OREGON UNION • PRESIDENTIAL on D rops THAT THE •MVO CROWN OF THORNS, NO CROSS OF GOLD.” FOR PRESIDENT, FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE AVcge table Preparation for As­ similating ite Food and Re£ufa- ling the Stomachs and Bowels of OF------- I nfants /C hildren Promotes Digestion,Cheerful­ ness and Rest.Contains neither Opiuin.Morphine nor Mineral, N ot N arcotic . WRAPPER RtaptafOldDrSAMUHHTCSKR JKmfìaa Sui Mx.Sam»» OF EVERY ¿trull Sei d *■ Cariava* JùJb* JÌimSnJ - BOTTLE OF flfaw érf ' A mt . HìaAryntn Nanr. biòyjlist ? A perfect Remedy for Constipa­ CASTORIO tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms .Convuls ions .Feveri sh- tuess and Loss OF SLEEP Tac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. OF NEBRASKA. VICE-PRESIDENT, Castoria is put up in one-size bottles only. It is not sold in bulk. Don’t allow anyone to sell you anything else on the plea cr promise that it is "just as good’’ and ‘‘will answer every pur­ pose." A»- See that you get C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. Atb months old The fso- I li o# every WTWPW. EXACT COPT Or V/RAFPER. ASHLAND CASKET CO N H. S. EMERY Manager - aud - Funeral - Director. ORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD Myer Block, - Ashland, Or. R H andle first - class goods Day or Night Calls promptly at­ tended to. I T. ZE. WATSON, •OF GEORGIA. u Union Presidential Electors: M. L. OLMSTEAD...................... Populist HARRY WATKINS, ................ Populist N. L. BUTLER.............Silver Democrat E. HOFER................... Silver Republican N S «"CHARGES REASONABLE. Pullman 0.R.8N Sleeping Cars Elegant Dining Cars Tourist Sleeping Cars EAST GIVES THE CHOICE OF I TO TWO TRANSCONINENTAL ROUTES ST. PAUL______ MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH_______ FARGO__ GRAND FORKS CROOKSTON ___ I I WINNIPEG I HELENA and BUTTE I Union Great THROUGH TICKETZ Northern Ry. Pacific Ry TO CHICAGO W ASHINGTON DENVER SPOKANE i PHILADELPHIA I NEW YORK MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA BOSTON AND ALL AND AND POINTS EAST and SOUTH KANSAS CITV Through tickets to Japan aud China, via ST. PAUL Tacoma and Northern Pacific Steamship Co., an American line. LOW BATES TO ALL For information, time cards, map and tickets, call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, EASTERN CITIES, Assistant General Passenger Agent, OCEAN STEAMERS PORTLAND. OREGON ROBERT TAYLOR, Local Agent, LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5 DAYS Ashland, Oregon VIA i — FOR— SAN FRANCISCO. 4 i i J3 A package of our treat- t B Filial mentfor weakness and ji g ra" ’ ® W • decay» nervous debility 2? •-« On and lest vitality sent free for 12 cents postajc. For Full details call on or address, W. H. HURLBURT, Gen’l Pass. Ageut, PORTLAND. OR E. McNEILL, PreBident and Manager t. WA.1D INSTUTUTE, 120I. 9thSt. ST. LOUIS, 10. THE NEW WEEKLY ROCKY MOUNTAIN NCWS DE KT EK, COL». T he B bst WFEKLY P ublished •l.M Per Year la Advance. LEADS the SI!-er forces of America. LELOS In Mining and Mining Stock Reports. LEADS in Special Departments. LEADS in developing Colorado's woaderfol resources. LEADS in Newsiness, Brightness Compre- kensiveness. LEADS in Commissions to Agents. (Writ« for Terma.) 111.8 extra­ ordinary Re* juvenator is the most wonderful discovery of the age. It has been en­ dorsed by the leadingseieii- tific men of Europe and America. Hudyan fa r'biely vese" The Great Silver Daily The New» publishes the representative paper (daily and Sunday) west of St Louis; cartoon with every issue. 65c a month—$1.00 lot * months—tn advance. For «ample copy of any issue, address, The NEWS PRINTING CO., Denver, Colorado. Constipation., Dizziness. Falling Sen­ sations,Nerv­ ous twitching of .the eyes and other parts. Strengthens, Invigorates and tone« the entire system. Hudyan cures Debility, Nervousness, Emissions, anddevctopcs and restores weak organs. Pains in the back, losses by day 01 night stopped Hudyan stope /rfimaTureness of the dis- fa arge in 20 lays. Cures LOST MANHOOD MONEY e Milwaukee”, are marvels of elegance and convenience. The private compart­ James J. Corbet gave some pretty good ment cars, library .buffet smoking cars advice to the boys of the Olympia Club, and free reclining cnair cars are models on when he was in San Francisco last. He luxurious comfort, which in style and told them that the best way to get strong furnishings are palatial enough for royalty was to avoid all excesses in youth, so that itself. A great pleasure for tne traveler on they should arrive at manhood lusty and its sleepers and private compartment car, healthy. Manv men who have been guilty is the electric berth reading lamp, which is of excesses and over-indulgencies, ana have an exclusive feature with “The Milwau- used the Celebrated Medicine “CUPI­ kee”. The beating is all done by steams I DENE” lived to give testimony of its won­ thus doiug away with the old fashioned derful stimulating and curative powers. stove. By all these means the fatigue “CUPIDENE” will check all the waste tis­ incident to travel is reduced to a minimum. sue of the body. In fact, it stops all losses. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail­ “CUPIDENE” is a powerful, harmless, way is always popular, and those traveling vegetable Compound. It is as sure to over its lines are the loudest in its praise. strengthen the generative organs as it is to All coupon ticket agents sell tickets *00. For sale by 0 A 0. J. Eddy, GrawEi Awnt, pbrcicnffi Urt» Btanftnit. different kind of money from what they gave us, to pay in dollars which cost twice as much sweat, twice as much blood, as did the dollars which they gave us—we say that that act was a fraud and was a crime against civilization. This' is not a partisan question. It is not a question of Republicanism or of Democracy. John Sherman and Grover Cleveland are sleeping together. It is a question of patriotism. It is a question of maintaining the institutions of the fathers, for if the present standard is to be maintained, if our people must go on paying interest and principal in dollars that require twice as much labor, twice as much sweat, twice as much blood to obtain, as did the dollars that were in circulation when the debts were created, then the doom of the American pro­ ducers is sealed. Low prices will bi made perpetual, and thero will be no hope for the American farmer, tin American mechauio or the American laborer.—John P. Altgeld. V-'DZ? Are You Made Miserable by Indigestion, Constipation, i Dizziness, Loss of Appetite. Yellow Skin? Shiloh’s Vitalizar .Is a ¡Anitlre cure. For A18 by I, K. Boltoh. CANADIAN CAVEATS, trade marks , desicn patents , COPYRIGHTS, eto. For Information and free Handbook write to MUNN & CO.. 361 B roadway , N ew Y ork . Oldest bureau for securing patents in America. Every patent taken out by us Is brought before the public by a notice given free of charge in the PACIFIC ---- and---- SOO PACIFIC LINE. Ameritan Solid Vestibule Trains, Consisting of Palace Sleeping Cars, Luxurious Din­ ing Cars. Elegant Day Coaches an< Magnificent Tourist Sleeping Cars. Also Free Colonist. Sleepers. Largo,t circulation of any nclenUflc paper In the world. Splendidly illustrated. No Intelligent man should be without IL Weekly, «3.00a year; 81.50 six mon ths. Address, MUNN A CO., F ublishebs . 361 Broadway. New York City. LOST JftAJXfIOOD The only line running Through Trains to Easily, Quickly and Permanently Restored. CXLXBBATrD E n -QLISS REMEDY WINNIPEG NERVIA. —----T It la «old on a positive Without Change guarantee to cure any form of nervous pros­ tration or any disorder of the genital organs of either sex, caused Before, by excesaive use of After. Tobacco, Alcohol or Opium, or on account of youthful indiscretion or over indulgence etc., Dizxiness, Convulsions, Wakefulness. Headache, Mental Depression, Softening of the Brain, Weak Memory, Bearing Down Paine, Seminal Weakness, Hysteria, Nocturnal Emissions, Spermatorrhcea, Loss of Power and Impotency, which if neglected, may lead to premature old age and insanity. Positively guaranteed. Price. $1.00 a box: 6 boxes for $5.00. Sent by mail on receipt of price. A written guarantee furnished with every $5.00 order received, to refund the money if a permanent cure ia Dot affected. ’ NERVIA MEDICINE CO.. Detroit. Mich. TORONTO MONTREAL BOSTON Lowest rates to and from all parts of Europe. It will pay you to call upon the agent of the Canadian Pacific Railway be­ fore purchasing tickets. 7 Canadian Pacific R’y Co.’s Royal Mail Steamship Line ------- TO------- CHINA © AND © JAPAN. FOR BALE BY T. K. BOLTON. QUICKLY 8ECUBED. Trad.-mark, sad Copyrights . ngittersd sad patent butineas of ovary dosonption promptly and ikillfully conducted at lowest rates. a ™,'yitlol>* iatroduosd, companies formed, and PKT- - 80LD OF COMMIBBlOlt. 25 year,' exporionoo. « Hlgheet rvfersncee. Send ux model, sketch or Phot«. « or invention, with explanation, and ws will report ' P«t«°tsbir or not. free of charre. OVE FEE 4 WHXM PATENT IB ALLOWED When d patent ix secured we will conduct ite sale for you with- 4 'herge. aj-PAttB HAND BOOK sad lfct of 2U0 lnventiuni wanted mailed to inventor* free upon 4 "TJ*“' . Thi* “ •b» mo,t tomplet* little patent book published and every inventor should WBITX FOB OVE. , H. B. WILLSON A CO , Fatset SolicUon, I U Droit WASHINGTON, O. C. MINNEAPOLIS St. PAUL These twin-screw steamers are in every respect superior to any ships that have vet nailed the Pacific ocean. The route is 300 miles shorter than via any other Trans­ pacific line. CAN AD1 AN AUSTRALIAN STEAMER LINE TO HONOLULU, FUI AND AUSTRALIA The Shortest Line to the Colonies. These steamers carry an experienced. Medical man. and a Stewardess on every voyage. For time tables, pamphlets, or any infor­ mation, call on or address, E. J. COYLE. .46 Third St. Portland, Or^ ? ► ► ► ► ► ► h > - ► ► R qbbbt L koxabd , Ageut, . . . _ . 1 Aablaad. Qregvfe ALLEN CAMERON, IX P. A„ VauodYWi B, C.