V A LLEY ’ ALLL 1 II ' 11JJVVUIA tables received in New York from pai;js say that tho mcmory of raan ha9 Dr. Louis Schicssinger, a wealthy philanthropist of San Francisco, has nothing with which to compare the taken Georgo Thomas, a 10-year-old welcome given by France to her ally, waif, from tho Denver police matron’s The People’s Paper. the Emperor of Russia. In numbers charge and will adopt him. the. crowd rivaled the great English To buy Summer Underwear, Straw Hats, Etc. M. Tony Noel has just finished a demonstration at the marriage of the statue of Pasteur, to be placed in the The prices are cut to close them out............. ASHLAND, Or. ...Thursday, Vet. 15, 1896. Duke of York three years ago, and that market place of Alais, where the illus was the greatest assemblage of human trious investigator made his roaeaichea beings in history. in the diseases cf silkworms. Mens’ silk-finished Balbri^an Underwear reduced OREGON UNION A meeting of the National Campaign Prince Auguste d’Arenberg, the new from $1.25 to 75c. per garment. Committee of the gold standard Demo president of the Suez Canal company, cratic party was held in Chicago was born in September, 1837. He is the Wednesday, and the committee for chief of the French branch of the Aren- Mens’ Summer Balbriggan from.......... 50c to 35a. mally organized. Chairman Bynum bergs of the house of De Ligne. " “ “ " .......... 25o ' g5c. was formally declared chairman and Marix Loevensohn, the clever young and Boys’ Straw Hats cut 1-2 to close out. John P. Hopkins vice-chairman. violoncellist, one of the most promising shoes, solid leather, at.......... ................ $1.50. St. Michael’s College, at Logansport, pupils of the Brussels conservatory, is Boys ’ “ Cvrle Congress........................... 1.25. “.VO CROWN OF THORNS, Ind., was burned a few days ago. The the son of a director of a French com Mens' Corderoy pants, heavy only................... 2.25. loss is $70,000; insurance, $13,000. mercial enterprise of importance. He NO CROSS OF GOLD.” Straw Hats for Boys............................................... 05. was bom at Courtrai in 1880. Chief Justice Springer, of the Indian Territory Court of Appeals, has ren Sir Edward Clarke is probably the FOR PRESIDENT, YOUTIR z S TRULY, dered a decision that any person who hardest worked man in his profession. discovers coal in the Choctaw nation is Often ufter spending the greater part of entitled to take all the coal beneath the the night in the house of commons he Burface within a mile radius in every will find briefs at home, whioh make direction from his works. more than two or three hours’ sleep im possible. Morris and Michael Koener, brothers, of Pittsburg, Pa., have been arrested Lord Grimthorpe is perhaps the most, in Chicago charged with embezzlement. distinguished amateur clockmaker in It is claimed that they obtained goods Great Britain. He lias one of the most from different drygoods houses and complete workshops in the world and shipped them to Chicago, where they’ regularly employs several accomplished were about to open a store. journeymen to carry out the rougher part of his experiments. The Tyler Car and Lumber Company, one of the largest concerns in Texas, The new premier of Canada, Wilfrid THAT DREADED INFLUX. -HAVE MOVED.TO — William Linehan, who, together with The famous collection of Dore paint has failed. Liabilities, $250,000; assets, ings and drawings, after nine months’ masked men, robbed John Wilcome in a Laurier, is a finely educated French Significance of the Increased Production Canadian. As a party leader he is elo from $150,000 to $200,000. successful exhibit at Chicago, has closed. room in San Francisco, has been sen of Silver Under Free Coinage. quent, magnetic and endowed with The freight traffic officials of the The collection goes to Boston, where it tenced by Judge Wallace to life impris A subscriber propounds the following great popularity. Now nearly 56 years .., WITH THEIR .... Western roadB met at Chicago to con will be hung in Copley IIall for an in onment in the State Prison at San old, he Is described as slender in per sider the advancement of rates between definite engagement. Quentin. Linehan is a young man not inquiry: Supposing that this country went for free Chicago and the Missouri river. OI age. lie ne received receive« - gilver in November, the mines of this country son, active and handsome. On complaint of the French Consul at yet thirty years of Dr. Carl Peters, the explorer, Is said PRER8 MAKING PARLORS. Loie Fuller, who has made the ser New York, Edmund Bruwaert, Carl F. his sentence will h perfect composure f < "would more than triple their present produo- tion. Would not this influx of new silver have to have left Germany for good and to and it was evident from his manner pentine, butterfly and other dances so Hansen, Peter F. T. Hansen, provision effect upon Its market value? have left directions to have all his famous, is going to China on the spe dealers, Benjamin O. Bowers and that he had prepared himself for the ’ some W Ashland 'Ladies are fast finding out that I am a free silver Democrat, and the above worst which might come. cial invitation of Li Hung Chang. She Charles Weller have been arrested for question is the only ono that I cannot satisfac affairs there wound up since the sen 0 H H ** at Clint’s a Fall Hat or Bonnet may answer. Tho bankers and leading Re tence of Herr Schroder, the east Afri OF NEBRASKA. will take all her paraphernalia with selling domestic sardines under a The most shocking and mysterious torily publicans around here are winning more votes can administrator, to 15 years’ impris e e e be high grade and still be modest priced. her, and will dance in Peking at the French trade mark. collision that has ever occurred on the by the above argument than any other. If you onment ut hard labor for brutality to special request of the Viceroy. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT, Consent has been given by the coast division of the Southern Pacific will answer it, I think you will do the cause the natives. Bishop Thomas A. Becker, of Geor Chinese Government to build a branch railroad, near Palo Alto, between Sad good. That question is very easily answered. gia, will probably be the successor of oft ho Siiisian Railroad across North Francisco and San Jose, happened a “Record” Office for artistic printing. Archbishop Keane as rector ol the Manchuria, with a pre-emption clause few days ago. The special freight bound In tho first place, thero is not a shadow of foundation for the statement that the Catholic University in St. Louis. Peacock blue is oue of the newest ec giving China the right to purchase this from the south ran into four box cars production of silver would triple under that for some unaccountable reason TF I • • / News from Cuba says that long ac branch after thirty years. It was de centricities cf fashion. coinage. Our present output is, counts have been written of the cruel sired to construct a branch through w ere standing on the track. Engineer free To be up to date, women should wear roughly speaking, 50,000,000 ounces a ties of the Spaniards in that island, but Southern Manchuria also, but the per Henry Haggerty was instantly killed year. stiff bows made of loops of dpubled rib If any man knows where 100,- to no one has the idea yet occurred to mission was not granted. Sheng Taotoi, and Brakeman Joseph Bowser and 000,000 ounces more can be produced bon at the throat. write of the crimes committed by the Director of Railways will not likely ob Fireman Jerry Burge were seriously Elegant brooches and lampas are used year, the country would be delight Cubans. Lack of suitable prisons com tain a concession for the Hankow- hurt, All the cars of the wrecked traifle each for close fitting vests and transparent OPPOSITE CITY HALL. ed to have the benefit of his knowledge. - - ASHLAND. OREGON were heavily loaded, It was an extra pel the Cubans to use the death pen Peking line. materials for the full, fluffy effect. The statement Is absurd. Secondly, such alty for all who transgress their orders. A Chinaman, supposed to have been freight and was being run through on an increase of production would be in Elderly ladies wearing black silks Spanish farmers and the families of insane, committed a most terrible mur fast time. the highest degree beneficial. Silver is having a touch of white trim them with local planters have been compelled to der in Lundy, Cal. His victims were Mrs. W. P. Parsons, Proprietress. To the lack of relig:ous teachings in and the more wealth the coun a collar of black point lace finished on move into the towns to escape the two Chinese women and a man, and the schools of the nation Rev. Dr. wealth, try can produce the better it will be for wrath of the Cubans. The Cubans have another Chinese is so badly wounded Brewer, principal of St. Matthew’s the country. The average goldite speaks the edge with inch wide Valenciennes committed many crimes for the same that he cannot live. From all that can School, San Mateo, attributes the in of silver production as though it were a lace. Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes, Etc., always on Hand. A capital invention for cycling is the reasons that actuated the Spanish. be learned, the trouble originated over crease in crime. nuisance to be abated, as if in some in gaiter boot, which combines the shoe Miss Edith Collins denies as absurd a Chinese woman whom one of the If your children are subject to croup scrutable way it cast a blight upon the the report that she was engaged to murdered men is said to have owned. watch for the first symptom of the dis nation. Thirdly, there will be no and the gaiter, and these are made marry her guardian, Chauncey M. The slayer is known as “Crazy Charlie” ease—hoarseness. If Chamberlain’s increase unless the value of silver either in patent leather, glace or black Depew. As the great granddaughter of and is now in costody. Cough Remedy is given as soon as the rises. There-would be nothing to stim ing kid. Pretty skirts, with long, full, elabo Commodore Vanderbilt and identified Destructive forest fires are raging in child becomes hoarse it will prevent the ulate the production. So the statement as he is with the family, he is natur the north. A report received at Van attack. Even after the croupy cough that the product would increaso carries rately trimmed matinees, are exceeding ally, as Miss Collins says, her adviser in couver, B. C., from Valdez island says has appeared the attack can always be with it the admission that under free ly comfortable and becoming. Plainer ZE. ’WJLTSOJST, financial affairs and a very’ dear friend. that fires have been raging all around prevented by giving this remedy. It is coinage silver will rise in value. If, matinees, with a simple skirt of some also invaluable for colds and whooping OF GEORGIA. According to belated advices from there for nearly two months and that cough. For sale by Ashland Drug Co. then, we can increase the value per washable fabric, ought to be provided ounce and at the same time increase the for morning and more ordinary use. British Guiana, Great Britain has millions of feet of valuable timber have output two or three fold, in a business broken the promise to maintain a status been destroyed. The settlers have lost REAL AND SHAM FRIENDS. Union Presidential Electors: point of view it is sheer idiocy for us quo pending negotiations regarding heavily by the burning of fences, crops, W H. SPAUGH........................... Populist the Venezuelan agreement in such a etc. They are compelled to fight fires Silver Has Been a Great Sufferer From not to do it. Those of the Latter Kind. Fourthly, a very large increase of HARRY WATKINS, ...........Populist manner that a ren onstrance from the night and day to save their buildings. Portland, Oregon, Sept. 19th to Oct I7fh, 1896. The opponents of tho Bland law in N. L. BUTLER .........Silver Democrat United States may po-.-iblv follow. The production would affect the market price Three ships have been lost in the £. HOFER.....................Silver Republican franchise for a railroad has been Gulf of California as the result of a tidal 1878 were waiting for international bi of silver measured in gold. If the in « Cures talk ” in favor ■■■ ■ ■ granted through the territory that is in wave. Nothing has been said of loss of metallism. Mr. Cleveland mentioned crease were large enough, it would The Great Resorces of the PACIFIC NORTHWEST—Agricaltnre, Horticulture I the prospect of it in his message in 1888 break the ratio of 16 to 1. The effect of of Hood’s Sarsaparilla, I dispute. life, so it is supposed that the vessels There is many a McKinley button that Fisheries, Mines, Manufactures, Machinery, Transportation, Trade as for no other modi- ■ I aud again this year. It was l valuable that would be to send gold to a premium Frank Ives, the champion billiard were beached by the disastrous tidal weapon in 1890, when tho Sherman bill and Commerce will be Represented more Completely conceals a Brvan vote. player, has sent a remarkable challenge wave and that the sailors escaped death. was passed and the Brussels conference over silver, and our metallic money in cine. Its great cures recorded In truthful, than ever before. convincing language of grateful men and would consist exclusively of Secretary W. G. Fislibak, of the was called in time to carry us over the circulation The state of Oregon is all right. Her to the great French players, Vignaux, the latter. This would cheapen in pro women, constitute its most effective ad vote will be cast for Bryan and Watson. Piot and Fournil. lie offers to play American Legation at Buenos Ayres, last presidential election. We are still portion as its quantity increased. That vertising. Many of these cures are m«*- them a series of three games, eighteen has returned to New York. He says waiting, and those are waiting most pa- is to say, prices would become higher. velous. They have won the confidence of Bryan goes out to see the people. The inch balk line, 6000 points up, for that at the present time it is impossibly,tieutly who favor a gold standard.— It would take moi& dollars to buy a the people; have given Hood’s Sarsapa Grand Band Concert Every Afternoon and Evening. Lowest Rates Ever Fz-k-n 4 the 1-» zi United States 4- zxc VW r» VAi-«4*z^z»*vt »»z*TIT 'll' T T~» • 1 ’ v t n manufacturers or Wilbam people whom McKinley sees are “shoo- $1000 to $10,000 a side. If any one of for Made on all Transportation Lines, J. Bryan in House of Rcpre- given quantity of goods. The effect rilla the largest sales in the world, and them wins a game Ives will lose the merchants to compete with the English ADMISSION, - 25 CENTS. | CHILDREN. - 10 CENTS. sentatives. ad” to him. .would be to stimulate business, for in have made necessary for its manufacture match. He gives them the privilege of in the great commercial centers in space, apply to It is unfortunate for the opponents of dustrial activity always accompanies the greatest laboratory on earth. Hood’s H. O. Master,, Secretary, For exhibit Geo. L. Baker, Superintendent, at building. South America. The English have es independent free coinage that all of our Hsing prices. Our silver being cheaper Sarsaparilla is known by the cures it has Yale College spurned Bryan, but the selecting the place of contest. people expect bitn to be far better treat j That Catarrh is a L<>aal Affection tablishments in every center, and ships presidents since the silver agitation be than gold would keep it at home and made—cures of scrofula, salt rheum and ■ of tbe membrane of the nose, throat, etc., to transport the goods hither and gan have been gold monometallism in use it in our own business, rather than eczema, cures of rheumatism, neuralgia ed in the Electoral College. I is a fact established by physicians, and this thither. the disguise of iuteruational bimetal send it abroad to buy goods and suffer a and weak nerves, cures of dyspepsia, liver authority should carry more weight than There is trouble in the Board of Edu lists. If the dealings of the executive loss on the exchange. This is what In troubles, catarrh — cures which prove We have no quarrel with Butterworth’s ' assertions of incompetent parties, who .................................. record. It was a glorious one. H e should I claim that catarrh is a blood affection, ’ in i cation of Flushing, L. I., on account of, ^branch of the government with the ma- dia, China, Japan and' Mexico are now . ... . , . . . . nrdor order tn to mnko make ft a market market for for their their com. com- a text-book on American literature jorityof 20 years had not doing. Thus the premium on gold would jority of the pccplo peoplo for. for.20 have stayed with it and been blessed. ' pound. Ely's Cream Balm is a local re.n- used in the High School of that town.* '’borne the aspect of a prolonged confi- operate as a protective tariff for Ameri ! edy. composed of harmless medicants and So Butterworth was an “anarchist, re- * free of mercury or any injurious drug. It The book is the work principally of dence game, we probably never should can industries. At the same time, the United States having stopped using gold pudiationiet and populist,” too. He bad will cure catarrh. Applied directly to the Julian Hawthorne. The chief com have had to force the present crisis. inflamed membrane, it restores it to its President Cleveland has been by far as a currency, that metal would cheapen practically arranged to go with the new healthy condition, affording quick relief plaints are that it is prejudiced and so written that it will keep alive sectional the worst offender. His entire adminis abroad, where our surplus products are and a cure after short continuance. Brvan party before it was born. ism in the minds of the children. Inci tration has been devoted to discrediting sold, and our wheat, cotton, petroleum, All kinds of razor grinding and repairing dentally, the Hawthorno family oceur the international bimetallism in which hides and breadstuffs would exchange Is the best-in fact the One True Blood Purifier. There is one thing our old party never at the Gem barber shop, opposite town pics much too prominent a place in it. he has professed to believe. When he for more gold than they do now. did—it never struck a blow except for hill took office, he found the Brussels con finally, whether gold went to a pre Hood’s Pills human freedom.—McKinley atCanton. A w ar in the sugar trust is not at all ference Colonel R. P. Tcdhuntcr, one of the hopefully awaiting his summons mium or not, the remonetization of sil It has sadly shattered its old record oldest uml wealthiest breeders of trot an impossibility just at present. The to reconvene. He refused to give the ver would enable us to compete in the in this campaign, however, for it is bat ting horses in Amer ca, died in Lexing Arbuckle Bros, will probably start the word IrHËï SËU THEMSELVE81 allowed that dignified gather European market on more equal terms fight. This firm has controlled the cof ing to and tling now co enslave the people to tue ton, Ky., a few days ago. fade out of existence in a humil with silver using nations. In our cur money power President Cleveland is not going fee trade in the country for years, and iating way, that gave monometallists an rency an ounce of silver would represent j abwa.d at the expiration of his term, as do an immense grocery business. They opportunity for much gloating enjoy $1.29, no matter how silver might rate The state lair at Salem is also a flat ho first Intended, He lias purchased are dissatisfied with the jnptfaods and ment. Later silver became so strong in failure, the Daily Journal of that place sixty acres of ia..d al Hempstead, L. 1., exorbitant prices of the sugar trust and Germany as to force the reichstag to with gold. If we sold a bushel of wheat London for an ounce of silver in reporting a small attendance, few exhi and will build there early in the spring. think sugar can be sold profitably at vote in favor of another conference. in American money it would be worth prices less than the present trust rates. bits and lack of interest. These annual A disastrous fire broke out in the Plans have been laid for a large refinery Mr. Cleveland gave this advance an icy $1.29 instead of 68 cents as it is now. fair appropriations are a piece of sop watch-factory building occupied by the reception. Congress provided for accept Under present conditions, when an East ing the German invitation, if one should Indian sells a bushel of wheat for an thrown out tor the farmer to make him F. F. Ide Manufacturing Co. and the in New York. be received, and the president’s inti ounce of silver, it means as many rupees feel as if be was enjoying part of the Parsons Horologicul Institute in Peoria, The Tyranuy of the Desk, stealings the tax-gatherer extracts from 1 Ill., a few days ago, The total loss We will suppose that your occupation is mates exultingly showed how the tech as it ever did. These rupees will pay as sedentary —that you are chained, so to nical wording of the resolution would much taxes and debt as they ever would the people annually. But it is a mistake. i amounts to $124,000, with insurance of >peak, to the desk in some counting house, allow it to b« evaded, how the dele in Hindustan and buy the same neces -LIST OF SECOND HAND- $136,000. The tin horn gamblers aud tip.horn poli or perhaps to ihe loom in some vast mill gates appointed by congress could be saries of life. In short, the Indian gets No Air, No Life. The Minister of Finance of Chile lias where you we compelled to labor from depiived of their credentials and the ticians are the only ones that get a stnell as much money and as good money as morning till night. Bunday is your only had a conference with the managers of o: it. These nuisances should be abated Pneumonia <iay cf relaxation. You return home United States could remain unrepre he ever did. at least until the people get able to in the banks and heads of important busi every evening wearied mentally and seuted. The American, oompeting with the si locates ness houses, to see what can be done to bodily. Your health and strength begin to dulge in the folly a/ain. If Mr. Cleveland had really desired also gets an ounce of silver or Overt the commercial crisis. Foreign fail. Wbat will most effectually recuper to carry out his professions of regard for Indian, because th its equivalent. But this equivalent in CELLULOID LAPEL BUTTONS of the above em ate your vital enprg.v ? The weight of evi bank managers declare that the only blem, In rich colors, (with stare In gilt), will be sent swollen Walter Castle and wife, rich Califoni* dence points to no other conclusion than international bimetallism, he would onr appreciated money is, as before postage paid upon receipt of the fol lowing prices : SMALL SIZE—30c. perdoe.; *2.50 per hundred; t*4.00 ians loafing in Europe, were caught steal '¿•ay of solving jjie erli.is is for the Gov that Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is your have exerted the diplomatic activity of stated, only 68 cents. This 68 cents will per tubes ge I.1* in. BUTTONS—75c. per do® • K.50 to announce that it would safest, most reliable sheet anchor. Use it his administration in that direction in buy for the American farmer as much per thousand. hundred; ¿50 per thousand. IM tn BUTTONS— ing all over tho continent and are in a ernment persisently, artd your system will soon re solid, a n < maintain the £°ld conversion i;t all fl 215 per doe.; »7.jo per hundred; *70.00 per thousand. gain pristine vigor. Every function stead of against it. He would have in of some things as $1.29 would 28 years British jail without bail, guilty of stealing hazards. Order these buttonsat once and distribute them for ---- at ---- the good Of thecause. Every word laa text; th« whole keep air will receive a healthful impulse. There is structed every representative he sent ago, but it will not buy as much of all rich goods from London merchants. The no remedy to equal the Bitters for ceryous- abroad to sound the government to things. Some prices have fallen more • sermon—eloquent and powerful. Word comes from France of the tu.*^ 1 from the Agents Wanted Everywhere. telegraph informs us that the defense »mJ want of sleep, dyspepsia, con- which he was accredited and see how of a great and brave soldier—that of than others. Educational charges, doc Samples of two sizes of Duttons, 15 cents. biliousness. It averts and may plead kleptomania on behalf of the General Trocliu, who defended Paris lungs. Dr. I.!*,? lt! n all r forms u. '* .. ’•’•Urit»! disease, and far it would be willing to co-opeiate tors’ bills, lawyers’ fees and the like THE BIMETALLIC ASSOC’N, woman. When luxury steals from the until it surrendered to the German remedies «nd neural, Acker ’ s English Remedy wjth us. The Indian muits were closed have fallen very little, if any. Debts is a preventive of rheumaiism ” * very lost of it, it is kleptomania, but army in Jauuarv, 1871. •hree months utter he took office. That remain the same, while taxes have actu 63 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. .AT A. E-AZR-G-A-ITST. gia- _ reduces the inflammation, when poverty stea 1 b from want, it becom Pre™uted’ The fear ally-increased. —National Bimetallist. Herman Stump, United States Com Wood wanted. Inquire at the R ecord could have’ so the patient breathes es audacious theft. We pity anyone in missioner of Iium'gration, lias gone to that the United State* weo office. freely, and is soon well. prison, but the rich and powerful rogues Rome, to “consult with” the Royal One 12 & 18 }4xl4xl0 Worthington Com Thurston In 1893, its support to silver was the chiei ca^. pound Duplex steam pump. MissR.Rayl3$4W.MdSt.,N.Y., get there so seldom that the fate of the Secretary of the Interior c>f the king Ih a letter fo Mr. George Gunton, ed Officers of the engineer co.ps have re of the abolition of free coinage in India. Two 30 H. P. portable tire-box boilers. says ; ** When threatened with Castles is a relief to the general inon- dom of Italy, in relation to immigra sumed work on the fortifications of tin Germany would willingly have entered itor of The Social Economist, New- One No. 5 vertical boiler with fixtures pneumonia, I took one bottle of Dr. and one injector. tion of Italians to the United States. harbor at San Francisco. Another 12- into an engagement not to sell her re York. under date of Julv 7, 1893, Sen- otony. Acker s English Remedy, and the One No. 8 Metropolitan injector and pipe Italy also wants an explanation of the inch gun for Lime Point is on the rail maining stock of old silver coins. Each -atpr.Thurston _______ of Nebraska said: “The pain and cough disappeared.” connections for same. If you want one write Rain is badly needed in San Diego workings anu restrictions of the United and due. country could have been led to pledge. reesunt events, instead of bringing me 8team and exhaust pipes for pump. J «lira, 2Sc.; 5Oc.;*I. AU Drawl*t*. to me for catalog and county fa- i: r ■ i ion j urposes. Water states immigration laws, so us to obvi One length pipe to fit 10 in. discharge and some assistance toward the restoration to ’Sjeiieve in the siilg!*-201d standard, AcxMMtDicixiCO.U-UChxntMnSL.X.T. The National Forestry Commission increasing to 15 in. prices. J* I know you Jn tbe E r-'... > r< .:r I- so lOTTtliar- ate t lie fit ■ \ t ut and of the old bimetallic par, even if it did quite the opposite result. For One length pipe reducingfrom 15 to 11 in. has finished i inspection of timber not go to the length of free coinage, and havtjhud will be pleased with the <<ld pm .Hi'g ¡ ¡i..-ii -.mi be worked prevent fruitU - . jotimsys. th® ^orld ut large to abaudpq the use One length pipe reducing from 11 to 9 in belts on the Pacific Coast, John Muir to supply ’ to :: wltli water for do- both. > j * j * j * j » One double cylinder single drum 5x10 The celebration of the tliii ty-eighth accompanied the party and tells about in the end the situation would.have of silver as money would be to greatly mestic. pui-f hoisting engine. The Cuyamaea reser- anniveisary of he historical Lincoln- L. vii fohnd .4b effectively guarded at all enhance the power: of gold, to greatly ex Y P H ! u s ~ One reducing length from 8 in. to 5 in. voir is no better off, the water measur Douglas debate was observed with much the tour and what he hopes may be points that the United States could have diminish the volume of money, and ,uC ‘ .VMtv'> cr.etT> .. . ,r,.: .x.a<n:tlal. CurM with one 5 in. coupling on same. accomplished. ing less than seventeen feet. by mail or at Mice. ' '« < h v . Blnxik and opened its mints without frightening thereby the borrowing classes and the One reducing length from 8 in. to 5 in. Booktm. enthusiasm in Galesburg, Ill. The ex Cal.urziU«. Cit I '^SIITUTE^, As the result of an order received any but persons of abnormal nerves. with one 5 in nipple on same. producing classes would be more at the Gun and Sporting J. M. Mayer & Co., clothiers of Port ercises opened with the dedication of tMN.9r 't.t «al*.Ha. Marysville, Cal. 23 ft. 12 in. suction pipe with one 12 in. President Cleveland has missed hie mercy of the money holders than they Goods Dealer land, Or., were attached by a Chicago tlie soldiers’ monument at Hope Ceme in San Francisco from Washington elbow. there will probably be a clash between chanoe. He has lost the opportunity to ever have been heretofore. The United Catalogue of Guns, Rifles, Fishing 10 ft. 6 in. suction pipe. house on a claim for about $>000. The tery. the State and Aderal authorities over secure enduring popularity for himself, States is a silver producing country, and Tackle and Sporting Goods Free. Portland firm thereupon made an One 2% in. foot valve and strainer. The Norwegian bark Ariadne, Capt. One piece heavy wire cloth for strainer. assignment. Debts aggregate about Paulsen, from Greenock in ballast, ran the matter of quarantine regulations unity for his party, harmony among I do not believe it can afford to let those One siphon for steam gauge. $65,000 and asset.- something over $100,- ashore five miles east of Ingomish, Nova governing vessels reaching that port sections for his country, prosperity for nations not silver producing compel it Six 1 in. Jenkins globe vaiyes. from foreign countries. its people and the settlement of the to abandon silver as a money. 000. Two Ji in. common valves. .Scotia, during a gale and went to “It is better that y-0 should, if neces One 2 in. plug, drilled for siphon. A magnificent brick and stone quad financial question by amicable agree More grain-laden vessels cleared from pieces. The captain and nine of the ------- OR LEASE------- receiver. Two pressure gauges. 1 ’ air “*------------ / . . - : rangular building is to be erected at ment instead of by a tug of war. He sary, buy gold at a premium to settle San Francisco during the thirty days of crew were drowned. 110 ft. of 1 in. pipe. 1 sight feed lubricator has bequeathed a hard and disagreeable our foreign balances with than that the Menlo Park at once by the Mesdames September than in any month in thirty 100 ft. of 2 in. pipe. 1 2 in. bushing. of the Sacred Heart for a select boaru task to his successor, but ho has made- American people should be compelled to 100 ft. of Ji in. pipe. 1 reducer 5 to 2% in. years, or in fact at any time during the Medford, Oregon, Subscnbe for tho “Record”—and keep ing college for young ladies. It will be evident that the oountry needs e, presi pay higher prices in human labor and 30 ft. of in. pipe 1 reducer 2% to 2 in history of the port. Forty-two vessels posted. 2 reducers 2 in to 1 in dent whose wishes are in harmony with 5 2 in. elbows. human endeavor for a dollar because of one of the largest educational institu cleared, carrying 3,113,172 ceutuls of 6 reducers 1 to Ji in. 6 1 in. elbows. its own. The American people have been the adoption of the single gold standard. tions in California. 2 reducers % to % in. wheat. 6 Ji in. elbows. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that very patient, but after 20 years of broken, I am an advocate of the American the MAN UFACTUREx- -« Uui^» 2 2 * in. ■ unions. One 2Ji in. tee. A most mysterious murder occurred The gold miners v. ao went to Alaska Contotu Mercury, promises they demand a change —New ory. We are not dependent either for 2 1 in. unions. ,32 in. tees. last spring to work an alleged rich , as mercury will surely destroy the sense at Point Lobos, Monterey county. An York Journal. 2 % in. hose bibs. 4 1 in. tees. manufactures w money on the outside Pokegama, Cal. 1 2 in. plug. claim on the co-operative plau, and ■ of smell and completely derange the whole artist of noble lineage, Count Wolfang ■J in. tees, ___ ___ ____ G ents ; I have been taking your Sarspa- world." when entering it through the Ballestrem, was shot and killed by an 4 1 in. plugs. 2 2'in. short nipplCS. hoping to secure great wealth thereby, system sarilla. and thipk it a wonderful remedy. 1 mucous surfaces Such articles should OR SALE OR LEASE on Reasonable 4 % in. plugs. 1 2Ji in. short “ have returned worn cut and disgusted. never be used except on prescriptions from other artist, Charles Abiger, with whom have had catarrh of tbe head and throat, for Professor C. F. Holder of Pasadena • Terms. Call on or address : Of all kinds at shop at Phoenix he had lived for a number of years in seven years, and have been treated by doc Jhey claimed to have been fooled by reputable physicians, as the damage they has started to explore the channel tors. I got Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla islands, especially that of San Nicholas. F. C. Bener of Berkeley who induced will do is ten fold to the good you can close friendship. There had been a and Address : took it for about five months, ana from possibly derive from them. Hall’s Catarrh slight quarrel before the shooting, but • 1 tham to ¿’»vest their money in the fruit- I Cure, The earthquakes of last year are said that day to this I have never been trou manufactured by F. J. Cheney <S Co., Abiger protests that the firing was ac bled with catarrh, and I believe I aru entire to have tossed out antiquities and closed Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is leaa scheme. H, S. Prendergast, taken internally, acting directly upon the cidental. Abiger comes from a distin ly well of it. I have found it matchless. the harbor. It is a good thing to have handy. blood and mucous surfaces of the system. guished family also. Pokegama, Cal. NOW IS THE TIME PRESIDENTIAL John McClunie. MOVED MISS JESSE CLINT & CO. NORTH SIDE 0F PLAZA MILLINERY EMPORIUM RESTAURANT'S BAKERY. BLUE FRONT BUILDING, V^MEALS - AT • ALL - HOURS LUNCHES PUT UP TO ORDCR. «0® Cures Oregon Industrial Exposition Special Attractions Hood ’ s Sarsaparilla Every Night, It is a Bald Headed Fact. B.RECORDJB Turns out the best JOB WORK at the Lowest Rates. Mining Machinery RIDDLES. 0R. KXLE3 F. D. GORDON á i zxa Hotel For Sale WEEKS BROS. FURNITURE F Furniture Store J. M. Arthur & Co., In buying Hall’s Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally, A Great German’s Prescription. and made in Toledo. Ohio, by F. J. Cheney ¿J Co., Testimonials free. . Diseased blood, constipation, and kidney jg^'bold by Druggists, price 75e. per liver and bowel troubles are cured by Karl's bottle. Clover Root Tea. For sale by T. K. Bolton. ARRY L. FIMMEL. Little Lake, Cal. WaiTE TO THOSE PEOPLE AMD THEY WILL TELL YOU HOW OLAD THEY ABE THAT THEY BE- FUSXD A SUBSTITUTE. Are You Made Miserable by Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite. Yellow Skin? Shiloh's Vitaiizer is a positive cure. For sale by T. K. Bolton. OPPOSITE CLARENDON HOTEL -----and see our goods.----- gflr We will give ou a bargain. Machinery Merchants, Portland, Or. Mrs. L Hesslg, Beewick, Cal.