VALLET RECORD A fire in St. Louis. Ma, Monday ' ^eylar, abtateaad.f of the The Ether, Work on tho new electric railway Ii;e--tlvcr steamer Stinol wat run Spanish forces eperatlag in Cuba, is tloHtt and wrecked on San Francisco Twenty-tl, «ee hundred year» ago Plato from bm Angeles to biyita Monica id __ i _ va a « ■ Aon — — 4 Hxvti^u ut avvB4iii| ^Mriwviww vus acctiaed of stealing «VV4 ever $16,900,680 aut 1 bay Wcdnesduy, by the four-uioated promulgated tho theory that the uni prog:eb»iii{ rapidly. It joins the pre** of the NO,000,000 MBt to the island for bark Olympic, bound in from Philedcl- ver.-', sun, i at th, stars anil all things ?nt line nt Sherman. fhe People’s Paper. Dennis Cook, who has resided in the mslnteiianoe of the army during pliia. The forty-live jaisseugor« on tho who suspcudi d iu a muss of something ateamer Sunol wore rescued uninjured. Santa Cruz, (Jul., for muuy year.« aud the past tlurtaas utanthA He has re that be called the ether. It was thinner Robert Glover, at one time a rich was well-known to sporleinen all over ASHLAND. Or:...Tbttredav, Mar. X», 1»47 ported but half the deans among hia than the thiuuest gas, yet it could pene By the explosion of a heavy gun on men and drawn pay and ration» for tha ■nd proeperuu, liveryman of Oaklapd, trate all »ubstaucea. It ebbed aud flowed the coiui, died ut Lag u us Saturday. Cui., was arresto«! ou a charge uf insan It is expected that alxiut 100 acres of board lhe Russian man-of-war Cesaoi balance of the dead. ity last week. When the electric fare, I through all things; all things were full i cw olivo orchard will be planted at " AboflUilag Coal biuoke. Veliki fourteen mou aud on officer tracks sud wires made a network of I of it inside and enveloped iu it outside. v’.»llbrook, Cat, this year, which will Uula Glaw reduced the woman'» The soft, or biiuminou, coal, so uni were killed and sixteen men wounded; Modern physical Kieuce sprung up run the touxi iu that vicinity to nearly ten-mile bicycle record In Chicago dur Uakiuml lii» business wae riliusd And I versal in the middle aud weatent five of lhe latter will die* The worry and ridiculed thi, idea as that of an 1200 acres. ing the races lag» week. Hor record he soon went brankrupt. eecticn, of this country, is not an ua- Miss Blaut he Berard, the oldest po»t- of which brought about hia present amiable old pugiiu with a speculative A fiftyponndor blast at tho Santee I mixed blessing, eh*u]> and useful a* It 1 mistress iu the United States,' who has I WM 27:06 seconds. condition. mind. For centuries tho ether of Plato quarry in San Diego county, Cui., dis held the office at West Poiut, N. Y., Dispatch«» from Cuba state that en la. I* ia a question indeed whether it la MI m Eugenia Hteineger, a former was spurued and held iu the background, placed a solid ruck of about 300 tons not a direct retarder of higher civiliza- continuously for the past fifty years, ' March lOtu* a train carrying Spanish substitute of tlie public schools at Ixw t^ow, however, in tho latter part of the weight, shuviug it u distance of about has resigned. , , e troops through the Piuar del Rio prov thu iu cities like Chicago and Cincin Angeles was adjudged insane. She re nineteenth century, ii| the most enlight 30 feet. John Postels Jr., of Coles Camp, Mo., ince was btown up by dynamite while cently lost her position and her melan nati, which are enveloped auul and body ened generation history has kuowu so Work hai begun ou a new road to There were choly assumed u violent forte. in Its grime. At the same time the fact has written to Recorder Christman of | crossing a high trestle. fur as achievements iu physical acieuce the summit of Smith mountain, In San Tulare county, Cal., for any intelli over 250 soldeirs killed or wounded and The will of the late ex-Sepator Dolph go, the wisest and most learned men are Diego county. It is estimated that 100 that the supply of Pennsylvania anthra gence regarding bis uncle, John Pos cite coal is undoubtedly gradually giv tels, who was last heard of iu Califor- 300 prisoners, including ten officers, lias beun filed for probate at Portlaud, gradually coming arouud to Pluto’s view men will bo employed fur a month or Oregon. Property valued at $125,000 were captured by the Cabans. ing cut makes the outlook forthecleau- ■ uia about twelve years ugo. aud accepting the theory of the all per so building thirteen miles of road. lincss of thia Union in the future doubt i.„uvs Charlie Winter» and Willie Babbitt, guee to the widow aud relative». While chopping on a small tree at vading ether. In truth, there isnoother The war situation in Crete continues K iiih I1;> ox has broken out in the Large two ten-year-old -boys by Bedford, ful. It ia to be sincerely hoped that to grow more threatening. Way uppaxently of accounting for the his home in Humboldt county, Cal., 1 United States penitentiary at McNeil ’ » Ind., wore playing Wm. Tell and in the eldest sou of R. A. Lut man cut his electrical power and heating may be ! artille» of Turks and Greeks aro en- . - - . . , joo. »nd AU Druggfott. I-land, Puget Sound. John Drake, a marvels cf modern discovery. foot severely with an ax, and before; et,me p-acticsble in time to solve the camped within a very short distguce of Hying to shoot an apple from his play- An illustration ueed by ouo scientist aid reached him nearly bled to death. * brother of United States Marshal I each other aud the pickets of each aide mate ’ s head with » revolver, Winters problem in the present generation. is thia: If you drop a stone into a pond, Drake, being the first victim. sent a bullet into Babbit’s brain. The Pasadena-Los Angele« boqj,e vk^l If the experiment, now making to ob i are in plain view, lhe slightest acci- . t iuvernor Budd has vetoed the bill, ! the waves caused by the disturbance of. project is now fairly under way, the Walter Hughes was shot dead by tain electricity directly from coal with I «lent or suspicious movement might ' ; the water will glide over the poud and which was to »addle the care and main ' result in a conflict, with terrible loss of detectives at Houston, Tex., last weak, organization of the moving spirits hav out its quick consumption are success ! cause to bob up and down a cork upon ing been uflbctcd I life. On the water things are equally while trying to abduct children for tenance of the girl» from Whltteir and tito defínate and their ful, then the hopod for cud will be reform school on to Santa Clara county. another part cf the pond distant from phi ns made for the early beginning of marvelous cure. as bad. Monday all the admirals, ransoms. reached iu that wuy. If not, however, except the French and Italian com- | Science of the 19th Century Douglas R. Lilly, a pioneer of Cali the place into which the stone was drep- active work. Violent gales accompanied by hail looks on with amazement inventors should continue to attack tho manders, were ordered to imme storms prevailed over Germany during fornia, committed suicide at Famous ped. Call the pond the universal ether, at the most remarkable rec The directors of the Eureka Street p>i bhm from the side of smoke preven diately blockade the principle Greek the latter part of last week. ord of cures ever known in Lilly : nnd ycu will see how a movement iu Railway company mot Tuesday and Several lest week by idiooting himself. the World's history. tion. M e ore glad to chronicle another l>urts, especially Piraeus (Port Athens), persons were killled and much prop- wits brought into prominence some ’ one place throws wave, to another spot. passed a résolu I ion to allow the drivers invention for which the claim is made Syra and Volo. years ago by shooting a minister, with ery was damaged. The illustration will serve to show of the road to divide the proceeds if Hundreds of tbousaads of SaHerera cared without a single failure whom he was quarrelling. that it prevents smoke from forming. 1 Cattle in Montana have suffered-se I how it is possible to telegraph without they will feed and tond the horses and The llnal segregation of tho Oregon by ** FIVE DROPS.” f < ot and black »mekc are uuconsumed verely this winter. Mrs. Williams of Tree Pinos, Cal., wire,, if otssible it bo. Electricians keep the ro«4 ip repair. Reports state that Short Line from the Union Pacific took | Though so universally used and tested did you ever bear anyone cr.ibcz. Thecarlee is not consumed be- j 75 per cent of the range animals have place at Salt Lake city at midnight, went insane a few days ago through 1 have worked f< r years on that problem. One Mmute is all the time necessary to speak ill of this great remedy* No, you never did aud never will, for : already succumbed, the Chinook coni- Match loth, and all the trains are now .hunger. Her husband was away look t-uu.-e iLi oxyg u Of the air cannot I if taken as directed and In the proper quantity "S Drops" cannot fall A jiftpcr by LI. J. W. Dam iu McClure’s decide from personal experience that One to cure any of the diseases for which it is recommended. What It is stated running under the new Oregon Short ing ior work and' the persons promising Minute Cough Cure does what the name im at all paita of it tojiurn it. Tho new I ing to late to save them. it haa already done to relieve tho suffering is told in thousands of M,ghziiie Vends to tho conclusion that u plies Eugene A. Sherwin. to provide for Ids wife failed to do so. letters ot grateful pialse. device mingles tho air with powdered ( that Pierre Wibaux puts his loss at $1,- Line system. way to do this lias actually been discov She diet) the day following the discov coul oud sets tire to the mixture. Tho i 000,U00. Two hundred and fifty thou Geo. Coes, tin old-time ministrel and ALLEN HILDBETH. ered1 by Matcoui, a young, half English, WILLIAM FOX. sand young Vtfch cattle he put on the woll-known on the Pacific coast, died ery of condition. Mr. 7. P. Limtburntr, widtlf hwunt for many vtart tu tkt htctal roprtsenii hy< of ri suit, ns claimed, is that the coal dust tht Ftfalitts and Fret Silvtr Prtts of ikt United Malts, has kuu>ly forwaratd tht rango last fail are all (lend. Sirs. A. C. Edwards, wife of tho U. half Italian, electrical experimenter in at Cambridge, Mass., a few days ago, following Itttcr for jublitaiion: is allccnsuintd. making no smoke at all vtm. wS, lev/. The French line steamship Ville de aged till. s. commissioner at Kokiak Alaska, has England. The British postoffice depart- D iab S irs —I am anxious for the sake of the suffering «ad out of gratitude to yoa to and very little ash. A jet of warm air meqt is taking active interest in Mar St. Nazaire, which sailed from New give my personal endorsement of your wonderful remedy. On the Sth of January, 1897, The Montreal Rolling Mills, Canada, fullen heir to $.,000,000, through the meets a stream cf coal dust constantly I wm tn Washington and was suddenly seized with an aggravated, case of inflammatory York Marcii flth, bound for the West have closed most of its shops throwing dcuth of u relitive v,ho lived near coni's discovery, in the expectation of rheumatism; so severe and painful was the attack that within 24 hours my left arm was being rbuken from a sieve. The dust is Indies, foundered at sea. Ashland, Oregon, Memphis, Tenn. Of her 4000 men out of employment. utilizing it. Murconi iu his first experi paralysed and I was only able to dies* with assistance. I secured a bottle of 5 DRObS The fired, the draft is kept in play. This ex eighty-two passengers and crew only and took a dose that night, rubbing some ou externally as directed. The following W. F. Bradford, a mining man of ment, was able to telegraph with tho general manager says that this action morning I was surprised to find myself immensely relieved, and continuing treatment City Passenger plains the prim iple, though the ma- four are known to have been saved. woke the second morning cured. My arm wao absolutely free from pain, aud all swelling Is d”" the uncurtaiuity as to -he Randsburg, Cal., was shot nad killed proper receiver through a solid hill a and stiffness had disappeared. The quickness, and completeness of my cure was re chinriy is tomewbut elaborate. If there They arrived in New York city last Unites states tariff changes. ut Carson City, Nev., by a gambler distance of three-quurters of a mile. If markable. I have known for over a year of the great curative properties of your medicine and Truck Transfer is any public spirited millionaire in the Thursday on the schooner Hilda after and have several friends who have been cured by it of Neuralgia, Catarrh and Asthma. known as “Soap” Smith. the thing will work for that distance, The Cambridge, Eng., university has Wishing you every success and trusting that those similarly afflicted will at least middle western belt who wants to con weeks of drifting about the Atlantic in The contract has been signed by the it will work for greater one», eventually give this remedy a trial. Sincerely yours J. P LIMEBURNER, 1 couferretl the ltouorarv degree qf 1 .00- ----- All kind, or freight, baggage Burton of Populist and Ref orm Papers. Old Stock Exchange Building, Chicago, ill. fer a blessing on untold millions of his an open bout, «luring which thirty-four I tor uf science upon Dr. NauMh, i, the «Vest Coast Construction company for household goods, etc., transfer- ■cress oceans and continents. of the thirty-eigl^t occupants went mad . .. ed with promptness and safely. fellow countrymen, let him furnish CURES THE INCURABLE. grading of tho first ten miles of the Arctic explorer. The value of the invention at aea will or died of starvation. • Hauling un a large scale con D ear S irs ;—I would like to thank you for your great remedy, “5 DROPS,*’and tell capital to bring this invention to a suo- The sugar refinery at Williams! urg, Sierra railway out of Oakdale, Cal. be incalculable. In the densest fog mes tracted tor, .... ... you what it has done for me. 1 had Rheumatism in every joint and in the heart, and I The authorities at Honolulu have Work is to commence April 1st. cess. had Catarrh of the head for 30 years, I was so poorly that I lost the use of my legs and arms, sages may be sent from the shore to a arrested two steamship agents for vio-j N. Y., belonging to the American t agar and could not move without pain. I was so crippled, that I had done but little work for 3 he body of a tnuu was found float- WOOD F ’ O-Ed SALE I Refining company, after it shut lown seven years, and our family physician, a good doctor, told me that my Rheumatism New England Fisheries. lighthouse, from a lighthouse to a ship luting the immigration laws by bring and Catarrh were incurable, and I believed him. But now, after using “5 DROPS" only I of over live month» opened last week tug in the Wilhunettee river, near ing Japanese into that country, and | at sea. It cau also be utilized in mili ------ 1C« iM SEASON— Up to 00 years ago the New England two months, I can truly say 1 have not felt so well for seven years. This medicine does 1 with u force of 600 men. The introduc- Portland, last week, and proved to be the affair promises to stir up some! more than Io claimed for it. At this time my Catarrh is much better, and I have scarcely tary operations to a degree unlimited. fishing boats were the marine training i tion of the tariff bill iu HiipposeJ to be that of Walter McNaughton, a w ealthy any Rheumatism at all and the heart weakness and pain are gone. Mv hearing is now good Wifi handle ice la Ashland during the complicated «pieHtions ■nwuua between mv vw ven the mv two i vi u 1 ..... , . and my eyesight is much better. I have gained more than 10 pounds of flesh and can do schools of the nation. The brave, pictur nurseryman of Province, R. 1. Ho is The electric wave, upon the ether ripple summer season, Delivered at your door From 300 to 500 Japan- | '•‘»I«’"''1'5’« resumption. a full day’s work. It is the best medicine I ever saw to give a mother who has a young child, island nations. F every morning. out in all directions. tupposed to have committed suicide. esque life of the northeastern coast fish for it has the same effect on the child as on the mother. It wards off Croup and cures the _______ •____________ L.* ’ J have ____ | ’P? th? bfa anJ vicious olophant of ese calling themselves ‘studients hives of the child and causes Bweet and refreshing sleep to both young and old been arriving on each eteamor from I Barnum A Bailey ’ s cire ” a «■•a« strangled ermen lent itself alike to the literature jOF^Pasaeugers delivered to any part of Dr. Lewis Leach, one of the earliest Yours respectfully, WM. M. KELLEMS, the city Tb® trmty of arbitration between Jan. 29,1896. 8iberia, Perry CoM Ind. of romance and poetry. Human beings the Orient of late. As there is nothing to tho employes of the woi, white settlers ill Fresno county, died Uft received the following letter from Mr. 7. 7. Wilson of Omaha, III. Mr. Wilson has Great Britain and Venezuela was agreed tl»© winter quarters ut Bridgeport, at liis home there, )a»t week. numbered by the hundred thousand de there for them to do and they don’t been for many years an invalid, and reading the above letter which was Published, wrote Mr. Kellems, asking if his endorsement was genuine, and received this reply,which he forwarded us. pended for their living on the catch of appear to seek work the Hawaii ofli-1 Conn. A year ago a tree fell across the to before tho American commission ap cials are becoming alarmed. Thegener- ! A triple lynching of colored men, in North Arm road, Vancouver, B. C., pointed by President Cleveland to ex MR. J. J WILSON. deep sea fish year by year. D ear S ir :—Your letter of recent date at hand, the testimonial you speak of is genuine. His widow amino into the boundary lines between —TIA— The company who manufactures and sells '’5 Drops’’ published my testimonial just as Now that is changed. Fishing wharfs al opinion is that the ‘students’are sol retaliation for a double murder, has aud killed W. JI- Stevens. I gave it to them and every word of it is true, and I could swear to it aud prove it by brought suit against the muniolpality, diers sent there fur some purpose that just taken place at Juilette, Marion British Guiana and Venezuela had re are rotting on bl.oie; fishing vessels are many witnesses. The company did not ask me for this letter. I sent it to them ;last and lias just been awarded $10,000. county, Fla. January for publication in order that poor sufferers, incurable as I once was, and as you are, ported. The commission bad uo author rotting in the hnrbc r. They who used to will develop shortly. might be cured. Get "b Drops" and use it and it will cure you as it has cured me. I have The freight steamer Rialto bound The trial of Gregorio Ybarra for bcott Jackson and Alonzo M. Walling ity to recommeud any particular bound received many letters like yours, and it is a pleasure to me to answer all who write. Tell all man thf m aie in their graves or in oth —or thi — your neighbora.what I have wriUeu »bout f,5 Drops.” I know how to sympathize with those murder of Ben Henderson, a ary or to even givo r.u opinion cn the er occupations. What is the cause? It is from Newcastle to New York took fire the murderers of Pearl Bryan, paid tho who are afflicted, for though I suffered bo long, it is now 8 months since I have felt any pain. and was lost in mid-ocean. The crew the death penalty for their crime by wialtliy former, lias commenced at merits cf the case in locality. All Dr. 8. W. Kellems, my brother, uses "5 Drops" in his practice, and joins me in en not so muc h in the decline in quantity Southern Pacific Co. dorsing this great remedy, lie says for a case like yours it is a positive cure. was rescued and brought to New York hanging; The execution took place at Ukiah, Cal. that is still to ledoue ly the arbitration of the deep sea fish catch as in the open Sept. 21,1896. MR. W. X. AND DR. 8. W. KELLEMS. by the steamer Carthaginian. Newport, Ky., Saturday, and was wit- Archibald Skyin, a miner, was burn commission itself. The chief thing of ing of vast new fislwug grounds else If yo™ have not sufficient confidence after reading these letters to send for a large bottle, It lias been ar nounceil that June 4>®«sed by about 300_people. The stat® ed to death in ills cabin, near Auburn, Express Trains Leave Portland Daily. value tho Anxrioun ccrnr tiaeion accom ■end for a sample bottle, which contains sufficient medicine to convince you of its merit. This where, all mound North America and 20th has been dvilnately fixed for tho troops surroundetHiib-j-nil- tcr preveak VNl+rj-last week. wonderful curative gives almost instant relief and is a permanent cure for Rheumatism, plished was to collect an enormous muss the great lakes, and in the marvelous Sciatica, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia, Backache, Asthma. Hay Fever, Catarrh, Sleeptessoese, any attempt to stop the hanging. North South ! jubilee thanksgiving day for the cele Father Marasclii, the founder of St. of historical documents and evidence. Nervousness, Nervous and Neuralgic Headaches, Heart Weakness, Toothsche, Earache, multiplication of fresh varieties of food bration of the 60th year of the reign of 8:60 p til Lv Portland Ar 8:10 a m August Woywood, a sailor was acci- Ignntius church at San Francisco and a Craup, "La Grippe,” Malaria, Creeping Numbness, Bronchitis and Kindred Diseases. fishes. Mr. Joseph William Collins sums i Queeh Victoria. Lv 4:40 pm •*• FIVE DROPS” is the name and dose. Large bottles (300 doses), |l.oo. Six bottles for dently shot through the abdoman by aell-known Catholic priest, died at These documents ate copies of papers 12:60p m Ar Ashland 4:10 p id Lv Ashland Ar __ |6.oo. Sample bottle prepaid by mail 26c. Not sold by, druggists, but only by ua and our and. books in Rome, Spain, Holland, 1:10 p m _. the subject up in Harper's Magazine After an absence of twenty-eight I i Lawrence Johnson, another sailor, who San Francisco, a few days ago. ■gents. Agents appointed in new territory. 11:15* m r Ar San FranclacoLv 7:00p in England, Britisli Guiana and Venezue thus: years Moses B. Lucas, a well-to-do kun- | | was showing him an “empty” pistol, George Brown of Victoria, B. C., was Above trains stop at East Portland SWANSON RHEUMATIC CURB CO., lWIteertoraSt,Ckka<«,I!). These products of the Atlantic fishery muEt berman uf Eureka, Cal., returned to at SanFiancisco last week. Woywood jhot by his sin-in-law, John Aiken, la. The Azr.iriir.n commission scoured Oregon City, Woodburn. Salem, Turner, new meet and compete with the ealmon, stur will dio. tho earth for documents bearing on the Marlon, Jefferson, Albany, Tangent, his wife and daughter at Vineland, N. Friday, and is not expected to live. geon, cod and halibut of the Pacifio, the white- During his long alisence he had case. Those itilcgyjs gs a legacy to the SJtedda, Halaey, Harrisburg, Junction City, fifch. trout, pike, perch and cisco or herring J. Josef F. Blanther, who murdered tikuene, Creswsll, Cottage Grov*. Drain*, Twenty Sail Francisco ffrocers have from the great, lake region, the catfish, buffalo i never written home. real arbitration commission. One other imi all stations from Roseburg to Ash- Mrs. Philopcna Langfeldt at Jan Frau-, bee«iirreetcd for selling impure cur fish and other specks from the rivers, the red i land, Inclusive. cisco some months ago, has been cap gQod purpose the American commission I Last week the Austrian gunboat Ze- snapper, pompano and many other choice va rant jelly. , Roaeburg Kall Dally. rieties from the gulf coast, the sh$d, Spanish j beni« «> fired upon and sunk, near Can- tured iu a small Texas town, where lie served, perhaps—it delayed action by In the sttporior court at Taooma, mackerel, striped boss and bluefish from the ! dia, a Greek vessel loaded with pro- Ims been teaching school, and going by '« ■' la»vx: »aaiva: ~ Wash., a jury awarded Charles A. Hoff either govcrumgnt and tided thing, over region extending from North Carolina to New i visions and munitions intended for the the name of Forbes. AVhilo in jail York, and also froaen smelts, herring and man $4000 damages, for the loss of an till the ugly feeling iq . England, thee Portland .. 8:30am I Roseburg.. .6:20p m aw'niting the arrival of the officers to fresh salmon from Canada, not to speak of Ca Gceek forces iu Crete. arfit, against (the American Foundry United Stale»' aud'WMieaublu had died Roeeburg. . 8:00 a m [ Portland... 4:40pm nadian caught cod and mackerel, which are so A buttle between federal troops and return him to San Francisco he attempt coiupai... away and left the horizon peaceful. extensive!) marketed in this oountry. Salem Paaeenffer Daily. ed suicide by taking morphine. revolutionists near Paysandu, Uruguay, The fight for the world’s heavy was n day» Upwfirds [ R- Eamwater, a farmer living at Or fought a few days ago. Upwards | lxavz ; abbivi : He reckon, ill who calculate, timi h weight champsonship between James REPAIRING AND HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY. Portland. .4:00 p. tn. J Baleni........ 6:15 p. m wrong action can pass without detec el II thousand were killed or wounded, i fick, Mo., shot nnd killed five tnem- J. Corbett and Robert Fitzsimmons Salem........ 8:00 a. m. I Portland. .10:16a. in liiodie Williams, the high diver, ) b?rs of ,his fBmily Sunday, and then tion. There never was a case where took place nt Carson city, Nev., last Satisfaction Guaranteed. I jumped in a ball of tire from a seventy- * kill«*«! himself by blowing the top of murder seemed, leas likely to be discov- I Dining Care on Ogden Route. oft lie was insanely jealous I Thursday and was won by Fitzsim j five foot tower into Lake Worth, Pajm i I his ' j*.'. head ‘“"J?** “ ” ' mons, who downed his opponent with cred thau that of the horrible killing of WATER STREET. ASHLAND, OR | beach, Fla., a few days ago, struck the i "ls " PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. 1 well directed blow over the heqrt, in Of severest trial and test prove poor Pearl Bryan on the hillside at I ' bottom t ,,,, an<l broke his neck. He died , There is h groat revival in the wool- In regard to Hood'» Sarsaparilla — ajti > — the fourteenth round. About 4000 pho Newpoit, Ky. Her head was taken awuy j within a ff «"hours’ r en liuisness in Pittsfield, Mass., and Second- Clanu Sleeping Cart pie viewed the match. aud only a body left. Much of her cloth I'10 mills aro running on Prince Yoshito llarsnomiyo, heir- I ' v*v 1 ‘n*ty- . -v’ -*11 tiiu Attached to all through trains. A. F. Ballon, a young farmer of Sel ing wag token away also. Yet the news •apparent to the Japanese throne, is i u thno and have more orders than I Secured by a peculiar Comblna- "** ' eighteen • • - ’ that a * m lie was nearly years tLey ’ linrn have lvn/4 bad anv any ame4v««> spring Z for a long ma, Cal., has been committed to the paper. described the clothing that re dead tlon, Proportion and Process WEST BIDE DIVISION. insane asylum. He had been married unknown to others — wliich . tunc. mained, and it was recognized aa be of age. Between Portland and Corvallis. but a few days when he became sud naturally aud actually produces longing to a young woman who lived in At hi» home ut Philadelphia Freil- | I Felipe Saceio and Jose Ramos, fisher denly insane. Ills ntind is supposed to KBU.TBÁIB DAILY (aXCBTT aUMDAT.) Indiana, 200 miles away from the scene erick Franks, during a fit of insanity, i men, were drowned near Pacific Cove, have become unhinged as the reault of abhivbs : LBAVl of the murder. Investigation was mad.* shot and killed his »on Vi’illiaip, aged Cal., l>y the upsetting of their boat. attending revival meetings. Shown by thousands of honest, Seven buildings in Chinatown at Han- as to whom the girl associated with, nnd 9, and shot and bndlv wounded his i voluntary testimonials — which Portland.. .7:30 a m I Corvallis .12:16 pm James Trebucq, a teamster of San Corvallis. 1:35 pan | Portland.. .6:20 p m naturally and actually produce It was ascertained she had been seen at daughter Amelia, aged 5.. He then ford, CuL, were s destroyed by fire on a Francisco, was jarred off the seat of his recent night; 1< oft S8000; no insurance. wagon and crushed to death last week. various times in company with two stu gent a bullet through life heart. At Albany and Corvallis oonnect with I. j The Gleason building and Central trains of Oregon Central 4 Eastern Kail dents at tho dental college In Cincin “Get your guns, negro»,” is the ad J. J. Anderson of Tacoma, Wash., roads. According to the statements of nati. With that clew alone, officers of vice given to Henry M, Turner, the e liptel ni Lawrerjce, Mass., were des- has been appointed an inspector of In druggists all over the country. Express Train Dally t Except Sunday.) Ten dian schoola. the law followed and found the perpe colored bi»ho^ of the African M. E. | troyed by fire Monday morning. In these three points Hood's * 1 persons were fatally injured by jump- lkavk : Sarsaparilla is peculiar to itself. abbivi ; trators of one of. tho most awful mur church at Atlanta, Ga., to liis people. Eddie, the six-year-old «On of John lynch- i ing front the windows, and it is feared r.« urging uiguig them tiivtii to iu prevent tynctl- Portland . . .4:46 p m I ÌÌ’Minn ville 7:26 pro ders on record and brought them to He was R. Spellacv of Eureka, Cal., w*» run that several others aro lost. M 'Minn ville .5 :00am | Portland... .8:26 a nr ibg- their doom. over and killed laet week by falling William Fee, n Kansas farmer living I An .official investigation is to be held from a moving dray. THROUGH TICKETS Our government is strict enough in near Wamego, blew out hia bralps a to learn the causes lending up to tnh G. Scatto. who for years has peddled sending its men-of-war along the sou'.h- few dnvs ago, after a murderous asilftult death of Dr. Ruiz, the naturalised peanuts and taffy about the streets of , To all pointe in the Eastern States, ern const to stop filibustering expedi in which be attempted to exterminate American, who died In a Spanish dun Santa Monica, Cal., has just been in-, Canada and Europe can oe obtained from geon in Cuba. D. L. RICE, Agent, Ashland. an entire family. Three of hia victims tions that attempt to leave our shores in formed that lie has fallen heir to an Is the beet—it Is the One True Blood PurHer. KOEHLER, E. P. ROGERS, will probably die, and a fourth -i, ter Early .Monday morning a fire waa aid of Cuba. If it were as strict in ft til eatate in France valued at $2,000,000. I Manager. A»»t. O. F. A Pae, A gt Family trouble was : discovered in the house of the BAn ing some of them to protect the rights rible wounded. I A large force of miners has been sent Francisco Yacht club, on thejwatgr of American citizens in (Juba, the coun the cause. front ut Sausalito, tytd before it could to the Qtrroll Hollojr mines to start try would bo better suited. One of the Beaming With «miles be got under control it had spread nad •perat ions. peaceful American newspaper corre- Are the countenances of peop’c who have A magnificent solid silver cup has destroyed several adjointe» cottagett found speedy and thorough relief irom m.i- speudents who went to Cuba merely to been received by the First Regiment, larial, kidney, bilious, dyspeptic or nervou- The loss will reach $20,000. report the fighting says he seriously iroub ex ihrougb the aid of Hostetter’» The ladies of Oakland, C*J., are get- National Guards of California from the Hawaiian National Guard as a trophy contemplates becoming a British subject Stomach Biller» Such countenances are ling up n plan to aid the labored < very numerous So are letters from tbeir the boulevaff in Sau |’fkn<^sco. Tin Califonsiaus’ victory in the in order that he may be sure of being owners sttesling the efilcacv ot the great RAILROAD ALL KINDS OF foncieco . 'Th •r of the ----- and under a government that can and will family medicine Among the »lxn»l» of propose to get th® s(_ oql ihlldrete . „2___ to shooting matoh held last January. ilietress thrown out bv the stomach, bowels each bring some alticft iltlctt o7f‘ of ‘ fftod, wljlcb Geo. Burling, a tinhorn sport of Pet protect him. and liver in a State of di-order, are sick aluma, Cal., has absconded with a mt . needy „ headache, heartburn, names. Io.» of ap will lie contributed tp the ~io»t Considering that the Almighty mude petite. sallowness of the skin and eyeball», of the families. In thia Way they hope p^lbox on the recent fight containing To all point, east at the very loweet rat«. man in his own image and likeness, it and an uncertain slato of tho bowels. to relieve considerable suffering. I They should be heeded at o:ice. If (lie is astonishing bow little respect people Bitters are resorted to. the woe begone look ^.The boiler of a locomotive on the Order Work a Specialty.------- Protection of fruits and trees of Cali The only^line runninig have for their licdies. They neglect, which accompanies sickness will give way Lake Shore and Michigan Southern fornia by means or Federal quarantine to cheerful looks produced by renewed I railway exploded a few days ago y»- ■nd inspection ia provided by the com through trains from -------- AL8O HANDLE ALL KINDS OF-------- torture and abuse them, they indulge in health. If you are drifting on the coast of 1 stantly killing rtlqAnULlvT Alexander Franks, ««st,«,j na,aa»j£ A iMIlKby the lUV prehensive bill introduced In the sen the coast to excesses that would make a dumb brute disease, throw an anchor to windward bv Pullman engineer, aud Edward B. Smith, the ate by Senator White. Tire bill author tdmh, they do not even keep these beau summoning the Bitters to your assistance. WINNIPEG, MINNEAPOLIS, ST. PAUL It will kt ep you in safety. fireman. ize* , the eeoretary of agriculture to Sleeping Cars tiful bodies clean. Desecrating the body TORONTO, MONTREAL and BOSTON The schooner Mabie Gray i, at Ben- place in ouarantine every tree, plant, (i-iVlTri.. h.i by abusing it, by neglecting to cleanse ElegaRt dixeen'a shipyard at Eureka, where re graft, bua or nursery stock which is Let U b Give You OUR FIGURES Before Ordering it and bf letUug it go to rack and ruin ■Iiti-rv 1 . It I :: t When a tree or plant is pair, will be made ou her for daagagga Imported. -oiito-t ot bis s a Dining Cars is a flagrant insult to the Almighty. Elsewhere. caused by her recent contact NO* found to be infected it may be treated, K-::t!or Perk'n run intrtsluéed a bill Tourist and if iacurable destroyed. lightning In midocean. A lot cf freak legislation has been at in the «‘líate pro, 11 ling for the uppr<:- Sleeping Cars If y<m are goiag to Alfein» See 1 Formal«. priutio:i of J'.tj t,o<»> fo.- ' Upper Planing Ilio purjsrt, Ol Old People- tempted to le l as-eed this winter, from Kura» Cox of Central Point baa put on the NA KUSP i ST, PAUL_______ Old people who require medicine to regu market CARIBOO the bill in a western state forbidding erec i tg a post.illlcc at Oiikliiu-.l, Cui. some flrst-cla»» fresh alfalfa »«ed SLOGAN CITY late the bowels and kidneys will find the MINNEAPOLIS Tl.c Turkish initii ister Ims dec'ared remedy in Electric Bitters. This medicine from the Hanley ranch, It haa been tried women to ride n bicycle to the one in GOLD NEW DENV1JR thia year and grows, having been thorough KASLO troduced into the national house forbid vacant the office of tire Ottoman em does not stimulate and contains no wbiskev ly leafed. For sale by 8. A. Potter. Ash DULUTH____ FIELOS nor other Intoxicant, but aota as a tonic pire at Bouton hold by Joseph Iefgi, land; Lumsden A Berlin, Geo. Davis and ding uewapapma to publish priaefight KOOTENAY NELRON FARGO__________ who was lirrevtej on the charge of em- and »Iterative. It acts mildly on the stom 0. W. Wolters, Medford; and J. S’unan TRAIL m va. It would be more to the point to ach and bowels, adding strength and gitring and J. Drum. Jacksonville, miammc GRAND FOR KS bezzlenmut uf tiust funds. TO R06SLAND tone to the organa, thereby aiding try to educate readers tv pref ix aoane- nature in the performance of the function». • DISTRICT CROOKSTON ___ President MeKinlev »ent to the sen Greece wants Crete. The power* say tbiug better. Electric Bitters to an excellent appetiser and ate the following nomination*: Embaj aids digestion. Old people find it jast ex Crete most not belong to Greece, but Get • copy of ‘‘Cari WINNIPEG ador to Great Britain, John Hay of the actly what they need. Price 50 cento and must have autonomy under their super boo aad Kootenay Gold Fields.” Fr-»m Cripple Cree, Write to T. ». Qenscav, HELENA and District of Columbia; embassador to |1 o> per bottle at C. A. fiberwin'■ DrSa -------- OR L1A8E-------- 4} Drawer IM. Chicago, Seen- B vision. Crete says she does not want After the big fire In Cripple Creak, I France, Horaoe l’orter of New York; Htoee. If you are thinking ot traveling call on BÜTTE WW g | TXTl I ■« t* ’ ? lhe 8l»» ACCtDBWT took s very aevora «old and tried many autonomy aud won’t have it, but sbr I the agent of the Canadian Pacific Railway. secretary of the embassy to Great Brit There is a bicycle cannon among the dore want to te annexed to Greece. ramwlloa without help, th» cold only ba toning more nettled. After Oring three ain, Henry White of Rhode Island. new inventions It is mounted upon t Tmkcy »ay« Crete shall not have autcu- Loweet ratea io and troni all parta of »mall Lotties nt Chamberlain’» Cough carriage with pnefmatio tire, and ped Europe via. all Atlantic iteatgibip linea. Row.» Thia! lny nuder any clrr-cmatanrea That 1» Remade, both the cough and cold lait TO meraberehlo fee. Ha» told over SMuMM» foe Wa offer On. Hnnd'wi Dollar, Reward aled. here and there, as It is wanted. A fhe expert iu the European cavo cf har ma, and io thia high altitude it taka» a for ,nv case of Catarrh that cannot hr For full information regarding th® above CHICAGO tuariloriooa cough ramwiy to do any cured by Hall’, Catarrh Cure small cannon can ba moved with great mony. ------ . C » - --------------- call on or add res» Pokegama, Cal. good —G. B. HixDuaoN, editor Eowt» W. J ot Co.: The Immediate and W ASHINGTON F. J. CHENEYA Co . Props . Toledo, o. celerity in thia way. E. J. COYLE W.H MOVAT Advertleer, For eale by Aehland Drug We. the undereignad. bare known F. J permanent relief afforded m* by th* nse of PHILADELPHIA 1W Third 8L Agent Chen.y for tb. last IS veers, and heliev. Joy'sVsgetable Serwparilla from the terri- wew Y°y-rl~ hini p rfeclly honorable in all bnsineae Port laud Ashland OxsTLSMXir: Having tazan one bottle of tran-action« and flnanctallv able to carry your Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla I can racking bsadacbes, has prompted rue* to BORTON AND ALL Oregon Oregon. Th< •• Record" Is preñaren to do all kind« out an. oldigailon made bp their Arm. truly say tuet iti» the beet medicine I bava voluntarily expree» my ináoreement. Äro j S hj ITS RAST and SOUTH GKO McL. BROWN. District Passenzrr West A Truax, Wbo’e«al. Dnirgtsts, or irrinrtio —aatMacrton ass irvrt ever taken for constipation, beadacbe and years of extrema suffering vanished ae if by , Agent, Vancouver, British Columbia. _ „ Tolwio. Ohio. amerai debihated system. 1 feel overjoy- magic. To thore suffering similari« I rec- : Through tickets to Japan aud China, via H. S. Prendergast, Welding. Ktnnan A Marvin, WholeMl. •t by tho o«» ot one botilo. 1 aoridontly ommond Ito trial. Ito merito will do tbe Tacoma end Northern Pacifio Steamship DrmntHta. Tolad«. Ohio. B. D. CA RNL ! Go. Fit ray ankle sprained a few years ago and rest. Yours In health. Pokegama, Cal, k,pt on “ Hall’-Catarrh Cur. !a taken Internaltv, Poro township. Kern County. Ctel, | For information, time cards, map and TIIIQ find my leg zeuln» stronger and ant feel- I niO PAPER rMrCrl 11 r c . dike . Ad wlinr directly np-.n tha blood and mucous lag batt.r in every way. by ■ die- I tioketo. call on or write -udaces of the Price, -Jo. per A. D. CHARLTON, WM. rteary « vertiring Agent y, 61 and «5 Marchant. Ex- Mrs. L. Hessig, Soli by ad. Druggist.. Treti- ‘ llllaa' General Passenger Affeot. cbange. ban Franai« >, Caiitoruia. where I ba fflaöj aeatreate tor aavarUaiagaM batata forte Beawiok, Cal. uight did fully a million dollar damage — a to buaiiiesa Two firemen Were killed and several injured by failing walla. One tliounand employes ware thrown out of employment by tho Are. The Cough i wliich Lingers ditio " of « system, and is not affected by ordinary cough medicines, will yield readily to ScSUB &muktuTL because it gives strength to the weakened body and enables it to throw off the disease. RHEUMATISM. NEURALGIA. CATAR'H, ASTHMA. HEADACHE DI no PS 1 J A EAST AND SOUTH The Shasta Route W. O. JOHNSON, GENERAL.^ BLACKSMITHING XRays 1st, Greatest Merit It is a Bald Headed Fact. 2d, Greatest Cures 3d, Greatest Sales Hood ’ s Sarsaparilla Turns out the best JOB 5A7ORK at the Lowest Rates. Hoad’s Pills j^ORTHERN PACIFIC i ANADIAN ’"PACIFIC C SOO PACIFIC LINE. R u 18HLAND FURNITURE AND FIXTURE CO Wood Work. N $ LUMBER AND BUILDING MA'SWUAL. WITHOUT CH AN GE F. D. ROBBINS, PROP. Hotel For SaleJHE accidents of ufe THROUGH TICKETZ Bolel Klanata W 1 =