VALLE! RECORD. I The Utah semi-centennial coinmls- The Brer Hungry Russia. .. ..... WWÄTX CHANGE I Del., that the Duke of Tetuan, Spain’s met November 23d to take steps Peace or war, Russian aggression nev­ minister of foreign affairs, has cabled ..c necessary arrangements for the An Agricultural Community os It Was er stands still, and it is most character­ Thirty Years Ago and as It Is Now. to Senor de Lome, minister to the r lion next July of the fiftieth istic of her patient and farsighted di­ The People’s Paper. A few days ago the writer made a plomacy that she reaps more in peace United States at Washington, to pro­ rsary of the arrival . of the i test energetically to the American gov­ ! visit to his boyhood home, and the con­ than at the close of her most successful .vers in Utah. ernment against the insult to the 1 is now believed that Rev. Mr. Mil­ tradictions of this political situation wars. To explain this ceaseless and ASHLAND, Or.. ..Thursday, Dec. 3, 1896. Spanish flag in that city last week, ler of Decatur, Ill., who was found came before him more vividly than at pauseless advance upon all her neigh­ when a local military company carried deai’ a few days ago, shot himself and any other time. At an earlier day he bors they tell us that she wants an open the Spanish colors from the armory and was not ru mdered. had been in perfect harmony, practical­ port on an open ocean—that it is absurd According to Mr. Moody there are burned them. The annual convention of the Ameri­ ly, with his old neighbors. At one elec­ to ask an empire like Russia to put up 40,000,000 people in this country who The Madrid correspondent of the can Bar Association will meet next tion there were but seven Democratic with an outlet to the sea that is blooked don’t go to church. And of the 25,000,000 London Standard says the government] voters in the township, including two $y ice four months in every year. But who do it is safe to say that 10,000,000 has instructed General Weyler that it | August in Cleveland, Ohio. that is no answer to the aocusation, if Captain G. Sanderson has made his prosperous villages. go to bear the music rather than the ser­ is expedient for reasons of international accusation it be, of universal aggres­ In those days we did business with annual report as superintendent of the mons and prayers. This is not an edi­ Ii and domestic politics that he should not j postage stamps, shinplasters, “Lincoln sion. The possession of such a port is Yellowstone Park. fying condition of things from a religious return to Havana until he shall have I scabs” and other forms of more or less not the end, but the means. G. Ferris, The body of George W. There is no end to Russian ambition. achieved something decisive against standpoint. ridiculed money. But the fathers of the famous inventor, was cremated these boys found there today came to Each point won is a stepping stone to Maceo. at Pittsburg. It is now beiug Baid that tnere will be town with beaver gloves reaching to j the next. Eastern Siberia has no glut The British government meditates ' Pittsburg Tho miners ’ officials of no lady clerks at Salem during the Jan­ the appointment of a commission to in- I their elbows that cost $6 a pair. They of merchandise struggling for a vent at of 0 cents have demanded an advance wore caps that cost $8, chinchilla beaver Vladivostok, nor would Constantinople uary term of the legislature, as none vestigate on the spot the critical condi­ overcoats that cost $60 and carried be any better fitted for the export grain will be employed. If this report is true tion of the sugar industry in the West per ton in the price of mining. trade than Odessa. The port may faster Business men of Louisiana want a whalebone carriage whips that cost $5. we expect to hear of the resignation of Indies. a trade as yet in its infancy, but this is In those days they stocked their farms ' several legislators and a very small at­ Drs. .1. Stoneberger and J. Ulmer, special rate on corn, there being a fam­ i just another reason for saying that it is with Durham cattle, Merino and import­ tendance upon the session. With rio- two leading physicians of Berne, Ind., I ine on that commodity in that state. j , not the goal of Russian aspiration, but ed Leistershire sheep and Poland-China la ly clerks what are the members to as- have been arrested charged with ad- I A furlough has been granted the hogs. Sugar and coffee were too high i only a milestone on the road. If not for ministering poison to Mrs. Adeline i West Point Academy Band to make a temble for? for everyday use, to be sure, but they empire and for competitive trade why Brown, who died a few days ago. Her I concert tour of the principal cities of got along with sorghum and parched seek an open port at all? Still less can The bienuiul session oi ttie Oregon body was disinterred and poison found the United States. grain, for they bought the best cuts of the constant absorption of new territory Captain W. E. Donnelly of the the butcher. It was in those days fruit be explained by any superfluity of popu­ legislature will sit at Salem January 11, in the stomach. They were arraigned 1897. A senator to succeed Senator and bound over to the Circuit Court. schooner Katy Brainerd fell overboard jars, underclothing, sewing machines, lation in tho old. It is nothing, after Both are out on bonds. in Lake Erie, but clung to the rudder ingrain carpets, organs, pianos and im­ all, but the genuine earth hunger, the Mitchell and piling up the burden on General Jose Rodríguez, the envoy I 1 o( his vessel until rescued. proved farm machinery came into fash­ lust of unlimited dominion.—Black­ the shoulders of the taxpayers of ti e extraordinary and minister plenipoten­ II. D. Flood (Dem.) has declined the ion. A good piano then cost $1,200, but wood’s Magazine. state will ba the most important work < I tiary to the United States from the- certificate of election to congress from some of them could afford the best. The Advantages of Rest. the session. If the useless boards and greater republic of Central America, the tenth Virginia district, which was They sold com at $1.10, wheat at $3, Commissions of the state were abolished arrived at New York from Colon by the awarded to him on account of clerical live hogs $14 per hundred, live weight, There is no better preventive of nerv­ by it ttie people would be benefiied, but Panama steamship Adv „ e. The irregularities. and the best cattle $8. A good man in ous exhaustion than regular, unhurried, muscular exercise. If we could moder­ to expect anything like this is unreason­ greater republic is composed of the Mr. Cooper, Hawaiian minister of those days got a bonus. Some of the able.—East Oregonian. » states of Nicaragua, Honduras and foreign affairs, says that the Hawaiian best village hands were given $6 par ate our hurry, lessen our worry and in­ Salvador, which formed a partial union government has refused to grant fur­ day in the harvest field. John Farrell, crease opr open air exercise, a large proportion of nervous diseases would be There were expended in. Oregon for a few months ago. ther concessions to the Pacific Cable the village mason, got $6 per day. Car­ abolished. For those who cannot get a salaries oi school teachers in 1896, ac­ penters had $4 a day regularly, and the President-elect McKinley will be in­ Company. cording to the report of Superintendent vited to attend the convention of the best $5. The track hands, laborers and sufficient holiday the best substitute is The jury in the United States Court odd job men bought lots and built houses an occasional day in bed. Many whose Irwin, the suin of $784,967.62. Thia is International Epworth League in,Tor­ disagreed in the case of the officials of and paid for them. Two of the ditchers, nerves are constantly strained In their less than the amount paid lor salaries to onto and reply to the address of wel­ the defunct National Bank of Denver daily avocation have discovered this for teachers in 1895 by $2209. The salaries come to be delivered by Lord Aber­ charged with making false returns to I Pat Hart and Hughey Morehead, went themselves. A Spanish merchant in off and bought farms, and there were were shared by 3317 teachers. In 13 »5 deen. the controller of the currency. Barcelona told his doctor that he always others. Miss Carrie Liebengood, who submit­ there were 1953 districts and in 1896 but went to bed for two or three days when­ Mrs. U. F. Brunn of Chicago has been There were but two millionaires in 1891, a loss of 62. Tins is a remarkable ted to an X ray test of her foot at appointed to represent the National the country, Astor and A. T. Stewart, ever he could be spared from his busi­ phenomenon in a young and presumable Hiawatha, Kas., had to have that Women’s Christian Temperance Union and they had but a million each, Van­ ness, and he laughed at those who spent growing state. Why should 62 districts member amputated at the ankle as a at the Scandinavian temperance con­ derbilt not having quite reached that their holidays on toilsome mountains. result of the experiment. Within a gress at Stockholm next summer. abandon their organizations and turn point. It is different today. Wealth has A hard worked woman, who has for few days after the test, which was con­ many years conducted a large wholesale i their school bouses over to the wood rats ducted by Professor Blake of the State The Society of the Blue and Gray greatly increased in certain sections, and business, retains excellent nerves at an now there are 4,000 millionaires. Some and owls? This means consolidations; University at Lawrence, abscess after has been organized at St. Louis and, as advanced age, owing, it is believed, to the formations of larger districts for abscess formed, the pains finally be­ the name indicates, is composed of ex­ of these are worth hundreds of millions her habit of taking one day a week in instead of a million — ten have $720,- soldiers of the late civil war who wore economic reasons, cons< qu. nt longer coming unbearable. 000,000—and the stock of some of the bed. If we cannot avoid frequent agita­ the respective colors. walks for the little ones, amounting in tion, we ought, if possible, to give the The Pall Mall Gazette publishes a A cyclone passed over McLennon big banks of New York are worth nervous system time to recover itself be­ cases, to the total loss of school oppor­ dispatch from Calais, France, saying $4 ,400 for every $100 share, but myoid tunities. In 1895 there were 126,926 per- that planB are being arranged to estab­ county, Tex., on Thursday, doing con­ neighbors are selling oats at 10 cents tween the shocks. Even an hour’s seclu­ siderable damage to life and property. boub of school age; and in 1896, 129,620, lish a line of steamships to run between and other farm products accordingly. sion after a good lunch will deprive a The Findlay, Ohio, wire nail plant The proprietors of these fine farms, and hurried, anxious day of much of its in­ showing an increase of 2694 in the year. New Orleans and Calais to carry grain, proposes to work day and night to meet they are the finest in the world, wear jury. The nerves can often be overcome Io 1395, 3230 teachers were employed cotton and general merchandise. orders under the lower price of nails. mittens made of sheepskin and old grain by stratagem when they refuse to be and 3317 in 1896, a decrease of 13 teach­ Rain has fallen in most of the dis­ At Williamson, West Va., Mrs. Eliza ­ sacks now, and not a piano has been controlled by strength of will.—House­ tricts of Bengal, India, and has im ­ ers. The school property belonging to wife. the various districts is valued at $2,988,- proved the crop conditions. If the rain beth Betclier heard burglars at her bought by either farmer or villager for door and securing a Winchester rifle ten years. There has not been a new The tife of a Clam. 312. Of the 126,926 persons of school continues immediate danger of a severe she opened fire, wounding one or more, section boss for 20 years, and the ono The clam’s body is completely en­ age, 87,212 were enrolled pupils in the famine will be averted. La Paix announces that the text of a as blood stains marked the line of they have will never be promoted till shrouded in the mantle, except for two various districts, leaving 39,715 in pri­ he dies. treaty signed at Paris by President flight. openings, through one of which the foot vate schools or not in school. This is a These farms produce as well as they A fire occurred in the county jail at Faure and the Czar will be published can be pushed out. The other is for the large per cent of absentees and should at­ Kansas City which threatened serious ever did. They are not worn out. The siphon, or what is commonly known as shortly. young men are as strong aud enterpris­ tract the attention oí school directore. Anthony Kpzel, a banker at Chicago, consequences but for timely work, ing as their fathers, but the wealth now the “neck” of the olam. In some re­ which stopped its progress. spects the clam may be better off than It VT.iS a 1 t;a ;; n itsicD, that lately has confessed to having stolen §100,000 concentrates in Wall street, not upon we are, for he has a little brain in his An unsuccessful but bold attempt of bank deposits. He will go to the the Illinois farm. brought to a clore by Ur. Herman foot and also a gland for secreting was made to- rob a jewelry store at penitentiary on his confession. A political orator was present on this Stump, United States ccmmissicuer of strong fibers. With this he spins a bys- Milwaukee. It is stated that in Chicago at the re­ occasion, telling these old boyhood immigration. He iil . uo it liis business It is rumored that the Newport chums what a dollar should be like. He sus by which he can attach himself to cent election each vote cast cost the to go in person to Rome and explain to city 37 cents. New York City paid Beach railroad may be extended from held up dollars that he said were only whatever he likes. He does not even have to search for his food, but waits the Italian government cur immigration §1 47 for every vote polled. Newport to Westminster. 50 cent dollars and told them it was laws and regnlatiors, in order that Populists of Kansas have notified dollars of a particular kind aud color for it to come to him. He makes a bur­ The late Congressman Crisp’s succes­ there might iiot bo eo many disappoint­ sor is to be Charles R. Crisp, son of the Senator Peffer that they will oppose that they wanted. He meant it was the row in the mud or sand, attaching him­ self to the bottom by the byssus. Then ments suffered by Italians coming to ex-speaker of the house. kind of a dollar Wall street wanted. A special his re-election to the senate. he thrusts his siphon up through the this country or so many of them re­ election will be held on December 1st A prarie fire occurred near Rochelle, Some of these sous of wartime Repub­ mud and water until it reaches the sur­ turned to their own land. The Italian to fill the vacancy. O. T., a few days ago, in which some licans wore the hated butter colored face. The siphon is made up of two authorities thanked the commissioner M. Dewitte, Russian minister of fin­ sixteen‘people were burned to death. hate and cheered tho loudest notes of tubes, the water flowing in through one heartily for l>is trouble and for the ance, has secured the consent of his The fire was started by outlaws fleeing the evening for Grover Cleveland. These and out through the other. are strange days. friendship shown Italy by the United colleagues for the introduction of the before a posse of officers. When the inflowing current, laden It is not probable that these farmer gold standard. The Czar approves, The Kentucky Democratic commit ­ with minute plants and animals, reach­ States. It would be as bard to get on boys desire to vote for 10 cent oats or to without the Italians in the east as it and the Imperial Council is now dis­ tee has passed a resolution barring vote for a still further reduction, say to es the gill chamber, some of these are cussing the project and will probably from participation in primary elections sifted out and retained for food, while would to get on without Chinese in tin adopt it, although the agrarian mem­ all former Democrats who bolted the 5 cents, but they were deceived by the the water and waste matter flow out far west. The brawny, strong built, action at St. Louis. Some think it was through the other tube.—Margaret W. bers firmly oppose it. Chicago platform and nominees. hard working Italian does now nine- the old Republican party that went for Leighton in Popular Science Monthly. The Daviess County Savings Bank in Manitoba wheat is being rapidly sent gold, and not the one that staid by sil­ fenths of all tho rough later in some down to the seaboard, but about 40 pci Missouri, made famous some years ago ver. If they could be reassured of the The Dark Side of Christian America. sections of the east. The American will cent of the crop is being retained by by having been robbed by the James “We have now in America a popula­ not do it, tho German will not do it, the farmers in the expectation ol brothers, when the cashier was killed, true condition, they would stay by tho 6imon pure party, for that is the one tion of 70,000,000 of people, and yet neither the Irishman. They have learned higher prices. has just closed its doors. they want. They are divided as it is. better. Only the Italian remains, and it John W. Foster, ex-secretary of state, About half the farmers of the township, 750,000, we are told, belong to the The aeronauts Besano and Farmon, criminal class,” writes Dwight L. is a question how long it will be before who made a balloon ascension at Paris who recently visited the Hawaiian it is believed, will go for silver. Moody in his paper in “Mr. Moody’s I he finds out how to live without hard with the purpose of staying up as long islands in the interest of Colonel But it is not