool”—rejuven­ ated and happy. A Located on the HELMAN LAND, HALF A MILA NORTH OF THE PLAZA. HRANT ' V D /* 11 1 HELMAN Propil«.,! Job RECORD OFFICE.