BUTLER’S ADDRESS. Artistic Advertising. Baruduc’s Bionieter. Getting Eleotrlclty From CoaL When an engineer runs a machine to Dr. Baraduc, the French scientist, re­ It is one of the most hopeful signs of the times that art is now harnessed ported at the convention of psycholo­ propel cars or to do any meahanlcal People of the United States: to the service of the useful indus- gists in Munich some curious experi­ work, he is simply using the stored up J.i the remarkable campaign just tries. Formerly the artist was a man ments he had made on living creatures, energy that is in the coal or fuel he closed the People’s Party was the only who painted majestio landscapes or sea­ man included. The same experiments uses to produce the steam. The steam party that supported solidly and united­ scapes, often out of his own head, and wero described by him to the Academy oonveys the power to the machine at a ly the great and vital issues represented got a big price for his pictures, If he of Medioine in Paris. loss of at least 90 per cent of the power D rops . in the candiduoy of Mr. Bryan. This was able to sell them at all. An artist Baraduc has invented an instrument that was stored In the coal from the was natural, for the People’s Party was a person entirely apart from the which he names the biometer, or life sun. When the coal is first used to make came into existence to bring to the front everyday working life of mankind. But measurer. When the hands are plaoed steam, and the steam is used to produce and to press to victory the principles of the needs of this utilitarian age pursued upon the biometer, they attract or electricity, and the electricity is con­ Lincoln and Jefferson, already long dis­ him and dragged him Into the arena of repel its delicately adjusted needle, verted book into mechanical power FAC-SIMILE carded by the two old parties. The everyday life. It required his services according to the state of the person's to run machinery, the loss of power I money power, feeling reasonably sure to make lovely the oommon things and mind and health. But this is not all or is still greater. The machine driven A\eg fiable Preparationfor As­ of its control and domination of the the necessary things. From painting the half. The instrument is of such a by the electrical power gets less than 8 similating theFood and Regula­ leaders and the controlling influences in kind that the emanations from the per oent of li. OF------- ting the 8 to maths and Bowels of the Republican party, in 1892 gave its sea storms and landscapes the artist has hands are photographed upon plates Now, if the heat which produces the been induced to design beautiful wall support to the candidacy of Grover properly adjusted to It. Sometimes there steam and the steam which produces the I nfants /C hildren papers, carpets, rugs and furniture, Cleveland for the especial purpose of are photographed “ masses of light, ” at electricity could be done away, and the having him, through the use of patron­ stoves, staircases and mantelpieces. He others a sort of thick network of whit ­ energy stored in the coal could be got age and otherwise, to crush out the sil­ has been forced to employ his best pow­ Promotes Digestion,Cheerful­ ish spots — this, too, according to the directly from the coal tn the form of ver sentiment in the south and make ers, if he wishes to be paid at all for ness and Itest.Cofltains neither the leaders in that party as completely state of health and mind of the subject. electricity, the saving of power would his work, in illustrating advertisements. Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. subservient as those in the Republican Baraduc finds that a regular current be immense. On this problem scientific This may seem a come down for the N ot N arcotic . party. 'll artist In reality it is exactly the re­ of something like electricity passes con­ men have labored for years. Dr. William To accomplish this purpose four cab­ tinually through the human body. When W. Jacques of Boston believes he has inet minist^s were selected from the verse. If there is any place where good, it Is in health, the current moves from solved it In luaid, simple language he Ktapt aoidDrS.\MUELPITCBEa. artistic work is needed, it is in those south and an unusually large amount Pumpkin Sud* of patronage used on political leaders situations where it meets the eye of the right to left, and the right hand attracts explains his methods to the public ALxSmna ♦ 1 /Mieli* - I to the same end. It will be remembered great publio constantly. The artist who the needle, while the left repels it. When through Harper's Magazine. He im­ OF EVERT Am' m Setti • 1 that Mr. Cleveland demanded that the makes beautiful designs In rugs, wall the individual is fatigued or out of merses the lump of coal In a liquid. Jlpptmnnt . » Democratic senators and congressmen papers and in the pictures that illustrate health, both hands repel the current. The oxygeu that ordinarily produces gfi (fui uñate Saia/ * I Pínte SteJ - I give a decisive vote in the interest of advertisements is doing more for his While we sleep, rest and recover, the combustion when uniting with the coal BOTTLE OF túaifuJ Suaar . [ ll4-rt••< In literature it is the same. There is however, if he can be relied on, is that seems to be the story. appealed to the patriotic hosts of both Tac Simile Signature of parties to check the scheme of the peo­ more money In writing good advertise­ when we are wearied out or ill we can The first visible sign has appeared ple’s despoilers and rally to the com­ ments than in writing books, and some restore our vital current perfectly in a that nations will perhaps be forced to mon defense. Thus the People ’ s Party of the best literary talent of the day is very short time by taking what he calls form trusts to control manufactures, as Castcrla, is put up in one-size bottles only. It NEW "YORK. forced the Democratic organization to an electro-luminous bath. He shuts is net sold in bulk. Don't allow anyone to sell harnessed to the desk of the advertise­ At b months . olii- repudiate Clevelandism and return to yon anything else on the plea or promise that it himself up in a little room from the so many private corporations have done correct fundamental principles. Not on­ ment writer. A collection of the pictures ceiling of which hang electric lights of and are doing. In France, Germany is “just as good'1 aud “will answer every pur­ 5 D oses -35 C e 5 ly this, the People’s Party then forced and the text of the advertisements that pose.1’ See that you get C-A-S-T-0-R-I-A. and the adjacent countries of Europe the Republican party to cease hedging adorn the newspapers, the street cars 320 candle power and lets these lights tho production of sugar beets has been Tho fie- and straddling and drove them to take and the posting boards would yield rec­ shine full upon his naked body. This stimulated in an extraordinary manner ginite EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. rignsture a stand one side or the other of the vi­ ords from which the history of the close fills him with power again, he declares. of It will not be hard for American med­ fbr the past Hi years. Government tal issues at stake. The issue now being of the nineteenth century might be writ­ squarely joined, it was evident that ten. The advertising pictures in the ical men to try Baraduo’s plan. He bounties were offered in Germany that those influences in the Democratic party journals are frequently superior artistic­ keeps his unerring biometer handy while made the farmers of that country leave which had-dominated and debauched taking the electro-luminous bath and everything else and rush sugar beet the party for a quarter of a century ally to the cuts in their news columns. applies it from time to time to find out production. The farmers of Austria- Some of the sprightly and talented would be driven to the support of the Hungary, France and Belgium did the advertisement writers have invented when his power is fully restored, which party that took a position on the side same. The consequent*} is that the price of trusts, monopolies and money gam­ phrases that have become permanent. Is shown by the right hand attracting of sugar has been lowered beneath the I blers. While, on the other band, it is One such is the “only genuine Jacob,” the needle and the left hand repelling evident that even a larger per cent of which appeared some years ago in a it. Great things are expeoted from the cost of profitable production, Now the the Republican party favored the prin­ patent medicine circular. Not everybody elaboration of Baraduo’s discovories in Austrian government will negotiate ciples now Bquarely forced to the front, is aware, when he says of something he the direction of restoring health and with Germany the question of limiting the production of sugar beets. When the yet only a small per cent would in this Manager - and - Funeral - Director vigor, but nobody can tell. campaign support them because they disapproves “it gives me that tired feel­ supply of an article is 60 abundant that RAILROAD found them under the Democratic ban­ ing,” that this expression was be­ Myer Block, - Ashland, Or. The German government has set itself its price falls below cost of production, queathed- to our language by another ner. to answering, upon its own territory, it is altogether right and proper to lim­ Had it not been for the prejudice gifted patent medicine advertisement the celebrated question asked by an it its production. In the case of every against the Democratic name as well as writer. andle first - class goods American brewer when threatened with great industry there ought to be a board a want of confidence in the Democratic Day or Night Calls promptly at­ an official inquiry into the materials he of observers or directors to look over the General Miles, being a man of war, promises, for whioh it must be frankly tended to. admitted past experience furnishes am­ thinks the United States regular army used to make beer with, “So long as whole field and regulate production by £®“CHARGES REASONABLE. ple ground, a majority of the voters of should be increased so as to make one the public keeps on drinking beer, what demand. It is a matter which should the country, in spite of the tremendous soldier to every 2,000 inhabitants of the business is it of yours?” Some of the not be left to the greed of the producers and unparalleled forces put forward by country. That would bring the army up things brewers, in a hurry to get rich, of the article, however, or its consumers Pullman the Republican managers, would have to 35,000. But this country does not put into beer, either to hurry its proc­ It may be that the people themselves, cast their vote for financial reform and need a standing army. That is some; esses or cheapen its production, are glu­ through their representatives, will be Sleeping Cars American independence. The People’s forced to take up the regulation of the Elegant Party, with a high patriotism and an thing which belongs to hereditary mon­ cose, boric acid, Indian hemp, bicarbon­ supply of industrial products. ate of soda and the poisonous salicylic unselfish devotion to principle, greater archies and military despotisms. What Dining Cars than ever exhibited by any other party, we do need is to bring up the citizen acid. They substitute corn for barley Hot and cold baths at Storey’s barber­ Tourist stepped outside of its organization to soldiery, the national guard in the dif­ malt because it is less expensive, there­ shop. Opposite town hall. TO THE Sleeping Cars throw its 2,000,000 votes solidly for ferent states, to the highest point of ef­ by increasing the amount of alcohol in Mr. Bryan. Had not more than this ficiency in drill, discipline, evolution, beer and enabling the poor man to go on Some Boston Words. ( ST. PAUL number of those who called themselves marksmanship and good looks. Then, if a roaring drunk at small expense. Phy­ Americans mostly know how much MINNEAPOLIS Democrats in 1892 given their support unfortunately a war should come, the sicians testify that in consequence of they owe to Boston in the way of exam­ to Mr. McKinley the cause of the peo­ DULUTH_____ the habitual use of this adulterated ples of propriety of behavior aud the use ple and American principles would young men could be called from their article, instead of the old fashioned beer of good grammar. Few, however, are FARGO_______ peaceful occupations at three days* no- have triumphed this year. This class of GIVES THE CHOICE OF Democrats will surely support the par­ tioe and range themselves into an army made from hops and barley malt, there aware of what Boston has done for the TO GRAND FORKS ty of monopolies and trusts in the fu­ of patriot citizens that could whip any has been increase in throat, kidney and English language in the way of actually CROOKSTON__ TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ture. Their places in the ranks of the other army on the globe. The common stomach troubles among their patients, enriching it with new words. Mr. C. WINNIPEG reform hosts must be taken by patriotic people of our country would never come as well as increase of gouty and rheu­ W. Ernst instances a number of these Republicans. In fact, Bryan would to look on such soldiers as these as a matic ailments. Of course it is unneces­ in Tho Now England Magazine. HELENA and have been elected in this contest had menace to their rights and liberties. We fiud from his paper that the word sary to say the best class of brewers of BUTTE even 25,000 more silver Republicans Germany and other countries do not re­ “commonwealth” as applied to a coun­ come to the rescue. We do not realize until it is brought The election of McKinley and the tri­ to our attention how really near to us sort to the use of injurious materials to try and its government was a coinage of adulterate beer, but in present condi­ the Massachusetts colony in 1634. Aft­ umph of the gold standard do not ex­ press the desires and sentiments of the Cuba is. When we consider that Ha­ tions the publio has no means of know­ erward Cromwell himself borrowed the TO American people. The majority oppose vana is nearer to United States ter­ ing who does or does not use them. word for Groat Britain. VIA CHICAGO the policy for which he stands and will ritory than Philadelphia is to New The German government is going to The word “town” a3 applied to a WASHINGTON 60 vote whenever an opportunity is pre­ York, we may perhaps understand the find out, so far as it is concerned, since neighborhood or township is also a Bos­ SPOKANE DENVER sented for a proper alignment The re­ hostile attitude of European nations this matter affects seriously its export ton idea. So is “rum,” meaning an in­ PHILADELPHIA markable and brilliant campaign of toward the idea of the United States trade. MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA NEW YORK toxicating drink distilled from mo­ _______________ William J. Bryan would have aligned recognizing the belligerency of Cuba. BOSTON AND ALL AND AND Sinking into the earth appears to be lasses. This was first made in Bos­ these forces and marched them to tri­ Both by geographoal proximity and po­ POINTS EAST and SOUTH ton in 1653. Boston also borrowed ST. PAUL KANSAS CITY Through tickets to Japan aud China, via umphant victory if any candidate or litical affinity the Cubans belong much the rule with all things that are upon from Gloucester,Mass., aud brought into leader in America could have done sc more to the United States than they do the earth. Mountains slowly wash away common use the word “schooner,” net Tacoma and Northern Pacific Steamship under the Democratic banner. and are leveled down. A few years sinoe Co. LOW RATES TO ALL The administration of McKinley can­ to Spain. Instead of being blamed, the ancient log church that Pere Mar­ meaning a largo beer glass, but a coast­ For information, time cards, map and tickets, call on or write not bring prosperity to the American therefore, the United States is entitled ing vessel. There, too, is “coasting,” EASTERN CITIES, A. D. C1IARDTON, people. The mills cannot be kept open, to all credit for making no attempt, by quette built among the Wisconsin In­ sliding down hill rapidly, now applied Assistant'General Passenger Agent, OCEAN STEAMERS idle labor given employment and gen­ persuasion or otherwise, to get control dians more than 250 years ago was dis­ to bicycles more often even than as orig­ PORTLAND. OREGON LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5 DAYS eral prosperity restored and maintained of Cuba. Would England have been so covered again and was found to be 16 inally to speeding down hill upon a sled ROBERT TAYLOR, Local Agent, until the wealth producers receive fair self denying under the oiroumstances, feet underground. The prehistoric city —FOB— over a snow track. Boston likewise in­ Ashland, Oregon returns for their labor and are thus en­ or France or Germany, or even poor old of Nippur, brought to the knowledge of vented “lumber,” to designate boards, abled to purchase. The gold standard Spain herself? mankind by the brilliant discovery of k and monopoly rule, to a continuation of Professor Hilprecht, has had two entire planks and woods prepared for the mar­ ff* TF E i * 1 A package of our treat- ket. “Caucus” is one of her word coins which Mr. McKinley stands pledged, i •"or Full details call on or address, *>■>' Fta Ps fi mentfor weakness and For the year ending June 30, 1894, cities built above it since its time, oity too. means four more years of falling prices, 1 ’ G 3 * 1 decay»norvous debility upon city. The work of earthworms, as W. H. HURLBURT, 4 £ Ste *¿*1 and lest vitality sent free for 12 cents four more years of lockouts and strikes, the United States government ran $70,- Finally we come to Boston’s most postage. Gen’l Pass. Agent, 000,000 debt, for the year ending June Darwin showed, is responsible for much A WARD IWSTUTUTE, 1201 *181.81.1003,10. four more years of reduced wages and widespread and illustrious linguistic in­ PORTLAND. OR idle labor. This will cause the patriotic 30, 1895, $48,000,000, and for the last of this disappearance. Star dust is con­ vention—“paper money.” In Boston E. McNEILL, President and Manager rank and file of the Republican party fiscal year $26,000,000. It is running tinually falling upon our planet in quan­ to condemn and repudiate McKinleyism, behind still at a rate that promises to tities that tell materially in the course » paper money was first issued aud first as the patriotic rank and file of the make the deficit this year as large as it of a few centuries. Then, too, there named July 2, 1692, 204 years ago. Democratic party has condemned and was in 1894. By the close of June, seems no doubt that the earth’s crust is T//£ NEW WEIK LT _ E dwin W. J oy C o . : 1 am one of those repudiated Clevelandism. I cannot be­ 1897, the added debt will amount to sufficiently 6oft and yielding to permit ROCKY MOUNTAIN NCWS who place but little faith in advertised nos­ lieve otherwise, for I have not less con­ trums bet seeing so many local testimon­ the settling of heavy bodies into it. BMVia, COLO. fidence in the patriotism of this class of $200,000,000, accumulated since June ials, detailing the effects of Joy’s Vegetable I, too. bought it, I took it for Republicans than the rank and file of 80,1893. _______________ It is to be hoped the United States Sarsaparilla. T he B est WFEKLY P ublished pains in the back and chronic billiousness, the Democratic party has already demon­ government will be as prompt in apolo ­ There is one most encouraging sign the results of a disordered liver, which has Cl.ee Far Yaar ie Advaaca. strated. Therefore a large per cent connected with Rev. Dwight L. Moody’s gizing to Spain for the insult to her flag given me much trouble, and I believe it has LEADS the Silver forces of America. who, though not fooled by the specious permanently cured me. I haven’t felt so LEADS In Mining and Mining Stock Reports. offered at Newcastle, Del., as Spain well for ten years.’ I recommend it to all pleas of “honest money” and promised evangelistic work in New York city. It LEADS tn Special Departments. is that for every three women in attend­ was in apologizing to us for the Barce­ my friends, and we take it for nearly every­ prosperity, yet who would not in this LEADS in developing Colorads's wonderftfl thing over our way and it seems to hit. campaign fight under the Democratic ance at the services there was at least lona students’ affair a year and a half NED NESTELL. resources. banner, will surely join hands with the one man. If Moody can get even that ago, if the Spanish flag really has been 79 Eyerettstreet, San Francisco, LEADS in Kewslcess, Brightness Compre- majority of the American voters outside proportion of the men of New York city insulted. heasiveness. No RELIABLE DRUGGIST WILL TELL YOU HE LEADS In Commissions to Agents. of the old parties to overthrow a govern­ to be interested in saving their souls, ho In one or two cases congressmen elect, HAS A SARSAPARILLA AS GOOD AS JOY’S (Write for Terms.) ment of trusts and monopolies run in will be doing enough work for one swearing to the amount of their cam­ T ake the best when you pay your money the interests of foreign capitalists. The Tins extra­ The Great Constipation., People’s Party has made this possible— preacher. ordinary Re-- paign expenses, as required by law in Dizziness, ' j n Venator Is Falling Sen­ in fact, inevitable. The position of the There is a real official Greater Re­ some of the states, have testified that the most sations, Nerv­ People’s Party in this great contest has wonderful public of Central America. It is formed they spent more than a year’s salary ens twitching discovery of The News publishes the representative paper of the eyes convinced every patriotic A.merican that by a federation of the republics of Nica- fighting for the place. ths ase. Ji (daily and Sunday) well of St Lonia; cartoon and other the party can be trusted to stand for the tiM been en- with every issue. O5c a month—>1.00 fot * parts. raugua, San Salvador and Honduras. It (loi'sed by tho months—in advance. Among business enterprises recently leftdiogfclen- For ample copy of any iasan, address, Strengthens, principles of good government and the is represented in the United States by tifio men of interests of the people under any and invigorates sprung up is a beet sugar company in The NEWS PRINTING CO.. Denver, Colorado. Europe and Minister Plenipotentiary Jose de Rodrí­ and tones the New York state, organized for the pur­ Have put in a America. entire system. all circumstances. Therefore the Peo­ guez. Hudyan is Hudyan cures ple’s Party will be the nuoleus around pose of getting the sweetness out of the Surely vege- Deb lilty, which the patriotic hosts must and will tbla. Nervousness, If anything is more amusing than an­ sugar beet and putting it upon the mar­ Hudyan stops Emissions, gather to redeem a betrayed republic, io and developed restore prosperity to an oppressed and other, it is a New York society reporter ket jTsmaturencss ® SODA WORKS and restores of the dis- writing up the live stock show. weak organs. outraged people. M arion B utler , Judging from the portrait of a man : terge in 20 Pains in the Chairman People’s Party National Ex­ lays. Cures back, losses Cutthroat competition leads to the arrested for having five wives at once, LOST ecutive Committee. by d a y O r I some women have very poor taste. At Yreka, Cal. formation of trusts. nightstopped MANHOOD 9 oo /BICYCLE, THAT THE _ ANOOE • C ontent . Yellow fellow SIGNATURE is known throughout cycling at a light, staunch, stylish, speedy mount. There’« a Ixst in every­ thing; the ’96 Stearns is a veritable edition de luxe among bicycles. Finished in black or orange. Stearns riders are satisfied riders, and always proud as kings of their mounts. Your address will insure receipt of our hand­ some new catalogue. WRAPPER ASHLAND CASKET CO. N H. S. EMERY ORTHERN PACIFIC R U H N E. C. STEARNS & CO., Makers, Syracuse, N, Y, San Francisco, Cal. Buffalo, roTp’O’O^oToToToloToTo^oTqToTO ARE YOU ROUTES Great Union THROUGH TICKETZ Northern Ry. Pacific Ry Silver Daily PARKINSON & WISE ç COXEY’S.. S é SOUND c Ï MONEY 2 Twice-a-Week I â JHE greatest vote maker tn the ranks. You need it in this campaign. It gives all the Populist news. I Ì CARTOONS BY HESTON. . A WASHINGTON LETTER (Exclusive Features.) if by special correspondent gives Inside facts as no other paper (so stated by Senator Butler.) $1.00 Per year; 3 months 25 Cents. Twice-a-week remember. Send for free Sample Copy. Ç ’S SOUND MONEY 9 COXEY M4SS/LLOA/, OH/O. r The Ills of Women. Í If 2 - <,- ickly. Over 2,000 private endorsements. irematurenees means impotent? In the flrst stage. It is a symptom of seminal weakness and barrenness. It can be stopped In 20 days by the use o f Hudyan. The new discovery was made by the Special­ ists of the old famous Hudson Medical Institute. It is the strongest vitalizer made. It is very powerfill, but haimless. Sold for 81.00 a pack, age ord packages for 85.00(plaln sealed boxes), written guarantee given fora cure. If you buy six boxes and are Dot entirely cured, six mora will be sent to you free of all charges. Send for circularsand testimonials. Add ?«» HUDSON MEDICAL INSTITUTE, J unetlon Stockton, Market . d«. Question Blank and Book tree. Call write. DB WARD INSTITUTE, 180N. N.cth Street, tT. Lotus, Mo WANTED AT ONCE! J V ! CTIVE AGENTS FOR EACH County. Exclusive control ______ ___ and __ no risk. Will clear 12 to 25 hundred dollars a year. Enclose stamp for full particulars or 25c for $1 sample. Big Rapids Mineral Water Co., Big Rapids, Mioh, A Catarrh Cured, Constipation causes more than half the ills of women. Karl’s Glover Root Tea is a health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh’s pleasant cure for Constipation Foi sale by Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal T. K, Bolton. injector free. For sale by T. K. Bolton. Palaces on Wheels. In 1885 General Gordon was left by England to perish in tho Sudan. Now, 11 years after, England is undoubtedly preparing to take up the work where Gordon laid it down and conquer for good ail of the eastern Sudan. Next spring General Kitchener Will resume operations from Dongola and move on to Khartum. That captured, tho close of the century may find the British holding a line of territory from the mouths.of the Nile to the cape of Good Hope. Paris has now 600 horseless vehicles When people travel now a days, they expect comfort, and when they travel on in daily use. They are mostly utilized for delivery wagons. London is going Tne '‘Milwaukee” they get it. There has been on evolution in the in for them with a vim too. A city or-1 means of transportation for man that is dinanco limits their speed in the streets ' verv interesting. The more civilized a of London to 12 miles an hour for light people becomes, the more exciting it grows carriages and 5 miles an hour for wag­ The coaches now running between St. Pau and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago, on ons that weigh as much as two tons. “The Milwaukee”, are marvels of elegance This is the reading of the law, and from and convenience. The private compart­ James J. Corbet gave some pretty good ment cars, library buffet smoking cars its wording one may judge that heavy and free reclining chair cars are models on hauling motor wagons are already in advice to the boys of the Olympia Club, when he was in San Francisco last. He luxurious comfort, which in style and use in London streets, which is not the told them that the best way to get strong furnishings are palatial enough for royalty was to avoid all excesses in youth, so that itself. A great pleasure for the traveler on case in any American city. England has they should arrive at manhood lusty and its sleepers and private compartment car, now 15 factories that are manufacturing healthy. Many men who have been guilty is the electric berth reading lamp, which is of excesses and over-indulgencies.’and have an exclusive feature with “The Milwau­ motor wagons. They are propelled to a used the Celebrated Medicine “CUPI- kee”. The heating is all done by steams large extent by electricity. The United DENE” lived to give testimony of its won­ thus doiug away with the old fashioned States is behind either France or Great derful stimulating and curative powers. stove. By all these means the fatigue "CUPIDENE” will check all the waste tis­ incident to travel is reduced to a minimum. Britain in adopting horseless vehicles. sue of the body. In fact, it stops all losses. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Bail­ •‘CUPIDENE’’ is a powerful, harmless, way is always popular, and those traveling vegetable Compound. It is as sure to over its lines are the loudest in its praise. strengthen the generative organs as it is to All coupon ticket agents sell tickets via the fie!«- rebuild and regenerate you. Trial package ■tail, Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. riputar» 81.00; 6 packages 85.00. For sale by E A 0. J. Eddy, General Agent, Portland. Ore, ri Bxnwxv. ND are prepared to fill all orders on abort notice. • • • * • A Give them a call. and Saddler NEXT DOOR TO P. O. CENTRAL POINT, OR ALL § KINDS § OF § RE­ PAIRING § DONE. GOOD line of new goods sold reason­ able. Work guaranteed, and our prices will suit the customer. A GOING EAST9 Il so be sure and see that your ticket read via the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha R’y For Information and free Handbook write to MUNN St CO., 361 B roadway , N bw Y ore . »Idest bureau for «ecuring patents In America. Every patent taken out l>y us la brought before the public by a notice given free of charge In the >rienfific — THIS IS THE — Largest circulation of any sclentlflc paper In tho world. Splendidly Illustrated. No Intelligent man should lie without It. Weekly, ftS.OQa year; <1.50 six months. Address, MUNN St CO., FVBLisuKUs. 301 Broadway. Now York City. GREAT - SHORT - LINE BETWEEN DULUTH ST. PAUL & CHICAGO QUICKLY UOUUD. Trad.-marka and Copyright. ragiaterad and patent buaineu of every dMoriptioa promptly and skillfully conducted at lovut rate.. Invention, introduce!, oompaniM fvrmed, and FAT- BMTS SOLD ON COMMISSION. 26 jetra* experience. Higheit references. Send ub model, eketch or Photo. of invention, with explanation, and we will report whether patentable or not, free of charge. OUR FEB PAYABLE WHEN PATENT IS ALLOWED. When patent ii secured we will conduct ite sale for you with- out extra aharge. 82-PAQE HAND-BOOK and lilt of 200 inventions wanted mailed to inventors free upon j reauest. This is the most complete little patent book ’ published aud every inventor should WRITE FOR ONE. j H. B. WILLSON A CO., F»Unt Solid tors, < Le Droit Bldg, WASHINGTON. D. C. d < 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 T r ► * ► ► ► k > t Z T £ Z