Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1896)
i VALLEY ' RECORD. The People's Paper Firff re&‘ntly deSQ’oyed the burinest portion’ oB' the tow n'or Enfield,^Masa. Twelve firms were burned out. B. F. Foster, Grand Secretary of »he .Grand Lodg^ of Odff Feilows, died re- cemly at his humc iu Indianapolis oi . dropsy of the heart. ■ Chief Justice WiBiam A. Richardson oT'tlie United States Court of Ci aims died a few days ago iu Washington. Cancer of the stomach was the cause oi his death. One hundred aud sixty-seven Armen ian refugees arrived a few day* ago in New York on the steamship Olxlain. They had been collected in Turkey by Miss Francis Willard and are the first of a batch of 350 Armenian refugees who are to be sent to America. Many of thenewere held for examination by the special board of inquiry. A meeting between the Czar of Russia and the Emperor William oi Germany took place recently at Wies baden, Germany. The Czar was met at the station by Emperor William whe wore a Russian uniform. The road was lined with troops who accorded the Czar an enthusiastic welcome. Lord Brassey, the Governor of Victo ria, Australia, said in a recent speech on imperial federation that it will be wise if possible to bring America into a grand defensive league of the Anglo- Saxon races, which would effectively secure the peace of the world. The Government of Sweden intende to apply to the next Riksdag for a credit of 10,000,000 kroner to build an ironclad, several million kroner to con struct torpedo boats and cruisers, and 6,000,000 kroner with which to construct fortifications along the Gulf of Bothnia. The gang of “Union generals” going oi I around the country at the -X potisi Hanna’s barrel, proclaiming thè beauty of poverty to old soldiers, will find that I old soldiers are aware of the scheme. Some French Bcienti6t has found a wav ASHLAND. Or... .Thursday, Oct. 29/1S9H. to create a temperature tint indicates 253 9 below zero. Pshaw! that isn’t anything. John OREGON UNION Sherman’s conscience ¡4 colder than that. PRESIDENTIAL TICKET “.VO CÄOIF.V OF THORNS, NO CROSS OF GOLD. Tn* money qtr- stion scm'nrto have found its wav to the to» in spite of the tariff boomers and Brvan is the man wtip hois ted the banner where th# subsidised press of plutocracy has bean forced to notice it. Twenty stump speeches per day keep Bryan busy, but as bu„y as be is he finds time to rip Harrison up the back, pitch Carlisle over tbe back yard fence, and boot the turncoats everywhere he hap pens to run «ernes them/ - • . , » < - --------- p B ésìdent ; Slaves have never freed themselves in the past and never wifi in the future- A middle class must strike .the blow that break tbe shackles that ,bind 40,000,000 industrial slaves of the United States. Mr, Brvan is tbe leader of the middle i » class. The principal London papers are get- ting alarmed and threaten war in caBe Bryan is elected, Fetch on your war, tentlemen. We smashed you in 1776 and slashed you again in 1812. Now give us another show to get at you and we will wipe up the earth with you. America for Americans. ZBZR/x-A-IST OF NEBRASKA. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT With two saloons in the capital, a tory I in tbe white bouse, a cabinet made up mostly of corporation attorneys, and a congress of millionares, cuckoos, cowards and ilou/h faces, who says we are not a I great government. AU that is needed is i confidence and she will return—when ' these are kicked out. ■■ - — —— , The San Francisco Castles, who did i some expert shoplifting in England, will ' find their millions won’t help them. En glish administration of law is about the ¡only thing English we admire. A big I thief gets justice dealt out to him in Eng land as well as a email one. In America rich thieves escape. ZE. WATSON, OF GEORGIA. Union Presidential Electors: W. H. SPAUGH ... .......... Populi« HARRY WATKINS, ..................Populis N. L. BUTLER ."... ..Silver Deniocra E. HOFER................ Silver Republican •’ THE OFFICIAL! BALLOT. The Secretary of State has Delivered It to tbe County'Clerks. There are preachers and preachers.^ I Plutocracy is becoming so terrified over the outlook that it is event trying to nee , the clergymen of all denominations as a , police force to whip their congregations into line. It can take the multitude of ' perfunctory manikins, it will never get the few with large hearts and. big souls that can sway the ocean of human feel- i ing and sympathy. | All our populist exchanges from Ibe different coast states where-county and state officers are voted for this year are contending for a stricter economy in the expenditure of the state and county taxes and denouncing the exorbitant salaries and emoluments received by officials. This a good cause and makes (pends for the party. But after the populists get in (in Jackson county, at least) the partv is compelled to fight its own officials if it ever gets that class of* public abuses reformed, HAPOLEOH CROSSING THE ALPS, ( new The Grand Traverse, a large three • masted barge owned by M. M. Drake oi Buffalo, was run down and sunk'by the Livinston of Wyandotte, Midi., in the channel three miles east of Colchester, Ontario. The asphalt roof used by the Univer- sity of Virginia fell and caught five workmen, two of whom, Eugene Bunch and George Tucker, were killed. Two thousand miners at Springfield, 111., employed at twenty-five mines in that county, struck for an advance in wages to 32 and 37A cents per ton, gross weight, for mining coal. The operators offer to arbitrate. Fire completely wiped out the big drug establishment of Scott & Brown at Belleville, Ontario. Loss $40,000. It is generally reported in New York that Maurice.Grau will succeed Henry E. Abbey as manager of the Metropoli tan Opera House Company. At the Rose mine in theMorongo dis trict thirty-five men are employed, working night and day shifts. Anew strike of rich ore has recently been made. The low grade ore, running from 170 to $100 per ton, is worked at the mill, but the rich ore is shipped to the snielter, netting from $250 to $700 pel ton. President Dole has returned to Hono lulu, from Maui« after a vacation oi several weeks. His first important task will be the selection of a person to act as circuit judge of Hawaii, to take the plooe of the late Judge Austin. The Washington Mills, one of the largest cotton and dress goods manu facturing firms in Lawrence, Mass., have-been badly damaged by tire. The fire started from sptritaneonsreombus- tk>n »UMiugavine wool. It is estimated that the loss svill be $05,000 to »75,00.1; fnUv insured. About 4500 operative employed bv the plant when runuin. nt full capacity will be thrown out of work for ten days. ‘ The population of Honolulu, accord- jpg to the census just^ taken, is 29,881. There are 18,434 ipales'and 11,147 fe- ipales. Full returns from the other isl ands have not vet been received. .. Commodore K. Marita of the imperial Japanese navy is now in the United States, for tire purpose of inspecting shipyards, study naval architecture and gain all the information possible that will benefit his government in securing warships. After inspecting the Amer ican yards, he will go to England foi the same purpose. In the course of a report to the Fede» ral Government on the labor situation in Japan James F. Connelle, United States Consul, says among other things, that the American working man need have no fear of competition with the Japanese. The drought still continues in India. Tbe advent of the northeast monsoon is anxiously watched, as it inay bring a good rain in Madras, with heavy showers in Hyderabad and the eastern parts of the central provinces. A fire in the mill of the Center Lum ber Co. of Michigan destroyed about 8,OC0,000 feet of lumber. The loss will approach $150,000 and is understood to be fairly covered by insurance. The most disastrous cotton fire in the history of Galveston, Tex., happened a few days ago. Four thousand bales- and the warehouse in which they were stored were destroyed. The loss on the warehouse, $25,000, is fully covered by insurance, as well as the loss on the cotton, 135,000. For president of the United States, Win. McKinley of Ohio. For vice president of The United States. In an interview given cut at the Marl J. G. Hobart, of New Jersey. borough hotel, New York, April 20th, For electors of president and vice presi 1890, Senator John H. Mitchell, of Ore dent: John F. Caples, of Portland, Multnomah gon , said: “I am afraid the democratic county, republican. T T. Geer, of Macleay, Marion county, party will make concessions to the silver republican. | men in the platform adopted at the next t,..L Smith, of Hood River, Wasco coun national convention. If it does, despite ty, republican. S. M. Yeran, of Eugene, Lane county, all past mistakes, it wjll sweep the coun republican. try. If neither party give silver the re For president of the United States, W. J. cognition it deserves a new party will Bryan, of Nebraska. For vice president of the United States, spring up that will sweep tne country T. E. Watson, of Georgia. like Wildfire. I think the result of the For electors of president and vice presi Denver conference will be to make the dent: “ “ L. Butler, of Monmouth, Polk county, U< T N* republican party realize fully tbe gravity peoples-deiuocratic-eilver-republican peoples-deniocratic-eilver-republican. . ’ of the situation, and may lead to its p pw-1»«-« •-»w ples-democratic-silver republican W, H. Spaugh, of Harrisburg, Linn I silver at the next republican national county, peoples-democratic-silver-republi- I convention.” con. ■ ; ;..................... ■ I ===== Hatty Watkins, of McMinnville. Yam ¿nunty. peoples-democraticic-silver-1 The Oregonian of the23 i inst. coutain- hill county, peoples-democraticic-silver- repnblican. , ed an account of Congressman Boutelle’s , For electors of president and vice presi- speech at the Ashland depot and iD the dent: same column the speech of Ex-Congress D. Bowerman, of Salem, Marion county, prohibition. man Schoonmaker of New Jersey at Me- bin’°f SherU1"n COUnty’ Pr°bi‘ M'nnvilleon the same dav. Sehoonmak- Leslie Butler, of the Dalles, Wasco, 8a*d at McMinnville: “Hetheu present county, prohibition. ed so simple an argument that a child C. E. Hoskins, of Spring Brook, Yambill could understand. He asked an old man county, prohibition. For president of the United States, John : i if there bad ever been a time when 100 McAoley Palmer. ' pennies or cents, would not bay a gold For vice president of tbe United States, dollar, and if it was not a mistake about Simon Bolivar Buckner. Foielectors of president and vice presi- l a gold dollar being a 200-eent dollar, Uent: - • - - ' proving conclusively that gold had not Lewis B. Cox, of Portland, Multnomah appreciated, but silver depreciated in county, national democratic. Alexander M. Holmes. McCoy, PAk value ” This is Your Opportunity, county, national democratic. But that other imported eastern speak On receipt of 10 cents, cash or stamps, a Franfe A. Seufert, of Seufert, Oregon, er, Mr. Boutelle, Contradicted him in generous sample will be mailed of the national democratic. Curtis J. Trenohard. of Astoria, Clatsop in Ashland the same day. We quote most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure (Ely’s Cream Balm) sufficient to demon county, national democratic. strate its great merit Full size 50c. from tbe Oregonian’s account: ELY BROTHERS, “It was charged, he said, that our 56 Warren St., New York City. On ueeount of thee<-rn famujo exist dollar was a 200-cent dollar. He was Rev. John Reid, Jr., of Great Falls, ing in tlie states of Aguas Calientes, Mont., recommended Ely’s Cream Balm to Gitua Junta and Vera Cruz, Mexico, willing that it should be such. No dol me. I can emphasize bis statement: “It lar is too good or too valuable for an the Governtuent lias remitted the du is a positive cure for catarrh if used as di ties temporarily on corn importatkme to American; We Want the best money of rected.’’—Rev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Pres. Church, Helena, Mont. V the amount of $350,001 bushels for Guna , the world.” Juata, 125,tW being held for Agna-' Caliente9 and lOO/XX) for Vera Cruz. It. J. The insurrection in the Philippine I ? “Record” Office for artistic printing. is said that all of this supply will come j islands is growing more formidable. I It is stated on good authority that from the United States. It will be dis- I The province of Cavite is completely in i | there has been no change nor is any the hands of the rebels, together will) tributed free and sold at low prices bv ! contemplated in the policy of tin government agencies among the poor. the arsenal and ship slip. The Spanish United States toward Cuba. Thia -atedlv repulsed The Hawaiian Foreign Office has troops liavo’ bv.?n i country has used all reasonable dili adopted a department postage stamp. by armed and organ .. d bodies. As to gence to prevent the fitting out of fili •The design is the jiortiait of Lorrin A. I the object of th» movement, it is called bustering expeditions for Cuba, to show Thurston, the former Minister to Wash by the government a separatist rebel the world that international law is held lion, but on the oilier hand it iialleged ington;. sacred by the United States, and also i that it is «ealîa , xfrecied, uat against A violent storm in Halifax, Nova the union with Spain, nor yet against to prevent Spain from successfully Beotia, has done much damage, and it the church as such, but against the prosecuting claims against this govern a rreiijko'r bre'aks a great calamity will monastic orders. Their expulsion is ment for damages growing out of these ...,. result. The famous public gardens are demanded on the ground that their expeditions. flooded and badly injured. U Princeton College, New Jersey, cele- conduct is inimical to the welfare of the Th* British ship Tropp L aachoredat country. • brated its’‘150th anniversary on October « ■ Honolulu waiting for a crew. There England is tiwing to gain a station in 20th. The faculty, trustees and stu was trouble aboard the ship almost | MiiroeM.'“Bheiiniiitkjng frfibrts-togain dents all joined in a procession and In •very day Jrom thfi.time slie arrived in a foothold on the island of Peregil as the impressive exercises. The old port, a’nuflt a month ago. The mate is well as on the nirthiland. It. is not school henceforth assumes the title of objected to by some of the sailors, whe likely, however, tiiat the powers will Princeton University. '/efiise to go aboard unless he is dis- tolerate any such action on the part oi It is believed in London that the di r charged. L'nle^$ the sailors agree to England. The tribes on the coast oi rectors of the Bank of- England will travel with the same mate a Japanese Morocco fhu.i threatened with Ungiish raise the discount rate from 3 to 4 per crew will be taken on board. A num occupation are ceinbiabjo for defense, cent. The newspapers agree in stating ber of ships that have taken sugai with tlio.-e of the interior and mountain' that the flow of gold to America must from the Islands around the Horn have rejetons. - be stopped. ■__________ — - shipped Japanese crews from this port. . Li Hung Chang, the viceroy of China, Hot and cold baths at Storey’s barber Baron Fava, the Italian ambassador, shop. has arrived at Peking and will shortly Opposite town ball. has presented to President Cleveland present his report to the Emperor. in the name of King Humbert of Italy I Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that » A passenger train on the Memphis fourteen handsome volumes relating tc Contain Mercury, route was wrecked a few nights age Christopher Columbus and the discov as mercury will surely destroy the sense near Jones Springs, Mo., by the placing ery of America. They were compiled of smell and completely derange the whole of an iron plate on the rails at a curve. I from official sources under a royal de system when entering it through the I Charles George, the fireman, was badly , mucous surfaces Such articles should mand. ‘ never be used except on prescriptions from hurt. The passengers escaped with a i reputable physicians, as tbe damage they . Wood wanted. Inquire at the R ecord will do is ten fold to tbe good you can shaking .up. t office. a. . . Henry Tibbe, -the inventor, of the . possibly derive from them. Hall’s Catarrh ! ’«»»yuenvy Cure, iuuuuitxciuc«*k> manufactured by !• r ’ . • J,.,Ç ’heney ot & uo., Co. ! ' world-fatned/ “Missouri meershaum” All kinds of razor grinding and repairing ■ t/uiu, O., contains no mercury,’ afid is’ corncob-pipe,-died-al Washington, Mo., at the Gem barber shop, opposite town Toledo, e taken .A I • interDaily, t .11.» A acting . A ' • z4 directly 1 V . 1 «• upon ww X the L. hall. blood and i >ucous surfaces of the system. aged 77 years. In buying Hall’s Catarrh Cure be sure you Pille Do Not Curo. get the genuine. It is taken internally, and made in Toledo. Ohio, by F. J. Cheney Pills do not cube constipation. They n* tu- Ç°_-- Testimonials free. only aggravate. Karl’s Clover Root Tea »lall« Uphold by Druggists, price 75c. per gives perfect regularity of the bowels. For UCAi'.ur* sale by T. K. Bolton. bolUe. ■: : k ’ * ; ♦ ¡ * ¡ !« ♦ ¡ » I* But it makes no difference Our Goods Some . . . are lower than ever! DONT Men’s fine striped underwear, suit. . ..$1.00 Men's white Meriuo underwear, suit.. Men’sgrey Merinotine underwear,suit Men’s sox, heavy, per pair .......... Bovs’ grey Merino’underwear, suit Men s extra tine dress shoe«, pair. Boys’ and Mens’ caps, each........ Men’s fine heavy pants, per pair .. Men’s fine hats........... 50c. 75c, $1.00, 1.50 I* ; Others bDO NOT Men’s suits upwards from . . Yours Truly, JOHN M’CLUNIE. Shannon House Just around the corner from Depot, Asli land, Oregon. Mrs. W. H. Bush, Prop. Johu W. Foster, who filled the^post • Bogus Canadian half dollars made in of counsel to the Chinese government China, as pure as the original, and in the peace negotiations bet ween .that almost perfect m imitation, are circu country and Japan is now in San Fran lating to a great extent"in Vancouver, cisco, on hiB way to the Hawaiian Isl B. C. About $2000 worth of these coin3 ands, and possibly the Orient, in the have been' shipped from China, and All trains stop here for meals. Meals at interests of the Chinese government. all hours; price 25 cents. Special rates to there is no telling how many-more will There has been a steady decrease in come. They bear the date xrf 1884. boarders. The Hotel and Restaurant is the number of British seamen and a Uonsnmption Can be Cured A certain form of smuggling’hasbeen under good management. growing number of foreign officers and discovered by the accident to the Uma by the use of Shiloh’s Cure. This great seamen employed on British ships for Cure is the only known remedy for tilla. There were several hundred bar Cough vr GIVE TZHEEZM. JL CALL. that terrible disease. For sale by T. K. some time past. This directly affects, rels of sugar in the cargo. In remov Bolton. England’s navy, and is causing anxiety ing the cargo some of the barrels were to the government. broken, and in many were found five- President Cleveland is at work on his gallon demijohns filled with whisky. annual message to Congress.- A part of It is thought that this methoiT of get the message will be given up to a con ting whisky into Alaska has been going I sideration of the financial question, It on for years, tind was only discovered I is said that the message will contain a by this accident. ALL KINDS OF recommendation for the retirement of Of severest trial and test prove Residents of Port Townsend have in regard to Hood’s Sarsaparilla the greenbacks and treasury notes, and witnessed what was evidently a vol- that he will declare himself thoroughly of the opinion that this is the only prac canic eruption of the Olympic moun Secured by a peculiar Combina tical remedy for the financial situation. tains. The mountains stood out plain aud distinct in a clear sky, and the tion, Proportion and Process J* Lord Nelson’s victory over tbe com phenomenon is described as a jet of unknown to others — which y.;- Order Work a Specialty. bined French and Spanish fleets on flame flyiqg high into the heavens at naturally and actually produces October 21, 1805 (Buttle of Trafalgar) intervals, while down the mountain was celebrated in London at Trafalgar side appeared two fiery streaks, having ALSO HANDLE ALL KINDS OF------- Square with great ardor on the anni tbe appearance through powerful Shown by thousands of honest, versary of that day. The result of the glasses of being molten masses. voluntary testimonials — which naturally aud actually produce victory was to frustate a plan of Napo The best sugar mill at Alvarado has leon to invade England with 2pO,OQU men. Nelson’s monument was covered been running night and day for the with flowers, and a wreath which last two months and the campaign will According to the statements of Let Us Give You OUR FIGURES Before Ordering druggists all over the country. attracted particular attention was in not close for at least two months more. Elsewhere. In these three points Hood’s scribed “From (he daughters and The beets are coming in so fast that an sarsaparuia Sarsaparilla is Is peculiar io to aseu. itself. grandsons of a midshipman aboard the increase in the storage-room has Wen made? The crop around the townsljip Neptune at the Battle of Trafalgar.” Upper Planing Mill. Ashland, Oregon averages fourteen tons to the acre aud The officials of the United States the price is $4 a ton. Embassy at London, have received a Two footpads, one of whom was letter from Walter M. Castle of San Francisco, who with his wife is under colored, held up a conductor on one of - ■■ ■ 1 I ■ ■ I ■ ■ ■ — $150,000 bail, pending their approaching the Main Street cars, Los Angeles. The trial on a charge of stealing furs and conductor Johu. R. Reyes was eleauing Is the best — It Is the One True Blood Purifier. „ are the only pills to take other articles of value from various •hfe lamps at the end of the road, when nOOH S < 11IS Wltli Hood'sHursKparina. stores in: London. In the communi the two men who had been passengers cation Mri Castle expresses his deep on the car told him to throw up his griHriite for alL^offidals, as well a/ hands, aqff as lje did so, the would-be- friends in,ve done in his : robber fineil ‘indicting painfd^ ffiough Save My Child!” not serious wounds. No money was ^behalf. ’ the cry of Portland, Oregon, Sept. 19th to Oct. I7fh, 1896 '• ’ The 134 Armenian refugees who Lave secured. many an 1 The lumber combine . known as the been held at Ellis Island for several agonized days will be allowed to land at Port of Central Lumber Co. of California will Resorcee of the PACIFIC NC .THWEST—Agriculture, Horticulture of New York and fiud homes iu this be given a new lease of life on Jani, mother The Great Fisheries, Mines, Manufactures, Machinery, Transportation, Trade 1897, and early in the spring will country. and Commerce will be Represented more Completely whose The corner-stone of "the Hall oi attempt;^p,hiild prices at a higher fignre than ever before. little one ilisiory, the first td be’;iereeted of the than they.,have been for years. The group of buildings to comprise the “foreign pool,’’ as it is lffiB^n in writhes in croup or whoop American University in Washington, contra-distinction to the “domestic ing cough. In such cases, was laid a few days ago in the presence pool,” has also been arranged aud all Dr. Acker’s English Rem ' Grandy Band Concert Every Afternoon and Evening. Lowest Rate« Ever of a large and distinguished audience. the big lumber concerns on the coast Made on all Transportation Lines. have signed a compact tp keep up the edy proves a blessing and I ADMISSION, - 25 CENTS. | CHILDREN. - 10 CENTS. The Tyranny of the Desk. present schedule of prices for another For exhibit space, apply to a godsend. Mrs. M. A. year. We will suppose that your occupation is H. C. Masten, Secretary, Geo. L. Baker, Superintendent, at building. sedentary—that you are chained, so to Burke, of 309 E. 105th St., Powerful influence is brought to bear speak, to the desk in some counting house, New York, writes.: “ Dr. or perhaps to the loom in some vast mili on the authorities in London to secure where you are compelled to labor from the release of the Castles, the >San Acker’s English Remedy morning till night. Sunday is your only Franciscans arrested for stealing, aud i day of relaxation. You return home they may be set free. Inspector Arrow cured my baby of bronchi every evening wearied mentally and admits that Mr. Castle probably knew tis, and also gave instant bodily. Your health and strength begin to fail. What will most effectually recuper nothing of the matter. At the exami relief in a severe case of ate your vital energy ? The weight of evi nation they were held for trial on dence points to no other conclusion than Nov. 2d. ¡croup.” that Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters is your 3 sizes, 2Sc.| 50e.; $1. AU Dranists. safest, most reliable sheet anchor. Use it The river and harbor bill, passed at persisently, and your system will soon re the last session of Congress, contained *, Acxxx M xdicisx C o . , 16-11 ChiuabenSU, N.T gain its pristine vigor. Every function will receive a healthfnl impulse. Thera is a provision that the location of a deep no remedy to equal the Bitiers for nervous water harbor should be determined by •ILI IAM FOX. ALLEN HILDRETH. ness and want of sleep, dyspepsia, con a commission composed of certain stipation and biliousness. It averts and remedies all forms of malarial disease, and officers. The commission has finally is a preventive of rheumatism and neural been appointed, and the harbor will be at Los Angeles. • gia- .................. -■ -■ «?:. Ashland, Oregon. There will no election next month for The Supreme Court, sitting in Los superintendent of -Schools in San Fran Angeles, lias ordered that the appeal cisco. The right of office was contested City Passenger of Durant, convicted of murdering by Charles S. Young, but the Supreinq Blanche Lamont, be submitted in bank Court has decided in favor of Babcock. and Truck Transfer for decision and without brief?. This Young was appointed by the Supervis means that the exhaustive arguments ors of San Francisco and Babcock by ---- All kinds oi freight, baggage forta new trial will not and cannot be the Board of Education in November household goods, etc., transfer- ed with promptness and safety. presented to the Court. The possibili of 1895 to fill the position made vacant / Hauling on a large scale con ties are now that a decision will be by the death of Superintendent Moul tracted for, V . , , • , . . reached by January, and in the opinion der, and the question presented by the of those who have watched the ease' its appeal was the authority of the Super WOOD FOR SALE —LIST OF SECOND HAND— present status is decidedly against Du visors to make the appointment. By rant. - • > -------ICE IN SEASON------ the decision the power of the Board oj The steamer Monowai, due at San Education to appoint is recognized. Will handle ice in Ashland during the Francisco from Australia on October If your children are subject to croup summer season, Delivered at your door OR LEASE------- 22d, is supposed to have hud on bijard watch for the first symptom of the dis every morning. Chamberlain’s $2,500,000 worth of English sovereigns ease—hoarseness. If delivered to any part of consigned to Assistant United States Cough Remedy is given as soon as the he CV-Passengers city. Treasurer Berry, to be melted down child becomes hoarse it will prevent the ---- AT----- and coined into double eagles ij> Ban attack. Even after the croupy cough bus appeared the attack can always be Francisco and stored away in the,- sub prevented by giving this remedy. It is treasury. The gold thus-sl)ippe<i from also invaluable for «olds and whooping Australia is placed to the credit of mer cough. For sale by Ashland Drug .Co. Pokegama, Cal. chants who are buying in' New-York JLT A l . 3B-AIóG--ATTÑr. TOHN E. FELTON. a. r. heil . and Europe to make up the' balai/ce of TT'OR SALE OR LEASE on Reasonable trade, which is naturally in favor of A? Terms. Call on or address : New York at this season. One 12 <fc 18 >4x14x10 Worthington Com pound Duplex steam pump. Jefferson L. Watkins, late of Ports Two 30 H. P. portable ure-box boilers. mouth, Ohio, has been arrested at Cor —Retail and Wholesale dealers In— One No. 5 vertical boiler with fixtures If you want one write H. S. Prendergast, onado, Cal. The warrant was issued and one injector. to me for catalog and on an indictment by the Federal grand One No. 8 Metropolitan injector and pipe Pokegama, Cal connections for same. jury at Portsmouth charging him with prices. «> I know you Steam and exhaust pipes for pump. falsifying the accounts of the Farmers’ will be pleased with One length pipe to fit 10 in. discharge and Mrs. L Hessig, National Bank of Portsmouth and ren increasing to 15 in. both. > / / / ji One length pipe reducingfrom 15 to 11 in. dering false reports of the condition of Beewick, Cal. All Kinds of Frosh Meats One length pipe reducing from 11 to 9 in. the bunk to the Comptroller of the Cur One double cylinder single drum 5x10 rency. It is said that Watkins’ crimes I hoisting engine. were committed more for the purpose One reducing length fr»m 8 in. to 5 in. Kept constantly on hand, Fair living SST* Marysville, Cal. with one 5 in. coupling on same. of shielding others than for personal One reducing length from 8 In. to 5 in. TH« SELL THEMSELVES I ..gain. He is very ill, and if he lives to Catalogue of Guns, Rifles, Fishing prices is all that we ask. with one 5 iu nipple on same. go through the trial will probably es Tackle ami Sporting Goods Free, 28 ft. 12 in. suction pipe with one 12 m. cape with light punishment. The fail We will make it to your interets to elbow. 10 ft. 6 in. suction pipe. ure of the bank caused widespread dis feb 1 ’92 deal with us. One 2U in foot valve and strainer. aster in Porkmouth. LOST MANHOOD One piece heavy wire cloth for strainer. One siphon for steam gauge. James Lowe, the son of e-x-Senator Easily, Quickly and Permanently Restored. Six 1 in, Jenkins globe valyes. C zlsbuatzd E nglish R emedy James R. Lowe, a leading attorney of Two % in. common valves. NERV1A. San Jose, shot and killed Addie Schil One 2 in. plug, drilled for siphon. Two pressure gauges. ’ 1 air *' receiver. ling, a young woman of bad character, It is sold on a positive .guarantee to care «ny 110 ft. of 1 in. pipe. 1 sight feed lubricator and then killed himself. Lowe had a form of nervous pros 100 ft. of 2 in. pipe. 1 2 in. bushing. wife living, but left her for theBchilling tration or any disorder 100 ft. of % in. pipe. 1 reducer 5 to 2% in. of the genital organa of woman. / Medford* Oregon, 30 ft. of 2)4 in. pipe 1 reducer 2)4 to 2 in either sex, caused i 2 reduce™ 2 in to 1 in 5 2 in. elbows. Before- by excessive use of After- Work lias been commenced on an oil Tobacco, A 6 reducers 1 to % in. 6 1 in. elbows. Alcohol or Opium, or on account and asphalt refinery at the mines near of youthful indiscretion or over indulgence etc.. 2 reducers % to % in. 6% in. elbows. Dizziness, Convulsions, Wakefulness. Headache, MANUFACTURE. 2 2 in. unions. One 2)4 in. tee. Santa Monica, Cal., and tlie oil from Mental Depression. Softening of the Brain, Weak 2 1 in. unions. 3 2 in. tees. the Sisquoc well will be hauled there. Memory, Bearing Down Pains. Seminal Weakness, 2 % in. hose bibs. 4 1 in. tees. Hysteria, Nocturnal Emissions, Spermatorrhoea, 1 2 in. plug. 4 Ji in. tees. of Power and Impotency, which it neglected« G ents ; I have been taking your 8arspa- Loss lead 2 2 in. short nipples. 4 1 in. pings. to premature old age and insanity. sarilla. and think it a wonderful remedy. 1 may Positively guaranteed. Price. $1.00 a box; 6 boxes 1 2)4 in. short “ 4 % in. plugs. CELLULOID LAPKL BUTTON'S of tbe «bore em have bad catarrh of the bead and throat for for $5.00. Sent by mail on receipt of price. A written blem. In rich colors, (with ktan In silt), «111 be eent Of all kinds at shop at Phoenix seven years, and have been treated by doc guarantee furnished with every $5.00 order received. postage paid upon receipt of the following price« : SMALL SIZE—JUc. perdox.: ¿.50 per hundred;. *24 00 tors. I got Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla :o refund the money if a permanent cure is not Address ; per thousand. Ilf In. Bl’TTONS-Vic. per do« • w anti-took it for about five months, and from sflected,' per hundred; 4V> per thousand. IV In BUTTONS— ' NERVIA MEDICINE CO.. Detroit. Mich. tu'atxiay to this I have never been trou Call at fl .25 per doe.; f7.75 per hundred; C70.U0 per tbousund Ordertbeeebuttonsatonce and distribute them for bled with catarrh, and I believe I aru entire FOR SALE BY T. K. BOLTON. the good of the cause. Every word Laatcxt; th« vrhulo ly well of it. I have found it matchless, a sermon—eloquent and powerful. it is a good.thing to have handy. Agents Wanted Everywhere. ARRY L FIM MEL. OPPOSITE CLARENDON HOTEL I Samples of two etzes of Buttons, U cents. Machinery Merchants, , Little Lake, Cal. THE BIMETALLIC ASSOC’N, -- . . . , . aucceaifu 1 T; c, W hite to those people and they will 1 by raxil ora: '.“ice. T«.riui : v . 63 Fifth AVenue, NeW York, N. Y. Book Im. vr writ«. L ¡i ó ' TILL YOU HOW GLAD THXY ABB THAT THEY BX- Ï2QU. Z:. jf^We will give on a borgata. rusBs a suaniTun. Restaurant and Hotel ASHLAND FURNITURE AND FIXTURE CO Work. st, Greatest Merit 1 2 d, Greatest Cures ¡ lumber AND d, Greatest Sales 3 Hood ’ s Sarsaparilla BUILDING MATERIAL ROBT. FREY & F. D. ROBBINS, PROPS. Oregon Industrial Exposition Special Attractions Every Night, It is a Bald Headed I Fact. FOX & HILDRETH, Turns out the best JOB 5^TORK at the Lowest Rates. Hotel For Sale Machinery ASHLAND MARKET. RIDDLES, 0R ioues PELTON & NEIL, Prop’s Beef, Pork and Mutton. F. D. GORDON WEEKS BROS. FURNITURE Furniture Store J.‘ M. Arthur & Co., SYPHILIS^ y Portland, Or. Hotel Klnfeii,