•••Of VALLE! RECORD. VALLEY RECORD. FINE PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NO MONOPOLY PRICES ! Give us your order for Letterheads. State­ ments. Envelopes. &c. VOL. IX. ASHLAND, JACKSON A Wounded Mail Robber. Manly Whorten. deputv U. S. mar­ shal, with bis brother George as guide, were on Saturday’s train with one A, M. Watson, en route to the U. S. court at Portland, Watson and another man known as A, C. Hilton were engaged in Advertising will do a great ' robbing the poet office and store of Rep­ many things, but it won’t bring ■; resentative Virgil Conn at Paisley, Nov. about the return of a lost 5tb. As they had about fin shed their voice. The best thing to do ' job about 1 o’clock the clerk, Herbert Aldridge, who sleeps overhead in the is to begin, at once, the use of 4 store, made the discovery of the opera­ the sovereign cure for all affec- $ tions going on below and taking bis tions of the throat and lungs— '• double-barreled shot-gun proceeded to Bronchitis, Asthma, Croup, « “hold up’’ the robbers. The two men heard him and fairly flew out of the store Whooping Cough, etc. It has 1 door and had no time to pay any atten­ a reputation of fifty years of J tion to the command of halt. Aldridge cures, and is known the world _________________ I horses and two saddle-horses, citizens went to their camp and Wilson or Wat­ son badly peppered with No. 4 shot, one load having taken him in the right arm and the other in the side, told his visit­ ors that be and his partner had tried to rob the store at Paisley and was shot. J^R. J. S. HERNDON, His partner took the best horse and skipped out, the hoise afterward return­ ing to camp. Watson was taken to PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Lakeview and after Senator Dr. Da lev A shland , : ; ; O bkgon , dressed his wounds U. S. Commi-simer i Will T. Bovd bound him over without £^“Office—In Townsend Building, on hail to the U. S. grand jury. The man Oak Street, Opposite Hotel Oregon. Hilton or Jackson, mode good his escape. Watson does not identify himself and acknowledges the whole affair. HINMAN, D. ». S. The Whole Story Of the great sales attained and great cures DENTIST. accomplished by Hood’s Sarsaparilla is quickly told. It purifies and enriches the blood, tones the stomache and gives O^ln the Masonic Building up stair, strength and vigor, Disease cannot enter the system fortified by the rich, red blood over Post Office. which comes by taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Hood’s Pills cures nausea, sick head­ R. S. T. SONGER. ache, indigestion, biliousness. All drug­ gists. 25c. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Rawlings’ County Map, A Lost Voice. AYER’S ; Cherry Pectoral. A D Grant Rawlings was in Asblaud last week selling Ins immense County Map. Novelty Block, Opposite Hotel Oregon, It is complete in every detail, being a , . , O bkgon . picture of all of Jackson county. He A shland , will deliver in Ashland from the 20th to the 25th of this month and it you want c. W. BARR. to see the exact location of all creeks, rivers, wagon roads, town plots, post offices, government land, rail road land, Dental Parlors in Odd Fellow’s Block. school land, and each individuals land A shland , O bkgon . with his name and exact number of acres with voting precincts, and an immense V*. All work pertaining to modern dent­ amount of information, be sure to see istry. Painless operations a specialty. him while in town as he will not can­ vass the town again. The map is on cloth and ready to hang on the wall and M. BROWER M. ». is worth five times the price. DR D. PHY81CIAN and SURGEON, All Recommend It. Ask your your druggist and O bkgon . your friends physician, A shland , about Shiloh’s Cure for Con­ sumption. Thev will recommend it. For Office—At Residence, intersection of Me­ sale by T. K. Bolton. chanic, Laurel and Main Streets. List or Letters. Remaining uncalled for in the Ashland P. O., Nov. 16, 1896. SOCIETY DIRECTORIES. Adams, C J D | Herington.Mrs Dr Barenhill, Wiley L I Hatters, Tom MBast, Mrs L W ’ | Morgan, Geo. O. A. R. Richardson, Walt. BURNSIDE PO8T NO. 23. Persons calling for same will please say Meet in Masonic Hall, on the 1st and “adyertsied.” W H. B runk . P. M. 3d Saturday of each month. Visiting Com New York lluyg. rades cordially welcomed. A. C. S pencer , Commander. “ Mister, won ’t yer give us er lift:” O. O. V annatta , Adjutant. The speaker was a boy of 10, with an expression of weariness on his face. The W. R. C. one spoken to was a youth of about 22, BUBNSIDB BELIEF COBPS NO. 24 with a shade of a mustache. The object Meets in Odd Fellows hall at 2 o’clock p. referred to was a bag about three feet m. on the second and fourth Fridays of high, which seemed to be filled with each month. M bs . J. D. C bockeb . Pres. some heavy material. M bs . L ydia G biswold , Sec’y. “Certainly, my boy,” replied the KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. youth, “I’ll help you on with it.” GRANITE LODGE, NO. 23, Knights o True to his word, he grabbed the bag Pythias, Ashland, Oregon, meets every ■round the center and proceeded to lift Friday evening. Visiting Knights in good it on to the boy’s shoulder. Suddenly ■tending are cordially invited to attend, unearthly yells and shrieks came from F. D. W agnkb , C. C. S. G. E ggers , K. of R & S. within, and the object, whatever it was, began to kick with such force that tho youth dropped the bag and proceeded to MASONIC, hold his hands to his stomach as if in SISKIYOU CHAPTER, NO. 21, R. A. M. great paiD. Regular convocations on the Thursday The boy and several bystanders were next after the full moon. ■haking with laughter. A moment later E. V. C abtkb , H. P. the top of the bag opened, and a lad of E. A. S hkbwin , Secretary. 8 scampered away as fast as he could run. ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 23, A. F. & A. M. “Fooled!” yelled all the boys at the Stated communications on the Thursday youth as they scampered after the of or before the full moon. youngster. E. A. S hkbwin , W. M. That is what they call the “bag 0, H. V aupel , Secretary. game. ” It is something new, and it originated on the east side, but who in­ ALPHA CHAPTER NO. 1, O. E. 8. Stated meetings on 1st and 3d Tuesdays vented it no one knows. The idea sim­ in each month. ply is to get a ferocious youngster to en­ M bs . L- M. C aldwell , W. M. ter the bag and then have some unsus­ M bs . S. C. C handler , Secretary. picious person lift it. The yells and shrieks and kicks will not fail to upset I. O. O. F. his mental and perhaps physical equilib­ ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 45. rium, and the youngsters will have a Hold regular meetings every Thursuav great laugh as a result.—New York evening at their hall in Ashland. Brethren Herald. in good standing are cordially invited to attend. F, M. D rake , N. G. Karl’s Clover Root Tea H. 8. E vans , Sec’y, P. O. box 102. is a sure cure for Headache and nervous diseases. Nothing relieves s oqnickly. For sale by T. K. Bolton. PILOT HOCK ENCAMPMENT, NO. 16. Meets in Odd Fellows’s Hallevery 2d and Joy’s for the Jailed and Good 4th Monday in each month. Members in Health for all Mankind« good standing cordially invited to attend. H. S. E vans , C. P. JOY’S VEGETABLE SARSAPARILLA. R obt , T aylob , 8cribe. HOPE REBECCA DEGREE LODGE, *O. 24. Meets on the 2d and 4th Tuesday in each month in Odd Fellows’ Hall, Ashland. Miss E mma S tephenson , N. G. M iss N ina E mery , Secv. A. O. Ü. W. ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 66. Meets in lodge room in Masonic Hall ■very second and fourth Wednesday in each mouth. All brethren in good standing are cordially invited to attend. M. R. M oobe , M. W. J. R. C asey , Recorder K. O. T. M. • BANITE TENT NO. 4, KNIGHTS MACCABEES. OF THE RjMeet in regular review on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month at Odd Fellow’s Hail, Ashland. Visiting Sir Knights cordially invited. G. W. C rowson , Com. C has , H. G illette , R, K. i ■■ r ft! I You can E. n I be cured If you suffer from any of the ills of men, come to the oldest specialists on the Pacific Coast, Dr. Jordan & Co. Thousands 1 now live happy lives that we K saved from the grave. i\ Stricture, loss of mannooa, V diseases of the skin and kid- • cured without tne the use use^of neys quickly oi mercurv Treatment personally or by Jetten^end^r^The-i^ph? mercury. __ u uts * philosoobv of Marriage,” free. DR. JORDAN & CO.’S GREAT MUSEUM OF ANATOMY. Go and learn how wonderfully you are made; how to avoid sickness Thousands of new objects. Additioascon tinually. Catalogue sent free. 1061 Market Street, San Francltoo, Cal. VALLEY RECORD. fcniaae irora herbs, and contains no mineral drugs or deadly pois­ on. Joy’s Vegetable 6arsa parilia robs the blood of all its impuri­ ties, and courses all these impuri- ties thvougn nature’sown proper chan­ nels. Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla cures Dys- pepsia, Chronic Constipa­ tion, Liver Cora plaints and Kidney Affections. Joy’s Vegetable I Sarsaparilla | prevents tired feel­ ings, staggering sen­ sations, palpitation of heart, rush of blood to the head, | dizziness, ringing in ears, spots before the eyes, headache, bil­ iousness,constipation of bowels, pains in the back,melancholy, tongue coated, foul breath, pimples on face, body and limb, declineofnerve force dizzy spells, faint spells, cold, clammy feet and hands, sour risings, fatigue, in- l somnia, and all dis­ eases of the stomach, liver and kidneys. • Joy,9 Vegetable Sar­ saparilla is sold by all druggists. Refuse a substitute. When you pay for the best see that I you get the best £ PRESSED BRICKS. Dr. Barr, Dentist, I. O. O. F. Block. Squire Parker was in from Parker’s sta- t on Sunday. Dr. J. 8. Parson returned Saturday from San Francisco. Capt. W. 8. Dey of Soda Springs has gone to Wood River, Idaho, Miss Mollie Cole returned Friday from a two months stay at Red Bluff. L. B. Colburn and family of Sisson have located in Ashland on the Blake place. David Campbell of Langell valley was in Jackson county last week after supplies. J. K. Leabo of Trail creek, formerly of Ashland, has been granted an origual pen­ sion. Ashland Hose Co. No. 1 will give a grand Masquerade ball in Ashland Christinas night. Mrs. A. H. Meagley and daughters re turned to Portland from a visit at Jack- aoville. F. T. Mix and family have moved to Lompoc, Cal., where Rev. Wm. Hart is located. Medford has a ladies' brass band, with John Montague, recently of Roseburg, as director. About 40 Japanese are at work on the Southern Pacific railway, 13 miles south of Roseburg, Hugh Gordon, the upper Rogue river stockman, is erecting a large new residence on his ranch. For trunks and traveling telescopes call on J. P. Dodge at Opera House. Dick Hughes and W. King of Ft. Klam­ ath, came in last week, the latter to spend the winter mining, Miss Ida York, who is attending the nor­ mol, was at Grant’s Pass last week attend­ ing the teachers examination. R. H. Whited, the Medford capitalist, has returned from an interest gathering trip in eastern Oregon and Wisconsin. For first-class dental work see Dr. A. Hinman, Masonic block. Weeks A Orr and Marion Stewart recent­ ly sent a lot of evaporated prunes, 24,000 lbs., from Phoenix to Chicago. Geo. Isaacs. Jr., the Medford barber, has gone into business at Victoria, B. C. Ralph Bunch is running the shop at Medford. Dr. James Braden of Indinappolis. Ind , is again out from the east looking after bis extensive mining interests at Gold Hill. New stock, mixed pickles and sweet pota toes in bulk, raisins, nuts, candies, lemons, cran berries, etc. at D. L. Minkler A Sons. Miss Lillie Rinehart, a vocalist of rare accomplishments, is up from Gilroy. Cal., to spend the winter with her parents at Medford. All kinds of razor grinding and repairing at the Gem barber shop, opposite town hall Isaac Finley shipped 11,000 pounds of hops from Grant’s Pass to St. Louis last week. They were sold under contract for 11 cents. Jeff Bell is erecting a new residence and making improvements on the tract of land he recently purchased of A, Alford at Talent. Some of the citizens of Grant’s Pass pro­ pose to call a conference of Josephine county voters to decide on desirable meas­ ures to put before the next legislature. F. H. Carter has gone to Houston, Tex., on a two weeks business trip. His mother, Mrs. H. B. Carter, accornpained him to spend the winter there with her daughter. When you drink tea get the best—Ito Blend—it will please you. Take no other. J. K, Van Sant. Ashland. Humbolt Pracbt is suffering the tortures of the damned with intlamatory rheuma­ tism and was taken from the Depot Hotel to his home Sunday. The genial phiz of Morris Howell again ornaments his old haunts in Ashland, He returned Sunday form an absence of sev­ eral weeks at The Dalles. At Coggin’s mill, near Sisson, a short time ago, the loggers cut a tree which was Just 404 years of age it was 8 feet in di­ ameter and produced 15,000 feet of lumber. The citizens of southern Douglas county are preparing to organize a labor exchange with headquarters at Canyonville. J. W Wimer is the leading spirit in the enter-' prise. J. I. Allenbach, the ex-express messenger, has been visiting Ashland friends en route from Alaska to winter in San Francisco. He baa been in a big mine in Alaska owned by Haywards A Lane, H. B. Pay ton has purchased a block of land on the hill west of Qastel avenue, known as block 48. Mr. Payton will put up a house and barn on the property and make a nice place out of it —Dunsmuir News. A. A, Whiteman, the Central Point black­ smith, was taken to Lane hospital, San Francisco, Friday, by Hon. J. W. Merritt, to cure him of enlargement of the liver. Mrs. W. and Dr, Alex. Patterson accompai- nedhirn to Ashland. The shooting stars, which the eastern press promised would give a free show Friday night, failed to do anything of the kind, much to the disappointment of those who stayed up late to witness the affair. The San Francisco bakeis have de­ cided not to raise the price of a loaf of bread. They will simply re­ duce the size of the loaf. Thus they say the rise in the price of wheat does not affect the consumer. Rufus Cox, the enterprising farmer and threshing machine man of Central Point precinct, is preparamg to move with his family to Medford within the next few months, having bought a new home in that town, Mr. Cox is one populist whose big crop of wheat Hanna didn’t get before the raise. Thirty men have been engaged for the past tew weeks re-surveying the boundary line of the Klamath Indian reservation. It is feared by Silver Lake cattlemen that the Sican country will be placed inside of the reservation. This is one of the best grazing sections in the upper country— Lakeview Examiner. Dunsmuir News—The Soutern Pacific Company is doing more business now than at any time during its history. Thev have forty Lew engines on the system this fall and then they ara not able to handle the traffic. The Shasta division is doing lots of work and the Dunsmuir round-house is short of engines the most of the time. John W. Robinson, the Wimer merchant and postmaster, has put a force of miners at work on his Brass Nail gulch placers on Jump-off-Joe, for a big season’s run. These placers turned out some remarkably handsome nuggets last season and good reports are again expected. His daughter, Miss Linnie Robinson, is superintending the house-keeping department at the mine Tartar Sledicine. Formerly musk was used as a medi cine iu various parts of the world, bui doctois iu civilized lands do not bold musk in high repute. In China it is still thought to be a very good medicine, but the Chinese have queer notions about cures and charms. Abbe Hue, a distinguished traveler, says that when a Tartar doctor finds himself without his drugs and medicines he is not in the least embarrassed. He writes the names of the needed drugs on slips of paper, and these, being rolled up in little balls, are swallowed by the sick man. “To swal­ low the name of a remedy or the rem­ edy itself, ’ ’ say the Tartars, * ‘comes to precisely the same thing.” — Noah Brooks in St. Nicholas. COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 19, County Expenditures. [Commissioners’ Court, Nov. Term,] H C Messenger, bridge lumber and giant powder ............................... $ 27 85 Cranfill ® Hutchinson, supplies for 3 00 Mrs 8ulivan .................................. J B Welch, bridge lumber................ 33 41 Grace Skeeters, boarding Emma Poa 8 CO J Nunan. articles furnished county. 9 60 Jones A Otten, supplies for Johnson family............................................. 13 75 J Beek A Co, nails furnished county 3 15 J 8 Howard, supplies for Mayfield.. 5 00 J Beek A Co, spikes for dist. No. 26. 4 40 A 8 Bilton, printing assesor’a notice 1 05 JE Enyart,insurance on courthouse 150 00 7 10 Glass A Prudhome, blanks ............. N A Jacobs, supplies for Mrs Sulli­ van ............................................... . 3 00 J H Whitman, supplies for Mrs. 8 00 Robinson....................................... Ella Randles, supplies lor self and family ............................................ 6 00 L C Rodenburg, supplies for Mrs Morgan ......................................... 10 00 Julia (.’abler, supplies for Neil child­ 5 00 ren .................................................. Anna Jordon, supplies for Jordon 4 00 family............................................. Harriett Jordon, supplies for self and family...................................... S 00 Mrs E C Gale, supplies for self and family ............................................. 8 00 Mrs 8 M Root, supplies tor self and family ............................................ 5 00 Jacob Thompson .supplies for Rhoda Miller.............................................. 4 00 Mrs C J Courtney, supplies for self and family .................................... 6 00 Mrs K Fleming, supples for self and 6 00 family.................................... . ....... W S Crowell, cash advanced to pay 4 30 trana. of mds. from Medford........ A 8 Barnes, salary........................ 333 33 100 O' Vv 8 Crowell. 116 66 W E Anderson, 4444 66 66 Geo P Lindley, 44 58 33 Gus Newberry, 44 27 00 A M Ford, Geo A Jackson. 44 John Watkins, ferryman.................. Dr G B Cole, ex. insane, Anna Witt W R Johnson, bounty on panther scalp................................................ 2 50 Emil DeRoboam, keeping Lathrop family................ . ........................... 6 00 W J Freeman, bridge lumber.......... 27 86 A 8 Barnes, board prisoners........... 30 00 B F Carter, making booths for Woodville precinct......................... 1 25 Geo D Barnard A Co, stationery etc 13 55 W 8 Crowell, expressage advanced.. 1 50 Henry Klippie, bal assessing county 406 00 “ *• equalization............ 24 00 T W Bozan, deputy assessor........... 40 00 G R Hammersley, justice fee, state 3 30 vs A. Roland ................................. F M Parker, const, state vs Roland 2 50 Isaac Wolf, hall rent for election at Medford............. ,........................... 3 50 50 J G Briscoe, bal viewing Kla’th road Geo A Jackson, blank book and 1 00 envelopes....................................... C F Carter, hauling bridge lumber.. 9 30 Chas Owen, making booths for 3 00 Pleasant Creek precinct................ A B Charthrow, making booths for 1 CO Big Butte....................................... Perry Ellis, for repairs of co, road, Kahler Lane ................................. 150 00 Chas Hines, med, ex’ ot W A Vand- erwort. insane..................... '.......... 5 00 50 E E Phipps, print treas’s notices..., •• election ballots.............. 32 00 “ •* seinian. report ........... 4 50 J Nunan, supplies for Tom Henry. 15 00 Wm Douden, digging grave for Hor­ 3 00 ace Martue..................................... S Jones, coffin for Martue................ 10 00 Wm George, hauling Martue to grave 2 00 G R Hammersley, service in Cros­ well case.......................................... 5 00 F M Parker, deputy sheriff, for guarding polls at Gold Hill............ 2 00 J A Jeffrey, fees, state vs Henry Roy 7 80 6 45 G R Hammersley, jus “ “ 2 15 F M Barker, const. “ “ “ 1 00 J W Masterson, juror....................... 44 1 00 Willis Hays, 44 1 00 Carl Phelps 44 1 00 Joseph Owens, ($ 1 00 Stephen Jones, 44 Walter Dungey, ....................... 1 00 J C Whipp, work A material Rogue river bridge.................................... 243 88 Glass & Prudhome, election sup­ plies, Ink, stationery, etc............... 114 80 Henry Dox, for putting up and re­ 1 00 moving booths............................... M Gulp, putting up booths, Apple­ gate precinct................................... 1 00 W H Bradshaw, per diem & mileage 1» 00 “ “ ex. roads and bridges 8 00 Martin Perry, per diem and mileage 16 20 Application of Mrs S A Clawson to be­ come a county charge denied. The further consideration of the matter of building a bridge across Evans creek was postponed on account of the lateness of the season. The petition of Phelps A Holcomb for liquor licence at Woodville, was granted. W 8 Crowell, additional expense of send­ ing Lathrop children to aid Society in Portland, $8. The monthly report of county officials examined, some corrections made, and ap­ proved. Report of Emil DeRoboam, keeper of county poor, approved. Ordered that the $375 in the hands of the county judge, belonging to John O’Brian, inmate of county hospittal, be paid into the special county fund together with all further small sums he may collect from miscellaneous sources. Julia Cabler allowed $1 additional in full for care of Neil children, and ordered that the further allowance of $5 per month be discontinued from Nov. 6,1®. Ordered that the monthly allowance of Anna Jordon be reduced from $10 to $4 from Oct. 1st 1896. Ordered that the monthly allowance of Mrs E 0 Gale be increased from $6 to $3 per month from Oct. 1 1896. Ordered that $1 be refunded to T W Stewart for poll tax illegally collected. The bond of John Grieve, assessor-elect, Was approved. Ordered that warrant issued to J B Welch July 8,1896, on special road tax be cancelled, said fund being exhausted, and a warrant issued on general fund for the amount of $10. Ordered that superintendent of Boys A Girls’Aid society of Portland, Oregon, may craw upon Jackson county for $60 as aid'for Lathrop children, Ordered that G R Hammersley be allow­ ed $5,80 as J P services iu Creswell case, indigent deceased. Ordered that warrant of $3 issued by mis­ take to Geo Hines be cancelled. That a warrant of $15 be drawn on spec’al county fund of the county judge for post­ age stamps. G entlemen : Having taken one bottle of your Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla I can truly say that it is the best medicine I have ever taken for constipation, headache and general debiliated system. 1 feel overjoy­ ed by the use of one bottle. 1 accidently got my ankle sprained a few years ago and I find my leg getting stronger and am feel­ ing better in every way. WM. J. PERKY. Superintendent Almshouse, San Francisco. An African Salt Works. Karcinbwe’a is one of tho salt mak ing villages; a sandy clay is dug out oi the marshes and placed iu grass fun nels. Water poured on this dissolves the salt. The solution trickles through the green filter into a trough, after whicL it is boiled and strained, and a fine, large crystal salt is obtained. It is a great trade in this part of the world. All villages make salt, which is put up in loads about five inches in diameter by four feet long. All these people, the Waitawa, are very polite. Most of them hail you with, “Mornin;” they do not ■eem able to manage the “good.”— “Glave In the Heart of Africa” in Cen­ tury. E dwin W. J oy Co.: The immediate and permanent relief aftorde l me by the use of Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla from the terri­ ble affliction of dyspepsia, accompanied by racking headaches, has prompted me to voluntarily express my indorsement. Two years of extreme suffering vanished as if by magic. To those suffering similarly I rec­ ommend its trial. Its meritswill do the rest. Yours in health. B. D. CARN, Poso township. Kern County, Cal. Catarrh Cured, No one should be fooled by a dis­ health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh’s honest druggist. There are plenty ot Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal honest druggists who would be glad lnjsctor free. For sale by T. K. Bolton. to have your trade, ASHLAND OREGON, Chief of the County Papers Published every Thursday. E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. 189«, NO. 25. SUBSCRIPTION RATE8: One Year......................... Six Months................. ...Z/.7. Three Months................ «i 75 1 O<| 10 Advertising rates given on application. Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE A Retrospect by Mr. Breese. E ditor V alley R ecord : Perhaps a few thoughts on the immedi­ ate past and the near future of the political parties will be in order, since the voter will have become calm and reasonable. The populist party prior to the St. Louis convention. stood on the Omaha platform. The main feature of this platform contain­ ed : government issue and control of mon­ ey, land, transportation and communica­ tion. All of these questions are vital. They belong to the present and,must be settled in the near future or government by and of the people will be a failure. When the populists abandoned their vital ques­ tions and fused with democracy on free sil­ ver, 16 to 1, they abandoned every claim of a progressive party. They joined the forces of retrogression. They turned their faces from the light. They cried for the good old times past and never to return again Is it any wonder that defeat was the result? The republican party presents to us the principle of centralization, of order and system. It is the creature of trusts and corporations—in fact they arc the govern­ ment. It is not necessary to produce any proof to sustain this assertion. Every in­ telligent man knows.’this to be true. They furnished the twenty million corruption fund to bribe, coerce and corrupt the voters. The people in their unorganized capacity must learn from the corporations the pow­ er of centralization, of order, system and precision, It is a fact in economic science that the whole control of an article of production can be carried on with less expense to the producer , and consumer. Our trusts and corporations give us a splendid objeot lesson. The coal oil, su gar, leather and money trusts, and some three hundred more or less in the United States are operating on this principle. Ten thousand individuals separately engaged in the'eoal oil manufactory could not pro­ duce coal oil as cheap as John Rockefeller. If they . could the jioal oil trust would be broken up. But thu.trust operates with less expense and destroys all small com­ petitors. All other corporations and large combinations' of capital operate on this principle. The merchants of our towns will in the near future be treated to a dose of centralization. Department stores in every.town will do'the business and weed out the small seller of goods. The day of small things is past, the era of large com­ binations is at hand. Will the people heed this lesson? The late success of the repub­ lican party has accelerated this day, and competition within the next four years will be almost destroyed. The R ecord calls the attention of the voters of Jackson county to the promises of the populist party before election. A reduction in the sal­ aries of our officials wae demanded, so they would correspond more equally with the price of labor and the products of the farm Of course all this is forgotten now. Politic­ al parties have need only for a platform to btantj on till after election. When their expectations are realized they consider the promises of the platform glit­ tering generalities, an “irridescent dream” and drop into “inocuous desuetude." I have come to the conclusion that so long as the present commercial system is in exist­ ence, which has for its motto, “Everybody for himself and the devil take the hider- most,” which makes existence a struggle and the future uncertain, mankind will strain their conscience to get bold of the root of all eyil, for a rainy day. So long as this strife continues political parties will be permeated with this condition. Republican, democratic and populist parties are subject to this condition, no matter what promises their platforms con­ tain, consequently I look with charity on the unfulfilled promises of the populist party. W. H. BREESE. In the last 22 mouths Spain has sent to Cuba 180,060 troops. She always has about 20,000 soldiers regularly station­ ed there. All the Cubans she could get held of have bee.u forced into tho Span­ ish army. It is not possible to ascertain the number of these, but beyond a doubt Spain has had at her command as many as 210,000 soldiers to suppress a rebel­ lion in an island with a population of cd I j 2,000,000. She has failed to get a foreign lean. Her prime minister has turned to the p< epic of Spain, saying Xhat ho must and will squeeze out of them the millions y et necessary toerush the rebellion. Iu 1896 the recruits sent to Cuba have been obtained only by con­ scription. Next year it will be worse. There will he few rchliersand no money at all, for the impoverished inhabitants of Spain can furnish no money where there is nona. The rebellion in tha Phil­ ippines is not yet extinguished. Miser­ able, indeed, is the proud eld monarchy. The Cuban patriots meanwhile have been growing only Strenger. Without money in the 1c.ginning, they have as much now’ as they bad then. They have also thousands cf stimus of arias and guns that they h;d i.i t then. The popu­ lation of the island outride of Havana is warmly with the rtlcl leaders. If more soldiers are uieded than are wil­ ling to volunteer in the patriot army, they can bo had in plenty by drafting them. The wife of Mr. Leonard Wells, of East Brimfield, Mass., bad been suffering from neuralgia for two days, not being able to sleep or hardly keep still, when Mr. Holden, the merchant there, sent her a bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm, and asked that she give it a thorough trial. On meeting Mr. Wells the next day he was told that she was all right, the pain had left her within two hours, and that the bottle of Pain Balm was worth $5.00 if it could not be had for less For sale at 50 cents per bottle by Ashland Drug Company. Purely vegetable; do not gripe ■ ■ ■ ■ or cause pain. Sold by all druggists. 24 cents. Prepared only by C. L Hood <1 Co., Lowell, Mass. THE TOLEDO WEEKLY BLADE Every intelligent family needs in addi­ tion to their local paper, a good national weekly. The greatest and most widely- known general family newspaper is the Toledo Weekly Blade. For thirty years it has been a regular visitor in every part of the Union, and is well known at almost every one of the 70,000 postoffices in the country. It is edited with reference to a national circulation. It is a Republican pape r, but men of all politics take it, be­ cause of its honesty and fairness in the dis­ cussion of all public questions. It is the favorite family paper with something for every member of the household. Serial stories, poetry, wit and humor; the House­ hold department (best in the world), Young Folks, Sunday School Lessons, Talmage’s Sermons, the Farmstead, the Question Bureau (which answers questions for sub­ scribers), the News of the Week in com plete form, and other special features. Specimen copies gladly sent on application, and if you will send us a list of addresses, we will mail a copy to each. Only $1 a year. If you wish to raise a club, write for terms Acditfi T he B lade . Toledo, Ohio. DISEASES OF THE SKIN. The intense itching and smarting inci­ dent to eczema, tetter, salt-rheum, ana other diseases of the skin is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain’s Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases have been permanently cured by it. It is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite rem­ edy for sore nipples; chapped hands, chil­ blains, frost bites, and chronic sore eyes. For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. . . . . Dealer in Furniture I and everything pretaining to the Furniture Trade! A nice line of Floor Matting just in—prices low. Trunks and canvas-covered Telescopes; Mirrors, Window Shades, Lamberquin poles and trimmings, Screens,Picture Frames, bedding, Etc., Etc. White, New Home and Magestic Sewing Machines. Best machine oil, needles and repairs for all kinds of Sewing Machines. jA BABY QftEEIftGBS less than city prices. 9 ASHLAND MILLS. ® j Q*™ ï XES2 i SELDO JSŒ U Q TJ A. ZL. KSD. lUever Excelled. VIRGIN & C0.. PROP’S. ASHLAND. OR. 9 CASTORIA For Infants and Children. M ain S treet , O pposite P l / za . New Zealand is frequently pointed ZF’JVIHSTTS ZE’JLIlsrTZEIRS’ TOOLS, out as a happy and prcspcious country, VT-A-LL UPA-IEPliEEd. C3-T_iA_SS. ETC. yet New Zealand is governed by laws B uilding P apers , W rapping T apers and T wines . ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. which older governments think work ruin and disaster if applied to them. To begin, .the personal proitily tax has been abolished. In its place nie a land tax and an income tax, each of which is progressive, it3 rate increasing as the I “CUPIDLNE” amount of landed estate and income in­ ' This great Vegetal.1< crease. The public lauds cf the govern­ V italizertlheprescrip* tion of a famouN F rent h pnysncktn. will quickly cure you of nil u. r volts or disuses of the generuUve «.r^.i mk -A Z ho ment, or crown lands, as they aie called, l’;un« In the Back, Hemloul riraiih,. are not sold. They are merely leased in i iffiplcs, I ntunoss to Marry, ExbauaUng brains. VaricowK or J yunstinatlon. 11 stops nil losses by day or night* Prevent. ’ r- perpetuity. The lease can be transferred x.tss of discharge, ivliich it nctchecked leu-is to Spermaturrhre'l Lut BEFORE ANO A FYE H horrors of Itnpotency. urinary orgamof all impurities. -“vuver, mo jPUPIDE^E RtrengtbenB and restores small weak organa, A land was ow ned in foe simple. At regu­ T lie reasou »ufTerers «re not cured by Bu'tors H because ninety ner rent am iwwiMzU Pro.trat ti.. CUPIDENE Is theonly known remedy ^rew" “omunoi^raU^ lar intervals of time the leases are re­ A written guarantee given and money return« if six boxes does not Xct a? AeSXnteAro $».(X>abox,sixforf5.(X>,by mall. Send for free circular mid testtmoniaU 1 a permanent cure vised by the authorities and their Address DAVOL MEDICINE CO.. P. O. Box 2070, San Francisco, 4'al. amount increased or diminished, us may FOR SALE BY E. A. SHERWIN. be required. Members ef the upper house ef parliament do not hold office for life, as French senators and British lords do, but for seven years. Finally woman suifrago has been adopted, and an industrial arbitration law has been e passed. PAINTING, PAPERING. ETC. »(¡Oil RfSJOffl)....... Job Out upon tho mercies cf a cold and cruel world the new ruler of Persia has thrust Naser-ed-Din’s 95 widows, more or less. Worst of all, they cannct marry agafn unless they take a common tradesman or mechanic. It is forbidden them towed any civil or military officer of Persia. This prohibition is worse than even belonging to a dirty, old, royal dospot’s harem. Wanted Jackson county property. Will trade one hundred and sixty acres of good farming land seven miles from Klamath Falls for Jackson county property. Ad­ dress, P. O. Box 55, Yreka, Cal. Printing Prompt Work and Bottom Prices. -BEST LATEST STYLES. Hood’s Best to take after dinner; prevent distress, aid diges- tion, cure constipation. ELY’S CREAM BALM WORKMANSHIP. Mail Orders a Specialty. ■ ■ ■ ■Il a 8" SIH Blank Forms, Mining Locations, Always Kept in Stock. Lessai ¡Jiangs CATARRH is quickly absorbed Cleanses the Nasa Pa-sages, Allay.- Pain and Inflamma­ tion, Heals and Pro'ects the Mem­ brane from cold Re­ stores the senses of Taste and Smell. Gives Belief at once, andit will cure. M m a bw A particle is ap- plied directly into the nosuils. is agreeable 50 cents at Druggists or by mail; sample- 10c. by mail. ELY BROTHERS,56 Warren St., N. Y COLD N H EAD lost manhood Easily, Quickly and Permanently Restored. C zlxbratid E nglish R zmkdy J. B. RUSSELL. NERV1A. It is sold on a positive guarantee to euro any form of nervous pros­ tration or nny disorder of the genital organs of either sex, caused Before, by excessive uro of Aitor. Tobacco, Alcohol or Opium, or on account of youthful indiscretion or over indulgence etc., Ditriness. Convulsions, Wakefulness. Headache, Mental Depression, Softening of the Brain. Weak Memory. Bearing Down Pains. Seminal W eaknesa. Hysteria, Nocturnal Emissions, Spermatorrhoea, Loss of Power and Impotency, which if neglected, may lead to premature old age and insanity. . Kuaranteed. Price.$1.00 a box; C boxes for $5.00. Sent by mail on receipt of price. A written fuarantee furnished with every $5.00 order received. o refund tha money it a permanent cure is not elected. NERVIA MEDICINE CO.. Detroit. Mich. S 5 Dealer in S J -I—I—I—l-l—I—l-l-l-l-l Granite, Marble, Freestone Monuments and Copings. Also agents for IRON FENCES. Satisfaction guaranteed P.O. Address: YREKA, Siskiyou Co.. Cal. FOR SKUE BY T. K. BOLTON. FOR SALE BY ALL I’RPOGIHTS. /*** W n || | C* zu« wc-.1t rora» pon- T I n ! L! Otlv«:y eared. SS yaar« «ucceMtuljiractire. Trcatmjnt conSdential. Cure» by mail or at ’Iffica. Termalow. Queation Blank and Book tn«. Cab or write. Da. WÄRT INSTITUTE,* i20H.9th St.. St.Louis, Mo. ASHLAND White Sulphur Springs BATHING Water of anjr temperature desfrea Natural Temperature S3 deg’s, WEEKS BROS. Medford, Oregon, TO DKIIK THE WATEB IS A TOIIC. Being Sulphuric and Alkaline it eradicate* fungi and animalculea, and neutral­ izing and correcting all acidi­ ties it promotes a normal and healthful condition in every part of the system. — SWIMMING RINK. — inclosed and covered, the same rnedica water, always clean, for the springs run a heavy volume- more than twelve hun­ dred gallons per hour. You may dive and swim and have more fun than “anybody’’—come out as “fine Of all kin !■ at shop at Phoenix as silk” and “white as wool’’—rejuven­ ated and happy. Try Dr. Cady’s Condition Powders, they MANU FACT U R Ex- are just what a horse needs when in bad condi­ tion. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. ForSale by ASHLAND DRUG CO. 5a 0PBRA HOUSE BLOCK. FURNITURE Furniture Store OPPOSITE CLARENDON HOTEL ---- and see our good«.---- will giye you a bargain. POKEGAMA ADDITIOlVà 150 Choice Residence Lots for sale in Pokegama, on reasonable teimB. Lote sold on the in­ stallment plan. lso 2,000 acres of Choic and Yellow Pine Land for sale A the Bugar on Klamath River. Terms made to suit on application. Address, CHAS. COLE, Pokegama, Siskiyou Co. Cal, Located on the HELMAN LAND, HALF A MILE NORTH OF THE PLAZA. GRANT HELMAN Proprietor RECORD OFFICE,