“Intensely Friendly. There are these fond of calling ours I The presence in Denver of prominent ' e British steamer Memphis, from Italy lias effected a treaty of peace I degenerate times aud of saying that W'e have the word cf divers British ! officials of the Rock Island rai road has cal for Avonmouth, struck on the with Aby sinia and Emperor Menelek heroism and self sacrifice are dead, slain orators and statesmen that England de­ given rise to a report that they contem­ releases ali prisoners held by him. s in Dunlough bay during a dense plate the acquisitf >11 of the Colorado r ..nd is a total wreck. Twelve oi Final adjustment of boundary disputes by greed and cowardly selfishness. But sires nothing more than she longs for a The People’s Paper. Midland and the Rio Grande Western i1. crew were lost. are to be referred to a commission for there are heroes still. There is as much perm aneu t ar bi *. rat ion comm i ssion joint­ railroads. of the spirit that would lay down life ly with the United States to settle peace­ Four prisoners escaped from jail at settlement. The Niagara Falls Power Company for another as there ever was. It conies ably and in the spirit of the brotherhood The roads of the Transmissouri Asso ­ Pomeroy, O. , and bloodhounds are on ASHLAND. Or. ..Thursday. Nov. 26, 1896. ciation will abolish winter tourist rates the. trail. I has completed its arrangements for to the surface when there is great occa­ of nations all differences arising be­ i to all points in their territory east oi Mrs. Mary B. Stevens, chaplain of transmitting power to Buffalo, and at sion, as there was in that explosion in a tween the two countries. Professor Bryce The women did not g.-i entirely left i • the tracks of the Illinois Central on tbe Daughters of Rebekah, died while t •on Sunday the current was turned coal mine at Wilkesbarre, Pa., recently. warmly favors such a commission. Mr. the late ui>|>l^a.-antiie?e. Idaho v >trd ior Novemb r 25th. offering' prayer at the opening of the • a which Micceisfuiiy ran the street A few men were at work in No. 1, Thomas Lloyd, editor of the London railroad service of that city. Woman eutTia*/*-. The roads of the Central Passenger grand lodge of Illinois. changing the air course in the tunnel. Statist, has been visiting America for Committee have decided against the The French steamship Chateau Suddenly those on the outside heard some time, partly with a view to find­ Sixtv-three horses perished in a barn The New York World puts Senator adoption of a 5000-inile interchange­ |re at Chicago. Two men w’ere over­ Yqtteni, Captain Roy, from New York an explosion. A blast of air and gas ing out what an American presidential Mitchell in Mi-Kinley’a cabinet as Sac- able mileage ticket. come by heat and smoke, but were res­ October 30th for Marseilles, has arrived poured out of the mouth of the tunnel election is like. Mr. Lloyd assures ua retary ol I«teri> r. at Faval with her machinery out of The president has issued a proclama­ cued in time to save life. order, her cargo shitted and three of like the sweep of a tornado. There solemnly that the feeling of the British The people oi Oregon have no use for tion readjusting the boundaries of a Ex-Postmaster General John Wan- was a sound of wreckage and flying toward this country is “intensely friend­ the numerous commissions which aie naval reservation in Alaska which were naniaker is spoken of as a probable her boats lost. drawing down lai sal.iriea from the tax­ found to encroach upon lands belong­ successor of Senator Cameron of Penn­ The Leeper Hardware Company of debris, then a horrible silence. .Men ly.” Well, we aro glad to hear it. It must Denison, Tex., has made a general as- rushed toward the mouth of the mine. payers and rendering but little or no ser­ ing to the Greek Church in contraven­ sylvania. The first thought of all was for the men be true or so many distinguished per­ signmen t. vice therefor. The members of the last tion of Russia’s cession of Alaska. I William J. Bryan, late candidate for two an-1 the nnxt legislsture were electe I Frank Crawford broke jail at Toledo, inside. Were they living or dead? In sons would not continue to assure us It is estimated that the personal es­ president, lias arranged for a series of on the pledge that they would abolish tate of tbe late George Du Maurier, lectures in the principal cities of the O., by sawing his way through the iron less time than it takes to write it a res­ that the British are devoted friends of some of them. The past legislatures the famous author of “Trilby” and the South and West, beginning at Atlanta. grating at the top of the jail and let­ cue party w as formed. It was a volun­ ours. Still, we must be permitted to ob­ failed in keeping their promises to the celebrated artist and author, is $47,830. His tour takes in California and Ore- ting himself to the ground with a quiit. teer party, and those who led it were serve, if they are such friends to ns as 50c. and $1 at all druggists The Cape Town dispatch to the Ix>n- the old fire boss, William R. Jones, and all that, they have a queer way of show­ people. It is hoped that the next will Arrangements are being made by a gon. don Times says there is good authority the assistant mine foreman, John Joseph. not neglect this duty. There is no more British syndicate to purchase tlie pe­ I The electoral vote of Kentucky ing it sometimes. useless expense than the >10,000 annually troleum deposits on the west coast of stands twelve for McKinley and one that the indemnity to be demanded by They knew if they did not return their A sample cf this remarkable friendli-1 the Transvaai for the Jameson raid will children would be fatherless, yet know­ tqandered on the railroad commission the New Foundland islands. The bor- for Bryan. 1 ness on the part of the common Briton not be large enough to cause embar­ ing this they hesitated not a second, but and >5,000 for the attorney general. , ings already made show a splendid I Between February 1st and Novem­ rassment in ary quarter. was lately deeply impressed on an J hurried down the shaft if possible to res­ They ahi>uld be abolished. The legis­ ' flow of rich oil, yielding 54 per cent ber 1st the mints of the United States A Rome correspondent is assured cue their comrades. The rescuers had I American who had taken a spry Ameri­ . lubricating oil and 43 per cent for illu ­ coined 16,262,922 standard silver dollars. lature will find ample opportunity i >r can trotter and light wagon to London, j that as a resu t of the Bismarck dis­ i minating purposes. The shares of the But it makes no difference A movement has been inaugurated closures, Austria will propose a new not proceeded far before the choking fire He was fond cf driving and did not like [ reform without touching those that 6 re local company now. working the prop­ at Lawrence, Kan., to make football deserving and of common interest. erty are selling at four times their face illegal. The claim is made that the clause to the Drcibund treaties to coun­ damp caught them, as they had feared it cither the heavy British vehicles or the I would. They made a hasty exploration jerky hackney horse. He preferred a teract the effect of secret treaties. value. game is brutal and dangerous. The Oregonian tinnka (hat because the and returned to the light and air. But long legged, even gaited American trot- j The Paris Rappel suggests that Lord Packages containing gold dust and i R. P. Giles, congressman-elect from farmer has no chance to legislate exc pt . . . are lower than ever! they left two of the rescuers lying dead ter. An Englishman who should bring ’ Salisbury ’ s recognition of the Monroe by ballot, that h* is ignorant and degen­ gold coin amounting to the value of the First Missouri district is dead. qoetrine in the Venezuela agreement in the mine, William Jones and John a hackney and a British rig here might $1.00 Men’s fine striped underwear, suit erate. Th>se farmers, thuuzh, bava pro­ , $4900 have most mysteriously disap­ The Philadelphia and Reading rail­ will embarrass the settlement of the Joseph. peared between Colon and Panama. drive from one end of tbe republic to Men’s white Merino underwear, suit.. 60 duced our gr-at'-at st »tea nen and tne way has reorganized with a capital Cuban troubles. The gold w as on the way to Europe via ¡ Men’s grey Merino fine underwear,suit. .80 tbe other and would never be molested. stock fixed at $20,000,000, to be issued I A sheriff levied on an entire train at per cent of intelligence ami hone ly (as the Isthmus of Panama. A notable feature of the Hungarian Men’s sox, heavy, per pair .............. . .05 The inhabitants of the land would BoVs’ grey Merino underwear, suit.... .50 in 400,000 shares. well as virtue in women) ii«s in the agri­ Wimsboro, S. C., and held it until a millennial celebration was the formal Men s extra tine dress shoes, pair....... 1 50 The official report of the yield of the W. T. Little of Kansas City has been judgment of $199 was paid, that sum opening of the Danube in the portion scarcely even stare at him. « cultural sections and suburban retreats, Boys’ and Mens’ caps, each............... 25 principal eereais in European Russia convicted of violating the Kansas No sooner, however, did the London Men’s fine heavy pants, per pair....... 1 00 the (treat Portland dadv to the contrar« and the Caucasus in 1896 places it at being a claim for a farmer’s horse that which has so long obstructed navigation. cab and hansom drivers catch sight of Men’s line hats.............50c. 75c, >1.00, 1.50 notwithstanding. When the great me­ 16,250,000 quarters below the average eight-hour law. Little worked his men bad been killed by an engine of the The Iron Gates of the Danube were a the American and his trotter and light ten hours a day. road. tropolitan papers eease to think iariuers Í of the last thirteen years. series of rocks that made its channel ex­ wagon than they by common consent Mett’s suits upwards from Hog cholera prevails in some sections Alexander S. Clay will be the new iguoraDt and to be thought of only at a A Singapore, India, dispatch to the of Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana, so that United States senator from Georgia to tremely dangerous for steamers for a determined to “break him up,” as they general elecion and then to be voted like London Times says that a rumor is distance of five miles in one portion of Sheep, we will have the spirit of republi­ afloat to the effect that Li Hung Chang, the Union stockyards of Chicago has succeed John B. Gordon, and U. B. its length. For six years the Hungarians called it. They deliberately tried to established a strict quarantine. run into him and crush tho wagon and Yours Truly, Peltus will succeed Pugh of Alabama. canism and deinocracv. Unless they tlie Chinese prime minister, is disgusted have been blasting out these rocks. It lamo the horse. They swore openly, The White Star line freight steamer China has joined the ranks of nations was an enterprise larger even than clear­ cease to do this before many years a with the treatment he has received I Taurio, outward bound from New York, ! which recognize the new woman. Li ing East river at Hell Gate. But the “Wo’ll break up yer bloody Ilamericau great change will be made. It is the since his return from his trip round the JOHN M’CLUNIE went aground in the south side of Ged- 1 Hung Chang has appointed two educa­ car for ye.” The man who took the farmer who makes cities posaihie; who world, and will retire, to private life. ney channel, but was floated later. ted native women to the woman’s con­ work is done, and Emperor Francis Jo­ trotter to London to drive for his own make professional men and com merce fixi­ As a result of a firedamp explosion Mrs. Bourlier, wife of Henry Bour- 1 gress to be held in London in 1S98. The seph himself formally dedicated the pleasure writes back warning Americans ties, who feeds the cleat World of people. in the colliery of Retcklingliausen, Her, agent for the Allen Steamship appointees are Methodists and were Channel, amid the cheers of thousands of that if they drive a trotter iu England Therefore, to scold him as a degenerate Westphalia, Germany, thirty lives have Company, shot herself at Toronto and educated in the United States. his subjects. The Danube is now open they must bo prepared to bo purposely is but to promote a healthy thought been lost. died soon afterward. She was well from the head of navigation to the Dar­ run into or made to pull np suddenly Peter Maher knocked out Joe Clioyn- among the rural classes, who Work on the Panama canal has pro­ known in Toronto society. ski in six rounds at New York the other danelles. all the time. The man says in The will in the future realize their impor­ gressed with much activity during the In a quarrel at Swansboro, Ga., Felix night. tance and take a hand in a government of past lew months. One hundred and j Romtheo, after being knocked down, ; Centenarians need not now hesitate Horse Review, “The only way to drive The Methodist ministers of Chicago fifty more laborers have arrived from fatally wounded his assailants, the Sut­ which they are now a nixj >rity. to learn to ride the bicycle through fear a wagon safely in London would be to Just around the corner from Depot, Ash the "West Indies and have been put to ton Brothers, and was then mortally have passed resolutions condemning they are too old. Gladstone will be 87 have knives fixed to the front axles like the custom of the college footbail teams land, Oregon. Mrs. W. H. Bush, Prop. work on the Cuteira cut. It is expected wounded by an unknown party. Iu One British City. the war chariots used by the ancient in December, and Gladstone is to learn of devoting Thanksgiving day to that It is by no means certain that when that the steamer Castle Eden will bring A call has been issued for a meeting sport. to ride the wheel so as to accompany his Britons. ” the history of Hon. Joseph Chamber- another consignment of 890 laborers of the grand officers of the railroad The largest contribution ever made favorite grandchild, Dorothy Drew. The Wood wanted. Inquire at the R ecord lain, colonial secretary for Great Brit­ from the west coast of Africa. brotherho >ds of the country, to be held to a campaign, it is said, was that ot sight of the greatest statesman of mod­ office. A most disasterous fire is reported in in Chicago, to consider plans for labor I ain, come» to be written the most not­ Cleveland, O. The block occupied by legislation to present to the coming William K. Vanderbilt of New York, ern Europe, aged 87, scorching along able achievement of his life will not bo All trains stop here for meals. Meals at who sent his check to the Republican the road on a bicycle will be not the W. H. Luektemyer & Sons, wholesale I the work he did when he was mayor of | hardware, together with the stock is an session of congress. committee for $150,01». all hours; price 25 cents. Special rates to least of the impressive sights of this The Canadian delegates to the Pacific his home city cf Birmingham. The entire loss. The building was valued The Ilepublcians of Tennessee have strange end of the nineteenth century. boarders. The Hotel and Restaurant is Ci.r.:i;:y M;z rhm contains a detailed at $75,000 and the stock at $100,900. cable conference in London have been requested the president-elect to ap­ under good management. .v couv.6 of t’. ■?Lr.ngcs ho was mainly The fire was caused by the explosion of instructed to support the scheme only 1 point H. C. Evans of that state to a Tho one unexplored corner of the earth on condition that the proposed cable cabinet position. instrumental iu bringing about in the furnace gas. has been the antarctic region. But a between Vancouver and Australia shall A grand popular meeting took place year ago Captain Borchgrevinck, the tiunicipal government of Birmingham. The experimental tests made by the not touch on foreign soil, not even at in the plaza Santa Ana to protest Norwegian, made a most interesting re­ The story is written by George F. Par­ Butluio Street Railway Co., in Buffalo, the Hawaiian islands. against the project now before congress I New York, on two of its lines of the ker. port of his explorations in these regions, Makes you seem “all broken up,” with­ I The Norwegian Plow Company ol Joseph Chamberlain became mayor of electric power from the Niagara Power Dubuque lias made a general assign­ in Bogota to make the island ot ( .ba, on the coast cf Victoria Laud, along out life, ambition, energy or appetite. I Panama, an asylum tor all the Birmingham late in 1873. Chamber­ Co., lias proved so successful that the ment. The liabilities are said to be near lepers in Colombia. There are admit­ the sixtieth parallel of south latitude. It is often the forerunner of serious Ill­ power from the tails will be gradually lain’s idea of city government he him­ tedly 1000 of them, chiefly living in He brought back specimens which led ness, or the accompaniment of nervous extended to the other lines of the $140,000; assets, $250,000. self expressed as follows: “All regulated system. certain bold commercial spirits to con-1 troubles. It is a positive proof of thin, ALL KINDS OF A receiver has been appointed for the interior of the republic. weak, impure blood; for, If the blood is monopolies sustained by the stato in the tbe wholesale glove firm of L. B. Leh­ The sale of the Chicago and North­ elude there were fortunes to be made in rich, red, vitalized and vigorous, it im­ Mail advices have been received in interest of the inhabitants generally the city of Kingston, Jamaica, confirm­ man & Co. of Chicago. The asset? are ern JPacific was heULamthe 17tli, and the southern polar seas. The climate should be controlled by tho representa­ ing the rumors that have reached that placed at $63,000 and the liabilities at tlie bondliolders of the road were the • was not so, cold as had been supposed . parts life and energy to every nerve, organ and tissue of the body. The tives of the people and not left in the city of the existence of political trouble $55,000. purchasers. The}’ bid $10,000,000, and and a thin vegetation grew. When 1 necessity of taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla hands of private speculators.” This in Hayti emanating from financial scau- Charles M. Parker, late traffic man­ in addition to this they assume two Borchgrevinck visited Victoria Land in ’ for that tired feeling is therefore apparent was the doctrine which had floated him ; dais, and a revolution is feared as the ager of the Missouri Pacific railroad. I 1 mortgages, which aggregate nearly the ship Antarctic he discovered im­ to every one, and the good it will do you Order Work a Specialty.------ Into office, and he had behind him the j I result. result, haB been appointed vice-chairman of $1,000,000 more. mense guano bods. A commercial cor­ is equally beyond question. Remember public sentiment of the Birminghamites. j 'lhe Italian government officially the board of administration of the A dispatch from Constantinople says: poration, to be known as the British _ _ ALSO HANDLE ALL KINDS OF------ This is the fourth day that Constanti­ Antarctic company, has obtained from It was necessary to pass a bill through 1 confirms that the treaty between Italy Western Freight Association. and Brazil has been signed by both of nople has been cut off from postal com ­ parliament making the desired changes Conventions of river and railroad ’ the English government a concession of in the city’s charter permitting the mu­ the parties thereto. coal miners to consider the advisability munication with the outer world, as, the sole right to work these beds, also Advices from Manila are to the effect of demanding an advance in wages are owing to the floods, our Orient express to obtain al) the furs within a radius of nicipal government to buy the public that the uprising in the Philippines is i being held at Monongahela City and service is interrupted, trains only run­ works. The gas plant was the first ten miles of Cape Audare, a point of ning from Sotia irregularly. extending to all the provinces of the Bridgeville, Pa. property purchased by the city council. Let Us Give You OUR FIGURES Before Ordering Victoria Land. -Borchgrevinck will have islands. A' ’’Correspondent in Managua says The Windle Cycle Company’s plant The price paid was a little more than Is the best — In fact the One True Blood Purifier. Elsewhere. Noel Parfait, the French politician at Worcester, Mass., was purchased by that the Nicaraguan government has charge of the first expedition. Sealing I $10,000,000. The price of gas was at and w ’ haling are included in the list of signed a contract with two Americans cure liver ills, easy to take and author, is dead. Frank T. Fowler. The plant will start once slightly reduced at tho same time nOOQ S HlllS easy to operate. 25 cents. All the leading gas companies of the operations at once and 300 men will be to build a railroad from lake Nicaragua pursuits to be engaged in, and it is ex­ I Upper Planing Mill. Ashland, Oregon that great improvements were institut­ i to a port on the Atlantic coast. An pected that fortunes something like that city of New York, embracing tlie Con­ ed. The municipal ownership of the gas solidated, the New York and East employed. important land concession has been which Colonel North amassed from the Tbe receivership proceedings of tbe granted. works has resulted both in improved River, the Equitable and the Standard nitrate beds of Peru will be gained. If “ Save My Child!*’ Northern Pacific Railroad Company, so service and a considerable profit to the I companies, are reported to have formed A residence has been purchased at anything yielding a good share of ma­ far as the railroad is concerned, ended is the cry of I a trust. The combined capital is some­ city. in the United States Court at Milwau- ■ Bolton, Mass., which is understood to terial riches is discovered anywhere on many an1 be for the summer residence of Presi ­ Then the city waterworks were pur­ thing like ¿60,000,009. this globe, there is your Englishman kee, Judge Jenkins discharging Frank I chased in like manner and improved. I Two pumps of the Angeline mine, G. Bigelow and Edwin H. McHenry as : dent McKinley. agonized ready to grab it. The tenement house evil was attacked. I I _ Ispheming, Mich., have started and the receivers in consolidated action. William Foley, a farmer living near , mother The city itself undertook and success­ I mine will again resume full work. . Six Liberty, Mo., returned home a few A man who has evidently had long Delegates from all parts of the coun ­ kinirli'Ail men mon vi» ì 1 1 be lin put mit in x wh ose will to work with­ try met at Chicago in the first annual nights ago and found his mother and experience in bachelor life says that a fully carried through the building of hundred littleone in a week, as soon as places can be sister lying dead in their sleeping extensive tenements, which it owns and convention of the National Gospel Mis ­ restaurant displaying tomatoes and writhes in croup or whoop­ derives rents from. The streets and found for them by the unwatering of sion Union. The object of the union is apartment, having been murdered and slabs of custard pie in the window is to co-operate with charitable missions. the house robbed. parks were overhauled, enlarged and tlie mine. ing cough. In such cases, one to be avoided. So is the one with the The death is announced in London, At the session of the general assem­ also greatly improved, while the general The Southern Lumber Manufacturers ’ familiar big, old, red lobster on show. Dr. Acker’s English Rem­ of Sir Edward Hornby at bly of Kingbts of Labor James R. Sov­ sanitary condition was rigidly looked England, Rapallo, Italy. Sir Edward was an ac­ Association, in session at Memphis, in­ ereign was re-elected general master Worse yet is the one with raw, red beef­ edy proves a blessing and into. The result is that the annual knowledged authority on international structed its secretary to enter into cor­ workman. steak and corpses of chickens and ducks a godsend. Mrs. M. A. respondence with other lumber associ­ death rate of Birmingham has fallen law. It is quite likely that President in the window. If anything is enough ations of the United States to secure Cleveland will appoint Judge E. 11. to tempt hungry persons to forswear four in the thousand. The city owns Burke, of 309 E. 105th St., A German inventor has hit upon a and operates the street railways. A method of putting stone soles on boots tariff legislation to fix a duty on Can­ Rose of Little Rock, Ark., or Judge flesh food forever aud turn vegetarian it New York, writes: “ Dr. John H. Rogers of Fort Smith of the is a huge chunk of dripping red roast or sewage farm of 1,800 acres is part cf tho and shoes. He mixes a water-proof adian lumber. Acker’s English Remedy The bodies of James Ware and Mrs. same state to succeed Judge Parker, rib or the picked and scalded body cf a municipal property. The changes for glue with a suitable quantity of clean cured my baby of bronchi­ the better in all respects have been, ow­ quartz and spreads it over the leather Ella Rickets w ere found in Blooming­ who recently died at Fort Smith. fowl displayed as an attraction to diners. Harvey M. Kline, bookkeeper in the tis, and also gave instant ing largely to the honesty and efficiency sole as a foundation. These quartz soles ton, III., with a bullet in the forehead of the councilmen aud municipal serv­ are said to be flexible and practically of each. The same man evidently shot Ffrmers’ National Bank at Lebanon, relief in a severe case of An English electrical journal thinks both. Ware occupied a part of the Pa., has been arrested for stealing bank indestructible. ants, marvelous. croup.” it is Great Britain’s mission to teach funds. Salad socials are the rage at Tomb­ house in which the Ricketts resided. 3 sizes, 25c.; 50c.; $1. AH Brnrrists. American cities how to do their own Acs is AlBDiciNK Co., 16-1S Chambers SU, N.T The intercolonial postal conference Hattie Spafford, a servant girl whose stone just now. Cannot Speak English. has decided to send an Australian del­ died when she was 3 years old lighting honestly, efficiently and eco­ —LIST OF SECOND HAND— Of the 70,000,CC0 people cf this ccun- ■ Robert II. Whitehand, proprietor of egate to the national postal conference 1 mother and who was brought up in an orphan nomically. It points out that municipal the “ Old Curiosity Shop ” store in try a little more than 3}^ per cent are at Washington. > asylum, has inherited $1,000,000 from street lighting in America has failed unable to speak English. This count in­ Washington, committed suicide by The Plant Cloak Manufacturing Com- ! her father, who had deserted his fam­ because it has been let fail into the blowing his brains out. His place of cludes grown persons aud children above 1 business was a veritable treasure house pany of New York has assigned; Ha­ ily years ago when Hattie was a child. hands of mere political heelers, who B. P. Mme peop'eare martyrs to this complaint famous debates of 1858, died a few Two 30 H. P. portable nre-box boilers. them are found in Pennsylvania, and time. from chi dhood to tbe grave, .«uttering trom One No. 5 vertical boiler with fixtures days ago at the residence of his daugh­ killed his friend, Guy Hutsonpiilar, iu | all iis attendant horrors of heartbuin, wind and one injector. they are known to the rest of tbe coun­ The Ixmdon Morning Post announces ter, Mrs. Alice Asbury Abbott. He a hotel at Omaha. Elliott is in jail at I aud pain in die stomach, wearv slumber One No. « Metropolitan injector and pipe try as “Pennsylvania Dutcb. ” For at that WLliani, son of Admiral Sir Ar­ was 86 years old. Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Fair living Kept constantly on hand. and nightmare, capricious apt-elite, nausea, connections for same. F ALL KINDS and GRADES least 150 years these slow and stalwart thur Farquhar, K. C. B., is engaged to billiousness, leanness and sallowness. No Steam and exhaust pipes for pump. Miners’ Tools, < bant Powder. Caps It is reported that the new Chinese foi all this. The complaint ob­ and Fuse. One length pipe to hl 10 in. discharge and prices is all that we ask. Germans and their descendants after be married to Miss Marion, daughter of treaty gives no concessions to foreign­ A Cuban patriot general declares that neccessity A tine line of Electric Cutleiy, stinate as it is. when the ordinary remedies and a large and complete stock of Fishing increasing to 15 in. them have occupied tbe fertile fields and the late H. S. Peck of Chicago. within his certain knowledge as many are brought to bear upon it invariably yield I Tackle. Plumbing goods, and plumbing of ers. One length pipe reducing from 15 to 11 in. valleys of the Keystone State and have people, strictly noncombatant3, have to tbe great stomachic, Hostetter’s Stom­ I all kinds done on short notice. All work We will make it to your interet« to One length pipe reducing from 11 to 9 in. I Bitters, which restores tranquility to deal with ua. , (eb 1 '82 One double cylinder single drum 5x10 Are You Made not cared enough about the country in been slain in cold blood by the Span­ ach It is to be hoped that before another the gastric region and nerves, regulates the guaranteed. hoisting engine. which they have been born and reared presidential election the cause of politi- ! Miserable by Indigestion, Constipation, iards during the present war iu Cuba as liver and bowels, both of which are disturb­ £V*Tin Shop in connection. One reducing length fr< m 8 in. to 5 in. Dizziness, Loss of Appetite. Yellow Skin? have been put to death by the Turks in ed by the weakness of the stomach, and First-class go >ds, and prices as low as the with one 5 in. coupling on same. and prospered to learn its language. cal education will be sufficiently ad- i Shiloh ’-« Viializer is a positive cure. For promotes appetite and increase of flesh. lowest. One reducing length from 8 in. to 5 in. They are something like the Beers o f vanced to enable al) citizens alike to sale by T. K. Bolton. Armenia. All civilization is howling at That "tocsin of the soul,” the dinner bell, with one 5 in nipple on same. when it peals upon the ear suggests no the Transvaal aud equally set their comprehend that egg3 aro net argu­ the Armenian massacres, but noword is 23 ft. 12 in. suction pipe with one 12 tn. premonition of dire qualms alter a com­ elbow. faces against anything new. In some ments. The time to Lrace up and be jolly is spoken iu protest against the atrooities fortable meal if you have tried a course of 10 ft. 6 in. suction pipe. the Bitters, which also banishes biliousness, 1 parts of Pennsylvania it is possible t One 2J4 in foot valve and strainer. when everything is going v.rong and in Cuba. W1L1 (AM rox. rheumaii-m, uervuusness, malaria and' ALLEN HILDRETH. One piece heavy wire cloth for strainer. travel for hours without finding a per­ HOW TO PREVENT CROUP. you are away down in the mouth with kidney trouble. One siphon for steam gauge. Do not let anybody else do your think-, son who can speak English. OR LEASE- Six 1 iu. Jenkins globe valves. SOME REARING THAT WILL PROVE IN­ the blues. There is no need to make an ing for you — not your preacher, doctor Two Ji in. common valves. A still larger number of ignorant TERESTING TO YOUNG MOTHERS. HOW TO effort to bo cheerful when all goes well One 2 in. plug, drilled for siphon. or even your editor. Think it all out for There was paid out for pensions this Americans are in Louisiana among the GUARD AGAINST THE DISEASE. with you, and it is no credit to you to be Two pressure gauges.,! air receiver. yourself. year cf 1896 the 6um of $138,000,000. creoles, 41,390 cf whom do not speak 110 ft. of 1 in. pipe. I’ Croup is a terror to young mothers and cheerful then. 1 sight feed lubricator Ashland, Oregon. 100 ft. of 2 in. pipe. 1 2 in. bushing. G ents ; I have been taking vour 8arspa The falling eff iu the number of old English. Finally in New Mexico are to to post them concerning the cause, firsl 100 ft. of Ji in. pipe |1 reducer5 to 2*4 in. sarilla. and think it a wonderful remedy. 1 pensioners and the addition to the pen­ City Passenger on ft. .. of 2« in. pipe 1 reducer 2J4 to 2 in be found 59,778 persons of the most an­ somptoms and treatment is the olj-ct of How’s This. 30 s have had catarrh of tbe head and throat for sion list of new names were about even, ti»its item. The origin oi croup is a com­ 5 2 in. elbows. 2 reducers 2 in to 1 in cient lineage cf any cf cur native white mon cold. Children who are subjet toi t We offer One Hundred Dollars reward seven years, and have been treated hy doc­ 6 1 in. elbows. 6 reducers 1 to Ji in. and Truck Transfer Americans, who are almost us ignorant take cold very easily and croup is almost for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured tors. I got Joy’s Vegetable 8nrsaparilla showing that 1896 marks the turning of 6 % tn. elbows. 2 redueers Ji to *4 in. and took it for about five months and from the tido in the pension roll. From this Pokegama, Cal of English ns a Digger Indian is. They sure to follow. The first symptom is by Hall’s Catarrh Cure One 2J4 in. tee. 2 2 in. unions. that day to this I have .never been trou- -----All kinds oi treigbt, baggage F. J. CHEN EY & CO.. Props .. Toledo, O. 3 2 in. tees. 2 1 in. unions. hoarseness; this is soon followed bv a lied with catarrh, and I believe I am entire­ time on the list will decrease in num­ household goods, etc., transfer- speak Spanish. We the undersigned have known F. J. OR SALE OR LEASE on Reasonable 4 1 in. tees. 2 Ji in. hose bibs. peculiar rough cough, which is easily well of it. I have found it matchless. bers unless a general pension law should ed wiih promptness and safety. •’lienev f->r the la«t 15 years, and believe I ty If to the number of native white recognized 4 Ji in. tees. 1 2 in. plug. Terms. Call on or address : Hauling vn a large scale con­ and will never he orgotten him perfectly honorable in all business It is a good thing to have handy be passed. This may bo done at some 2 2 in. short nipples. 4 1 in. plugs. Americans who cannot speak English fct by one who has heard it. The time to transactions ARKY L FIMMEL. tracted for, .... , . . and financially able to carry 1 2J4 in. short “ 4 Ji in. plugs. future time, though not for several years Little Lake, Cal. all were added those who cannot speak act is when the cl ild first becomes out anv ohliwations made bv their firm. WOOD FOR SALE yet. At present there are 870,000 names W est & T ruax , Wholesale Druggists, To­ WaiTKTO THOSE PEOPLE AND THEY WILL I good English, the figures would aston­ hoarse. It Chamberlain’s C- ugh Rr-ni- ledo, Address : I O H. S. Prendergast, is freelv given all tendency to croup TELL YOU HOW GLAD THEY ARE THAT THEY RE­ on the pension roll, including disabled ------ ICE IN BEASON — ish even public school teachers. Not a edv will soon disappear. Even after the W alding , K in N an & M arvin , Wholesale FUSED A SUBSTITUTE. soldiers, soldiers’ widows and minor few of them would be still mote aston­ croupv cough has developed it will pre­ Druggists, Toledo. O. Pokegama, Cal. Wil, handle ice in Ashland dunng the Hall s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, orphans. OASTORIA. ished to find their own names in the vent the attack. There is no danger in acting directly upon the blood and mues summer season. Delivered at your door Machinery Merchants, giving this remedy for it enntains noth­ surfaces of the system. Price 75c per bot­ Th« ha* every morning. list. Mrs. L. Hessig, llallí When you drink ten get the best — Ito in« injurious. For «ale by Ashland Drug tle. Sold by all druggiits, Testimonials «tgir-ure Bland—it will please von. Take no other. £9“ Passengers delivered to any part of free, Company, "Record” Offioe fur artiadc printing. ths city Beiwick, Cal. J. Mi VanSaa», Ashland. cotts Emulsion is above all other things, the remedy for sickly,wasted chil­ dren. It nourishes and builds them up when ordinary foods absolutely fail. Some : : : Our Goods DON’T Others DO NOT Shannon House Restaurant and Hotel. Tired Feeling ASHLAND FURNITURE AND FIXTURE CO Work. Wood Hoods LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIAL. Sarsaparilla ROBT. FREY & F. D. ROBBINS, PROPS It is a Bald Headed Fact. Turns out the best JOB WORK at the Lowest Rates. MEDFORD, OR ELTON & NEIL, Mining Machinery Prop's RIDDLES, OR. Beef, Pork and Mutton. Builder’s Material O D. H. MILLER. Hotel For Sale FOX & HILDRETH, ’ "** V - I j . J • F J. M. Arthur&Co., Portland, Or.