VALLEY RECORD. VALLEY OREGON, RECORD. ASHLAND fine printing Chief of the County Papers 1 Published every Thursday. OF EVERY E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. DESCRIPTION. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Ous Year............................................. fl 7» 8bt Months.......................................... 1 OU Three Months....................................... fio NO MONOPOLY PRICES I Give us your order for Letterheads. State ments. Envelopes. &c. A.SHLAND, JACKSON VOL. IX IT’S CURES THAT COUNT. Many so-called remedies are pressed on the public attention on account of their claimed large sales. But sales cannot determine values. Sales simply arSue good salesmen, shrewd puffery, or enormous advertis ing. It’s cures that count. It is cures that are counted on by Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. Its sales might be boasted. It has the world for its market. But sales prove nothing. We point only to the record of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, as proof of its merit :• 50 YEARS OF CURES. . , ■< < ; Professional Cards DR The Beet Way To Cure Disease is to establish health. Pure, rich blood means good health. Hood’s Sarsa J. S. HERNDON, parilla is the One True Blood Purifier, It tones up the whole system, gives appetite and strength and causes weakne»s. nervous ness and pain to disappear. No other PHY8ICIAN AND SURGEON. medicine has such a record of wonderful A shland , O regon . cures as Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Hood’s Pills are the beat after-dinner O^Office— In Townsend Building, on pill; assist digestion, prevent constipation Oak Street, Opposite Hotel Oregon. 25 cents. A HINMAN, D. December Jury List. D. 8, The following is a list of jurors drawn for the next term of the circuit court, whFh convenes on Dec. 14: Gold Hill precinct. J W Marksberry; Jacksonville, D J 8 DENTIST. Pearce, Jacob Walz, J H Hurter, sr., W J Boosey, Geo M Love. Jas Armpriest, R F IB*** In the Masonic Building up stair, Yokuni; Ashland, E A bherwin, John M Mark, G A Inlow; Medford, H H Taylor, over Post Office. J R Erford, H. U. Lumsden, 8. P Barneburtr. Central Point—Thos. R. Stot ler, John Wright, Caleb Jeffers, Wm. 8y- J^R. S. T. SONGER. dow. 8. C. Minnick. Sterlingville—J. B. Saltmarsh. Uniontown—W. H. Bostwick. Mount Pitt—Geo Beale. Applegate—Geo. PHYSICIAN and 8URGEON. Hoffman, W. S. Bailey, Fritz Ruch. Big Butte—C. C. Pearson." Table Bock—Hor ace Pelton, John Sisemore. Chimney Novelty Block, Opposite Hotel Oregon, Rock—F. A. Peil. Eden—Wallace Bishop. A shland , . . , O regon . DB Purchase of Beef in Siskiyou. The price of beef seems to be going up. Daring the past week cattle buyers from the outside have been cleaning Scott Valley of every thing in the meat line Dental Parlors in Odd Fellow's Block. that thev can lav their hands on. In A8HLAND, O b KGON. the neighborhood of 1000 head of beef cattle have been bought up during the All work pertaining to modern dent last week, also a lot of hogs and ail the istry. Painless operations a specialty. snare bay in the valley. J. C. Mitchell the big cattleman from Gazelle, passed through the valley a few days ago aud JJ M. BROWER M. D. bought everything “in sight,” 300 bead of beef cattle from O W. Goodale and 100 head from Manuel Pereira, also all PHY81CIAN and SURGEON, the bay he could find. John Young O regon . made a big sale, and J. W. McBride and A shland . others. The Etna Reporter says these „ales will bring upwards of $25,000 into Office—At Residence, intersection of Me that prosperous valley. chanic, Laurel and Main Streets, C. W. BARR. A Fact Worth Knowing. Consumption, LaGrippe, Pneumonia and all Throat and Lung diseases are cured by Shiloh’s Cure. For sale bv T, K. Bolton. SOCIETY DIRECTORIES. G. A. II. Ashland Public School Report. BURNSIDE POST NO. 23. Meet in Masonic Hall, on the 1st and 3d Saturday of each month. Visiting Com fades cordially welcomed. A, C. S pencer , Commander. G. O. V annatta , Adjutant. W. R. C. BURNSIDE RELIEF CORPS NO. 24 Meets in Odd Fellows hall at 2 o’clock 1 xu. on the second and fourth Fridays of < each month. M rs . J. D. C rocker , Pres. M rs . L ydia G riswold , Sec’v. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. GRANITE LODGE, NO. 23, Knights o Pythias, Ashland, Oregon, meets every Friday evening. Visiting Knights in good Standing are cordially invited to attend, F. D. W agner , C. C. 8. G. E ggers , K. of K & 8. MASONIC, SISKIYOU CHAPTER, NO. 21, R. A. M. Number days taught, 18: No.holidays. 2; days of attendance, boys 4248)4, giris 4024, total 8272)4; dnvs absence, boys 147, girls 206)4. total 353)4; cases of tardiness, boys 41, girls 53, total 91; whole number enrolled on register, boys 243, girls 252, total 495; new scholars, boys 9, girls 4, total 13; average daily attendance, 460; per cent of attendance. 96; number of visitors, 109; cases of corporal punishment, 3; tardiness of teachers, 1; absence of teacher, 0. The attendance for the month has been yery good, the increase in daily attendance over the corresponding month of last year is 38. The fall term just closed shows an average daily attendance of 456, a gain of 18 over the corresponding term of last year. While the attendance Is very good the tardness is out of due proportion. How ever this fault cannot be remedied by the teachers. Miss Beason reports no tardi ness. Miss Grant four cases and Mr. Cor- nutt but two. Tbe term examinations have been held the past week, school closing on Wednes day for the week. C. A. H itchcock , Pnn. Regular convocations on the Thursday next after the full moon. E. V. C arter , H. P. E. A. S herwin , Secretary. MARRIED. AIKEN—CLUTE—In Medford, Nov. 25, 1896. by Rev. E. Gittings, Fred 8. Aiken ASHLAND LODGK, NO. 23, A. g. & A. M. and Miss Emma B. Clute. Stated communications on the Thursday LANCE—M A T H E W S—In Jacksonville of or before the full moon. Nov. 25,1896, by Rev. J. M Shulse, F. E. A. S herwin , W. M. M. Lance and Miss Mi >nie Matbews. C, H. V aupel , Secretary. BORN. ALPHA CHAPTER NO. 1, O. E. 8. Stated meetings on 1st and 3d Tuesday" BAILEY—In Foots creek precinct, Oct. 27 In each month. 1896, to Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Bailey, a M rs . L* M. C aldwell , W. M. daughter. M bs . 8. C. C handler . Secretary. GUCHES—Near Medford, Nov. 22, I89G, to Mr. and Mrs. E Ouches, a daughter, I. O. O. F. ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 45. DIED. Hold regular meetings every Thursuav evening at their hall in Ashland. Brethren in good standing are cordially invited to GREEN—At the county hospital, Nov. 24, attend. F. M. D rake , N. G. 1896. of consumption, A. C. Green, a na H. 8. E vans , Sec’y, P. O. box 102. tive of Michigan; aged36 years. PILOT BOCK ENCAMPMENT, NO. 16. Meets in Odd Fellows’s Hall every 2d and 4th Monday in each mouth. Members in good standing cordially invited to attend. LI. 8. E vans , C. P. R obt , T aylor , Scribe. 24. Meets on the 2d and 4th Tuesday in each month in Odd Fellows’ Hall, Ashland. Miss E mma S tephenson , N. G. M iss N ina E mery , Secy. HOPE REBECCA DEGREE LODGE, “O. A. O. U. W. ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 66. Meets in lodge room in Masonic Han every second and fourth Wednesday in each month. All brethren in good standing are cordially invited to attend. M. R. M oore , M. W. J. R. C asey . Recorder Joy’s for tiro «atleti and Good Hcuitli for ail Jiaukinà* JOY’S VEGETABLE SARSAPASiLLA. Is made ironi herbs, and contains no mineral drugs or deadly pois on. Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla robs the blood of all its impuri ties, and courses all these impuri- NO. 4, KNIGHTS MACCABEES. 0» ea |d f You can' If] L It I be cured . If you suffer from any of the k ills of men, come to the oldest ■ specialists on the Pacific Coast, I Dr. Jordan & Co. Thousands ■ now live happy fives that we mk saved from the grave. <11 Stricture, loss of manhood, diseases of the skin and kid neys quickly cured without Ithe use of of Marriage,” free.______ _ DR. JORDAN * CO.’S GREAT MUSEUM OF ANATOMY- Go and learn howwonderfullvycuare made- how to avoid sickness and disease. Thousands of new objects. Additions con tinually. Catalogue sent free. 1051 Market Street Im Fraselsce. Cal. >• s THS Meet in regular review on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month at Od<i Fellow’s Hall, Ashland. Visiting 8i Knights cordially invited. G. W. C rowson , Com. C has . H. G illette . R. K. r V K. O. T. M. SRANITE TENT iiii ties Ihrougn nature’sown proper chan nels. Joy's V egetable Sarsaparilla cures Dya- p e p s 1 a , Chronic Constipa- tiou, Inver Com plaints and Kidney Affections. V » a SI Joy’s Vegetable I Sarsaparilla prevents tired feel- I staggering sen sations, palpitation of heart, rush of blood to the head, dizziness, ringing in ears, spots before the eyes, headache, bil iousness,constipation of bowels, pains in the back,melancholy, j i tongue coated, foul breath, pimples on face, body and limb, decline of nerve force dizzy spells, faint spells, cold, clammy feet and hands, sour risings, fatigue, in somnia, and all dis eases of the stomach, liver and kidneys. <» *»' »T * ja OREGON, Mining Items. PRESSED BRICKS. The R. R. From Sisson. The 20-mile railroad under construc tion from Sisson to the McCloud river timber belt suspended operations until spring when the winter weather set in. The grading was completed excepting one fill near the summit of Squaw mountain. The rails are laid from Up ton as far as the J. F. Howard ranch on Cold creek. The frame for the large mill at the terminus in the McCload valley is partially erected and as fast as weather will permit it will be enclosed. Work on tbe grounds about the mill will prob ably be delayed until spring as well as all further work on the railroad. The Sisson Mirror says in the spring as soon as the snow leaves the lower end of the road, ballasting will be begun and follow just behind the tracklaying crew. Every effort will be made to get both the rail road and mill in operation as early as possible. The past season has been a good one for the work and the project has generally been attended bv favorable conditions. With a continuation of these and under the same able management the enterprise is certain of ultimate success. COUNTY, A new 5-stamp mill is to be put in on the Jewett mine near Grants Pass, to replace Dr. Barr, Dentist, I. O. O. F. Block. tbe Huntington roller. Iron tracks are Five inches of snow tell at Lakeview last being built in the tunnels to make better headway in hauling out the ore. week. Philips & Strong have put in pipe and Robt. Ralph was here last week visiting will run a giant in an old channel in Allen his folks. gulch, having continued the Darkass ditch Bud Obenchain was in from Langell to this ground, which they leased from valley last week. Wimer Bros. & Co. For 'hrst-class dental work see Dr. A. Wimer Bros. & Co. have built a 11000 Hinman, Masonic block. frame dam and are now building a large T. J. Neff of Central Point leaves soon to reservoir. They also drove a number of piles in their dump to confine the river visit his old borne in Virginia. channel near the mouth of the outlet Perry Ellis, the Rogue river photograph flume. er, has opened business at Central Point. Jos. Skeeters has a giant on the placer R. W. Gray’s lumber yard at Medford ground leased from Simmons & Cameron was attached last week by local creditors, on Scotch gulch. Tbe latter have com the upper ditch to this ground, hav D. Hanscom, tbe Talent blacksmith, is pleted built two-thirds of a mile of new flume erecting a new residence on his property. ing three feet by two feet sides. Ralph Bunch, the Medford barber, is The Loupe creek placer mines owned by being assisted by F. D. Welch of Grants A. D. Helms of Talent and others, were Pass. sold to an Olympia. Wash., company Ashland Hose Co. No. 1 will give a grand headed by Gen. K. G. O’Brien, of the Masquerade ball in Ashland Christmas national guards. night. N. C. Boy ton got two pounds of gold Miss Kate Bellinger of Jacksonville was Jxom an eight davs rnnof an arastaon his in a critical condition in Ban Francisco Oro h mo mine at Jump-off-Joe. last week. Train Crew ye. Hobo Fight. Hevener Bros, will move their grocery to A Redding dishatch in the San Fran the Crocker building, which was purchased cisco Call last Thursday gives the follow by Wm. Hevener. Misses Edna Gibson and Zuda Owens of ing report of a conflict between Conduct Central Point have been granted state or DePanger’s train crew and a “lourist” mob: teachers’ certificates. A small-sized battle was waged in this Medford station shipped 1825 lbs. of live and 6201 tt>s. of dressed poultry during the city last night between a gang of hobos and the train crew of overland passenger Thanksgiving season. No. 16. The train crew was delayed Geo. Smith, son of Judge Smith of Klam seventeen hours on account of storms in ath county, is now a commercial traveler Oregon, and as it pulled out of the sta for a San Francisco firm. tion here seven hobos attempted to L. H Butin, the Poe valley Klamath board it and beat their way south. The county farmer, was here this week stopp train crew proceeded to put them off and ing at the Ashland House. a running fight ensued. Bricks, rocks Rev. A: Marcellas, a well-known Presby and clubs were used as weapons. Con terian minister of Douglas county, died at ductor Depanger narrowly escaped being Oakland last week of paralysis. killed. One of the infuriated hobos Ed. Wheeler, a well-known Yreka young picked up a brick from a near by pile man, and Miss Lillian F Love of Redding and, taking deliberate aim, hurled it at were married Thanksgiving eve. the conductor. The latter fortunately Arthur Johnson of Portland, who con dodged and the missile meant for him ducted a butcher business in Ashland for a struck the car side. By heroic work the time, was in Roseburg last week. train crew came off victorious. D. N. and A. E Crane of Ray, Kansas, The train pulled out without further mo old friends of L. Van Horn, the railroad lestation, and the hobos were compelled man, were visiting him last week. to foot it out of town. Prof. Wm A. Kelley of Alaska was in G entlemen : Having taken one bottle of Ashland last week visiting friends and your Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla I can looking after his real estate interests. truly say that it is the best medicine I have All kinds of razor grinding and repairing ever taken for constipation, headache and at the Gem barber shop, opposite town general debiliated system. I feel overjoy ed by the use of one bottle. 1 accidently h <11 Calvin Darnell has turned up missing at fot my ankle sprained a few years ago and find my leg getting stronger and am feel Truckee, Cal., and foul play is suspected ing better in every way. by his friends and relatives at Medford. WM. J. PERRY. Mrs. E. M. Orr has returned to Medford Superintendent Almshouse, from San Francisco greatly improved in San Francisco. health from an operation performed while in that city. Million Acres to Spare, Chas. Henry, Ed Murphy and G. 8. But Ma]. C. E. Worden, the alloting agent ler were at Jacksonville Saturday where Mr. Henry proved up on his land claim for the Klamath Indiana, accompanied by T. F. Maher and E, B. Henry, was east of Ashland. here several days last week, looking up The ladies brass band of Medford will the old treaty boundary of the Klamath give a show at that place during the holi reservation, at the land office. The ma-1 days to raise a fund for the purchase of jor was appointed one of the special com new instruments. mittee to re-survey the line, which is Mrs. Albert Hammond passed through on at the present time. He is of Friday from Portland to San Francisco to going visit her mother, Mrs. H. Eubanks, who the opinion that there will be at least one million acres left after all the Indians was quite ill at that place. have been provided for, and he has rec Evangelist Ross and wife arrived from ommended that the government buy this Riddle Saturday, where he conducted a big revival. They are living at the residence land from the Indians and have it thrown open to the public. Major Wor of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Angle. den expects to start for Washington, D. Lieut. Edw. H. Brooke, U. 8. A., who C., in a short time, to spend the winter. built the Ashland-Linkville-Ft. Klamath- Ft. Bidwell government military telegraph The allotting of the land to the Indians will be finished some time next summer. line, died in Portland recently. —Lakeview Examiner. For trunks and traveling telescopes call on J. P. Dodge at Opera House. When moat needed it is not unusual Geo. W. Stoops has sold his farm in for our family physician to be away from Eden precinct and is erecting a new resi home. Such was the experience of Mr. dence on the property he purchased in J. Y. Schenck, editor of the Caddo, Ind, Phoenix from the Colver estate. Ter., Banner, when his little girl, two W. F. Hitchcock, a well-known drum years of age, was threatened with a mer for* he Union Pacific Salt Co. and severe attack of croup. He says: “My Horn & Co. of San Francisco, dropped dead wife insisted that I go for the doctor, but of heart disease at Yreka last Thursday. as our family physician was out of town John Addison, vice president of the Vic I purchased a bottle of Chamberlain’s tory Mining Co., and Chas. Shackleford, Cough Remedy, which relieved her im also a member of the company, both of Chicago, are in Douglas county looking mediately. I will not be without it in the future.” 25 and 50 cents bottles for after iheir interests. sale bv Ashland Drug Co. F. M. Mingus and Hugh Elliott wilt go into tbe blacksmithing business at Medford List of Letters. in a fortnight. Mingus is erecting the Remaining uncalled for in the Ashland place of business now adjoining Weeks P. O., Nov. 30,1896. Bros, furniture store on the west side. Bridgefarmer, 4. L I Dunn, M J. Frances E. Willard and Lady Henry Findley, John | Monroe, C Somerset are to be on tbe coast in January Talmage, A L on their way around the world, remaining Persons calling for same will please say two or three months here. Rev. Dr. Tal W H. B runk . P. M. mage will accompany them and they are ‘advertsied.” expected in Jackson county. E dwin W. J oy Co.: The immediate and Miss Nettie Moss, the estimable daughter yermanent relief afforded me by the use of of Hon. 8. P. Moss of Lake county and oy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla from the terri Frank Cannon were married at Lakeview ble affliction of dyspepsia, accompanied by Nov- 25th. They have commenced house racking headaches, has prompted me to keeping, Mr. Cannon being in charge of voluntarily express ray indorsement. Two Mr. Moss’s Chewaucan ranch. years of extreme suffering vanished as if by magic. To those suffering similarly I rec Hot and cold baths at Storey’s barber- ommend its trial. Its meriis will do the shop. Opposite town hall. rest. Yours in health. B. D. CARN, Poso township. Kern County, Cal J. W. Hunt, ex-postmaster of Kerby, Josephine county, was indicted by the U No one should be fooled by a dis 8. grand jury at Portland on a charge of making a false report as postmaster as to honest druggist. There are plenty ot the amount of moneys on hand, reporting bonesi druggists who would be glad the amount as $313, which was untrue. to have vour trade. His case was set for trial Dec. 21st. Where Woman Proposes. The Women’s Relief Corps will give a nose and pancake social at the residence of Mrs. Between tbo mountains of India and Robt. Taylor Saturday evening December, 5ib. A program consisting>.f music,recita Persia is a powerful tribo among whom tions, and some lucky one will get a quilt. an extraordinary oustom prevails. Wom The pretty man will wait on the ladies. an’s rights have apparently received full All lovers of fun and pancakes come. recognition, for tho ladies of the tribe Everybody invited, Admission only 10 can choose their own husbands. All a cents. single woman has to do when she wish Courier:—The people of Althouse coun try who bonded their farms to Simon es to cbango her state is to send a serv Goodenoagh last spring expect to realize on ant to pin a handkerchief to the bat of their contract in a short time. About 8.000 the man on whom her fancy lights, and acres of farming land were included in the he is obliged to marry her, unless he deal and it is supposed that a Russian col ony will occuy tne soil vacated by the pres can show he is too poor to purchase her ent pioneers of the valley. The bond ex at the price her father requires. pires J an. 1. 1897. For Dyspepsia Considerable complaint is heard on Grave and Liver Complaint you have a printed and Wolf creeks on account of tbe saw on every bottle of Shiloh’s Vital- dust washed into these streams. Last guarantee It neyer fails to cure. For sale by T. month the salmon and trout fishing was izer. nearly ruined on account of the quantity of K. Bolton. sawdust mixed with the water. Residents SPECIAL CLUBBING OFFER, of these neighborhoods are calling loudly for the fish commissioners. Lower Rogue river also echoes the growl. Tbe Oregon Statesman Till March 1 George Justus happened to a serious ac for Only 25c. cident a few days ago on the road leading Every tax payer read a Salem from A. C. Fordyce’s place across to the Saper this winter. should The Oregon Weekly old stage road, by a defective bridge. His tatesman is the biggest, brightest, cheap large team of horses broke through the est and best paper published at the cap bridge and in tbe struggle one horse was ital. The legislature meets in thrown back and fell on George mashing Needed laws are to be passed and January. a U. 8. him up in a bad shape and so injuring the senator to be elected. ‘ Everybody horse that it soon died. George had one of want to read a good paper from the will seat the best teams in the county.—Monitor. of war and to all we cheerfully recommend Call on M. H. Howell when you want the Statesman. It is fearless and free your understanding built up for this weath spoken. It urges economy along all lines er or need a new foundation for your pedal of state government and is waging war in extremities. Howell has returned to Ash the interest of the tax-payers. Taxation land andopened up next door to his old must be reduced by abolishing all useless commissions and correcting abuses The stand, opposite I. O. O. F. block. Statesman is the only reliably republican Mrs. Lizzie Wiggen of Medford, wife of Associated Press paper in Oregon. It con Dr. L. Wiggen, deputy stock inspector of sists of twelve pages weekly. Its subscrip Jackson county under the new administra tion price is $1.50 per year, but by a special tion, published an official notice in the arrangement with the publishers we have Medford papers warning any person selling arranged to supply our subscribers from her husband intoxicating liquors that she now until the adjournment of the legisla ' will prosecute them to the fullest extent of ture—three months good reading—for only tbe law. Dr. Wiggen is a chronic inebriate 25c. Forward all subscriptiens to the and his better half is taking a brave and STATESMAN. SALEM, OR. Send your righteous course. There are many other orders right away -the sooner you send people in the country that would do the the more you get for the money. best interests of society, and the unfortun ate inebriates as well, a great service by setting aside their false modesty and sub stituting therefor a little straight practical horse sense by moving the aid of the law in this direction. CASTORIA •Joy,a Vegetable Sar- I uaparilla is sold by all I druggists. Refuse a I substitute. When you I payforthebestseethat I you get the best. Wanted 'll For Infante and Children. Jackson county property. Will trade fw- one hundred and sixty acres of good Th» ii nil» 1 farming land seven miles from Klamath ticuton Falls for Jackson county property. Ad of dress, P. 0. Box 55, Yreka, Cal. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 3, 1896. NO. 27. Advertising rates given on application. Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report J. IF*. Dodge, •— Furniture ABSOLUTELY PURE Graveyard Literature. To Every Man Ills Chance. The fashion of tho world changes, and the trado of tbo epitaph maker grows slack. Hero and there, it is true, some one is still honored after the old custom, but for the most part a text, appropriate or the reverse, a brief rec ord of birth and death, a word or two of vague and general significance, with possibly a simple expression of regret, Wive replaced in our modern -BKHietariQS those shorthand histories of the dead, tragic Qr hnmoron8i tender or 8ever0i Few persons but spend valuable time thinking of the fine things they would do if they only had opportunity. We say to ourselves if we had had the ad vantages of education or of wealth and leisure that our neighbor had we could have made of ourselves something un common. We brood over it; we are dis contented and unhappy because we have no opportunity to show the power that is in us. All such discontented musings are harmful. To every man and woman comes exactly the fate that belongs to them, the opportunity they seek to dis tinguish themselves. The opportunity many a time passes them by, but they are blind to tho sight of it, deaf to the sound of it The truth is that there are at least two or three golden opportunities for distinction in the life of every human being. Another’s gifts and environ ments would not suit any one of us. Exactly upon our own weak spots fate bears down most heavily, and our work is to strengthen these weak places. Burns whb a poet, and his opportunity came to him though he was a plowboy. Joan of Arc was tending horses when the hour came for her to lead the armies of France and liberate her country. The thing is to do the task that lies immediately under cur eyes and do it cheerfully and well. We are to watch meanwhile always for cur great oppor tunity. It is dead sure to come. Then we can show what excellent work we are fit for. Some stained as with wine and made bloody, And some as with toars, .... Dealer in arvd everything pretaining to the Furniture Trade! A nice line of Floor Matting just in—prices low. Trunks and canvas-covered Telescopes; Mirrors, Window Shades, Lamberquin poles and trimmings, Screens, Picture Frames, bedding, Etc., Etc. White, New Home and Magestic Sewing Machines. Best machine oil, needles and repairs for all kinds of Stwing Machines. BftBY QftERIftGES at Jess than city prices. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. which formerly marked their resting places. It is not that in these later years men have lost that craving for remembrance which, as old as life itself, is so vain, in tho case at least of tho commonalty of the race, that it might well be a sub ject for laughter were it not that what, seen from without is purely grotesque, assumes quite another complexion when it is touched by our own personality. It is not that the desire to be remem bered is gone, aud it is likely enough that in some fashion or another we « should all still bo epitaph makers, for ourselves or other people, if we had not lost faith in the permanency of the work. But time brings involuntary wis dom. “Our fathers find their graves in our short memories, and sadly tell us how we may be buried in our sur vivors.” “While I live,” promises a lover with melancholy truthfulness in a Roman epitaph quoted by Mr. Pater —“while I live you will receive this 7 M ain 8 treet , O pposite P laza , homage; after my death, who can tell?” ZP-A-ILSTTS PAINTERS’ TOOLS, And so it comes to pass that, submit ting to the inevitable, men learn to lim WAIiL RAPER. OL j ASS. ETC. it their aspirations and tooontent them B uilding P apers , W rapping P apers and T wines . ARTIST8' MATERI ain selves, by way of epitaph, with the "two narrow words, ‘Hio jacet, ’ ” with Charles Cavill will be notable as the which, says Sir Walter Raleigh, “elo quent death” covers all.—I. A. Taylor man who swam tho Golden Gate at San Francisco this autumn. Cavill is an in North American Review. Australian, and it is to be regretted that no American was found to perform What to Say About the Baby. One is always expected to say some the feat, but that doos not take away thing when looking for the first time on from the credit of the performance it- vous or of tl>e ¿enerahve oriaua J m a new baby, and, as it is neither kind ■elf. The distance straight across is only Insomnia, Pains In the Seminal £mliloAi Nemius^DeUmi Pimples, tnftinees to Marry, Exbaustins Drul .2 VaricowS- nor safe to tel) tho truth aud say that 1)4 miles, only half the width of the vonstiuutlon. 11 stop» all lossea by dav or niaht81 Prevent/ < the little, red, podgy creature doesn’t historic Hellespont, which Leander of discharge, which if notchecked leade no BEFORE AND AFTER *11 thehorroraof Impotency. H PIin eEcleELS Uiehvw, Ue look like anything, an English maga- swam to meet Hero and finally went kidneysand the urinary organ« of ah Impurities. jntmiMiNE atrpngrthensr.nd rrntor^s small weak organs. F aine gives a list of uupatented and un- once too often and was drowned. But 1 he > eaaoo sufferers are not cured by Lectors Is because nlnetv ner ran? ar« »winMoj Proei»tltia. CUl'I DENE 1» the only known remedy to cure wi'bout oopyrighted remarks to be used on such \'vr“,eu,:^t7e*£d m°ney re'urned I(»li boxre dSS'not a the currents in the Golden Gate tfWim occasions: a box, b ! x for f >.oo, by mull. Send for rssi circular and testimonial«. • permanent cure make it exceedingly difficult to accom “Isn’t he sweot? He looks like you. ” Address DAVOL «EDICINE CO..P.O. Box3075,Snn Freucleco. "I think he is going to look like his plish. Cavill started out bravely enough, FOR SALE BY E. A. SHERWIN. father.” but a quarter of a mile from shore be “Hasn’t he dear little fingers? Do let met the ripple of the outgoing tide. me see his dear little toes. ” Experienced swimmers agree that it is “Isn’t he large?” useless to attempt to swim against the “Isn’t he a tiny darling?” tide. That pouring out through the nar "How bright he seems." row Golden Gate channel was like a "Did you ever see such a sweet little mill race. The Australian turned and mouth?” "Isn’t he just too sweet for any let it carry him cut till ho reached a point where he took advantage of a cur thing?” “The dear little darling. I never saw rent from the opposite shore. Then he so young a baby look so Intelligent. ” completed the long and heavy swim. It “Do, please, let me hold him just a took him one hour and a quarter to do minute. ” the whole distance. Cavill uses the right Any and all of these remarks are war side stroke. ranted to give satisfaction, just as they have been giving satisfaction from time South Carolina Las been blamed for immemorial until the present day. — Ex many things in her day. But the crown change. ing insult comes from the Baltimore Tom Reed's Argument Against Hanging. Life, which makes a South Carolina “Did you ever hear Tom Reed’s argu passenger in a railway train ask a fel ment against capital punishment?” low traveler what a bathtub Is. If this asked an attorney. “It was over in Tops does not fire the South Carolina heart, ham, during Tom’s undergraduate ex then it is not what it used to be, that is perience at Bowdoin. A deacon had ar gued that * Whoso sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed.’ The Mosaio law didn’t hit young Mr. Reed, so he jumped up and drawled: ‘Sup posing, sir, we take the law which the gentleman has quoted and see where the logical deduction would bring us out ■ ■ ■ Blank Forma, For instance, one man kills another, Cure sick headache, bad lu the mouth, coated a I I and another man jumps in and kills the taste tongue, gas In the stomach, III S Mining Locations, man who killed the first, aud so on un dlstrezs and Indigestion. Do ■ ■ M B ww til we come to the last man on earth? wt weaken, but have tonic effect. 25 cent». Always Kept in Stock. The only 1*111« to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Who is going to kill him? He can’t com mit suicide. It is contrary to law, for the same law forbids it. Now, deacon, what’s the last man going to do? Must he wait until he is struck by lightning?’ “The logic was unfair, but it won V 1-^OST MANHOOD the debate.”—Lewiston Journal. ASHLAND MILLS CÔÛ r Y p ÂTËÜT Ï FLOUR, ) VIRGIN & C0.» PROP’S H. S. EVANS, “ND-on- PAINTING ETC. PAPERING, I1NH00D RESTOREDS^ Job Printing Prompt Work and Bottom Prices. LATEST STYLES Hoods Mail Orders a Specialty Legal ^ßlanljs Easily, Quickly and Permanently Restored. CELEBRATED ENGLISH REMEDY A Chamberlain Story. The remarkable youthfulness of Mr. Chamberlain’s appearance has given rise to many stories. Here is one of them: In the days when he was a mem ber of Mr. Gladstone’s administration the distinguished statesman had occa sion to cross the Irish sea on a day when the boat was overcrowded and there were no berths for all. He was attend ed by a private secretary with a beard. The private secretary picked acquaint ance with a Scotchman, and the Scotch man made a suggestion for the distri bution of the party on the principle of age before honors. “You and I, mon,” he said, “will occupy the berths, and the wee laddie can just lie himself down on the floor.” NERVIA. ELY’S CREAM BALM Is a positive cure. Apply into the nostrils. It 1» qnickly absorbed. 50 cents at Druggists or by mail; samples 10c. by mail. ELY BROTHERS, M Warren SL, Now York City. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. W n 11 SS I gy xue wo.-at forma po«* T S^ il I La 8 iStively cxred. ÎS y«*r* __ utfulorai • . Tr-atment corÄJeutial. Cures or at office. Terms _ lot?. Oueetion Blank and >kfree. CaL or writ». bfi. Will ) INSTITUTE,« 120 K. S3, St. Si.Lcuis. Mo. WEEKS BROS. Medford, Oregon, DISEASES OF THE SKIN. The intense itching and smarting inci dent to eczema, tetter, salt-rheum, ana other diseases of tue skin is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very Iwd cases have been permanently, cured by it. It is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite rem edy for sore nipples; chapped hands, chil blains, frost bites, and chronic sore eyes. For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. Try Dr. Cady’s Condition Powders, they are just what a horse needs when in bad condi tion. Tonic, bicod purifier and vermifuge. For Sale by ASHLAND DRUG CO, § S Dealer in $ $ It is »old on a poaitive guarantee to cure any form of nervous pros tration or any disorder of the genital organs of »ex. caused _______ . either Before* by excessive use of fter. Tobacco, Alcohol or Opium, or on account of youthful indiscretion or over indulgence etc.. Dizziness, Convulsions, Wakefulness. Headache. Mental Depression. Softening of the Brain, Weak Memory, Bearing Down Pains, Seminal Weakness, , yste7o -'octurn*l Emissions, Spermatorrhoes, Ixiss of Power and Impotency, which if neglected, may lead to premature old age and insanity? I oaitively guaranteed. Price. $1.00 a box; C bores for $5.00. Sent by mail on receipt of price. A written 1■“rni*h®d »*4» «ver? $5.00 order received, .o refund the money if a permanent cure is not effected. I-I-I-I-I Granite, Marble, Freestone Monuments and Copings. liso agents for IRON FENCES. Satisfaction guaranteed P.O.Address: YREKA, Siskiyou Co.. Cal. NEB VIA MEDICINE CO.. Detroit. Mich. FOR SALE BY T. K. BOLTON. Persian Tears. A physician who has just returned from a visit to Persia says that the Per sians still believe that human tears are a remedy for certain chronic diseases. At every funeral the bottling of mourn ers’ tears is one of the chief features of the ceremonies. Each of the mourners is presented with a sponge with which to mop off his face and eyes, and after the burial they are presented to the priest, who squeezes the tears into bot tles, which bo keeps. This custom is one of the oldest known in the east and has- probably been practiced by the Persians for thousands of years. Mention is made of it in the Old Testament J. B. RUSSELL. ASHLAND White Sulphur Springs BATHING Water of any temperature deslreo Natural Temperature 85 deg'a. Being Sulphuric and Alkaline it eradicates fungi and animalcules, and neutral ising and correcting all acidi ties it promotes a normal and healthful condition in every part of the system. — SWIMMING RINK. — FURNITURE OPPOSITE CLARENDON HOTEL ---- and see our goods.---- will give you a bargain. 150 Choice TO DRUK TBK WATER IS A TOKIO. inclosed and covered, the same medics water, always clean, for the springs run a MAN UF ACTURE^—*sssssg&- heavy volume- more than twelve hun dred gallons per hour. You may dive and swim and have more fun than “anybody”—come out as “fine Of all kinds at shop at Phoenix as silk” and “white as wool”—rejuven ated and happy. Call at POKEGAMA Residence Lots for sale In Pokegama, on reasonable terms. Lots sold on the in stallment plan. lso 2,000 acres of Choic and Yellow Pine Land for sals A on Sugar the Klamath River. Terms made to suit on application. Address, CHAS. COLE, Pokegama, 8iskiyou Co. Cal, Located on the HELMAN LAND, HALF A MILE NORTH OF THE PLAZA. GRANT HELMAN Proprietor RECORD OFFICE.