VALLEY RECORD The supervisors of San Francisco Shorty Mine Sold, Puckett's Thrilling Bear Hunt. La Fayette Lane is Dead. Washington and Oregon have been P. S. Puckett, the celebrated bear slayer Roseburg, Nov 23—Hon. LaFayette Thoe. James, the enterprising mining visited by an unusual rain storm, which have agreed to let the Southern Pacific 1 of Dole’s springs station, in the Cascade Lane, congressman from Oregon from 1874 expert who bought the Hope mining trains run at a greater speed between mountains 25 miles east of Ashland, wai t > 1876.died at his home here today. He property last week making the first pav- lasted for 72 hours without cessation. Third- and Townsend streets and the i in town Tue-day and marketed his bear was a son of Joseph Lane, the first United ment of $2500 down, has also bought tbs Many washouts on the lines of railroads Valencia street station. The trains ASHLAND, Or...Thursday, Nor. 26. 1896. skins with D. L. Minkler <t & Son for ship- States Btates senator iron# from Oregon ana and cannulate candidate have seriously impeded travel. iwilt be .run at fifteen miles pbr hour ment to New York taxidermists to clothe for vice-president on the democratic ticket extension known as the ‘‘Shorty” quartz mine making the first payment of $2,000 The wheat market, having ° taken such between the "bears” of Wall street. J. K eabo in 1860. j MvLV’t'VU UK. UlOb ». » L/ Dtlvv-La kA MV the first two streets call and at tbe Elk creek hunter who ha* marketed (LaFavette Lane was born in Vander- today. This groups these properties ad van^d steps, is attracting many of thirty miiea per hour between the lat- PERSONAL AND SOCIAL. under one ownership and the work of targ county. Indiana. Nov, 12, 1812, was deer by the hundred in Ashland thi season the old time mine speculators from ter point and the county line. J. A. and who was an old hunting fr end of educated in Wa-hington, D. C., and in repairing the 5-etamp quartz mill and - —W rauvtOUUj to LU VUllAUrUlM ne street, San A Francisco, California Fillmore save that the company has Bt trnf ird, Conneticut; adopted law as a Puckett’s in tbe day* gone by, was also in adding (five new stamps will he begun Dr. Barr, Dentist, I. O. O. F. Block. town and they came together Puckett profession, and removed to Oregon. He at once. A Fruoauner concentrator, the street, where the grain speculation is taken every precaution and there will Any sarsaparilla is sarsaparilla. True. So any Lew Ross is teaching school in Lake : spied Leabo first and grabbing him bv tbe wa- a mem >er of the legislature tn 1864,code- best there is, will be added and an ex carried on. be no danger to vehicles or pedestrians. county. ! mustache and whisker* told him the fol comiufesioner in 1874, anil in that year pert mill man from San Francisco has A machine is being constructed at This change will reduce the time of the io tea is tea. So any flour is flour. But grades differ. Gj • lectid to fill the vacancy occasioned C. C. Webb of Gazelle was in the valley lowing story of his recent big hntit. was been engaged to run the mill. There is Hoboken, N. J., in which the builder trip between San Francisco and San (Q You want the best. It’s so with sarsaparilla. There & bv the death of George A. LaDow, serving Leabo, being unable to express bis surprise this week. through his whiskers came near exp>od ng until 1877. He was defeated at the next considerable good ore on the dump. proposes to fly overland to California i Jose by eight minutes. are grades. You want the best. If you understood Gen. E L. Applegate is still confined at Puckett’s revelations and the startling cotigresional election and returned to his The resumption of active operations on in forty-eight hours. Hunters should with illness. features of the exciting incidences stood borne at Rosebnug, Oregon, where he prac these properties is cheertul news to the Owing to the crippled condition of tbe hair on Idaho's head as straight as a ticed law until his death. the Great Northern and the Ecerett (N sarsaparilla as well as you do tea and flour it mining interests of Ashland and south make a note of it and not shoot it. John Bilger of Portland is mining on crop of rve Puckett and his pack of five I Walter Hobart of San Francisco, a Foots creek. ern Oregon as good results are anticipated and Monte Cristo railroads ns a result Sr would be easy to determine. But you don’t. How Outlawry in Douglaa County. blooded bear dogs including bis famed dog wealthy joung man with a taste for under Mr. James ’ experienced and capa of the recent heavy storms in the •"Hunter" started on their hunt. Puck Wm. 8ydow of Central Point has been Bob Hinman, who broke out of tbe fine horses, has added to his stables Northwest, there is liable to be a seri m S should you ? granted a pension. ett’« horse shied at a big grtzz ey jumped county jail at Roseburg three weeks ago, ble management. When you are going to buy a commodity up in the brush The pack of dogs mount is still nt targe. Wm Huggins was afler several high priced prize winners at I ous famine in towns in the Cascades Zfo Mining Items. W. I Vawter was up from Medford yes ed the grizzlev, circus rider style, and tbe tbe reward of $50 offered for the re-capture the New York horse show. whose value you don’t know, you pick out an old terday on a business trip. flooded districts. The Wimer Bros, have just finished race began. The grizzlev tore through the of Hinman and was bounding him near The most important legal decision for G. E. Dean of Grants Pass went to Yreka forest with a roar and crack of doom equal Riddle’s. Hinman sent word to Huggins cleaning out and repairing their upper C q established house to trade with, and trust their Mrs. Addie Dilts of Redlands, Cal., to the St. Louis cyclone, and the whole to desist or lie would do him bodily harm. ditch, which is 12 miles long. Joe Skeeters California and other irrigation districts yesterday to visit relatives. an aged widow, was seriously if not has leased the Scott's gulch mine and will experience and reputation. Do so when buying animal world took to their holes for protec Huggins an i Ed Riley went to the district in many years has just been handed J. M. Rader and J. Nichols. Buite creek tion. west of Riddle where Hinman is being run it this season. A new datu has been down in the United States Supreme fatally burned by a gasoline stove ac sarsaparilla. stockmen, were here lad week. PucKett followed the -tinning war for harbored by the residents. They had not put in at the head of the Illinois river to cident. back up the water for the placer banks Court. It declares the Wright irriga ' about five miles when he caught up with gone far when bang went a gun clo-e bv, C. R. Moore of Gold Hill was registered Ayer’s Sarsaparilla has been on the market A new town, Butte City, is to be laid | tbe combatants. He found the bear stand and a ball went whistling n«ar Huggins tributary.—Grants Pass Courier. tion law valid. at the Ashland Hou-e Monday. fifty years. Your grandfather used Ayer’s. It is a A? inc up wi'h five dogs on bruin’s back and bead. Bang, went the gun the second out near Randsburg, Cal. M W Bates of Duluth, Minn..represent The self-confessed murderer Roe, on » For trunks and traveling telescopes call one each hanging to his jaw. one of whom 1 time and down went Huggins with a shot ing a big company who wish to buy the reputable medicine. There are many sarsaparillas. A study of minerals has begun in on J. P. Dodge at Opera House. Puckett didn’t want to spoil through the fleshy part of tbe hip. No I Riddle nickel mine, is there experting the trial at Napa, Cal., for killing Mrs. i was Hunter Greenwood, told of having killed a Riverside county’s schools. But only one Ayer’s. IT CURES. Dr. A. C. Caldwell was up from Jack tbe grizzlev’.* hide, for he was a monster ■ bones were broken or touched, ani only I property. weighing 2000 lbs. So with tbe aim and 1 a flesh wound produced. Riley got assist sonville this week assisting Dr. Barr, jewelry peddler near Mojave. Search* ' A tarantula was recently killed at Two gold bricks were brought to Baker precision of Wm Tell he landed a rifle ball ance and the wounded m in was brought to 8. Rosenthal, the pioneer merchant, was in the bear’s neck or throat and just mta-ed Riddle. Warrants will be out for the ar Citv from the Bonanza mine Tuesday, ers have found the skeleton of a man National City measuring seven inches weighing 900 ounces, being the result of where Roe says he hid the body, which from tip to tip. at Montague this week on business. hi* favorite dog. Bru n was knocked down , rest of the parties harboring the outlaw. 22davs’run. The value of the bricks is seems to confirm that part of his con- I 8. J. Stormer ha- returned from southern by the shock, the bear faffing on Hunter. A good many beef cattle are being $14,400. Beef Cattle Being Used Up. Puckett’s heart wm nearlv broken as he California and is visiting his children. fessica. shipped from Wilcox, A. T., to the Cali thought Hunter was dead. In tbe fall the If reports are true it seems that beef cat Yreka News ] Mrs. Thos. Roberts leaves tbis w-ek to dog* hit.d parts were turned around so as tle ought to command a good price in the The president has appointed James fornia market. The Edwards Company on Horse creek visit her folks at Bandon on the coast. to get Hunter’s tail-end in his mouth. Hun spring from the fact that there promises have closed down tor the winter and the L. Cowan of Portland, Or., agent for’ FLORAL CREAM “smooths the chaps” and makes the Sixty-four thousand tons of sugar ter still holding to his bolt in the grizzley’s to be a scarcity. We append clippings from men are leaving the country, going to Ore skin like veliet. W. C. Jenkins, tbe new attorney of Med jaw. the Indians of the Warm Springs agen Puckett saw ttie position of Hunter papers east of the Cascade range • beets were grown in two counties in gon. ford, has been appointed a notary public. just before ready to fire the second shot in , Reno Gazette—Eastern buyers are scat cy, Oregon, vice Peter Gallagher, de Southern California this year. Two new ledges, one three feet and the ceased. Ad. Helms returned to Red Bluff yester tbe bear’s neck Hunter’s body in the bear's I tered throughout the State and wherever day, where be is employed at Tusca springs. mouth but still holding bis grip fast to a hunch ot beef cattle is to be had. big or other seven feet in width, have been struck The fruit drying building in Anaheim Pearl White TOOTH POWDER—Nothing like it. J. W. Walthal of San Jose, a candi was broken into recently and sixty ’s jaw. He dare not now shoot the littie. some one is there to buv it. There in the lower tunneis of the famous Black Mrs. W. G. Parker of Parker’s station is bruin in the neck. The story goes that will be an eastern buyer at Reno in a few R •a*- mine. It is reported that the new date at the late election for supervisor, sacks of dried fruit stoien. visiting her daughter, M's. Ray Saicbwell. bear Puckett now pattid the dog on the head day* to pick up what h*- can in thi* section ledges carry ore of as good a grade as that has disappeared* RAPID HAIR GROWER is guaranteed for dandruff The Chino Beet Growers’ Union A Rummel and two of his sons have and *aid ‘ For God sake. Hunter, hold your and in Las*en Modoc and Sierra counties now being worked. and falling hair. In a fight among convicts at Folsom closed the season’s business with a sur completed a new re'ide nee on Antelope hold. If you h>-e vour holt you lose your Reno Journal—W. E Hill, (J 8. live When the water starts this season Wm. head.” Puckett then jerked out hi* long stock quarantine agent, who has been at Clark of Humbug will begin ground sluic prison Convict Fred Townsend of Sac plus of $563 76 in its treasury. All kinds of razor grinding and repairing hunting dagger and socking it into the «eno since September 1st admitting cattle ing in order io strike the Uncle Bam mine ramento was nearly disemboweled} at the Gem barber shop, opposite town monster grizzley’s heart three times, saying ' by inspection and permit from northeastern The first machine shop of the San lower down the creek. The supposition is hill WHITE PINE and TAR SYRUP cures colds. to the prostrate grizzle?. "Now vou . California for inte state trade, informs us that he will uncover the tich quartz vein with a razor in the bands of a convict! Joaquin Valley Railroad is being Max Pracht returned Tuesday from the lay stiil. yon son-of-a gun." The blood that tbequarantiue ag iinstCalifornia cattie discovered in early days by John Sliep I named Brannan. It is said Townsend’s erected in the yards at Stock.on. big republican ratification spree at Port squiried out higher than Puck-tt’s bead. I will be iais d November 15, 1896, and so re while placer mining, li is supposed to I e life had been threatened because he Puckett now commenced looking for Hun main until February 15. 1897, when it will At Phcenix, A. T., last week a crip land. over with about sixteen feet of confessed to burglary and implicated SHERWIN’S HEADACHE TABLETS have been sold ter and expected to find him ready tor the go into effect again. Ar which time if capped gravel. pled bootblack clubbed an enemy with in two years. Ask anybody if there’s anything wrong Ashland Hose Co. No. 1 will give a grand undertaker. Opening tbe bear’s mouth he there is no change in the quarantine line, his pals, one of whom got thirty years. with ’em! his wooden leg. Masquerade ball in Ashland Christmas saw the tioe covered with a matt of blood he expects to return to Reno again. Mr. Hickey Brothers are getting ready to Antone, a native of Portugal, was night. from tbe bullet wound in tbe grizzley’s Hill returns November J5:h to his official clean up bedrock, and will take out the usual amount. One and one-half acres of killed by the explosion of a bomb in i Rumor has it that the Chinese em I Puckett washed Hunter off’ and headquarters at Los Angeles. L G Goodell and son Oscar have rented throat. kissed him anil praised the Lord for Hun Frank J . Button of Humboldt, is in bedrock on one of their claims has yielded his hands while in the act of loading a ployes of the Southern Pacific at Tuc RECOMMENDS THEM. tbe Fryer farm at Eagle Point for another ter came out of the tearful fight without a town He says that nearly all the cattle in in the past few years the sura of $20.000. whale gun at Pigeon point, Cal., a few 1 son are to be replaced with white men. season. scar. About three acres on another claim worked eastern Nevada have been purchased bv The Guernsey planing mill at San Mrs. A. J. Gavitt and daughter moved to Thi* reporter did not have tbe pleasure eastern buyers. Thev pay $25 for tne tail tor a number of years yielded $50.000, and days ago. Medfnrd Tuesday, where Mr. Gavitt is em of bearing the thrilling story told by Puck ends of bands and $17 for cows and bulls. they have plenty of g<>od ground left. Warrants have been issued for the' Bernardino was burned recently. The ployed, ett in person, but the above version is be There are not over 450 hea l feeding at The Diestelhorst & Barton Klamath arrest of three women, late officers in loss is over $5000, with insurance of Lovelock and 2500 in Paradise, where usu river dredger has been moved down the the girls’ ward at Whittier reform $1300. Mrs. T P Sheridan, a highly respected ing told about town. ally about 7000 fed in winter. river to a point three-fourths of» a mile school, on the charge of brutality to Sioneer lady, died Saturday at her home in The 8. F. Examiner ha* been telling Mrs. Annie Shaw, a colored woman D. M Bryan, C. Smith, Lee Thoma« and the Bar. near the old Maplesden loseburg. Mine sensational tales about a manle*s Blly Nickerson, of Lake county, passed above the inmates of the prison. of Hanford, Cal., stepped on a nail and wingdam. which was worked twenty-eight Mrs. Paul Edwards of Siskiyou teturned island in the South Pacific ocean where through town this week on their return years ago by the Maplesden Co , and The alleged pencil will of the late lockjaw resulted. She died the next home Tuesday from a visit with her sister tflerc are a lot of women (who own the from Amedee where they had been with yielded some $30,000. It is claimed that who e country) ju*t pitting away for the 4<8M) bead of mutton sheep belonging to they left som6 ricn gr >und and there is James G. Fair, which has cut such an morning. at Grants Pass. Included in our stock of Teas, comprising all of the best grades society of men who are wanted for hus Ranchers at El Cajon, in San Diego The Ruraiuell-Wytand- Worlow and bands. A lot of male San Franciscan* are Cha*. Ennis. Mr. Bryan informs us that little doubt lliat the dredger will realize important figure in the settlement of of Oolongs, English Breakfasts, Young Hysons, Gun Powders, Clemens party of Antelope killed ten deer . preparing to go there upon the represen tbe sheep sold at $1 75 and $2. There are handsomely, as the pay was principally in the estate, was withdrawn at the last1 county, Cal., are raising tobacco in now about 10.000 head at Amedee at the Japan ’s, etc., we have a package Tea called, “Pride of Japan,’’ the gravel. _________________ on a recent hunt. moment when the trial was to proceed. sufficient quantity to ship to Eastern tations of the Examiner’s writeup and its present time. They are being held for an (which we have put up for us and shipped direct from Japan) John H. Wright and family of Horn artist’s ideas of the charms of the lonely advance tn price.—Alturas Ptaindealer. Estate of James Herd. Petition for pro The Alameda county supervisors are markets. brook moved inioF. T. Fradenburg's house women of St lohn Island, 'mong those vision for support of minor heirs granted. considering the question of contribut in 1 lb. and X lb. packages, with our name on every package, Mathew Peterson of San Francisco listed as going is C, W. Updvke, a young near the depot this week. Magic Ijaritern Exhibition. E-tateof E. W. Carver. Petition for and which we guarautee to be the best ABSOLUTELY UN quite well known among the mines in ing county funds to support a poultry was fatally shot by H. Klein while the An instructive and interesting magic leave to lease real property granted. Adam Wimer, a pioneer ot Coos county, man this section, where he worked for some lantern COLORED JAPAN TEA that can be bought in the market. Estate of P. P. Black. 'Semi-annual " ac- and egg exhibit under the auspices of two men were in a blind waiting for a exhibition will be given by Rev. died at Fishtrap on the 15th iust, of la time. Updyke is a good looker and if tbe count approved and citation to heirs the Pacific Poultry Association. Isaac Dawson in Trinity Church Saturday grippe, well along in years. We have always sold this Tea at 50c per lb., but owing to a flight of ducks. They were on a hunt St. John Island girls have an v taste at all evening, the 28ih. About 125 pictures will ing expedition in Alameda county, Cal. large consignment being shipped us by mistake, we will sell for John R. Stearns, who has been running Updyke should be entitled to draw a pretty | be shown. These will consist of views of. Estate of A G. Colvin. Order made con- John M. Baer, the general secretary the engine at the Hatnmersley mine, has good article—even unto the queen herself. the principal cathedrals of the world, tbe firming sale of personal property. the next 60 days at 40 c for the 1 lb. packages and 20c for the of the Society of Christian Endeavor, Sacramento people have been some returned home to Ashland. Estate of Nettie Dunn. Inventory of is on a visit to the Pacific coast. F. 8. Gwinn, formerly of the Klamath snowy Alps with their mountain climbers, Ts lb. packages. Every package guaranteed. If you don’t like what worked up by the appearance of Rev. J. A. Crutchfield was up from Med county stock-rai'ing ’firm of Grohs & etc., etc. During the exhibition suitable appraisement filed and approved. a strong electric light passing over the it, bring it back, and get your money back. piece* will be sung by Miss Carrie Roper Gwinn, arrested at Montague recently for George King died at Stockton, Cal., ford the first of the week and male the city at a considerable elevation. It is selling a ban t of stolen beef cattle at and others Admission, adults 15, child Rxcoao office a pleasant call. from the effects of a small spider bite. Gen. Eii H. Murray, ex-governor o Marysville in connection with one Ed. ren 10 cents._________________ said to be a successful trial of an air T. V. Hall has gone to Central Point to Robinson, has been taken to Modoc county Utah and said to have been the young A contract has been let for construct ship. Arrested at Grants Pass. see his mother, who is out from Ohio ou a i for »rial The owners ot the stolen cattle est brigadier general in the Federal ing a conduit 30,000 feet to construct a visit —Lakeview Examiner. Granta Paas, Nov. 23.—Fred Congdon army during the war, died a few days 1 have been finally located. F. P Grohs, George W. G. Ferris, inventor of the 8. D Swscker and R F. Deter of Monta- : Gwinn’s former partner, lost fourteen head, and C. B. Greenlee were captured in this ago at his former home in Bowling power plant at Azusa, Cal., to generate famous Ferris wheel at the World’s electricity for use in Los Angeles. gue and W. Parker have been in the valley Siias Kilgore three. E l. Kilgore two ami city about 4 o’clock this afternoon bv Fair, died in a hospital at Pittsburg of 'ir. Tu4 two. These are Klamath coun^ Agent Punion, of the Southern Pacific Green, Ky. General Murray has made this week on stock business. John Dodge and his wife have con typhoid fever. stockmen. Arthur Jackson and Pres. Dor Company, and City Marshal Johnson his home at San Diego, Cal., for the Don't dally with rheumatism. Purify ris. ju*t over the state line, lost two and fessed to tbe officers at Ukiah, Cal., to The town of Hamilton, Wash., is a your blood and cure it at once by taking a one respectively. Gwinn was a very promi and were safely landed iri the county jail. past seven years. having murdered John Mudgett at course of Hood’s Sarsaparilla. total wreck from the overflow of the nent man in his business and his down-fall Congdon and Greenlee are the two men The Santa Clara Poultry Association Usal ou October 30th. Skagit river. A large brick store fell Senator-elect Harmon, of Coos. Curry to tbe level of a common cattle thief caused wanted to answer the charge of stealing held a successful »how at San Jose dur A recent murder of a Greek fisher In and tbe stock of general merchandise and Josephine counties, makes public his a sensation among the people ot southern from a number of Southern Pacific nar- ing the past week. man at Astoria, Or., is attributed to Is buried under the debris. Oregon and northern California who knew row-guage cars their brasses or journal approval of a registration law. him. bearings. Miss Lulu E. Mess, late a student at enmity engendered during the late Judge Neil who, had been in town on Uader New Management Walter Foster beat Wells iu three Detectives Welsh and Simmons, of the normal school at San Jose, Cal., strike among the Columbia river fish legal business before Judge Hammond's A. C. Aulden of Lakeview, member of closely contested wheel races at San tbe state board of equalization for this dis- Portland, had been on the track of the who was expelled by the faculty, has ermen. court, returned home Saturday. tnct, was in town this week and left yester culprits for several davs, having obtain Francisco, thus winning the champion RANSE ROUSE. Proprietor. Don Williams of Suda Springs and W. | : day The four-masted schooner Puritan of ship of the Pacific coast. the annual meeting at Salem lie ed excellent descriptions of tbe men, who brought suit for $10,000 damages Rawnngs of Central Point went to Portland said ’ for against the faculty of the school. She be had no idea what the board would San Francisco was lost during tho re Sunday as jurors in tbe (J. 8. district court. do in regard to railroad assessment for were heard from several times along the Butte, Mont, miners sent a contribu alleges defamation of character in the cent 6torm on Bonilla point on the west * The Pioneer Hotel of Ashland, Centrally Mail clerks and express messengers be Jackson county, that in facttbeboard kDew east side coming south. Detective Welsh charges on w hich she was expelled. tion to Leadville strikers and stated no coast of Vancouver island. The cap Located, »8 Now Under the Management of tween Ashland and Portland lay over in so little about the subject that the railroad was hot after them and learned that they + Ashland one night each trip for the winter. officials had pretty much their own way. were in Roseburg Ia9t Thursday. They James Diffin of Grant county, Or., tain and crew reached Victoria after an sympathetic strike was contemplated. an Experienced and First-Class Hotel Man. The steam collier San Benito was I J E. Pelton was at Glendale ye-uerday Butte creekers ars composed of rugged arrived in this place Fridav night and was saved from death by his dog. He exciting and perilous trip in the life wrecked near Point Arena on Nov. looking up his account with the Victory stuff’ and when they go afier a thing, mean left soon after, presumably for the mines. had dug into an embankment prospect boats. PT ACCOMMODATIONS mine, which is iu tbe bauds of a receiver. | b'i'iness Recently, in a game of foot bail. Welsh got track ot persons answering the 22d and is a total loss. Twelve of the v ing for gold when the earth caved, pin Preparations are being made in San WITH SECOND CLASS PRICES. Hon. G. M. S'roud, Sr., lecturer for the Will Brown hud his leg broken oeiow the description at Anderson and started out ning him under a heavy load. His dog Jose for the meeting of the state teach crew are known to have been drowned ❖ knee, while the young son of John W there in company with Sheriff Hiatt, but Masonic lodge of Oregon, was in Jackson and thirteen were rescued by the life- ERO^V ALL TRAINS county this week making the lodges official Smith took a turn at tbe popular boys' found he was on the wrong track. Dur set to work scratching the earth away ers’ association, to be held in that city savers. ❖ game of whip-cracker ” in which he had and succeeded in releasing his master. from December 28tli to 30th. The ing hie absence Congdon and Greenlee calls. + his collar bone broken. + The steamship Mariposa has sailed meetings will be addressed by all the Thos. C. Pockman of Sisson, who is mak i It is said that a large number of women returned to this place and were found at The overland stage from Cahto to Headquarters for Commercial Men and Travelers It from Sydney, N. S. W., for San Fran ing a protracted stay at the A*htand House are now employed by bu-iness bouses in the Palace hotel and captured, together Eureka, Cal., came to grief a few prominent educators on the coast. spending his vacation, visited Medtord this the ea-t as commercial trave ers Chicago with a considerable prospecting outfit. nights ago in the Eel river. The driver is expected that 1500 teachers will be cisco with 400,000 sovereigns ou board. Greenlee is well acquainted here. Lav week. seems to be the first < ity to adopt ibis new Archibald Wilson, one of the earliest did not know that the stream had risen in attendance. Dr. Gregory, a Yreka physician, has re class of drummer*.—Yreka Journal. Golly, ing been a prominent member a year President David Starr Jordan of the pioneers on the Comstock, died sud ceived a cathode X-ray machiuea id is now what will >be Yreka and Jacks tiiviile gir s ago of “G id’s Regular Arntv,” an organi with the heavy rains and drove into a The driver was Stanford University, a member of the denly in Virginia, Nev., on November taking a look at cue insides of people and d<> for something iresh io tlir, with when zation similar to the Salvation Armv, 20-foot torrent. tbe horrid male drummers are run off the which he deserted at Roseburg, Congdon drowned, the stage and team ruined commission appointed to make scien 12tli. He was a Mexican war veteran things. road in this section! is an ex-brakeman, having worked on and several sacks of mail washed away. tific investigation of the fur seal fish and went to the Comstock over thirty Miss Margaret Chavner of Gold Hill re Hon. J W. Merritt returned from San the old narrow-guage railroad some I turned home Friday after a visit of several A party of Bannock Indians from the eries, has arrived in Washington and years ago. days with Miss Nellie Stanley and Ashlaud Francisco Friday, where he accompanied vears ago. They were taken to Portland. Fort Hall reservation are slaughtering will make his report to Assistant Secre A. A. Whiieman to the hospital. At that friends. Real Estate Tranaf-rs. time the physicians bad not decided elk, antelope and deer in the vicinity tary Hamlin. Rev E. A. Ross, the San Jose evangelist, whether to remove Mr Whiteman’s tumor Callie and C W Palm to Perry Ellis — lot of Hoback canyon, Wyo., for some There are prospects of war between i will begin union revival meeting* in the M. by an operation or by absorption. 14 blk 22, Medford: $250. E. church next Saturday evening. Every weeks without molestation on the part the physicians and secret societies of C E Smith to C W Kahler — 160 acres in Mr. Eddington, an old and highly re body iuvited. of the authorities. San Jose, Cal., owing to the refusal of spected cuizen of Central Point, died there tp 40 s. r 2 e; $1600 .1 S Ha^ey to Albert Green—lota 8, 9. and P. 8. Puckett, the well-known hunter, Saturday afternoon and was bune I Sun the former to act as special physicians was in town tins week marketing hia crop I day in the Central Point cemetery. Rev. W. 10 blk 1 Cottage Home add to Medford; Millionaire and Pauper. for the societies at a rate below that of bear ana other wild animal hides with B Stevens conducting the religious rites. »600 agreed upon by the medical society. A comparison of some census figures W J King to Jacob Thompson —40 acres Minkler A Sun. He leaves a family. in tp 38 s. r 1 w; $250. shows startling effects in the distribu Medford is to have some fun this winter William Roe, alias William Moore, Callon M. H. Howell when yon want WmUlricktoTE Pottenger—lots 10, 11 skating. Gabe Piyruale and Wm. Crane your understanding built up for this weath and 12. blk 33. lot 3, blk 28. Medford; $15. tion of wealth to population in this convicted at Napa of the murder of haye opened a rink there to be operated er or need a new foundation for your pedal A 8 B »rues, sheriff, to E G Bradbury— country. Rhode Island as an agricul Mrs. John Greenwood in 1891, has been with roller skates. extremities. Howell lia* returned to Ash tax deed to lot 3, blk 18, Beatty add to tural section is perhaps the poorest part condemned to death by hanging. John Perkin.«, who has been working a land and opened ut> next door to his old Medford; 7.13, Jones & Otten to D N Birdsey—land in tp of the Union. Yet the gain in wealth placer mine on Little Applegate all sum stand, opposite I. O. O. F. block. Mail thieves made a raid on Pasa 38 s. r 4 w ; $575. mer, left Mondav for Suu Jose, where he made by Rhode Island between 1880 dena, Cal., a few nights ago. In the Boh and Eva McGinley, actors as familiar 1 L Hamilton and C W Palm to School will put in the winter. as old chestnuts to all ¡be count-y towns No. 29— 1 acre in tp 37 s, r 1 w; $41. and 1890 was $41,000,000 greater than east and west sides of the city the A. 8. Payne and Frank Coppie returned in this wetion, have kindly given us a rest District L C Hill J E Smith—lot 48, Highland that of Mississippi, South Carolina, In United States mail boxes were not only to Jacksonville Saturday from Pokegama for the past few years, during which time Park add to to Ashland; $50. pried open and rifled of their contents, to be engaged in placer mining on Apple thev Lave been doing tbe east. They are J E smith to J P Dodge—land in Ash diana and Illinois all put together. gate during the winter. wintering in Chicago. The same condition holds good of but in many cases completely demol land; $'2000 Fourteen boxes were thus Dandruff forms when the glands of tbe E D Briggs to A E Kinnej’—part of lot 4, every part of New England, which is ished. Lakeview Examiner: The report that ■kin are weakened, and if neglected, bald was -taried after Col. Cogswell had gone— blk 39, Ashland; $650. robbed and their contents destroyed. ness is sure to follow. Hall’s Hair Renew- that he had been given two hours in which A S Barne*, sheriff, to Mary Miller—laud the poorest section of the oountry agri An attempt was made a few morn er is the best preventative. in tp 37 s, r 3 w; $7006. to leave the country—w.»* a lie that is liable culturally. Massachusetts alono gained Staie of Oregon to J H Stewart—32.20 in wealth $11,000,000 more than ten of ing* ago to wreck the California over Mrs. John Cooley, a pioneer ladv of Sis to get some one into trouble, and the origi kiyou county, cum« oyer yesterday to spend nator of it would better remain in biding. acres in tp 34 s, r 1 w; $40 25. land train at Hillsboro, Or. The key Same to same—45.82 acres in tp 34 s, r 1 the southern and western states gained Thanksgiving with her daughter, Mis. Nitas’ orchestra plays for a Thanksgiving *: $57 37. bolt of the switch was broken and the Harry Mathes, at Phoenix. unitedly, although these Btates have switch set so that the west bound train ID YOU EVER suffer from real ner ball at Ager to-night. A big turkey shoot G W Stoops to H H F H and E V Car- vousness? When every nerve seemed Chas. Weiss of Palms, southern Cali iiig match was held at Ager lo-<iay attended ter—q c d to 101 acres in tp 38 s, r 1 w; $3'0 nine times the population of Massachu would sidetrack and the east bound to quiver with a peculiar, creepy fornia, was visiting hi* brother, Abe Wei*s, by crowds from the neighboring towns and Prudence and E F Wtlker to John Prali setts. New York gained in wealth $7,- would pitch over a high embankment. tbis week, being eti route to visit other 250 turkeys were shot at. feeling, first in one place, and then another —84.23 acr»-* in subdivision of Enoch Wal 000,000 more than the combined in The west bound train was the first to and all seemed finally to concentrate in a relatives in the Willamette, F W. Gibbs and J. W. Curry, the sew ker place: $1500. crease of 16 of the moat productive agri approach, but the engineer, being ac writhing jumble in the brain, and you be 8M MilierandE M Miller to Ashlan- ing machine rustlers, were at the Ashland Fred T. Fradenburg has gone to Ft. Co—land in Ashland; $125. cultural states of the Union. All the quainted with the station and side come irritable, fretful and peevish: to be Worth. Texas, and st. Louis on a business House Monday evening, telling of their Creamery E W Carver to J W Caryer—939 89 acres trib. Mrs. Fradenburg came up from conquests and final subjugation of some of northern Atlantic states made a like tracks, knew that something was wrong followed by an impotent, weakened condi in tp 37 s, r 1 e; $900. muddy county roads. our Central Point yesterday to visit. W J White to Jas Churchward—5 acres tremendous gain as compared with the when the locomotive went on the sid tion of tho nerve centers, ringing in the ing, and reversing his lever, the train ears, and sleepless, miserable nights ? in tp 39 s r 1 e; $750. Grant Rawling9, ex-county recorder, was Mrs. Eugene Searles, HORN. Jas Helms, admr estate of T H Whelpley rest of the Union. , here this week delivering to sub-cribers hi« stopped before tbe open switch was 110 Simonton St., Elk to Belle Pellett—320 acres in tp 33 s, r 1 e; County map of Jackson county. Which is a The other side of the picture is that readied. If the other train had come Dr. Miles’ splendid piece of iufurtuaiiun. hart, Ind., says: "Ner STEPHENSON—In Ashland. Nov 25 $1500 Nervine F and Martha Wertz to David Brower— in the very states which grow in wealth along first a frightful accident would vous troubles had made 1896, to .Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stephenson. Wiu. Tavlor, tbe pioneer and well-to-do so rapidly pauperism increases just as lot 4. blk 28. Ashland; $1.500. have resulted, as it would have gone Restores me nearly insane and » son farmer of Ashland precinct, is spending ibe W M -cut to Lizz’e Whitebead—U in rapidly. The state of New York is so over the embankment. physicians were unable week in town Hying at the Ashland Hou-e terest in <¡0 acres in tp .37 s. r 2 w : $9(0. Health...... to help me. My memory and undergo ng medica. treairuuat fur Kid wealthy that year before last its riches MABItlKO The fish season for silver-side salmon M W Skeel to R H Whitebead- 1 a re in ney and biadder complaiut. tp 37 s. r 1 w; $550. increased more than $100,000,000. Yet has closed. The run of fish this fall was almost gone and every little thing J. H Wise and Geo. M Parkinson are M ORRIS KINCAID—At the home of J G Crump to F L Howey—land in tp 37 this same New York contains nearly was the lightest known for several worried me until I was almost distracted. the bride’* p trents, Mr. and Mrs Kin s,rlw:$1.00. I really feared I was becoming a maniac. 1 running a wood-sawing machine in Yresa caid. in Ashland pr.cinct, Nov. 22. 1898. one-seventh of all the paupers in the years. The total pack of the canneries Imagined all sqrts of evil things and would and on Monday Wise bad hi* band badly MINING LOCATIONS. by Rev. J. A. Crutchfield, of ttie M, E. lacerated by falling and letting his hand hardly exceeds 20,000 cases. cry over nothing. I commenced taking Dr. Ed Sutton on April 26th located a quartz country. In the three states of New church, south. Mr. Thos. A. Morris and come in contact with tbe saw. Miles' Restorative Nervine and four bottles claim in Forrest creek district. York, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts, Miss Etta R. Kincaid. Good advice: Never leave home on a of this wonderful remedy completely cured Dr. Sam McClendon of Central Point J O Booth on Oct. 20th located a quarts The bride is a native daughter and a where the largest fortunes of the coun journev without a bottle of Chamber- me, and I am as well now as I ever was." made a Hying trip to Ashlaud on the train beautiful and accomplished young lady claim in Applegate district. yesierday, sailing home through tbe mud and the groom is a popular and worthy A L Booth on Oct. 21st located a quartz try are concentrated, the pauper rate is laiu’a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem Dr- Miles' Nervine is sold on guarantee, in the afternoon with the Fradenburg rig, voung man of sturdy character and intei- claim in Applegate district. twico as high as in the agricultural edy. For sale by Ashland Drug Co. first bottle will benefit or money refunded. John Ritter on Nov. 17th located a plac which be purchased. igence. Re-idents of tbis section many states. Splendid wealth and abject pov er claim in Foots creek district. The usual services will be held at the vears. both bride and groom claim a wide Emma Cline on November 16th located a erty walk hand in hand and with equal circle of friends, with whom the R ecord Presbyterian church next Sabbath morn quariz claim in Wagner creek district. New stock, mixed pickles and sweet pota ing. Tbe sermon subject will be: "Filial unite* in wishing the happy twain a long Wm Mack on November I6th located a step. One grows as the other grows. toes in bulk, raisins, nuts, candies, lemons, and Parental Responsibilities.” In the and happy wedded life. placer claim in Palmer creek district. Awarded —“ •— —' ■ — - — •' f t W • >11 ■ • 111 fck ’ sj Tl cran berries, etc. at D. L. Minkler A Sons. evening, after young people’s meeting, all I S Rowley on November 12th located a The drafted recruits that go from Highest Honors—World’s Fair, will go'over to hear Rev. Mr. Ross. quartz claim in Spiner’s gulch district. DIED. Spain this year to Cuba to help crush Mr. and Mrs. Geo. M. Love were up from Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. James Andrews, living on Point Lobos Jacksonville Tuesday, having accompanied BARR—In Eden precinct. Nov 20, 189 >, the rebellion are all boys under 20. All road. San Francisco, says; James Town-end and bride, who are en James tlexander Barr, aged 78 years. T he Enwm W. J oy C o .—G entlemen : I over that age went before. There is route from Montana to California on a Mr. Barr was afflicted with kidney dis wish to thank you . gentlemen, for the great nothing since the drafting of boy9 by honeymoon. The bride was fuituerly Miss ease and an operation had to be performed good which your Joy’s Vegitable Sarsapar Nora Houser, a beautiful young tady who Drs. Jones and ('ole to relieve him, but illa ha* done for my weak eyes. 1 thought Napoleon in France to equal this ruth made many friends during her residence in by was of no avail. The funeral took place at 1 would soon go blind I was ■ actually less conscription in Spain, Jacksonville. V Phoenix Sunday. He leaves a son and loosing my sight My eyes were so weak ♦ other relatives to mourn his loss. I had to stop reading day and night. Jes MILLINER Time passes. Whero will Spain get sie read all the papers for me The Best Rigs Afler using four bottles of Joy’s Vegita the fl0,600,000 she has ordered spent ♦ Belter Thao $1OO Reward. ble Sarsaparilla I put away the green glass The Safest Drivers On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps, es and can now see as well as I ever could. for new warships? ASHLAND - HOUSE - BLOCK. generous sample will be mailed of the My blood is tn good condition. I am not The Swiftest Animals "Actions speak louder a most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure weak at all. Yes, I do praise vour Joy’s “ All nature is on the side of the man I ’s Cream Balm) sufficient to demon Vegitable Sarsaparilla. No one should than words”—ask your gro (Eiy take any other sarsaparilla but Joy’s Veg who tries to rise.’’ says Drummond. strate its great merit. Full size 50c. Latest Styles ,.. Give us a call. itable Sarsaparilla. ELY BROTHERS, cer if we really mean money- For first-class dental work see Dr. A. i 56 Warren St., New York City. JAMES ANDREWS. Hinman, Masonic block. in — I suffered from catarrh of the worst kind ♦ back if you don’t like Schil ever i since a boy. and I never hoped for ♦ -^^wzza^Horses Boarded at Reasonable Rates CASTOTIIA.. + cute, but Elv’s Cream Balm seems to do n* fa The Best Cough Cure. Fashionable Millinery ling's Best tea. I even that. Many acquaintances have used llali« il «B is Shiloh's Cure. A neglected cough is IMost Perfect Made. •wry it with excellent results —Oscar Ostruni, 45 ■ilutan dangerous. Stop it at once with Shiloh's Warren Aye., Chicago, Ill, Front Street. 40 Years the Standard* sure, For sals by T. K. Bolton, I Sarsaparilla Sense. | Siierwin’s Sherwin*» SlxeirxMT'lxi.’s» Stier AxridnL’ss ^0,000 Sh. er win groceries) D. L. Minkler & Son. The Ashland Hotel ♦ I r 1H0 L ULzHOD FREE BUS Almost Q Distracted • Autumn Winter Clothing Qoods, O Boots and Shoes Mens Boys Ladies Misses r The Finest Line at Prices that Cannot be Defeated The New LIVERY STABLE DIV VW© F CREAM BAKING POWDER Mrs. E. Fo$ I. A. MOUNCE, Proprietor. & BEDFORD. OREGON