I VALLEÏ RECORD L FINE PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. [VALLEY RECOBD VALLEY RECORD. ASHLAND OREGON, Chief of the County Papers Published every Thursday. E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year..................... ....fl 7» HU Moukha........................................... 1 UO f À RO MONOPOLY PRICES I dlr« tta your order for Letterheads. -State­ ments, Envelopes. &c. VOL. IX. ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, Three Mouth»............................................... 1800, NO. 30. Advertising rates given on application. 1 Minin** Items, Naked Pills > are fit only, for a«kod gav- , *K**- Clothe* are the marks J ririlizatioa—in pills ae well . as people. A good coat does 1 n°t make a good pill, any more ' than good clothes make a good i man. But as sure as you’d J look on a ekflhesless man a* a : i ’ mad one, you may look on a (i coatlees pill as a bad one. i After fifty years of test no i pill* stand higher thaq L. E. Smith, who has been over to the O. 800. R. 8. Barclay tion of deed. 9g Makes Sunday Visits. bonds. But why? Why not adopt the county judge, L. P. Dunkey and H. M, Dunn given care of former and Ed Dunn of A bright terrier dog owned at the sagacious course of the governor of the MASONIC, Van Alatre. the latter. Estate of J. N. Woody. Order made for American House, Pittsfield, Mass., is island of Guernsey some years ago: SISKIYOU CHAPTER, NO. 21, B. A. M. known at the Maplewood as Billy. The The story is a simple one. The island­ DIED. sale ot personal property. Regular convocations on the Thursday Estate of Jacob Neat hammer. Will ad­ dog every Sunday morning goes to the ers needed a market house, but had not next after the full moon. ROBINSON—On Foots creek, Dec. 4, 1896, mitted to probate and Joshua Neathaintrer Maplewood and stays in the cashier’s the money which was thought neces­ E. V. C arter , H. P. appointed executor and Ben Haymond, D. Mrs. P, R. Robinson, aged 46 years. E. A. S hebwin , Secretary. Richard and G. F. Schmidtlein appraisers. offioe, but never goes away from the sary to build it. But they had plenty of WHITE—In Medford, Dec. 8,1896, infant Estate of O. Vincent. Report of com­ American on other days unless taken to labor and material. The governor is­ child of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. White. mission on admeasurement of dower of Mrs. the Maplewood. Sundays, as regularly as sued rent checks. These were used tc ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 23, A. F. & A. M. A. Vincent approved. pay for labor and material, and when CLIFT—In Eden precinct, Dec. 7,1896, of M. Estate of Eliza J. Hamlin. Final report that day comes, in the season, the ani the market house was completed were Stated communications on the Thursday la grippe, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo of administrator mal takes up his early march for the approved. of or before the full moon. Clift. Estate of Chris Wintjen. Same order as other house, remains all day and re­ received in payment of rent. I think E. A. S herwin , W. M. above. turns. This he has done for the past few the building cost $20,0OQ. Every year 0. H. V aupkl , Secretary. Estate of Isaac Constant. Sale of real seasons, and so regularly that the guests ^2,000 in rent cheqks was collected for BORN property confirmed. ALPHA CHAPTER NO. 1, O. E. 8. at the Maplewood have become familiar rents. These were burned each year with him and his peculiarities. Now with appropriate ceremonies. At the Stated meetings on 1st and 3d Tuesdays REYNOLDS- In Ashland precinct, Dec. New Edition ol* Mining Laws. 12, 1896, to Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Reynolds, in each month. We have received the ninth edition they are asking how the dog knows the end of ten years no checks were out­ M rs . L-M. C aldwell , W. M. a son. out) of Copp’s Mining Code, pub­ difference between Sunday and other standing. They had the market house, M rs . 3. C. C handler . Secretary. SCHRIMPF—On Applegate, Dec 5, 1896, (just lished by Henry N. Copp, a lawyer of days, as his visits are mado before the no debt, and all without the use of gold to Mr. and Mrs. Schrimpf, a son. Washington, D. C., who has given many church bells begin to ring.—Boston or bonds. I. O. O, F. FITZGERALD—In Medford, Dec 5, 1896, years to the study of mining laws. It ¡3 Herald. The rent checks not only paid for tht to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fitzgerald, a a book of more than two hundred pages, ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 45. stone, etc., and employed the labor for daughter. Noise and Numbers. and will be found of great interest to the building, bat they circulated as cur­ Hold regular meetings every Thursday tniDe owners and prospectors, as it gives A Yankee, upon eating bis first meal rency, helping to give commercial life evening at their hall iu Ashland. Brethren A Natural Beautlfier. the United States mineral land laws and of frogs’ legs, asked tho hotel proprietor tp the place, and in every way they in good standing are cordially invited to Karl’s Clover Root Tea purities the blood attend. F. M. D rake , N. G. and gives a clear and beautiful complexion. the official instructions thereunder, the how he accounted for the high price. were a blessing. If they had been inter­ H. S. E vans , Sec’y, P. O. box 102. various state and territorial mining laws, He was told it was on account of the miners liens, right of way, etc., numer­ scarcity of the product. “Not at all,” est bearing bonds, they would have been locked up for the interest, a bur­ ous forms for use from the location to the PILOT ROCK ENCAMPMENT, NO. 16. said the Yankee. “I can get you den to the islanders perhaps to this day. patenting, lease and sale of a mine, Joy ’ s for i'.io Jalf ¡I and Good Meets in Odd Fellows’s Hall every 2d and and aiso, a large collection of abstracts of 1,000,000.’' “A million?” gasped the Why can’t we build the Nicaragua Health for all Mankind» 4th Monday in each month. Members in courts anti land office decisions and rul­ boniface. “I should like to engage to canal in tho same way—by issuing cur­ ■ood standing cordially invited to attend. JOY’S VEGETABLE SABSAPAiffLLA. U. 8. E vans , C. P. ings. Every enterprising mining man find you a profitable market if you can rency receivable for toll as soon as the R obt , T aylor , Scribe. will secure a copy. The San Francisco produce them. ” “Why, I can get them canal is opened? Anything but bonds. ties throngn is maa 2 :rom News Company handles Mr. Coop’s pub­ today surely. ” At night the Yank came We now have many kinds of bonds— uature ’ sown herbs, and lications on the Pacific coast' The book back with eight pairs and declared the national bonds, state bonds, county HOPE REBECCA DEGREE LODGE, »0. 24. proper ch an* Contains uo nels. Joy’s is for sale by principal book store and by trick off. “I thought you said you knew bonds, city bonds, corporation bonds ol mineral Meets on the 2d and 4th Tuesday in each drugs Vegetable or the publisher at Washington. D. C. where you could get 1,000,000, ” said Sarsaparil’.a month in Odd Fellows’ Hall, Ashland. deadly pois­ Also at the R ecord office, Ashland, boniface. “Well, to tell you the truth,” all kinds, as railroad bonds, eto., all cures Dys- on. Joy’s Miss E mma S tephenson , N. G. with their corroding interest to support Be p s t a , The price is 50 cents. Vegetable M iss N ina E mery , Secv. explained the other, “I formed my judg­ indolent classes. The bond is a conven­ h r o n i c Sarsaparilla Constipa­ robs the ment of the number by the noise. San ient device, a cowardly method of put­ List of Letters. tion, Liver blood of all Francisco Argonaut. Com plaints ting off till some time in the future its impuri- A. O. U. W. Remaining uncalled for in the shland Kidney ,ies, and Jo.rra and P. O., Dec. 14, 1896. ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 66. Affections. J. P. Dodge has an elegant line of rock­ what we should do or pay today and tc Courses all Meets in lodge room in Masonic Hall these irnpuri- Barnes, L H. | Heastings, Jas. ing chairs, just received. Also many other shirk our duties and place them as a »very second and fourth Wednesday iu Hartley, Walt N. Ohurath, Miss J. goods suitable for holiday presents. Cal burden upon future generations. The each month. All brethren in good standing Payne, Dick. I Wryley, Mr. and see. Opera House Furniture Store. _ method is so easy—it is easy to shirk— 1 ,V Walter, J W. are cordially invited to attend. and tempting that this has become an M. R. M oore , M. W. Persons calling for same will please say Life is worth living if for nothing else age of bonds—and the result, a bond­ J. R. C asey , Recorder “adyertsied.” W H. B bunk . P. M. than to gain the wisdom to be learned age. Let us protest against an extension Joy’s Vegetable I from its rich experiences, sweet and of this policy.—Dr. C. F. Taylor in K. O. T. M. The wife of Mr. D. Robinson, a promi­ Sarsaparilla Medioal World. bitter. nent lumberman of Hartwick, N. Y., prevents tired feel­ GRANITE TKNT NO. 4, KNIGHTS OF THE •"" "" .. ......... . ....... ... ? was sick with rheumatism for five ings, staggering sen­ MACCABEES. Through Their Stomachs. The thought in the British mind ; On months. In speaking of it, Mr. Robin­ sations, palpitation Meet in regular review on the second and “And the next day it snowed. ” Real­ to Khartum! son says: “ Chamberlain ’ s Pain Balm is of heart, rush of 1 fourth Thursdays of each month at Odd izing that the poor people will have to the only thing that gave her any rest blood to the head, Fellow’s Hall, Ashland. Visiting Sir eat snowballs this winter, the benevo­ from pain. For the relief of pain it can­ dizziness, ringing iu Knights cordially invited. not be beat.” Many very bad cases of G. W. C rowson , Com. ears, spots before the lent hand of Providence has already DISEASES OF THE SKIN. rheumatism have been cured by it. For C has . H. G illette , R. K. eyes, headache, bil­ The intense itching and smarting inci­ showed its willingness to provide that sale at 50 cents per bottle by Ashland dent to eczema, tetter, salt-rheum, and other commodity. The only way to touch iousness,constipation Drug Co. of bowels, pain9 in ¿Leases of the skin is instantly allayed by some peoplo is through their stomachs. the backgaelancholy, applying Chamberlain’s Eye and Skin It now remains for the Republicans to tongue coated, foul More rich gold finds reported, this Ointment Many very bad cases have been do the touching.—St. Louis Journal. r> U ■ You can I breath, pimples on Q time in Indian Territory, in the Wichita permanently cured by it. It is equally be cured face, body and limb, Mark Is Boss. mountains. But it is a pity the discov­ efficient for itching piles and a favorite rem­ declineofnerve force I If you suffer from any of the edy for sore nipples; chapped hands, chil­ Mr. McKinley will be saved the k ills of men, come to the oldest ery was in Indian Territory, for now blains, frost bites and chronic sore eyes. dizzy spells, faint ■ specialists on the Pacific Coast, trouble of considering the claims of spells, cold, clammy the power of the United Stutes govern­ For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. 1 Dr. Jordan & Co. Thousands feet and hands, sour office hunters. Mark Hanna will take W JA now live happy lives that we ment will be required to protect the In­ saved from the grave. risings, fatigue, in­ Try Dr. Cady’s Condition Powders, they the Job off his hands.—Silver Knight JC dians in their rights. TO Stricture, loss of manhood, V somnia, and all dis­ are just what a norse needs when in bod condi diseases of the skin and kid- eases of the stomach, tion. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. ■ ‘ cured without tne the use oi nevi quickly G entlemen : Having taken one bottle of mercurv Treatment personally or by liver and kidneys. mercury, i ras« ___ r ,'“Thel philosophy For Sale by ASHLAND DRUG CO, letter “‘7Send r'oV “ “b^k ;hiiosophy your Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla I can •Joy.S Vegetable Sar­ saparilla is sold by all truly say that it is the best medicine I have of Marriage,” free._____ druggists. Refuse a ever taken for constipation, headache and substitute. When you DR. JORDAN & CO.’S general debihated system. I feel overjoy­ pay for the best see that GREAT MVSEVM OF ANATOMY. ed by the use of one bottle. 1 accidently Wanted For Infants and Children. you get the best. Go and learn how wonderfully you are got my ankle sprained a few years ago and Jackson county property. Will trade made; how to avoid sickness and disease. I find my leg getting stronger and am feel­ fM- Thousands of new objects. Addition* con­ one hundred and sixty acres of good Th» ing better in every way. liialls tinually. Catalogue sent free. farming land seven miles from Klamath dgutu* WM. J. PERRY. • 1051 Mark*» Strwt, »a* Francisco, Cal. tf Falls for Jackson county property. Ad­ wwi Superintendent Almshouse, Ban Franolico. dress, P. O. Box 55, Yreka, Col. Professional Cards D" 4 “ ¿1 5 I Ri 111! CASTORIA Furniture pure and everything pretaining to the Furniture Trade! SuuUler Worships. There is a fine touch of French satire in the remark of an officer at Paris that it was necessary to havo a civilian far minister of naval affairs before essential improvements could be mado in the building of war vessels. Certain it is that the changes ordered by the French minister of marine affairs, Lockroy, who Is Victor Hugo’s son-in-law, promise to work a revolution in naval arobiteoture. Judging, by experiments made at Tou­ lon by French naval officers, our own congress will do well to go slow in or­ dering more huge warships, or even heavy and bulky harbor defenders. The experiments at Toulon show convincing­ ly that a great number of small vessels, traveling at the highest »peed and each armed with as large a rapid filing gun as it can carry, is the fighting navy of the future. As the French officer ex­ presses it, here is the problem: “To place the most powerful rifled gun pos­ sible upon the smallest possible vessel, the gun flring with full power projec­ tiles carrying largo quantities of high explosives, ana tho vos»oi being of such small size as to b9 sighted or struck by the enemy with great difficulty—being, in short, a floating gun carriage.” Six such vessels will cost no more than one ef the heavy, slow cruft of the old type, and they will be more than twice as effective. This is tho type of warship to which American naval architects now appar­ ently need to turn their attention. The main difficulty will be to make tho “floating gun carriage,” which is to be the warship of the future, stable enough to permit tho gun itself to be aimed with accuracy. This, tho French believe, they have succeeded in doing. They consider the new typo cf vessel to be the best for coast defense of any ever invented. A nice line of Floor Matting just in—prices low. Trunks and canvas-covered Telescopes; Mirrors, Window Shades, Lamberquin poles and trimmings, Screens, Picture Frames, bedding, Etc., Etc. White, New Home and Magestic Sewing Machines. Best machine oil, needles and repairs for all kinds of Sewing Machines. BftBY CARRIAGES at less than city prices. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. ASHLAND Ç ôür Y pâtêntïflôür Lz* VIRGIN & CO.« PROP’S. H. S. EVANS, During our qivil war the IJnited States army was greatly hampered by too much Washington in its orders. In the srane manner the Spanish army in Cuba is embarrassed by too much Mad­ rid. Madrid will boss the Cuban army if she ruins the Spanish nation. Hood’s Stimulate the stomach, ■ ■ ■ ASHLAND, OR. M aim S tkeet , O pposite P u za . T’JLIJSTTS LE’JLUtSTTLEZR'S’ TOOLS, WALL PAPER. G-LJLSS. ETC. B uilding P apers , W rapping P apers and T wines . ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. PAINTING, No ether observer has corroborated the discovery of two comets made by Pro­ fessor Swift of Lowe observatory, Echo mountain, California. One of the comets Professor Swift says he saw with his un­ aided eyesight by daylight just tw tbo sun was sinking behind the Sierras. This was certainly a very unusual thing, but when Professor Syrift snatched up his glasses to examine the cornel be hud seen with the naked eye bo perceived not only that but another one. It was a pitiful tala of disaster and bad luck that some castaways had tc tell when they were picked up at sea by the British bark Holywell and carried to Galveston. Their ship leaked and was dismasted, the captain and two of the crew died from exposure, scurvy broke out among the rest cf them «nd made them helpless, and they were almost starved besides when the Holywell pick cd them up. Their ship was named eim­ ply Smith.________________ MILLS PAPERING. ETC [ “CUPIDENE” KAgHOOORESTORED ' This great Vegetabil V1 tul ‘.ze r.the preac • ri j *• Oon of a tUinou»i’i4iich phyMi lKo, wiii quickiy will quickly cure cure you of all ut r yous or of tbe g. uerauve organ», sucu „» i L om Lfatihou^ manno«. Lost L1,’”0.11,111 u’, ■ u«118 ” ’to ¿arr>~ExÜM^Ü^V^ Einualona, l£ Nervous Debilltv, Hmples, ’! xr vIwicocip!? PlmDies. Uufiuiesa 1 nfiLHHKS to Ifarrv. R y Imnu-ti.... __ . iliu