I Wbu the rightsof American citizens THIRTY-TWO CHILDREN. arc tianiphd m iu Co La, and their lives ing a banking boniness. They need ' W.aaaa Hold. th. Mst.nl- •/ red. tbir e«Aeniin(nt should not be paid iu annual sum, but may be A Vl.kM tg Record for Aaatrla. paid through ‘Jte post office in aums of If any woman aver deserved well of ... »|.| , i.’/t /al »-;>•! ft Havana. Spain An important factor in English not lesa than one ehilling. Blanks are her country, the lady in question is s i. is uln.uuj violated her treaty with us. finance is the system of post office provided for tho affixing of penny Viennese who haa just been described 1 savfLgs banks, which are designed to stamps for smaller amounts, which, by Dr. Alois Valcnts in the Wiener Spain restored peace in the Philippines encourage thrift among the masses. A when containing 12 stamps, valued at Medioiniacbe Wochenscrift. Her mer­ for a time by shooting down 100 nan a shilling, are accepted as payment of government report, datkd October 1, BICYCLE its consist in having given many more in the st-'cets of Manilla. But there are 1896, places the number of local post a shilling in premiums. Another pre­ rubjeeta and soldier. Io the emperor A N D 6t too mu ' CnLuus fur her to pacify them vision is that if the insured haa an ac ­ offices through which the people may than any of hia female subjects. Of omte nt do savings bank business at 12,000. The count with the government hia premi-' course she is poor. As a matter of fact, iu thut way. postmasters act as agents, and through um may be deducted from his account:' the is tise wife of a needy linen weaver Wsiilat them the depositors may deposit money, as it becomes due without his being 1 of Neuerchenfeld, In Vienna, and, if she invest it in govern me nt consols (bonds), troubled In the matter beyond receiv­ did not give her busband a big mar­ Jackaon county property. Will trade insure their lives or buy annuities from ing notice that the deduetion haa been riage portion, «be presented him with one hundred and sixty acre» of good farming land eevee mile, from Klamath i the government. The post office banks made. Medical examiminations are not nec- no 1 leas than 32 children, and she ia still Fall, for Jackson county property. Ad- are so admirably managed that the dr««, P. O. Box 55, Yreka, Cal. is known thfoughout cycling; as a light, staunch, ooni|>aratively young, being only in her OF------ savings bauks under private manage­ essary when the insurance is for a fortieth year. 8>he ha.been thetmother stylish, speedy mount. There’s a best in every­ smaller sum than £25, but if in such a ment do not attempt to compete with that populist platform thing; the ’96 Steams is a veritable edition de luxe 1 26 boys and 6 girls them. No new savings banks have case the Insurer should die before the of been established since the government I second payment is due, only the; The birth of the 32 children occurred among bicycles. Finished in black or orange. [Adopted oy the Peonle’i rartv cni’ntv i this wise, and in the following or­ began to receive deposits, and many of amount of the first premium will be in Steams riders are satisfied riders, and always convanUon at Medford, April 17, 1896, ano der: At the tirwt. Birth were born four; those formerly in existence have gone paid; if he dies before the third pay- i which every populist in the county is proud as kings of their mounts. ment is due, half of the amount of the at tlie second, three; at Ute third, morally out of business. bound to see carried out in spirit Your address will insure receipt of our hand­ Savings bank business may be trans­ Insurance will be paid. After the four; at the fourth, two; at the fifth, and put into the letter of the law.] acted at the post offices from eight third payment he receives the full three; at the Bixth, two; at the seventh, some new catalogue. R esolved , That owing to amount, as he does iu any case should three; at the eighth, three; at the o’clock in the morning until eight i two; at the tenth, three, and at the depressed condition of the o’clock at night every day in the week. it be shown that his death was due to ninth, E. C. STEARNS & CO.. Makers, Syi-cusc. N. Y. the eleventh three. The mother nursed The law allows. o * ac person to have accident *in Francisco, Cal. Buffalo, N. Y. Turonto, Ont. Annuities, both immediate and de- all L._ __ _______ ______ her children herself. _______ Another country, the low price of labor only a single account, and the govern­ ment insists that it shall have a mo­ ferred. may be secured through the strange feature of the case is that the and the products thereof, we nopoly of the savings bank business of post office. The immediate annuities mother suffered from her fifteenth deem the salaries of our county OF EVERY any depositor, requiring the would-be are secured by the payment of a lump year weekly, and sometimes daily, from depositor, before opening an account, sum. If a man at the age of 30 pays epileptic fits, which ao far have not officers to be in excess of the in­ BOTTLE OF to make affidavit that he has no ac­ the government £204 10s lOd he can se­ been inherited by the children. She come derived from other legiti­ count with any other bank* Separate cure an annuity of £10, which will be herself was one of four at a birth, and ms to business enterprises. accounts may, however, be kept by paid him each year as long as he lives. her maternal parent in her time, suc­ husband, wife, or the different mem­ The table of rates is long, and is based ceeded in present ing her spouse with no We therefore pledge our candi­ on the expectancy of life at various less than 38 children. bers of a family. dates for the legislature, if No smaller deposit than one shilling ages* The deferred annuities cost pro , ¡elected, to demand that the A FISH'S MEMORY. will be received by the government, portionately less. A boy at 10 can by | but inorder to encourage thrift among the payment of £5 11s 9d have pur­ German Professor Wants Informa­ district attorney and c« only children and the very poor people, chased for him an annuity dt £1, paya­ tion on the Subject. w officials be paid the following blanks are furnished containing spaces ble after the age of 50, and a larger an­ We have to live such busy, cyclopaedic nuity for a proportional sum. In the stated salaries: for 12 penny stamps. The depositor lives nowadays that it is very delightful UNDER THE GOLD STANDARD Castor]» is pr.t tp ia one-size bottles only It may buy penny stamps, as he obtains case of these deferred annuities. If the sometimes to turn aside into some quiec County clerk, $120*); one MEANS... is net sold in bulk. Don't allow c ;ro L sell person in whose favor they are made money, affix them to the blank until corner and watch ta specialist at work, deputy, $800. you anything olso on tho plea or promise th-t ii dies, the amount expended for their is “just as good ’ and “will answer every pur­ i he has 12 of the stamps on his blank, | says the Westminster Gazette. It may Sheriff, $2000; one deputy, | when he may open an account or de­ purchase is refunded to the legal heirs I bo only the eye of a fly or the digestive pose.” A»“ 3eo that you get C-A-S-T-C-K-I-A. of the beneficiary. posit it with his account, receiving $1000. 1 apparatus of a caterpillar, but he de- Tho fM- ■■ ____ _ a; All of these branches to the post credit for a shilling. Other special fa­ ___ ___________________________ __ __ 1 votes hia life to it amd thinks nothing of Recorder, $1000. cilities are afforded the smaller chil­ office savings bank’s system have been found to work'well in Great Britain,1 nll ,he noiite o'“1 human struggle» g<>- lUHCftllt FOR TH g dren to make deposits. Until two County judge, $1000. and they have been of such benefit to ¡"E °n ® u i u idc - , A Herman professor, ( years ago only £30 could be deposited Ludwig Edinger, is absorbed at present District-attorney, $2000 for the masses that it is not likely that ' 1 *“ - - - v - 1 * TWO » SILVER • CHAMPIONS within a single year, but this limita­ tion was removed on the ground that they will ever be repealed. Experi­ in the question: “Have fish a memory?” tho district for all purposes. and he has written to the Lancet to in­ The gold standard means low prices, low wages, hard times. The bimetallic i it was a disadvantage to the working­ ment has proved their success. standard mtana good prices, good wages, permanent prosperity for the producing Note—A pound is about $4.84, a shil­ vite information on the subject. It men, who were not allowed to save in Official Salarica In Oregon. classes. ■ season of great prosperity against time ling is 24 cents, a penny 2 cents.— may seem a trivial question and the The following are the salaries allowed brain of a fish may be a very small quan­ county American Banker. I 1 of want, so the limit was advanced, on officers in the various counties of tity, but u great many little thing in this Blate. The counties pay all office ex­ the recommendation of Postmaster- I HASTENING THE REVOLUTION. penses. These salaries are besides the per- nature are worth studying, and even if ! General Morley, to £50. More than £50 of the offices. The salaries for A 32 to 4-0 Paso Weekly Farm and Family Paper. Price, 91.00 a Year can be deposited, but without interest, The People of Every Land Are Being Forced the problem cannot be solved it will unisite« Jackson county range way above counties and when a depositor’s account reaches Into an Agrarian Spirit by the Monopo­ give a good opening for fish stories. of equal population in other part« of the While not neglecting ita superb Agricultural, Horticultural, Live Stock and lizer. of National KeMureea. Every disciple of Izaak Walton will £200, no further deposit will be received state. Family Departments, etc., has at the same time, for many years, upheld the Daily it seems to become more evi­ have something to say and anecdotes COUXTY TREA8UBBR. from him. Interest on account of less standard of the people against trusts and monopolies, more especially against dent that a man who labors with his to tell to back hte opinions. There are than £50 is allowed at the rate of 2X that most iniquitous of all monopolies, the single gold standard. All who read Biker....... ..GOO.Lane .... hands has no right to existence except no fish in the neighborhood of Fleet Benton ... . ... 500 Linn...... it agree that it is the bast paper of its class on earth. per cent, a year. * .. When a depositor wishes to increase under the law of supply and demand. street, and, therefore, we cannot try Clackamas. .... 1000 Lincoln < ’ latsop ... .... 900 ., his savings above £200 he can do it by If an employer can at an hour’s notice experiments, and the only contribution Columbia. ... 000 Marion Malheur.. buying consols. These consols are a get new workmen, those at present en­ we can make to the discussion is to ask < -OO8.......... ... 600 Multnomah .... government security of Great Britain. joying his beneficence have no option- why anglers have to be so particular Curry........ .... SOO Morrow....... | In 1751 a large part of the public debt, no right, the system says—but to accept about the make and color of their arti­ Crook ....... ... 400 Polk .......... terms or starve. THF CURONICLfc ranks with the creates j nine separate loans, being in the form ficial flies if fish have no memory. If Douglas ... .... 1000 Sherman ... We will lend the above great journal in connection with newspapers in the United states. Ownership of opportunities carries fish have vision without a sense of mem­ Gilliam. .. .... 250 Tillamook.. of annuities, were consolidated in a ........ .... 800 Umatilla.... THE CHRONICLE has no equal on the I’ficS’l- with it ownership of communities. ory surely they would never discrim­ Grant Hurney.... ... 700 Union........ Cooat. It leads nil In ability, enterprise and n«vs [ three per cent, bond or stock. The This has just been illustrated in Wales. inate between a May fly and a red Jackson.. ...BOO Wasco .... '1 HE CHRONICLE’S Telegraphic Rejxtrt* .»r« I name of consols were given them as an the latest and most reliable.lt« local X’ i - asuiu abbreviation of the word consolidated. We quote: “Lord Penrhyn inherited spinner and anglers would be saved a Josephine . .... 400 Washington.... fullest and spiciest, an I its Editorial« fr«j:ii i ;-. f Klamath .. .... 400 Wallowa In 1888 the .hree per cents, were con­ ownership of some slate quarries in lot of trouble. 'blest pens io the country Lake......... ... 400 Yambill. both one year, postpaid, at the extremely low price of » 2 OO Wales. Seventy-one persons employed THE CHRONICLE has always been, and always verted into 2% per cents., which rate COUNTY judges : will be, the friend and champion of the peoje in advance, and will give to each aubecriber to this combinatl a offer who pay. in 1903 is to be reduced to 2X per cent there formed a committee to secure im­ TO THE POINT. against combi nations, cliques, corporailois. »» ten cents additional for postage and packing, Baker.......... ....HOOOiPolk....... The stocks now constitute more than j provements in their condition, such as oppressions of any kind. It will be iDdaoeti.h u' Diels’s Remark After the Accident Benfon....... ... 900 Sherman ... shorter hours of work and better pay. one-half of the debt of Great Britain, In everything neutral in nothing. TWENTY PACKETS OF SEEDS Had Happened. Clsckama».. ... 1200 Tillamook.... and their price is regarded as a gauge They were promptly discharged by One of the men employed In a cer­ Columbia .. .... 500 Ujnatilla....... Penrhyn. Thereupon 2,700 employes These seeds are the best in the mar­ of the national credit. They were Clatsop....... .... 900 Union ......... stopped work. Penrhyn, angered by tain Yorkshire stone quarry is a man of Coo« ........... ... 800 Wasco............ ket. They consist of Farm, Vegetable quoted at 112 on December 7, 1896. few words. Indeed, his popularity with and Flower Seeds of your own selec­ Any person may, through the post this, declined the friendly mediation hi» mate« has been attributed to the Curry.......... .... 300 Washington .. Crook.......... .... 600 Yamhill .. tion from a list of zoo varieties. The office, invest any amount from one offered by the board of trade and shut Douglas .... .... 1200 Wallowa. . packets are at large as eeedmen’« mail fact that Dick could never »pore enough shilling upward in these consols or down operations in the quarries, throw­ Grant.......... .... 1000 Malheur.... eta. pack words to get up a decent quarrel with Gilliam___ ... 500 _____ r__. bonds at the current market price. ing out of work in the dead of winter Josephine.. . The Beede alone at retail prloee J ackson........ 1 aoo| H arney are worth SI OO. Call and eee us But not more than £200 in consols car. 5,000 men who had taken no part in the anyone, says Clips. about this great offer at onoe, or ‘ ' . The other day a huge block of stone, Marion....... ... 1500 Lake. affair, who have no chance of other be bought during one year througl eend remlttanoee to thio office. Multnomah ... 3000 Lane the post office, and not more than £50( employment in Wales and no means of, weighing several tone, was being raised Morrow .... ... 900.Linn. can be obtained through the post office getting away, and who have, many of by means of a steam crane. When near CDUXTY CLUES : them, families dependent for life upon the top the chain suddenly gave way. by one individual. This allows a per Dick inn at ivork 60 feet below when Baker................ 41500 Grant. son to hold £500 in consols and hav< their labor. When remonstrated with Baker 1 deputy. 900 Grant 1 deputy. 1200 £200 on deposit at a post office Savings for this action Penrhyn said he did not the accident occurred. Fortunately he Benton.............. 1800 Harney........... 2400 propose to “establish a precedent for realized his danger, though only just Clacsamas........ 1800 Harney 1 dep’ty 1000 bank. The government will buy con 2000 sols as well as sell them. It charges a outside interference with his private in time, and sprang from the ledge on Clatsop................. 2000. Jackson which he stood to another at some dis­ Columbia.......... 1800« Jackson.......... commission of 9d on each transaction affairs.” C oop . ... 1200 ...... 1 deputy. 1OOO Now, to say nothing of the fact that tance. for the purchase or sale of stock less Croc k... 1800. Josephine. A second later and the huge block was Co than £25. For amounts between £25 no one man should control the right of looo : Klamath.. 8,000 others to live, the Dispatch 2500 1 Lake......... broken into a thousand pieces on the Do and £50 the commission is 15d, and so i wishes to inquire how it is that Lord 1200 1 Lane.......... De 1st dep. on to 2s 3d for each transaction in con­ solid bed of stone. Do 2d dep. 80f Linn 1 ....... Penrhyn has a monopoly of slate quar­ sols between £75 and £100. Trembling in every limb, the owner (itL 150 J ¡ Malheur... These provisions have, in the opinion ries in this particular neighborhood. of the quarry, who had witnessed the Mar X) ; Malheur 1 deptv FOB 8A1.R BY ALL DRUGGISTS. of the English government, been God put the slate there. The people of affair, hurried to where Dick was stand­ Mari < deputici i 1800 Union.............. Morrow. _____ 2400 Wallowa............ very successful. By their means thou­ every land are being forced into ing und seized him by the hand. Marrow 1 dep ’ ty 1000 ............... sands of working people are now hold­ an agrarian spirit by the Penrhyna "Whatever would have happened if Folk................... 1600 Wasco Washington.... Supplies that Want. ers of consols who, were it not for the Here is a community of perhaps 40,000 you had delayed your leap a second, bberman............. 1200 Wash. 1 deputy persons — 8,000 adult males — absolutely A fall a«d completa record of Tillamook........... 1000 Yamhill cheap and easy facilities placed within ' ..... 1 Vi ~W» Dick?" he gasped. 'MILWAUKEE/ CongreMloref and Governmental Yamhill 1 depty their reach, would not have bought dependent on a single individual for a The workman glanced back at the Tillamook .. .. eventa give each week. .......... 1 deputy 600 Umatilla them. They are thus held by the great continuation of that life which God heap ot debris on the ledge. gave them at birth. It is an infamous COUMTY BBCORDKBS Fifty two week» for $1.00 Send masses, and few people in England “A funeral,” he replied, coolly .seizing postal for prospectus and sample. i are too poor to hold consols. Work­ state of affairs—and it will be remedied his pick and preparing to tesume work. Baker........ ....... »1500 Umatilla some day. The largest and most replete Benton .... ....... 1000 Union .. ing people left to themselves would be weekly paper in the country. Penrhyn doubtless feels that he has Clackamas. 1500 Union 1 deputy. apt to fight shy of stock brokers and Cheap RallroaAtnr. The Chronicle Bufldinj. Clatsop. ... . 2000 Washington. .. 1500 SILVER WIGHT PUBLISHING CO. not buy them, but when allowed to no duty toward the people as employer. It is quite true, says the Engineering Jackson., 1400 Wa«h. 1 deputy. 000 Operates its trains ou the famous block purchase them direct from the govern­ They are merely machines, and If they | nnd Mining Journal, that the kingdom Linn.......... WASHUIOTOI«. n. a. . 1800 Yamhill ......... 1400 z.w system; refuse to go he can start other ma ­ Marion ............... ... THE 1900 Yamhill 1 depty flCO ment they are quick to take advantag« of Denmark does not possess a very ex­ ............ •••••••••••••••••••••••••< chines of flesh and blood in motion. Lights its trains by electricity through . of the opportunity. Another impor tended area, but the government, by Marion deputies 780 Multnomah .... 3600 bhuiffs : tantpoint isthat it prevents the hoard­ And yet, though we have no informa­ building railroad, and buying those out; tion on the subject, we would wager ItUACr luamcui............ |2000 Baker. ................. ................ |2000| Malheur ing of money, as would be the custom built by private enterprise has now suc ­ Uses the celebrated electric berth' read­ that the monster is a churchman and Baker. 1st dep ’ ty 1200 Malheur.ldep'ty 1000 of many who have a prejudice against ceeded in giving to its inhabitants a Baker, 2d dep’ty 900 Marion.............. 3000 ing lamp; savings banks. Even these people that he knows his prayer book by tery Cheep means of locomotion, and at Benton*... 2000 Manon(deputies 2500 have the most absolute confidence in heart. Clackamas, 2000 Morrow............ 2400 Runs splendidly equipped passenger Some hardy Welsh quarryman may the same time ow ns a valuable asset for Clatsop.... 2000 Morrow (ldep’ty 1000 the government, and the temptation knock “Lord” Penrhyn on the head and n large amount of its national debt. The trains every day and night between St. Columbia.. 1500 Polk................... 16«K) to hoard is discouraged. Very little get hanged for it. No doubt such a ft eight rates are already the lowest Coos...... 2000 Polk (deputy)... 000 Paul and'Chicago, and Omaha and money ia hoarded in Great Britain ex- 2500 8herman.......... 1800 tragedy would shock British society j known. A bill introduced by the gov- Crook....... i cept by misers. ........ 1200 Tillamook........ ........ Chicago; the 1000 more than 40,000 starving dependents erment proposes to abolish return Curry 2500 Tillamook,ldp’ty 000 I Insurance may also be had through have. Certain Americans should cable ticket, end only to issue direct tickets Douglas............. ........ 2600 Chicago, Milwaukee i the post office department, but the their congratulation to “milord” be­ between all stations. One will be able Douglas, deputy 1000 Umatilla.......... “— Gilliam .............. 2000 ............... 2500 amount for which a life may be insured cause of his firm stand against “out­ to travel the whole length and breadth Gran»................... 2400 Union Union,lstdep’ty 1200 St. Paul is not in excess of £100. Nor can insur­ side interference.”—Chicago Dispatch. of Denmark third-class for a sum not GranUl deputy) 1200 Union,2ddeputy 900 ance be had for less amount than £5. ............ 2400 Wallowa........... 2000 Also operates Bteam-heated veetibuled exceeding <1.50, and the distance cov­ Harney. Harne (1 dep’ty ’j' 1000 Wasco............. . 2000 Another provision is that children be- (Including postage) to any part of tlio United International Bimetallism. ered is about 300 by 200 miles. This is Jacke« n. ... 2500 Washington ... 2M0 trains,‘carrying'the latest private com- States. Canada and Mexico i tween the agoa of eight and 14 years Ser ator Wolcott, of Colorado, as en­ a reduction of 50 per cent. Jack non, one Washington,one partmertt'c»ra,|library buffet smoking TIIE WEEKLY CHRONICLE. th« briglitest may be insured for £5, the idea being voy of the republican senatorial caucus de »ii y .. ..t. . 1500 deputy............... SOO and most complete Weekly Newspaper in ths to provide for the expense of their committee has gone to Europe for the His Farewall Sermon. Josephine. .........MOO Yam bill....................... cars, and p tlace drawing room sleep­ 2000 world, prints regularly Hl columns, or twelve purpose of interrogating prominent bi­ “Brethren, in partin’ free ye I must Klamath . .........25001 Yamhill, deputy 600 pages, of News. .Literatiiro and Gaacrnl Informa­ burial. Thfe extra­ ers. tion ; also a magnificent Agricultural Department. The government insurance business is metallists of the leading countries re­ in a’ truth say I’m mo’ aorry. Ye're Lake. ...» ....... ?500iMultnomah .... 4500 ordinary Re- Parlor care, free reclining chair cars and ju venator la conducted in much the same way as specting the outlook for international neist pastor (If ye can get ane) will be Linn. .... ....... 20001 SAMPLE COPIES SiNT FR.E the most COUNTY AS8F.S9OBS: aauon«, Xerv- that of the regular insurance compa­ bimetallism. Speaking of prospective an extraordiuar’ man if he can bring ye the very best dining car service. wonderful In Jacksen, Josephine, Douglas, Tilla­ ous twitching of DO YOU W * N’T’ TIIE nies. The payments may be either by legislation by the present congress to tae hear the word o’ God. Ye dinna lo'e mook, Clackamas, Clatsop, and Marion For lowest rstes to any point io the discovery the age. It ‘ means of a lump sum or by annual promote international bimetallism, he , one anitber, because since my aclminis- countiej, and the counties in eastern Ore- and other haa been en­ peuta. premiums. The sums for which insur­ said: “A bill is being prepared by the 1 »ration nane o' ye hae aakit me tae pit gun the assessors get |4 per day for them­ United States or Canada, apply to dorsed by the chronicle Strengthens, leadingaeien- ance is taken may bo payable either at senate caucus committee which will in ye into the holy state o' matrimony. selves and their deputies In all the other ticket agent, or address tiflo men of Invigorate« death or at the age of 55, 60 or 65, or due course come before the caucus for Cod canna to'e ye, for the reasons that counties of the state they receive only |3 and tones the Europe and per day. C. J. EDDY, America. •n tire system. sooner if death occurs: or they may be discussion, amendment, and approval lie has ne'er tln'en ony o’ ye until Him- COUNTY COMMISSION KM»: Hudyaa cures Hutfyea is J. W. CASEY, General Agent. endowment policies, payable at the ex before it is introduced in the senate. It sel’. Yc dinna lo’e me because ye hae- gurriy rag«. 8'ability, In Jackson, Klamath, Lake, Douglas. ervousnesM, Trav. Paaa. Agent. Portland. Or. piration of periods of 10, 15, 20, 25, 30. is the wish of the committee to give nt> paid my stipend. Weel, I hae been Yambill and Gilliam they receive, besides 'IlO\Vi>’G ¿missions, HaSyaa «taps 3ft or 40 years. Pres’dent McKinley the opportunity to appointed chaplin 1’ the jail i’ the mileage allowance at 10 cents a mile, S4 per and developes fremiturina» day. In Union county |6 per day. In all and restores or the dls- The United States, Dominion ol The table of rates is too extensive to call a conference himself, or act con­ nee barhood an:l will noo proceed tae o>her weak organs. counties in the state, $3 per day. chaita In 20 be given here, but as an example it jointly with the executive authorities I preach my farewell sermon irae ane o’ Pain« In tho lays. Cnree Canada and Northern Mexico may be stated that a man or woman of European countries, as may appear the best texts in Holy Writ—'I go to back. Io««« LOST by day or ON OKK SIDE, i between the ages of 24 and 25 can be most expedient. Ho will be authorized »AHHOOD nlghtstopped Anil the ARE YOU GOING EAST insured for £10 by a payment through to appoint five commissioners to an in­ prepare a place for you.’ ” life of 4s 4d a year, or by a penny a ternational monetary conference when­ Have put in a Snudar Labar la the Transvaal. Map of week, or by an annual payment to the ever it may be called, and a sufficient' Sunday labor in the liand gold fields If so ba sure and see that your ticketi read via the age of 60 of 4s lOd, or uy a single pay ­ appropriation will be made to pay the ON T1IK OTHKR 81 OR. in South Africa is permitted for the first salaries of these commissioners and I ' time now by a recent vote of the Trana- • 80DK WORKS • Hend $2 and Get the Map and ment of £4 9s. Payments of life insurance can be I whatever share of the expense of the taal Volksraad. Weekly A hronlcle for One Year, postage prepaid on Map and I'apjr. made through the 12,000 post offices do- POSTAL SAVINGS BANKS. ^recreative England H m Loag Enjoyed Their Benefit« and AlaoVboae of Uovarn- ment Life Iusurance. 4 oo D rops THAT THE C Cbe Yellow fellow / FAC-SIMILE Ä\t»< table Preparation for As- simtating tteFoodandBetfula- ting theStonads and Bowels of PromotesDi^esiion,Cheerful­ ness and Rest.Contains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. N ot N arcotic . SIGNATURE WRAPPER A perfect Remedy forConstipa- tion. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea. Worms .Convulsions .Feverish­ ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. -Ub'munlhs trid' J5 Dost s- pjCBxi-. r...—- -- , 's . . atf.aA j £XACT COPY OF WRAPPER. - - GA 16 TO 1 16 Patches toi Pair of Pants ASHLAND CASKET CO.’ The Farm, Field and Fireside, H. S. EMERY Atauiijer - sud - Fun irai - Director Myer Bl««k, - Aalilsnd, Or. n .LXDLE FTiHT- ’LY.HS GOOIH Day or Sight Calls promptly at landed :o. RE IS.tN IBI.E. CH Äi . >1 ^ÍÁtiFIC CQÀST ' A GREAT COMBINATION OFFER The Valley Record EAST GIVES THK CHOICE OF TRANSCONINENTAL TWO ROUTES Great Union Northern Ry. Paci ìj { JSilver Knight Watchman ! IA SPOKANE OENVEH MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA AND AND ST. PAUL LOW KANSAS CITY KATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES, OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5 DAYS \N( ; Í SCO For Fu. I tetaus ••ail on or address, ROBT. LK<>X \R », Local »traut, or W. H. HURLBURT, Gen’l Pasa. Agent, P LA D. OR E. McNEILL, President and Manager Í.CÍXLT __ KOOr.y MOUNTAIN : : : DAILY —10»— SAX This Railway Co. : : l News D. MVEB, COLO. T ub P tst WFEKI.y Parsing Cl.00 Par Year U Adveaee. LEA3S the Sll-er forces ot America. Li. IS In M tuny and Mining Stock Lttrn tn special Departments. LUO) n developing Calorado's wonderful r s ur.es. Li.'.OS in Ucwilness, Brightness Compre­ hensiveness. LEADS 111 Commissions to AfCUtA BtpoftA (Writ« for Terms.) TheQreat Silver Daily Th- NrMrinttbllshe, ths representative pasas 14.1.'v .- 4 .uoduy) west ol Si Loots: cartoon ».ill every imuc . 65 c a month—<1.00 tot S moiiili.—lev advance. t or -amp e - opy of say issue, addiuea. Ti e '-’A< PRINTING CO . Denver, Colorado. $1.50 a fa : Rsversible Map? PARKINSON & WISE the World ..COXEY’S '» • t Lt*. SOUND r MONEY Twice-a-Week. • • • pHE greatest vote maker in the ranks. You need it In this campaign. It gives all the Populist news. CARTOONS BY HESTON. * WASHINGTON LETTER IxiMw VMtana.) by »pedal correspondent gives inside fact* m no other paper (w msi Senator Butlefgt., • * » 11 .«•> Ptr rsar; 1 sisstk. 15 Casts. Twies-a-sraak rsmsaitar. Ses* tor tns Sam,Is Cs,y. S COXEY’S SOUND MONEY (• Af.43SfIU.OAf. OM/O. 1 1 ADDR1C8S /Jx M. H. de YOUNG, Proprietor a F. Chronicle, BAN FfU-NClSCO. CAI- The '■ Kecord" Is prepared to do alt kinds of pr nttna— sa i i»f act fon assured. Palaces on Wheels. SO YEARS’ E XPERICHCE. P atents When people travel now a days, the expect comfort, and when they travel on The •• M ilwaukee" thev get il I Thve has been on evolution in the means ot; ran sport otton for man that 1» I Very interesting. The more civilised » I people becomes, tbe more exciting it grow | Tho coaches now rennins between St. Pau> an Chicago, and Omaha and I'hfcaro. 'Th Milwaukee", are marvels of elegance and convsntenoe. The private compart ment cars, library buffet smoking car- nnd free reclining chair can are models on Insurious comfort, which in style and furnisbtngs are palatial enough for royaltv Itself. A great pleasure for toe traveler oi> Ils sleeper» and private compartment oar. Is tbe electric berth reading lamp, which 1« an exclusive feature with "Tbe Milwau kee" Tbe beating la all done by steam« thus doing away with tbe old fashioned stove. By all these means tbe fatigue i Incident to travel ia reduced to a minimum. Tbe Chicago, Milwaukee A 8t. Paul Rail­ way is always popular, and those traveling ¡over IL. lines are tbe loudest tn Its praise. , All coupon ticket agents sell tickets via tbe . Chicago Milwaukee A Hl Pan Railway C. J Mdv '»eirera' Asent Ih.ruend Or*. Yow Ought to Have One. A good example of what a man Is If vou would liks a copy of ths hsnd- capable of in his old day» ii exhibited sotnvst railroad folder yet issued address by Pope Leo XIU, who has just turued W. H. Mead, No. 248, Washington St., the tint comer of hie eighty-eighth year. Portland, Oresou, and one will be sent yen free Chicago, St Paul, The folder entertainingly describes The people of this country are quite tbe two New Northwestern Limited Minneapolis & Omaha R’y as good judges of what concerns the trains between Minnespolia, St. Psul — THIS IS THE — pablic interest as any two men in Wash­ and Chicago—the finest trains in tbs world—and contains pictures ot the fa­ GREAT - SHORT - LTNE ington. whoever they may be. mous trains as I bey appear when run­ James J. CorMt gave »ome pretty good ning, each picture over three feet long BETWEEN DULUTH advioe to the boys ot the Olympia Club, »plendfdlv engraved in colors. when he was is tian Francisco last. He ' ‘ This elevant souvenir will interest the told them that the bast way to r —■ strong — wa« to avoid all exnaseeo in youth, ao eo that whole family from tho oldest to the tney should arrive at manhood lusty and vonngeel, end you’ll say oo when you healthy. Man« men who have been guilty see it. And all points Eut and Sooth. The ot excesses and over-indulgendas. and have -Manniflcent track, Peer I eee Veati- used the Celahrawri Medicine “CUFI- K dwin W. J oy C o .: lam one of those baled Diniog and Sleeping DENE ” lived to givs testimony ot Ita won- who place but little faith in advertised nos- Car Trains and Motto: dsrful stimulatins and curative powers. trarr.s but seeing so many local testimon­ “CUPIDKNE” will check all the waste tis­ ials, detailing the affects of Joy's Vegetable sue ot tbs body. In fact, it stops all loease. Sarsaparilla. I, too. bought it. I took it for “ALWAYS ON TINE” “UUPIDKNE“ is a powerful, harmless, in the back and chonic billiousness, vegetable Compound. Il s u sure ta pains the re» a Its of a disordered liver, which has Have given this road a national reputa­ •treneihen the generative nreans as it is to given tion. All cl«««« of peeseengers carried roe much trouble, and 1 believe it has rebuild and regenerate you. Trial pa.'kaire 1 on the veetibnled trains without extra cured me. I haven't felt so »1.00; 8 packages *6.60. For sals by K A permanently charge. Ship your freight and travel well for ten years. I recommend it to all tasnwrw my frleoda, and we take it for nearly every­ over tliie famous line. All agents have thing over our way and it seems to bit. tickst. NED NfcriTKLL W. H. M bad , Gen. Ag’t., 79 Everett street. Ban Francisco, Portland, Or. Ko MUAlLt DBUOOIST W1LI TILL NOU NS I 48 Washington St. At Yreka, Cal. !¡Mí C^GIve them a call. VARICOCELE m STRICTURE ST. PAUL & ŒICAOO hue A «ABfl«»• ntpraaaatod. Band 4 «asta Ä’iRMiribtbtg.'uisa. s» K, M. Mt as. M. WAM UlinfruTR, U»I.MA*MC^le.