| The »almon season is exceptionally Miss Murat Straub, well-known as a A report from Vienna says that the I'li ■ ill-ialei.l M-hpont-r General Siglin fine thig year at Moutcroy Buy, CnL contpo-er of hymns, poi>iten near Santa Cruz, Cal., and Paxadena tax»,»avers protest against The Globe ltuiiiling anil Ixian Assoc­ ■ enounce his unieiisomilne claims. The ASHLAND, Or..Thursday, July 8, 1897. rccehoil injuries from which Blie died tlie proposed new sewer system on the iation of Louisville, Kv.t lias faileil Sullnu, it is added, immediately re­ in two hours. quested his representatives to accept During the progress of a barbecue at ground that it will increase the taxes Tite assets u:tH, Cal., two drunken Mexicans too much. recommended by the powers. R. Fletlier wmi shot, and probably roaatad Billing», president ol th» Chau­ got into a tight, which resulted in the William F. Hoey, better known to It is semi-otliuially announced from ik-utli of Francisco Covarrubias. fatally, in a shooting gallery at Han­ the tlicuter-goere ol tlie country as tauqua aaaociation, for “undtrtaklng to Germany that, owing to the health of forbid Bryan .peaking a word of cheer H. Mayliew was sentenced to one ford, Cui., by the accidental discharge "Old Ilog.” Hoey, died ut New York a Baron 5Iarscliull von Bieberstein rend­ few days ago. from th» raar end of th» paaeenger train year at Folsom for forgery committed of a 22»oaiiber lille. l’resideut McKinley lias approved ering necessary his retirement from aa Mr. Bryan paaaea through Granta in Watsonville, Cal. lie signed J. T. Jack Cowger, who has been prospect ­ Au Old Kesident Dies. the bill providing for ¡lie admission of the post of Minister of Foreign Affaire, Porter’s imine to a check for $13. Pua on th» 10th.” Th» Journal cbarac- ing in Nevada county Cal.y since 185 H. C. Hill died at bis borne la Ashland i Loytl Duke and Leon Hill, two young and who has made and spent many foreign labor to be employed on the the Emperor has temporiiirily intrust­ tarizaa Billing» aa being‘‘»ngagad in very Joly 4th, after a lingering illness of many Omaha exposition to be held next ed the portfolio of Minister of Foreigu ■mall buaineaa,” and .ay» bi» “narrow months, aged 76 years. He was an old resi- men living at Wartlian, Fresno county, fortunes, is violently inBane. Affairs to Herr von Bulow, who will year. quarreled over a trifling matter and and p'oacriptial attitude may well die- debt, president ot the town council many assume tlio duties of the Foreign Office Jules Cerf, one of the most influential | Mill shot Duke through tlie stomach, There ure forty aj>i>lications now on on the return of his majesty to Berlin. gu.t theae people (thoae from Joaepbine years and mayor ot the town, also a merchants of San Francisco, ami foun­ filo for admission to tlie Colorado inflicting a fatal wound. The present administration lias de­ der of the firm of Cerf, Schloss Co., who will go to Aabland) and cause them founder and the first Master ot the Masonic C. H. Miller, an upholsterer, who died at his residence there from heart soldiers' home. Tlie home is so crowd­ termined to solve tlie Behring sea ques­ to .lay at home and ba content with the lodge. The funeral took place Tuesday. A ed that only the most fedble anti desti ­ worked for E. Sanborn, near Grange­ disease. tion by branding all seal pups found on glimpaa of Mr. Bryan afforded by tha 10- sketch ot bis lite will appear next issue. tute can be admitted. Pribylov islands this season. Instruc­ ville, Cal., ia under arrest charged with minntaa* atop.” Th»Grant. Paa» Bryan- William Young, an old resident of John Griffin, ot Zanesville, O,, says: “I forgery. Judge Dissclt of tlie Common Pleas tions to this effect have been submitted Ho signed his employer’s Berkeley, Ca!., died of starvation in itea »hould not fret. Billing» think» he never lived a day tor thirty years witbout court of Cleveland, O., declared the 30c. aad $x at all drttgriats. * to Professor David Starr Jordan, the agony, until a box of De Witt’s name to several checks which he suc- his little home there. For days the has captured a prize attraction for hi. suffering Smith lynch law invalid. Tlie law seal expert, who will leave Sau Fran­ WKcb Hazel Balve cured my piles' For ceesfully passed. old man hud scarcely a of fond, menagerie and duelling on the »object piles and rectal troubles, cuts, bruises, is a riot law |>erinitting persons in jilt­ A team attached to a harvester on and he was too proud to lx?g for suste­ ed iu riots to recover from tho county. cisco July Sth for Behring sea, where, may bav» caused him to believe that hi. sprains, eczema and all skits troubles De­ with his assistants, be will brand all witt's Witcb Hszet Balve is unequalled. the ranch of C. J. Burdick, near Dur­ nance again. curiosity is to be carried through thio Eugene A. Bherwin. President McKinley lias pardbned the seal pups in sucli a w ay us to des­ ham, Cal., ran away, throwing W. M. George Frost, a lineman in the em­ Charles R. Felisliman, sentenced in troy the commercial value of the skins. country in a covered cage like Jo- KEEP YOUR BOWELS STRONG ALL SUMMER I John Gore, or Conkln, an 18-year-old lad, Cussick from tlie machine. He re­ Jo, and nobody can are bim until be Saturday niabt stole a horse out of tbe barn ceived dangerous injuries from tlie fall ploy of the Edison Light ans Angeles. of bimsolf and be will treat Granta Pass Austria-Hungary and tlie Bulkau eral days. His clothes were found on er in the tenderloin district of Sacra­ Tlie excessive heat at Chicago one over disease. It actually and permanently people who coma to the train to greet states. It is now expected that only the beach and the superaitioii is that mento, Cal., was shot in the head by day last week caused six deaths. Ono cures when ail other preparations fail to do any good whatever. 25 < so 4 DRUGGISTS him just as cordially as be ia doing in tlie maize crop will be below the av­ he went ill bathing and waa drowned. his colored mistress, with a 38-caJiber died from sunstroke, five others, seek­ California and does everywhere. The erage. The likelihood is that other Charles F. Miller, who killed bis revolver. The bullet struck him ing relief from the heat, went swim­ Arthur 8. Hardy of New Hampshire, wife February 22d at Port Blakeley, squarely on the head and flattened out ming, tlie high toinjierature of tiieir was appointed by the President to be Granta F ob . people were foolish to com­ crops will be above it. The monument .of the First Minne­ Wasli., was tried at Sydney and found as thin as a knife-blade, failing to pen­ bodies induced eramps und they were United States Minister Resident and municat» with Billings on that subject ar Yutes fell on his drowned. Consul-General in Persia. the daily papers were full of precedents sota Regiment was dedicated on tlie guilty of manslaughter, and sentenced etrate the skull. knees when hit, but scrambled to liis for their actions and it was common horse Gettysburg, Penn., battle-field, July 2, to twenty years in the penitenitary. Five Indians, including Chief Woe Senator Teller introduced a bill in in tlie presence of a number of distin­ to cure all nervous diseases, such as Weak Memory, Loss of Tlie deer ill the southwestern portion feet and ran away. Sug, are dead at Malone’s point on the Senate prohibiting the shipment of eenae besides. The people of Josephine S uaranteed rain Power, Headache. Wakelulness, Lost Manhood, Nightly Bmis- guished M' inesotans. Tlie monument of Trinity county, Cal., are suffering A deed was filed for record With i the Milie Laci lake, Minn., and several wild game out of the States of Colo­ sions, Nervousness, all drains, loss of power in Generative Organs of county that can afford it should come to is one of tlo finest in the field and wus either sex, caused by over-exertion, youthful errors, excessive use of from a epidemic, and numerous car­ recorder of San Diego county, ' Cal., others are expected to die, as tlie re­ rado, Wyoming and Utah, contrary to Aabland on the 10th and hear Mr. Brv- erected at a cost of $20,(W0. tobacco, opium or stimulants, which lead to Infirmity, Consumption or casses are strewn through the moun­ that transfers thirty .valuable mines sult of the drinking of pain killer, hair the law of thus« States. Insanity. Can be carried in vest pocket, /i.oo per box, 6 for $5, by mail ans full lecture. Th-ae that cannot will prepaid. Circular Free. Sold by all druggists. Ask for it; take no other. William 11. Copp, a Chicago glazier, tains The disease is similar to botts, owned by the Golden Cross mining oil and other preparations containing Senator Davis reported from the ba afforded an opportunity to bear him tried to mtiidef Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Manufactured by the Peau Medicine Co., Pans, France. Laue-Davia and is generally fatal. company to a new syndicate of Califor­ alcohol. Drug Co., distributing agents. Third and Yamhill Sts., Portland, Or. committee on foreign relations an utter a few impromptu remarks from tlie Rankin, ids wife's parents, also his nia, Nevada and Utah capitalist. The Harry R. Peterson, aged 35 years, FOR SALE BY E. A. SHERWIN. ASHLAND. OREGON. Three persons were killed outright amendment to the general deficiency train and shake bands with him at wife and her Bister. He slashed the price paid for the propertiesis $1,500,- whiie working on a threshing machine and about thirty injured in a rear- bill to pay $6000 to the families of the Granta Paas. doctor several times with u razor, beat- at Pacific beach, Cai., was killed by a 000, the old company holding a lien end collision on the Chicago and North­ three Italians lynched at New Orleans. his wile badly utnl might liuve killed derrick b<*am, which swung around of $1,000,000 on the property until western road, which occurred thirty W. C. T. U. Chautauqua Program. During a thunderstorm at Dakota, them but for the arrival of help. certain conditions are complied with. unexpectedly and struck him on the miles west of Chicago, between excur­ Ga., lightning struck a convict camp, FROM Program of the fourth annual convention American cattlemen who live along head crushing his skull. John M. Plunkett, a United States sion trains carrying Christain Endeav­ and as a result four convicts are dead, of the Jackson county W. C. T. U. to be the Mexican line are objecting because Tlie public morals committee of Los Customs inspector at San Francisco, or delegates to San Francisco. held at Ashland in the Chautauqua taber­ ten are dying and twenty escaped dur­ they are not allowed to tide their own AngeleB filed with the city council a was killed while on duty on the steam­ nacle, Monday, July 12, 1897: ThoniaH J. Kenny, inuster-iit-arins of ing the panic which ensued. horses over into Mexico in search for report that some action should be taken er Resolute. His death was due to a tlie battle-ship Indiana, was murdered MOBMIXG. A special from Valparaiso, Chile, 10:00—Devotional exercises, led by Mrs. stray stock, while a corresponding priv­ to prohibit the exhibition of photo­ collision between the steamer and the on board of tho sliip as it lay at its says: If the government does not soon __ -- Read carefully this testimonial found below, also letters from those ilege is allowed tlie Mexican vaqueros. Mary E. Palmer. Ashland. who have been cured of other diseases, and remember that ”5 Drops” has and can never graphs oi kinetoscopic pictures repres­ schooner Sacramento, that was lying at moorings n the Brooklyn Navy Yard. take steps to belter the condition of the A complaint will be made at Washing­ enting prizefights or anything of a anchor in Mission bay. fail to quickly relieve and permanently cure. Sept. 9, 1896. 10:30— Reports of officers aud unions. The heavy The murderer, Philip Carter, walked D ear S ir :—Your bottle of • □ Drops” received. It was for an old friend, Mr. Wm. Music. working classes throughout Chile, thero ton. timber was driven with great force Edwards, of Martinstown. Wis. He has nad Neuralgia in his chest, suffering a great deal of similar nature. up to him and without a work of warn ­ 11:(X>—Election of officers and miscellane­ will be a dark outlook in store lor them. pain, so much so that it affected his heart and Le could not sleep on account of a smothered Judge Purlange, in tlie United States ous business. The jury in tlie of Frank Valdez, the through the pilot-house, and its end ing plunged a baynot blade up to its feeling. He has been under the care of the most eminent physicians, but found no relief 11:45— Noon tide hoar, led by Mrs. Lucy Circuit Court at NewfOrleans,Sentenced The construction work on the Gila until I gave him a dose of ‘5 Drops.” The very first night he rested well, and has ever since, crushed the revenue official against the hilt in his baek. Hayworth. and is gaining daily. I myself am 67 years old and began taking your medicine last April ex-l’resideiit Gardes and ex-Casliier young Spaniard accused of the murder after wall of the house, from which valley, Globe and Northern railway in AKTKBNOON. for Rheumatism, which I have had for 49 years, also for a weak heart, Since taking A dynamite explosion blew up a bus­ Arizona will be pushed to a speedy Walter W. Girault each to eight years of N. H. Lorden, a storekeeper of Cal­ spot the injured man dropped through “5 Drops” the Rheumatism has ell disappeared, the stiffness is gone from my joints, and my abasas, Cal., announced that they had 1:30—Devotional, led by Mrs, B. H. Hatch. in tlie United States Penitentiary. iness block and a double dwelling own­ conclusion. heart never misses a beat. 1 am to-day a well, strong woman, and I owe it to “5 Drops.” I It is expected that the Solo - Miss Grace Beach; “Welcome disagreed. They stood six and six and an aperture to the engine-room be­ ed by Leon Olchofski at Scranton, l‘a., only wish I could sound my bugle of praise loud enough to be heard all over the world, and They «ere recently convicted of wreck ­ road between Fort Thomas and Globe Pretty Primrose.” could convince every one that “5 Drops” is all you claim it to be and more. were discharged. Valdez lias made neath, crushing his head in the fall, and injured to some extent twenty will be built at once.________ Mrs. D. T. Carver, Winslow, Stevenson Co., 11). 2:00—Address, Miss Jessie Ackerman, Ch! ing the American National Bonk. confessions, all conflicting. Abraham Klauberand eighteen other other houses, causing a loss of $25,000. cago. I know it will do more than you claim for ft. Sinat< r Thurston introduced as a bib E dwin W.J oy U o .: The immediate and 34 YEARS OF SUFFERING. Piano solo—“Nearer My Cod to Thee”— Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Travis, neigh­ plaintiffs brought an action against T. Olchofski was seriously injured and REV. F. M. COOPER,Washington Center, Mo. D bar S ib :— J anuary 2,1897. tlie provision propared as an amend­ bors at Stockton, Cal., became involved J. Higgins ami a large number of de­ may die. He said tlie explosive was permanent relief afforded me by the use of Mrs. A. C. Dixon. Joy *8 Vegetable Sarsaparilla from the terri ­ Over 34 years ago, I had Typhoid Fever, PARALYSIS AND RHEUMATISM 3:00— ** Relation of Our Young People’s ment to tlie tariff bill bv the Judiciary and barely escaped with my life. It left my D ear S irs ; N otembir », 1808. Christian Societies to the Temperance Committee to prohibits trusts. Tlie in a quarrel over a cow, and Mrs. fendants, including the city of San caused by some of his church or politic­ ble affliction of dyspepsia, accompanied by It is with pleasure I speak of your price­ system so shattered that I have had. ever racking headaches, has prompted me to Travers took a heavy piece of rope and Diego and the Board of Harbor Com­ al enemies in hopes of killing him. Question ’—Discussion, led by Mrs. A. A. since. Kheuiualism and Throat Trouble, less remedy and of the good it has done me. vo untarily express my indorsement. Two amendment was bused upon a sugges­ a young man named Chandler took a missioners of the bay of San Diego, Kellogg, Medford. which gave me a terrible Cough. I had been For the last eight years I have been an incur­ W. E. Kyan, Slate secretary of the years of extreme suffering vanished as if by 3:45—Closing consecration service, let by tion made by Senator Nelson, but was club, and they beat Mrs. Johnson so claiming certain tide lands in San unable to find any relief for these diseases, able cripple from paralysis and rheumatism. Illinois Miners’ Association, issued a magic. To those suffering similarly I rec­ until I learned or your ” 5 DROPS ”, which Just think, for eight years a total cripple, not Miss Ackerman. perfected by a sub-coin mi ttee consist­ severely that she will probably die. ommend its trial. Its merits will do the Diego bay. The lower court decided in notice that all work on Illinois fields 1 commenced taking only two months ago, able to earn a penny nor able to walk or step This is a mass temperance convention. ing of Senators Ilavis and Spooner. rest. Yours in health. B. D. CARN, and my cure has been indeed wondbrful . on the grouna without the aid of something favor of the defendants. An appeal would be stopped at once mid that n Already my cough has entirely disappeared, to lean on. Heaven bless the man who dlfr. After an inquest lasting ten days as Everyone inierested in temperance work is Poso township. Kern County, Cal. Secretary Wilson, of the Agricultural and the Rheumatism which for a few years covered this remedy, for, thanks to him and cordially invited to be present Ths school Department, expects to bring u raimie to tlie cause of the death of Isaac Hoff­ was taken to the Supreme Court, which aational suspension was a certainity. past has threatened to make a cripple of me, to God, I am able to walk and able to work. is cured, and I arn free from pain. This 1 b I have only taken two-thirds of a bottle, but of methods will be held in the tabernacle decorticating macliine from France for man, the San Francisco merchant who has now sustained the decision of the The miners in tlie Wilmington field No one should be fooled by a dis­ lower court. ' The appellants claimed | the most wonderful and the cheapest remedy have not had any pain in my back since 1 have stopped work, Under tho pres- honest druggist. There are pleuty ot each day from 1:80 io 2:30 o’clock during experimenting in tlie course of a con­ was found in an unconscious con­ ever discovered. I am more thankful to you took the first dose, and after the second I title under purchase of swamp and ent scale they claim they can make honest druggists who would be glad than words can tell and I want everybody to walked across the floor, which I have not Chautailqiia, commencing Tuesday, July templated development of tlie rainiie dition iu his office dying from bullet know what “S DROPS ” has done for me. done in years, I have thrown away my cane 13. when b lower Mission will be presented. wounds, the jury returned a verdict overflowed salt marsh lands and lido but nine cents per hour. The strike to have your trade. Although I am over 70 years old, I am feel­ and shall never need it again. To any one industry. This machine will be tested These meetings are free to all. sending me a two-cent stamp I will send my that tlie deceased was murdered by lands belonging to the State. The Su­ will effect 20,000 Illinois minors. ing better than I have in years. and compared with American ma­ I shall be glad to answer any questions re- affidavit. I have another bottle of Ma preme Court upheld the act of the Leg­ Great is the hog industry in the an unknown person. DROPS” and value it at $1.00 per drop. ?;arding my case from anyone enclosing a chines. Thankfully yours, EDWARD CASTLM. wo cent stamp. Gratefully yours, General Mullen of Fresno lias re­ islature reserving such lands from sale. Two Arm lea—The Regular and United States. No less than 16,998,978 MAKR1ED. Sioux City, Iowa. MRS. SAMUEL RIBLET, Litchfield, Mich. 1005 Wall Street. Irregular! Within seventy-two hours four build­ ceived a communication from General swine were slaughtered by the packers Preparations for the leccption of the CATARRH AND HAY FEVER. To which would you prefer to belong? [ of the west alone last year. The whole ing and loan associations of Louisville, Shafter, United States army, regarding Christian Endeavor convention dele- VAN NATTA — FREELAND — At the Ky., whose estimated assets and lia­ I find the bottle of “ 5 DROPS ’’ to be very The regular, undoubtedly. The irregulars I I wl.b to tell .oil and sufferiu» humanity the regular army troops going into nates at San Francisco are about com­ are,admittedly, the moat numerous, but' number the oountry over would amount good and just what you claim. My wife has how horns of the bride, the residence of Dr. much good “8 DROPS" has dou. ma. been suffering with Catarrh and Hay Fever On the B. R. Freeland, in Ashland, July 4. 1897, bilities foot up to over a million and a camp at Santa Cruz next month witli pleted. Tho Mechanics’ pavilion has | they are in a very undesirable state o( no- to half as much more, or about 26,000,- beginning of this year I took down over 16 years. She has tried everything and bv Rev. 8. E. Memenger, G. Melvin Van quarter dollars, have gone to the wall, the Third Brigade, National Guard. If discipline. Hoste tier’s Stomach Blt.ers bedfast with Inflammatory Rheumatism,and doctored much, but no cure until she tried been arranged with great tiers of seats 000 altogether. It was the greatest hog Natta and Mis. Ethel Freeland. I was doctored by as good physicians aa this will soon remedy this wantina disordered “6 DROPS” which completely cured her. finding it impossible to conduct busi­ arrangements can be 900 regulars will so as to have seating room for thou­ country has. but they could not cure me. On liyer or bowles. Biliousness manifests it­ year iu our history except 1890-1, when » Yours truly REV. L. VON WALD, The happy young couple immediately ness under tlie recent decision of tho be in camp, making a total of 2000 August., I began to take "I DROPS," A. March 31, 1896. Milbank. S. D. sands of visitors. An immense arch self in yellowness of the skin and eyeballs, that lime every joint in my body and my commenced housekeeping and have Ike Court of Appeals in regard to the legal soldiers will be encamped there. ~— has been built across 3larket street sour breath, furred tongne, morning nau tho pork packing business reached high NEURALGIA AND SCIATICA. limbs were stiff, so that I could not be best wishes of a host of friends for a happy rate of interest. discomfort m the vicinity of the liver, water mark. In the region west of the For twenty long years my wife suffered un­ moved. Bven my tongue waa getting so Theodore Figel, book-keeper for the und is now being decorated. The rail­ sea, that 1 could hardly speak so any one con Id vertigo and sick headache. Hosts of peo - Ohio river last year farmers and live and prosperons married life. told tortures from Sciatica and Neuralgia, The newspapers of London express firin of Hoffman, Rothschild 's of the committees under consul nation, kidney trouble. As a means of checking I Few realize that each squirrel destroys tle, send for a sample bottle, which contains sufficient medicine to convince you of its merit. and that, unless something now un­ premature decay, hastening convalescense. $1.50 worth of grain annually. Wakelee’s This wonderful curative gives almost instant relie», aud is a permanent cure for Riieu«* indictment. tions may be threatening. Constant funds and forging the dead ir. 's matimn Neuralgia, Sciatica, Catarrh. Asthma, Dyanepaia, Backache, Hay foreseen should occur to change his and mitigating the Infirmities of age, the Squirrel and Gopher exterminator is the Fever, Sleeplessness, Nervousness, Nervous and Neuralgic Headache». communications are passing between i same. most effective and economical poison personal inclination, he would prepare great tonic is without a parallel. Heart Weakness, Toothache. Earache, Croup, ••La Grippe»’* Malaria. Real Estate. tlie Indian and London governments. known. Price reduced to 30 cents. For Creeping Numbness. Bronchitis and kindred diseases. C. B. Johnson, proprietor of ths the lists and submit them prior to the G W Isaacs to Sarah N Bryant—5 acr«s by T. K. Bolton and Helen Stanley, “FIVE DROPS” is the name and dose. Large bottles (800 doses), >1.00, Six bottles for Gordon Blair, one of the cleverest j Ukiah electric light company, has final adjournment. Professor Thomas M. Gatch was sale in twp 37 s, r 2 w; $600. $6.00. Sample bottle, prepaid by mail, 25c. Not sold by druggists, but only by us and our A sente A Eaton to Albert Perry—160 acres in tp "gentlemen crooks” in the country, brought suit against the Mendocino elected president of tho State Agri- agents. Agents appointed in new territory. 37 s, r 3 w; $1 The Cuban rebel leaders, General eultural college at Corvallis, Or., by who is awaiting trial at Boston, Mass., P Lbniilh co Bank of Ashland—tract in for tlie confessed larceny of valuables Electric Light works to restrain that Rivera and Colonel Bacal I ao, now the board of regents. corporation from operating a plant m tp 39 a, r I e;$1100 CHICAGO. ILL. U. 8. A. J Nunan to Mrs Ella Schumpf—mining wort h $5.00 from Butler Smith, issued Ukiah. The action is brought in the Spanish prisoners, will not be shot. Janies Douglas, aged 35 years, was a remarkable signed statement In it name of the State of California, and General Weyler has received a cable Instantly killed at Pomona, Cal., by ground in Willow Springs district; |1. Sheriff Barnes to A J Stewari—dU acres lie discloses for tlie first time his iden- from Minister of War Ascarraga to in- having a mass of earth and rock weigh- I the grounds are that the defendant has in tp 36 s. r 2 w; definately suspend the court-martial six tons roll upon him. Same to A K Phipps-land io tp 85 a. r 1 itv and the surprising fact that for ao status under the law. sentences of death “pending the close . eiirs he has led a career of crime while “Cure« talk ” in favor MM ■ ■ w; $1783.34. me crited States Monetary commis­ Millions of young grasshoppers have of hostilities,” when their pardon may I MX Albert Green to B 8 Webb—lots 8, 9 and moving unsu-pected in tlie best society — vìa — sion, headed by Senator Edward O. ' Of Hood’s Sarsaparilla, I 10 blk 1, Cottage Horue add to Medford; ol Wa-liington, Baltimore and New suddenly made their appearance in the be expected. ---- VIA— Wolcott of Colorado, is in London, a» for no other medi- I wA I ( $606. i Yor . lie coiifesse-Io several forgeries western portion of Nevada county, Cal., cine. Its great cures recorded in truthful, After using a 10 cent trial size of Ely s having left Paris last week. The com­ and robberies. He writes his real name and are causing fearful devastation to Cream Balm you will be «ure to buy the 50 missioners express themselves as being convincing language of grateful men and City Council Hroueedingn. gardens, orchards and ranches. The i- Lawrence P. Graham. —or tub — cent size. Cream Balm has no »oual in well satisfied with the results of tlie women, conatitute its most effective ad­ Exira policemen were auth »rise i lor AMKRICA’S SCENIC LINE. Reports from Central Kansas indicate ' pests were first noticed in the vicinity curing catarrh and cold in head. Auk your negotiations in Faris and the mone­ vertising. Many of these cures are mar­ next Saturday, to <»v»-rl mk any di8- Southern Pacific Co. druggist for it or send 10 cents to us. of Bridgeport Whence they came is a lie hot winds prevailing in that turbane«» I hat mav .»<•< ur ELY BROS., 56 Warren 8t., N. Y. City. tary outlook. There is a strong belief velous. They have won the confidence of petition for Hill 'll IlilkT tiré limit >r i- the people; have given Hood ’ s Sarsapa ­ ■ti.m are causing serious damage to not known. They are eating every 1 suffered from Catarrh three years; it at the French capital that tlie commis­ Kock nance now $'Xi»-odirg 1-4) ♦»-« t $w»vk Iti till Í Express Trains Leave Portland Daily. >l > I’.i: ticnlarly gloomy prospects green thing before them, and where- got so bad I could not work; I used two sioners have accompollished something rilla the largest sales in the world, and Meals in Ballast th* Mu! walk • • 100 • b.» -k. r i rrv«i have made necessary for its manufacture Dining :mm l.:l ne>l and Great Bend. In ever they have been scenes of destrac­ bottles of Ely’» Cream Balm and am en­ tangible in France. Bouth ! I North Car a la tion are most disheartening to ranch- Ci m ait’. •. tirely well: I would not be without it.— lion of the State harvest hands The monthly comparative statement the greatest laboratory on earth. Hood’s Carte A. C. Clarke. Sil Shawmut Aye., Boston 6 00 p m Lv Portland Ar 19:80 a m r •! fi and other property-owners. .Ir ven from tlie fields, being un ­ Sarsaparilla 1» known by the cures it haa 9:60 a m Ar ‘ of the government receipts and expen­ Ashland Lv 5:50 p m ’ >f O a » $$ <1 -^ii i » r>ti t* r oa The wave motor which has been to cut or stack the grain, and the ________ __ 10:20 a m L t Ashland Ar 5:20 p m To Cars Constipation Forever. ditures shows that during the month of made— cures of scrofula, salt rheum and Fw i • v (i r i C >. it II U 7:45 a m Ar Ban Francisco L t 8:00p m tried at a point about four miles north ) Marion, Jefferson, Albany, Tangent, ■lempt to rob the Butte County bank plus for the month of $13,650,014. The — VIA— U B WSCMOII, do. 10 Ob it B.'llo Fourche, Bouth Dakota. They light made bv the power of the waves desto, Cal., lately. Shedds, Halsey. Harrleburg. Junction City, surplus during June, 1890, w as $2,439,- J VV O Gregory, do 5 IB SEATTLE A SPOKANE. Cottage Grove, Drains, and all Eugene, is strong and steady. A force of men It is proposed to establish a labor 430. The statement shows that the de­ Milton Berry recorder s fees ....... 15 On grabbed all ths cash in sight and start­ stations from Roseburg to Oakland, in­ U E Hoope'-, labor as street coni’r.. 33 50 ed for tlie hills. A posse gave chase is now at work extending the wharf exchange store at Reedley, Cal. clusive. ficit for the fiscal year closed June 30th K V Darter, salary for 2<1 qu.irier 15 00 and overtaking the robbers a lively 200 feet farther out into the ocean. Shortest and Quickect Line to Roseburg Mail Dally. was $19,523.108, a reduction of $31,821,- Contracts for a new schoolhouse at Sacramento Pipe Works. water pipe 35 Peter Stoller and wife of Vancouver, Gress Valley, C'al., have been let. 985, since March 11th of the present Kuinev & Prevost, merchandise 56 70 tight ensued in which one of the rob- ______ IhXAY»!_______ arrivi : St Paul, Minneapolis, ; Wash., went to Shaw’s island in the O McKeever, atock «old city pound 3M :t> tiers surrendered. Lemuel Nelson was executed at year. Portland... .8:80am I Roseburg... 5:20 p n> B F Reeser, men-baudise........... 78 1» the b«rt—in tact the One True Blood Puriler. "I crave but ue Minute," said the pub­ Columbia to pick blackberries. While Grant's Pass, Or., Friday, for the mur­ E. A. Gazara, a Mexican lawyer from Duluth, Chicago. Roseburg.. ,7:30 a m | Portland? 4:80pm Fox A Hildreth, hauling 75 lic speaker in a huskv voice: and 'hen he no engaged a man named Millham, Monterey, Mexico, has been at .Santa der of Charles Perry. Eiuii Peil. blHcksunih work ... 75 look a do-e ol Hue Minute Coush Cure, AND ALL POINTS EAST, E B Curry, labor on water works.... 50 and proceeded with hh oratory. One Min­ herding cattle on the island, ordered Fe. N. M., consulting with prominent Dining Cars on Ogden Route. There will be a meeting of the the , Nev­ E J < 'hurcbman, do.................. 35 ute Cough Cure is unequalled tor throat them off Stroller nnd his wife pro­ attorneys respecting the tiling in tlie J T Frulan, do.................................. ceeded to oln-y his order, hut while ada State Medical society in Rkrto- on United States land court of another and lung Irouhles. Eusene A Sherwin. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS „ F I) Wagner printing........................ 4 UO they were doing so lie leveled n donlile- Monday, July 12th. Peralta-grar.t claim, lieside which tlie 1 —AX»— W Y (’rowsun, do............................ 2 75 Don't T.b.rro Spit and Smoke Toor life Away. The Sunset Telephone company is I bar.elcd shotgun at them, discharging /i C Messenger, m’l’i for water wk’s 8 55 Second-Class Sleeping Car» To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag both barrels. One of the charges took putting up a line from Dinuba to Orosi, bogus claim of J. A. Peralta-Keavis K Hum. labor on streets ................. 2 25 stands as a mere bagatelle. Garza Attached to all through train». i inkier A »on, merchandise.......... 2 DO nellc. lull ol Ilia, nerv. and vigor, take No-To- effect, striking Mrs. Stroller in the in Tulare county, Cal. claims to have access to the original SLEEPERS, DINING and LIBRARY Wai rad, sprt y for cemetery......... 2 50 Bac. the Wonder-worker, that makes weak men SAM DON, Proprietor. strong. All drugglata, too or SI. Cure guaran­ shoulder nnd shattering her bosom. Santa Ana, Cal., councilmen propose Spanish archives to substantiate tlie WEST SIDE DIVMION. OBSERVATION CARS. teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Flagstaff', Aria, is threatened with u Sterling Remedy Co. Chicago or New York. Mrs Stroller is in delicate health and to pass an ordinance declaring that the validity of the Peralta grant for 50,000,- PIONEER BLOCK, gg Between Portland and Oorraliia. her condition is dangerous. high hat must go from the theaters. 000 acres of land in Arizona, Mexico Dally Trains ■ Fast Time sugar famine. MAILTBAIM DAILY (XXCXPT SUVSAY.) G bntlbmkn : Having taken one bottle ot Snntos Lugo was arrested nt Tehac­ and Southern New Mexico. Flag-taff, Aria, has voted $100.000 in your The Grandeat Remedy. Fresh Bread, Piei, Cakes, and Every­ BIBVICS AMD BCKNEBY VNEqUALBD. Joy’s Vegetable Nareanarilla I can LKAYBS; hapi, Cal., lor stealing a number of abaivm : The Navy department at Washington bonds for n water system. The con­ truly saytbatitis the best medicine 1 have Mr. B. B Greeve, merchant of Chilhowie, thing Pertaining to tha For tickets and fall information call on is expected to take steps to increase ever taken for conatipation, headache ai d Va , certifies that he had consumption, horses frcin Hanford two years ago. tract 1ms been let. Portland.. . .7:80 am I Corvallis. 12:15 p m Bakery Trade. or address, R. L bonabd , Agent, «eneral debiliaied system I feel nvarjoy- given up to die, sought all medical H. Welirsen was thrown over the the Pacific squadron by building more Niue children were killed on I many e k* Inlormstion Bm-nanlino county, in point of popula ­ | of guide» for sight seeing, but can go it bled with catarrh, and I believe I am entire ­ To’edo. Ohio. regarding Accident Insur* WOOD FOR SALE particulars. ly well of it I have found it matchleee alone or in small family parties, wl>h tion. W aldtno , K tmm AN a M aivtm . Wholesale ance. Mentum thia paper. -----tea in aaxaos— tiring physician of 20 years’ experience. J It is a good thing to have bandy Druggists. Toledo, Ohio By so doing yon can save greet comfort and seenriiv, and at one's No bad effects or detention from buslne«. A, ARKY I. FIMMIL. Will handle ice Iu Ashland during the Xo •tardne. wflukles or BabMnem. Im L---------- Hall’s Catarrh Care is taken internally, »«nbenhip fee Has paid over 000,000.0) fat own convenience. Write to C. J. Eddy, proves «enenrf hesKh and beautiflea «.«pieitou- W Little Lake. Cal. rammer reaaon. Delirerei at yonr door •Idane acting directly upon the blood and m icous accidental injuries, General Agent, Chicago, Milwaukee A and society ladies indorse It Thousands cured. Waive vo TNoes rson.s in rwrv wn.i surface» of the system. Price 73c erery morning. per _____ 8t. Paul railway, Portland. Or., for par- RATI K NTS TRKATID BY MAIL TKU. YOU HOW QLAD THIY ABB THAT MKY BB* bottle. Bold by all Drugsist». Teetimoni- yowr 0W8 mntdsntunr. /or particulars address, with I ticuATO it you ar» «Mtamplating a trip. VALLEÏ RECORD Another Incendiary Fire. Grants Pase hid another fire about 2 o’clock Wednesday morning. It start­ ed in the rear end of Fetch Bros, cloth­ ing and tailoring establishment and gutted the brick building, leaving only the walla standing. The building be­ longed to Geo. W. Riddle. Fetch Broe.’ loss is eetimated at $10,000; insurance $7000. The building waa also insured. The fire wee ol undoubted incendiary irigin. When the tire department began to operate it waa discovered that the bone bad been purposely cut. I I 1 I ANY ONE run down, or emaciated from any cause whatever, will be helped at once by the use of j | I 5cclls SnuiisiciL I of Cod-liver Oil and Hypophosphites. It possesses in a peculiar sense flesh- making, strength-giving elements. There are plenty of cases where per- sons have gained a pound a day by taking an ounce of Scott's Emulsion. | • | J I |